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All on Fri Oct 19 22:22:58 2018
S£bado, 20 de Octubre, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoam←rica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv£n Valarezo)
Timely, our heavenly Father called Moses to Mount Sinai to dress his dried bones with His sacred-flesh and Holy Spirit thus to love, serve and glorify Him throughout Israel by invoking His holy name fire. Since, He was ready not only to anoint him by
granting His Holy name as God of Abraham, His Son Jesus Christ as God of Isaac and the Holy Spirit as God of Jacob, instantly, commission him to take Israel in three days journey, to serve Him over Jerusalem holy hill, in Canaan, faithfully throughout
eternity forever.
For the four-hundred years of captivity had been finally fulfilled timely for the entire house of Israel, therefore their protection period was over, and so, Satan was ready to move against them with holocausts, since our heavenly Father did not have
legal rights to defend them as He would love to thus the only safe place was the Red Sea, water baptism. Considering that, once our heavenly Father had fulfilled His time to protect Israel from evil then Satan was ready to do the unthinkable against them,
because he had to do everything that was in his powers of darkness to finish with the oath sworn to Isaac that he failed to understand how to deal with it, for it was beyond his understanding.
Therefore, our heavenly Father had to move with Israel leaving behind Egypt's captivity and all the possibilities for Satan and his wicked ones to try to destroy them that are his children born through the generations, as His Son Jesus Christ was born as
Isaac from Sarah's barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit's powers, thus to carry His loving-afflicted heart to his children. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to take Israel to the Red Sea so they may become baptized in water, because
they had come to know and invoke the perfect holiness of His holy name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so they may begin to serve Him in His oath sworn to Isaac's unfailing-powers.
Truthfully, Israel needed to abandon the spirit of error that is the forbidden fruit for the Holy Spirit and the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh, where our heavenly Father had poured His entire heart of His new earth with glorious skies, so they may
finally to come to know Him as their God and Father forever, serving Him as His high priests always. This is when, the whole of Israel renewed their love, service and honor unto our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, because the four-hundred
years of protection within Egypt's captivity had elapsed therefore they had to start anew reborn from the water baptism thus to become born again from the Holy Spirit within His altar of the prehistoric love, forever.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed Israel in the Sinai's desert drinking first from the bitter waters of Marah, because they needed to taste the bitterness of the families of the nations lying in hell's torment due to the sin to have failed to know His
holy name fire, moreover, because they failed to have a covenant of life with Him in heaven. This bitter water from Marah needed to be sweetened by the tree from Jerusalem's holy hill by descending towards them in the Sinai's deserts, the moment the
Israelis began to complain to Moses of their thirsty, and so, our heavenly Father immediately approached Moses to lead him towards the tree to throw it into Marah to sweetened its waters instantly.
Considering that, our heavenly Father had brought the entire house of Israel baptized at the Red Sea serving Him through His oath sworn to Isaac's daily powers as His high priests, because they were going to drink from the rock of salvation later after
Marah sweetening miraculously the lives of the families of the nations throughout the world with His perfect everlasting-salvation. Provided that, right after drinking from the rock of salvation that our heavenly Father had also shown Moses where to find
it as He did initially with the tree descending from Jerusalem's holy hill from Canaan, because He alone knows as always where to find His altar of the prehistoric love, then Israel could begin to love, serve and glorify Him forever.
This is when, our heavenly Father was ready to continue to feed them from His mouth the daily manna that they needed to eat every day of their entire lives throughout the Sinai's desert, because they were going to inherit legitimately everything that He
had always possess in heaven's glory with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Inasmuch as, for the entire house of Israel to serve Him through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then they needed not only to possess His holy name fire along
with the oath sworn to Isaac but also His written Ten Commandments thus to fulfill them to conquer Canaan and heaven's glory at last with perfect lasting-salvation everlastingly.
Foreseeing that, ancient Israel was going to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill after having sweetened the bitter waters of Marah but also later to have drunk from the rock of salvation plenty of water for them and for the families of the nations that they
were going to sweetened their lives at last from over Jerusalem's holy hill, thus conquering the earth forever. Surely, every Israeli had not only to become baptized in water by crossing the Red sea in dried ground and with walls of waters on both sides,
but also, they needed to drink from the bitters waters of Marah, representing the families of the nations' suffering the sin, failing to know His holy name and its oath sworn to Isaac's daily powers.
For sure, once the house of Israel drank from the rock of salvation then they never complained to Moses of thirstiness again, because the waters from the rock of salvation are abundant in the living soul of His children never to thirst again forever thus
they may serve our heavenly Father over Jerusalem's holy hill, sweetening every one's living-soul ascending to it. However, before entering Canaan to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill thus to become the tree that will bear forever before the families of the
nations our heavenly Father's holy name fire that has the oath sworn to Isaac's daily powers to bless every living-soul from humankind, then, they had to become our heavenly Father's anointed high priests upon earth perpetually.
Certainly, because the Israelis families had drunk initially from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened with the tree from Jerusalem's holy hill, and then, later they drank after Marah from the rock of salvation abundantly: instantly, they became our
heavenly Father's children over Jerusalem's holy hill with its Holy of Holiest ministering over the families of the ancient nations lying in hell's torment. This is something that our heavenly Father could only do with His children born from Sarah's
barren-womb by the Holy Spirit's powers as Isaac, because every time a child was born within the Israeli families until now, then, Isaac is returning with the Holy Spirit's powers within the new earth that is the oath sworn to Isaac until the King
Messiah appears again.
Given that, the entire house of Israel needed to conduct important rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness throughout the Sinai's desert, emerging only from the oath sworn to Isaac, thus to cover every sin that the families of the nations had
committed while they lived upon earth without serving our heavenly Father much less knowing the need to cover sins with lambs' atoning-blood. For this is Israel's high priest that the families of the ancient nations needed to know and possess but they
failed to have him throughout their lives, because our heavenly Father had not established a covenant of life with Abraham yet, for His Son Jesus to become born in the world as Isaac, thus to be their needed high priest for lasting-salvation.
In other words, after our heavenly Father having established a covenant with Abraham as they both ate the bread and drank the wine along with the 318 adoptive children over the Lord's Table, served daily by His Son Jesus Christ to the angels in heaven's
glory thus to keep them holy always, then, He could have His Son walking through the Sinai's desert. Definitely, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ bearing His holy name fire over the Sinai's desert, because this is where all the families of
the ancient nations are lying in hell's torment since they failed to know Him and His Son as their only high priest and savior, bearing continuously salvation-and-blessing from Jerusalem's holy hill for everyone upon earth eternally.
Therefore, although it was Israel drinking from the bitter waters of Marah sweetened by the tree that Moses threw into it, and then, later Israel drank from the rock of salvation never to thirst again through the desert and in Canaan, immediately, it was
His Son Jesus Christ conducting the oath sworn to Isaac's rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness for everyone's lasting-salvation. Considering that, it is only His Son Jesus Christ that can really conduct the oath sworn to Isaac's rituals and
ceremonies of perfect holiness, because he always knows what pleases our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit for every man, woman and child's lasting-salvation, since there is no sin that he can never cover to save His brothers and sisters from hell's
For the Father alone know the Son, and the Son knows the Father, that is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ used to tell his apostles and disciples wherever he went throughout Canaan that he along knows the Father, and the Father knows him, because without
him, our heavenly Father will always fail to know any man, woman and child on earth. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to establish a covenant with Abraham by eating the bread and wine over the Lord's Table, served by His Son Jesus Christ to
His angelical hosts throughout heaven's glory, and so, every holy angel will always stay perfect and holy thus to love, serve and glorify His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill throughout eternity.
Inasmuch as, it is only His Son Jesus Christ that can truly keep every angel perfect and holy thus to please our heavenly Father in every truth and justice as they may worship, exalt and glorify His holy name fire over Jerusalem's holy hill thus to
continue to bless not only heaven's glory but also the earth with its entire humanity. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah's barren-womb by the Holy Spirit as Isaac, so he may become the nation of
Israel conducting the oath sworn to Isaac's rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness, leading without fail every man, woman and child back to the Father in heaven's glory perfectly justified forever.
For it is only His Son Jesus Christ that knows along with the Holy Spirit where is our heavenly Father in every living-soul from His children, whether they are distant from Him as in hell's torment already, or lost in believing in idol-worship as the
false religions around the world deceived many already, causing daily destruction to humankind since the beginning until now. In other words, it is only His Son Jesus Christ that truly knows where our heavenly Father is in every man, woman and child's
life, regardless of their spiritual condition even if they had already lived their sinful lives and they had died fallen into hell's torment, but, through the oath sworn to Isaac he can find them always without fail.
That is why, that it was important for every man, woman and child to become reborn from the water and the Holy Spirit by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, because it is only here when every man's living-soul can
enter into the altar of Abraham and Isaac, recognized as our heavenly Father's legitimate child perpetually. Considering that, it is only in the oath sworn to Isaac's daily powers continuously descending from our heavenly Father's holy heart over
Jerusalem's holy hill, where not only Israel became liberated from the Valley of the dried bones as Aaron's children invoked His holy name nailed to the wood along with His Son bleeding to death, but also, everyone else can be saved.
Given that, it is only over Jerusalem's holy hill where our Lord Jesus Christ needed to be nailed to the wood that is the sacred-flesh born from Sarah's barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit, finally to lift Israel from the Valley of death, because
they were skeletons, but, with his sacred-flesh nailed to their bones they saw God on the Third day. Certainly, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the wood that is ancient Israel that lived in Egypt's captivity for four-hundred
years and finally baptized at the Red sea, because with water baptism His promise of love, protection, blessing, healing, richness and life through His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice are renew.
This is something that our heavenly Father could do with every man, woman and child from the families of the ancient nations lying in hell's torment already because they failed to meet His Grace, His Mercy, His Truth and His Divine Justice that is
possible only in His oath sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem's holy hill, but, baptized in water already. Therefore, with the birth of Israel in Egypt's captivity, because they needed to be born with the oath sworn to Isaac in His new earth with glorious
skies, where He could replenish them with seven years of abundant richness for them in Egypt and the families of the nations, then, they could take everyone's sins into the water baptism at the Red sea.
Lawfully, Israel was born as our heavenly Father's firstborn upon the new earth with glorious skies, yielding to the families of Israel and the nations as well richness that never thought they possible could exist, because our heavenly Father needed to
feed Israel His firstborn upon earth as He feeds His only Son His firstborn in heaven's glory before His angelical hosts. What is more, our heavenly Father needed to nourish Israel and the families of the nations, beginning with the Egyptian families,
because He had to keep them not only alive but also filled with amazing perfect holiness that destroys Satan's lies, curses, infirmities, poverties, conflicts and even death, so His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac within Israel could destroy Satan's wilds
Because it is only through His Son Jesus Christ that our heavenly Father can truly find His children regardless where they may be living upon earth since He has poured His entire holy heart upon Isaac's sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones, the atoning-blood
and His eternal life to find them anywhere, whether they are in hell or deceived in any religion upon earth today. Surely, our heavenly Father needed to have Israel going through the Sinai's desert with His Son Jesus Christ as His Holy Angel bearing His
holy name with His personal mission, and this was to find His children wherever they may be in hell's torment or in the midst of the nations to return to Him and to His home-sweet-home with perfect salvation forever.
Moreover, this was something that only His Son Jesus Christ could do for our heavenly Father with the amazing daily working-powers of the oath sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem's holy hill as every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations,
starting with Israel, become reborn from water baptism by invoking His holy name fire over their lives. For the reason that, it is only His Son Jesus Christ that can truly know where are His children throughout the families of the nations that he can
walk towards them until he finds them thus to bless each one of them with our heavenly Father's amazing love that He has always heartfelt for them to return to His home-sweet-home immediately.
These days, only His Son Jesus Christ knows in your every day life where is our heavenly Father for you, so you may come to where He will receive you as His legitimate child inheriting already His perfection, His holiness, His richness and His eternal
life only to know the goodness of His holy heart towards you and your loved ones forever. For His Son Jesus Christ is the door to this new earth with glorious skies blessing your daily life with rains of love, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice,
enriching you immensely, because our Father needs His families of the nations' lives blessed equally with His perfection, His holiness, His richness and His eternal life until His kingdom may come upon earth finally.
That is why, that our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ as His Angel bearing His holy name with Moses and Israel as His high priests ministering throughout the Sinai's desert the oath sworn to Isaac's ritual and ceremonies of perfect holiness
needed over Jerusalem's holy hill, in Canaan, thus lifting His holy name fire above the earth and its humanity forever. Certainly, with the oath sworn to Isaac displaying rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness that Israel conducted within the
tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, then, it was done for every man, woman and child lying in hell's torment not only to have our heavenly Father's holy heart grieving for them but also His holy name fire was glorified over Jerusalem's holy hill ultimately.
Sovereignly, our heavenly Father accepted every ritual and ceremony conducted by Israel within the tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, displaying very important glories stolen by Satan thus to diminish them in His children suffering the curse of death and hell,
however, with His Son Jesus Christ working with Israel as God's Holy Angel instantly all glories returned to Jerusalem's holy hill, in Canaan. Nevertheless, our heavenly Father needed to have full victory over Satan at Jerusalem's holy hill, because not
only His holy name was going to be nailed to it with His Son Jesus Christ bleeding, but also, Himself, since He needed to restore His image upon His children from Israel and the families of the nations having His perfect body as theirs throughout
Therefore, it was very important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ as His Holy Angel bearing His holy name fire throughout the Sinai's desert as Israel ministered within the Holy of Holiest as His priests shedding lambs' atoning-blood
over the sins of the families of ancient nations lying in hell's torment already. Provided that, our heavenly Father needed to destroy every sin that every man, woman and child had ever committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit,
because His Son was going to be born from David's virgin daughter thus to spill His atoning-blood to the ground, where His eternal life was going to be lived and established forever finally.
However, first our heavenly Father needed to take the entire house of Israel with His Son Jesus Christ as His Holy Angel bearing His holy name fire in perfect holiness thus to shed every drop of the lambs' atoning-blood over the sins of the families of
the nations lying in hell's torment already, because He needed to cover them with atoning-blood completely forever. Definitely, our heavenly Father needed to cover every sin committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from families of
the nations from the past, from the present and from future generations with atoning-blood as much as the Red sea in quantity, because His holy name fire was going to descend over Jerusalem's holy hill to stay forever.
That is why, that when His Son Jesus Christ was born from David's virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit's powers, then as His blood pure and holy was spilled from the virgin womb to the ground of Israel, instantly, His holy name fire descended through the
night skies lighting up the world because salvation at last was near for humankind, saving everyone. Therefore, before this great event unfolded entirely with His Son Jesus Christ born from David's virgin daughter, restoring His bloodline within Israel
and the families of the nations, then, He had to spill first as much atoning-blood as the Red sea in volume throughout the desert, baptizing it thoroughly, for His incoming Salvation Plan with His Son's victories over sin in Canaan, forever.
Indeed, our heavenly Father needed to baptize the entire Sinai's desert with the lambs' atoning-blood shed by His Son Jesus Christ, as His Holy Angel bearing His holy name fire over the entire house of Israel as His high priest ministering over the
families of ancient nations lying in hell's torment, finally for them to know His salvation's holy name fire perpetually. For our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child from all the families of the ancient nations baptized with the lambs'
atoning-blood shed from the tabernacle's Holy of Holiest by the Israelis as their high priests, because in life over their lands they had failed to become baptized in water for reconciliation, healing and lasting-salvation before our Father in heaven.
Therefore, by Israel acting as our heavenly Father high priests by the oath sworn to Isaac along with His Son Jesus Christ as His Holy Angel bearing His holy name fire in perfect holiness throughout the Sinai's desert, then, the water baptism that they
failed to fulfill in life, it was finally fulfilled before our Father in heaven for everyone's salvation eventually. That is why, that the whole of Israel needed to get baptized at the Red sea, because they needed to abandon every sin at the seafloor
from the families of the nations from the past, the present and the future generations, thus baptizing the entire Sinai's desert completely, representing the lands where they lived their lives finally fulfilling truth and justice forever.
Obviously, without this important baptism of the lambs' atoning-blood shedding throughout the Sinai's desert by Israel acting as the high priests that the families of the nations needed representing them before our Father in heaven, then, it would have
been impossible for the King Messiah to have been born in Canaan thus to destroy Satan's sins, curses, infirmities, hell, poverty and death forever. Because the families of the ancient nations lying in hell's torment needed our heavenly Father, His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to rescue them from their sins to have failed to have established a covenant of life with them, so they may have their sins forgiven thus for perfect lasting-salvation to have become part of them at last, forever.
Consequently, it was important for His Son Jesus Christ to be born from Sarah's barren-womb by the Holy Spirit's powers as Isaac, for Jacob to be born as our heavenly Father's firstborn upon earth, then, for his children to be born with the oath sworn to
Isaac's daily powers, destroying every sin in captivity, in the desert, and finally in Canaan forever. Effectively, with this baptism of the lambs atoning-blood shed by the Israelis acting as our heavenly Father's high priests representing the families
of the nations lying in hell's torment and the children coming in generations ahead upon earth, then, their lands were finally baptized for blessing to return to the earth (the oath sworn to Isaac's new earth) along with everyone's perfect salvation.
Considering that, when our heavenly Father finally sees the entire house of Israel baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, this means that they have become entirely holy and perfect
as He is in heaven's glory before His angelical hosts that He will descend eternally honored along with ancient Israel. This means that our heavenly Father will descend with the entire house of Israel along with His angelical hosts finally to live with
them forever blessed and daily enriched by the oath sworn to Isaac's powers that have finally found their eternal place upon earth, because the whole earth will finally receive His new kingdom of His perfect will.
Foreseeing that, our heavenly Father is going to marry Israel and the families of the nations baptized in water already by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so the spirit of error that is the forbidden
fruit will finally abandon the earth to receive the new Kingdom of the Holy Spirit filled with everlasting love. In addition, our heavenly Father new kingdom of His perfect will is a kingdom of His unfailing love living in every man, woman and child from
the house of Israel and the families of the nations that have been reborn from the water and from the Holy Spirit never to know sin again but only His loving heart towards them throughout eternity.
Indeed, the entire earth will become reborn by the amazing Holy Spirit's powers that is the oath sworn to Isaac that Israel has received already, as they were born initially within the new earth with glorious skies ready to receive our heavenly Father
and His angelical hosts to stay forever with His children: enjoying His endless love, peace and never-ending happiness. For this is the new earth with glorious skies, where only our heavenly Father's living-words reign with His endless love, joys,
happiness, Sabbath rest, richness, prosperity and new amazing glories never seen by the angelical hosts, because they belong to His children only His new earth, where He will continue to conquer new unspeakable glories for His holy name fire throughout
Positively, this is the new world with glorious skies pouring richness of love, peace, prosperity and endless happiness upon your every day life upon earth right now, because with the water baptism and the oath sworn to Isaac's powers operating in you,
then, you will always overcome the impossible, since His personal faith will be operating in you constantly each day into everlasting. For these are amazing powers from our heavenly Father's faith that you will have inherited from the oath sworn to Isaac,
submerged in water only, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit that they will become part of you never to fail you no matter what may happen in life with you and our loved ones.
That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ through the valleys, towns and cities of Israel he announced to every one listening that they will do also the things that he had done as healing the sick, raising the dead from their deathbed and even from the
grave already that they will do the same, and even greater things they will do always. Because the whole of Israel along with him, our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit had defeated sin all together with the oath sworn to Isaac from Egypt's captivity,
at the Red sea's water baptism, through the Sinai's desert spilling the lambs' atoning-blood from within the Holy of Holiest and into Canaan finally, for sin never have power against them again forever.
Prophetically, once Israel will become baptized in water later to become baptized within the altar of Abraham and Isaac, where our heavenly Father will finally meet every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations, so they may
become reborn from His image and living-soul filled with His Holy Spirit's baptism, only then, they will live without sin forever. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ used to tell everyone within Israel that they have the power already within them
that is our heavenly Father's own faith that created the heaven and earth along with everything in them, so they may destroy every work from Satan, wherever they may go in life, because nothing will ever be impossible for them.
Lawfully, our heavenly Father has finally received not only His holy name fire over Jerusalem's holy hill, because the day that His Son Jesus Christ was born from David's virgin daughter then His bloodline with perfect powers was restored to Israel and
the families of the nations to do wonderful things throughout their days upon earth and in heaven's glory forever into eternity. Certainly, when our heavenly Father finally received His holy name fire over Jerusalem's holy hill, in Canaan, then, it came
along with every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac that the Israelis as the high priests of the nations lying in hell's torment conducted through the Sinai's desert, for their children to have perfect salvation these
These are important rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac that needed to become part of our heavenly Father's altar of His prehistoric love, that is why, that when Israel descended to the Valley of dried bones then their
bodies become the seed that our heavenly Father's right arm planted in Canaan. For these are the seeds that birth the tree that was born from Sarah's barren-womb by the Holy Spirit to become a nation with the oath sworn to Isaac within Egyptian's
captivity, feeding the families of the world during famine with the seven years of abundant richness finally to become baptized at the Red sea.
Understanding that, Israel's children needed to become our heavenly Father's high priests taking as much atoning-blood as the Red sea in volume, spilling it daily from the Holy of Holiest throughout the Sinai's desert that had become the sand
representing the ancient nations that failed to fulfill all truth and justice through the water baptism from their families while they lived on earth. Then the whole of Israel had to descend to the Valley of the dried bones with every ritual and ceremony
of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac to take them over Jerusalem's holy hill as their sacred-flesh that had taken from the rock of salvation may become finally the wood receiving the King Messiah's spilling atoning-blood for everyone's
lasting-salvation forever.
Considering that, once that our Lord Jesus Christ had been nailed to the wood of ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones, then, he shed his atoning-blood filled with lasting-salvation not only for everyone in Israel but also for the
families of the nations that will become baptized in water, only by invoking His holy name fire forever. Because once our Lord Jesus Christ had spilled his atoning-blood over the wood of ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones, only then,
our heavenly Father could become nailed to His children, restoring His holy name fire over them first then His shining face and His entire divine body with perfect holiness filled with eternal life throughout eternity.
Understanding that, once our Lord Jesus Christ finished his work throughout Canaan and in every Israeli home by eating the bread and wine with them over the Lord's Table, then, he spilled his atoning-blood over the wood to finish with sin forever
throughout the world thus miraculously allowing our heavenly Father to be nailed entirely to His children into eternity with perfect holiness. Foreseeing that, when our heavenly Father said to Abraham that he needed to be perfect and holy as He is before
His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts in heaven and upon earth, then, He was saying to him and his promised children that He must be nailed to them (to you too) over Jerusalem's holy hill, in Canaan, for lasting-salvation.
[continued in next message]
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