• The doomsday of Democrats is set for November 8

    From Tuana Le@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 1 20:09:01 2022
    Hoa Truong, 1.11.2022

    On January 20, 2021, the American people granted the death certificate for the Democratic Communist Party after the White House Robbery. Nevertheless, the six Justices enclose four RINO Justices like Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Neil Gorsuch,
    Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Justice Amy Coney Barrett distorted their career. They dodged their juridical functions at the highest level. The people threw out the prestige of the six Justices into the bin, and finally, the coward RINO Mike Pence reflects
    the traitor to destroy the law and the Republic of America. The US presidential robbery is unprecedented in US history and created the first presidential robber Joe Biden.

    The 46th illegal president Joe Biden recorded the corrupt professionals, the treasonous specialist, the social dregs, and the tax worms has never given up since Biden was elected for the first term in Senate in 1972, then 8 years held the vice-president
    of the illegal President Barrack Obama (Kenya born). The horrible records of mongrel ape Joe Biden were highlighted after the White House robbery accomplished. The 46th illegal president and the presidential robber Joe Biden made many worst records:

    -Biden made the mountain debt, and now it reached $US 31 trillion. Actually, the 100 orders of Joe Biden cost the taxpayers $US 1.5 trillion.

    -The inflation climbed up to the ceiling with 8.6 %, the highest record in 40 years. The incompetent politician Joe Biden exposes the illiterate economy when he spends nearly $US 3.5 trillion labeled the Inflation Reduction Act that adds the debt.
    Therefore, inflation continues to rise. The stupid solution of Joe Biden worsens the situation. Therefore, 700 economists including some Nobel Prize winners in the United States keep quiet as a stone. Instead, they endorsed the economic destroyer, the
    mongrel communist Joe Biden in the rigged election in 2020, and after the White House robbery. The American people distrust academics, actually famous economists.

    -The petrol price rises, the hoax climate change of Joe Biden killed the fossil energy, the oil, gas, and freaking shut down. Moreover, Joe Biden uses the national reserve oil that dropped 40%, actually, Biden supports his son Hunter Biden doing business
    with China.

    -The border unleashed, the illegal migrants freely enter the US oil paid by the taxpayers. The drug cartels, criminals, terrorists, and foreign espionage agents infiltrated, so the national security risks and social mayhem.

    -The loss of Afghanistan and Biden donated the valuable arsenal weapons worth $US 85 billion, China acquired the military technology from the US weapons and the equipment.

    -The Ukraine invasion comes from the 46th illegal president Joe Biden who flagged Vladimir Putin to invade, and also handed over the oil and gas to Russia, and NATO is tied by the energetic weapons. Biden uses the blood of the Ukrainian people straying
    the failure of Democrats to cover the mid-term congressional election.

    -The jobless rises

    -Society is threatened by Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

    -Biden, and Democrats weaponize the FBI and the Department of Justices as terror agencies. The raid of Mar-A-Lago worsens the people’s trust, and public abhorrence rises.

    -China develops the global hegemonic strategy while Joe Biden gave up the US military strength and flags China to invade Taiwan.

    -The Democratic judges reflect the legal terrorists with the wooden hammers, mostly the judges, and Justices appointed by Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama distorting the career and applying the bush law, the justice is politicalized

    -The crimes and corruption of Biden’s family were publicized, the laptop of Hunter Biden can not conceal, and Hunter Biden behaved Joe Biden received $US 1.5 billion bribed by China’s Communist Party, so the American people knew Joe Biden is an
    actual henchman of China.

    The worst crimes plus treason of Democrats, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic high profiles are a saga. Nowadays, the American people tasted the hell of communist paradise after nearly two years imposed by the mongrel communist Joe Biden. The
    American people will expose their abhorrence against Democratic Communist Party in the mid-term congressional election on November 8, 2022. The campaigns of Democratic candidates are boycotted by the people, including the strongholds of Democrats like
    New York, California, Oregon, and others. Actually, the former 44th illegal President Barrack met the strong opposing with the chant” Let’s go Brandon” while the rallies of the patriotic President Donald Trump and other Republicans like Florida
    Governor Ron Desantis gathered massive supporters. The lesson of the presidential campaign in 2020 repeats in the mid-term congressional election in November 2022.

    The people, including the Democratic Communist Party, know the Republicans, and the MAGA movement is going to make the historic landslide victory that worries Democrats, and the fate of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, the 49th vice president Kamala
    Harris, and the illegal cabinet will face the impeachment after the first Domino pawn Joe Biden is available of the 25 Amendment. Certainly, Democrats can not stop the impeachment process, and the rigged election in 2020 obsesses Democrats when the bill
    is passed through congress and the senate. When the law forces Democrats to pay all costs of the rigged the election in 2020, and the national damages made by the 46th illegal president Joe Biden. The bankruptcy should file and Democrats should be
    disbanded are possible. Certainly, Democrats panic the doomsday and try to rig the election again. Therefore, the American people and the MAGA movement experienced a rigged election in 2020, so the people watch out carefully and will go to the polling
    places. However, if Democrats rob the outcome of the election in November 2022, the civil war should burst anytime when the people’s outrage is saturated, and the lives of Democratic politicians, the high profiles will be risked. The American people
    readily prepare for the funeral of Democrats, the burial day is set on November 8, 2022.

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