• The multiple talents of the incompetent Joe Biden

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 10 18:14:40 2022
    Hoa Truong, 9.11.2022

    The 44th illegal President Hussein Barrack Obama exposed the super liar during holding Senator, he told about his career as a professor teaching” constitutional law” at Chicago University. Indeed, Barrack Obama bragged, he was not a law professor.
    The 46th illegal president Joe Biden is the same rant, the lie without a clue, the house has no fundament, a car has no engine The American people have never seen the disgraced liar as Karl Marx’s mongrel ape Joe Biden who told to live 151 years, 120
    years served in politics, driver of 18 wheels truck. The incident of Joe Biden is like North Korea launching a special spaceship to the Sun. The super astronaut Hung Il Gong landed successfully on the sun after 18 hours traveled. Moreover, the North
    Korean astronaut revealed how to escape the extreme heat estimated at 15,000,000 Celsius degrees by traveling at night while the sun is sleeping. Indeed, the world doesn’t believe it, instead laughing, and the American people recognize Joe Biden’s
    brags, except the fans of Democrats, the illegal White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre trust, and the left stream media avoided releasing the funny information of their great imbecile leader Joe Biden.

    During the Vietnam War, the leftists like Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and others evaded military service. Therefore Joe Biden told a lie about applying to the Naval Academy. On November 1st, 2022, during campaigning in Hallandale Beach, Florida, Joe Biden
    said that he met a man who invented insulin. Therefore, an inventor died before Joe Biden was born, so the people question the health of Joe Biden, or he snubs the public, indeed the people are not stupid as the French proverb” Le Mouton de Panurge”.
    Moreover, the mongrel communist leader Joe Biden prides himself as the leader of communist regimes in China, North Korea, and Vietnam, so his speech has never gone wrong, even communist leaders profess to tell the wrong to right, and communist leaders
    can point a cat then tell a dog, but no one dares to correct. Unfortunately, Joe Biden spoke in the wrong place.

    The communists and mongrel communists including the leftists, the left-stream media, and the big left tech communication companies lose the human minds plus the animal instinct. All have not recognized and distinguished between wrongs and rights. The
    viral characteristics reflect the expression, and actions of Karl Marx’s apes. The experts, and anti-communism joke” when a communist is born, initially, a midwife sees the mouth”.

    The communists, mongrel communists, and leftists live on lying, they pride the genocide and enjoy corruption and treason. The pupils of Karl Marx are the social dregs, the thugs of people, and the foe of democracy. Communism is the most dangerous theory
    in human society, the inhumane regimes cause human disasters, wars, conflict, and global mayhem. Nevertheless, communism renamed globalization in democratic countries cheating innocent people. The American people woke up after the Democratic Party
    appeared the mongrel communist party. Actually, during four years of patriotism, President Donald Trump brought patriotism returning the United States. Moreover, the White House robbery on January 20, 2021, pushed the American people into peril, and the
    Republic of America was destroyed, so hundreds of millions of American people stand up to fight for the country and the national survival. Nevertheless, the MAGA movement to make America great again after the people suffered the hell of a communist
    paradise has applied in the world’s wealthiest country. The Democratic Party produced two illegal presidents like Hussein Barrack Obama (2008-2016) and Joe Biden reflect the tax worms. The dangerous thugs as an ancient Chinese ideologist Huainanzi (139
    BC) warned:

    -A less virtuous person who gains so much privilege

    -A less talented but holding the high position

    -Doing a small job but earning too much benefit.

    Hussein Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and others afford the taxpayers, but they destroyed the United States to the grassroots. The American people and the world are so sick while seeing, and hearing the 46th illegal president Joe Biden talking,
    rallying, and appearing on television. The mid-term congressional election campaign marks more stupidity of Joe Biden. Therefore, the animal-covered human body has no shame, Biden tells a lie, and he is confident to snub the public. During campaigning
    in New Mexico, on November 10, 2022, the 46th illegal Joe Biden boasted to his fans that he was the honorary professor at the University of Pennsylvania after expired the vice presidential term in 2016, and made $US 900,000. Therefore, on April 15, 2022,
    Joe Biden told the fans in North Caroline about his full professor in 4 years of the University of Pennsylvania. The disgraced lie of Joe Biden creates the people laugh, therefore, Joe Biden prides, himself and believes no one opposes him.

    According to the education record, the fallen law student Joe Biden passed the bottom of the law school class in Delaware as comment of Alice Baker, former law school Professor (2001-2008):” Joe Biden’s class rank when he graduated from law school
    was 76th in a class of 85. He was in the bottom 12% of his graduating class. Mr. Biden plagiarized a significant portion of one of his law school term papers. He stole five pages of a published law review article and submitted it as his own work in a 15-
    page paper for a legal methods course. He received a grade of “F” for the course. (At my alma mater, the same conduct would have gotten him expelled.)The revelation that Mr. Biden had plagiarized his term paper was a significant factor in his
    withdrawal from the 1987–88 presidential race. Here’s an excerpt from a 1987 news article about plagiarism. (I circled the date.) Mr. Biden withdrew from the presidential race less than a week later.). Despite Joe Biden evading the military services,
    therefore, he robbed the commander-in-chief after the White House robbery, the loss of Afghanistan, the Biden War in Ukraine, and other global problems that come from the fake commander-in-chief. Certainly, the presidential robber Joe Biden had bad
    records in law school, therefore he announces the law professor.

    The Democratic Party adores the imbecile, timid, and rant Joe Biden who can tell anything, including the telling a lie. Therefore, Joe Biden is a great talent of the Democratic Party as China’s Communist Party adores great leader Mao Tse Tung, and
    Vietcong adores Hồ Chí Minh acquired year five of primary school, but Vietnam’s Communist Party acclaims the Hồ Chí Minh’s thoughts. Nevertheless, the six thuggish Justices in the Supreme Court with four RINO Justices and Mike Pence legalized
    and certified Joe Biden to rob the White House. Whoever was involved in the rigged election in 2020 is in the same line as Joe Biden in the French proverb” dis-moi qui tu fréquentes, je te dirai qui tu es”. The Justices have never accepted whoever
    uses the fake qualification, actually, the public figure, Joe Biden told about the ghost professor, but the law ignored it, and the justice slept. In Western Australia, Labor politician, and member of the state’s parliament Barry Urban resigned, and
    late he remained in custody by using a fake university degree and lying about his police, and military services. Therefore, the presidential robber Joe Biden sits above the law when the Democratic congress and senate are held by Democrats. Whatever, the
    mongrel communist leader Joe Biden exposes his multiple talents although he is an incompetent politician who spent his whole life in politics as the tax worm.

    San Francisco, the homeland of the 49th illegal vice president Kamala Harris, this place established the first Whore College in 1993 by Carole Leigh. Possibly, Joe Biden should establish the Corruption College in Delaware, and Biden fits the dean, plus
    the professor of corruption faculty. Nevertheless, Hunter Biden should be a professor at this special school in the United States.

    The mid-term congressional election on November 8, 2022, decides the fate of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, the illegal cabinet, and the Democratic Communist Party. Certainly, the American people can not suffer anymore in the hell of communist
    paradise, the disgraced dictator Joe Biden subs for the people and considers the American people stupid, so Biden prides himself on telling a lie. Let’s go, Brandon, let’s expel the Democratic candidates in congress, the senate, and the states. The
    historic time comes, the American people use the ballots for getting back to the country.

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