Sábado, 15 de Junio, año 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador -Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Feliz Día del Padre 2013 a todas nuestras familias ecuatorianas y de
las naciones del mundo entero, en este día célebre que nuestro Padre celestial nos ha entregado para recordarlo a Él, y también a nuestro
padre que nos engendró en este mundo.
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo alzo sus ojos al cielo y bendijo a nuestro
Padre celestial, para darlo a conocer a cada uno de todos nosotros
como nuestro Padre que siempre debemos amar en nuestros corazones, en
esta vida y en la del cielo.
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo le dijo a su Padre y nuestro Padre, a su Dios
y nuestro Dios que vive en perfecta santidad: Padre santo, te pido que guardes a todos aquellos que me has dado; yo los he guardado en tu
nombre que me diste, para que el mal del enemigo no les haga daño
jamás con sus artimañas de siempre.
Ellos eran tuyos, pero me los distes a mí, como tu Hijo amado que soy,
para que yo los guardase por siempre en tu nombre santo, por
dondequiera que fuesen por todas las naciones de la tierra, para
gloria y honra de tu nombre bendito.
También te pido, Padre santo, que guardes en tu nombre todopoderoso a aquellos que creerán en mí, por su testimonio y por su palabra, puesto
que vienen hacia mi presencia santa a cada hora del día en todas las naciones, así como sus antepasados vinieron a mí en sus días, para ser redimidos del mal eterno del pecado y del infierno.
Ciertamente, ellos están en el mundo, aunque no estén con nosotros
todavía, pero guárdalos en tu nombre glorioso aún, porque vienen para
no ser más del mundo, sino del reino celestial: Reino santo que has
creado por los poderes perpetuos de tu palabra viva del evangelio
eterno, para que todos ellos vean tu gloria por siempre para toda la eternidad celestial.
En estos días, ellos han vuelto a nacer de tu Espíritu Santo del reino
de los cielos por la predicación de la palabra viviente de los que me
han recibido como su único y suficiente salvador de sus vidas, por lo
tanto, ellos son legítimamente de tu nuevo reino celestial para vivir
con nosotros por toda la eternidad venidera.
A ellos, de los que han creído en mí por la palabra que me has dado,
también les he dado la gloria que tú mismo me diste a mi, porque me
has amado desde mucho antes de la fundación del mundo, para que ellos
sean en mí, así como yo soy en ti, y tú en mí, una sola unión
Por ende, te pido, Padre santo, que la gloria que tú me has dado
también la bendigas grandemente en cada uno de ellos cada día de sus
vidas por todas las naciones de la tierra, para que muchos sean
liberados del poder de las tinieblas de las mentiras de Satanás y de
sus males escondidos.
Ya que, así como tú me enviaste al mundo, así también yo les he
enviado a ellos al mundo para que den a conocer del Espíritu Santo de
tu amor eterno, de tu gracia imperecedera y abundante, de tu palabra
viva, salvadora y todopoderosa, y de tu nombre santo e infinitamente
glorioso y todopoderoso para salvar grandemente a todos. ¡Amén!
¡Feliz Día del Padre a todas las familias de todas las naciones en
estos días del año 2013!
Our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) spoke to Jacob from above
the rock as he rested his head to sleep over it, and said: I am Yeshua HaMoshiach, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac, and I
will give to you and to your descendants the land where you standing
today. And from above the rock, our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to Jacob
about the great things that he was ready to do for him and for his descendants that will be as numberless as the stars from heaven above, moreover that he will scatter them to the North, to the South, to the
West and to the East to bless the nations.
Meaning also that our heavenly Father will bless the families of the
nations through the magnificent nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His Son
Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the Holy
of Holiest in heaven and over the eternal rock at Mount Sinai’s
summit, and lastly over Jerusalem’s holy hill thus to create the
worlds that He wants to govern forever. This also means that our
heavenly Father will not only speak to Jacob with His blessed Son, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, from above the injured-rock but also to the
twelve tribes of Israel and to every nation of the entire world, so
they may be blessed with forgiveness, blessing, prosperity, richness,
peace and eternal salvation filled with endless happiness into
For this is the only place of perfect holiness from where our heavenly
Father is always ready to meet everyone within Israel and the families
of the nations, so they may speak to Him from the power of perfect
holiness, about all the things that concerns them and that of their
loved ones, including that of their friends as well. Certainly, it is
from high above the injured-rock that our heavenly Father has always
spoken to all his angels in heaven and He has always also spoken to
every man, woman and child on earth, beginning with Adam and Eve in
paradise, so they may all come to know Him through the glorious
perfect holiness of His blessed Son Jesus Christ.
Surely, this is the place of our heavenly Father and of His blessed
Son Jesus Christ’s perfect holiness where Jacob began to see not only
our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him as the God of his father Abraham
and God of Isaac, but it is also here where he saw angels descending
to earth and ascending to heaven through holiness. Therefore, it is
from above the injured-rock that our heavenly Father through the sacrificed-life of His blessed Son that sealed his good promises to
Jacob to bless his father Abraham and his descendants to become as
numerous as the seashore’s sands that no one can ever possibly count
them, so they may become the nation of His dream forever into
For this is the nation of His legitimate children that will be born by
the power of the Holy Spirit just as Isaac was born initially from his
mother Sarah’s barren-womb, so they may live a miracle-life each day
on earth and in heaven, so they may learn to love, serve and glorify
His name and the Ten Commandments forever. This is also the place of
perfect holiness from above the injured-rock that not only our
heavenly Father will speak to His servants each day on earth and in
heaven to His angels, through the sacrificed-life of His blessed Son
Jesus Christ, but it is also the place of birth of His blessed Son
Jesus Christ into Israel and the nations.
For it is this place to where Jacob came to as he left Beersheba to go
to Haran, and it was here where he took one of the rocks of the area
to rest his head to sleep, because it was getting dark already, and he
never knew that our heavenly Father with His blessed Son Jesus Christ
would visit him just as He visited his father Abraham and Isaac. This
place he called Betel even though it was known already as Luz, here
Jacob anointed the rock with oil just as our heavenly Father would
later anoint the injured-rock with His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood thus to erase sin, to destroy death and hell in the lake
of fire where Satan and his devils will be cast in Judgment Day.
Here, by Jacob anointing the injured-rock with oil because our Lord
Jesus Christ had manifested himself as the God of his father Abraham
and as the God of Isaac, then he was establishing a prophecy that his children will later anoint the injured-rock within Israel not with oil
but with the atoning-blood shed by the King Messiah, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach! For this is the anointment not of oil that our heavenly
Father was looking-for as Israel left Egypt to cross the Red sea in
dry ground baptizing themselves with walls of waters on both sides to
stand at Mount Sinai to receive His Son’s atoning-blood turned into living-water from the injured-rock to drink salvation, but, finally to
spill it over Jerusalem’s holy hill.
This is also why our heavenly Father needed the Israelites to drink
from the injured-rock His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood turned into living-water, so they may take his DNA (acid deoxyribonucleic) into
Canaan, so David’s virgin daughter through the Holy Spirit may give
birth to His only Son thus to anoint abundantly the injured-rock with
his atoning-blood to erase sin forever. Timely, this was something
that was going to take place soon and in good time over the injured-
rock within the Promised Land granted initially to Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, so their children may not only drink from the injured-rock the atoning-blood turned into living-water to conquer Canaan, but also
anoint it with His Son Jesus Christ shed atoning-blood for everyone’s
eternal forgiveness.
Lastly, our heavenly Father was glorified within the Promised Land
granted initially to Abraham and his children thus to take timely His
Son Jesus Christ’s DNA atoning-blood turned into living-water as they
drank it from the injured-rock at Mount Sinai, so then within
Jerusalem’s holy hill spill it over the injured-rock to end Satan’s
lie, sin, and death in the nations forever. Undeniably, this is the
love, service and glorification that our heavenly Father was searching-
for within Israel and the nations of the entire world by having
Abraham’s children fulfilled his good promises granted initially to
His friend Abraham, so in goodtime his children may anoint the injured-
rock with His Son Jesus Christ shed atoning-blood to remove sin from
the entire world forever.
That is why that as John the Baptist (a Hebrew prophet) saw our Lord
Jesus Christ walking towards him as he baptized everyone coming to the
Jordan River, and then he said loudly: This is the Lamb of God that
takes the sin from the world—on this day Jesus Christ was baptized
thus to fulfill justice forever on earth. This baptism is not of oil
that Abraham’s children needed to perform over Jesus Christ as the
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that removes sin from the world and
from anyone’s life that believes in his heart for justice to confess
with his lips for salvation his anointed name but of water along with
his brothers thus to fulfill justice eventually in paradise.
For this is the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ said to John: if you
fail to baptize me with water in the Jordan River, then you do not
have any part of me—and this means that he could never be saved from
his sins much less enter into heaven as God’s child born from the
power of the Holy Spirit. Then John realized what our Lord Jesus
Christ was telling him that he said: Lord, I will baptize you in
water, so I may become part of you and you may become part of me on
earth and in heaven, so perfect justice may be fulfilled finally in
his life and that of my brothers within Israel and the nations
Moreover, John needed to baptize our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach with
water on that day just as Jacob his father had baptized him with oil
as he blessed the injured-rock where he had rested his head over it to
dream with the Lord that spoke to him from above it about the land
that he was granting him and to his descendants forever. Here, John
needed to baptize our Lord Jesus Christ in the water not only because
his father Jacob baptized him with oil as he blessed our Father in
heaven by vowing that if Jesus Christ will bless him with food and
attires to make it safe to his father’s home, then he will be his God,
but also become Israel’s Redeemer forever.
This was certainly a prophecy that our heavenly Father needed to
fulfill on this day within Israel given to Jacob because he had chosen
the injured-rock to rest his head on that night, so our Father may
speak to him through His Son’s sacrificed-life over it about the land
that he had granted to him and to his descendants to possess forever.
Over the injured-rock our heavenly Father said to Jacob: I have given
you the land where you are today, I am given it to you and to your descendants that I will multiply into the millions because they will
be numerous as the stars above in heaven that no one can ever count
them, so you will become a long-lasting nation.
Furthermore, because of your descendants’ faithfulness in Him, through
the existence of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, always
living above the injured-rock in perfect holiness, then everyone from everywhere from the North, South, East and West will be blessed on
earth, so His glorious name may be loved, served, glorified and
exalted within their hearts for never-ending perfect glorification.
For it is our heavenly Father’s will to bless everyone from the
nations through the perfect holiness that exists high on the injured-
rock where His blessed Son Jesus Christ shed the atoning-blood within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock
finally to shed it over Jerusalem’s holy hill for forgiveness to start
a new pristine-life into eternity.
That is why that our heavenly Father is always looking forward to meet everyone from all the nations, beginning within Israel, so in the
perfect holiness of His blessed Son Jesus Christ above the injured-
rock, then He can really have a personal relationship with everyone
that wills to love, obey and follow Him on earth finally to ascend
into heaven forever saved. This is our heavenly Father’s call first
made to Adam and Eve in paradise to ascend the mountaintop of the tree
of life to eat from the fruit of life that is the perfect holiness of
His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-life, so they may become
perfectly holy in His presence thus always to love, serve and glorify
Him into everlastingly.
For it is here, within His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s perfect holiness
that our heavenly Father will meet Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and everyone
else as Moses and others time-after-time thus to speak to them in
perfect holiness for the things that He is willing to do, so they may
become liberated from sin, curses and death in hell’s torment forever
into eternity. It is in this high place above the injured-rock that
our heavenly Father spoke to Abraham initially and to his allies to
partake from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine served not by angels
but by Melchizedek, Jesus Christ himself as God’s Righteousness to
start a new immaculate-life on earth, despite Sarah’s barren-womb
unable to give birth to Isaac (the salvation-seed).
For by this time next year (nine-months later) our heavenly Father
promised to Abraham that his wife Sarah would embrace a child, despite
her barren-womb failure to bear the son that he had searched for
years, and, Isaac will be born timely from the power of the Holy
Spirit that started at the Lord’s Table by eating the bread and wine.
Here, our heavenly Father needed to show to Abraham and his
descendants that where there is no life then He could produce it by
the power of His Holy Spirit, that is if everyone is willing to obey
Him through His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-life as he
serves daily everywhere the Lord’s Table: bread and wine to eat and
drink faithfully.
Cheerfully, Abraham obeyed our heavenly Father as he sat with his
allies to eat and drink from the Lord’s Table that was served by
Melchizedek as God’s Righteousness, so by eating from the bread and
wine then he received life and passed it unto others by faith as in
Isaac that was unable to be born from his mother Sarah’s unfertile-
womb. Later over Mount Moriah our heavenly Father commanded Abraham to present his only son as a burn offering sacrifice to him, and Abraham
obeyed Him by taking his only child Isaac to the mountaintop ready to
offer him as a regular lamb sacrifice to shed the blood before our
Father that is in heaven’s Altar, so He may be pleased entirely.
Moreover, at this place of perfect holiness, as Abraham was preparing
the wood and fire to place Isaac over it as a burn sacrifice offering
unto our heavenly Father in heaven, then our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
appeared in the clouds to tell Abraham that now he knows that he is
faithful in whatever he is called to do for His name’s glory. Our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach commanded Abraham to release the child because
this is not the burn offering sacrifice of the atoning-blood that our heavenly Father was looking-for in his son Isaac, but this will be a
burn offering sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood that will be born
to him also by the Holy Spirit in future generation, Israel’s Holy
One, The King Messiah!
At the moment, as our Lord Jesus Christ ceased to speak to Abraham
about the faithfulness that he had presented unto our heavenly Father
in heaven by not denying his only son Isaac to be offered as a burn
offering over the fire, then, our Lord Jesus Christ provided the lamb
to be offered instead of Isaac over the fire. For this is: our
heavenly Father’s main responsibility over the supreme celestial-
sacrifice of all times of His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood to be
shed over Jerusalem’s holy hill for the end of sin, curses, and death
in hell’s torment forever—and so, He had to provide unto us His
perfect Lamb with the atone-blood born by the Holy Spirit, Jesus
Meaning also that just as our heavenly Father provided the young-lamb
caught in the two-twisted tree-branches over Mount Moriah for the burn offering sacrifice that Abraham had been called to conduct with his
only son Isaac, then He was faithfully providing His Chosen Lamb with
the atone-blood (His only Son) to his children to spill it over the injured-rock at Jerusalem’s holy hill. Prophetically, the wood that
Abraham used to burn the young-lamb with the atoning-blood before our
Father that is in heaven, it was from the two dead crossed-trees of
Adam and Eve that caught the lamb by the horn to hold it at the
mountaintop secured for Abraham, so he may burn it over the fire
instead of his only son Isaac.
Later, it was also at the place of holiness where Moses met our Lord
Jesus Christ at Mount Sinai’s summit as the nonstop celestial-
sacrifice became visible mainly to everyone around the area, however,
only Moses was called by the Holy Spirit to ascend to it, so our Lord
Jesus Christ may confess in godliness that he is the God of his
forefathers. Timely, this means that our Lord Jesus Christ confessed
to Moses that he alone is God’s Righteousness to Abraham, God’s
Righteousness to Isaac and God’s Righteousness to Jacob, therefore
unaided by anyone else from heaven and earth he is the perfect
Righteousness that Israel needed desperately to escape Egypt’s cruel
slavery of more than four-hundred and thirty-years eventually to
possess Canaan forever.
Moreover, our heavenly Father needed His blessed Son Jesus Christ to
confess to Moses and Israel that he is God’s Righteousness to Abraham,
God’s Righteousness to Isaac and God’s Righteousness to Jacob from the mountaintop of perfect holiness, so this truth may endure forever into everyone’s heart for forgiveness, healing, blessing, peace and eternal salvation filled with endless happiness into perpetuity. Fortunately,
as Israel escaped Egypt by crossing the Red sea in dry ground with
walls of waters on both sides, then they became baptized and clean to
receive our Lord Jesus Christ from his high place of perfect holiness
on Mount Sinai, so they may see him to receive the atoning-blood from
the injured-rock turned into living-water for everyone’s never-ending salvation.
It was at the mountaintop that Israel saw our Lord Jesus Christ
dressed in perfect holiness that had liberated them recently from
Egypt’s eternal captivity, so they may go on their way to the Promised
Land to conquer it from their enemies forever thus to fulfill our
heavenly Father’s good promises given to their forefathers: Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob. For at Jerusalem’s holy hill is where our heavenly
Father needed to see not only Israel but also everyone from every
family from the nations to meet His Son at his place of perfect
holiness, so he may erase their sins by the atoning-blood shed over
the injured-rock thus to make them eventually God’s children born from
the Holy Spirit into eternity.
It is here by faith that Jacob met our Lord Jesus Christ as the God of
his father Abraham and God of Isaac, so he may become his God, too,
for our heavenly Father assured him that the land where he was
standing is given already to his descendants to possess it for the
coming of His Son Jesus Christ’s eternal glory. Moreover, our heavenly
Father granted this land to Jacob and his descendants because this was
a promise initially given to Abraham and to his son Isaac, so they may inherit this glorious land where our heavenly Father will have His
blessed Son Jesus Christ born by the Holy Spirit through one of
David’s virgin daughter to expand His glory into the nations.
For our heavenly Father’s glory within the heart of every man, woman
and child, beginning with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is to defeat
Satan’s lies, curses, death, and hell by the supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed within the Holy of Holiest
in heaven, over Mount Sinai’s summit, and finally over Jerusalem’s
holy hill to end sin, curses, lies forever. That is why that our
heavenly Father is still calling every one from within Israel and from
the families of the nations to ascend to the mountaintop to the place
of perfect holiness of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, so He may forgive
their sins and answer their prayers, petitions, requests,
intercessions for their loved ones and for their friends, too.
It is here at the high place above the injured-rock where our Lord
Jesus Christ is still standing faithfully for us, so we may ascend
into perfect holiness where he personally spoke to Abraham, Isaac, and
now Jacob by assuring to him that he will bless him and his children
within the land granted to become a long-lasting nation into
perpetuity. For this is the land where our Lord Jesus Christ had to be
born by the power of the Holy Spirit, through one of David’s virgin
daughter to introduce into humankind eternal life dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood for us to live it each
day on earth and in heaven with our heavenly Father and His eternal
holy angels.
These days, it is at the high place of perfect holiness over the
injured-rock that our heavenly Father will meet you with His blessed
Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood, so you may become born from the
power of the Holy Spirit to escape Satan’s spirit of error that is
filled with lies, curses, and death to take you into hell’s torment
forever confused. Given that, once you meet our heavenly Father
through the glorious sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ
that lives continually in perfect holiness high above the injured-rock
where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob met him thus to learn that he alone is
God’s Righteousness to escape evil, then your life will change
dramatically never to be the same again on earth.
For this is the place of perfect holiness where our Lord Jesus Christ
met Jacob to let him know that he is God’s Righteousness to their forefathers, then he also met Moses in the same place of perfect
holiness high above Mount Sinai to show him that he alone is what
Israel needed to escape Egypt’s captivity to the Promised Land. For he
alone is our heavenly Father’s way, life and truth into perfect
holiness to enter triumphantly over Satan’s lies into the Promised
Land to possess it forever into eternity for the glory of His blessed
name, so His blessed Son Jesus Christ may not only become King Messiah
and ruler of Israel but also of every nation on earth everlastingly.
Lawfully, our Lord Jesus Christ will become King Messiah and ruler of
Israel because he has power to save Israel from her sins, moreover he
still has power to save the nations from the power of hell’s torment,
so they may become born again from the power of the Holy Spirit into
our heavenly Father’s family of legitimate children in heaven. For in
heaven our Lord Jesus Christ has prepared wonderful places (as
mansions paved with streets of gold to walk freely everywhere) for
those that love him within their hearts for justice to confess with
their lips for salvation before our Father that lives in perfect
holiness, and this is that he alone is Lord and savior of their living-
souls into eternity.
These are beautiful mansions paved with streets of gold where we will
live with our heavenly Father and his angelic hosts that have loved,
adored, and exalted His blessed name through the glorious presence of
our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-life within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven, so we may also continue to live forever blessed in perfect
happiness into everlasting. The high heavens is infinite, and our Lord
Jesus Christ has prepared glorious places for us to live in with our
loved ones and friends from everywhere, because our heavenly Father
wants us to enjoy the wonderful things that He will normally enjoy
each day of His life in heaven, so we may learn to love, serve and
glorify Him freely forever.
Truthfully, there are wonderful things waiting for us in heaven if we
just rest our heads over the injured-rock where our Lord Jesus Christ
is standing with his arms extended to receive us into his sacred-
flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood thus to wash us from sin and
fill us with the Holy Spirit into a life that will never sin into everlasting. For this is the amazing-life that our heavenly Father
gave you birth initially in His image to live according to His
likeness perpetually, so you may become one of His son just as our
Lord Jesus Christ is since ever thus to love, serve and glorifies His
holy name in your entire life on earth these days and in heaven
For in this powerful-life you will be blessed by the amazing powers of
the Holy Spirit’s gifts that our heavenly Father has granted you to
have power these days against darkness that are always coming against
you from Satan and his every day devils from everywhere that are ready
to inflict you pain, that is if you are still living unprotected. This
is the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ declared openly to his
disciples from everywhere by assuring that he has granted them powers
against all serpents, scorpions and hidden powers of darkness from
Satan and his fallen angels, and nothing in nowise will ever harm them
in this life on earth and in the next one in paradise above.
That is why that we need to have our Lord Jesus Christ living within
our hearts each day of our lives on earth, because our heavenly Father
has granted him powers to deliver to us as we may need them anyday or anywhere as Satan with his devils may attack us thus to inflict into
us pain and sudden-destruction. Because, that is the only thing that
Satan loves to do since the day he was expelled from heaven by the
power of our Lord Jesus Christ supreme celestial-sacrifice that was
conducted beforehand within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over
Mount Sinai, so he may be thrown into hell’s torment with his fallen
angels never to know angelic-life again forever.
And whenever Satan attacks anyone on earth or any angel in heaven,
then he is truly attacking the supreme celestial-sacrifice of our Lord
Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the Holy
of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock that defeated
him with his devils forever, so he will never return to heaven much
less touch you again. Surely, Satan has no power against our Lord
Jesus Christ’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of his atoning-blood shed
since Creation day within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock, so you may live your life these days filled with amazing powers every step you may take in this life and in the next
one to come in heaven above.
Therefore, there is wonder working-power in the atoning-blood of our
Lord Jesus Christ whether as he shed it within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock thus to liberate Israel
from Egypt with his perfect holiness and granted them permission to
drink living-water to possess Canaan, or at Jerusalem’s holy hill for
the nations to live forever saved, too. Certainly, these are amazing
powers that we need to possess around the clock thus to live a holy
life liberated from Satan and his fallen angels that always want to
stain the lives of others with lies that they failed to believe
themselves, and they do this wickedness because this is how they can
cowardly hurt God to a certain degree.
As ever, our heavenly Father has granted His faithful servants from
all the nations, beginning within Israel, powers from the gifts of the
Holy Spirit because He does not want His feelings hurt all the time as
Satan with his every day devils attack those that love Him dearly
through the glorious sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, we have amazing powers from the gifts of the Holy Spirit to
shun Satan and his devils thus to protect us from evil that may come
our way, so our Father may be glorified within our hearts, souls,
minds, bodies and human spirit for the glory of His blessed name in
this life and in the next one in heaven above.
These wonderful powers from the Holy Spirit come smoothly into us
every day of our entire life on earth because they rain over the
nations since Creation day (Gen 1:2), so darkness may be subdued for
His light to shine mightily everywhere for life to thrive, because our heavenly Father needs to fill the earth with His glory these days into eternity. And as darkness from Satan and his fallen angels that give
you the spirit of error always since the day Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in
paradise, then you will no longer see darkness but only the wonderful
working powers of the Holy Spirit doing wonders for you everywhere.
This means that you will live a wonderful-life just as our heavenly
Father intended for you with your loved ones to live since the day you
were born initially from His image to live according to His likeness
within the New Jerusalem from heaven above where love, peace,
prosperity, glory, and never¬-ending happiness thrive within your
heart to the full into everlasting. Certainly, this is the wonderful-
life from the Holy Spirit that our heavenly Father intended for you
with your loved ones to be filled to the full since the day you were
born in His image to live according to His likeness everlastingly, so
you may become completely holy from head to foot just as His blessed
Son Jesus Christ is since ever.
Truly, this is a superb-life that you need to receive, know, and live
it to the full each day of your entire life on earth, because this is
what Satan wants in you, and this is that you will never know this magnificent-life that our heavenly Father has granted you already
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