• Americans owned nothing except the debt and tax

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 2 07:03:48 2023
    Hoa Truong, 1.3.2023

    The United States is like a hermit crab with a beautiful shell covering the different owners having the henchmen of the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and other foreigners control 330 million people, politics, and other fields. The
    American people slept in the nightmare of the label of the promised land for a long time with the untrue democracy, the formal freedom, and the election painting the coat of the world’s wealthiest country. Indeed, the people and America owned nothing
    when the wealthy life deceived the major population, actually the innocent people enjoying the best living standard on the planet, and they accepted the noble slaves by paying taxes for life, then passing them to their descendants.

    The noble slaves worked hard, and pay the debt called the taxes, plus the national debt, so the foreigners are the virtual owners of the United States, and the dishonest law school graduates carry out the demand of the hidden bosses imposing the bush law
    to oppress the slaves with the legal language is the powerful weapon to force everyone must comply with the court order, and the legal statement of the law firms, including the private legal service offices. Democracy, free speech, and human rights
    respect are a farce when the dishonest law school graduates incarcerate all into the immense legal prison camp deployed throughout the United States by the invisible jail to clog the people’s minds and the self-defense when the robbers with the paper-
    knife and the robbers with the wooden hammers gagged the free speech by the court orders are like the decrees of the king in medieval. The circumstances of the patriotic President Donald Trump proved the Bush law, he is the victim of the presidential
    robbery, the terror of Mar-A-Lago, and the unfair treatment applied by the Democratic judges plus the RINO justices in the Supreme Court. Behind the dishonest law school, graduates are the Global Deep State using the money to control justice.
    Nevertheless, patriotism is tied by the dishonest law school graduates when the patriotism is led by the bush law, and obscurant constitution of 1871, so the patriotic citizens do nothing the save the United States while the 46th illegal president Joe
    Biden destroys the country to the grassroots, and placed the national interest for sale to China. Dishonest law school graduates are the most dangerous domestic thugs in the United States.

    The untold slavery status of the American people was ignored, and didn’t recognize until the patriotic President Donald Trump woke up, and showed the White House swamp plus the Capitol Hill quagmire with the hidden cabal of the Global Deep State, and
    the under-covered activists of the hostile countries like China, Iran, and others. Formally, the American people gain a wealthy life, and acquired high technology, the strongest army on the planet, a strong economy, rich natural sources, and abundant
    talent. Unfortunately, the American people lost their sovereignty, and their freedom was curbed. The bush-obscurant constitution of 1871 is a slavery document to force the American people to serve the Global Deep State, and other foreign bosses.

    -The US dollar belongs to the Global Deep State, actually, the Jewish family Rothschild is the hidden powerful owner of the global banking system. The US dollar is like the title of PEOPLE in communist regimes such as the People’s Republic of China and
    the People’s Liberation Army. The Global Deep State exploits the superpower of the United States for its currency and controls the global monetary system including the World Bank, and IMF. Nevertheless, the Global Deep State plans to eliminate the US
    Dollar when the new world order is underway to access the World Total Government. On September 3, 2022, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden signed the order of 1467 BIDEN BUCKS to replace the US Dollar with the DIGITAL DOLLAR, a form of Cryptocurrency.
    Because the US Dollar is owned by the Global Deep State, the American people, and the United States can not stop the change which is going on soon. The American people and patriotic citizens can not ignore the greatest monetary robbery of the Global Deep
    State, and an actual pawn Joe Biden uses the fake presidency to force the people to comply.

    -Free speech is a formality, indeed the American people limited free speech when the big tech communication companies censor it, and the left-stream media companies mislead the information, the fake news, and the fabricated stories. Even in the election,
    the left media companies released false polls as the election’s psychological warfare to cheat the undecided voters in the election. The false polls are a clever form of a rigged election. The FREE SPEECH in America turns the SPEECH FREE, even the 45th
    patriotic President Donald Trump is gagged by Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, so the American people lose the freedom, and democracy in their homeland for a long time. Communication and high technological communication are owned by the CEOs of the left
    companies, and behind them are the Global Deep State, and the American people belong to the left media, and the left big tech communication companies.

    -The federal government is controlled by the Global Deep State, and the presidential election radically deceives when rich persons can get involved in the expensive presidential campaigns from the presidential nomination, and the White House race. A fair
    election to rule out the US elections, actually the presidential election deserves rich candidates.

    -The congress and senate represent the so-called people’s vote. Therefore, the candidates must have plenty of money for the campaign. The Global Deep State is keen to buy the candidates, and the unlimited term of representatives, the senators guarantee
    the interest of the hidden bosses paid for the campaigns.

    -The US Army belongs to the commander in chief, when the Democratic president or henchman of China’s Communist Party as Joe Biden rules the White House, the US Army is owned by the Global Deep State and China’s Communist Party.

    -The FBI, the CIA, and the Department of Justice become the legal, and investigating tools and the investigating bodies of the Democratic Party, and behind them is the Global Deep State.

    -The judges and Justices in the Supreme Court easily commit corruption, so the Global Deep State can use the money to buy the judges and Justices. The legal system in America is owned by the Global Deep State.

    However, the American people owned the debt reaching $US 31 trillion made by the 46th illegal president Joe Biden who represents the Deep State to create the debt trap. Moreover, each American including the children owned debt is $US 45,993. The workers
    in the United States own the debt of the Federal Reserve with the IRS, they pay the tax for life, and their children continue to pay for the Global Deep State. The American people become the untold slaves covering the shell of democracy, and freedom. The
    dishonest law school graduates are the henchmen, and cabal using the legal language, and the bush law to control the people. For survival and the future of the country, the concerned, and patriotic citizens must do something to get back the original
    constitution of 1776. Let’s expel the Global Deep State, and its cabal from the government, congress, senate, and the legal system. Nevertheless, the American people must get back the US dollar belonging to the United States, and their sovereignty. The
    patriotic President Donald Trump leads the MAGA movement to make America great again, and escape the claws of the Global Deep State.

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