• More of my philosophy about the green book of the Libyan leader Muammar

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 15 18:29:33 2022

    More of my philosophy about the green book of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i think from my reading the following
    web page on wikipedia about the green book of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, that it was not so efficient, so read about it here carefully:

    The Green Book (Muammar Gaddafi)


    So i think that it contains many defects, since the green book of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi says that it rejects capitalism and communism, as well as representative democracy, and it says that instead, it proposes a type of direct democracy
    overseen by the General People's Committee which allows direct political participation for all adult citizens, and notice that "oversee" in English means to watch or organize a job or an activity to make certain that it is being done correctly, so i
    think that this kind of direct democracy is weakness since i think that it is much less apt than representative democracy, since i think that representative democracy wants the Elites that are apt to govern to be elected in Democracy so that to be
    efficient, but direct democracy is represented by the people that i think are less apt than the Elites of representative democracy, also i the green book
    of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi rejects capitalism and i think that it is not correct since i invite you to read my following thoughts of my philosophy and political philosophy so that to understand my thoughts:


    More of my philosophy about the human spirit and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and think that humans are today "much" more interconnected with internet and such medias than the past, so i think the today humans don't look like the
    old humans, since i think that humans today have the tendency to be much more pessimistic since the medias have the tendency to too much talk about the negative sides of humans, and internet too permits us to be much more conscious about our humanity ,
    and the internet too permits us to understand that our humanity is not yet intellectually enough mature, so i think that the today humans have a negative perception of what is humans, so i think it causes that humans have the tendency to be negligent or
    neglectful in there relationship with the other humans , so it causes that they neglect quality (and i think productivity too), so i think that the best way to solve the problem is to make humans intellectually "mature" by using the positive way of doing.

    More of my philosophy of how to your human desire and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and now you are understanding more my new philosophy, and read about it below, and of course you have to notice
    that you have to take a look at it from an holistic point of view, i mean that you have to read below how i am talking about how to construct the meaning of human life and how i am talking about the
    the exponential progress of our humanity, i mean that for example this exponential progress of our humanity, as i am explaining it below, also brings the positive spirit , so it constrains much more so that to also not be too much violence, so then you
    have to read both about my new philosophy below and you have to read my thoughts of my philosophy below
    of how to construct the meaning of human life, and of course my new philosophy permits you to control your human desire, i mean its way of how to appreciate human life permits you to also be patience permits you to control your human desire. So i invite
    you to read about my new philosophy below:

    More of my philosophy about my new philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and now i will make you understand
    more my new philosophy below, so there is the following french proverb:

    "Aide-toi et le ciel t'aidera."

    And its translation in french is:

    "Help yourself and heaven will help you"

    But my new philosophy is not like the above french proverb, since the
    above french proverb is like saying to the others to be responsability and to be hard work, but this way of doing is like the defect of the philosophy of stoicism, since in Stoicism, how can you be stoic in front of human life or life ? since "not"
    everybody can be stoic this way, so it is like saying to the others to be responsability and hard work , but how to be this responsability and hard work if they are not lovable and since you are not able to appreciate human life or life and you are not
    able to appreciate our kind of civilization ? so the above proverb start with an engine that is a negative energy and it doesn't permit you to appreciate human life or our kind of civilization, but my new philosophy permits you to "appreciate" human life
    and our kind of civilization, so the engine of my new philosophy is a positive energy that permits you to move forward and that permits you to appreciate human life and our kind of civilization, so read about my new philosophy in my below
    thoughts, and i invite you to read carefully my following new poem in french that abstract much more the way of my new philosophy:


    Que sont le chaud et le froid ?

    N'est-ce pas que le chaud te fait apprécier le froid ?

    Et n'est-ce pas que le froid te fait apprécier le chaud ?

    Et c'est comme chercher dans ton joli coeur un joli endroit

    C'est ainsi que ma jolie philosophie n'est ni l'effroi ni de l'étroit

    Puisque même l'alternance du jour et de la nuit est un joli exploit !

    Que sont le chaud et le froid ?

    Mais comme tu constates que je ne suis point le maladroit

    Et je ne suis point le cheval de Troie

    Puisque je suis devant toi comme de la jolie intelligentsia

    Que sont le chaud et le froid ?

    Alors comme tu constates que pour être un joli Roi

    Il faut aussi faire le bon choix !

    Alors est-ce que j'ai comme l'air devant toi le bourgeois ?

    Mais remarque bien que la joie peut être à la fois du québécois et du suédois !

    Même si je ne suis pas devant toi un François !


    More of my philosophy about humanity and about the human desire and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following video of a known french philosopher, i invite you to look at it:

    Le désir est puissance (Spinoza)


    So i think i am also a philosopher and i am not in accordance with the above known french philosopher, since he is speaking about the human desire, and he is saying that when you desire something and you lack this thing, it causes frustration and/or
    suffering, but i don't think that when you lack food you are just frustrated or suffering, since my new philosophy says that it is like the the day and night of our humanity, so the day and night of our humanity can symbolically mean that the day is the
    light and the night is the darkness of our humanity, so i don't think that the darkness of our humanity is just frustrations and suffering, since the darkness of our humanity is also a "light" that for example brings the insight and brings the good ideas
    and brings the good deals in business.., so it is also a positive energy and a positive spirit, since i have just said the following saying:

    "C'est aussi de la misère que viennent les bonnes idées et les bonnes affaires en business", and the translation of my saying in french is: "It is also from misery that come the good ideas and the good deals in business"

    So it is the same when you lack food and you are hungry, this hungry
    is like the night of our humanity above, since it makes the good things and it makes you appreciate food and it brings the positive energy, and as i said i think i am also a philosopher, and here is my new philosophy about this subject, so i invite you
    to read it carefully so that to understand my new philosophy:

    More of my philosophy about the essence of my new philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i will speak more about the essence of my new philosophy:

    So i think that the problematic of humans, is that they are not able to appreciate our kind of civilization, but i think i am a wise type of person and i am able to appreciate it, since when you are wise you will
    start to see the truth of our kind of human civilization, so where is
    the truth ? so if you say that you always need to have much more and much more of pleasures of life so that to be happy, is it the truth ? so my new philosophy is not against having much more pleasures of life,
    but it is against the not knowing how to generally tune the having pleasures of life so that to be happy, so i say that when you don't know how to tune it , it can hurt you and it can make you not be happy, and when you are not happy you will cause more
    and more suffering here and there, so now you are understanding more my kind of new philosophy, since i think that happiness doesn't come from you always having much more and much more pleasures of life, but it comes from a kind of mindset of positive
    energy that makes you appreciate pleasures of life and makes you appreciate our kind of civilization, since i think it is the wise thing to do, and of course you are noticing that i am saying that by understanding my new philosophy you can easily become
    happy, so what does means this "easily" becomes happy?, so as you notice that
    i am smart and i say that by saying that you can "easily" become happy
    is the i am speaking in a general way since i am doing philosophy,
    so it is like saying: "Most of people can easily become happy", so i am not speaking of an individual, so then i invite you to be wise and to reread my below new smart philosophy so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the alternance of the day and night and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, and i think that my new smart philosophy works, but notice again carefully that in the alternance of the day and night , the night of our humanity can symbolically means the darkness
    and the darkness can symbolically means the suffering of our humanity like of the world wars etc., but this night of our humanity is also a "light" that brings wisdom and that makes us be a positive energy, since it makes us more wise and this can make
    us more happy, so then we have not be pessimistic about the "night" of our humanity, since it can become a "positive" energy of the being a much more wise humanity, and here is a poem that i have invented quickly about also this alternance of the day and
    night and notice that in my following poem, that the fruits of the night(and of the night of our humanity) is also the "insight" that makes us more wise, so i invite you to read carefully my following poem:

    Here is my new poem:


    As the fruits of the day and night

    The "insight" is thus coming to us with a delight

    Because we are knowing more about the evil fight

    Because we are knowing more how to make a beautiful bright

    Because we are knowing more how to make a beautiful light

    Because we are knowing more how to make a beautiful right

    Because we are knowing more how to beautifully invite

    Because we are knowing more how to be beautifully polite

    And that's alright my baby, that's alright !

    Since that's also the way to unite !

    Since it is like a beautiful flight !

    Since it is like the words of the almight !


    More of my philosophy about the power of detachment and about my new philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart, since i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, but now i will explain more my new smart philosophy that doesn't look like the other philosophies, i think that
    my new philosophy is not like the indian philosophy that uses the power of detachment so that to remain free from influences of others and so that to not be hurt by our desires, but i think that this kind of detachment of the indian philosophy is not
    easily possible, since most of people can not detach this way from the materialistic world and from our desires, since the weakness of it is by logical analogy like the weakness of the Taoism philosophy, since you have to compare yourself to others and
    this can hurt, since the goal is that you want to be happy, so my new philosophy is different than the other philosophies, since in my new philosophy you can be happy by being like th
  • From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 22 18:33:19 2023

    More of my philosophy about the green book of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and about democracy and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i think from my reading the following
    web page on wikipedia about the green book of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, that it was not so efficient, so read about it here carefully:

    The Green Book (Muammar Gaddafi)


    So i think that it contains many defects, since the green book of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi says that it rejects capitalism and communism, as well as representative democracy, and it says that instead, it proposes a type of direct democracy
    overseen by the General People's Committee which allows direct political participation for all adult citizens, and notice that "oversee" in English means to watch or organize a job or an activity to make certain that it is being done correctly, so i
    think that this kind of direct democracy is weakness since i think that it is much less apt than representative democracy, since i think that representative democracy wants the Elites that are apt to govern to be elected in Democracy so that to be
    efficient, but direct democracy is represented by the people that i think are less apt than the Elites of representative democracy, also the green book
    of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi rejects capitalism and i think that it is not correct since i invite you to read my following thoughts of my philosophy and political philosophy so that to understand my thoughts:


    More of my philosophy about representative democracy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, so as i am saying, read it above, that the green book of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi says that it rejects capitalism and communism, as well as
    representative democracy, but i think that representative Democracy is the good system to have and it is a real advancement, since i say that it is like the competition of ideas, since we have to have the "good" competition of ideas so that to perfect
    the ideas, and the good competition also means the good "way" of competition, and it is the same for democracy, since we have first to have a representative democracy, since it permits to elect the Elites that are apt to govern, and second, the Elites
    that are apt to govern and that are elected , will compete , like in the way of the good competition of ideas that i am talking about above, so that to bring the best , so i think that this kind of competition in representative democracy is really
    important, and it is why i am not in accordance with the green book of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi that rejects representative democracy.

    More of my philosophy about dictatorship and about representative democracy and more of my thoughts..

    And i will make you understand more a so important thing about representative democracy:

    So representative democracy is like scientific, i mean that representative democracy is "not" confident with or "not" having trust in this or that political party or this or that Elites that are elected, but representative democracy is based on the very
    important process of the good competition that must be the good way of competition that brings the best, so representative democracy has to be always the good competition in action that brings the best, so then communism of China today is lacking this
    representative democracy , so i think that communism of China today is not as scientific as representative democracy.

    More of my philosophy about the belief in God of my new monotheistic religion and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    i think that you have to understand how i am creating the meaning of human life or life by quickly inventing and bringing to you my new monotheistic religion, so in my new monotheistic religion the goal is not just to fully believe 100% that God of my
    new monotheistic religion exists, but the goals are also to believe enough in God or to believe in a probabilistic way by saying that we can not neglect the probability that God of my new monotheistic religion exists, and hence from those goals you have
    to follow the laws of my new monotheistic religion that are inferred from the nature of God, and of course i have just talked, read it below, about the defect of the way of how to create the meaning of human life or life of the philosophers Jean-Paul
    Sartre and Albert Camus, so i think that the philosophy of the philosopher and economist Adam Smith has the same defect, since it is based on egoism that is the engine that creates competition between people , but from the individual egoism the egoism of
    a group or of a nation or of a zone like European union is created , so then it creates solidarity too, but the problem is that the engine of egoism as an engine has a problem of not being able to tune the fight for life correctly, so it is the same
    defect of what is saying the indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, read about it in my following thoughts:

    I have just looked at the following video of the indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, i invite you to look at it carefully:

    Does God exist? | J. Krishnamurti


    And you can read about Jiddu Krishnamurti here:


    So i think i am highly smart, and notice the approach of the above indian philosopher in the above video, so he wants humans to not believe
    in God , but notice how he is saying that you have to go out the belief in God and not believe in God and then you have to fight for life, and here again there is like a logical contradiction , since how to tune correctly this fight for life so that to
    not be too much savagery ? so then you will say that you have to tune correctly the fight for life by being fight for life, and it becomes circular logic that is not good and that doesn't solve the problem of how to tune correctly the fight for life, and
    it is the big weakness of philosophy and of the philosophers, and it is why i have constructed quickly my new monotheistic religion that solves the problems and that solves the problems of previous monotheistic religions. So read more about my new
    monotheistic religion:


    More of my philosophy about Existentialism and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So in the philosophy of Existentialism, the philosophers Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus said that the meaning of human life must be constructed through courageous choice in the face of this absurd situation of life, and this kind of choice cannot be
    understood as achieving moral certainty; rather it is moral heroism within an essentially morally vague and chaotic world, but i think i am a philosopher and i say that the way of constructing the meaning of the philosophers Jean-Paul Sartre Sartre and
    Albert Camus is not logical, since i say that the engine that is able to construct the meaning of human life can not come from the absurd situation of life and the fact that they want to use courage as an engine that constructs the
    meaning is a weak way of doing it, since the absurd situation of life is so strong, and it is why i am explaining my way as a philosopher to construct the meaning of human life by inventing a new monotheistic religion that creates the meaning of human
    life, and read my following thoughts about it:

    Here is my new smart proverb:

    "Human life is like a house, so the house has advantages that
    makes it valuable, and an ideal like the communist ideal is the same,
    it has to be valuable and to be exportable to certain level so
    that to be valuable, so human life is the same since if you say that
    we have to make it beautiful , so are we going to wait a long time so that to make it beautiful ? so are you understanding my question ? so if you want to say that human life has to make big money the most important thing , so is it the right way ? so
    as i have said that so that to be smart you have not to say that having big money is the most important thing, since it is about adaptation, so you have to say that good adaptation is the most important thing so that to guide the having big money in the
    right direction, so i say that even an ideal has to be guided by for example the meaning of human life, so i think in philosophy we can say that the meaning precedes the language, and in philosophy we can also say that the meaning of human life is what
    precedes and guides the ideal and guides human life and it is why i am talking as i am talking about the meaning of human life and it is why i have invented quickly a new monotheistic religion so that to create the meaning of human life, and you can read
    about it below"

    More of my philosophy about the Liberty of the national motto of France and more of my thoughts..

    I have just said the following:

    "In the national motto of France there is a problem and it is that Liberty consists of being able to do "anything" that does not harm others, but i think that we can not say that it is like the being free speech, since how can we be free to harm or the
    hurt the oneself, and how for example can we be free to practice Sado-masochism or the like that can harm and hurt others when there is freely given informed consent between adults ?"

    And so that to understand that i am truthful , so read the following
    article that explains the kind of Liberty of the national motto of France, and here is how it explains the Liberty of the national motto of France:

    “Liberty consists of being able to do anything that does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of every man or woman has no bounds other than those that guarantee other members of society the enjoyment of these same rights“.

    And here is the article and read it carefully:


    More of my philosophy of is the national motto of France an ideal and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    as you have just noticed that i have just said that the national motto
    of France of "Liberty, equality, fraternity" is an ideal, so i say
    that it is an ideal since Fraternity – or brotherhood – is about moral obligations and harmony, so i think the being harmony of it makes it an ideal, so it is why i say that it makes the national motto an ideal, and i think that so that to attain
    harmony we have also to create a good meaning of human life, also in the national motto of France there is a problem and it is that Liberty consists of being able to do "anything" that does not harm others, but i think that we can not say that it is like
    the being free speech, since how can we be free to harm or the hurt the oneself, and how for example can we be free to practice Sado-masochism or the like that can harm and hurt others when there is freely given informed consent between adults ?

    And i think i am smart, and i will say that what is also lacking is the meaning of human life, since the good meaning of human life must be enough strong so that to make the the ideal stand up, so what is this enough strong that makes it stand up ? so i
    think that the USA national motto of the "In God we trust" is important and i think that the trusting God or the believing God or the believing enough God makes the meaning of human life enough strong so that to make stand up the ideal , so then you are
    noticing that arabs of arab countries are not so stupid by still using as they are using the mechanism of the believing in God and of the trusting God, and it is why i have quickly invented my new monotheistic religion so that to make strong enough the
    meaning of human life, and here it is and read it carefully:


    And read my following thoughts of my philosophy so that you understand correctly my views about the meaning of human life:

    More of my philosophy about nihilism and about the meaning of human life and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, and i think i am a philosopher, so now i will invite you to look carefully at the following video:

    Life Has Never Been Easier: So Why Is Everyone Depressed?


    So i am quickly discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence in
    the above video, and the patterns are the following:

    So notice that the above video is saying that life has never been easier so why everyone is depressed, but i think that i am a philosopher and i say that the above video is making a big mistake and it is that he is comparing our human life with the old
    human life and it is a mistake , since by logical analogy i can for example say: What is it that we call a genetically smart human a genetically smart human ? so as you notice that the calling a genetically smart human is a relative way of measuring
    against the normal distribution of the genetical smartness, but is it the right answer if we measure like absolutely ? so i think that now you are noticing the big mistake, since humans are not measuring relatively the meaning of human life, but since in
    our today world there are many medias and there is democratization of medias and democratization of knowledge and information, so then humans are much more conscious about there human conditions than humans in the old world or in the past, and it is why
    they are becoming nihilistic, since they are like measuring absolutely and saying that humans are so weak when they look at all those constraints of human life and the constraints of our universe, so they say that human life is really bad, so then it is
    like a kind of nihilism, so the being nihilistic is to flirt with despair and the sentiment that life is not worth living, and of course notice that nihilism is also the sentiment that life is not worth living, so i am a philosopher and i say that a kind
    of nihilism can be the also believing that human life is not worth living without the negative emotions that comes with it and even if you live it in a kind of way , and of course i say that in nihilism, the flirting with despair can be not the negative
    emotions that comes with it, and of course this kind of nihilism makes humans really impatient and it creates a kind of disorder and it creates violence, and it is why this kind of nihilism is bad, and of course as you notice that i am defining nihilism
    as the following so that to construct a meaning of human life or life:

    I invite you to read the following article about the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and about nihilism so that to understand:


    So notice carefully in the above article that it defines nihilism as
    the following:

    "Nihilism is the conviction that there is no meaning to life, that the world is inhospitable to our highest hopes and values, and that there are no gods or higher purposes to justify our suffering. To be a nihilist is to flirt with despair and the
    sentiment that life is not worth living."

    So then i can say that in philosophy you have to make a difference between the problematics of the lack of the meaning of human life and of that of the becoming rich by for example the way of the engine of egoism as has said it the philosopher and
    economist Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism, since i am a philosopher that says that you can become rich as a country, but the lack of meaning of human life can make the "way" or the "path" of the becoming rich of the country not good, since
    the lack of meaning of human life makes humans really impatient and it creates a kind of disorder and it creates violence, and it is the deficiency of the philosophy of absurdism of the french philosopher Albert Camus, since Albert Camus says in his
    absurdism philosophy that there is a lack of meaning of human life, but he doesn't give us the "right" way to give a meaning to human life and he doesn't talk correctly about the problematics that are caused by the lack of meaning of human life.

    More of my philosophy about USA debt and about economy and
    more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think that USA will solve its deficit problem efficiently,
    and i think that's not the problem, since i also think that USA is
    borrowing mostly at a low interest rates, since i think in a long-term the interest rates at wich it is borrowing are low since USA is also a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, so it is why i think
    that the USA government can handle a "much" heavier debt load since also USA is a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, so it is why i think that USA debt is not problematic, also I think that USA will still be a super power in
    the future, since the USA debt is not problematic as i am explaining it, and i also say that we can not compare USA to China, since China has many defects like the "productivity" of China is not good both qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has a
    debt problem, so China is constrained by this factor of its debt problem, so China can not attain the level of productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively of that of USA in the near to medium future. But the productivity of USA is good both
    qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has other problems such as the quality of education of its workforce is much less than that of USA, it is why China is also lacking much in productivity both qualitatively and quantitatively. And you can look
    at the following video so that to understand more:

    Why won't China Surpass the United States? - VisualPolitik EN


    More of my philosophy about the measures that diversify economy and raise productivity and more of my thoughts..

    And here is my thoughts about some important measures that i think will diversify much more the economies of arab countries and will raise there productivity:

    1- You have to boost innovation through greater investment in knowledge-
    based capital.

    2- And you have to strengthen R&D spending.

    3- And you have to have stronger links between research institutions
    and the private sector.

    4- And you can make regulation in services sectors more competition-

    5- And you have to enhance incentives to entrepreneurship.

    6- And you have to strengthen the education system.

    And here is the other ways:

    And i think that in the private sector there is a personal interest and benefit for efficient use of resources and satisfying specific needs/wants of the consumers of a product or service. The owners of a business put their own money at risk, and their
    employees can and will be fired for not doing a good job, so it is in their best interest to perform well. But in the Public sector there is little pressure to be efficient or effective, so i think that you have to remedy by for example boost
    competition between the private sector and the public sector and by enlarging the private sector and shrinking the public sector so that to be efficient economies. And here is what i have just
    said about it:

    More of my philosophy about state planning or the too much state planning and more of my thoughts..

    I think what is happening today in our world is that the world Bank and IMF and many powerful western countries are wanting countries such as Russia and Algeria and many other Arab countries and such, by also forcing many of them in a kind of way with
    some mechanisms, to transition from the state planning or too much state planning to minimum state intervention by boosting competition and by enlarging the private sector and shrinking the public sector so that to be efficient economies, and
    specialization in a job is of course required so that to be efficient, and also they are wanting them to be Democratic and to have a separation of powers like in the U.S. Constitution that establishes three separate but equal branches of government: the
    legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces the law), and the judicial branch (interprets the law) so that to be efficient, and i think it is what is lacking in countries such
    as Russia and Algeria and many arab countries and such that prevent
    them from being efficient economies, and so that to understand more ,
    i invite you so that to look at the following interesting video
    of how Israel was not long ago an inefficient economy like of that of Russia and it has transitioned to an efficient economy in the Time of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and here is the video and look at it carefully:

    The Israeli Way of Doing Business


    More of my philosophy about how Algeria or many arab countries can boost there economy and more of my thoughts..

    I have just read the following interesting article about how Algeria
    can boost its economy, and i think it is also the way to follow
    for many arab countries, so i invite you to read it here:


    And read about the other way of using artificial intelligence in my below thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the USA currency and about investments and more of my thoughts..

    I think that the USA currency price or value follows the demand and supply rule, so i think that as i am saying below that the USA debt problem is not so problematic and that USA will still be a super power in the future for the reasons i am giving below,
    so it is why i think that the USA currency will still be strongly in demand in the future and it will be strong and it will be stable for americans. So you have not just to follow speculations of this or that, but you have to read my below thoughts and
    views so that yo understand:

    More of my philosophy about the debt crisis and about the currency
    and about investments and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following interesting video that shows that the problem of European Union can come from the debt problem or crisis of many european countries of European Union, so it is why European Union has to manage correctly and it is why i
    am talking below about the importance of the being high standards, so i invite you to look at the video here:


    So then i have to talk about the USA debt problem, so here is my thoughts and views about it:

    And about the US Debt Crisis, i think it is not so problematic, since USA economy is well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, and you can read more about it here in the following article:

    The Surprising Truth About the US Debt Crisis


    Also I think that USA will still be a super power in the future, and i say that we can not compare USA to China, since China has many defects like the "productivity" of China is not good both qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has a debt problem,
    so China is constrained by this factor of its debt problem, so China can not attain the level of
    productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively of that of USA in
    the near to medium future. But the productivity of USA is good both qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has other problems such as
    the quality of education of its workforce is much less than that of USA,
    it is why China is also lacking much in productivity both qualitatively and quantitatively. And you can look at the following video so that to understand more:

    Why won't China Surpass the United States? - VisualPolitik EN


    More of my philosophy about the long-term stock price and how to get rich and about more of my thoughts..

    And notice in my below thoughts that i am not talking about the benefits
    of selling your shares of stock, since i am taking into account the risk factor, so i think my way of investing is the safe way, So i invite you to read my following thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the stock price and about bitcoin and about how to get rich and more of my thoughts..

    Microsoft stock price stood in year 2022 at $268.09

    According to the latest long-term forecast, Microsoft price will hit $300 by the end of 2022 and then $400 by the middle of 2025. Microsoft will rise to $500 within the year of 2026, $600 in 2027, $700 in 2028, $800 in 2031 and $900 in 2033.

    Read more here:

    Microsoft Stock Forecast 2022 - 2025 - 2030


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i think that my below thoughts
    about investments in stocks is valid, since look at the above example
    at the Microsoft stock prices above, the first thing to notice is that
    it is just a forecast, but as i am saying below that it is
    too risky, since you have to diversify your investment by
    for example investing in index funds as i am explaining it
    below, and second important thing to notice is that the stock
    price is the current price that a share of stock is trading for on the market , but it looks by analogy like the bitcoin currency, since
    it also follows demand and supply, but i think that investing in
    the stocks is better than investing in bitcoin, since there is
    a return of investment in stocks that also permits you to sell much easily your shares of stock, and i think that this return of investment doesn't exist in bitcoin, also i think bitcoin has still much lesser value.

    More of my philosophy about being a seller of Amazon products and more of my thoughts..

    I have just said the following:

    "I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, I have quickly taken a look at Amazon profit margin and ROI(Return of investment), and i think by being a sellers of Amazon(or the like) products you
    can become rich, since you can buy in more quantity so that to lower the price of an Item of Amazon, so it is better for you if you have more money when you start selling Amazon products, and after that i think that you can use Amazon shipment strategy
    that easy the things for you, and after you make much more money by being a seller of Amazon products, you can invest a part of your money in index funds in stocks that have an average ROI of around 10%, so i think you can become rich by this way of
    doing, and i think that it is better than Real Estate investment."

    But i think there is still a problem in the being a seller of Amazon products, and it is that when you are a seller and you buy more quantity of a product so that to lower the price of an Item, there is a "competition" in this process of buying more
    quantity of a product, like in the process of creativity below, so there can be others that can buy much more quantity than you, so that to lower more than you the price of an Item , so it is i think the problem, so i think so that to be successful as a
    seller of Amazon products, you have to have much more money when you start selling Amazon products and so that to "also" lower the Risk, also you have to know that in most cases, customers(that i think can be sellers of Amazon products) can request
    returns within 30 days of receiving their order, and this shows that it is not easy to become rich as i am explaining it below.

    More of my philosophy about Real Estate investment and about
    creativity and about stocks and bonds and more of my thoughts..

    According to the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF), as of Q1 2021 the average 25-year return for private commercial real estate properties held for investment purposes slightly outperformed the S&P 500 Index, with average
    annualized returns of 10.3% and 9.6%, respectively. Residential and diversified real estate investments also averaged returns of 10.3%, and i think that a good ROI for a rental property is usually above 10%, but 5% to 10% is also an acceptable range.
    Real estate investing can be lucrative, but it's important to understand the "risks". Key risks include bad locations, negative cash flows, high vacancies, and problem tenants. Other risks to consider are the lack of liquidity, hidden structural problems,
    and the unpredictable nature of the real estate market, so i think because of the Risks in Real Estate, i think it is in accordance with what i am saying below, so reread it carefully:

    More of my philosophy about Benjamin Franklin and about investments..

    I have just looked at the following video about the US. president Benjamin Franklin that talks about the EASIEST way to become rich:


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i am not in accordance with the US. president Benjamin Franklin in the above video, since let us take a look at the following interesting web page of
    the Investment growth calculator from Fidelity investments in Canada, since i am understanding it easily, and here it is and take a look at it carefully:


    But notice that it is asking to put two important informations that are:

    1- Rate of return
    2- Inflation rate

    But i think that for the long-term investment, the Inflation rate is not so important, so i think that we have to focus on the "Rate of return",
    so i am highly smart, and i say that you can not be rich easily as i am also explaining it above, since you also can not for example invest in stocks of this or that company since it is so much more risky, so you have to "diversify" correctly by
    investing in index funds in stocks, since they are much less risky and i think that they have an average of around 10% of rate of return or return of investment, so i think that you can not get rich easily with it, since the Time to grow in the above
    calculator has to be set to around 40 years or so and this will permit you to have a "good" retirement, but it will not permit you to easily become rich, and i think that the Bond that is a fixed-income instrument that represents a loan made by an
    investor to a borrower (typically corporate or governmental) is not better in rate of return or return of investment than index funds, so then this shows that it is not easy to get generally rich for the people, and i mean "generally".

    More of my philosophy about my other logical proof of why i think that the main problem in our world is the lack of high standards and more of my thoughts..

    [continued in next message]

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