• The heap shits of Democrats gathered tax worms

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 3 18:05:31 2022
    Hoa Truong, 3.11.2022

    The communism of Karl Marx made in China called Maoist, and renamed globalization in America plus the Western that is like the heaps of shit brought from the former communist states in Russia, the Eastern European countries, and China’s Communist
    regime releasing the horrible smelling into the wealthiest country on the planet. Human excrement and animals are the wasted materials, so communism, Maoism, and globalization are the heaps of shit making the mess in human society. Certainly, a hygienic
    place is not suitable for viruses and all kinds of insects, so the shit of communism of Karl Mark applies to the wrong place, and wrong people in the United States. Nevertheless, the American people acquired traditional democracy when the country was
    established in 1776. Communism and dictatorial methods are allergic in America. Moreover, the United States became the second homeland of the people who fled and escaped from the hell of a communist paradise in China, Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, Russia,
    Taiwan, the former Eastern European Communist states, and others. Certainly, the majority of the US population knew the communism of Karl Marx caused the deaths of a hundred million people around the world, and that communism is the most human disaster
    on the planet. The people love peace, but the communists advocate violence, war, and exposing aggression.

    Therefore, for a long time, the mongrel communist party in America deceived the people through propaganda, rhetoric speech, and demagogic policies at multiple election levels, actually the presidential election maximally develops lies to woo innocent and
    undecided voters. The deceitful policies, the rigged elections with the abundant finance provided by the Global Deep State plus the foreign enemies like China helped Democratic Party to win Congress, Senate, the states, and the White House. Nevertheless,
    the left-stream media and the left big tech communication companies have released the horrible odor of communism shit intoxicating the people, including education for a long time. The innocent people ignored communism shit. Instead, they must throw it
    out from the schools, and their children were intoxicated, and become the supporters of globalization with deceitful labels like the hoax climate change, the same-sex-marriage, and transgender. Therefore, the low-concerned, and innocent people welcomed
    the heaps of shits into society and education. Actually, the toxic Black Supremacy of the first Muslim, communist, Kenya-born Hussein Barrack Obama carrying out the public denouncement is horrible shit to mess up the unity in America.

    However, the patriotic President Donald Trump aroused the American people and the world within four years to make America great again, the allies trust, the enemies fear, and the domestic thugs appall. All great domestic achievements and peace in the
    world, including the historic peace in the Middle East, conflicted with the strategy of China, and the interest of the Global Deep State plus the Democratic Party has debunked the domestic thugs, the hidden communist party in the United States. The
    domestic thugs and the foreign enemies totally attack the great man on the planet with full-scale tactics in the rigged election in 2020 by the China virus pandemic, the public denouncement carried out by the illegal House Select Committee plus the
    terror raid in the Mar-A-Lago. The horrible smell appeared in the Democratic shit with the illegal House Select Committee releasing the horrible odor of the congressional shit. Therefore, all malicious tactics were exhausted and failed when the leader of
    the MAGA movement bravely fought back and eradicated the domestic thugs plus the foreign enemies. The rigged election in 2020 exposes the heaps of shit made by the Democratic Communist Party, but the communism shit is not interest in the United States.
    Instead, the American people want to remove the heaps of shit out from the White House, congress, senate, the states, and the Supreme Court plus the Democratic judges.

    The major worm that eats the shit is the presidential robber Joe Biden and his family members like Hunter Biden. The heaps of communism shit renamed globalization is like the beautiful cloth to cover the bin containing the horrible garbage. The 46th
    illegal president Joe Biden, the 49th illegal vice president Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer, and the Democratic politicians plus the Democratic governors appeared in the heaps of shit at the White House,
    Capitol Hill, and the states. Moreover, the RINOs in congress, the senate, states, and the Supreme Court also share communism shit. Nevertheless, the current Press Secretary Karine Jeane Pierre reflects the media worm eating the communism shit, she often
    released the horrible odor spread throughout America. The American people feel so sick when hearing the shit releasing from the heaps of shit in the White House.

    The mid-term congressional election in November 2022 is an opportunity for the American people and the MAGA movement to remove the heaps of shit in the White House, congress, senate, and states. Communism or globalization is the unhygienic politics that
    has remained for a long time and intoxicated American people. Now is the time to clean up the toxicity, and tidy up the mess of the Democratic Communist Party.

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