ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Aug 24 19:30:47 2018
Sábado, 25 de Agosto, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The time came, when our heavenly Father needed someone upon earth to pour His entire heart’s perfect will but He could not find one worthy in His holy presence over the entire earth and its families and nations of His children born from His image and
living-soul to live forever. This was something that He intended to do with Adam and Eve in paradise, but, they failed to obey Him and His living-word, because He warned them never to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, given that the day
that they may eat from it then they will cease to be with Him.
This means that they will fail to continue to live with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in the amazing unfailing-love that they were born initially from His image and living-soul to become His children ready to do His perfect will, since He
needed to pour His entire heart’s perfect will upon them and the children through generations. Surely, our heavenly Father was desperate to pour His entire holy heart’s perfect will upon His entire Creation, but this had to begin upon earth, because
this is the land dressing His children, as Adam and Eve, with the mud from it, as from where He will live with His offspring through generations thus giving birth to His new kingdom in eternity.
However, our heavenly Father continued to fail to find someone worthy to receive His entire down pouring of His holy heart so He may finally live His blessed life filled with His amazing unfailing-love, happiness, joys, peace and Sabbath rest along with
wonderful blessings unknown by angels until now along with the peace that rule through eternity at last. For our heavenly Father has always lived with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts dreaming to live His wonderful
life of His holy heart’s perfect will, but, Lucifer along with his fallen angels had defied Him, opposing Him, so His cherished dream to live His new life unknown to angels until now may never happen.
Certainly, this was something that our heavenly Father could never do with any angel in heaven’s glory but only with one of His own born from His image and living-soul, and that is why that He gave birth to Adam to be the one from where He will
manifest His holy heart’s perfect will, becoming the felicity of His heart finally, forever. However, Lucifer had a different plan than our heavenly Father’s that he not only decides to attack Him along with His Son and His Spirit but also the one
from His own, and this is Adam (you today), where He had placed His entire faith thus causing finally His dream life ruling His new kingdom of His perfect will through eternity eventually.
Our heavenly Father’s holy heart along with His dream of His perfect will been formed someday over His entire kingdom from heaven above along with paradise and upon earth began to fade away from Him, because He saw Adam along with Eve his wife and the
children with His image in them contaminated with the forbidden fruit. Undeniably, our heavenly Father had been hurt by Lucifer and his fallen angels by sinning against His holy name fire, reserved only for His divine family in heaven that is His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and now, Adam and Eve along with the children, where He had placed His hope of a greater life through eternity unknown to angels.
Besides, our heavenly Father could only find comfort to His holy heart in His newly born child that was Adam, emerging from His image and living-soul to live according to His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness by the amazing daily powers and gifts of His Holy
Spirit that will open the way of a greater kingdom, where sin will fail to exist forever. That is why, that Lucifer had to attack our heavenly Father, His Son and His Spirit as he attacked initially with his fallen angels His holy name fire, where He had
placed His hopes finally to conquer that new life of a greater kingdom born directly from His holy heart only knowing the greatness of His unfailing-love with His divine family everlastingly.
With Adam and Eve fallen to Lucifer’s sin by eating with the serpent from the forbidden fruit that our heavenly Father warned them never to eat from it, because as they may eat it then they will die with His holy image in them disfigured (because of
sin) against His unfailing-love towards them thus His holy heart could be hurt deeper than ever. That no one in heaven’s glory could really console His holy heart, hurting again by Satan and the fallen angels along with the serpent as the messenger
carrying his lies to Eve so he may finally get Adam that was our heavenly Father’s new hope in His entire creation born from His image to manifest His perfect will eventually throughout His kingdom.
Unfortunately, our heavenly Father’s pain had become so-great in His holy heart that Adam born from His image and His dream love for a new kingdom of greater glories never seen by no one before in heaven’s glory had begun to collapse, as He saw His
image in His children through the generations disfigured, because of the forbidden fruit. In addition, our heavenly Father’s pain and anguish of His holy heart had become stronger as never before that He could no longer see Adam and his children there
before Him to console His holy heart, but the only ones that could do it, it was His divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit.
But, for our heavenly Father finally to find the needed love and consolation to His holy heart’s pains and anguish, because of what Lucifer had done to His holy name fire and His children born after Adam and Eve, then, His Son Jesus Christ had to
become His second Adam along with the Holy Spirit, comforting His holy heart finally throughout eternity. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to discharge His entire heart of pain and agony to have seen His holy name fire attacked along with His
children with His image disfigured in them after Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit that was not possible to pour out His heart’s pains and affliction upon an angel or man, because both had sinned.
However, the only ones that our heavenly Father could really pour His entire heart out of pain and afflictions, suffering always until our days, it was His divine family that is His Son and His Holy Spirit, by becoming that one member of His family as
Adam was initially to pour His entire love, tears and divine-affliction upon him. In other words, our heavenly Father after Lucifer had betrayed Him by rebelling against His holy name fire to start His kingdom of darkness and of endless lies upon His
entire creation, moreover He had lost Adam and the children to his lies, then He needed to cry upon someone’s shoulders, but there was no one found worthy to receive His tears.
Considering, since the birth of humankind, our heavenly Father continued searching in every man, woman and child to be worthy to receive His tears, love, compassion and affliction for the endless desire of His holy heart to live that wonderful life of
His new kingdom of His perfect will that He continually failed to find it in the angels and in Adam. Nevertheless, although our heavenly Father had destroyed the entire world with a great flow covering the entire earth to the highest mountains with water
for all flesh to die, men and animals alike, then, it was because He failed through the generations to find one worthy to receive His tears, love, compassion, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice over his shoulders.
Desperately, our heavenly Father needed to find somewhere, somehow, throughout His creation that one worthy for Him to place over his shoulders His holy and glorious face shining with His amazing love, tears, compassion for His eternal life and holy name
fire that Lucifer had attempted to contaminate with the sinful forbidden fruit, so he may finally start his kingdom of darkness. But, no one was ever found until our heavenly Father heard His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit say, I will be
that one: where you will place your holy face, attacked with the forbidden fruit as Adam ate from it to become disfigured before you, so you may fail to have your new kingdom of your perfect love through eternity.
I will descend to the earth, said His Son, to live among the families of the nations, so you will finally have your altar of love with them, where I will be the one lying over the wood to pour your entire holy heart’s afflictions, suffering through the
angelical rebellion until now thus to restore your image with your children at last. This is the man that our heavenly Father had been searching until He was finally ready to meet him, and this is His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as
Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers and gifts, so He may finally cry His entire heart out that had been afflicted by Lucifer’s lies and rebellions against His holy name fire.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed to cry His entire heart out over someone worthy to receive His tears of love for His holy name fire, His holy face that had been disfigured in His loved ones as Adam and his children (and this is you today), beginning
with Eve, which He needed to release His perfect holiness thus to restore them finally. That is why, that when His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then he was born with our Father’s perfect
image and His living-soul needed restored first in Adam and then his children, so they may eat from the bread and wine of life that descends each day from the Lord’s Table.
Timely, as our heavenly Father saw His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then He was happy to see His holy face finally shining and beginning to be restored upon earth as every man, woman and child
would finally believe in Him, as Abraham did with Sarah his wife, for example. Moreover, His Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac not only with His sacred-flesh along with the atoning-blood and the unbreakable bones but also His amazing unfailing-love
pulsating life in every heartbeat of his heart ready to be transferred unto His children that will become reborn through the water baptism and the Holy Spirit’s baptism to see life again finally.
This is when, our Lord Jesus Christ as Isaac began to live the life that our heavenly Father had always wanted to see lived in His children reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism, because this is the only way possible to abandon the
world of sin to enter with powers into the world of blessings from heaven above. Divinely, Abraham along with Sarah and the adoptive children learned from Isaac the amazing daily powers of our heavenly Father unfailing-love flowing through His life upon
earth, as the son of man that is to become in every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations thus fashioning His dream kingdom of His perfect will upon earth perpetually.
That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ had always been known in heaven’s glory by the angelical host as the first, the last, the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, therefore, he alone is our heavenly Father’s perfect righteousness
planting the seed of His new kingdom of His perfect will upon earth and through eternity with humankind. For certain, our Lord Jesus Christ needed to live with the family of Abraham along with the adoptive children and their nearby and faraway neighbors
the glorious life that he had always lived with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit before the angelical hosts that had been the fruit of conquering amazing glories that Lucifer never knew existed until now.
These are glories, that Lucifer along with the fallen angels had failed to understand how to deal with them, because, they are born every day from the amazing salvation that our heavenly Father had finally started to do with His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac
along with the Holy Spirit in Abraham’s family and his children after him through many generations. Surely, with our Lord Jesus Christ living with Abraham and the people that surrounded him, as his wife Sarah, for example, they began experiencing the
wonderful every day blessing that takes place in our heavenly Father’s holy presence that gives the reason for the angelical hosts to render glories and honors unto Him and His holy name fire over His altar of love.
Therefore, with our Lord Jesus Christ living with Abraham and Sarah as Isaac, then they began to learn to live with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit the every day life that they had always enjoyed through eternity with the angelical hosts, causing
new horizons to be conquered at last, for the new kingdom to come upon earth soon. This wonderful life that Abraham and Sarah along with the adoptive children and their neighbors everywhere in the land where they lived, experienced the wonderful every
day power of our heavenly Father’s unfailing love, pouring continually over each one of His angels thus to love, serves and glorifies Him always through eternity over His altar of His prehistoric love for His children.
This was also a wonderful experience for our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and perhaps, the angelical hosts as well up to certain degree, because they began to learn as a family what they never thought possible until them to
see human life live with the divine family from heaven above through Isaac’s every day presence. Given that, where Isaac was in the midst of the families, as within Abraham’s family and his neighbors, then they were really living the every day
Sabbath rest and joy that is continually lived in heaven’s glory with our heavenly Father and His holy angels by constantly worshipping and exalting His holy name fire thus to release new powers of perfection and holiness.
For these are glories of perfect holiness from our heavenly Father’s holy name fire that Lucifer along with the fallen angels needed to conquer for them to begin their new kingdom of darkness that will not only conquer to a certain degree heaven’s
glory and the angelical hosts but also God’s children, and this the entire human race through the incoming generations. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abraham and his adoptive children at the Lord’s Table to eat the
bread and wine, served daily by His Son Jesus Christ to every angel in heaven’s glory, thus they may remain perfect and holy to love, serve and glorify His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill.
On the other hand, now our heavenly Father needed to go beyond where the angelical hosts could never reach, because they needed to possess more powers that they had always tried to attain, but they failed, since these powers that they needed to reach
further in heaven’s glory could only be poured and conquered by His children over Jerusalem’s holy hill, within Canaan. In other words, the angelical hosts had reached their limits of greatness and glorious powers in which they were created by our
heavenly Father’s living-words and that of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, therefore, they failed continually to go further in their angelical life conquering new glories until His Son became Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy
Spirit’s powers.
That is to say, that as our Lord Jesus Christ became Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers from heaven above, then, the wonderful life and the every day amazing glories that are lived by our heavenly Father began to manifest
within Abraham’s family and neighbors with perfect holiness thus for them to enjoy fully. For this was the only way possible for our heavenly Father to make Himself known to Abraham’s wife Sarah and his adoptive children, but also his neighbors
nearby and distant lands thus reaching into His private living room that He enjoyed this love between Him and man on earth and in heaven’s angelical hosts, accepting it as good for His new coming kingdom.
This is when, our heavenly Father decides to call Abraham to bring unto Him over His altar of the prehistoric love, resting upon one of the mountains that He will show him at Moriah, so he may offer his only son Isaac that he has loved dearly through the
years, for He needed this love to enter heaven’s glory to stay forever. For this is the love that our heavenly Father needed every angel from heaven above to learn to live as well just as Abraham, Sarah, and the adoptive children had learned to live
along with the nearby and distant friends, so His children may someday soon may become reborn from it to enter eternal life, forever blessed and justified finally.
Because, this wonderful love that Abraham had lived with Sarah along with the adoptive children and their neighbors from everywhere around Canaan had not only enter into our heavenly Father’s living quarters but also His holy heart that He needed now
to pour it entirely not only upon Isaac, but also His children of His dream nation, the entire house of Israel. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ becoming Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s daily
powers, because He needed to console His grief and His continuous affliction, suffered as He was betrayed by Lucifer and the angelical hosts that finally they end up contaminating with the forbidden fruit His newly born children as Adam and Eve.
It was this consolation that our heavenly Father had been searching throughout His angelical kingdom, and He failed to find it until His Son Jesus Christ became Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers and gifts, spreading
throughout Canaan, but also into His living-quarters and His holy heart, causing it to pour finally upon earth. This has become a glorious life that certainly the angelical hosts until now they had failed to understand it, because when the cherubs, for
example, looks at the Mercy Seat and its holy site of His amazing Grace, then they can only glare at it with a powerful astonishment manifesting upon their faces, for it is beyond all angelical reasoning through eternity.
Besides, this is our heavenly Father’s glorious life that He had to pour upon Isaac lastly, reaching His children, beginning with Adam and Eve, because although they sinned against Him by eating from the forbidden fruit, disfiguring terribly His divine
image in them to eat from the tree of life, then with His human-divine life He can restore His image in them finally. That is why, that every man, woman and child throughout the house of Israel and the families of the nations need to become reborn from
the water baptism and the Holy Spirit by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so they may enter into this wonderful life that started abundantly with Abraham’s family.
This life has reached the highest heavens until it has found its way to you, your loved ones, including your friends, because you need to abandon your sins underwater along with Lucifer and his lies that are his problems, difficulties, infirmities,
poverty and death, so you may receive this life nowadays with its wonderful blessings, enriching you as you as never before. This is the life loving you constantly, because it knows you from our heavenly Father’s heart and His living-soul so you may
finally enter into the kingdom of heaven to enjoy every richness born from Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, taking you into deeper understanding of His greatness born only for you to live and enjoy these days.
It is only in this life that our heavenly Father may find His place not only in your heart, mind, body and human spirit but also over your shoulders, where He can restore His Fatherly image over you, pouring His love and tears as He did with Isaac,
because He still needs your consolation, knowing that a glorious future awaits Him with you. Considering that, our heavenly Father is ready to pour again His oath sworn to Isaac that initially He called Abraham to bring his only son Isaac to the
mountaintop finally to pour His love and tears over His children born for His new incoming kingdom upon earth of His perfect will, so He may know you, but in His sacrificed life only.
Besides, our heavenly Father is ready to meet His children over Jerusalem’s holy hill as they are baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because this time as He may pour of His Holy
Spirit upon all flesh, then this means that He is descending to live in Israel, staying forever. Yet, for this to happen then not only Israel needs to be baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ’s and the
Holy Spirit’s, but also, they have to become Holy Spirit reborn, and this is the oath sworn to Isaac powers of perfect holiness to receive Him, where there is no sin anymore forever.
This is when, our heavenly Father will pour down Himself from heaven’s glory along with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the entire house of Israel along with their children that once was in the Valley of the dried bones, but now, they are
alive serving our heavenly Father’s holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Israel’s coming glory. Because our heavenly Father told Moses that he and Israel will finally return to this mountaintop that is Jerusalem’s holy hill with the Holy
of Holiest, where they became the wood receiving with nails His holy name fire along with His image restored in them with fullness of powers of fire, removing sin, darkness, and every evil from Satan in the world forever.
Lawfully, our Father is pouring soon His oath sworn to Isaac as a final phase from it, but, this time, is going to be upon every child, beginning with His Son born not only from Sarah’s womb as Isaac but also from David’s virgin daughter as Yeshua (
Jesus), by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so He may establish His home-sweet-home finally in Israel forever. That is why, that when Israel is baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then every man, woman
and child from all the families of the nations must be ready as well, because everyone must be baptized already over Jerusalem’s holy hill, thus to receive our heavenly Father returning to Israel again.
That is to say, that our heavenly Father is going to return to Israel soon, and this time to stay forever with His children reborn from the water baptism and from the Holy Spirit baptism that is the oath sworn to Isaac as part of their daily life on
earth these days and in heaven’s glory as well, forever into all eternity. In other words, every child must be reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism within Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Israel, including every man, woman and child
from all the families of the nations, so when He may pour again His oath sworn to Isaac over them together, only then, His kingdom of His perfect will finally begins, at last.
That is why, that you must become reborn from the water baptism wherever you may live in this world, regardless of your faith, because if you are a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Spiritist, Satanist or any other worldly faith until now, He has put an
end to every sin already over Jerusalem’s holy hill by the powers of the oath sworn to Isaac. Considering that, our heavenly Father has already expiated and removed every sin successfully with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with the amazing
daily powers of the oath sworn to Isaac, in which the entire house of Israel had to be born in Egypt’s captivity, so He may take every one’s sin into the water baptism of the Red sea.
Surely, when every child was reborn at the Red sea by crossing it in dried ground, then, they not only abandon every sin from the past, present and the future, but also, the spirit of error thus for the Holy Spirit may take you today into His oath
entirely, receiving abundantly the Holy Spirit’s coming kingdom pouring upon again in Israel, finally. However, you do not have to wait until our heavenly Father pours His final phase of the oath sworn to Isaac and the Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts
within Canaan, but you can perfectly enjoy these blessings from His kingdom of heaven’s every day richness, because He has turned everything that He has created to you to live perfect richness abundantly now.
For it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will nowadays that He will pour again His powerful blessings from within His holy heart as He did initially with Isaac, and this is the abundant love accumulated from His Son and His Spirit until He received more
love than ever from Abraham’s family that He is about to pour it upon you today, too. Considering that, His holy heart again is down-pouring over Isaac as at first, but this time over every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the
nations, baptized in water already, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit to start His new kingdom of His perfect will with humankind anyday now forever.
This is the place, where our heavenly Father needs you to be nowadays, because no one knows the day and hour that He will decide to pour down from heaven’s glory His holy heart’s unfailing love along with His new glories of a new kingdom that the
angels have never seen before, because everything is new: where there is no sin forever. It is here, where our heavenly Father will receive you as holy and perfect as He has always been before His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, because you
are not only baptized in water but also you are saturated with the Holy Spirit and the oath sworn to Isaac’s living words, where His truth reigns, loving you through eternity.
If you really enter into this glorious place, where His holy name fire is nailed to ancient Israel’s wood along with His holy face shining mighty over His children, then, you will be saturated with the atoning shed entirely from Isaac’s wounded
sacred-flesh, where sin died forever, for the oath sworn to Isaac may become part of your daily life, staring now. Then, it will be only here, where our heavenly Father needs you to stand before His rock of salvation, saturating you with His entire
unfailing love, happiness, joys, Sabbath’s rest, peace and other blessings needed to live a blessed life upon earth: glorifying, honoring and exalting His holy name fire before those failing to know still His love, grace, truth and divine justice.
You will certainly live a life compatible with your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit where every need is met entirely, because our heavenly Father will be standing with His rock of salvation, giving you to drink and to eat the best from heaven’
s glory, so you may be His legitimate child taking His holy name fire into new glories nowadays. Over His altar of the prehistoric love, where He shed entirely His holy heart’s unfailing love, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice over Isaac’s
sacred-flesh and atoning-blood, then, it were for you and your loved ones, including your friends, to enjoy His daily blessing nowadays, living His entire oath sworn to Isaac to the fullest unrelated to sin always throughout eternity.
This a glorious life that our heavenly Father has combined into one with Abraham’s son Isaac and His that has always existed with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with every angel from heaven above, thus becoming part of your life
nowadays, so you may never live hopelessly but instead filled with His amazing daily powers descending upon you continually. This is a magnificent life that Satan would love to have destroyed it, but, he has failed in every intent, because it is purely
run by our heavenly Father’s powers and gifts that continually descends directly from His holy heart over mount Zion, as the oath sworn to Isaac, thus to keep the entire site holy, and you too, until He returns.
Granted that, you must be here, standing over Jerusalem’s holy hill, where the rock of salvation will continually feed you with His unfailing love, happiness, joys, grace, mercies, truth, divine justice along with other blessings needed to have for His
soon return to Israel to stay to live with His children reborn from the water baptism and from the Holy Spirit’s baptism, too. It is here, where our heavenly Father through the amazing daily powers and gifts from His oath sworn to Isaac that you will
live an unspoiled, powerful and blessed life, because this life it will failed to become contaminated with sin or darkness, and so, your problems, difficulties, infirmities, poverty and death will become part of your past never to remember again.
You are so-perfect and so-holy within the oath sworn to Isaac that you have enter into it because you have become reborn from the water baptism and from the Holy Spirit’s baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit,
that His amazing unfailing love daily dissolves any problem, difficulty, infirmity, poverty and death in you. Today, our heavenly Father needs you baptized along with your loved ones and friends, because it is only baptized in water by invoking the
perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit that abandons the forbidden fruit and its evils causing darkness in you with problems, difficulties, infirmities, poverty and death, so you may never know His enriched-life for you.
This is a life that our heavenly Father began pouring upon His children born from Israel by the amazing daily powers of His Holy Spirit that gave birth to Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, so His children may not only learn properly to love, serve and
worship Him and His holy name fire, but also to take it to the families of the nations, eventually. This is the oath sworn to Isaac that everyone from Israel has always been born into the world, as they were born in Egypt’s captivity initially, then,
they accumulated and expiated every sin from the families of the nations from the past, from the present and from the future, thus baptizing them at the Red Sea, abandoning sin at the seabed finally forever.
This is when, our heavenly Father not only baptized them in water by His holy name fire granted to Moses over mount Sinai for Israel to possess it forever, but also, He received them as His priests ready to expiate for every sin that they had dumped at
the Red Sea, however, now they had to do it throughout the Sinai’s desert. Considering that, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ born within Canaan finally not only restoring the sacred-flesh, the atoning-blood and the unbreakable bones but
also fulfilled and glorified finally every regulation, decree, precept and social law given to Israel to fulfill, but they failed to live His holy life, instead they descended dead to the Valley of the dried bones.
[continued in next message]
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