• The Covid 19 zero exposes the dilemma in China

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 20 19:36:29 2022
    Hoa Truong, 19.12.2022

    The biological weapon of China’s Communist Party hits back against the merciless regime in Beijing as the term” the sword made by China to stab Chinese” despite the supreme commander in chief, Xi Jinping can command the People’s Liberation Army,
    the police force, the overseas spy networks, the under covered activists in the democratic countries, the re-education camps in Tibet, Xinjiang, the barbarous prison system across China, the Chinese national assets and can hire the left stream media in
    Western. Therefore, he can not control the viral army with billions of billions of billions of unarmed troops spread worldwide including China’s mainland. The invisible troops without nuclear weapons, and never used the mouthpiece to intimidate like
    China’s Communist Party currently raises an aggressive attitude in the region, the world, and Taiwan, moreover, the viral army can infiltrate wherever on the planet, even, the highest security level in the White House, the palace of Xi Jinping, and
    others couldn’t prevent the viruses.

    Western countries curbed the pandemic after more than two years suffered, and almost all nations in Europe, the United States, Australia, Canada, and others eased the lockdown, the vaccine mandatory, and the mask mandatory. However, China’s mainland
    faced the pandemic re-outbreak threatening the world’s largest population’s communist country. The pandemic re-outbreak worsens the government, people, and the existence of China’s Communist Party in the hell of a communist paradise.

    As a routine, the communist party often uses orders to force the people and the army to comply with the policies, so tyrant Xi Jinping fights against the pandemic with orders instead the treatment, medicines, and helping the people with food while
    dealing with the worst situation. Moreover, China’s Communist Party orders the police to white protection suits like the White Guard of the Viral Revolution copying the Red Guard of Mao Ste Tung in the Culture Revolution to oppress the people, and
    violence replaces the treatment. The COVID-19 ZERO reflects the communist method that failed when the people have no food, water, jobs, and income.

    The Covid-19 Zero sparkles the protests spread throughout economic regions like Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Zhengzhou, and Beijing. The unrest continues, the anti-lockdown conducts democratic movement, and Chinese people know the cause comes
    from China’s Communist Party. The people want freedom, no more communist party, and Xi Jinping must resign.

    The unprecedented protests anticipate the Red dynasty is on the brink of collapse as a common circumstance occurred in Chinese history. The people’s movement appalls China’s Communist Party, so Xi Jinping eased the draconian restriction to defuse the
    public outrage. Therefore, the darn solution of China’s Communist Party is like using the common cold tablet to cure terminal cancer, so the snake oil vendor Xi Jinping faces the dilemma. Certainly, the lockdown relief can not cover the famine, the
    shortage of food, energy, and water tortured Chinese people for at least three months ago. Moreover, China ran out the oil for more than 80 days, despite, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden rescuing his great master Xi Jinping. In July 2022, Joe Biden,
    and Hunter Biden provided millions of oil barrels of National Reserve to China while the petrol in America hiked. The bribery of China to pay $US 1.5 billion for Hunter Biden reflects the treasonous contract between China and Joe Biden validated, so Joe
    Biden places the national interest, and national security for sale. The six Justices in the Supreme Court, and Mike Pence did the wonderful job of treason, and constitutional thugs to legalize the rigged election in 2020, they helped Joe Biden to rob the
    White House, and sell off the United States to China.

    Nevertheless, the Yangtze River drained out the water, and the Three George Dam can not provide enough energy in the large popular region. The pandemic perpetuates immeasurable consequences in China’s mainland, the national economy declined, the
    financial system plunged, and the industry was disabled and worsened by the Covid-19 Zero of Xi Jinping. After more than seven decades lived in the hell of a communist paradise in China, a billion Chinese people suffered enough hardship, and the
    abhorrence is saturated. The protests forced Xi Jinping’s slacks by easing the lockdown, therefore, the vital facts have not been solved, and the food, water, energy, and jobs should cause China’s communist regime to end.

    After the draconian restriction eased, the pandemic bursts, and re-outbreak throughout China’s mainland. The Covid 19 spreading faster than ever in China, and the dismal situation occurring in China, actually, in the winter of 2022 worsened with more
    than 800 million Chinese people could be infected plus a million Chinese people will die. Now, the infection escalated without control, and the death toll has risen, so the funeral services, actually, from December 7, 2022, the crematoriums are very busy
    in the crowded population of cities including Beijing. Mostly, the funeral firms stop services while China’s communist government has not had enough conditions to deal with the worst situation when China’s debt reached $US 28 trillion. The massive
    infectious population in China causes the industry disabled, so the hell of communist paradise in China transforms into the hell of pandemic paradise that conducts China’s economy collapsed. Whatever, China’s Communist Party falls into a dilemma when
    the Covid-19 Zero failed, and the democratic movement rises. Therefore, the lockdown was scrapped, but the pandemic escalated with the numerous infection occupying more than half population in China’s mainland, the propaganda machine in China, and the
    media for hire in Western can not conceal the disaster in China. Foreign investors, and foreign companies plus the monetary firms must find an exit as soon as possible because China’s Communist regime can collapse anytime.

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