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All on Fri Dec 28 20:14:43 2018
Sábado, 29 de Diciembre, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
(We would like to wish a very Happy Hanukkah to every Jewish family around the world, starting within Israel, where the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) was born, so he may live our eternal life, granted by our heavenly Father, but only with the
Ten Commandments fulfilled and glorified through eternity filled with His Grace, Mercy, Truth and Divine Justice towards us.
Merry Christmas to every one throughout the Americas, may our heavenly Father bless you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends nearby and far through His Son Jesus Christ that has shed his atoning-blood filled with love thus to cover you, your
loved ones, neighbors and friends with his unfailing love, where there is no sin visible in you anymore, forever.
Feliz Navidad y un Prospero Año Nuevo 2019 a nuestras familias en toda nuestra gran América continental, y así, seguiremos bendiciendo a sus hijos e hijas en tierras lejanas, como en España y por toda Europa continental, con el amor del Padre, la
gracia y verdad de su Hijo Jesucristo, y con poderes y dones de justicia divina del Espíritu Santo. ¡Feliz Navidad—y Amén!)
Timely, our heavenly Father had to call His firstborn Son from Egypt’s captivity, and this is Israel that had been born with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers thus to become His high priest that He needed established upon earth, so He may finally help
the families of the nations to escape its evils forever. For the time had come for the house of Israel to glorify His holy name that had been born through the generations, as His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, so He may
use each of them as His high priest to remove sin from the world, starting from its foundation.
For Israel had accumulated every sin the families of the nations have committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from the past generations, to the present and future generations to come, and so, they were ready with His holy name
fire to become liberated from Egypt’s captivity, so they may become reborn by invoking His holy name fire. For our heavenly Father needed them anointed with the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because they were
not only to become baptized in water at the Red Sea by crossing in dried ground bound towards the Promised Land, shedding continually lambs’ atoning-blood all the way to it.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to have the entire house of Israel to take His holy heart grieving for His lost children to the lies, curses, conflicts, infirmities, poverty and death of Lucifer and his fallen angels in hell’s eternal
torment, but also, to take His new earth to them with perfect salvation powers each day all the way into eternity. These are the amazing daily powers of the oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father once it began to pour it before Abraham over his
only son Isaac that truly is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, He never ceased to pour His Holy Spirit upon His children born through the generations until finally He comes to Canaan.
Therefore, Israel had to abandon Egypt’s captivity because they had to dump into the seabed of the Red Sea every sin that they had accumulated from all the families of the nations from the past, the present and the future generations to come as well,
because our heavenly Father needed to manifest finally His new earth to humankind. However, first our heavenly Father needed not only the entire house of Israel baptized in water thus they may become reborn from the water baptism and from the Holy Spirit
baptism, but also, they needed to pour every lamb’s atoning-blood throughout the Sinai’s desert thus covering every sin, so His Son Jesus Christ may become reborn in Canaan.
For he alone was the one that our heavenly Father had chosen to fulfill every word from the two stone tablets of Moses and Israel’s Ten Commandments, because not one within Israel will ever be able to fulfill them into eternal glory except His only Son
Jesus Christ, so we have His perfect salvation with us at last throughout eternity. For these are commandments of eternal life that had to be fulfilled in perfect holiness throughout Canaan by His Son Jesus Christ, so every one of His children from
Israel and the families of the nations may have them fulfilled and everlasting glorified at last to enter eternal life forever justified with the oath sworn to Isaac’s resurrection-powers.
Besides, our heavenly Father had told Moses and Israel that they were inheriting a land flowing with milk and honey that they were to be careful to obey and fulfill every command in this new land about to be conquered by them, because only then they will
be acceptable unto His perfect salvation of His new coming kingdom of His perfect will. Surely, our heavenly Father needed His eternal life lived by His Son Jesus Christ not only fulfilling and glorifying His holy commandments into eternal glory within
Canaan for Israel and the families of the nations, but also, because He needed to descend into it with ancient Israel finally to enjoy His promised abundant milk and honey from it through eternity.
Considering that, once our heavenly Father had had His eternal life lived victoriously by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout Canaan, then, He could pour His healing to ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones, because He
needed them back into life again to honor, worship and exalt His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill. Given that, only His eternal life lived already by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through Canaan victorious over every lie, curse,
infirmity, conflict, poverty and death from Lucifer and his fallen angels, only then, He could grant His eternal salvation to ancient Israel, so they may turn the Valley of the dried bones into a fountain of healing.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father had called His Son Jesus Christ that is ancient Israel that had lived the four-hundred years of Egypt’s captivity collecting every sin from the past, the present and the future generations from the families of
the nations to abandon them at Red Sea in water baptism later to conquer the Sinai’s desert by shedding lambs’ atoning-blood throughout it. For ancient Israel that escape Egypt’s captivity needed not only to become baptized at the Red Sea but also
after conquering the Sinai’s desert with the shedding of every lamb’s atoning-blood through ritual and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, then, bitten by poisonous snakes descend to the Valley of the dried bones.
Considering that, ancient Israel with the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness that they had conducted throughout the Sinai’s desert within the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, then, they had conquered sufficient powers from the
oath sworn to Isaac to enter the Valley of the dried bones later to return to life with His Son Jesus Christ. Understanding that, with the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness that ancient Israel had conquered through the Sinai’s desert within
the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, then, they could be bitten by the bronze snakes rising from the Valley of death, because they could return to life on the Third Day with His Son Jesus Christ.
Besides, with our Lord Jesus Christ having defeated Satan and his wicked works within Israel and throughout Canaan, then, he took on the wood of ancient Israel that had accumulated every sin from the past, the present and the future to be nailed to it
along with the holy name fire thus to pour his atoning-blood, removing sin from the world forever. Therefore, while our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed victorious over ancient Israel’s wood that had accumulated the sins from the families of the nations
throughout the worlds from the past, present and future, then, he put an end to them including from the Valley of the dried bones, thus, turning it into a fountain of healing for the nations to heal forever.
That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ as he shed his atoning-blood filled with the commandments fulfilled into everlasting glory within Canaan, then, he not only removed sin from the world, but also, from the Valley of the dried and from every
hell from the earth’s heart, for sin to fail to be an obstacle in everyone’s life again forever. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to have ancient Israel lived the four-hundred years in Egypt’s captivity, accumulating your sins and of your loved
ones, so they may destroy them not only with the water baptism at the Red Sea and throughout the Sinai’s desert by shedding lambs’ atoning-blood over them but also in the Valley of the dried bones in one day.
Thus, you may never descend into hell’s torment because of any sin that you may have committed in life against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because Israel accumulated your sins and that of your loved ones to destroy
them forever with water baptism and with the King Messiah’s atoning-blood shed over them at Jerusalem’s holy hill. That is why, that when our Lord Jesus Christ, as the King Messiah of Israel, shed his atoning-blood then he was able to remove not only
every sin from the families of the nations, including their religious’ faith inequities but also from the hell’s torments waiting for them to descend, as they may die without the water baptism that saves them.
In other words, our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood over the wood of ancient Israel that had accumulated the sins of the world through the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, moreover they had conducted important rituals and ceremonies of perfect
holiness through the Sinai’s desert, then every sin was removed for our heavenly Father to descend to His children with lasting-healing. This is the healing that our heavenly Father needed to pour upon His children lying in the Valley of the dried by
nailing His holy name fire along with His Son Jesus Christ over the wood of ancient Israel, so He may restore His image upon them along with the families of the nations that will become reborn from water baptism each day.
This is a powerful healing that once it descended to the Valley of the dried bones then ancient Israel was released from sin’s powers, curses and death holding them down, thus to enter Judgment Day forever condemned, but, since the King Messiah paid
for their sins instantly they lifted to see life on the Third Day thus to worship the holy name. That is why, that the entire Valley of the dried bones became a fountain of healing, peace, blessings and richness that enriches every soul of man, woman and
child thus to become saved at last baptized in water by invoking His holy name fire nailed to the wood of ancient Israel that had destroyed every sin from the world and hell forever.
This is a powerful healing pouring daily into your life along with our heavenly Father peace established over the wood of ancient Israel, because in the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers your sins are forgiven forever, as you are baptized in water, thus to
enjoy His personal eternal life already installed in Canaan for you to receive it to its fullness today. For this is our heavenly Father’s personal eternal life that needed to defeat Lucifer along with his fallen angels in His great Grace, His great
Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice manifested in His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb later from David’s virgin daughter thus touching you and your loved ones with perfect holiness nowadays.
Considering that, if Isaac had not been born from Sarah’s barren-womb to receive our Father’s new earth, as the oath sworn to Isaac, filled with His faith pouring with miracles from His love, healing, peace, blessings, richness for Jacob to receive
them with his children living through generation, then, He would have failed to touch you with your loved ones with perfect salvation. Given that, this was the only way possible for our heavenly Father finally to find you lost in Lucifer’s lie, sins,
curses, infirmities, conflicts, poverty and death on earth, descending into hell’s torment eternally lost, because as ancient Israel was born then they collected every sin even in Egypt’s captivity to find you at last these days with His perfect
Legally, our heavenly Father needed to start removing sin from the entire earth with Abraham’s family as His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit, so they may collect every sin through generations in Egypt’
s captivity, cover them at the Red sea with water baptism to find you today, that is, if you get baptized too. Given that, after the water baptism at the Red sea, where they abandoned your sins along with those of your loved ones, including your
neighbors and friends through the generations, then, they went forward as priests through the desert covering them with lamb’s atoning-blood to become the tree to receive your perfect salvation over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan.
Certainly, Israel is the salvation covenant starting from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit, collecting sins from every nation’s family through generations, including your sins today, then, baptized at the Red sea later cover sins with lamb’s
atoning-blood, for the King Messiah rebirth from a virgin womb with the sacred-flesh covering your sins again with perfect atoning-blood over the wood saving you forever. Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to cover sin from those that had
died and descended into hell’s torment but also needed to cover the sins of the children through the coming generations, because He is willing to descend into His new paradise to live with you forever blessed thus to conquer new glories the fallen
angels failed to reach them forever.
That is that, ancient Israel needed to turn into the tree that will become the wood over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, where our heavenly Father will have His Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood filled with every victory against Lucifer and sin,
so you may receive your life back that loves you, enriching you each day into all eternity to come. Understanding that, Lucifer and sin along with death and every fallen angel needed to be destroyed with the sacred-flesh born from Sarah’s barren-womb
as Isaac that really is as always His Son Jesus Christ defeating Lucifer and his kingdom of darkness never to rise again against you and your loved ones these days and in His new earth, where sin fails to exist.
Besides, it was our heavenly Father’s perfect will that ancient Israel will be born captivated to sin in Egypt, later to become baptized at the Red sea thus through the Sinai’s desert to see the LORD over His altar, resting over Mount Sion, because
after covering sin with lamb’s atoning-blood then the King Messiah will shed his atoning-blood with everyone’s salvation finally. Therefore, it was important for Israel that not only to become born captivated to sin in Egypt but also after the water
baptism at the Red sea to become captivated again to the Valley of the dried bones’ powers of darkness from Lucifer and his rebellions impossible to destroy unless a powerful atoning-blood was shed over them to release them at last.
Truthfully, the whole of ancient Israel had taken the powers of death, curses, infirmities, conflicts, poverty and destruction from every sin accumulated from the families of the nations from the past, the present and the future as well, born initially
from Lucifer’s wicked heart impossible to destroy them forever unless a powerful atoning-blood was shed over them (ancient Israel) first, in Canaan. Understanding that, having ancient Israel accumulated the world’s sin through generations by been
born with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers in Egypt’s captivity, the baptism at the Red sea moreover shedding lamb’s atoning-blood daily for forty-years through the Sinai’s desert still they failed to destroy sin, until the King Messiah covered
them with his atoning-blood in Canaan, for everyone’s lasting-salvation finally.
Consequently, once the King Messiah had shed his atoning-blood over the wood of ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones, then, they finally became liberated pose to enter into Canaan victorious over sin, but, since the Sanhedrin had failed
to receive the Savior, immediately they ascended to see the LORD with Moses over the mountaintop on the Third Day finally. The Levitical priests needed to acknowledge our heavenly Father’s Son Jesus Christ not only as Isaac being born again in Canaan,
by the Holy Spirit’s powers, through David’s virgin daughter, but also that he had been born with the holy name fire given to him to be nailed to the wood of ancient Israel for everyone’s lasting-salvation, at last.
Provided that, our heavenly Father needed to nail His holy name fire to ancient Israel’s wood that had descended into Canaan, as His Son Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter, spilling already the atoning-blood as holy as possible for
His eternal life to be established thus to be lived first by His Son for Israel and the families of the nations. This way every man, woman and child throughout Israel and the nations will finally fulfilling His commandments given to Moses and Israel to
fulfill throughout the days of their lives upon earth, especially within Canaan, His home-sweet-home, so He may soon descend from heaven above to live with them in perfect holiness in His new earth, where sin fails to exist again.
Otherwise, our heavenly Father would have never been able to live His eternal life with His children from Israel and from the families of the nations, because His commandments had to have already been fulfilled into eternal glory within Canaan, so He may
descend to live with them in perfect holiness and as an everlasting family of eternal goodness unseen before yet. Therefore, it was important for His Son Jesus Christ to be born from David’s virgin daughter just as he was initially from Sarah’s
barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so he may finally restore his sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, only where the commandments of eternal life could be fulfilled for everyone’s life around the world at last, forever.
That is to be victorious finally over Lucifer’s lies, curses, infirmities, conflicts, poverty and death along other ills from the forbidden fruit, so His Son Jesus Christ could be nailed along with His holy name fire to the wood over Jerusalem’s Holy
of Holiest that is ancient Israel lying in a place of eternal curse, the Valley of the dried bones. Therefore, our heavenly Father was gladly nailing not only His Son Jesus Christ victorious with his atoning-blood against every wicked work from Satan and
the fallen angels that finally destroyed the angel of death forever, but also, He nailed His holy name fire over wood considered to be a curse thus converting His children from curse to an eternal blessing throughout eternity.
Indeed, our heavenly Father willfully nailed His Son Jesus Christ victorious over Satan and his lies along with His holy name fire to Israel’s ancient wood, while they were lying still in the Valley of the dried bones, so they may become instantly
blessed by the amazing powers of the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac. For the whole of Israel had been born purposely in Egypt’s captivity with the oath sworn to Isaac to become liberated by its daily powers of
amazing miracles, great wonders and signs in heaven’s glory and throughout the earth with humankind, so they may walk from captivity eternally liberated towards a new captivity of death, in the Valley of the dried bones.
What’s more, the whole of ancient Israel needed to descend into the Valley of the dried bones bitten by the poisonous snakes, because they had been born into the world with the oath sworn to Isaac that had taken upon the sins of the families of the
nations that had descended into hell’s torment already, therefore, they had to descend towards them. However, the whole of Israel descended into the Valley of the dried bones, with amazing new powers of perfect holiness of endless rituals and
ceremonies from the oath sworn to Isaac thus to rise to life on the Third Day with the King Messiah born in Canaan to shed his atoning-blood over them to finish with Lucifer’s evils at last forever.
For the entire house of Israel had to spend few hundred years as well lying in the Valley of the dried bones, awaiting for the King Messiah to be born from David’s virgin daughter with the holy name fire that needed to be nailed to their flesh turned
into wood in Canaan, so they may escape death at last. Really, Lucifer along with his fallen angels intended to defeat our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit before the angelical in heaven’s glory with his wickedness, then, it
had to be His holy name fire that needed to defeat him along with the angel of death, in Canaan and in the Valley of the dried bones in one day.
Subsequently, by our heavenly Father nailing His Son Jesus Christ bearing His holy name fire within him in perfect holiness in heaven’s glory before the angelical hosts, then, in Canaan, His new paradise and home-sweet-home, he had to convey it with
the same perfection and holiness before his brothers and sisters to defeat Satan’s lie, curses and deceptions forever. That is why, that when our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood bitten by the bronze snake that was truly the Roman Empire
occupying Canaan that pierced his hand, sides and feet thus to cause his sacred-flesh to flow the atoning-blood that had granted us eternal life in the beginning in paradise with Adam and Eve, then we may return to life again.
This is when, the entire house of Israel became bitten again with bronze snakelike nails to their hands, sides and feet, because now they were not descending any deeper into hell’s torment, but instead, they were been lifted to where Moses was waiting
for them soon to enter into Canaan anyday now—that is—when the Sanhedrin recognizes the King Messiah finally. For the whole of Israel was lifted on the Third Day to see life again because they had spent hundreds of years waiting for the King Messiah
to come and save them, but, while they were waiting they miraculously absorbed every sin that was holding the families from ancient nations in hell’s torment but also the children’s sins from generations to come.
That is to say, also that as ancient Israel abandoned the Valley of the dried bones, then they not only absorbed every sin holding every living-soul from humankind in hell’s torment but also acquired the powers to release any sin holding their children
descending into hell’s torment, thus, sin will fail to have power over them again these days and forevermore. That is why, that when ancient Israel was lifted from the Valley of the dried bones then there were no sins left behind that they had not
dealt with them, because with the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac instantly they converted the entire site of torment into a fountain of daily healing for the nations forever.
However, you may ask why then our heavenly Father will not release them from the torments of hell, since He has destroyed every sin in the Valley of the dried bones and over the surface of the earth even into heaven’s glory, where the angels first
sinned, the answer is because in the old earth they will sin again. Given that, when our heavenly Father released the entire house of Israel from the Valley of the dried bones then He could not allow them to enter into Canaan, because first it is not a
land flowing with milk and honey yet—and so—not until then, that is, when Israel becomes reborn from the water baptism by invoking His holy name fire.
Considering that, our heavenly Father has done everything that was needed to destroy every sin, curse, lie, infirmity, conflict, poverty and death from Lucifer’s heart and the fallen angel, including the angel of death, because He had purposely His
children in hell for you, so your sins may be destroyed at last completely and forevermore. Now, because the entire house of Israel was lifted from the Valley of the dried bones thus turning into a fountain of every day healing, blessing, prosperity and
resurrection powers of lasting-salvation for you and your loved ones, including your neighbors and friends, then, you may live assured that Satan’s sin and his wicked powers have no power over you forever.
That is to say, also that whatever you may have decided to acquire in life then you may do it without any problems, because the sin problems that were holding you from reaching your goals have been destroyed from its root, and this is destroyed from
Lucifer’s heart and from hell’s torments itself, so you may live forever enriched finally. That is why, that the whole of Israel as our heavenly Father’s firstborn not only served Him with the oath sworn to Isaac for four-hundred years to take on
the sins of the families of the nations but also after water baptism to descend into the Valley of the dried bones for another few hundred years of service to destroy sin forever.
Lawfully, the entire house Israel needed to destroy every sin accumulated in Egypt’s captivity not only with the water baptism at the Red sea but also to cover them with lambs’ atoning-blood within the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest,
so they may destroy them completely with the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness. For the King Messiah was going to be born in Canaan from David’s virgin daughter thus to live our heavenly Father’s eternal life with
every blessing that belong to them throughout their days on earth and into eternity, so they may finally have the commandments fulfilled in them into eternal glories of the new earth, where sin fails to exist again forever.
That is why, that went the set time was over for Israel to abandon the Valley of the dried bones then this meant that they had completely destroyed every sin that our Lord Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit had confronted within every Israeli home
throughout Canaan, so he may finally shed his atoning-blood over the wood destroying sin forever. In other words, while our Lord Jesus Christ was living his messianic life along with the Holy Spirit throughout Canaan’s lands, then, as he was
confronting every sin that had affected Israel’s life through the generations was destroyed by the ancient Israelis lying in the Valley of the dried bones with the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness.
Because our Lord Jesus Christ had to live the life of the commandments, regulations, decrees, precepts and other civil laws that the entire house of Israel needed to fulfill within Canaan and in our heavenly Father’s eternal life that had been granted
to them, so they may become accepted finally within His new earth, where sin fails to exist again into eternity. Therefore, right after our Lord Jesus Christ had lived the life of every man, woman and child not only from Israel lying already in the
Valley of the dried bones but also of their children coming from future generations along with those of the families of the nations, then, he had full power to kill the angel of death and hell at last.
This is when, our Lord Jesus Christ was able to ascend Jerusalem’s holy hill with the wood of ancient Israel on his shoulder, because he knew perfectly that every sin had been destroyed not only from Lucifer’s heart but also in hell’s torment, so
Israel may see life again on the Third Day for the glory and honor of His holy name. This is when, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ nailed not only to the wood and His holy name fire but also to His children lying in the Valley of the dried
bones along with the families of the nations, and this is you today along with your loved ones, including neighbors and friends, because sin has been destroyed forever.
This means also that you can go about your life without the fear of any attack from the enemy and his fallen angels, because our heavenly Father through the house of Israel in captivity in Egypt and in the Valley of the dried bones has destroyed forever
ever sin in life from its roots, so you may live healed in lasting-peace today. And for this to be possible for you these days then you must be reborn from the water baptism and from the Holy Spirit baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name
fire nailed to the wood of ancient Israel over Jerusalem’s holy hill, from where our heavenly Father sent His healing to ancient Israel and to you too today.
Considering that, through the powers of the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism then you will abandon the sinful life that Lucifer has given you through his lies and the forbidden fruit now to receive our heavenly Father’s personal life granted
unto you through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may live liberated always receiving His endless-goodness. Given that, our heavenly Father has granted you not only His perfect holiness along with His own eternal life filled with amazing
untold richness but also He is ready to continue to bless you with new richness prepared in His holy heart for those that love Him through the love, joys, happiness and other blessings from His rock of salvation.
Realizing that, our heavenly Father has given you birth from His image and from His living-soul over the rock of salvation, so the foundation of your life on earth and in heaven’s glory will always be unmovable, since the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers
will be operating in you each day nonstop even beyond eternity. That is why, that our heavenly Father started His covenant of life with Abraham and his three sacrifices, over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood with two birds uncut, because
the two birds represented the two witnesses on the side of the Messiah’s wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, but, their blood failed to count except His Son’s shedding from his wounded sacred-flesh.
In other words, the two uncut birds along with the three sacrifices with their atoning-blood spilled over the rock of salvation there were two witnesses that also will be nailed to their wood, however, the king Messiah’s wood was conveyed by our
heavenly Father with His holy name fire burning to expiate every sin with his atoning-blood shed finally in Canaan. Now, for Israel to enter into this covenant of life then they had to become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name,
His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so they may abandon their sins along with the sinful-flesh to receive the sacred-flesh along with the Holy Spirit leading them always by the Highway of Righteousness.
[continued in next message]
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