ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Nov 16 20:26:35 2018
Sábado, 17 de Noviembre, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
After our heavenly Father had spoken to Moses over Mount Sinai, then, He said that he must go with the leaders of Israel to meet the Egyptian Pharaoh in person, because he had to release the children of Israel into the wilderness to offer sacrifices onto
their ancestors’ God, since the days had come to worship His holy name fire upon earth finally. These were the days in which our heavenly Father had granted already His holy name fire to Moses as the God of Abraham, the God Isaac and the God of Jacob,
because now they were ready to love, serve and worship it over Jerusalem’s holy hill with He Himself nailed to them over the entire earth perpetually.
This was an important sacrifice that ancient Israel was obligated to execute it over Jerusalem’s holy hill with our heavenly Father’s perfect holiness, perfect glory and eternal life, because He was exalting not only His holy name fire over the world
but also the new earth with its glorious skies born from Sarah’s barren-womb, as His Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac. In these days, the entire house of Israel had already lived their four-hundred years of Egypt’s captivity our heavenly Father
spoke about to Abraham as he sacrificed the three lambs with their halves opposing each other over the rock of salvation along with two pigeons uncut, so He may return with His torch to expiate for the sins of the world.
This torch that our heavenly Father brought along with Him that night expiating for the sins of the world within the lamb’s halves facing each other, it was Jacob His firstborn along with his children that will be born in Egypt’s captivity with the
oath sworn to Isaac, accumulating every sin from the families of the nations already lying in hell’s torment. This was the proper time for our heavenly Father finally to grant His holy name fire for the first time to Moses for Israel to possess it
forever, because the entire house of Israel had been born in captivity with the blessing of the oath sworn to Isaac but not with His name, and so, now He could give it to them.
Understanding that, Israel needed to live the entire period of their captivity in Egypt without His holy name fire, so they may collect every sin from all the families of the nations, because our heavenly Father with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily
powers thus for Him to destroy them at the bottom of the seabed in one water baptism only, forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father could not give to Jacob and his children His holy name fire before the years of captivity in Egypt were finished,
because if He had given it to them earlier, then they would had failed to collect every sin from the families of the nations to dump them finally at the Red sea in water baptism.
Therefore, it was important for ancient Israel to spend their years in Egypt’s captivity with the blessings of the oath sworn to Isaac but not with His holy name fire’s powers, for His Plan of Salvation to work efficiently, because they will become
baptized in water later to become His high priest shedding lambs’ atoning-blood through the Sinai’s desert before entering Canaan. In due time, the entire house of Israel needed to begin to minister before our heavenly Father with the oath sworn to
Isaac’s daily powers not only as His high priest upon earth but also as the only priest possible, in those days, for the people already lying in hell’s torment (because of sin), but also for the children throughout earth.
Understandingly, our heavenly Father needed to have important prayers, mediations of intercession for every living-soul upon the entire human race, and healing since Adam and Eve descended from paradise thus to remove sin impeding for His holy name fire
to be loved, served and worshipped over Jerusalem’s holy hill by His children as in heaven’s glory by His angelical hosts. Truthfully, our heavenly Father was concerned about the well-being of every one of His children born from His image and from
His living-soul in heaven’s glory, as when He said to His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, let us descend to create man in our image and likeness, so he may be one as we are knowing good and evil.
Surely, our heavenly Father had created every man, woman and child, beginning with Adam, and later Eve along with the children in His perfect image and likeness of His living-soul so they may become His children from His divine family knowing good and
evil as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit know but also for His new kingdom to come lastly. However, since Adam and Eve had eaten from the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil thus to live as rebellious as Lucifer had
started his life in heaven’s glory before the angelical hosts, then, He had to act in the best way possible to rescue His children, and the only way possible was with a new earth.
Indeed, this will be an earth with a glorious sky born from His holy heart fire as the oath sworn to Isaac, where only His living-words will rule His eternal life along with every blessing of everlasting-richness descending upon His angelical hosts, but
mainly His children, redeemed from the old earth thus to love, serve and worship Him over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father after He had given to Abraham His only Son Jesus Christ to be born as Isaac from his wife
Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers, then: He did it to have His firstborn upon His new earth that is Jacob followed by his children as numerous as the stars from heaven above.
Therefore, now that our heavenly Father had Abraham receiving His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac born to live His love, His faith, His powers and His never-ending glories within Abraham’s household, then, He was able to display His amazing powers of love by
enriching everyone around Abraham and Isaac, because He continued to grant more richness touching the earth powerfully. That is to say, also that although Abraham along with Sarah had received great richness over the years before Isaac was born in the
midst of them, then with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit living with them as well in their household as Isaac, He poured even greater richness touching every life upon earth, man and animal alike.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father was not only preparing Abraham and Sarah along with everyone else within their household, as their adoptive children bought with money from foreigners but also neighbors and friends nearby and from far, so they may
become rich spiritually and materially as well to know His altar finally that it was about to descend anyday in those days. Certainly, our heavenly Father needed everyone in those days besides Abraham and Sarah along with anyone else within their
household enriched mightily from heaven above, by the powers of His living-words, because soon they will be ascending to the altar of His unfailing love, beginning with Abraham and Isaac thus to bless and enrich them even further from His new earth.
Indeed, these were important richness that everyone was to receive in those days, besides Abraham and Sarah along with the children born through generations ahead, because He needed each of them to start knowing Him and His holy name fire forever in His
divine family’s richness that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from heaven above. Thus, this was important for our heavenly Father to begin with Abraham and Sarah, as he believed in His living-words spoken to him continually to receive
richness that he will possess forever, because now he was going to live with His Son Jesus Christ that is Isaac thus to enrich His descending altar with perfect richness given to him through life already.
That is why, that once Abraham along with Sarah and the adoptive children had lived to enjoy to the full the richness that had descended from heaven above, because of His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s
daily powers, only then, He was ready to grant him His altar of His unfailing love forever. Understanding that, Abraham along with Sarah and everyone else within his household, as his adoptive children, neighbors and friends nearby and from far: they had
to have known and lived already the abundant richness that Abraham had received to become ready to ascend to the altar of His unfailing love to become forgiven from sin, healed from illnesses and saved with eternal life.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father certainly enriched every one around Abraham not just in his household but also in his surroundings, as his neighbors and friends nearby and from far, because everyone will eventually ascend over Jerusalem’s
holy hill to become His children, but they had to be enriched already to receive more richness yet from His new earth. This was important for our heavenly Father to do it not only with Abraham but also with everyone else around him, because He wanted his
entire household ascending Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over Mount Moriah, to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering, but also, He needed to see everyone else over it after the burnt offering event was established.
Given that, by our heavenly Father doing everything that He had planned for Abraham and his loved ones, beginning with Isaac lying over the wood of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest to expiate for everyone’s sin around the world (without the shedding of
His atoning-blood yet), then, He had established His altar of His unfailing-love upon His new earth formally into eternity. Definitely, this is the altar of His unfailing-love that our heavenly Father needed to establish His perfect will from His holy
heart giving birth to the new earth with glorious skies to take over the old sinful-earth, so He may finally heal His children born from His image to enter into His new earth, where sin fails to exist through eternity.
That is why, that when our heavenly Father called Abraham, then, He was calling His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill, because he needed to lie over the wood ready to be set on fire thus for His holy heart to give birth to the
new earth with glorious skies, where His living-words destroys Lucifer’s lies in-one-day throughout eternity. In truth, this is when our heavenly Father’s holy heart gave birth to the new earth with glorious skies, because He was afflicted and
suffering terribly to see His children born from His image and living-soul to have descended into hell’s torment (since they failed to have known His holy name fire over His altar of His unfailing-love from heaven above).
In good time, when Abraham obeyed His called to ascend Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, resting over Mount Moriah, to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering of love and amazing richness that the entire human race had never known yet until then,
miraculously, He established His holy heart’s perfect will upon earth finally, so His children may return to Him. Currently, this is the oath sworn to Isaac: where our heavenly Father’s holy heart is afflicted and grieving for His children lost to
Lucifer’s lies, curses, infirmities, poverty and death, so they may return to Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by been born again from the water and from the Holy Spirit to enter into His new earth.
Amazingly, this is today’s earth converted by our heavenly Father’s holy heart into a new earth with glorious skies, where His perfect will is loved, obeyed and eternally exalted within every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the
nations baptized in water thus entering it forever blessed only to know His unfailing-love towards them and their loved ones. This is the new earth with our heavenly Father, His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts living with every man, woman
and child that have ascended into it, as Abraham and his loved ones did it initially, so you may enter into His holy presence that is the oath sworn to Isaac, where His unfailing-love is your daily joy throughout eternity.
Surely, this is the earth and its eternal life along with every realm of animal kingdom, created by our heavenly Father initially not only for Adam and Eve to enjoy but also you born from His image and living-soul to live in His Son Jesus Christ’s
likeness, by the Holy Spirit’s gifts and powers, enriching this amazing life for you constantly, starting now. However, for this to be possible for you and your loved ones, including your friends from around the world, you must become reborn from the
water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for His altar of His unfailing love to be yours throughout eternity, starting now, thus enjoying its daily blessing.
This is our heavenly Father’s altar of His unfailing-love that has always existed in His divine family that is His Son and His Spirit along with every nation of the angelical hosts, but now, it is available to you, because it is coming towards you
since the days of Abraham and Isaac, so you may have it in your home these days. Considering that, it is only through this amazing altar of His unfailing-love, where our heavenly Father has poured His entire holy heart of His living-words that they will
always exist in you, starting now, blessing your entire being, for this is His earth with His own life as yours to enjoy with your loved ones and friends throughout eternity, baptized in water only.
That is why, that our heavenly Father has given us an earth that is filled with water everywhere, where you can get baptized by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may become reborn instantly into
His new earth filled with eternal life and every day blessing for you and loved ones. Presently, these water bodies everywhere around the world are oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, ponds and others that are available to you, as your bathtub at home at this
moment, so you may become born again from this world of sin into the world of His Holy Spirit and everlasting-glory, where you will always fail to know sin again and its terrible ailments.
Definitely, this is the only place where you will finally find yourself along with your loved ones, including friends and neighbors in the perfect will of our heavenly Father, where His will is always done in you, because He has created all things that
will enrich your life never to know failure in this life and in the next one to come. Clearly, this is our heavenly Father’s perfect will that you will enjoy everything that He has created with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for the angelical
hosts and for you as well, so you may have not only His own life along with His perfection, holiness and endless-powers, but also His amazing unfailing love leading you to new enriching-glories.
Currently, this is our heavenly Father’s perfect earth every day pleasing Him along with His Son and the Holy Spirit before the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory and throughout the old earth these days along with you, your loved ones and friends, so
you may final know Him but in His perfection and in His holiness dwelling in you already forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father had to first had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Abraham’s wife Sarah that had a barren-womb, and so, by the
Holy Spirit’s daily powers he may live within his household manifesting every glory, power and richness from the rock of salvation, as it always happens with the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory.
Understanding that, in every dwelling place of the angelical hosts our heavenly Father’ rock of salvation is the center of their love, perfection, holiness, powers and glories among other blessings needed for them to love, serve and worship our Father
and His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, for eternal life to prevail throughout the angelical kingdom with perfect holiness always. Thus, this is how our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are loved,
worshipped and exalted throughout the angelical kingdom, and everything begins for every holy angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other holy creatures from the rock of salvation that is the foundation of heaven’s glory.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed to do the same with the entire human race that had already descended into hell’s torment, because of the failure to know His holy name fire over His altar of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, as it is in heaven by the
angelical hosts thus to serve, worship and love Him in perfect holiness, conquering new glories always. Nonetheless, this was something that our heavenly Father could start only with Abraham and his family, beginning with Sarah’s barren-womb with His
Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so Abraham along with everyone else around the world may know Him over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest through the generations until His new kingdom may descend upon Canaan finally.
Kindheartedly, our heavenly Father had chosen Canaan with the sole purpose to manifest unto Abraham’s children and the families of the nations of the world His unfailing-love that has poured from His holy heart already as the oath sworn to Isaac that
is really His new earth with glorious skies, only existing through eternity with the power of His every day living-word. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham’s children born in Egypt’s captivity with the oath
sworn to Isaac’s daily powers, collecting every sin from the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment already, so they may take the sins of the world with His holy name fire to the Red sea for water baptism.
Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed to have destroyed already every sin from all the families of the nations from the past, the present and the future generation thus to dress the entire house of Israel as His firstborn and high priest through the Sinaiâ
€™s desert, covering sin again daily, but with lambs’ atoning-blood finally, as much as the Red sea in volume. Considering that, our heavenly Father needed to have covered every sin that has always emerged from Lucifer’s wicked heart deceiving the
angelical hosts but also every man, woman and child from the families of the nations, and He was able to do it successfully throughout the desert with rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac.
Prophetically, after Israel had spent already four-hundred years of captivity in Egypt with the oath sworn to Isaac collecting every sin born from Lucifer’s wicked heart thus to create finally his kingdom of darkness throughout the old earth, then,
ancient Israel again had to return to hell, but this time, to the Valley of the dried bones biting by poisonous snakes. Therefore, while Israel was again in captivity lying in the Valley of the dried bones with every ritual and ceremony of perfect
holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, then, they had to wait another few centuries for the King Messiah to be born from David’s virgin daughter thus to restore the bloodline of eternal life upon earth, starting in Canaan.
Judicially, the entire house of Israel was bitten by the poisonous snakes on their way to conquer Canaan, but because of their rebellion against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, as they wrongfully accepted a golden calf as their liberator
from Egypt, then, the Holy Spirit abandoned them since lawfully they needed to return to captivity, as in Egypt initially. Considering that, once His Son Jesus Christ had been born again in the midst of the families of the nations, and this happen in
Canaan from David’s virgin womb, because she had to restore the bloodline of eternal life upon earth, for our heavenly Father’s Ten Commandments, regulations, precepts and decrees could be finally be fulfilled, only then, Israel could see life again.
However, for the whole of Israel to see life again on the Third Day, because our heavenly Father told Moses to descend to the Israelites from the mountaintop to wash them clean along with everything that belonged to them, then, they did it successfully,
pleasing the Father finally, for them later to return to see Him in person in the appointed date. Nevertheless, for ancient Israel to see the Lord on the Third Day, because they were washed clean to ascend where the Father is always with His loved ones
as His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and those living-souls that managed to please Him through water baptism in life, then, the King Messiah had to be biting by snakes too.
This event was announced by Moses to show it to the people of Israel that had been bitten by poisonous snakes because of the idols worship rebellions of the golden calf among other offenses that the bronze snake hammered into its final fashion and nailed
to the wood, then, those dying from the snake poison were healed by just looking at it. Well, Israel continued to lift their eyes to the bronze snake nailed to the wood in their camp in the Sinai’s desert, because their healing and deliverance
initially had descended from it, and so, they expected to be healed and delivered again: however, they failed to know when will happen until they saw the King Messiah born finally in Canaan instead of them.
Compassionately, our heavenly Father had liberated Israel from Egypt’s captivity to abandon every sin from the entire world in the baptism of the Red sea by crossing in dried ground to safety, then, they began to act as the high priest that the entire
human race needed to atone for sin thus for His Son Jesus Christ to enter Canaan finally. In other words, our heavenly Father had to have had Israel living in captivity for four-hundred years with the oath sworn to Isaac destroying every sin from the
world lastly at the Red, so they may act as His Son Jesus Christ does in heaven’s glory with the angelical host with the sole purpose to make it possible for him to conquer Canaan.
Considering that, His Son Jesus Christ after he had lived our heavenly Father’s eternal life by fulfilling every commandment, precept, regulation and decree given to Israel carefully to live them throughout life in Canaan, then, he was able to eat the
bread and wine in every Israeli home thus to kill death finally in Canaan for Israel to return to life again. Surely, our heavenly Father needed to have His Plan of Salvation for ancient Israel developing this way only, and this is by His Son Jesus
Christ born from David’s virgin daughter to restore His eternal life’s bloodline first in Canaan, then, His Son had to be bitten by bronze-nails on his hands and feet to awaken Israel to enter into Canaan finally.
Lawfully, ancient Israel was awaken entirely from lying in the Valley of the dried bones with our heavenly Father Himself in the place of the stump, where His Son Jesus Christ had been nailed along with His holy name fire over his head lighting up
darkness throughout the earth, for Israel finally to enter Canaan to see the Lord’s everlasting-holiness in His light. In other words, ancient Israel tried to enter Canaan initially with the altar of the golden calf, thus they were denied access into
it, but instead they were to return by the way of the Red sea to get the children baptize in water, because only through the way of the stump over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest they had lawful access into Canaan.
Definitely, the same is true for every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, although most of them are lying in hell’s torment because they failed to know our heavenly Father’s altar of His prehistoric love for His holy name fire
that grants them access into Canaan too, so they may return home where they were born initially. Absolutely, every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations need to get baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His
Son and the Holy Spirit, so they may enter into Canaan as the ancients will anyday now, to see the life born from the Father that really loves you too powerfully throughout eternity, staring now.
Understanding that, since the hour that our heavenly Father finished His awesome salvation-work with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the wood along with His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, then, the whole of Israel lifted with the Holy
Spirit’s resurrection powers to see the LORD on the Third Day, but, they have not yet entered into Canaan until now. Lawfully, they will enter into it, but this will happen when the whole of Israel presently become reborn from the water baptism and
from the Holy Spirit baptism over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, for Canaan to rest finally in perfect holiness throughout eternity, so the Father may be honored enough to descend with ancient Israel to live with humankind His eternal life everlastingly.
Prophetically, ancient Israel will descend from the mountaintop where they are with our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit’s amazing glories that the angelical hosts have always enjoyed from the rock of salvation thus to continue to enjoy
greater glories in Canaan, but only if Israel is baptized already to receive the Father in perfect peace and glory forever. Frankly, the entire house of Israel from our days must also enter into our heavenly Father’s holy presence that is the oath
sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill to gain legal access into the Canaan that they have failed to know until now, because only then they will see the Lord on the Third Day as ancient Israel did already.
Believing, that the father’s love must return to their children and the children’s love must return to the fathers, and this is our heavenly Father’s love receiving His children’s love, but, baptized in water first, where you are finally
liberated from the forbidden fruit to eat from the bread and wine from above to have legal access into Canaan and its daily glory. This means right now: eating from His Son Jesus Christ, because he said, I am the bread of life that has descended from
heaven above that whoever eats from my flesh then he will have eternal life, and whoever drinks from my blood will never thirst again: because he alone is the true bread and wine from new earth and its eternal life.
Caringly, this is the food that our heavenly Father was hungry and thirsty to eat for His children lying in the Valley of the dried bones, that is why, that He used to say to Israel, for example, whenever He will speak to David, how much I long for my
name to be established over Jerusalem already forever. Clearly, this is where our heavenly Father needed to ascend over Jerusalem’s ancient wood that is Mount Zion with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to it along with His holy name fire, as the bread and
wine of eternal life for His children around the world, starting with Israel already lying in the Valley of the dried bones to see life again instantly.
Timely, once His Son Jesus Christ had shed his atoning-blood over his brothers and sisters from ancient Israel before our heavenly Father in heaven’s glory, then, He could descend to take his place in perfect holiness, for His children to eat the bread
and wine with His image and entire holy being restored to them thus to see life again forever. Then, every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations may become reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His
Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, thus, instantly abandoning the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh and the spirit of error for the Holy Spirit to eat the bread and wine for eternal life.
Given that, this is how our heavenly Father can receive His children from all the families of the nations, and this to be reborn from the water baptism to abandon the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil by eating His Son’s bread
and wine with His shining face restored upon them in His new earth forever blessed. Believing, that only His Son Jesus Christ first along with the Holy Spirit nailed to the wood of ancient Israel that really is every man, woman and child escaping
captivity after four-hundred years to become baptized at the Red sea thus to eat the manna from our heavenly Father’s mouth, so they may stand worthy over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest perpetually healed-and-blessed.
Presently, this is where our heavenly Father is waiting for every man, woman and child from every family of the nations to become one with Him along with His Son Jesus Christ that shed his atoning-blood, removing sin from the world forever over Jerusalemâ
€™s holy hill ancient wood that escaped hell, sin, curses, infirmities, poverty, judgments and death to bless you with lasting-salvation. Presently, this is the salvation that our heavenly Father had to work it with Jacob’s children born in Egypt with
the oath sworn to Isaac later to become baptized at the Red sea after four-hundred years finally to become His high priest turned to wood from the Sinai’s desert Valley of death to Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest: touching you today with amazing
Understandingly, early Israel became the tree needed over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest that had collected every sin from the world to dump them finally with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers into the Red sea, thus, becoming humanity’s high priest
turned into wood with the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness to receive our heavenly Father with honor, perfection and endless-holiness into eternity. Presently, over Jerusalem’s holy hill our heavenly Father is with the sacred-flesh of ancient
Israel that performed as the earth’s high priest the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, receiving first with nails His holy name fire, His Son Jesus Christ mortally wounded, finally to receive you with perfect
holiness and lasting-richness throughout eternity.
It is here upon the earth today: where you will find our heavenly Father’s altar of His prehistoric love, loving you along with your loved ones and friends from around the world with His children that became priests mediating constantly with rituals
and ceremonies of perfect holiness thus you may become His child as His Son Jesus Christ is through eternity. And here is our heavenly Father waiting for every living-soul from every family of the nations to become one with Him in eternal happiness along
with His Son Jesus Christ that shed his atoning-blood to destroy sin from the world forever over Jerusalem’s holy hill ancient wood that escaped hell, sin, curses, infirmities, poverty, judgments and death to bless you with daily enriching-salvation.
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
[continued in next message]
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