• Vaccine trap and business make a long-term profit

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 10 16:20:08 2023
    Hoa Truong, 6.5.2023

    China’s Communist Party launched the COVID-19 pandemic attack worldwide. It is the first time in human history, China used a biological weapon to reset the world and carry out the global hegemonic ambition. The COVID-19 pandemic reflects the global
    viral revolution creating the genocide, and the dire consequences perpetuating after the pandemic eased. Every country is the victim of China’s viral revolution, the world needs to file a lawsuit against the most dangerous enemy on the planet, and
    seeking compensation estimates hundreds of trillions of US dollars. The overseas assets of China’s Communist Party and its members should be seized to pay for the damages. The international court should be cornered by China’s Communist Party.
    Therefore, every country can apply justice to force China to pay, if not, their assets, and bank accounts are available to compensate.

    However, the China virus pandemic reflects a similar tactic of China’s Communist Party and the Global Deep States. The victims are the people living on the planet who suffered the death toll, injuries, and other dire consequences made with the purposes,
    and ambition of China’s Communist Party, and the Global Deep State exploits the pandemic to trap human society in the vaccine pandemic. China’s Communist Party and the Global Deep State are the most dangerous enemies of the people.

    Nevertheless, the mongrel communist parties in the democratic countries create the hoax climate change to squeeze the people’s sweat. Annually, the world spends at least $US3.5 trillion for fictional climate change, the target eliminates the energy
    coming from the fossil-like gas, oil, coal, and fracking. The Green Guards carry out climate change’s public denouncement to destroy fossil energy while solar power, windmills, and others can not respond to global energy. The crazy idea destroyed the
    global economy and created mayhem since US President Bill Clinton helped China in the industrial race by curbing the industry in Western while China freely released the dioxide. It is a farce, and funny when a small population of Australia with 25
    million people reduces the dioxide emissions by cutting the oil, gas, and coal. How much dioxide does the Australian Labor Party, and the Greens reduce to save the planet? It the the demagogic policy of the AUSTRALIAN LENINIST PARTY, and the GARBAGE
    PARTY (Greens Party) to cheat innocent people and the students in Down Under. Moreover, climate change wants to spend at least $US150 trillion for the vague target while 31,000 scientists confirmed that climate change is a hoax while the global GDP in
    2023 is $US221.03 trillion. The hoax climate change is the sly business, and the political purposes, most hoax climate change activists are not scientists. The hoax climate change robs the authority of the Creator (God) and also stole the career of the
    psychic. The prediction and intimidation of the prominent hoax climate change activists like former US Vice-president Al Gore, Dogtor Tim Flannery in Australia, the global lecturer, teenager Greta Thunberg, and others, all were wrong. The innocent people
    wake up and debunk the deceitful climate change.

    Human society faces so many robbers, and dishonest components appear everywhere on the planet. The vaccine trap is malevolent, the Global Deep State succeeded to make a long-term profit with the big pharmaceutical companies that have done heartless
    business based on the life of the people living on the planet. Initially, the flu pandemic in 2009 rehearsed with the vaccine trap applied to old people, employers, and children. The victims are addicted to the flu vaccine, so every year they must inject
    it, if not, the flu easily contracts them. Therefore, the COVID-19 vaccine deployed the greatest trap with the collaboration of vaccine dictators like presidents, prime ministers, premiers, governors, mayors, and some private sectors.

    The vaccine trap is supported by the global left media, and the big tech communication companies propagating the intimidation campaign and pushing the people including the children to jab the trialed-risky vaccines in their bodies. The vaccine dictators
    share the medical genocide when the vaccinated victims contracted the deadly side effects caused the sudden deaths by a heart attack, heart diseases, and others plus the injuries, actually, the chronicle patients weakened, and aggravated after jabbing.

    However, the vaccine trap makes a great profit that cost the global finance spending $US1.2 trillion of the annual GDP, and in the future, it will increase to $US3.4 trillion. The vaccine is a business, so the big pharmaceutical companies often release a
    new vaccine, the media advertises, and the government order. The vaccine trap doesn’t exempt the poor countries because their government couldn’t afford the vaccine, so the giant pharmaceutical companies collaborated with the rich countries to sell
    the vaccine labeled the humanitarian title. Therefore, the hypocritical program squeezed the poor countries when for every dollar spent for the vaccine provided to them, the rich countries will get back $US4.8. Dictator Kim Jong Un knew of the vaccine
    trap, so he rejected the Western helping the vaccine during the pandemic outbreak in North Korea. Poor and underdeveloped countries learn the proverb, and the idiom” there is no free lunch” during receiving the vaccine. Therefore, there are many poor
    countries that fall into the vaccine trap. The smart humanitarian program of the advanced countries forced the poor countries to buy the vaccine. The major vaccine providers come from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe plus the others. If
    the poor countries didn’t buy the vaccines, they would lose $US 120 billion a year. Therefore, the global ape media pushed the fear campaign’s propaganda that caused the poor countries to panic and fell into the vaccine trap. Nevertheless, the China
    virus pandemic and vaccine pandemic enriched the pockets of the Global Deep State when the countries borrowed the money to pay for the economic damages caused by the pandemic and the vaccine. Moreover, China is the culprit of the COVID-19 pandemic, and
    China also sells masks, test kits, and PPE (Personal Protection equipment). The Global Deep State and China’s Communist Party make a huge profit from the pandemic and the vaccines.

    After more than three years of launching biological weapons, the world is complicated, the dire consequences continue to pursue the vaccinated victims. The deadly side effects caused the sudden deaths of many people, and others suffered the injury.
    Therefore, the governments try to escape the responsibility and the compensation. Somewhere, the vaccinated victims filed legal action against the vaccine dictators like in Australia, the victims filed at the Federal Court against the federal government,
    Dr. Brendan Murphy, and Professor John Skerritt. Moreover, vaccine dictators like Scott Morrison, Daniel Andrews, Mark McGowan, and others share the death toll and injuries caused by the vaccines. The vaccine dictators can not sophisticate their crimes
    against humanity when effective medicines like Hydroxycholoquine, antibiotics, and others could kill the COVID-19 virus. Therefore, they didn’t use it to save hundreds of thousands of people, instead, the vaccine was mandatory.

    Dr. Melissa McCann and the legal team represent the vaccinated victims, and call the people joining the legal battle on the website: www.covidvaxclassacion.com.au. The Australian people can contact this website seeking compensation. The big
    pharmaceutical companies and the vaccine dictators (the national leaders) are the culprits of the medical genocide. However, the Global Deep State trapped the vaccines like the flu vaccine, and now Covid-19 making a long-term profit. The vaccine is a
    good business, so the big pharmaceutical companies often announce new effective vaccines, medical cheating continues to squeeze the sweat of billions of people living on the planet.

    The Global Deep State is very smart, the big pharmaceutical companies made the vaccines. Therefore the vaccine dictators used the taxpayers to order and forced the people to jab. The death, and injury toll caused by the vaccines is the responsibility of
    the presidents, prime ministers, governors, premiers, mayors, and some CEOs of the private sectors facing lawsuits and criminal charges because the national leaders breached the constitution and medical freedom. If they didn’t order the vaccines, no
    one forced them to. The people believe the vaccine dictators are the cabal of the Global Deep State, and the corruption doesn’t rule out vaccines.

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