• Why is NATO trying to push Russia into a war?

    From Rusty Wyse@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 31 10:48:58 2022
    Jay in New Zealand
    Travel: China, UK, AU, CA, NZ, US; HI-MN-AL, Pasifika, BaliJan 17
    Why is NATO trying to push Russia into a war?
    The US needs more money to compete against Russia and China, their budget would need to be ten times larger to be equal with. The new type 055 Chinese destroyer is around USD $700 - $900 million… so you could build four and a half Chinese or Russian
    destroyers for the same price as one American Zumwalt.

    …Yep the American Zumwalt destroyer is USD $4.4billion.

    How is America meant to compete without a better budget, having a war with Russia would allow America to print even more money… It’s all about the Benjamin's.

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