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All on Fri Oct 5 17:54:45 2018
Sábado, 06 de Octubre, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The day came, when our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai with His altar of the Holy of Holiest burning with His hot oven of His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice, because He had heard His children’s cry
to be released from Egypt’s captivity from four-hundred years, so He needed to anoint Moses. Our heavenly Father then called Moses to ascend, anointing him with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers instantly, thus to do His awesome ministry to speak to
Israel by giving them His Holy name that is Him as God of Abraham, His Son Jesus Christ as God of Isaac, and the Holy Spirit as God of Jacob, so they may escape certain-death.
Israel needed to walk out from Egypt’s captivity, because they needed to become baptized at the Red sea with His holy name fire that He had granted to them through Moses as he ascended Mount Sinai’s summit to enter into the hot oven fires of His
grace, mercy, truth and divine justice finally for Israel to abandon every sin at the seabed. Therefore, Moses was told by our heavenly Father to tell Pharaoh of Egypt to let His children go into the Sinai’s desert where they will celebrate festivities
unto Him, because they were going to serve Him at His ancient altar by offering sacrifices that please Him, for the time had come for them finally to serve Him in His Chosen Land.
This was something that Pharaoh and his officials failed to understand because they had failed to know the God of Israel, although they had lived together almost for four centuries, yet the Egyptians failed know the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and
the God of Jacob, and so, they were in the dark unknowing how to reply to Moses’ request. Besides, Satan was there with them, because he needed to know what was going to happen with Israel after the four-hundred years had been completed, because to a
certain degree he knew that our heavenly Father had Israel growing in Egypt with great richness from every seven years of great harvest coming upon earth, and so, they would have plenty of everything always.
Given that, after the seven years of great blessing descending upon earth then a seventh years of famine will follow without fail, where people died of thirst and hunger because the land where they were living will fail to receive blessings, and
therefore there were never any crops to harvest for the people and the animal kingdoms to survive, as well. Surely, the Egyptians were blessed with great richness from the new earth that our heavenly Father had poured as the oath sworn to Isaac, and so,
for seven years the entire earth will be blessed with abundant crops, but, every nation’s farmer had to store up goods in warehouses for the seven years of famine that was the old sinful earth returning.
This is how our heavenly Father had begun to bless Egypt with the seven years of blessing and the seven years of famine coming upon earth continually, while Israel was becoming our heavenly Father’s nation needed to be established in Canaan, because as
soon as Israel had lived captivity in Egypt, then, He was ready to introduce them into His Promised Land. For this was a requirement that our heavenly Father needed to be fulfilled within Israel while living in Egypt’s captivity, and this was that
Israel needed to grow prosperous as a great nation within the Egyptian families by the blessings sent for seven years with the new earth with glorious skies already created for the families of the nations to enjoy forever.
In other words, as our heavenly Father poured His oath sworn to Isaac, then, He also gave birth already to Jacob as His firstborn upon the new earth visiting His children for seven years with amazing richness that Joseph learned to store up for the
Egyptians and the nations, so no one will ever suffer hunger much less thirst in famine. For our heavenly Father needed to have Israel born within Egypt (because it represents every family nation that has ever lived upon the old earth besides the ones
living in it in generations ahead), therefore, He needed His dream nation to grow great and strong with the new earth’s richness for seven years, thus surviving the dying earth with perfect richness always.
That is why, also that our heavenly Father after He had Israel baptized in water at the Red sea to abandon every sin that the oath sworn to Isaac had accumulated for the four-hundred years of Egypt’s captivity that they suffered as the families of the
nations lying in hell’s torment, then, He had Israel Holy Spirit reborn to serve Him as priests. Given that, when Israel stepped into the Sinai’s desert, then, they were completely changed by the power of the water baptism at the Red sea, because
they had come to learn how to invoke His holy name fire for the Holy Spirit’s baptism that it was to come soon, but, first they had to drink from the bitter water from Marah.
These waters were too bitter to drink that our heavenly Father immediately approached Moses to lead him where to pick a tree to throw it into it, so they may become sweetened for them to drink along with the livestock brought with them from Egypt for the
sacrifices that they had to perform whenever they may need to do it. It is here also, when our heavenly Father needed to take them to the rock of salvation to drink from it living waters, because they had become thirsty again, but, this time, they were
going to drink from the water that will become a river of living waters flowing within their inner beings into eternity.
Thus, Israel needed to drink from the rock of salvation the living waters emerging from His Son Jesus Christ immolated since the foundation of the world, so they may become part of the ancient altar finally serving our Father forever, upholding with
nails on the tree His shining face, His holy name, and His Son shedding His eternal life for everyone’s lasting-salvation. This is also, when our heavenly Father established with them the Sabbath as an eternal covenant, because He needed them to go
through the families of the nations throughout every generation crying His holy heart’s afflictions and suffering for His children lost to Satan’s forbidden fruit, lies, curses, infirmities, poverty and death in hell to return to life soon.
Therefore, because Israel was born enjoying every seventh years of blessings and unspeakable richness from His new earth with glorious skies, then, they were ready to receive everything that our heavenly Father owns in heaven’s glory, including His own
life, His Son and His Holy Spirit thus to present onto Him every Sabbath His peaceful earth, resting with them in it always. For our heavenly Father has to enjoy the blessings, love and endless-richness of His new earth that travels with every man, woman
and child from Israel throughout the nations, letting the families know that the new earth is ready and available to receive anyone willing to become baptized in His holy name, His Son and the Holy Spirit before its door close.
Every seventh day, our heavenly Father receives the new earth with many people on board from all the families of the nations, because they have become baptized in water, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit, so they enter into eternal life, where there is no more sin through eternity. As our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to Israel that in the last days will be as in Noah’s days, when he built the arc before the coming of the great flood, so everyone
willing to board with Noah, his family and a pair from all the animal kingdoms, then that one was saved to live again on earth.
That is why, that our heavenly Father has given us the water baptism, because as you may invoke the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then, you will abandon the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh and the spirit of error for the
Holy Spirit, so you may board the new earth, enjoying life where sin fails to exist eternally. Definitely, this is when you may have finally entered into His new earth, where He has always enjoyed His eternal life with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy
Spirit and the angelical hosts, and now, He will continue to enjoy the life that you have received from Him, bringing into His divine family new glories never seen before by anyone until now.
Thus, this is why you are on earth, where you know the forbidden fruit’s powers by default, causing you to err always until you may become baptized, abandoning the forbidden fruit’s spirit of error for the fruit of life’s Spirit, that is our
heavenly Father along with His Son loving you as you have never been loved until you meet His Holy Spirit. That is why, that it is important for you along with your loved ones, including neighbors and friends, to become baptized in water by invoking the
perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may escape finally the powers of the forbidden fruit that are taking you into poverty and perdition that is hell’s torment.
This glorious earth travel towards you since Abraham and Isaac’s days that descended with our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit along with many holy angels taking always this amazing world into the homes from all the families of the nations,
because they need to enter into it, becoming part of His eternal life filled with daily miracles as always. Because it is only within this glorious earth that is the oath sworn to Isaac where our heavenly Father will meet you in person over Jerusalem’s
holy hill as you are baptized, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and His Holy Spirit never to see sin again in you, so you may be blessed always with powerful daily richness.
It is here, where you will finally find the life that our heavenly Father has granted you to live along with your loved ones, including your neighbors and friends, because once you are cleared from the forbidden fruit as you are baptized in water, then,
the Holy Spirit with our Father’s every living word will flow through you with amazing daily powers continuously. This is where, your prayers and praises unto our heavenly Father and His holy name fire nailed to Israel’s ancient wood over Jerusalem’
s holy hill will be heard constantly and without failed, because as you may pray and praise Him and His holy name fire, then, you will be doing it with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers that are in you always.
For it will be here only, where you will become perfect and holy as our heavenly Father is before His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, because He told Abraham that he had to be perfect and holy as He is to enter eternal life, and this is the
oath sworn to Isaac’s powers of His living-words blessing you with perfection continuously. That is why, that it never matters unto our heavenly Father if you are from a different faith, as you may be a Muslim, Buddhist, Hinduism, Pagan, Spiritist,
Satanist, because He has destroyed these sins forever from around the world with the oath sworn to Isaac’s constant powers, so you may become as perfect and holy as He is eternally, as right now.
That is why, that our heavenly Father had to take Israel from Egypt’s captivity, because through the four-hundred years that they spent there, born with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers, so they may get for seven years the perfect richness
needed from the new earth with its glorious skies to grow as nation worthy of His holy presence and coming glories. Considering that, our heavenly Father needed to have this earth going through the generations with His holy heart crying with great
afflictions and mediations of the Holy Spirit in every one of His children thus to let the families of the nations, although most of them are in hell’s torment already that they are welcomed now into His kingdom of His perfect will.
For it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will these days that every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations understand that they have a great world with glorious skies filled with His own life, perfection, holiness and richness that
they may step into it, to live their daily lives without the threat of sin anymore forever. Surely, once you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, instantly you will become
born again into this new earth that started towards you since Abraham and Isaac’s days, meeting you now, so you may enjoy a great life filled with daily powers, giving you victories over Satan always.
These are the powers from the oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father will always see you as perfect and holy as He is in heaven’s glory with His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, because you will be living His personal eternal life,
where there is no more sin forever much less poverty, sickness and death, starting now. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed Israel liberated from Egypt’s captivity, so you may live the same blessings that He granted to the Israelis, causing
them to grow in great numbers and surround with amazing richness never seen before upon earth, but also, became a great nation of His legitimate children because of the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers.
Inasmuch as, it is our heavenly Father’s will that every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, regardless of their faith, they may also become bless through water baptism as they may invoke the perfect holiness of His name, His Son
and the Holy Spirit, giving them the passport to enter into this glorious earth filled with amazing daily richness. This is the place over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest these days, where you will be vested with powerful blessings never
to fail you throughout the days of your life upon earth, teaching you how to love our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and your loved ones, including neighbors and friends around the world, as well.
As you may enter this new earth with glorious skies shining upon your entire life, then, you will be changed completely, because you will no longer be filled and surrounded with the spirit of error and Satan’s lies but only with our heavenly Father’s
living-words born from His holy heart for you to know only the goodness that He always feels for you. This is the new earth that was not only born from His holy heart to pour upon Isaac, confirming it with Jacob, but, He has made it a covenant of life
and endless richness with the children of Israel thus to bless every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, regardless where they may be these days.
As the entire house of Israel was lying in the Valley of the dried bones, but, when His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit finally fulfilled the oath sworn to Isaac in every Israeli home within Canaan, then, He had legal rights to reclaim His
children to return into His eternal kingdom of endless love, peace and richness throughout eternity. For this is exactly what our heavenly Father has been doing until now since the day that He began to pour His entire holy heart upon earth that is His
new earth with glorious skies and amazing mansions, filled with endless-glories for His children to enjoy throughout eternity, because He will descend to live with humankind at last in His never-ending love.
Therefore, today you may have the wonderful opportunity to embark into this glorious journey with perfect salvation and endless-richness: blessing your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, because He is ready to receive you as perfect and holy as He
has always been with His divine family that loves you as well, these days on earth and forever in heaven’s glory. Think for a moment: You will access immediately this wonderful earth with glorious skies, filled with endless glories, unseen by the
angelical hosts and humankind until now, because this is our heavenly Father’s perfect will to live a blessed daily life with you, without the influence from Satan and his wilds, for what He has is perfect blessings for you throughout eternity.
It is here, where you will learn to love not only our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit but also your loved ones, including everyone else as your neighbors and friends, because it is our Father’s perfect will to bless them as you
are blessed always, because the amazing powers of His holy name fires most grow continually. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to pull Israel from Egypt’s captivity to reach to everyone around the world with its daily richness until He has
come finally to you and your loved ones, because you must not only come onboard His new earth with glorious skies but also you must start living its daily richness until you surpass His divine-goodness.
Besides, our heavenly Father is not willing only to have Israel enjoying the richness from His new earth as they did while they were in Egypt’s captivity for four-hundred years savoring its daily glory along with the Egyptian families, but also, He
wants to have everyone around the world enjoying its blessings until you can be blessed anymore these days. Therefore, once our heavenly Father pulled Israel from Egypt’s captivity then He took them to the Red sea for the water baptism, because once
you are ready to receive from His Holy Spirit and the daily richness of Isaac’s sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, then, you must be washed clean from all your sins by invoking His holy name’s powers.
Within the Sinai’s desert, once Israel had sweetened the bitter waters of Marah with the tree that had descended from Jerusalem’s holy hill for Moses to throw it into its bitter waters thus to make them drinkable for human consumption, then later,
they became thirsty again, but, this time, they drank abundantly along with their herds from the rock of salvation. Because Israel needed to be the first drinking from the waters of Marah sweetened with the tree from Jerusalem’s holy hill, but also,
they needed to drink first from the rock-of-salvation descending from our Father’s holy presence, so they will never thirst again throughout the Sinai’s desert and within Canaan as the tree bearing His holy name fire with nails forever.
Really, our heavenly Father needed to establish once in for all His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, but, it needed to be nailed to the house of Israel thus to be lifted above the families of the nations as a blazing torch: so His new earth
with splendid skies may finally become His kingdom of His perfect will upon earth forever. Therefore, throughout the Sinai’s desert Israel became our heavenly Father’s families of priests because He was able not only to have granted them His holy
name fire, but also, He was able to grant them the tabernacle of reunion along with the Holy of Holiest, because they needed to shed lamb’s atoning-blood over the sins of the dying world.
These were rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac that Israel needed to conduct within the new earth with its glorious skies that had abandon Egypt’s captivity with them, taking it to the families of the nations already
lying in hell, but also, to their children throughout the world until it finally has come to you nowadays. These rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac needed to be executed throughout the Sinai’s desert, but only,
within the new earth and its glorious skies that is our heavenly Father’s kingdom of His perfect will, where He will continue living with His Son, His Spirit, the angelical hosts but also with his baptized children from humankind.
This was something that only the house of Israel could do for our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac needed to be executed daily over the families
of the ancient nations already lying in hell, then, they needed to ascend Jerusalem’s holy hill forever. Timely, our heavenly Father had called Abraham to set his only son Isaac ablaze over the mountaintop that He would show him at Moriah’s mountains,
and this was Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over one of Moriah’s mountains, because he needed to light-up the fire of the new earth coming upon the world soon, for humankind to live finally without sin through eternity.
However, when Abraham was ready to execute our heavenly Father’s will that is to sacrifice his only son Isaac as if he was another lamb in his hands, then, He had His only Son Jesus Christ interrupting his sacrifice as he was ready to kill Isaac thus
burning him as a burnt lamb sacrifice with its fire flaming up into heaven’s glory. Surely, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ calling Abraham from heaven’s glory as from where He sits at the Mercy Seat before His angelical hosts to stop
the killing of his only son Isaac, because he was not the one to shed his atoning-blood over the altar but, instead, he was to shed it over his whole family within Canaan only.
This is our heavenly Father’s Lamb that takes the sin of the world that was to shed his atoning-blood over the wood that had sweetened the waters at Marah in the Sinai’s desert for the thirsty Israelis to drink along with their herds brought with
them from Egypt as chosen sacrificial lambs, shedding the atoning-blood over every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness. Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed to be the one taking His only beloved Son Jesus Christ over Jerusalem’s holy hill to be
nailed to his brothers and sisters that were the entire house of Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones that had failed to make it into the Promised Land, because they had believed in a sinful golden calf.
The entire house of Israel descended into the Valley of the dried bones because they failed to please our heavenly Father in all His truth and Divine Justice of His holy name fire, His Ten Commandments, His tabernacle rituals and ceremonies from the oath
sworn to Isaac, because they had mistakenly believed in the sin of the golden calf. The entire house of Israel had been pulled from Egypt’s captivity by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because they
needed to abandon sin in the water baptism of the Red sea, but also, they needed to dress with the oath sworn to Isaac that is the Holy Spirit and His Son’s sacred-flesh.
That is to say, that every man, woman and child needed to convey His holy heart’s afflictions and mediation for the families of the nations that had already descended into hell’s torment, because they had failed to have a covenant with Him thus they
needed Israel as priests over them, covering their sins through the Sinai’s desert with lamb’s atoning-blood shed continually. This was something that Israel managed to do for every man, woman and child already lying in hell’s torment, because they
had failed to have a priesthood representing them before our heavenly Father, moreover, they needed to know His holy name fire, thus with rituals and ceremonies from the oath sworn to Isaac they finally came to know God Almighty as savior.
Lawfully, these rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac could only be conducted within the entire house of Israel, because, they were born already in this new earth with its glorious skies: and so, every man, woman and
child from all the families of the nations around the world may inherit eternal life at last. However, although Israel was able to do these wonderful works of His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice for families of
the ancient nations that had already lived their lives without knowing our heavenly Father ever, then, their children continued to descend into hell through the generations without hope and salvation forever.
Because although our heavenly Father was able to use the entire house of Israel as His personal priests by conducting very important rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness throughout the Sinai’s desert, within the powers and daily richness of the
new earth with its glorious skies, then, they failed too to enter into Canaan. Ultimately, the entire house of Israel descended into the Valley of the dried bones, too, although they had done exactly for what our heavenly Father had called them within
the new earth and with its glorious skies, receiving daily the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, but they died nevertheless, believing erroneously in a golden calf.
In other words, Israel although was born with the oath sworn to Isaac that is the new earth with glorious skies, where our heavenly Father will finally live with them throughout eternity once it is manifested within Canaan lastly, but, because they
believed in a golden calf, then, they had to enter hell as the families of the nations had done believing idol-worship. Given that, for anyone to enter into Israel, whether you are born there from your mother’s womb or you are just coming (or returning)
to your forefathers’ land, then, you must become baptized in water from anywhere around the world before entering into Canaan, so you may enjoy the blessings hidden there for you and loved ones for many generations to come.
Inasmuch as, Canaan that our heavenly Father had chosen to live with His divine family that is His Son and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical host, and you too along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, including the families from all
nations, is a land of an eternal covenant of life and endless richness of love, peace and happiness. And our heavenly Father has established an eternal covenant that is the oath sworn to Isaac that you must obey by becoming baptized in water to enter
into His land chosen soon to descend from heaven’s glory with the house of Israel and the angelical hosts, where He is completely honored by you, because you are reborn with water and the Holy Spirit forever.
Meaning that, when you are reborn from the water and the Holy Spirit by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then, this means that you are not only have ascended into Jerusalem’s holy hill to be received as His
legitimate child, but also, your home has become His home-sweet-home, wherever you may live on earth nowadays. Provided that, with His altar of Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest with His Son Jesus Christ having spilled his atoning-blood
over the entire site, where He sits on His Mercy Seat, then, He can make every home from all the families of the nations His home-sweet-home, because you have become baptized by invoking His all-powerful holy name forever.
This means that these days no matter where you may live on earth, you can make your home His home-sweet-home by submerging yourself into water, wherever you may decide to get baptized, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit, because once you are baptized then His altar over Jerusalem’s holy hill will enter your family-home. It does not matter if you have an altar, or your family has one or an idol of worship, our heavenly Father will fail always to see
that device, because in the oath sworn to Isaac, He only can see you as perfect and holy as He has always been before His Son, His Spirit and the angelical hosts, so you may receive His daily blessings always.
This is when, your prayers are heard loud and clear in heaven’s glory before our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may answer your daily prayers along with blessings of love, healing, prosperity and untold richness,
because He needs you to receive richness as Abraham did initially for the glory of His holy name upon earth. For His holy name fire is nailed to the wood of ancient Israel that was born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so they
may become born with the oath sworn to Isaac thus to become His priests listening to His voice always throughout the Sinai’s desert and in Canaan as well.
Surely, our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ born from King David’s virgin daughter, so she may restore His bloodline within Israel and the families of the nations as His Son was born as the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of
the world, nailing His children to the sacred-flesh of the covenant of life for eternity. This is where, not only the entire house of Israel was nailed to His Son Jesus Christ victorious over Satan’s wilds throughout Canaan and the world, but also, He
nailed His holy name fire and His shining face to it, restoring His image in every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, but, baptized in water only.
This is where, our heavenly Father needs to see you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, because once you are reborn from the water and the Holy Spirit baptisms by invoking the perfect holiness of His name fire, then, you are nailed to Him,
His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus becoming His divine family forever in perfect holiness. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ used to say throughout Israel as he went through its valleys, towns and cities that whoever fails to take on his
wood to follow him, then, he is not worthy of him, because by becoming reborn from water and the Holy Spirit, then, you have entered into the oath sworn to Isaac forever justified.
This means that you have become part of our heavenly Father’s divine family with all the privileges as His legitimate son to enjoy every richness that enriches His holy heart, His holy mind, His holy soul, His holy body, and His eternal life throughout
the kingdom of heaven and the earth as well, that is, if you are baptized in water already. Therefore, it never matters to our heavenly Father if you are a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Pagan, Spiritist or from any other religion from around the world,
because sin has been destroyed already with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers that is the new earth with its glorious skies, so your home may become His home-sweet-home upon earth right now.
Considering that, our heavenly Father does not only want to see you baptized in water so you may receive His Spirit and the sacred-flesh with its daily blessings descending from heaven’s glory daily upon you until kingdom comes upon earth, but also, He
needs to see your loved ones, neighbors and friends, nail to Him over Jerusalem’s holy hill with perfect salvation holiness. Given that, our heavenly Father has also granted you the powers to take your loved ones, friends and neighbors over Jerusalem’
s holy hill, so you may nail each one of them to the wood where His shining face, His Son Jesus Christ and His holy name fires are nailed to His children from Israel, so you may enjoy His daily blessings progressively.
[continued in next message]
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