###Did Bruce Lee pose as Japanese KATO with MASK to attack everyone to steal support and endorsement from Japan?
Is Bruce Lee against Japan from the very beginning? Did Bruce Lee pose as Japanese KATO with MASK in Green Hornet to attack everyone in movie to steal support and endorsement from Japan? Or Bruce Lee sell his soul for a large sum of money and switch side
to fight Japanese with his real face in the 1972 film, Fist of Fury?
Many Japanese right wing supporters want to blame their past sin on Chinese and claim that Chinese pose as Japanese to attack everyone. Both hardliners of KMT in Taiwan and Japanese right wing supporters claim that Korean and Taiwanese military personnel
in Japanese army in WWII massacre more Chinese civilian than Japanese nationals.
Hollywood want to sell the icon of servant for Bruce Lee to Chinese because Japanese KATO is a Hollywood production and Bruce Lee is weak, light weight, and never KO anyone in sport competition. Bruce Lee is an iconic figure imposed on Chinese people by
Hollywood and Japanese right wing supporters and does not represent Chinese at all.
Update 31/03/2019:
Lee and Leung are so weak that they just cannot KO anyone in boxing; therefore they blame their own incompetence on the rule and regulation of boxing match and simply join the MMA. Lee and Leung continue to prop up Bruce Lee and Bruce Leung despite both
martial art actors do not have any fighting experience in the ring, in the words of Lee and Leung: "turn it real."
Wikipedia claimed that Bruce Lee has no fighting record before 2009; but later added Wong Jack Man’s fight to the record that made it in line of Hollywood movie - The Story of Bruce Lee. Between 2012 and 2018, Youtube insisted that Bruce Lee has only
one fighting record; but after 2019, Youtube once claimed for a short peroid of time that Bruce Lee defeated Chuck Norris in secret and 500 contenders in the ring only in Chinese text and only to Chinese audience. Youtube later gave up the claim.
Bruce Lee is known to pose as a Japanese figure, KATO, in Green Hornet and introduces Karate to western audience. Bruce Lee’s private match with Wong Jack Man remains as controversial as the fight result. It remains another Hollywood story of private
match that leave no solid record that it actually ever happened. As a result, Bruce Lee and Bruce Leung did not KO anyone in the ring and regard as SICK MEN OF THE WORLD by many.
Fighting sleep deprivation as a way of illegal interrogation for ten years long since 2009 and finally defeated the device that was designed to wake me up several times at night. Yet Butterfly Leung for Wellington, Kato Lee and their supporters once
called it “......necessary to awaken the person several times during the first night, as has traditionally been done......” for treatment of concussions in 2009.
Butterfly Leung for Wellington, kato Lee and their supporters are sickmen of the world.
Update 12/11/2018: Tyson fan: "Rocky series is opium for white in N.America."
Chinese fan of Mike Tyson: “Rocky and Rambo series are opium for white people in North America. White cannot defeat black in the ring and in real fighting on street. Both victory in boxing and in movie are important.”
Tyson’s fan: “Hollywood and Rocky 4 are wrong, black and Chinese rescue white from USSR in Cold War.”
Chinese fan of Mike Tyson: “Hollywood, Rambo 2, and Rocky 4 have it in reverse. If the Battle of Moscow cannot bring down USSR, so cannot the arm race. Black and Chinese rescue white American from USSR in Cold War Boxing and in war.”
Attached time line of history between 1989 and 2009.
Quotation from internet"
Fall of Saigon
Update 22/12/2018: Between 2009 and 2014, both my landing paper for Canada and all the printouts (including many different versions) regarding the renaming of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall to National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall caused by the
domino effect of Dong Feng missile crisis in 1996 were stolen for unknown reason.
Update 27/04/2019:
Could Dong Feng missile crisis in 1996 be a Chinese version of Desert Storm if it turn into a real war even with 2 US air carriers?
Recently, right wing media, mainly consist of Taiwan military fraction and US military industrial complex, claimed that Dong Feng missile crisis in 1996 was a humiliation and defeat for China. Taiwan promote such propaganda because they want to draw US
into the conflict seeing that it is the only hope for Taiwan's military fraction. US promote such propaganda because it will increase arm sale and US assurance in the region. The lie that everything would be all right once with US involvement has proven
to be deadly disaster and danger for all in Korean War and Vietnam War. War and Martial art combat are not movie and video game. They always come with bloodshed and huge cost, particularly in civilian casualties, no matter who win at the end.
Furthermore, it is far from the truth. US navy does not have any advantage over China in Taiwan conflict because it is too close to Chinese shore that Chinese aircraft can be supported by land base near Taiwan and air refueling. US navy has to take on
the entire Chinese air force that have advantage in number and in distance. As we can seen, Taiwan military fraction and hardliners lost power in 50 years despite US involvement - corruption kill. After the Dong Feng missile crisis in 1996, both KMT and
DPP agree to more openness and trade with China instead of war, ending 50 years of Three Noes policy and confrontation. The KMT even lost ruling power in 2000 and ended one party rule for 50 years. The military fraction and hardliners of KMT are the
biggest losers because of Dong Feng missile crisis in 1996. Therefore, the lie of Chinese defeat in Dong Feng missile crisis in 1996 does not stand. Dong Feng missile crisis in 1996 was indeed a Chinese victory without bloodshed.
Quotation and data based on Wikipedia and internet
Equipment during Desert Storm 1991
Iraq Coalition China Taiwan 2UScarrier Coalition-KMT
Tanks 4230 3360 7500 Neglect 0 Neglect
Artillery 3110 3633 7700 Neglect 0 Neglect
APC 2870 4050 25000 Neglect 0 Neglect
Airplanes 800 2600 3010+ 523 180 703
Yu Fung Liu
P.O. Box No. 88312
at Sham Shui Po Post office
Once visitor of Diao YuTai state guest house for Dignitary with diplomatic immunity
If you prefer me to acknowledge the receipt of mail openly in public, just clearly point it out with large print in your letter to me.
Noone asks for rematch or duel in writing,in public,in person(ie press conference)so far.High risk of identity theft in person and over the phone after2000.Meet in person for important issue if doubt
under illegal censorship by war ciminals
Nothing changed unless updated. Got offer for three days job to test voting system in Legislative Council in Hong Kong.
Travel warning is in effect for Canada,GulfStates,Japan,Taiwan,entire Asia&some regions.Blackmail,ambush,interception of communications,drug&possible chemical weapon on civilians are expected in regions under their sphere of influence due to corruption.
Lee&Leung are known to use child soldiers&kill children/baby if they can't defeat the adults in war&in boxing,They stole children from others&turned them into assassins/warriors primarily because of their own genetically inferiority in sport&military
affairs,&the risky nature of the jobs.Japbutterfly(Lee&Leung)threaten to kidnap anti-war activists,patients,friends,&family members of veterans of Desert Storm&Cold War to regions where camels are native species.They claimed to backup the causes by
putting up advertisements on major transportation.Travelers are advised not to use services&products with“butterfly”logo,a symbol for JapMadama Butterfly/Leung/spynet&Lee since1898.Ignorance in Jap past evil is deadly.Lee&Leung deserve to die for
their crimes
Around 1990,2Iraqi boxers KO a US marine handtohand combat top trainer,Lee (a relative of BruceLee&JeetKuneDo expert) within5minute in a military exercise.10Iraqi republican guards followed up in attack with bayonets.In order to stop them from killing
Lee,I engaged them unarmed&KO all of them.Based on Lee's performance in the military exercise&my past boxing experience with martial art experts from military around the world,I found JeetKuneDo to be impractical in combat&junk compared to karate,
Taekwondo,KungFu&other martial act
My only deadly mistake in life&its consequence for rescuing westerners
Lost contact with most friends&family.File missing person report on some family members
All phone are illegally intercepted.Still alive after many assassinations.Live alone till now in strong spirit in small apartment & In coma for months/years after car accident in Canada bt2002-2005.Waiting for food offered by homeless shelter for months
near WATERLOO ROAD after kidnapped by Canadian hospital in2008
I have not talked to most business friends or family members since 2001 and there were not any conversation since 2006. I have not talked to my mother and brother for at least 8 years. If anyone claimed otherwise, It most likely that some identity
thieves have cheated them or you had been dealing with identity theft at the time in particularty over the phone. I still live alone till now in strong spirit in a small apartment The life of those visiting and looking for me are at high risk due to
corruption in phone company and in every aspect of life.
Goodbye Dr.Norman Bethune再見白求恩
Born in1970,not on ForthOfJuly
Cell 852-93460474
All Jap breed and Jap fan are sinners and guilty. Some Jap and Jap fan have declared war on me and my nation for Japan and their emperor so that butterfly Leung and Lee will succeed all the money and girls from Japan some years ago without the gutsy ever
serving me in writing or showing the authority to engage in war. Tragically, Jap and Jap fan in both Asia and Canada respond, and many innocence and non-relevant parties fell victim to their crimes. For every victim of murder, rape, or other crimes, Jap
breed and Jap fan will pay for it with life once proper authority declare war.
The life of those visit/lookfor me are at high risk
Agreements before1992,particularly for family members with DNA ties,shall be intact except for Jap,Leung,Lee, if any (they lose voting right within family members and were removed from decision making circle although they don't have to necessarily do
anything wrong. This is not an imitation of internment camps or isolation policy for Jap American during WWII. However, it is a family decision due to high risk of war at the moment )
Agreements after year2000are voided/suspended due to memory loss,longterm poisoning(14-16 years),theft,blackmail,identify theft&other crime/reason
My world record around1990with thousand victories
All contenders are required to complete blood test by Olympic doctor
Predators are exam by veterinarian
KO=Knocked out
European&gladiators in Europe fight predators with sword for thousand of years,The first on video,YuFung Liu from China fought all the wild predators alone&KO the first/most/biggest predators without weapon in the shortest period of time in human history&
the only Asian to KO predator,OmlypicChampions&HeavyweightChampions except2008Olympic before2011
Never lost a round in thousands of battles in life&so far
For the glory of victory in the ring, in war, in election and on street.
I got cheat out to preform unnecessary risk, but I still win and win big.
Last fight (death match) in the ring between 2001 and 2005 in a one VS many situation. KO and knock down many inmate death squad, defeated samurai and kendo students with katana, defeated many karate practicians despite more than 10 years of long-term
poison and lack of training.
Gladiator Record
KOorkilled 1bison,140-800lb tigers(incl Siberia breed),140-1600lb bears(incl Brown bears),140-800lb lions,140-600lb panthers&other predators
Boxing record
KO&knock down MikeTyson3times in a single game during Tyson's peak moment in around 1990. Mike Tyson retired in 2005.
KOthe most Olympic boxing champions&martial art experts in the shortest period of time
KOIraqi with bayonets&samurai with katana unarmed
Interviewed the most military personnel in the world
I rescued Lee from Iraqi&4hyenas based on humanitarian ground&the need to restore justice.It never suggests alliance with the Lee&his martial act.Kato(faceoff),Lee,Leung,butterfly on WELLINGTON ST are sickmen of the world
Comparison of treatment for Muslim fighter&Western veteran,It is time for a change
Reward for Western fighter&US veteran
National Coalition for Homeless Veteran
Reward for Muslim fighter&Christian convert to Islam
1976,an all-white jury imprisonedAli for draft evasion&anti-war activities,but overturned by SupremeCourt
MuhammadAli Center
The$80million,6-story,8,988m2 LouisvilleMuseumPlaza&3,700m2 amphitheater opened on2005
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Ali_Center www.why-christians-convert-to-islam.com
It's better to beAli than veteran.Everyone want the West to lose the war
Myths concerning firestorm, yubiao, yufung Liu, yu fei, Napoleon in the so-called Battle of Waterloo road
Myths #1: yu fung Liu, a middleweight chinese and the only Asian ranked #1 among the greatest gladiators in human history
Myths #2: Mike Tyson ranked #12 among the greatest heavyweight boxing champions of all time
Myths #2 has been illegally changed by hackers. Past writing about Myths #2 never mention about Mike Tyson and Olympic boxing champions.
Myths #2 rewrite as: The only Asian ever to KO Mike Tyson and Olympic boxing champions from USSR and USA around 1990.Those video recording that claim otherwise are all fake and computer generated image falsitied by the movie industry.
Myths #3: 1991 Operation Desert storm/Kuwait oil fires
Myths #4: 1996 Dong Feng missile crisis in Taiwan
Myths #5: Contribution of yu fung Liu to rescue Western hostages in Gulf War Myths #6: Contribution of yu fung Liu to antiwar movement
Release statement to say bye to Muslim nations:
As of 17:20 on July 22, 2012, Mr. Yu Fung Liu has officially retired
from 20 years of anti-war activist since 1992 because Muslims in East
Asia clearly suggest and imply that they don’t want anti-war activism
from non-Muslims and they no longer need it. Muslims have already
defeated the West in military term. Some Americans want Muslims in
Asia to refuse peace with those once rescued Western hostages and
children, and Muslims in the area agree to it.
July 23, 2012, 01:28, someone whispered over the air and said: “If you
can not be in peace with those refused unnecessary war against Muslim
and your kind, who else you will be in peace with from the bottom of
your heart?”
Between 2009 and 2010, someone intentionally broadcasted following conversation of two women near supermarket: “Muslims never keep their words to infidels and they don not have to. Fortunately, your sisters married to some prominent Muslims and you
will get away from many things including poisoning and kidnapping of infidels.” Others suggested to them later that all the past sin and choice of careers always are forgiven once they married to Muslim or became converted."
July 23, 2012, 19:00, someone asked with vicious intention: “Did Yu
Fung Liu knock out Mike Tyson with Yang styles and Chen styles taichi
in the early 90 before Tyson converted to Maoism and Islam many years later?” Here is Liu’s answer: “Liu never fought Mike Tyson with
taichi, but almost thought about using taichi tactics in the beginning
and liu’s grand mother happened to share the last name with Chen.”
Gang of Butterfly Leung for Wellington, Kato, Lee and Jap fan once
accused almost every Chen to be selfish and vicious in North America
that Chen’s clan always poison and attack their own kind including
close relatives in order to prove their genetic superiority in Martial
act over others including Chinese.
According to insiders,yu fung LIu did play with children in a Canadian
hospital and treat almost every employee as close friends until a
Filipino nurse offered a drug that directly and partly contributed to
my car accident and coma. The same Canadian hospital kidnapped me
later in early 2009. How everything suddenly changed so quickly
remains unresolved.
According to other insiders, Lee or Lee Kin's gang poisoned Liu and
lied to Liu over the phone in Canada that they are Liu's brothers and
they have been harassed and kidnapped by the same Canadian hospital
many times in the past. Insiders point out that Lee's poison and lie
directly contributed to Liu's conflict with Canadian hospital that
wounded several male guards before car accident and coma. However,
Butterfly Leung for Wellington, Kato, Lee and their gang have come up
many more new different stories about relation between Lee and Liu in
Asia that range from enemies, rivals, friends, to relatives. At one
point between 2009 and 2011, Butterfly Leung for Wellington and Kato’s
gang said: “The real Lee or Lee kin died long time ago and some
prostitutes prop up a substitute and puppet with high tech identity
theft and FACE/OFF technology similar to those in Hollywood movies.”
Many in the area and in Asia who infiltrated Hollywood have been
trying to undermine Lee with the movie American Gigolo and Richard
Gere (Chinese translation of last name for Gere is Lee) in the Battle
of Homonym for more than 30 years. Between 2009 and 2012, some
bystanders on the road repeatedly said to Liu: “Just kill several one
with the last name Lee and it will be fine.” Other bystanders also
suggested that they can wipe out Lee with one hand and they don’t need
aid from anyone else to destroy Lee.”
Although Butterfly Leung for Wellington, Kato, Lee, Jap, Jap fan and their gang admit to poison me (aka yu fung Liu) and employed tactics such as sleep deprivation once a while for 3 years long mainly to extract information during Cold War, 1991 Desert
Storm, 1996 Dong Feng missile crisis and partly to weaken me physically after 2009 by taking advantage of legal loophole and human right standard in certain region of the world, I am still in strong spirit.
Modern unit 731 used different kind of poison on political rivals for 8 years long at Fortress hill subway station, near China-Hong Kong hotels at North Point that led to the casualty of a Rottweiler, in Canada where caused several male guards wounded
and finally my car accident and coma.
Between 2001 and 2011, some in Asia said to Liu: “You should let Lee eaten by hyena.”
During the period of 2009 and 2011, Jap, Lee, Leung, butterfly as Wellington, their fan and international friends repeatedly imply/claim rape fantasy of 70 years old women in public and at night for more than 500 times in shortly several months. These
kind of subhuman deserve no human right and only to be ethnically massacred in a holy war.
On Sep 29, 2011, Jap, Lee, Leung annouce that they have found my body (aka yu fung Liu) among hundreds of dead at 11:00. Jap, Lee, Leung have claimed credit for killing me (aka yu fung Liu) and hundreds for my refusal to continue to cover up their dirt.
Therefore, I am generous to offer Jap, Lee, Leung another chance to kill me legally in duel before Oct 30, 2011. Since I am still alive till now after Sep 29, 2011, Jap, Lee, Leung certainly can try another assassination attempt to prove that they are
somebody and their words mean something before the deadline of Oct 30, 2011.
Subject: looking for relatives with US citizenship and I need all the docments concerning my diplomatic immunity back
To whom it concern:
Yu Fung LIU, a visitor of Diao Yu Tai State Guest House with diplomatic immunity was sentenced to Kwai Chung hospital for mental health, free speech, rescue American children in front of US consulate and thousands of Chinese. Supporters and fans of
Butterfly Leung for Wellington, Kato Lee, Jap also believe that wild predators are stronger than human and therefore it is impossible for human to KO predators with barehands. Anyone making such claim must be mentally insane.
Yu Fung Liu (aka yu biao) is also a relative of US citizens and rescue western hostage and US marine around 1990.
Both the judge and doctor took bribe in this so-called "show down for USA and the West" along with their new movie release "Headed West" in the war of homonym and foul language that the word "west" also stand for sexual organ of women in local language.
With a huge advertisment on the front side of Dragon center, they made their points clear to all the customers, visitors, and everyone live near beside the shopping mall by taking advantage of legal loophole in local law
Yu Fung LIU, once received email from national security advisor of President Obama during 2009
Feb 20, 2013
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