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All on Fri Jan 25 17:25:05 2019
Sábado, 26 de Enero, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Divinely, our heavenly Father had been looking through the generations of the entire earth for someone willing to obey His living-words, and He found Abraham, because through him and his family He was ready to bless the entire human race repeatedly until
it becomes His home-sweet-home into all eternity to come to live with His children forever loved by them. For our heavenly Father needed to pour every divine-word born within His holy heart as He not only gave life with His image to the first man in
heaven’s glory that is Adam and later Eve but also every one of His children through the generations ahead, and so, He needed to give it to them, but no one was found worthy.
Truthfully, our heavenly Father looked around the world and through the generations to see if there was at least one worthy to receive His holy-words born within His holy heart for every man, woman and child emerging from His image and living soul,
starting with Adam and Eve in paradise, however, He found none, because they had gone stray from His ways. Surely, these were divine-words born within His holy heart as every one of His children was born initially from His image and living-soul,
incredibly, He failed to find anyone to pour upon them His richness until He found Abraham willing to believe in them that He was ready to start pouring His words of richness and of everlasting blessings without ceasing.
Delightfully, our heavenly Father was ready to give Himself to him and his family first before granting him His only Son Jesus Christ that needed to be born in the midst of the families, so He may pour His divine words that needed to reach every one of
His children thus to live a blessed life as He lives His in heaven’s glory. Considering that, these are living-words born from His holy heart as His children emerged from His image and living-soul thus to become part of the new earth with glorious
skies that He has created for Him to live with them in His perfect will that is love, peace, happiness and endless-prosperity throughout eternity, conquering new glories and amazing sanctities forever.
However, first our heavenly Father had to pour them over His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac so not only His servant Abraham along with his wife Sarah may enjoy them with their children born through the generations but also the children from the families
of the nations, because He has living-words for them to enjoy these days abundantly. For Satan with his wicked nature from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil only speak to them continually evil words that cause pains,
infirmities, mishaps, poverty and even death, but His altar of love speaks always blessings, healing, prosperity and endless-richness to His children (as you and your loved ones these days, including your friends as well).
That is why, that our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ born within Abraham’s family, so He may start living with them with the amazing powers of His Holy Spirit’s daily powers that began to descend progressively thus for His altar to
become at last established upon earth, blessing every place, where His children will finally live in generations ahead. Given that, our heavenly Father needed to bless Abraham abundantly with daily richness that he had to accumulate along with his wife
Sarah, because this richness that was descending from heaven’s glory was not only for his children to enjoy but also to bless His holy name fire with them with abundant continuous richness until they may conquer Canaan.
Understanding that, once Abraham had learned to enjoy our heavenly Father daily richness pouring from heaven above by the amazing powers of His Holy Spirit that descended continuously throughout the land where he was living, then, it was to enrich his
son Isaac along with his brothers born through the generations ahead, for they were going served Him over His ancient altar. Besides, our heavenly Father had to make sure that Abraham along everyone else within his household had to become rich in His
holy presence with the richness that He had poured upon earth in those days, because not only he needed to be enriched but also his children in generations ahead until they will finally receive His holy name fire for deliverance.
That is to say, also that as when Abraham was ready to be called to ascend with his only son Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Mount Moriah, then he had to become already enriched with His richness that He had poured from heaven above
because of the birth of His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb. For our heavenly Father expected Abraham along with his only son Isaac to be considerably enriched before ascending over Jerusalem’s holy hill thus to offer him with the
richness that He had already poured upon him abundantly, so he may be abundantly enriched as he may offer his only son Isaac as the burnt offering needed to be sacrificed towards heaven’s glory.
In other words, with the richness that our heavenly Father poured upon Abraham was to enrich not only his only son Isaac but also the altar that he was to receive three days walks from his hometown towards Mount Moriah, because as he was to offer his
only son Isaac then he needed to be the richest man upon the entire earth. That is to say, also that not only Abraham had to be enriched greatly from heaven’s glory by our heavenly Father pouring the best of His angelical kingdom but also his only
Isaac along with every child born from Sarah’s barren-womb through the generations, by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers, so He may be honored along with His holy name with endless-richness finally.
Therefore, when Abraham was called to the mountaintop with his son Isaac as the burnt offering sacrifice that was expected to fill heaven’s glory with its aroma, moreover with the hot oven fires of His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and
His great Divine Justice: then, they had to do it with His perfect endless-richness, honoring Him greatly forever. For our heavenly Father needed to have Abraham’s child lying over the wood of Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, because He was
going to pour His divine-words that were born in His holy heart as He gave life not only to Adam and Eve but also to every one of His children to be born in the generations ahead throughout the earth.
Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to enrich so-greatly Abraham and his wife Sarah along with his only son Isaac, because as they will answer His call to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over at Moriah, then they had to have become the
richest family upon the entire earth because He was going to pour His living-words upon them in richness forever. In other words, our heavenly Father needed to have Abraham and his only son Isaac to be the richest upon the entire earth in those days,
because He had called them to offer a very important sacrifice over Jerusalem’s holy hill, at Moriah, where He was going to pour His living-words of the new earth with glorious skies over powerful endless-richness for eternity.
That is to say, also that it was only in this great richness that our heavenly Father had poured upon Abraham and Sarah that gave birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, where He was ready to pour His oath sworn to Isaac’s living-words, blessing the
promised children through the generations but also the children from the families of the nations. What's more, because of this great richness that our heavenly Father poured upon Abraham and Sarah that was for the world to receive His Son Jesus Christ
born as Isaac by the Holy Spirit, and for the promised children to inherit it through the generations, then, it was finally to ascend eternally enriched Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, worshipping His holy name forever.
Now, our heavenly Father told Abraham that his children will be slaves in a foreign land that is Egypt, but, born by the Holy Spirit as Isaac was to live with the oath sworn to Isaac, collecting every sin from the families of the nations, thus to destroy
them at the Red sea, so His richness to Abraham may enrich the earth finally. What’s more, our heavenly Father assured to Abraham that his children will be enslaved for four-hundred years in Egypt, because by being born by the Holy Spirit’s powers
then they will live with the oath sworn to Isaac, collecting the world’s sins impoverishing every family from the nations, to destroy them in the water baptism finally, for His richness to thrive universally.
For it was our heavenly Father’s will initially not only to save Abraham and his family but also to enrich them greatly from His richness instore in heaven’s glory that His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts have
always enjoyed through eternity thus to love, serve and worship His Holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill. That is why, that as our heavenly Father descended from heaven above to liberate the house of Israel from Egypt’s bondage, then it was not
only because the four-hundred years had elapsed already, but also because He needed the Israelis baptized at the Red sea with Abraham’s richness thus to multiply them through the Sinai’s desert to conquer Canaan with it eventually.
For this is Abraham’s richness that not only enriched greatly Egypt while Israel was being born in it through the generations with our heavenly Father’s new earth pouring upon Joseph every seven year of richness after the seven year of famine from
Satan had elapsed, so Israel may escape captivity with them enriching the water baptism, the Sinai’s desert and Canaan finally. Graciously, our heavenly Father’s richness poured upon Abraham and his children through the generations needed to go
through Egypt’s captivity, the water baptism of the Red sea, the Sinai’s desert, the Valley of the dried bones and finally Canaan, so it may enrich you these days—that is—if you may become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His
For this is richness that will enrich not only you but also your loved ones throughout your household, as our heavenly Father blessed initially Abraham and his wife Sarah along with the children that he had bought with money from strangers, so he may
give them a family love thus giving birth through generations loving families towards Him in heaven’s glory. Indeed, this is our heavenly Father’s richness granted to Abraham and his family available to this day for each one of us, because Jerusalemâ€
™s holy hill began to be enriched by it ever since Abraham was called to ascend to it with his only son Isaac, offering him as a burnt sacrifice unto heaven’s glory, so we may step into it someday with perfect salvation.
Definitely, it is our heavenly Father will not only to enrich Abraham and his children living through the generations but also heaven’s glory first than the families of the nations, as they may become reborn from water baptism and the Holy Spirit
baptism, so they may begin to receive from His richness from heaven above as Abraham did initially. Considering that, our heavenly Father’s richness granted unto Abraham and his children living through the generations may also have to enrich heaven’s
glory completely, because He needs to have His eternal life becoming one with His children born upon earth by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers from the oath sworn to Isaac as they are baptized in water, by invoking His name.
This is an important richness that our heavenly Father has entrusted to Abraham and to his children living through the generations, because it will not only enrich His altar of love towards His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the
angelical hosts, but also, His children’s oath sworn to Isaac’s living-words calling for His soon descend into Canaan. Understanding that, our heavenly Father after ancient Israel had been baptized in water to abandon the spirit of error for the Holy
Spirit walking in the sacred-flesh steadily, pleasing all truth and justice in heaven and upon earth, because His perfect will is done continually in His oath sworn to Isaac, then, He had to enrich the Sinai’s desert’s Israeli life with it to conquer
Canaan lastly.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed Israel born in Egypt’s captivity with Abraham’s richness thus enriching the Egyptians and everyone else everywhere in need of blessing during the years of famine, then later, He had to baptize Israel in the Red sea
with His richness that through the Sinai’s desert needed to make it into Canaan’s life finally to receive the King Messiah. Considering that, once our heavenly Father had managed to have ancient Israel with the richness inherited from Abraham along
with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers thus to receive His Son Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter, then, His richness will be greatly multiply to bless everyone entering into His new earth with glorious skies to enjoy through
Moreover, the way that our heavenly Father had chosen to bless every man, woman and child not only from the whole of Israel but also from the families of the nations throughout the generations until now is the water baptism by invoking the perfect
holiness of His name, because He does not want any richness from the old earth entering the new one. Nowadays, our heavenly Father will rightly bless every one of His children from the house of Israel and from the families of the nations as He blessed
Abraham and Sarah along their adoptive children with the promised children living through the generations until now thus to enjoy every richness given upon earth, but never to take it into the new one.
Because only His richness granted unto Abraham and his children living through the generations will access the new earth that is saturated with His rock of salvation: granting you abundantly from His unfailing love, joys, happiness and other blessings as
the Sabbath rest with its eternal daily peace that will be with you forever as you are reborn from the water baptism. Besides, it is only in the water baptism that you will finally perform at home as in your bathtub filled with water, abundantly enough
for you to submerge your entire body into it, or the nearby pool, river, pond or the beach, so you may emerge from the water baptism, invoking the perfect holiness of His name that grants you forever Abraham’s richness.
This is our heavenly Father’s richness as part of your daily life, enriching you in many ways as whatever your need may be, then, His richness will bless you along with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers working in your favor to attain your goals
without ever failing you, so you may enter heaven’s glory with your newly conquered richness someday. But none of the richness obtained by you away from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism will ever enter into His new earth, instead only
Abraham’s richness and from his only son Isaac’s, as the oath sworn to Isaac that will enrich you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends thus to enter eternal life to enjoy them always forever.
That is why, that our heavenly Father needs you baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because when you abandon the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh, then you will grow in the Holy
Spirit’s powers and gifts thus enriching you progressively with Abraham’s richness that will enter with you into heaven’s glory. This richness that our heavenly Father granted abundantly unto Abraham His servant not only was baptized at the Red sea,
went through the Sinai’s desert with ancient Israel, but also, it descended into the Valley of the dried bones thus to destroy every nation’s poverty from its core, so when you become baptized in water, instantly it becomes part of you forever.
Considering that, when you are reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit then you are dressed with His divine nature that is the oath sworn to Isaac operating in you, nourished daily by
Abraham’s richness that you will have inherited as you emerge from the water victorious over Satan’s nature forever. That is why, that once ancient Israel abandoned Egypt’s captivity then they went to the Red sea abandoning every sin that causes
people's poverty, but also, they descended into the waters with Abraham’s richness that had blessed Egypt along with the nations during Satan’s seven-year famine, so they may live, thus to descend with it to death victorious over poverty at last.
Considering that, our heavenly Father had in mind not only to bless greatly Abraham and his children living through the generations until the King Messiah may come, born from David’s virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit, but they had to descend into the
Valley of the dried bones bitten by the poison snakes but filled with Abraham’s endless-richness to enter Canaan later. For this is the richness that our heavenly Father needed to have not only Abraham enriched along with his only son Isaac but also to
enrich Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, thus later to enrich it again but with Isaac born as His Son Jesus Christ with the whole of Israel rising from the earth’s heart with it victoriously over hell’s poverty.
That is to say, also that the only richness that the entire house was able to lift from the Valley of the dried bones was never any of the ancient richness accumulated through the generations by many throughout Israel’s life, but only Abraham’s
richness inherited from him as they were baptized at the Red sea and later at the Jordan, conquering Canaan forever. For this is the only richness from the house of Israel that is still blessing our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest as every man, woman and child confess their names individually as manifested initially to Moses at the burning bush, so they may become reborn with it into eternal life forever blessed.
This is the richness descending continuously upon Abraham’s children, because it went through the water baptism at the Red sea, through the Sinai’s desert, finally to descend to the Valley of the dried later to ascend to Jerusalem’s holy hill with
the entire house of Israel loving, serving and worshipping His holy name fire in abundant divine-richness victorious over the world’s richness forever. Understanding that, it was only with our heavenly Father’s perfect richness granted to Abraham and
his children living through the generations and the Valley of the dried bones that had conquered finally over the richness of the entire human race that is accepted over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest and in heaven’s glory, returning to you today, thus
forever enriched throughout eternity.
Surely, when every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations become baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, instantly they will dress with Abraham’s richness to
receive the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers, so they may live a rich life pleasing God Almighty in heaven continuously. For our heavenly Father needs not only the entire house of Israel dressing with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers of His
living-word that will fill the earth with His perfect will eventually, because the Holy Spirit will descend with His angelical hosts performing very important tasks as they are done in heaven’s glory, so He may descend to earth soon.
Definitely, these are important living-words natural from His holy heart as He gave birth from His image Adam and later Eve to have the children, so they may speak these living-words that have already created the new earth with glorious skies but also
the new glories that will fill it, so His perfect will may be spoken always throughout eternity, starting with you. In other words, our heavenly Father as Adam and Eve were born from His image later to give birth to the children throughout His newly
kingdom of a new earth with glorious skies, where Lucifer and the fallen angels are excluded from ever entering into it, then, He gave the living-words that will inundate the every day human life throughout eternity.
This is where, our heavenly Father’s living-words that started with Adam and Eve in paradise to be lived by the children born from His holy heart, then they will speak them throughout His new kingdom of His perfect will, where only the rock of
salvation will be our daily love, joy, happiness and other blessings, enriching our living-souls throughout eternity with perfect-holiness. Because upon the old earth, Satan and his fallen angels are always speaking words from his altars and idols that
will cause people to suffer terrible problems, conflicts, difficulties, infirmities, curses, lies, poverty and death thus to descend eternally lost into hell’s regions of eternal torments, however, with our heavenly Father’s altar is the opposite.
For our heavenly Father’s altar is filled not only from richness that enriched His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along every angelical host from heaven’s glory, but also, He has enriched in the same manner Abraham and his children living
through the generations until now, because He only wants His richness from His perfect holiness to thrive always through Creation. That is why, that our heavenly Father needs everybody from around the world, specially the entire house of Israel, baptized
in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, where He will have His living-words naturally born from His holy heart turning this sinful-world into a new one, filled with His perfect will.
Provided that, every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations will be speaking His living-words born naturally from His holy heart as He gave birth to them from His image and living-soul to speak them throughout the days of their lives
here on earth and in heaven’s glory, so He may finally remove Lucifer’s sinful-nature from His children perpetually. This means that our heavenly Father will be speaking His living-words already granted them unto you, because, as you were born from
His image and living-soul then you were born with them, however, you may only begin to enjoy its daily power from His oath sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill, as you are reborn from water baptism finally these days.
Considering that, problems, difficulties, infirmities, curses, lie, poverty and death are bothering you along your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, because Lucifer still speaking his wicked words against His holy name fire over
Jerusalem’s holy hill as you receive them in your home, so you may only know disaster and terrible violence until you are destroyed completely. However, with our heavenly Father’s altar of Abraham and Isaac that is in Jerusalem’s holy hill, in
Canaan, where He nailed His name over His Son as the crown of his life and that of yours with your loved ones, then, His holy heart will speak progressively living-words born naturally with you in heaven thus for you to live always His enriched life.
This means that once you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then you abandon the sinful-flesh that ate the forbidden fruit to dress the sacred-flesh, where our heavenly Father eats
daily with you His bread and wine, granting you His living-words to speak life, peace and endeless-prosperity always. In this manner, Satan’s wicked-heart will never again speak to you his problems, conflicts, lie, curses, infirmities, poverty, death
and the constant threats of hell’s fire, because now our heavenly Father’s holy heart will be speaking His living-words of His divine nature that makes you holy and perfect, starting now well into all eternity thus conquering new glories unseen
before by anyone.
Considering that, in the oath sworn to Isaac you will not only receive Abraham’s richness but also His divine nature that will only hear from His holy heart everything that blesses you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the
world, because He is interested in blessing every man, woman and child despite their religious belief or culture. Given that, in the oath sworn to Isaac that is our heavenly Father’s divine nature in you only listening to the living-words born from His
holy heart as you emerged from His image and living-soul, then, Lucifer words emerging from his wicked heart, attacking you as usually, instantly they will flee from you, so you will only know constant blessings, starting now.
Graciously, this is how our heavenly Father affected not only Abraham’s family and his daily affairs but also every family from everywhere, because ever since He began to speak to Abraham and to his children living in future generations, then, it was
His holy heart’s desire to let them know His living-words that enriches them with perfect holiness each day, despite Lucifer wickedness. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have the entire house of Israel baptized in water at the Red
sea thus to become His high priest through the Sinai’s desert, the Valley of the dried bones and throughout Canaan as the new earth with glorious skies that He has created already, but blessed with His pristine-richness descended from heaven above.
This powerful richness that our heavenly Father had granted to Abraham and his children living through many generations to come they had to descend to the Valley of the dried bones after ancient Israel had finished carrying out rituals and ceremonies of
perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, because this richness needed to ascend to the highest heaven again. Consequently, our heavenly Father continued blessing abundantly the children from Israel and the families of the nations with richness from
heaven above, from under the waters of the earth, and again, beginning to descend from our heavenly Father tabernacle of the Holy of Holiest upon His children but with greater richness, thus, enriching the new earth with glorious skies to live His
eternal life.
For this is the life that our heavenly Father had always wanted to have the entire house of Israel living not just within Canaan’s boundaries but also through the nations, because He needs to have His living-words manifested in every man, woman and
child, since He needs to hear them ascending into His holy-habitation as a pleasant aroma blessing His holy heart. This means also that this is the life that our heavenly Father pulled ancient Israel from Egypt’s captivity to see them live it to the
fullest by the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers, where sin fails to exist, because His living-words will be blessing each one of them as He blessed humankind, by enriching amazingly Abraham and his children to come.
It is here, where our heavenly Father will have His living-words, and this is word-by-word, flowing through your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit as it flows thorough His Son and His Spirit, so He will do His will in you as it is in heaven’s
glory by His angelical hosts thus for you to enjoy His daily richness, enriching you progressively. This is the life that our heavenly Father pulled ancient Israel from Egypt’s captivity to bless continually, because in His oath sworn to Isaac, He has
blessed you already with Abraham’s richness taking you enriched through life to Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest to receive Him as your Father, Lord and Savior of your living-soul, because you have been baptized in water now.
This is the life that our heavenly Father will gladly descend into it from heaven’s glory not only to live with His children from Israel in Canaan but also with you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends, because He will be greatly honored by you, as
you are reborn from His water baptism and His Holy Spirit baptism to see life forever enriched. This is the life that our heavenly Father has blessed already to the full in the oath sworn to Isaac, because you will not only be always welcoming His divine
presence, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also, you will have received entirely His divine nature forever failing to know sin on earth and in heaven’s glory into all eternity.
This is the life that our heavenly Father receives daily from you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends in heaven’s glory, because He has blessed you already with His living-words that will continue to bless you with healing, peace, love, happiness,
joys and endless daily richness until you may enter into His kingdom to live forever blessed with Him and His divine family. That is why, that you may be suffering problems, difficulties, infirmities, curses, poverty and even death, then, it will be
because you have failed to become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, for the sinful-flesh to abandon you with Lucifer’s wicked nature of lies, curses, infirmity, poverty and death.
This means that since you were born from your mother’s womb then you entered into the world with the sinful-flesh, the spirit of error that attracts into your life all the wickedness from Lucifer’s wicked-nature that is to lie and curse you until you
will receive to the full his daily evils but also wicked events as accidents and threats of death. However, when you become reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then, the sinful-flesh is
replaced by the sacred-flesh, where His living-words from His holy heart flows naturally in your inner and outer being thus to do His perfect will on earth as in heaven, where you are blessed already powerfully.
This means that our heavenly Father’s living-words will flow through you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends as it flows through Him, His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, including people saved through the generations until now, so you
may receive His daily blessing, enriching you greatly always, because this is His perfect will for you in heaven’s glory right now. This means also that you will be able to live with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit in His perfect peace granted
unto you along with your loved ones to enjoy every day of your life upon earth, because, it is here where you will begin to experience His abundant divine richness that will help you grow richly reaching amazing-goals continually.
Besides, this is the life that every man, woman and child would love to have known already thus to live it with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit, so they may enjoy the unfailing love emanating from His Holy hearth, granting you powerful blessings
but also gives birth miraculously to everything that you may need to be supplied each day. For our heavenly Father has supplied you with everything that you may need during your daily life along with your loved ones, including neighbors and friends, so
His perfect will along with His amazing unfailing love with His Grace, His Mercy, His Truth and His Divine Justice may flow through you constantly thus for others to see His Goodness manifested in you always.
[continued in next message]
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