• The false polls mislead the public to stop Trump

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 18 20:02:53 2022
    Hoa Truong, 17.12.2022

    The extreme fear of the Democratic Communist Party, the Global Deep States, China’s Communist Party, and the domestic thugs exposed in the witch hunts have launched from the Special Counsel of the legal terrorist Robert Mueller to the illegal House
    Select Committee of the political sorceress Nancy Pelosi all failed to prevent the great leader of the MAGA movement, and the 45th virtual, patriotic President Donald Trump to contest the White House race in 2024. Evil and Satan always fear God, the
    criminals fear the police, and the traitor fears the patriotic citizen, so Democrats and RINOs fear the patriotic President Donald Trump who sacrifices his wealthy life for the country while Joe Biden and the Democratic politicians sacrifice the country
    to exchange their wealthy life.

    The 46th illegal president Joe Biden shivers, panics exposing physically react as all kinds of insects contracted the pesticide branded the MAGA. Make America great of Donald Trump conflict with the MAWE (Make America Worsens Ever) of Democrats, actually,
    the presential robber Joe Biden who is a great corrupt politician, and the professional tax worm using the government facilities like the FBI, and the Department of Justice to terrorize the patriotic President Donald Trump in the raid of Mar-A-Lgo on
    August 8, 2022, after the witch hunts failed. The people know the presidential robber Joe Biden uses the bush law and wild rules of banditry to oppress the opponents, actually, the great leader of the patriotic movement MAGA is the main target. The Mar-A-
    Lago raid applies the full scale of dishonesty which proves the FBI, and Department of Justice act like professional bandits with terror, robbery, and burglary.

    The useless Special Counsel is set by the thuggish Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint the far left Jack Smith who has a long way to investigate the patriotic president Donald Trump, even the illegal House Select Committee found nothing about the
    riot on January 6, 2021, because the perpetrators are Nancy Pelosi and Democrats failed to prosecute Donald Trump with the sham incident plus the distorted documents, the decoy witnesses, and the seized documents declassified. Actually, the unprecedented
    raid at Mar-A-Loga faced the lawsuits of Donald Trump. Certainly, the legal terrorist Jack Smith wastes the taxpayers with the bullshit Special Counsel and the outcome is nothing to help Democrats stop Donald Trump in 2024. On the other hand, an ant Jack
    Smith can not move a mountain although his boss Merrick Garland empowered, certainly, the US taxpayers to waste for the dirty plan of the Democrats.

    The announcement of Donald Trump to contest the presidential race in 2024 rushes Democrats, the global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and the domestic thugs facing extreme panic. Unfortunately, all witch hunts and terror failed, so the obsolete
    psychological warfare launches with the formula 3F= False poll+ Fake news+ Fabricated stories spread into the internet, television, and other media forms.

    The Global Deep States, Democrats, China, RINOs, and the domestic thugs fear Donald Trump in 2024 because the White House swamp and the Capitol quagmire will be drained out, actually, the first term of Donald Trump forced the monstrosities, the poisonous
    snakes, viruses and all kinds of dangerous animals covered human bodies appeared the public. This reason explains the left-stream animal media companies, and big tech like Facebook launch false Polls with dishonest, and deceitful pollsters to shift the
    other notorious presidential candidates’ favor to Donald Trump.

    There are many fake news companies involved the psychological warfare to stop Donald Trump contest the US presidential election in 2024:

    -www//.Washingtonexaminer.com polled the public do not want Biden and Trump to rematch in 2024. The people don’t know how many public opinions contributed to the polls. Commonly, a student at primary school can make a poll, and it belongs to the lolly
    or chocolate given by someone. So the bullshit polls are like a kid licking ice cream, the easy job, but the fraudulent pollsters dare to release to the public.

    – The poll released by CNN on December 14, 2022, cheated the people, the poll shows the people don’t want Joe Biden and Donald Trump to rematch in 2024. How does CNN know? How many people join the survey? Therefore, CNN snubs the public, they think
    the people are stupid, and can tell wrong from the right as the French proverb” Le Mouton de Panurge”.

    -https://news.Yahoo.com: December 5, 2022, 8:47 AM · 3 min read. A surprising new poll from Republican stronghold Utah signals trouble ahead for Donald Trump – with voters favoring Liz Cheney over the former president for 2024. According to a recent
    poll, Republican voters in Utah – who overwhelmingly supported Mr. Trump in both 2016 and 2020 – are beginning to pin.

    – Outgoing congresswoman Liz Cheney may have less than a month left in office, but it’s clear her political future is far from over, much to Donald Trump‘s dismay, we’re sure. A new poll has (https//www.msn.com on December 6, 2022)

    Despite the Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis doesn’t announce to contest the Republican presidential candidate in 2024, therefore, the fake news companies released false polls”- Why Ron DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump – MSNBC.com

    And DeSantis, who served in the Navy as a JAG officer, at 42 is far younger than the 75-year-old Trump. DeSantis is the future of the GOP. Trump has — at most — one more campaign left.

    –New poll shows DeSantis faring better than Trump against Biden.

    –DeSantis has a net favorable rating of +48 among those Republicans and Republican leaners (57% have a favorable opinion of him, 9% have an unfavorable opinion and 34% say they haven’t heard enough

    https://www.dailymail.co.uk › news › article-11533287 › DeSantis-beating-Trump-Biden-poll-showing-GOP-voters-want-run-2024.html

    –DeSantis now beating Trump AND Biden in a new 2024 poll.

    Tuesday’s poll suggests that 65 percent of Republicans and right-leaning voters want DeSantis to run for president in 2024 – while less than a quarter said the opposite. Trump, in contrast

    https://www.yahoo.com › entertainment › bill-maher-argues-ron-desantis-175551535.html–

    But the difference between DeSantis and Trump was a simple one, as Maher saw it. “He’s not certifiably insane. That’s a great one to start off with,” Maher said, setting off laughter

    –Mike Pence: We’ll have ‘better choices’ than President Trump in 2024

    Mike Pence: We’ll have ‘better choices’ than President Trump in 2024. November 16, 2022, 5:56 AM. Former Vice President Mike Pence responds to former President Donald Trump announcing 2024 presidential run Tuesday and says he believes America is
    ready for new leadership.

    The false polls overwhelmed the internet with fake news companies. Therefore, the people distrust the left-stream animal media, so the garbage polls released show the extreme fear of Democrats, China, and the Global Deep State. Certainly, the 45th
    president Donald Trump experienced foreign enemies like China’s Communist Party, and the domestic thugs plus RINOs. Moreover, Donald Trump knew the members of the Global Deep State, and its hidden activities in the world, the United States.

    The public feels so sick and vomits while seeing the false polls inundated on communication, the internet, and other forms. The psychological warfare of the left animal media is obsolete, despite their trying to mislead the public with bullshit polls.
    The left animal media knows the presidential nomination in 2024 is decided by the people with the primary voters, not media votes, or whoever in Republicans. After the patriotic President Donald Trump announced the White House race in 2024, no one in
    Republicans register to contest yet including traitor Mike pence, the beloved dog of Nancy Pelosi, and others because they know Donald Trump won the people’s hearts, and he is the most popular leader in America.

    The experiences of the presidential election in 2016 slack Mike Pence, Liz Cheney, and others. During the presidential nomination campaign of the Republican Party, billionaire Donald Trump faced many obstacles like the 362 top economists and 8 Nobel
    Laureates winners sent a letter to Republican Party to stop the nomination” Donald Trump is a dangerous, destructive choice for the country. He misinforms the electorate, degrades trust in public institutions with conspiracy theories, and promotes
    willful delusion over engagement with reality”. The left animal media and the big tech communication companies launched propaganda against Donald Trump. Eventually, Donald Trump defeated 16 heavyweights of Republicans and got the ticket in the
    presidential election in 2016. The people doubt and do not respect the academics including the Nobel Prize winners after 370 top academics used their qualifications, and the top social class serves politics. They are the doctors turned Dogtors (*) to
    distort the careers for politics and serve as leftists. Certainly, the left animal media and the bullshit pollsters are the social dregs, the thugs of people, the enemies of the public, the foes of mainstream media, and the garbage of communication/.

    NOTES: (*) the word of the writer calls the academics to exploit the doctorial degrees for politics and other purposes.

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