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All on Fri Jun 30 19:00:06 2017
Sábado, 01 de Julio, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
(Happy Fourth of July to every one throughout the United States of America, commemorating the Independence from the English control of the home of the free and the land of the brave. May our heavenly Father bless every one of the children throughout
their families and homes, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, so they may become reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit’s as well, to enter into a wonderful personal relationship with our Father God in the Holy of Holiest for constant
blessings, of richness and never-ending love.
We would also like to remember the many families that have been affected from this terrible landslide that took place few days ago SW of China. Our love, condolences and prayers are with every man, woman and child throughout our sister nation of China,
so may our heavenly Father bless them in His Son Jesus Christ for the Holy Spirit to grant them the new rebirth into the wonderful life that we are called to receive from heaven above to enter into eternal life forever blessed these days.)
Our heavenly Father responded from heaven above (as from the Holy of Holiest, of the tabernacle of reunion that Moses and Israel have not received yet), and He said: Why are you crying out to me, you know what to do, remember what we talked about over
the mountaintop—this baptism is from heaven above. Take the staff that is in your hand and lifted over the Red sea, to open a path in the middle of it, with two walls of water and dried ground to the other side, so Israel may cross through it into
safety where they will begin to serve God and His Lamb with all their soul, mind, body and human spirit.
This is the moment that our heavenly Father had waited for four hundred years, because this is the day that He will not only cause Israel to dump all the sins, infirmities, curses and wounds of the families of the nations, but also, save them from a
certain holocaust coming from Satan and his fallen angels that were desperate to destroy them. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed Israel to abandon in the bottom of the sea the sinful-flesh that He had already passed judgment against it through Adam
and Eve as He told them, because they have eaten from the fruit from the tree of knowledge, of good and evil, then they had to return to the dust of the earth.
Inasmuch as, from the dust you were taken then to the dust you must return, and this is when Adam and Eve descended from paradise to earth to continue to live their normal lives, but with a day of death waiting for each one of them, including their
children to be born in generations ahead, unless they became baptized. Now, our heavenly Father needed Moses to baptize the entire house of Israel at the sea, by going through it in dried ground, because He had given him already His holy name and that of
His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit to have the power to change from the sinful-flesh to the sacred-flesh thus to serve Him with love.
For our heavenly Father had in mind to ascend them over to His mountaintop thus to baptize each one of them with the amazing hot oven fires of His great grace, His great mercy, His great truth and His great divine justice, so they become His especial
children as Moses was to Him in those days, filled with amazing-powers to serve Him. This water baptism was very important for our heavenly Father to have Israel go through it, by the amazing working powers of His holy name and that of His Son Jesus
Christ along with the Holy Spirit, because it is here, where perfect holiness detaches every living soul from the spirit of error from the forbidden fruit, to serve God forever anointed.
For this is the only place, where our heavenly Father can remove the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh from every man, woman and child not only from Israel but also from everyone from the family of the nations, so they may become filled with His Holy
Spirit and amazing daily gifts that are needed to live a powerful-life before Him in heaven. This is when, every one that is baptized in water by invoking the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, then, powerful holiness bathes not only the
living soul of every man, woman and child but also the heart, mind and the human spirit so they may love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father at last, into everlasting.
This is the moment, when the spirit of error that is derived from the forbidden fruit and that causes the flesh to sin before our heavenly Father and His divine family of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit that is finally removed completely
along with the sinful-flesh and every sin that has ever been manifested through them on earth. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to baptize Israel in the sea by Moses been there, because he had received the powers of His holy
name fire along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, for Israel to step into the life that it has always searched for without ever find it until those days.
Inasmuch as, this amazing-life filled with our heavenly Father’s every day blessing along with His ancient glories of His holy name, His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit, then that living soul of every man, woman and child will only know and
receive the richness from heaven above that He has prepared for them already to enjoy continually in heaven. For the reason that, by been baptized in water as His holy name is invoked along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then all the evils
from the forbidden fruit will depart never to return, because the Holy Spirit along with the sacred-flesh is in total control of that man, woman and child for our heavenly Father’s new glories.
This baptism was very important to come into existence within Israel as a nation that our heavenly Father had blessed powerfully with His Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ born before they were born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, because it will
become the mother of all baptisms throughout world and until kingdom finally comes into Canaan to stay on earth, forever. Provided that, every time the children of the Israelites that left Egypt’s captivity along with the gentiles that were living with
them as well will become baptized in their days, by invoking the holy name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, then they will receive instantly the same deliverance from the spirit of error and of the sinful-flesh.
That is to say, also that as anyone is baptized in water by invoking the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, then that person is receiving not only deliverance from the spirit of error that entered into their living-souls when Adam and
Eve ate from the forbidden fruit, but also they will receive the sacred-flesh filled with daily-blessings. For this is the Holy Spirit, and the body of His Son Jesus Christ that started with Abraham and Sarah as Isaac was born with the sacred-flesh, the
unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that removes sin for grace, mercy (love), truth and divine justice to flow freely in everyone’s living soul, baptized in water later to receive the Holy Spirit mighty baptism.
Therefore, this was a baptism of water that our heavenly Father had given to Moses and Israel to possess forever, because after they had been baptized in the Red sea, then they were supposed to live the glorious life that He had prepared for them and for
the children to come, but they failed to do this for our heavenly Father. Because, right after they became baptized in water then they just ignored the Red sea or the water baptism that they had gone through entirely as a nation before our Father in
heaven, so they may abandon the sinful-life of slavery at the bottom of the sea to start walking in the Highway of Holiness, where only His reborn children walk through.
Israel just never looked again to become baptized in water as they had done it through the sea with Moses as their leader with the holy name’s amazing powers of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit that liberated them from sin, curses,
infirmities, poverty and death in hell, forever, because now they had received an entire new powerful life. That is to say, that Israel never realized that the children that were been born to them then they also needed to get baptized in any body of
water available within the Sinai’s desert, because there were places where Israel could go to, to have their children baptized to receive deliverance from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh.
In truth, from anywhere within the Sinai’s desert Israel could very easily travel to the Red sea again to baptize their children as a remembrance of the day that they were baptized, when Pharaoh and his entire army were closing on them again to take
them back as slaves into Egypt, but they failed to do it. Israel never looked forward to get their children baptized in water or any one else as in the nations that they were meeting, for example, that they could have taken them into water baptism,
because these peoples, if they have discovered water baptism, then they would have walked into the glorious and powerful life that starts within the Highway of Holiness.
For this is the Highway of Holiness that leads into the altar of the prehistoric love that descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, to start the continuous sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ filled with His oven of amazing fires of
grace, mercy, truth and divine justice for Abraham and the children to become baptize someday soon. For this is the baptism of the Holy Spirit that our heavenly Father will grant you and your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the
world, if you get baptized in water first, because with the baptism of water you will become liberated from the spirit of error for your living soul to embrace the Holy Spirit finally, forever.
It is here, where you will dump your sins, infirmities, problems, accidents, poverty, conflicts, wars, holocaust (as Israel did it initially in the Red sea) and all enemies as well are dumped into it, because Israel after they crossed the sea in dried
ground then the waters closed over the pursuing army that was ready to attack them with Pharaoh and his officials. Now, our heavenly Father needed to destroy the Egyptian army at the bottom of the sea by closing the walls of waters on them, because they
were not only pursuing the Israelis to attack them, and probably kill many of them, but also, because He wanted to make sure that they will never see the Israelis that wanted to return to Egypt.
In other words, our heavenly Father destroyed Pharaoh and his army so he will never be available for the Israelis that will later look forward to return to Egypt, because they found that the Sinai’s desert was a terrible place to raise their children,
and so, if the Egyptians had been around (for them), then they would have certainly welcomed them back. That is to say, also that if our heavenly Father had not drowned the Egyptian army at the bottom of the sea, then they would have been available for
Satan to attack Israel many times, moreover welcome those that wanted to return to Egypt, because some Israelis really thought that they were going to die in the desert along with their children.
Now, having our heavenly Father baptized Israel in the sea, moreover destroyed the Egyptian threat of the army that they could return to the Israelis to take with them those that wanted to turn into slavery again, then our heavenly Father took them for a
walk through the vast desert, where there was no water in sight to drink and drench themselves fresh. Indeed, our heavenly Father was testing Israel thus to see what they would do now, because they were so-thirsty that they did not know what to do next,
and so, they blamed Moses for being in the desert with their loved ones and animals (and no water in sight to drink from) that they started seriously to think about returning to Egypt.
This is the day that our heavenly Father needed to have the whole of Israel as in the middle of the desert, where there is no water, but only the Sun rays scorching them and the hot winds blowing the sand grains over their faces and bodies to let them
know that they have arrived at the Valley of the dried bones. It is here, where Israel cried out to Moses to find water, because they just did not have anyone to turn to that will be able to help them find the much needed water for them and the livestock
that was traveling with them as well; it is here, when Moses’ heart was filled with God’s power: and He answered his call.
That is all that Moses had to do when the whole of Israel complained to him that they were thirsty and that they needed to have water for their livestock, because, if they were to continue like this for another day then they could very well die, but
Moses’ heart was filled with God’s amazing powers that He answered instantly his need. Our heavenly Father was watching the entire house of Israel as they were traveling through the Sinai’s desert, and so, He heard them immediately, complaining to
Moses about the need to drink water somewhere in the desert, but, however where in the vastness of the hills and mountains of sand with the scorching sun over them: burning extremely hot?
No one knew the answer to that call, except our heavenly Father, because He said to Moses: I have heard the people’s cries for water, then you must come with me and I will show you the rock in the desert that bursts with living-water, that is, if you
only speak to it with the name that I have given you already. This is all the power that Moses needed to take Israel through the Sinai’s desert into the Promised Land, and this is by praying to our heavenly Father in His holy name, His Son Jesus Christ
and the Holy Spirit, because there are amazing powers been wrought every time you invoke His holy name’s perfect holiness.
And this is to say, also that as you may pray, intercede, worship, baptize in water, baptize in the Holy Spirit and to do just about anything that you may need, so you may live above Satan’s darkness and his fallen angels, because by you invoking the
holy name fire then you are blessed constantly from the Holy of Holiest’s amazing powers. For this is the reason that our heavenly Father granted His holy name fire of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit, so you may have the amazing daily
working powers from the altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, to work for you in anything that you may need in life.
What’s more, our heavenly Father would have never allowed Moses and Israel to start their deliverance from Egypt’s captivity without invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and of the Holy Spirit, because this is where His divine power of
love, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice lies for each one of His children to be victorious over evil, always. Therefore, it was because of His holy name and that of His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit that Moses had the powers necessary
to open the sea in two walls of water, for the dried ground to show, so Israel may cross it, abandoning the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh to serve God over His altar of love, at last.
For Israel needed to be dressed in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit for the sacred-flesh to stay with every man, woman and child’s living-soul from the house of Israel, so they may enter into the Sinai’s desert in the perfect
holiness of His name, His Son and of His Spirit thus to conquer it finally. Besides, they also needed to enter into the Promised Land with His holy name’s perfect Righteousness, His Son and of the Holy Spirit as well but they failed, because they
believed in the golden calf that Aaron had fashioned with his hot oven, where he had thrown into it all the golden jewelry received from the Egyptians the night they abandoned slavery.
Therefore, our heavenly Father would have never allowed Israel to enter into His Chosen Land with the golden calf inscribed in their hearts, because they believed and received it from Aaron’s hands as the high priest, and on earth as in heaven’s
glory the only known high priest is His Son Jesus Christ that is to conquer Canaan for His holy name. That is why, that when Israel rebelled against Moses then they did it against our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, and because of this sin
then poisonous snakes emerged from the sand by the millions to bite the millions of the house of Israel, because they were soon descending into the Valley of dried bones for a long stay.
Truthfully, Israel had to descend into the Valley of the dried bones because of the golden calf, and they could have never entered into Canaan with Satan’s name dressed as the golden calf for Israel, because this is the land that will glorify only His
holy name fire that His Son Jesus Christ was to introduce into His land to stay, forever. That is why, that when His Son Jesus Christ was finally born from king David’s virgin daughter then he was born bathed in his own atoning-blood, to introduce into
the Promised Land for the first time, in the history of mankind the holy name fire, and this was something that Israel had to do, but because of the golden calf they failed.
Now, having our Lord Jesus Christ introduced our Father’s holy name fire into Israel, because as he was born in Bethlehem of Judea then the night sky was light up through Jerusalem and the whole of Israel, because it was His name entering into Canaan
to be nailed to the entire house of Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones. However, first our heavenly Father had to see His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit live His perfect life that He had personally written with His finger before
Moses that was with Him at Mount Sinai as he fasted for forty-days and forty-nights, so Israel may live His very holy eternal personal life to enter into heaven’s glory forever justified.
For the reason that, every word that our heavenly Father wrote, in the two tablets of the commandments, is about His entire eternal life in heaven’s glory before His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and finally the angelical hosts that He created
later, so Israel may live it to be finally accepted within the Holy of Holiest for eternal salvation. That is to say, also that every time anyone becomes saved, because that one has been baptized in water, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name and
that of His Son along with the Holy Spirit, then that person has received the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh that has lived His perfect life already within Israel victorious over Satan’s lies, everlastingly.
That is why, that our heavenly Father had to baptize Israel at the Red sea in His name and that of His Son along with the Holy Spirit, because it is in this baptism, where you will receive His perfect life that has obeyed and fulfilled into everlasting
glory His commandments, otherwise, without it no one can ever enter into heaven’s glory. For this reason, our heavenly Father had to tell Abraham that he must be as perfect and holy as he is everlastingly in heaven’s glory before His Son Jesus Christ,
the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts thus to enter into eternal life forever blessed just as He is eternally, so he may live His glorious life only to know greatness into eternity.
Now, Israel was doing well in the Sinai’s desert until Moses was called to Mount Sinai, because our heavenly Father needed to give him the tablets of the commandments written with His finger, because no one else in heaven’s glory can write about His
perfect life except Himself, and so, He gave it to Moses for Israel to receive it as His children. Consequently, Israel was to live this glorious and perfect life of our heavenly Father because they are His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by
the power of the Holy Spirit: However, He told them that they could never live His holy life, because it is just impossible for the human spirit to live them into eternal perfection and glory.
Nevertheless, they were called by our heavenly Father to live them every day of their life through the Sinai’s desert and into the Promised Land, because they were to be obeyed and fulfilled into eternal glory within the land of Canaan, so they may
prove to Him that they love Him to enter into eternal life forever justified with perfect salvation. But, the Israelites sinned against our heavenly Father, by accepting the golden calf that Aaron had fashioned within his oven that he had prepared
already before him, so he may throw into it all the jewelry received from the Egyptians the night they abandoned captivity in search of the Promised Land, so they may finally serve our heavenly Father over His ancient altar.
However, when they came close to the borders between the Promised Land and the Sinai’s desert, then they sent spies into explore the lands that they were to take over, because our heavenly Father had promised to give it to them as part of the covenant
of life established with Abraham His servant, so they may take it over as His home-sweet-home. For this is the best of lands of the entire world that our heavenly Father had personally chosen to live in it with His children that had received already His
perfect and holy life written in the tablets of the commandments, so they may fulfill them, although they are impossible to fulfill by any of them except the King Messiah, His Son.
Then, as the ten spies return to Israel, they were received by Moses with a bad report, because their report stated that the land was occupied with giants and terrible people that they had never seen before, and that, it was impossible for Israel to take
over the land, because they were stronger than the enemies that they had met so-far. However, Caleb and Joshua, the son of Nun, rejected their bad report that caused the entire house of Israel to become discourage about advancing into taking over the
land that our heavenly Father had already given it to them, to become their home and finally His home-sweet-home in the last days ruling the world, forever.
Suddenly, the Israelites turned against Moses and they were demanding to return to Egypt at once, because now they knew that they will be defeated, if they dared to invade such a land occupy by giants and powerful armies that they feared also that their
women and children will become slaves again as in Egypt’s ancient captivity of four hundred years. Surely, our heavenly Father became angry at the words of the Israelites, because He heard the entire argument against Moses that He was ready to pour His
wrath upon them as when He almost killed the first Israelis at the foot of Mount Sinai, because of the golden calf worship, but, Moses again interceded, so He may let them live with him.
Finally, our heavenly Father’s wrath poured upon the ten spies that returned from the Promised Land with the bad report, and He killed them because they spoke evil about His home-sweet-home, where His Son Jesus Christ was going to be born from David’
s virgin daughter bathed in His own atoning-blood of the covenant, bringing the holy name fire into Israel to stay forever. This is when our heavenly Father told the entire house of Israel that they will not enter into the Promised Land, because they had
believed in the golden calf, furthermore they had believed the bad report from the ten spies that He had to kill to honor His home-sweet-home, where He will finally live with His children forever happy into eternity.
Certainly, our heavenly Father had to kill the ten spies so no evil talk about His homeland may prosper in anyway possible within Israel or the enemy, if they wanted to use this bad report from the unfaithful spies, because He needed Israel to think only
that this land that they were to inherit is a land of His eternal new glories. For this is the land that He had personally chosen for His Son Jesus Christ not only to be born with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones, the atoning-blood but also with
His holy commandments written in his blood that he is to live it under the fire of His holy name for Israel to fulfill it finally, for everyone’s lasting-salvation in heaven’s glory.
Besides, ancient Israel could have never been allowed into Canaan, because they had believed in the golden calf and in a bad report from unfaithful spies that they should have believed in His promises that He had given already to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
about His homeland, where He is to live with His children living His perfect life together with Him, forever. Without doubt, Israel was in sin and they had the golden calf as their lamb that had liberated them from Egypt’s captivity, and now the bad
report from the ten spies that failed to help them to step into the Promised Land that they were to conquer, so they may finally someday enjoy its milk and honey as promised to the forefathers.
Opportunely, our heavenly Father told Moses that he will not be allowed into His land either, because he failed to honor Him over the rock, when he was called to speak to it and not to strike it as he did before the congregation to flow with water, and
so, he was left behind to be buried nearby before entering Canaan. Furthermore, Israel was told to return to the way of the Red sea because their idol was still the golden calf, and the bad report from the ten spies was also still lingering in their
minds, hearts, souls, bodies and human spirit that He just could not allow them into Canaan believing lies about Him and His homeland (for His holy name).
However, although our heavenly Father did not allow Moses to enter into the Promised Land but He allowed the tabernacle of reunion to enter into it, because this is the Holy of Holiest, where only His Son Jesus Christ could enter into it by shedding his
atoning-blood over the entire house of Israel for the final salvation, conquering eternal life finally, forever. Given that, Israel’s golden calf (the devil bathed in gold) wanted to sneak into the Promised Land and the Holy of Holiest within it, so he
may rule over Israel instead of our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as it has always been, since the beginning with the covenant of life, established with Abraham and Sarah’s barren-womb.
That is why, that our heavenly Father ordered Israel to return to the way of the Red sea to become baptized, and this was not for the ancient Israelis that had been baptized already, but the children that out numbered them into the thousands: they needed
to get baptized to remove the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh, to dress the sacred-flesh. For this is the sacred-flesh that our heavenly Father honors along with the Holy Spirit dressing the living-soul of every man, woman and child entering into
His Promised Land to posses it forever, because this is the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit that obeys His commandments forever into eternity only to know unknown happiness, perpetually with His children from the entire world.
Again, Israel failed to get to the Red sea to baptize the children instead they wondered around the desert for forty-years that caused our heavenly Father to extent His anger towards them, because they would fail constantly to baptize others by
commemorating the water baptism that they had received as they crossed the sea into the safety of the desert. They forgot that our heavenly Father had liberated them from captivity, from a certain holocaust that was in the making, from the spirit of
error, from the sinful-flesh and from a pursing army that was ready to take them back into slavery, perhaps never to be able to escape from Egypt again, because of their constant unbelief towards His unfailing-love for Israel.
However, if Israel had declared a holiday the baptism that they received as they crossed the sea into the safety of the desert, by baptism their children that had not been baptized yet, then our heavenly Father’s pain and anger towards them, because of
the golden calf and the bad report that they believed from the ten spies, it would have eased completely. Instead, they angered our heavenly Father further, because they continued to rebel against Moses that caused the venous serpents to emerge from the
Valley of the dried bones to receive them, because the golden calf and the bad report about His homeland lingered in them, and so, they had to die until they will believe in His Son Jesus Christ, the King Messiah.
Besides, the only way that Israel was going to believe in His Son Jesus Christ as their King Messiah taking over the golden calf that Aaron had fashioned with the jewelry received from the Egyptians, it would be when he will live for them within the
Canaan the Holy Spirit of the commandments until they are fulfilled completely under His holy name fire. This is when, our Lord Jesus Christ lived the Holy Spirit of the commandments within Israel for every man, woman and child not only from ancient
Israel lying at the Valley of death but also for everyone else, including the families of the nations, so they may have His perfect life already lived within Canaan to enter into heaven’s glory forever justified.
That is why, that when our Lord Jesus Christ ascended to Jerusalem’s holy hill to be nailed to the wood of ancient Israel lying at the Valley of death, then with the sharp piercing fans of the venous snakes he received the nails and thorns on his head,
hands and feet to pass his breathe-of-life to Isaac to return to life again. For this is the only way that ancient Israel is going to enter into the Promised Land with His Son Jesus Christ embedded to them with his sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit of the
commandments eternally fulfilled and glorified within Israel as it is in heaven’s glory, so they may live to love, serve and glorify His holy name fire, forever.
Soon, this will be the first time that ancient Israel enters into the Promised Land after they abandoned Egypt’s captivity and they were baptized in the Red sea with the perfect holiness of our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit that Moses
received from Mount Sinai, for Israel to possess it forever with all its every day power working, always. Now, our heavenly Father is going to return to an Israel that is living in eternal peace, because the present Caiaphas, and the Levitical priests
from the Sanhedrin, is going to revert the bad judgment passed initially against His Son Jesus Christ, so he may finally be vindicated for His power to pour upon Israel causing it to flow with milk and honey.
For this is the promise that our heavenly Father granted to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob initially as He told them that they were going to inherit a land flowing with milk and honey, and this is yet to be seen as the ancient first Israelis escaping Egypt’s
captivity finally stepping into the Promised Land, but with God’s Lamb embedded into them, perpetually. This is when, our heavenly Father is removing every trace of their detestable idol worship hidden within Canaan, so it may become clear from all
evil worship from the ancient Israelis, because this is the land that He had personally chosen for His only Son and His holy name fire to be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth by His children, everlastingly.
[continued in next message]
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