From valarezo@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 21 20:20:32 2018
    Sábado, 22 de Septiembre, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


    Our heavenly Father called Abraham to abandon his home and lands, father and mother, relatives and friends, to the land that He will show him, because He had been anointed to become the father of a great nation born miraculously from Him, His Son Jesus
    Christ and the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah. Without delay, Abraham obeyed our heavenly Father’s call, because he took his wife Sarai along with everything that belong to him along with Lot his nephew since he needed to
    enter into the land that his God had called him to inhabit with his family, and this is the land of Canaan.

    Surely, our heavenly Father needed Abraham to obey His call by abandoning his homeland, fathers and loved ones that he had come to know through the years, because he was ready to receive much more than what he had left behind him to fulfill His perfect
    will for his life and his loved ones born in Canaan forever blessed, enriching the earth. Obediently, when Abraham arrived in the land that our heavenly Father had shown him to inherit, then he quickly built an altar to bless our Father in heaven,
    because of the beautiful land that He had shown him to poses with his loved ones that were coming along with him thus to receive the blessings that were prepared for them to enjoy.

    Now, our heavenly Father had called Abraham to poses a land that He had personally chosen to establish his altar of the prehistoric love that has always existed in heaven’s glory with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, blessing not only
    heaven’s glory but also the angelical hosts, created for the glory and honor of His name forever. That is to say, that by Abraham obeying our heavenly Father’s call to enter into a new land that he had never seen before to live there with his loved
    ones, as Sarai his wife but also Lot and his relatives, then, He did it finally to have someone in that land believing in His living-word pouring from His holy heart.

    For our heavenly Father had called Abraham into a land that was hostile to Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because It was inhabited by people that were serving and worshipping their gods with their individual altars that they had built
    throughout it, and they were not willing to leave His land, instead they were ready to stay forever. However, with our heavenly Father having a man along with his loved ones obeying His call to come into His chosen land thus to establish His altar of the
    prehistoric love forever, where His family has always lived with Him through eternity, then, He was ready to begin the fight against His enemies to retake His land.

    Certainly, with Abraham obeying His word to enter into Canaan then He could fight His enemies that were not willing to obey His word much less abandon Canaan for the glory of His altar of the prehistoric love to descend from heaven above, thus to bless
    Abraham and his loved ones but also the families of the nations that needed His blessings. This was something that our heavenly Father needed to start with Abraham along with his loved ones because He needed to fight His enemies that were numerous as the
    seashore sand, however, with one of His servants obeying His living-word spoken to him with great kindness and powers then He could face any enemy and defeat that opponent forever.

    For this is a fight that our heavenly Father needed to start with Abraham and his loved ones that will not only bring into Canaan His living-words and many promises of a great life for him and his promised child, but also, His altar of the prehistoric
    love from heaven above was going to be up and running finally upon earth. This was something that our heavenly Father needed to do with Abraham along with his son Isaac thus to begin to establish His perfect will upon every family from the families of
    the nations, as it is established in heaven’s glory with His angelical hosts that are always faithful to His holy name fire thus to conquer new glories through eternity.

    Assuredly, our heavenly Father was ready with Abraham along with his loved ones to fight all enemies from Canaan thus to have it, by the living-powers of His words, spoken unto his servant and loved ones, because this was a fight for His words to defeat
    Satan’s lies and deceptions established already within his evil altars from the nations’ families occupying Canaan. Truthfully, what our heavenly Father was doing with Abraham and his loved ones coming along with him to live in Canaan, it was to
    establish first His living-words and promises to Abraham and his family within it, then, cause the Holy Spirit of His words to begin destroying every wicked lie from Satan thus to liberate the world from sin at last.

    Moreover, for our heavenly Father’s living-word and promises of great blessings to Abraham and his loved ones to take root within Canaan, then He had to sit with him at the Lord’s Table to eat with his 318 adoptive children the bread and wine, served
    daily by His Son Jesus Christ in heaven’s glory to keep the holy angels perfectly holy always. Considering that, the entire kingdom of heaven continues to be perfectly holy through eternity, then it is because everyone eats from the Lord Jesus Christ
    the bread and wine served daily to eat perfect holiness before our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit, and these are the powers known to us these days as the oath sworn to Isaac.

    For this is the only way possible for our heavenly Father to keep His will obeyed by His holy angels from heaven above as angels, archangels, cherubs, especial-creatures and so forth, so they may continue to love, serve and worship His holy name fire
    over Jerusalem’s holy hill that is His home-sweet-home, where He lives with His divine family always glorified. That is why, that Lucifer became Satan and the one-third of his angels became demons, because once they had rebelled against our heavenly
    Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by defying His holy name fire over His ancient altar, then, they ceased to eat from the bread and wine thus becoming ugly and evil as we know them today.

    Therefore, the people living in Canaan without our heavenly Father’s consent then they were been fed by Satan and his fallen angels’ food from hell, nourishing continually the lies, curses and wickedness that they were getting from Satan and his
    wicked followers, thus our heavenly Father needed to stop these evils immediately before spreading into the world. For our heavenly Father needed to bless His chosen land of Canaan not only by giving it to Abraham and his children to be born through the
    generations as countless as the stars from heaven above, but also, He needed to bless every family from all the nations from the past, present and future living in the world.

    However, this was something that could only take place in the land that He had chosen not only to establish His altar of the prehistoric love forever with Abraham and his family believing in His words and promises but also with every man, woman and child
    from all the families believing in Him and His holy name fire as well throughout the world. Because every one of them as they may believe in Him, His Son Jesus Christ (born as Isaac and later as His only Son in Canaan), and the Holy Spirit then they
    could very well become baptized in water anywhere from all the nations, accessing instantly His altar of the prehistoric love, where He will receive them in His covenant of life.

    For our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit they needed to start conquering the families of the nations from the altar of the prehistoric love, where He has always lived with His divine family and the angelical hosts
    throughout eternity, so they may finally return to Him and eternal life through a powerful covenant of reconcilation. Besides, this is a covenant of His living word that our heavenly Father began to speak to Abraham thus enriching him along with his wife
    Sarai, although she had a barren-womb unable to bear a child, but through His living-words, spoken earlier, then He could grant him His only Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, so he may have His Holy Spirit’s eternal life.

    For this was exactly what our heavenly Father needed for every family from all the nations from the past, present and future, because through the covenant of His living-words and promises granted to Abraham and his family, then, He could not only grant
    them His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac but also the Holy Spirit and every richness from heaven above forever. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed not only Abraham along with Sarai and the adoptive children speaking and believing His words granted to them
    already in Canaan, where they were living in those days, but also, He needed His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac to begin to speak His words filled with His Holy Spirit’s powers, miracles, blessings and amazing endless-richness.

    Because it will be our heavenly Father’s living-words already spoken to Abraham and his family spreading from them to others thus reaching the families of the nations through many generations, receiving always the same blessings, powers and gifts from
    heaven above, but also, it was important for Him to see His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, establishing His glory upon earth finally. Given that, when His Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac from Sarai’s barren-womb then he brought into the families of the
    nations the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, filled with our heavenly Father’s perfect eternal life that was to be restored finally by one of Abraham’s and Sarai’s daughter, and this is king David’s virgin daughter in

    Lawfully, she had to spill our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood, filled with His eternal life not only for Israel but also for every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, because He needed to do away with Adam’s and Eve’s flesh
    that sinned by eating from the forbidden fruit that they were warned initially never to eat from it. Because the day that they may eat from it then they will sin against our heavenly Father by walking away not only from Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the
    Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts but they will also walk away from His altar of the prehistoric love, where they needed to grow thus to enjoy amazing daily richness always.

    Considering that, our heavenly Father had planned already to establish a new earth with glorious skies, because He needed to live only with His divine family known not only as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but also the entire human race,
    starting with Adam and Eve thus to cover the earth with His children born only to Him. Certainly, this is something that our heavenly Father needed to do with Adam and Eve along with the children born through the generations to come upon earth, because
    in heaven’s glory Lucifer had sinned not only against Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, but also, he threatened to take over the entire angelical kingdom, covering them with his usual lies.

    Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to start everything anew but somewhere away from heaven’s glory, in a world that has never sinned against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and this is the earth where Adam and his children continue to
    be born upon it until now by the amazing daily powers of His altar of the prehistoric love. Now, you may say, the earth is a sinful place for a very holy God to come to live with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit along with the angelical host and the
    families of the nations saved through the generations, by only believing in His living-words spoken to Abraham and his divine-seed forever, but, with His living-words He can.

    Evidently, this is the oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father needed established upon earth and with His Son lying over the wood as Isaac before Abraham and Sarai with her barren-womb giving him countless children until now, but also, His Son again
    lying over the wood as Yeshua in Canaan, conquered by His children finally for His coming kingdom. This is the oath sworn to Isaac, pouring from our heavenly Father’s holy heart as a compilation of amazing powers and gifts over His altar of the
    prehistoric love in heaven’s glory, for the angelical hosts not only to keep themselves always perfect and holy but also to praise and worship continually His holy name fire, for His will to be honored always.

    Similarly, our heavenly Father needed to have a perfect covenant established with Abraham by eating from the bread and wine over the Lord’s Table from heaven’s glory, so He may have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarai’s barren-womb thus
    for Him to pour continually His new earth with glorious skies, where His children will finally live without sin through eternity. Because the families of the nations descending into hell’s torment are His legitimate children born from His image and
    living-soul, as Adam did initially and later Eve along everyone else around the world until now that He had to help them escape from Satan’s evils and hell’s wicked places of eternal torment that can only be defeated by His oath sworn to Isaac.

    Legally, when our heavenly Father called Abraham to the mountaintop that He will show him at Moriah, then, it was not only to lay his only dear son Isaac over the wood as a burnt sacrifice unto Him in heaven’s glory, but also, it was to begin pouring
    upon earth His new dream earth with glorious skies, where sin fails to exist forever. This is an ongoing process that started with Abraham and Isaac his only beloved son over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah that continues to manifest
    unceasingly this glorious earth with its spacious skies through the Holy Spirit’s afflictions and mediations for the salvation of humankind that started with Isaac to continue with Jacob and his children, until final victory is reached.

    That is why, when a baby is born within the Israeli families then the Holy Spirit is given birth again to Isaac thus for the ministry of the oath sworn to Isaac to continue manifesting unceasingly throughout the life of that newborn that becomes an adult,
    taking our heavenly Father’s holy heart afflictions for His children to return to Him without sin. Because our heavenly Father needs to save His children lost to Lucifer’s sin, lies, curses, deceptions and death in hell’s torment so they may
    return to Him but without sin—that is why that—the baptism of water was given from heaven above to every man, woman and child to become born again by invoking the perfect holiness of His name for salvation.

    Assuming that, every drop of water that the entire earth has to this day, it has always descended as rain for His children to be able to sustain life along with every other kingdom that He has created supporting human life continually as the animals upon
    the land, the fish in the great oceans, and the birds from the spacious skies. Undeniably, this is the water that has accumulated over the years in great bodies as the ponds, rivers, lakes and vast oceans where any man, woman and child may become
    baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, so they may have access instantly to this new dream earth with spacious skies that our heavenly Father has created already.

    Ever since our heavenly Father began pouring His holy heart’s afflictions and mediations over Isaac’s sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, then, it has continued to pour and manifest in Jacob and in every one of his children for
    the families of the nations to become bless, by coming to know this new dream earth that is His oath sworn to Isaac. This divine ministry only the Holy Spirit can convey it in every man, woman and child from Israel born into the world with it, taking our
    heavenly Father’s holy heart’s afflictions and suffering for His lost children to Satan’s lies to return home but without sin—and this is the way, truth and life of His oath sworn to Isaac for reconciliation.

    What is more, every affliction, suffering, mediation executed by the Holy Spirit in every man, woman and child from Israel, because they are the anointed ones from our heavenly Father to do this wonderful work for Him and the glory of His holy name fire
    through the generations, is finally established over Jerusalem’s holy hill, pleasing His holy heart at last forever. Inasmuch as, the more that our heavenly Father is pleased with every affliction and suffering that He has come to know through
    generations, seeing His children descending into hell’s torment because they failed to have a covenant with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, this means that the new earth has been created already and soon to manifest worldwide.

    Provided that, the more the Holy Spirit is able to minister the oath sworn to Isaac in every man, woman and child from Israel through the generations then we will see soon this new earth with spacious skies, filled with glories that no one has ever seen
    before, because they have always existed in His perfect and holy heart to be manifested lastly. That is why, that Satan fears Israel when is growing that he has to send his altar along with his ministers of evil (or witchcraft workers to continue to
    stall the work of the Holy Spirit by reducing the number of Israel in any way possible), so the Holy Spirit’s ministry of the oath sworn to Isaac will fail to reach the lost.

    Now, if everyone from the house of Israel becomes baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, Satan will fail to keep them from growing, because it is only the oath sworn to Isaac that
    keeps Israel growing strong since there is no power greater than it, to destroy them. This is when, our heavenly Father will be able to have His holy heart growing with greater heavenly powers since the day that He poured the oath sworn to Isaac over
    Isaac’s sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that the Holy Spirit will be able to intercede as never before for the lost children to return home soon.

    This means that our heavenly Father’s powers from the oath sworn to Isaac will be able to increase throughout the families of the nations as never before to manifest the greatness of His holy heart for every one of His children, so He may save them
    from Satan’s wilds and from certain poverty, sickness, and death in hell’s torment ultimately. Meaning that, our heavenly Father will be able to liberate every one of His children from around the world to return into His fold, the Holy of Holiest,
    over Jerusalem holy hill, where He will receive them with His unfailing love that He has always felt for them to enjoy His amazing richness, granted unto them already to live forever blessed nowadays.

    For it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will that His children may live as rich and holy as He has ever lived with His divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and nowadays it is you too along with your loved ones and friends,
    because His Son and His Spirit have brought you into His fold already. Besides, His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit has bought you along with your loved and friends from everywhere into our heavenly Father’s fold with a great price, paid
    with His precious eternal life and atoning-blood over Jerusalem’s holy, shed entirely over His children to lift them from the Valley of the dried bones to eternal richness in heaven’s glory.

    Because when our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to ancient Israel’s wood lying in the Valley of the dried bones, waiting for our heavenly Father to bless them from Zion, then, Aaron’s children ascended Jerusalem’s holy hill to have His holy name as
    King of the Jews rewritten to say that he said that he is King of the Jews. However, the Roman soldiers were unwilling to please them this time, because it was our heavenly Father to have His holy name fire nailed to His children that have become a curse
    in the Valley of the dried bones, and so, by its amazing daily powers raise them on the Third Day to see the Lord to serve Him forever acceptable.

    For it needed to be over Jerusalem’s holy hill with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to His children lying in the Valley of dried bones without hope to see life again, where Aaron’s children had to invoke His holy name fire hanging on a wood, considered
    to be a place of curse, then, the Father blessed them from Zion with perfect-salvation everlastingly. This is where, His children finally were blessed by the rock of salvation that they were given to drink from it perfect love in abundance, filled with
    amazing holiness, angelic happiness and joys of been saved by our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood of His eternal life to enter into heaven’s glory only to know the greatness of His holy heart towards them forever.

    Presently, this is where our heavenly Father has blessed already every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, because they are living in the same situation that the entire house of Israel was once in the Valley of the dried bones
    without hope and salvation until His holy name fire was invoked over them to see life again. Therefore, there is no need for you to live a sinful-life lacking the essential things of a blessed life upon earth, because when our heavenly Father sent His
    blessing from Zion then He blessed you as well, so you may never live the cursed life that Lucifer has lived ever since sin was born from his heart against our heavenly Father.

    Currently, there is no need for you to suffer the lack of anything in your daily life, because our heavenly Father as He sent His blessing from Zion over His Israeli children lying in the Valley of the dried bones (because of the golden calf sin that
    they had received), then, you were blessed too with heaven’s glory daily richness forever. Indeed, when you get baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit then the oath sworn to Isaac’s amazing daily
    powers will enter your entire life only to bless you progressively, until kingdom comes upon earth, because you will have entered into His new earth, where poverty fails to exist in you forever.

    For this is the new earth with glorious skies today, poured from our heavenly Father’s holy heart in Abraham’s days over Jerusalem’s holy hill, passed on to Jacob finally to be conveyed by his children through generations with great Holy Spirit
    care announcing the families of the nations the rebirth of the earth, where sin fails to exist in every living-soul throughout eternity. For this is the new earth with glorious skies: where our heavenly Father will meet today every man, woman and child
    from every faith from around the world as Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus, Satanists, witchcraft-workers, Pagans, Vatican and any other religion, because their sins have already been destroyed at the Red sea baptism forever by the amazing daily powers of His
    holy name.

    That is why, that the entire house of Israel can celebrate before our heavenly Father’s holy presence every festivity given to them throughout the year since the days of Moses as the Festival of the Tabernacles, Passover and may others, as Sabbath
    every seventh day, because these festivities are celebrated in the powers of the oath sworn to Isaac as always. Therefore, these festivities are very holy in our heavenly Father’s presence as they are celebrated according to His perfect will throughout
    the house of Israel, because in these festivities as they are conducted by the powers of the oath sworn to Isaac then they are celebrated really in His new earth where sin fails to exist in His children forever into eternity.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father every seventh day He receives every one of His children from the house of Israel over Jerusalem’s holy hill, because they have gone throughout the earth with the Holy Spirit’s grieving and afflictions for the
    families of the nations to enter into His new earth before it is finally manifested soon into the world. Thus, on this day as in every Sabbath our heavenly Father receives from each one of His children the new earth with its splendid skies that have
    traveled throughout the earth telling the Holy Spirit through His holy heart’s afflictions and mediations to the families of the nations the need for them to board the new earth, before its door is closed.

    Because the end of the old life style upon this sinful world will soon come into its end, where our heavenly Father will finally manifest His new earth with glorious skies that have traveled with the children of Israel throughout generations, telling the
    Holy Spirit every one that the new earth is available now for believers to live forever blessed, starting now. Definitely, this is the new earth, where you can start living in it now, with our heavenly Father blessing your life with His Son and the Holy
    Spirit, working with the oath sworn to Isaac, as the amazing daily powers of His living-words spoken with abundance of love, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice for you to enjoy until kingdom comes upon earth finally.

    It is only here: where our heavenly Father will speak into your entire life every living-word that emerged from His holy heart over Isaac to confirm it with Jacob finally to be conveyed by his children through many generations, blessing the families of
    the nations with perfect powers of love, where what is impossible then it is possible for everyone finally forever. Frankly, we are talking about the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers poured by heavenly Father not only because of you these days but also for
    your loved ones from the past and from future generations to have amazing daily powers now: living a blessed life, where Lucifer still with his cronies needs to impose over you his sinful-life, where you are poor always.

    In this new earth with glorious skies, emerging from our heavenly Father’s holy heart to rescue His children from Lucifer’s sin, curses, death and hell’s torment that is the oath sworn to Isaac in you and around you each day upon earth, you will
    always fail to know the lack of things much less you will ever lose your health, wealth or life. This is the safest place in heaven’s glory for our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as His divine family known by the angelical
    hosts, and upon earth is also the safest place for every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations to live protected by His perfect living-word, enriching you progressively always.

    Thus, the only thing that you need today to enter into this new earth with glorious skies that blesses your daily life before our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the holy angels, is to become reborn from the water
    baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Because by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then you are abandoning under the water the spirit of error, received from
    the forbidden fruit, as Eve and then Adam ate, so you may finally live the sinful and rebellious life that Lucifer inherited as he defied His holy name over Jerusalem’s holy hill.

    This is the sinful life from Lucifer, where you will lack always the basic things to live a proper life that will be strong enough to stand against all Satan’s wilds that he may launch against you through his cronies and fallen angels that are always
    available to attack you whenever possible with wicked lies, curses, and deadly deceptions to harm you mercilessly. However, with the oath sworn to Isaac, received by you, only baptized in water, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and
    the Holy Spirit then you will live life as it is lived in heaven’s glory as in paradise and in the New Jerusalem and also in Israel by Jesus Christ, so you may live it always enriched.

    That is why, that when our heavenly Father sees you from heaven above as from Zion then He fails to see you each day of your life committing sin against Him, because His Son Jesus Christ has never sinned in eternal life nor in heaven’s glory as in
    paradise, in The New Jerusalem or in any celestial place much less in Israel. Thus, this is the perfect life that our heavenly Father only sees in His children, regardless, where they may be living upon earth these days as ancient Israel lying in the
    Valley of the dried bones, but, with His Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood over Jerusalem’s holy wood—then He saw them blameless, enriched, and victorious over Satan throughout Canaan, forever.

    Assuming that, these days as you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then He sees you in the blessing that He sent from Zion over the children of Israel, standing as the wood,
    bathed in the atoning-blood that pleases all truth and justice persistently. Thus, it is only here, where you will enter into the oath sworn to Isaac that is the new earth with glorious skies, ready to appear throughout the world these days, after the
    entire house of Israel had taken it through the generations, announcing to the families of the nations that God’s new kingdom of His perfect is about to start soon.

    For this is the only place in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts and upon earth, where you will always know His amazing unfailing love for you along with His angelical happiness and endless joys for your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit,
    taking you into eternal days only knowing His holy heart’s greatness for you and your loved ones throughout eternity. And this is possible for you along with your love ones, and friends, because He loves you still as He has always loved His divine
    family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and nowadays you along with your family, because He needs to see you living His enriched life before His enemies, for His holy name fire’s new amazing glories. Amen!

    Culture and peace for every one today and always!

    Cordially yours,

    The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

    JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
    Father, but by me" John, 14:6

    Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
    Romans 10: 9

    You must do the Following:

    Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
    Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
    Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
    Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans 10-: 9-10

    Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See Romans 10:13

    What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


    That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart

    [continued in next message]

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