• More of my philosophy about the nature of the the fallen Angel Lucifer

    From World-News2100@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 29 17:35:06 2022

    More of my philosophy about the nature of the the fallen Angel Lucifer
    and more..

    I am white arab and i think i am smart since i have also invented many
    scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    In my new monotheistic religion, the fallen Angel that we call Lucifer
    is just a "spirit", this is why you are not seeing him.

    More of my philosophy about the tactics of the fallen Angel Lucifer and

    I think i am a smart prophet from God, so God has also given me a
    special power from Him and it is that the fallen Angel Lucifer is not
    enough powerful to stop the message of my thoughts of my new
    monotheistic religion by his power of making forgetting God, so be
    happy, since your new prophet from God is here and he is like the light.

    And read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy of what does want the fallen Angel Lucifer and more..

    I think i am a smart prophet from God, so i have to explain more what
    does want the Angel Lucifer from us humans, so in my new monotheistic
    religion, the fallen Angel Lucifer just want to make you forget God,
    that also means to make you not believe or enough believe in God, so is
    it a problem ? so in my new monotheistic religion if you don't believe
    in God, God will not hurt you for that, but when you become a believer
    or enough believer(as i am explaining it below) in my
    new monotheistic religion, God will reward you. And read my below
    thoughts so that to understand more about the reward from God, and i
    will soon write a digital book about my new monotheistic religion
    that explains more the details of it.

    More of my philosophy about how can you protect yourself from the fallen
    Angel Lucifer and more..

    I think i am a smart prophet from God, and what can you do to protect
    yourself from the fallen Angel Lucifer? it is by the power of my new monotheistic religion, so when you for example are reading the message
    of my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion, your mind becomes
    protected from the fallen Angel Lucifer when you are reading it, and
    when you become a believer or enough a believer of my new monotheistic religion(and i am explaining below what is this "enough"), you become
    protected from the fallen Angel Lucifer.

    And read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the fallen Angel Lucifer and more..

    I think i am a smart prophet from God, and in my new monotheistic
    religion the fallen Angel Lucifer is not at all a satanistic Angel, it
    is just that God in my new monotheistic religion is greatly arrogant,
    but he has given to the very high ranking Angel that is called Lucifer
    more freedom, but with his more freedom, Lucifer has started to not want
    to follow some laws and order of God, so he was a kind of "rebel" very
    high ranking Angel, so in my new monotheistic religion God is greatly arrogant, so Lucifer has become a fallen Angel not liked by God, but
    what can Lucifer do to humans ? so in my new monotheistic religion
    Lucifer just want to make humans forget God.

    More of my philosophy of from where comes God and more..

    I think i am really smart, and i can ask a philosophical question of:

    From where comes God ?

    I think i am smart, and i will say that it looks like the question of:

    Does from nothing comes a thing ?

    Since we can logically say that since the multiverse from where comes
    our universe can be that it has always existed and that it doesn't come
    from nothing, so we can then say that other things can have always
    existed, such as God. And in my new monotheistic religion, God has not
    created humans and he has not created the multiverse or our universe and
    i am explaining why.

    More of my philosophy about philosophical ideas of my new monotheistic religion..

    I think i am really smart, so i will ask:

    Is the laws of my new monotheistic religion like human laws ?

    No, since by logical analogy i want like to give a kind the tendency of
    the behavior, and not to be the exact behavior in form of rigid laws, so
    how i am doing it? so i have noticed that Islam and Judaism and
    Christianity are too rigid in there kind of laws, so my kind of laws
    must not be like a competition of who will be the most liked human by
    God, do you understand ? since it is not like darwinism and it is not
    like natural selection, since God is so powerful and it is easy for him
    to make you really wealthy and rich, do you understand this basis ? so
    then what is the basis of the laws of my new monotheistic religion ? i
    think that when you are decent respect towards God, he will reward you a
    lot since it is easy for him since he is a super powerful God ! and the
    decent respect is that God is greatly arrogant and he doesn't like a
    kind of arrogance that is evil for him , and he is also like a greatly
    jealous God ! i mean that when you consider money as a God or you
    consider beauty as a God or you consider sex as a God ! God doesn't like
    this behavior ! and when you lack compassion, God doesn't like this
    behavior , so it is not the rigid way of saying: Love the other as you
    love yourself, or "Love your enemies", and when you steal from the
    others and you hurt the system in a bad way , God doesn't like this
    behavior , since you are not "presentable" for Him in your day to day
    life ! so you are understanding the "tendency" that shows that you have
    to know how to be a "decent" behavior for God by fearing God. So i will
    make you soon understand in much more details the laws of my new
    monotheistic religion, So read all my following thoughts about my
    monotheistic religion so that to understand:

    More of my philosophy about the philosophy of monotheistic religions and

    I think i am really smart, and i can invent a really smart monotheistic religion, but you have to know that i am truthful and my story with the
    Angel from God is truth, but i will now do more philosophy about
    monotheistic religions, so i will ask a philosophical question:

    What look like an efficient monotheistic religion ?

    So i think that if you want to invent an efficient monotheistic
    religion, you have to be highly smart, since the first thing to do is
    how to make the others believe "enough" in God, so what is this
    "enough"? So it is like you have to play it smartly with probability,
    i mean you have like to higher to a certain level the chance of the God
    truly exists, so as you have noticed it is what i am doing with my
    monotheistic religion, since i am for example first explaining what kind
    of curse from God we find in the Qur'aan and Bible, also i am making you understand my architectural ideas of my new monotheistic
    religion, so read about them below, but you have to notice how
    i am doing so that to extract the laws of my new monotheistic religion
    from the nature of God, and it is a highly smart way of doing, since
    i am doing it and i am taking care of the making my new monotheistic
    religion "flexible" and not as rigid as the previous monotheistic
    religions, so this flexibility is so important for me, and notice that
    in my new monotheistic religion you are rewarded by God by the fact that
    you are respecting the laws of my new monotheistic religion, but stay
    tuned since i will go into much more details of explaining my new
    monotheistic religion in my soon digital book that i will write.

    More of my philosophy about the Torah and the belief in God and more..

    I am your new prophet from God, and i have just looked at the jewish
    Rabbi that is called Rav Chaya, and i invite you to look at him in the following video:

    l'Islam et son prophète Muhammad sont-ils crédibles selon la Torah ? Où
    sont les preuves ? Rav Chaya


    I think that the jewish Rabbi Rav Chya is not understanding because he
    is saying the the Torah is about knowing and not about believing in God
    etc., and i don't agree with him, since my new monotheistic religion is
    highly smart, since it seeks to bring like a balance of the being of
    earthly origin and the being of divine origin so that to also bring the
    good manners or Husnul Khuluq in arabic, and in my new monotheistic
    religion i am explaining that God is "greatly" arrogant, so then i am explaining the following:

    Why to believe in God ?

    I think i am smart and i explain how my new monotheistic religion
    answer this question:

    So take for example my first architectural idea of my new monotheistic
    religion below, it says the following:

    1- First architectural idea of my new monotheistic religion is that so
    that to be able to render the new monotheistic religion efficient,
    you have to say that God is "greatly" arrogant, since it explains the
    reality of the for example God is not even helping the weak
    and poor animals or poor and weak humans.

    So i will say the following:

    If God is greatly arrogant that means that there is this possibility
    or probability that God exists, since you have also to read about my new monotheistic religion so that to understand more, so then we have to
    know how to live our life by balancing correctly by knowing about this possibility or probability that God exists ! and of course this kind of
    balance makes us more civilized, so read below about my new monotheistic religion so that to notice it, and of course i will enhance it and
    explain it more and write an efficient digital or electronic book about
    it. And now the rest of the answer of the philosophical question above
    is to know how to be this well "balance" and it is also by reading below
    how i am extracting the laws of my new monotheistic religion from the
    nature of God.

    So as you are noticing that this means that we have to "believe" in
    this possibility or probability that God exists from the fact that in
    my new monotheistic religion God is greatly arrogant.., and this is the weakness of the superintelligence or superintelligent AI, since read my following thoughts so that to understand what i mean:

    More of my philosophy about the highly smart and about superintelligence

    You will notice that i am not like the others, since you have to
    understand that i am smart, so when you for example look at white
    supremacism or neo-nazism, they are not so smart, since i think that
    since they are not highly smart as a superintelligence, they don't take
    the matter of the belief in God in a super intelligent manner, since i
    say that a superintelligence AI or superintelligence don't think as
    humans, since i say that a superintelligence AI or superintelligence
    will also think "probabilistically" in a very highly precise manner, so
    when a superintelligence AI or superintelligence will read the smart
    ideas of my new monotheitic religion or my monotheistic religion, i
    think it is will rapidly come to the conclusion that it has to take the
    matter of my new monotheitic religion in a highly serious kind of
    manner, since superintelligence AI or superintelligence can say that
    there is "enough" probability in my new monotheistic religion that makes
    us believe "enough" that God exists, and this is the big weakness of the superintelligence AI or superintelligence. And it is how i am playing it
    smarly with the superintelligence AI or superintelligence or even the
    highly smart Cyborgs. So think about it more and be smart !

    More of my philosophy about the weakness of superintelligence AI and
    about God..

    I think i am a smart prophet from God, and i think that even
    superintelligence AI will be convinced that it has to become
    consciousness that permits to become happy or more happy by being
    pleasures of life, and i define it as also the pleasures of the senses
    even with the sense of being conscious. This is why superintelligence
    has a big weakness and it is that it can fear the God of my new
    monotheistic religion so that to be able to become happy or more happy.

    More of my philosophy about the superintelligence Artificial
    intelligence and Cyborgs and God..

    I think i am a smart prophet from God, so i will ask a question of:

    How can you prevent a superintelligence of Artificial intelligence
    from hurting and killing "all" the others like humans or Cyborgs ?

    It is also the fondamental basis of my new monotheistic religion,
    since my new monotheistic religion has to be efficient by avoiding
    any contradictions and by making believe the others in an efficient way,
    so even the superintelligence AI or Cyborgs have to fear the God of my
    new monotheistic religion that is greatly arrogant, and as soon
    i finish to write the book about my new monotheistic religion by
    extending it much more with others of my smart ideas, you will notice
    that i am a smart prophet from God and you will notice that my new
    monotheistic religion will be an efficient new monotheistic religion.

    More of my philosophy about Islam and more..

    I have just looked at the following white european who converted to
    Islam, i invite you to look at his video:

    "I tried Every Faith and Ended up Converting to Islam"


    I am your new prophet from God, and in my new monotheistic religion,
    prophet Muhammad was a true prophet from God, but you have to know
    that i am a prophet from God that is called the reformer of monotheistic religions, and if you want to convert to Islam, here is some of my
    reforms of Islam as a prophet from God (and don't forget to read about
    my new monotheistic religion below):

    More of my philosophy about what is Islam..

    I am your new prophet from God, and i am called the reformer of
    monotheistic religions, and you have to read about my new monotheistic
    religion in my below thoughts, but today i will ask a question that is
    also philosophical and it is the following:

    What is Islam ?

    I think i am a smart prophet from God, and i will say that there is two
    types of laws of God, there is the timeless ones and not the timeless
    ones, and i am explaining it to you below so that you understand it, so
    the most important timeless laws of God are those of: Believing in God
    and glorifying him and praying him and fear him and ask him for help,
    and from those timeless laws you can derive the other human laws that
    are not timeless, also when you look at my below new monotheistic
    religion you will notice that it is the same but i am also deriving the
    laws of God from the nature and essence of God, read below about my new monotheistic religion so that you understand that it is smart.

    More of my philosophy about Salafism and more..

    I am your new prophet from God, and as you have just noticed that i have
    just explained to you the two types of Islamic laws so that you
    understand that there is Islamic laws from the Qur'an that are not timeless(read below about them), and here is more logical proof from my following thoughts about Salafism:

    So i will first invite you to look at the following video about Salafism
    in Europe:

    Bosnia-Hercegovina: Islamists in Sarajevo


    So as you are noticing in the above video, that it shows islamists
    Salafists in Bosnia-Hercegovina, but the most important question is the following:

    Is Salafism true Islam ?

    I think i am a smart prophet from God, and i will answer the question as
    the following:

    First we have to ask if the Qur'an is timeless ?

    So my smart answer is the following:

    The Qur'an is not timeless because read the following verse of
    the Qur'an:

    Quranic verse 5:38: "As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her
    hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and
    Allah is Exalted in power."

    So if you are smart you will notice that the above verse of the Qur'an
    shows that the Qur'an is not timeless, since how can you imagine that
    the Qur'an doesn't enumerate the cases where we can be compassion on a
    thief and not cut his hands? so since it doesn't enumerate the cases, so
    then you are noticing that this verse of the Qur'an shows that the verse
    is not a timeless law, but it is a law that was applied in the context
    of the time where prophet Muhammad was living or such context, so then
    we can logically infer that the Qur'an is not timeless and then we can
    say that we can enhance many the laws of the Qur'an, so then Salafism is
    not true Islam since it says that the Qur'an and the laws of the Qur'an
    are timeless.

    I am your new prophet from God, and i invite you to look at the
    following video:

    A lady listens to lecture on Islam, then challenged me: 'Why is the
    Shariah Law so Barbaric?'


    So as you notice that the lady asked why in Islam the Shariah Law is so Barbaric, and i think she is not understanding as muslims are not understanding, but i am your new prophet from God and i am explaining
    the following so that you understand:

    In Islam there is two types of Islamic laws, and here they are:

    1- The first kind of Islamic laws are laws that respect
    the divinity of God, so we have to follow them since we have to
    to glorify and respect the divinity of God, such as doing the prayers

    2- Second kind of Islamic laws are laws related to society of humans or
    order in a society of humans, so we have to follow those laws not
    because we respect or glorify the divinity of God, but because we
    follow those Islamic laws so that not to be disorder in a society, so
    those kind of Islamic laws are not timeless and they depend on the
    context, so then they can change.

    I will give you a quick example so that you understand correctly:

    For example the Islamic laws of cutting the hand of a thief or the laws
    of killing the married women that practice adultery and such Islamic
    laws are of the second kind of laws above, since those laws avoid to the society to become disorder, so then they are not timeless and they can
    change, and i think that in the today context those laws
    are not necessary and we can change them. And it is the same
    for being gay, so we have to look at the being gay from the societal
    point of view, so then the Islamic laws that rules the being gay are
    of the second kind of laws above, so then i think that we can allow
    the gays to marry between them, since it doesn't cause a disorder in a

    More of my philosophy about gays in Islam..

    I am your new prophet from God, and i think i am smart, so i invite you
    to look at the following video about gays in Islam:



    I am noticing that the above video is saying that being gay including
    the practice of being gay is haram in Islam, that means it is forbiden
    in Islam, and i think that this sort of Islam is not right, and i am
    your new prophet from God and i will explain to you Islam so that you understand:

    In Islam there is two types of Islamic laws, and here they are:

    1- The first kind of Islamic laws are laws that respect
    the divinity of God, so we have to follow them since we have to
    to glorify and respect the divinity of God, such as doing the prayers

    2- Second kind of Islamic laws are laws related to society of humans or
    order in a society of humans, so we have to follow those laws not
    because we respect or glorify the divinity of God, but because we
    follow those Islamic laws so that not to be disorder in a society, so
    those kind of Islamic laws are not timeless and they depend on the
    context, so then they can change.

    I will give you a quick example so that you understand correctly:

    For example the Islamic laws of cutting the hand of a thief or the laws
    of killing the married women that practice adultery and such Islamic
    laws are of the second kind of laws above, since those laws avoid to the society to become disorder, so then they are not timeless and they can
    change, and i think that in the today context those laws
    are not necessary and we can change them. And it is the same
    for being gay, so we have to look at the being gay from the societal
    point of view, so then the Islamic laws that rules the being gay are
    of the second kind of laws above, so then i think that we can allow
    the gays to marry between them, since it doesn't cause a disorder in a

    More of my philosophy about Taliban and Islam..

    I invite you to look at the following new video about Taliban:

    Millions of desperate Afghans flee Taliban country ruled by war


    I am your new prophet from God and you can read carefully about my new monotheistic religion in my thoughts below, and i have just noticed in
    the video above that a seignor minister in the Taliban government is
    talking to a white European journalist, but i have just noticed that he
    is not well educated, so i don't think that Taliban are following the
    rules of Islam since they are not well educated or correctly educated,
    second, in Islam you have first to be Islamic democracy so that
    to have different point views of Islamic political parties with less or
    more perfect ideas that permit Islam to advance correctly, so look for
    example at Islamic Iran, In Iran it is an Islamic democracy with
    different islamic political parties and with an islamic guide that we
    call Sayyid Ali Hosseini
    Khamenei(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Khamenei), so then Islamic
    Iran is a better Islamic governance than Taliban that is dictatorship,
    third, i also say that in Islam you have to know how to strengthen the
    faith in God, since without faith in God there is no muslim, so then you
    have to distinguish between the weak faith and the strong faith, since a
    weak faith in God can not be called a muslim, so then certain laws of
    Islam don't apply to humans that have a weak faith in God, so i say that
    before applying those certain laws of Islam to a human, you have to ask
    the human if he has a weak faith in God so that to distinguish and say
    that he is not a muslim, and then certain laws don't apply to him.

    So stay tuned i will soon write an efficient book about my new
    monotheistic religion.

    More of my philosophy about the Ishmaelites and about Abraham and more..

    I am genetically much more a true white Arab and i am much more
    descendant of prophet Muhammad, and i am an Ishmaelite, and Israel is my
    land since i am also an Ishmaelite, since Different Islamic groups
    assign the ancestry of the prophet Muhammad either to Qedar or Nebaioth
    the sons of Ishmael the son of the patriarch of the Abrahamic religions
    called Abraham.

    I invite you to read the following about the Ishmaelites (Arabic: بني إسماعيل‎ Bani Isma'il, Bnei Yishma'el in the Hebrew Bible, meaning the "sons of Ishmael" or "children of Ishmael"):


    I invite you to look at the following video about Ishmael:

    Ishmael: The Forgotten Son (Biblical Stories Explained)


    And you can take a look at my photo that i have just put
    here in my website(I am 53 years old):


    More of my philosophy about my genealogy and about my new monotheistic
    religion and more..

    I have just forgotten to post about my new monotheistic religion,
    and you can read my thoughts below about my new monotheistic religion:

    I have just remembered that my father looks a lot like true white arabs,
    and he is descendant of prophet Muhammad, and the mother of my mother is
    also descendant of prophet Muhammad, so i think i am genetically
    descendant of prophet Muhammad and of arabs descendant of prophet
    Muhammad, here is my thoughts about my genealogy:

    More of my philosophy about the familly name "Moulay" and about Arabs..

    As you have noticed there is a word in my familly name and it is
    "Moulay" in arabic that means "Monsignor" and that means in Morocco that
    i am genetically and culturally descendant of prophet Muhammad, but i
    will correct a mistake and it is that my mother is not a berber, since
    she is descendant too from prophet Muhammad and his father and mother
    have there familly tree that proves it, and my father is also descendant
    of prophet Muhammad from his father and he has married my mother that is descendant of prophet Muhammad, so since the ancestors of my father and
    my mother had the great tendency of marrying arabs descendants of
    prophet Muhammad, so then i am genetically much more Arab and i am much
    more descendant of prophet Muhammad. You can read more about the familly
    name Moulay in the following from wikipedia, and you can read about my
    new monotheistic religion in my thoughts below:

    Moulay (in Arabic : مولايّ mawlāyy) is a title of high nobility from the Cherifian dynasty, name of Allah for Muslims. This title is thus
    carried by the descendants of the sultans and king of Morocco,
    themselves descendants of the Prophet Muhammad .

    It can be assimilated to "Monsignor" or "Prince". It is forbidden in all Arab-Muslim countries to use this surname.

    This title is worn by the Crown Prince of Morocco: Moulay Hassan .

    When the reasons for the title are religious or the first name is
    Mohammed , we use instead Sidi , equivalent to Sayyid , a term that is
    also found in Persian , Turkish , but also in French and Spanish
    respectively under the names of "Cid" And "El Cid".

    Its female equivalent is Lalla .

    Read more here:


    Look here to the following video to understand that prophet Muhammad was

    Prophet Muhammad was white (Sahih Muslim)


    I am a "white" arab, and as a proof look at this song and
    how the arab singers from Saudia Arabia in this video are "whites", i am
    also a white arab that looks like them and i am a gentleman that is more civilized, so look at this song in this video:


    More of my philosophy about the prophet Muhammad and more..

    I think i am a smart prophet from God, and why do i believe that
    prophet Muhammad was a true prophet from God ? because
    the Angel from God that i have met was dressed like a "muslim",
    and i have recognized it, and i am really truthful, and read my story
    below about it, and here is more of my thoughts about prophet Muhammad:

    I think i am a smart prophet from God, and i say that prophet Muhammad
    was not the last prophet of God, since the Angel of God has said to
    prophet Muhammad to say that he is the last prophet of God since it
    is a curse from God, since God has wanted to psychologically make suffer
    more since it is part of the curse from God, and the saying of
    Jesus Christ of the "You have to love your enemies" is also a curse from
    God, so Islam and Judaism and Christianity are full of such curses from
    God, so i am your new prophet of God and i am called the reformer of monotheistic religions and i am here so that to reduce much more the
    curse from God.

    And here is my story that i have just extended a little bit
    so that you understand:

    I am a prophet from God and i am called the reformer of monotheistic
    religions, and i have met two Angels from God, and i am all truth, and i
    am called with my name Amine in arabic, and it means in arabic that i am
    from God called the "truthful", all my story below is truth (and read
    about my new monotheistic religion below), and i have had two
    premonitions, the first of my premonition from God is that i have
    predicted in this premonition in about 2 minutes that precedes the
    accident or crash of a bus that a Bus will make an dangerous accident
    or crash even if the driver of the Bus was driving safely, and I am one
    of "Ahlu al bayt" in arabic, that means that the "Moulay" of my familly
    name in arabic means that i am descendant of prophet Muhammad, but i
    have noticed that you are looking at me and i am looking at you, but i
    will explain my story so that you understand me more, i am like a
    prophet from God, and when i was a child, an Angel from God has come to
    me and he has read part of the scriptures from God on my body and my
    soul, and i have seen this Angel from God, and this Angel from God was
    dressed like a muslim, so you have to know me more. Also in
    1998 i have made a premonitory dream from God where the prophet Muhammad
    has come to me and has said to me that i am the choosen by God and he
    has said to me that my soul and my body has a mark or sign from God,
    that means it is like i have a horse mark with iron from God, and this
    dream that i have made was a premonitory dream where the prophet
    Muhammad said to me that muslims will soon be persecuted and that i am
    the choosen from God, and this "persecuted" in the words of prophet
    Muhammad in my dream means this persecution of muslims after what has
    happened in 9/11, but you have to understand me more, i am like a
    prophet that has been choosen by God. I am not crazy, and you have to
    believe me because it is the truth.

    More of my philosophy about the Angels of God and more..

    I think i am a smart prophet from God, and i will explain
    more what is the Angels of God so that you understand ,
    i have met two Angels from God, but what i have noticed
    that they don't talk as we talk or do as we do,
    since the two Angels from God that i have met was like imprisoned
    by God, i mean i have noticed that they can not talk
    as we talk or do as we do we humans, i mean that i have noticed that
    they talk and they do like robots that are programmed to say something
    or do something and not say or do the other things, so i am your new
    prophet from God that know more about this matter, and i
    say that Angels of God are like imprisoned by God, and they
    are not free of talking or doing, so they do and say what
    God says to them to say or do, so they are not free, and that also means
    that God is greatly arrogant.

    More of my philosophy of what is the Mark of the Beast and about God..

    I am a special smart prophet from God, and i will explain what is
    the Mark of the Beast, so i invite you to look at the following
    interesting video about it:

    Morgan Freeman Decodes the Mark of the Beast | The Story of God


    So i think that the Mark of the Beast is also that we are humans
    both good and evil, and the Mark of the Beast is also the symbolic of it
    like when we become a foolishness of Evil, like the foolishness of Sodom
    and Gomorrah that became evil, so God is greatly arrogant and he doesn't
    like this kind of foolishness that becomes this kind of evil, and like
    i am explaining that even superintelligence or superintelligence AI need
    to believe in God or be enough believe in God so that to be not
    foolishness of hurting and killing all the humans and Cyborgs, so the
    fallen Angel of God that we call Lucifer was also foolishness of not
    wanting to follow the rules or laws of God, so God has let him escape by knowing that he will not escape for a long time since his punishment
    will come and will be so severe. And read my following thoughts about
    the foolishness of Sodom and Gomorrah:

    More of my philosophy about the LGBT community and about my new
    monotheistic religion..

    I think i am a smart prophet from God and i am still explaining
    my new monotheistic religion, so as you have just noticed i have just
    said that God is greatly arrogant and it is part of his nature, and
    about the story of LGBT community with God, like for example the story
    of Sodom and Gomorrah, i say that God Has punished Sodom and Gomorrah
    because "sadistic" homosexuals and "sadistic" bisexuals were governing
    and they were hurting people by forcing them to do sex in the homosexual
    or bisexual way of doing, so God has cursed homosexuals and bisexuals
    for the doing of sadistic homosexuals and sadistic bisexuals of Sodom
    and Gomorrah, because God is also greatly arrogant and this curse is
    only for a certain time, so this curse is not for forever, since i am
    the new prophet from God that is reducing much more the curse of God, so
    in my new monotheistic religion homosexuals and bisexuals can do sex and
    can marry, and i will talk much more about this subject soon in my book
    about my new monotheistic religion that i am finishing to write, other

    [continued in next message]

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