• Is it possible to manufacture things things in America instead of in Ch

    From Rusty Wyse@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 7 10:07:07 2022
    Raphael Hukai
    Living, Learning and Working GloballyUpdated Jan 19
    Is it possible to manufacture things things in America instead of in China, without price increases for goods?
    I think it is possible, especially with the AI and robotic revolution, the manufacture landscape will change. In fact, US does have advantage in terms of energy and land price. However, the issue is never been US vs. China, it is about US ourselves. The
    industrial foundation of today’s USA is from Henry Ford model T time, where middle class workers can work hard and afford a product they made! It created a great and almost unique (compare with traditional European industrial power) middle class base

    However, the world has changed, and US industrial structure failed to transform accordingly. Elsewhere in the world, regardless it is China, Thailand, India, Turkey or Kenya (just list few countries I worked/lived in), when middle class start forming and
    gain purchasing power, they want basically two categories of goods: 1. luxuries; 2. decent (enough) and affordables. For the later, they all will try to make domestically if possible. USA doesn’t produce either! That’s why when China wants (sincerely)
    to buy US products, there is not that much (besides airplanes, medical equipment and computers) they can take. Our country is not good at producing goods for “mass market of middle class of other countries”. Europe on the other hands, has plenty
    luxury products, from car, fashion, cosmetics, watch, you name it. Politicians and media are so much into China blame game, and failed to address the structural problem of our industry. You can blame China as hard as you want, but in the end, if you don
    t have things to sell to China, you will face the same problem in India, Thailand, Turkey, Kenya, and so on. China is selling the low ends, Europe take care of the high end, and US can only make bloody money from weapons, and making wars to create the
    market for it.

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  • From boro@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 16 00:16:24 2022
    T24gOC8yLzIwMjIgMjowNyBhbSwgUnVzdHkgV3lzZSB3cm90ZToNCj4gUmFwaGFlbCBIdWth aQ0KPiAgIMK3DQo+IEZvbGxvdw0KPiBMaXZpbmcsIExlYXJuaW5nIGFuZCBXb3JraW5nIEds b2JhbGx5VXBkYXRlZCBKYW4gMTkNCj4gSXMgaXQgcG9zc2libGUgdG8gbWFudWZhY3R1cmUg dGhpbmdzIHRoaW5ncyBpbiBBbWVyaWNhIGluc3RlYWQgb2YgaW4gQ2hpbmEsIHdpdGhvdXQg cHJpY2UgaW5jcmVhc2VzIGZvciBnb29kcz8NCj4gSSB0aGluayBpdCBpcyBwb3NzaWJsZSwg ZXNwZWNpYWxseSB3aXRoIHRoZSBBSSBhbmQgcm9ib3RpYyByZXZvbHV0aW9uLCB0aGUgbWFu dWZhY3R1cmUgbGFuZHNjYXBlIHdpbGwgY2hhbmdlLiBJbiBmYWN0LCBVUyBkb2VzIGhhdmUg YWR2YW50YWdlIGluIHRlcm1zIG9mIGVuZXJneSBhbmQgbGFuZCBwcmljZS4gSG93ZXZlciwg dGhlIGlzc3VlIGlzIG5ldmVyIGJlZW4gVVMgdnMuIENoaW5hLCBpdCBpcyBhYm91dCBVUyBv dXJzZWx2ZXMuIFRoZSBpbmR1c3RyaWFsIGZvdW5kYXRpb24gb2YgdG9kYXnigJlzIFVTQSBp cyBmcm9tIEhlbnJ5IEZvcmQgbW9kZWwgVCB0aW1lLCB3aGVyZSBtaWRkbGUgY2xhc3Mgd29y a2VycyBjYW4gd29yayBoYXJkIGFuZCBhZmZvcmQgYSBwcm9kdWN0IHRoZXkgbWFkZSEgSXQg Y3JlYXRlZCBhIGdyZWF0IGFuZCBhbG1vc3QgdW5pcXVlIChjb21wYXJlIHdpdGggdHJhZGl0 aW9uYWwgRXVyb3BlYW4gaW5kdXN0cmlhbCBwb3dlcikgbWlkZGxlIGNsYXNzIGJhc2Ugc29j aWV0eS4NCj4gDQo+IEhvd2V2ZXIsIHRoZSB3b3JsZCBoYXMgY2hhbmdlZCwgYW5kIFVTIGlu ZHVzdHJpYWwgc3RydWN0dXJlIGZhaWxlZCB0byB0cmFuc2Zvcm0gYWNjb3JkaW5nbHkuIEVs c2V3aGVyZSBpbiB0aGUgd29ybGQsIHJlZ2FyZGxlc3MgaXQgaXMgQ2hpbmEsIFRoYWlsYW5k LCBJbmRpYSwgVHVya2V5IG9yIEtlbnlhIChqdXN0IGxpc3QgZmV3IGNvdW50cmllcyBJIHdv cmtlZC9saXZlZCBpbiksIHdoZW4gbWlkZGxlIGNsYXNzIHN0YXJ0IGZvcm1pbmcgYW5kIGdh aW4gcHVyY2hhc2luZyBwb3dlciwgdGhleSB3YW50IGJhc2ljYWxseSB0d28gY2F0ZWdvcmll cyBvZiBnb29kczogMS4gbHV4dXJpZXM7IDIuIGRlY2VudCAoZW5vdWdoKSBhbmQgYWZmb3Jk YWJsZXMuIEZvciB0aGUgbGF0ZXIsIHRoZXkgYWxsIHdpbGwgdHJ5IHRvIG1ha2UgZG9tZXN0 aWNhbGx5IGlmIHBvc3NpYmxlLiBVU0EgZG9lc27igJl0IHByb2R1Y2UgZWl0aGVyISBUaGF0 4oCZcyB3aHkgd2hlbiBDaGluYSB3YW50cyAoc2luY2VyZWx5KSB0byBidXkgVVMgcHJvZHVj dHMsIHRoZXJlIGlzIG5vdCB0aGF0IG11Y2ggKGJlc2lkZXMgYWlycGxhbmVzLCBtZWRpY2Fs IGVxdWlwbWVudCBhbmQgY29tcHV0ZXJzKSB0aGV5IGNhbiB0YWtlLiBPdXIgY291bnRyeSBp cyBub3QgZ29vZCBhdCBwcm9kdWNpbmcgZ29vZHMgZm9yIOKAnG1hc3MgbWFya2V0IG9mIG1p ZGRsZSBjbGFzcyBvZiBvdGhlciBjb3VudHJpZXPigJ0uIEV1cm9wZSBvbiB0aGUgb3RoZXIg aGFuZHMsIGhhcyBwbGVudHkgbHV4dXJ5IHByb2R1Y3RzLCBmcm9tIGNhciwgZmFzaGlvbiwg Y29zbWV0aWNzLCB3YXRjaCwgeW91IG5hbWUgaXQuIFBvbGl0aWNpYW5zIGFuZCBtZWRpYSBh cmUgc28gbXVjaCBpbnRvIENoaW5hIGJsYW1lIGdhbWUsIGFuZCBmYWlsZWQgdG8gYWRkcmVz cyB0aGUgc3RydWN0dXJhbCBwcm9ibGVtIG9mIG91ciBpbmR1c3RyeS4gWW91IGNhbiBibGFt ZSBDaGluYSBhcyBoYXJkIGFzIHlvdSB3YW50LCBidXQgaW4gdGhlIGVuZCwgaWYgeW91IGRv buKAmXQgaGF2ZSB0aGluZ3MgdG8gc2VsbCB0byBDaGluYSwgeW91IHdpbGwgZmFjZSB0aGUg c2FtZSBwcm9ibGVtIGluIEluZGlhLCBUaGFpbGFuZCwgVHVya2V5LCBLZW55YSwgYW5kIHNv IG9uLiBDaGluYSBpcyBzZWxsaW5nIHRoZSBsb3cgZW5kcywgRXVyb3BlIHRha2UgY2FyZSBv ZiB0aGUgaGlnaCBlbmQsIGFuZCBVUyBjYW4gb25seSBtYWtlIGJsb29keSBtb25leSBmcm9t IHdlYXBvbnMsIGFuZCBtYWtpbmcgd2FycyB0byBjcmVhdGUgdGhlIG1hcmtldCBmb3IgaXQu DQoNCg0KDQpBbWVyaWNhbnMgY2Fubm90IHByb2R1Y2UgYW55bW9yZSBiZWNhdXNlIHRoZXkg c3BlbnQgdGhlaXIgdGF4IG1vbmV5IG9uIA0KaG93IHRvIG1ha2UgZ3VucyBhbmQgd2VhcG9u cyBvZiBkZXN0cnVjdGlvbi4NCg0KTm93IHRoZXkgYXJlIG1vc3RseSBhcmUgcG9vciBhbmQg YnJva2UsIHRoZXkgc3BlbnQgdGhlaXIgdGltZSBpbiANCnNleHRpbmcsIHBvcm4sIHNjcmV3 aW5nLCBkcmlua2luZywgc3RlYWxpbmcsIHJvYmJpbmcsIGJ1cmdsYXJ5LCBtdXJkZXIsIA0K YW5kIHNjYW1taW5nIG9mIHRoZWlyIHNlbGYgYW5kIHNlbGYtaW50ZXJlc3RzLg0KTGV0IGZh Y2UgaXQsIHRoZXJlIGlzIG5vIHBvaW50IGluIHBydXN1aW5nIGl0IGF0IGFsbC4NCg0KDQpU aGV5IG9ubHkgd29yayB3aGVuIHRoZXkgaGF2ZSB3b3JrLiBJZiBub3QsIHRoZXkgaGF2ZSBq b2JsZXNzIGJlbmVmaXRzLg0KVGhlaXIgbG93ZXN0IGxhYm9yIHJhdGUgaXMgbm93IGF0ICQy NSBwZXIgaG91ciBhbmQgdGhlIGV4ZWN1dGl2ZXMgYXJlIGluIA0KdGhlIHJhbmdlIG9mIGh1 bmRyZWQgb2YgdGhvdXNhbmRzIHBlciB5ZWFyLg0KDQpCdXQgdGhlaXIgcHJvZHVjdCBxdWFs aXR5IGlzIGV4cGVuc2l2ZSBtdWNoIGR1ZSB0byBzaG9ydCBsaW1pdGVkIA0KcHJvZHVjdGlv biB2b2x1bWVzLCBhbmQgaGVuY2UgcHJpY2UgaXMgYXQgc2t5IGhpZ2ggYXQgdGhlIHRvcCBv ZiB0aGUgDQptb3VudGFpbi4NCg0KSnVzdCBsb29rIGF0IHRoZWlyIGNhciBpbmR1c3RyeSwg d2hpY2ggaXMgdGhlaXIgbWFpbiBpbmR1c3RyeSwgdGhlaXIgDQpwcm9kdWN0aW9uIHF1YWxp dHkgb2YgbWFudWZhY3R1cmVyIGlzIGJhZC4gQ29uc3VtZXJzIGJvdWdodCB0aGVtIHdlcmUg DQpkaXNhcHBvaW50ZWQuVGhpcyByZWZsZWN0cyBBbWVyaWNhbiBhdHRpdHVkZXMuIFNlcmlv dXNseSwgVVMgaXMgb3Zlci4NCg0KDQoNCg==

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  • From Rusty Wyse@21:1/5 to boro on Tue Feb 15 15:38:40 2022
    On Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 8:16:03 AM UTC-8, boro wrote:
    On 8/2/2022 2:07 am, Rusty Wyse wrote:
    Raphael Hukai
    Living, Learning and Working GloballyUpdated Jan 19
    Is it possible to manufacture things things in America instead of in China, without price increases for goods?
    I think it is possible, especially with the AI and robotic revolution, the manufacture landscape will change. In fact, US does have advantage in terms of energy and land price. However, the issue is never been US vs. China, it is about US ourselves.
    The industrial foundation of today’s USA is from Henry Ford model T time, where middle class workers can work hard and afford a product they made! It created a great and almost unique (compare with traditional European industrial power) middle class
    base society.

    However, the world has changed, and US industrial structure failed to transform accordingly. Elsewhere in the world, regardless it is China, Thailand, India, Turkey or Kenya (just list few countries I worked/lived in), when middle class start forming
    and gain purchasing power, they want basically two categories of goods: 1. luxuries; 2. decent (enough) and affordables. For the later, they all will try to make domestically if possible. USA doesn’t produce either! That’s why when China wants (
    sincerely) to buy US products, there is not that much (besides airplanes, medical equipment and computers) they can take. Our country is not good at producing goods for “mass market of middle class of other countries”. Europe on the other hands, has
    plenty luxury products, from car, fashion, cosmetics, watch, you name it. Politicians and media are so much into China blame game, and failed to address the structural problem of our industry. You can blame China as hard as you want, but in the end, if
    you don’t have things to sell to China, you will face the same problem in India, Thailand, Turkey, Kenya, and so on. China is selling the low ends, Europe take care of the high end, and US can only make bloody money from weapons, and making wars to
    create the market for it.
    Americans cannot produce anymore because they spent their tax money on
    how to make guns and weapons of destruction.

    Now they are mostly are poor and broke, they spent their time in
    sexting, porn, screwing, drinking, stealing, robbing, burglary, murder,
    and scamming of their self and self-interests.
    Let face it, there is no point in prusuing it at all.

    They only work when they have work. If not, they have jobless benefits. Their lowest labor rate is now at $25 per hour and the executives are in
    the range of hundred of thousands per year.

    But their product quality is expensive much due to short limited
    production volumes, and hence price is at sky high at the top of the mountain.

    Just look at their car industry, which is their main industry, their production quality of manufacturer is bad. Consumers bought them were disappointed.This reflects American attitudes. Seriously, US is over.

    Yeah!!! Our main industry is war!!!!
    We are proud of our aircraft carriers, fighter planes, missiles,...

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  • From Satish Kumar@21:1/5 to rst88...@gmail.com on Wed Feb 16 11:34:31 2022
    On Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 3:38:41 PM UTC-8, rst88...@gmail.com wrote:
    Yeah!!! Our main industry is war!!!!
    We are proud of our aircraft carriers, fighter planes, missiles,...

    Yale Guen Mar, you came to the USA as a 11 year old in 1949. That was a long time ago. How come you decided to grow old in the USA without ever doing any meaningful work?

    Yale Guen Mar (aka Resty Wyse). You need time for contemplation. Mull over why you could never hold on to a job for long.

    Yale Guen Mar, remember how you got fired from the GeneGee Restaurants, first in China Lake and then in Glendale?

    Here is a partial list of employers who had to fire you for your lack of honsty and work ethics:

    * Tony Chee Mar of Star Cafe in Safford, AZ fired you.

    * Tony Goodman of the Volkswagen dealership in Safford, AZ fired you.

    * Junction City Cafe of Kansas fired you when Uncle Ben caught you wasting
    time engaged in unholy acts inside a piggery

    Your uncle (Tony Chee Mar's twin brother Ben Shee Mar) hired you as a janitor. Uncle Ben was willing to send you to college at Kansas State University. But you let him down so badly that he had to fire you.

    * Double Happiness Restaurant of Arizona fired you.

    This was a job that a class friend from school (who went to University of Arizona) had managed to get for you. You let him down badly when you got fired.

    * Kim Yee of Peacock Restaurant in Chandler, Arizona fired you.

    Tony Chee Mar had requested Ms. Yee to give you a job as a janitor. You botched up the job as usual and got fired. Tony Chee Mar felt shamed by your failure.

    * Mesa Rice Bowl of Arizona fired you

    The Mar clan was nice enough to get you a job at this restaurant when no other restaurant would. As usual, you let down the Mars and got fired unceremoniously.

    * The US Army gave you a dishonorable discharge.

    You just couldn't get over your perversions. The only reason that you didn't suffer a loss of rank with your dishonorable discharge was because as a private you were already at the lowest rung. In sharp contrast, cousin Homer served in Vietnam and retired as a colonel in the US Army.

    * Dynalectron's cafeteria in California fired you.

    This was just another lost opportunity for you when you got fired
    the very first week of joining.

    * Gene-Gee Restaurant of California fired you when you got caught purloining restaurant supplies.

    Yale Guen Mar, you most certainly didn't get fired from everyone of your menial jobs because you were a star performer.

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