• The stolen classifieds are treasonous pandemic

    From nguon pham@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 5 06:19:49 2023
    Hoa Truong, 4.2.2023

    The treasonous business or treasonous affairs turned to the treasonous pandemic silently developed in the United States with the corrupt politicians in congress, the senate, the states, the courtrooms, the Supreme Court, the FBI, the CIA, RINOs, and the
    Department of Justice. The treasonous pandemic destroyed the brain, and deeply infected the politics of the United States with corruption conducts treason, and high-level traitors can place the country for sale with hush money, plus privileges. China’s
    Communist Party professes bribery when the most corrupt politicians without borders and political parties are the customers of China. Nevertheless, the higher positions in government, congress, senate, and others should use the positions for treasonous
    business after receiving money from foreigners, including hostile countries like China.

    The powerful US presidents and vice presidents are keen to sell the classifieds. China’s Communist Party appraises the valuable classifieds to pay the money and the privileges of doing business with China’s companies. Mostly, the classifieds are
    valuable documents linking the national interest, national security, and the lives of the American people. Actually the soldiers, and the offshore workers should risk their lives when the enemies hold the classifieds including the intelligence. China’s
    Communist Party just paid money to corrupt presidents like Democratic President Bill Clinton, and Hussein Barrack Obama, and now the 46th illegal Joe Biden becomes an actual henchman of China’s Communist Party after Hunter Biden behaved Joe Biden to
    receive $US 1.5 billion bribed by China’s Communist Party, so Joe Biden can hand over the classifieds to China when Beijing wants to. There are no patriots, but traitors inundated in the Democratic Party and the left parties in democratic countries.
    After the White House robbery attempt on January 20, 2021, the presidential robber Joe Biden reflects China’s Executive in the White House, and China escalates the aggression when Joe Biden becomes the henchman of Beijing. Recently, China’s spy
    balloon flew over the US, and accessed the nuclear sites that prove the bribery of China affected as the stratagem of Sun Tzu” defeat the enemy by capturing their chief”. The rotten constitution of 1871 grants the treasonous and corrupt license for
    Joe Biden, and other high profiles in the United States.

    According to the constitution, the US president authorizes to keep their documents as presidential privacy property. Presidential rights are respected in America, therefore, the vice president and anyone else like the Department of Justice, the FBI, and
    others can not keep the classifieds, except the steal. Certainly, the National Archives strictly manages all classifieds, so the officials knew who took the classifieds. The classifieds stole when the National Archives were biased and collaborated with
    Democrats, or the officials are Democratic members, so powerful vice presidents like Joe Biden, Mike Pence, and others stole the classifieds, and the National Archives kept quiet for a long time. Once again, the US intelligence agencies alert the
    officials in the National Archives to help the stolen classifieds.

    Almost, the American people have never known the classifieds were stolen by the vice presidents until the officials of the presidential robber Joe Biden announced to find the stolen classifieds were kept in at least six places like the private mansion of
    Joe Biden in Wilmington, Delaware, the garage, and the address of Hunter Biden. Actually, the Biden Center at Pennsylvania University stored the stolen classifieds, and China sponsored $US 54.6 million. Certainly, China acquired the classifieds a long
    time, national security was risked, and China knew a lot of top secrets.

    The patriotic President Donald Trump authorizes to keep the documents belonged his presidential term. Therefore, the 45th illegal president Joe Biden weaponizes the FBI, and the Department of Justice as the terror tools to terrorize the mansion of
    President Donald Trump at Mar-A-Lago, Florida. The documents of Donald Trump were declassified by the officials of the Department of Justice, so the mobster, hooliganism Attorney General Merrick Garland found nothing, except the legal argument based on
    the bush law of Merrick Garland, and his lawyers. However, the stolen classifieds of Joe Biden are not accidental, instead the Democrats, and the Global Deep State plan to take down the obsolete pawn Joe Biden to reduce the big loss in the US
    presidential election in 2024. Therefore, Democrats and the Global Deep State want to bury the political carcass of Joe Biden in a safe place, so they try to downgrade the stolen classifieds of Joe Biden. Unfortunately, the trifling protection of the
    Department of Justice, and Biden’s lawyers (the robbers with the paper-knife) can not sophisticate and assimilate the stolen goods with the legal goods, and Joe Biden is eligible for the 25 Amendment with treason, and other serious crimes.

    Certainly, the Department of Justice and the FBI can not waive the stolen classifieds committed treason. Therefore, Democrats and their government tools have tried to downgrade the stolen classifieds are like stolen goods or shoplifters. In God, we trust,
    but in the FBI, and the DOJ, we distrust, so the raid of the FBI to Biden’s places including the mansion at Wilmington are a farce while the raid of the Mar-A-Largo maximally developed the terror, burglary, and robbery the presidential documents plus
    the three passports, and the other items. The Mar-A-Lago raid becomes the precedented practice, so the FBI and the Department of Justice can not deny the raids at Joe Biden places and others. Certainly, RINO Mike Pence recognizes his stolen classifieds
    can not conceal, then Mile Pences confessed to stealing the classifieds, and the FBI searched his home in Indiana, and Washington D.C. Nevertheless, congress is controlled by Republicans, and they investigate the stolen classifieds of former President
    Bill Clinton, and Hussen Barrack Obama is on the desk. The unprecedented raid in the Mar-A-Lago hit back Democrats, so Joe Biden created big trouble for his great comrades like Bill Clinton and Hussein Barrack Obama.

    The stolen classifieds become a pandemic to infect the vice presidents like Mike Pence, Joe Biden, and others. Actually, the classifieds managed by Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, and others raise an extreme alert when the top secrets leaked to the enemies
    like Iran, China’s Communist Party, and other terror organizations. The stolen classifieds pandemic outbreak in Biden’s place, so the martial court needs to solve the national issues, and congress can use the power to force the national criminal Joe
    Biden to get out of the White House as the 25 Amendment. The incident of Joe Biden wakes the country, actually the bipartisan concerned politicians, actually, the White House is not a place of the 46th illegal president, and the stolen classifieds Joe
    Biden. The stolen classifieds pandemic outbreak in the place of Joe Biden, the treasonous pandemic must treat by law, including the patriotic vaccine brands MAGA.

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