China Communist Party uses fascism in Hong Kong to stay in power
From Jedi Master@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 30 12:05:47 2020
Fascism uses race/nationalism and false war to justify dictatorship control over people. Hongkongers are also Chinese and they want their freedom and elected government but the communists deny them their race and nationalism.
Communism/socialism is a dictatorship based on false material identity instead of spiritual identity. Communism misunderstands the material identity dialectic to be superior to the spiritual dialectic and thus mistakes man as god or infallible. That is
also known as official atheism.
Communism/socialism mistakes dialectical materialism to be absolute truth even when they cannot create life nor maintain life and thus their "absolute truth" is actually false philosophy masquerading as knowledge.
Democratic freedom on the other hand also known as varnashram is based on spiritual origin of life and material nature. Thus people can transcend the darkness of ignorance and suffering caused by false ego and material dictatorship. Further, the
advancement of complete knowledge of reality distinguished from illusion for the ultimate welfare of all people takes place only in freedom/democracy. Thus, the pursuit of happiness and liberty takes place only in individual freedom not dictatorship.
From Jedi Master@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 30 11:58:19 2020
Fascism uses race/nationalism and false war to justify dictatorship control over people. Hongkongers are also Chinese and they want their freedom and elected government but the communists deny them their race and natonalism.
Communism/socialism is a dictatorship based on false material identity instead of spiritual identity. Communism misunderstands the material identity dialectic to be superior to the spiritual dialectic and thus mistakes man as god or infallible. That is
also known as official atheism.
Communism/socialism mistakes dialectical materialism to be absolute truth even when they cannot create life nor maintain life and thus their "absolute truth" is actually false philosophy masquerading as knowledge.
Democratic freedom on the other hand also known as varnashram is based on spiritual origin of life and material nature. Thus people can transcend the darkness of ignorance and suffering caused by false ego and material dictatorship. Further, the
advancement of complete knowledge of reality distinguished from illusion for the ultimate welfare of all people takes place only in freedom/democracy. Thus, the pursuit of happiness and liberty takes place only in individual freedom not dictatorship.