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All on Fri Aug 10 19:39:24 2018
Sábado, 11 de Agosto, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Because of His unfailing love for humankind: Our heavenly Father called Abraham to take his only son Isaac to the place that He would show him within the land of Canaan, where he is to offer him as a burnt sacrifice into heaven’s glory ascending into
His presence, because He was ready to do something marvelous for the entire earth finally. Our heavenly Father was ready to meet Abraham with his son Isaac within the Holy o Holiest of Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over mount Moriah, so He may receive
not only his amazing love that he has learned to love with his son Isaac, but also, He was ready to pour His unique glorious love upon the families of the nations.
Clearly, the families of the nations had already lived their lives upon earth and descended into the regions of the lost, because they failed to know His holy name fire much less they knew His amazing love for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit,
therefore, they failed to have the lamb’s atoning-blood shed over His altar to cover sins. For our heavenly Father had created hell and its regions of eternal torment for Lucifer and his fallen angels but never for His children born from Adam and Eve,
therefore, He was concern about their children to continue to sin thus to descend to these terrible places of eternal torment then He had to establish a covenant of life immediately—helping them.
Surely, our heavenly Father needed to have eaten the bread and wine with Abraham and his adoptive children over the Lord’s Table, served daily by His Son Jesus Christ as Melchizedek king of Salem, God’s Righteousness, so He may finally pour His
entire heart of His amazing love that He has always felt for them, although they were already in hell’s torment. This is the day that our heavenly Father had waited for it, because He needed to manifest through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
the amazing love that He has always felt and cherished for His children born from His image and living-soul, and so, He needed to manifest it to them, although they were already in hell’s torment forever lost.
Abraham after three days walk with his son Isaac riding a donkey with the wood and two lads coming along with them, then they could see our heavenly Father’s place chosen to pour His entire heart of His perfect love and holiness for His children born
from His image and living-soul, thus finally to help them to return home soon. Abraham told his two lads accompanying them to wait with the donkeys, because he was ascending with his son Isaac along with the wood and the fire to see our heavenly Father,
since He was ready to do something amazing over the mountaintop, blessing the entire earth along with the families of the nations, and so, that he will return soon.
Obediently, Abraham started to walk with his son Isaac towards the place that our heavenly Father was waiting to meet them along with the wood and the fire that will ignite the fire, ascending with his love for his son Isaac to meet and become one
through eternity with His amazing unfailing-love for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Timely, Abraham arrived over the mountaintop that really was Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over mount Moriah, then he prepared the wood to place his son
Isaac over it, because he was not only to kill him as a sacrifice of love from his family unto our Father’s divine-family in heaven’s glory, but also, ignite the fire of His new coming kingdom.
This is when our heavenly Father saw Abraham ready to cut with his knife his only son Isaac, then He had His only Son Jesus Christ calling him from heaven above to stop him from hurting his lad, because now the Father knows that you will never deny Him
your only son as an eternal sacrifice unto Him in heaven’s glory. At this moment, our heavenly Father saw that Abraham was complying with His command not to hurt his only son Isaac but instead to release him from the danger of been killed and burnt as
the eternal sacrifice of the burnt offering that is to ascend continuously unto Him in heaven’s glory, because He was about to pour His love upon him.
This is when, our heavenly Father promised to bless him beyond any human understanding, because Abraham was not only ready to do this with his only son Isaac that he had learned to love dearly with his wife Sarah and along with the adoptive children
living with him in his household, but also with the rest of them coming through the generations. Meaning that, Abraham was not only ready to obey our heavenly Father by sacrificing his only son Isaac that he had learned to love as he had loved through
his days our Father in heaven’s glory along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also, he was ready to sacrifice every child promised to his family through the generations.
(Surely, if you are a Jewish person born from Israel (or from any of the nations around the world), then Abraham was ready to obey our heavenly Father’s call to ascend to Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest to offer you (yourself today) as
a burnt offering to Him in heaven’s glory, for salvation to be possible at last upon earth.) However, this was something that only His Son Jesus Christ could do for Abraham in his days as he ascended with Isaac to offer him as a burnt offering
sacrifice of His altar of the prehistoric love, because this as a manifestation of a family love that our heavenly Father needed to make it as one with His family divine-love from heaven’s glory.
This is the love uniting not only the family love of Abraham and Sarah along with the adoptive children by becoming one with our heavenly Father’s family love that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but also with the family love of every
family from the nations, although many are in hell already, but He can still love them. For this to be possible, then our heavenly Father needed Abraham over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over mount Moriah, with his only son Isaac lying over the wood,
because He had to deposit upon his sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood along with the unbreakable bones His entire love pouring from His heart for the families of the nations, for everyone’s lasting-salvation at last.
At this time, our heavenly Father poured His entire heart out for every man, woman and child from Israel that was not born yet, because Jacob had not been born much less made a covenant with God over Jerusalem’s holy hill, yet He poured His unfailing-
love for the families of the nations, so they may have a covenant of life with Him. This is when, our heavenly Father manifested His personal heartfelt unfailing love for every one of His children born from His image and living-soul, starting with Adam
and Eve, because He never forgot them but He continued loving them although they had walked away from Him, by eating from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
This is the moment that our Lord Jesus Christ spoke about very often to the Jewish people within Israel, so they may know along with the families of the nations that: For God so-loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever may believe
him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). This is the oath sworn to Isaac that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested not only to the entire house of Israel but also to every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, although
many are in hell’s torment, but He still loves them, and with His unfailing-love released from His heart, He has powers to help them always.
Given that, hell is filled with fires tormenting the living-soul of every man, woman and child that had descended there, because they failed to get baptized in water, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit,
but, our heavenly Father’s heartfelt love for His children is more powerful then hell’s fires to help them. That is why, that our heavenly Father has ordained water baptism for His children by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit, because with it you will have powers from the fruit of life, removing the spirit of error for the Spirit of Grace, Mercy, Truth and Divine Justice to reign your life always.
These are powers that Adam and Eve were supposed to have received in paradise by simply eating from the fruit of life instead of the forbidden fruit, because these are the powers from the rock of salvation that are abundant in His unfailing love, joys,
happiness, the Sabbath rest and peace along with other important blessings needed constantly to live a blessed-life. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to pour His entire heart upon a man worthy to receive His amazing love along with all the
abundant blessings that enriches human-life in heaven’s glory throughout eternity, so you may start living this wonderful and glorious life while men are still living on earth thus to bring His new kingdom into existence soon.
That is to say, that when our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers as Isaac, then He finally had someone worthy to receive His amazing love, the love that He has entrusted you already with
powers of His eternal life, so you may live it these days before entering heaven’s glory. This is when, our heavenly Father poured His entire heart of His amazing love of daily endless blessings for you and your loved ones, including your friends,
because He finally had His Son Jesus Christ born within the human family as Isaac along with His Holy Spirit, where He can pour His entire love and life upon you today to enjoy always.
That is why, that His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit was very important for Abraham, his wife Sarah, his adoptive children (bought with money from strangers) and his children to be born within his family lineage through the generations, so
he may be very important to you as God’s Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove your sins from you forever. Further, this is our heavenly Father’s oath sworn to Isaac pouring upon Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest, at Moriah,
where later in Canaan and over it His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to the wood of ancient Israel, lifting them from the Valley of the dried bones to life on the Third Day, so you may live today.
This is our heavenly Father’s entire unfailing-love consuming His holy heart always for every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment, so you may enjoy it just as Abraham and his family enjoyed it through the
days of his life on earth but also in heaven’s glory—because His love can lift you now. This lifting that our heavenly Father will do for you, it is not only from the Valley of the dried bones as ancient Israel needed to be lifted to the Holy Spiritâ€
™s world, where they belong to, but also, you will be lifted away from your sickness, diseases, conflicts, poverty and death to the daily joys and endless richness of His unfailing-love.
Graciously, this is our heavenly Father’s heartfelt endless divine love for you, for your loved ones (although you know that they are in hell, but He can still help them through the powers of the oath sworn to Isaac), including your friends from around
the world, because His power of His love for you is endless, constant, and it will never fail you. Indeed, this is our heavenly Father’s heartfelt endless enriched love that He has felt for Adam and his children, beginning with Eve, but He failed to
help them always because they had eaten from the forbidden fruit through His image in them that became disfigured, so they may fail always to eat from the fruit of life that will bless them forever.
However, with His amazing love that our heavenly Father poured upon His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as Isaac then He really poured it upon every man, woman and child from those already lying in hell’s torment and for those still coming upon
earth, because He needed to destroy Satan’s forbidden fruit throughout His entire Creation, starting in hell itself. Surely, as our heavenly Father poured His entire heart over Abraham’s only son Isaac then He poured all His unfailing that He needed
working upon every man, woman and child lying in hell’s torment not only to arrest their sins but also to expiate them with a final water baptism at the Red sea that buried them at the seabed forever.
Certainly, what our heavenly Father told Abraham after He had walked with his children that was the torch with His holy name fire lighting up the night that He came over the rock with the three lambs cut in their halves facing each along with two uncut
pigeons, then it was to expiate for the sins of the world, starting from hell itself. In this night, over the altar with the three lambs, He walked through the halves facing each other along with the uncut pigeons, then He expiated every sin taking the
families from the ancient nations into hell’s torment, so He may finally defeat Satan and death to liberate them at last for His new coming kingdom of His perfect will upon earth.
That is why, that our heavenly Father told Abraham that his promised children will be born in a foreign land, captivated for four-hundred years, because He needed all these years along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to expiate for sin thus
finally to remove it from the world, with a water baptism at the Red sea. Through these four-hundred years, our heavenly Father worked with His Son and the Holy Spirit, where He had poured His entire heartfelt for the love of the families of the ancient
nations lying in hell’s torment, so He may finally help them by removing every sin from the entire world, with a baptism at the Red sea, changing humankind forever at last.
Lovingly, our heavenly Father with the entire house of Israel born in Egypt’s captivity, then He worked with His oath sworn to Isaac pouring continually over His altar of the prehistoric love while His Son Jesus Christ lied over the wood as Isaac, the
birth of Israel, so He may finally expiate for every sin successfully around the world through the generations. Thus, our heavenly Father through the oath sworn to Isaac that the entire house of Israel was born in Egypt’s captivity, then He put His
holy hands to work along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit not only destroying the sins already in hell with the families of the ancient nations, but also from those of the future generations.
Therefore, our heavenly Father has already with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit working tirelessly within Abraham’s family and the children born after him through the generations dealt successfully with every sin in hell’s torment for four-
hundred years, and those coming upon earth with the children in the generations ahead, so His new kingdom may come upon earth lastly. In other words, until now there are no sins that our heavenly Father had not dealt and expiated successfully within
Israel, while in Egypt’s captivity for four-hundred years, and after the water baptism at the Red sea, where they served Him as His priests with the Holy of Holiest covering sins with the lambs’ atoning-blood shed throughout the Sinai’s desert.
That is why, that our heavenly Father is calling you baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, because throughout Abraham’s family and the promised children born in Egypt’s captivity and within
Canaan, He has dealt and expiated with the oath sworn to Isaac every sin affecting your life and your loved ones too. Therefore, you can very well trust in the oath sworn to Isaac where He has poured entirely His heartfelt unfailing love for you, your
loved ones, including your friends, because our heavenly Father needs you to live the life that He has granted you filled with His love, joys, happiness, Sabbath rest, peace along with wonderful blessings enriching your life every day.
Furthermore, you will enjoy our heavenly Father’s personal life granted unto you, your loved ones, and your acquaintances, because in the oath sworn to Isaac there is no sin possible ever, since He has already expiated and destroyed them perpetually
from the earth, so you may know the endless joys of His unfailing-love that you have no idea exist until now. For it is our heavenly Father’s perfectly will that you will enjoy His eternal life and the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers pouring abundantly
over His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through the ages until now, so you may enjoy them each day thus to do His perfect will on earth as it is done in heaven by His angels.
This is where, our heavenly Father will not only receive you as His legitimate child but also your belongings, to become part of His life in heaven’s glory, where He will work over them with His holy hands thus to solve them with Grace, Mercy, Truth
and Divine Justice, so you may enjoy His life that is abundant towards you always. It is only over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest, where His oath sworn to Isaac is pouring over you progressively, so you may live your life with the powers
that you need to face problems, difficulties and other conflicts that may appear before you that His Holy Spirit and living-words will take care them until they are solved completely.
Because it is not only the Holy Spirt and the oath sworn to Isaac’s living-words working in your favor concerning any aliment in you, your loved ones, including friends, but also, it is His holy name fire with His face shining over your life working
with you as well, so you may always stand up victoriously over anything that you may be facing. Considering that, the darkness of ailments, conflicts, problems, infirmities, curses, poverty and death may only become part of your daily life, when you are
surrounded with Satan’s altars of lies, curses, infirmities, problems, conflicts and even death, since sin feeds them, maintaining them alive and even growing as well, and this is when you may feel that you fail to control them.
However, when you become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit then sin’s darkness descend into hell, where darkness will remain there forever, never to rise against you to feed those aliments,
difficulties, problems, infirmities, poverty, curses and death, because now you have traded the spirit of error for the Holy Spirit. This is when our heavenly Father will begin to work with His holy hands in your inner being with the constant help of the
Holy Spirit’s daily powers and gifts, so you may become cleansed from all the darkness that were feeding those ailments, problems, difficulties, curses, poverty and death in your life and that of your loved ones.
For these are powerful moments of our heavenly Father’s holy hands in your inner being along with the Holy Spirit’s daily powers and gifts, so every darkness that you may be experiencing in your life then it will be wiped out completely, because in
the oath sworn to Isaac’s constant powers pouring over your entire life there is no more darkness found. You are perfect and holy in our heavenly Father’s presence within the Holy of Holiest, because the oath sworn to Isaac makes you perfect and holy
with the constant help of the Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts, granted to you throughout your days on earth and in heaven’s glory through eternity only to know the greatness of His unfailing love for you.
These are the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers that our heavenly Father spoke to Abraham whenever He had the opportunity, because he had to become as perfect and holy as He is in heaven’s glory before His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts thus
to live His personal life of daily blessing with his loved ones through the coming generations. Because it is here only with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers pouring upon you, your loved ones, including friends, where you will be not only perfect
before our heavenly Father as He is perfect and holy through eternity, but also, you will be perfect holy before anyone on earth, since His divine image is restored in you with full powers.
These are powers of His holy face shining over yours because you were born in His image to become His perfection, glory and holiness not only in heaven’s glory within His divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but also before
the families of the nations, since He needs them blessed knowing His unfailing-love and glories for them. Besides, our heavenly Father as He gave birth to you from His image and living-soul then He did it so you may become as He is holy and perfect
forever before His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, thus you may stand before them firm in heaven and upon earth manifesting His amazing love and glories for His loved ones always.
That is why, that when our heavenly Father poured His entire heart over Isaac born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then He did it with His amazing unfailing-love for every man, woman and child, although they were lying in hellâ€
™s torment (because of sin) thus He let them have the power of His love to return to life again. Moreover, this is His Son as Isaac and the Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts through His living-words emerging from His holy heart demanding that you may
become blessed nowadays, knowing and living the power of His unfailing love for you, your loved ones, and friends, because He has chosen you to become His kingdom of His perfect will throughout the earth, forever.
That is why, that when you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit then the forbidden fruit will finally abandon you with the spirit of error, giving way for the Holy Spirit to enter into your life
instead, because our heavenly Father’s heart and His power will work in you now continuously. This is when, you will really know life as you ought to have known it initially but because of the darkness from the forbidden fruit and the spirit of error
then this was never possible, however, now you are no longer operating in sin feeding darkness in you but instead our heavenly Father himself will be working in you with amazing daily powers.
This is when, you have finally accessed the altar of Abraham and Isaac, where He poured His entire heart of pure love, happiness, joys, prosperity, endless-richness, peace, the Sabbath rest along with many other blessings important in your daily life, so
you may finally become His child bearing His shining image over yours that is the light of the new coming world. Furthermore, our heavenly Father has to get every man, woman and child from the house of Israel along with the families of the nations that
could very well be from the faith groups as Muslims, Taoists, Buddhist, Hinduist and all other faiths worshipping idols and images, and so, through water baptism then remove their sins from their daily living instantly.
For the oath sworn to Isaac has all-powers removing sins that these faith groups may be living with today, finally escaping from the forbidden fruit’s darkness and the spirit of error that is given them a life of lacking everything created by our
heavenly Father to enjoy, so they may live the life of richness that rightfully belong to them these days. For this is how our heavenly Father through His oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers and gifts can ensure that His holy name fire along with His
glorious shining face may shine over yours with the light that removes darkness from this world, so you may live in His light knowing His eternal life’s daily richness created for you to live now.
Considering that, our heavenly Father in His oath sworn to Isaac has given you His entire kingdom of heaven along with every richness created until now along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may start enjoying them these days,
because it is His perfect will for you along with your loved ones to enjoy them to the full. Given that, in the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily downpouring powers over your entire life, He has placed His holy hands within your heart, mind, body, soul, and
human spirit, removing everything that is amiss, so there is nothing in the past to look back again, everything is gone, here new things have come into your life that are heavenly bound always.
With the oath sworn to Isaac bathing you with daily powers continually pouring from our heavenly Father’s holy heart that start with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit lying over the wood as Isaac before Abraham standing nearby it, then, He still
is to this day pouring His living-words over you to live a life of every day victory always. Besides, our heavenly Father has done these wonderful things for you, starting with His Son and His Spirit lying over the wood as Isaac ready to become His burnt
offering sacrifice into heaven’s glory as Abraham was to execute him, so you may receive life instead of death (because of sin), then His love will enrich you as He is enriched continuously.
This is the place, where our heavenly Father needs you to be these days, because He will not only cleanse you from the power of the forbidden fruit and the spirit of error but also you will receive Him completely as your heavenly Father, caring for you
progressively with His living-words and the Holy Spirit’s gifts to live a victorious life. Inasmuch as, it is only over Jerusalem’s holy hill where our heavenly Father will receive you to receive His powers of perfect holiness always ready to conquer
new glories with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit before the angelical hosts and you these days, including your loved ones, and friends, so you may live His eternal life to the fullness.
Because our heavenly Father did not only start manifesting His shining face over Isaac as he was born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers and gifts, so He may finally start to restore His image upon every man, woman and child,
although they had descended into hell’s torment but also His amazing richness that grows every day through eternity. Therefore, our heavenly Father needs you baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit,
because you will become cleansed from sin and the spirit of error to receive His Holy Spirit’s powers, becoming part of your daily life, where you will always be victorious over Satan and his fallen angels throughout the earth.
These will our heavenly Father’s powers not only of been perfect and holy as He called Abraham to be perfect and holy as He has always been throughout eternity with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit before the angelical hosts, so you may at once
enter His eternal life these days and not tomorrow or sometime in the future. For our heavenly Father needs you along with your loved ones, including your friends, living His eternal life filled with the Holy Spirit’s powers of perfect holiness that
will not only make you His child but also His servant conveying the same powers and gifts that He has always carry throughout eternity to conquer new glories never seen by the angels before.
For our heavenly Father needs you therefore to live His eternal life along with His daily blessings of powers and gifts that will not only defeat every wicked wild from Satan and his cronies against you, but also, His eternal life and powers will help
you to conquer new glories, glories waiting to be conquered by someone as you are blessed. Considering that, you are especial for our heavenly Father since you have become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and His
Spirit, where you were undressed from the forbidden fruit and the spirit of error to dress with the Holy Spirit and Isaac’s sacred-flesh filled with His oath sworn to make you victorious throughout life always.
These are powers living within your living soul just as your eyes, ears, heart and the rest of your organs are part of you, and so, through this mighty baptism of water and the Holy Spirit’s that is the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers, then they
will work in your favor thus granting you what you have set yourself to accomplish. These are powers that have always dressed not only our heavenly Father but also His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit before the angelical hosts through eternity until
now, because they are always living together as a family in heaven that has given birth to you along with your loved ones, and friends, blessed always to live His eternal life’s powers.
These are powers that poured from our heavenly Father’s holy heart over Isaac’s sacred-flesh and atoning-blood lying over the wood ready to be offered by his father Abraham unto our Father in heaven’s glory thus pleasing all truth and justice
finally upon earth and its entire human race of families and nations to see His image restored in His children at last. Because when our heavenly Father’s image is finally restored in every man, woman and child then the blessings of daily richness that
He has already released directly from His holy heart upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood will descend and stay with His children throughout their days on earth, so they may enjoy the richness that He has always enjoyed until now.
Besides, these are His children not only from Israel but also from the families of the nations, although many have already descended into hell’s torment, but He can still help them with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers, so His children may
enjoy them to the full as the Israelis lying in the Valley of the dried bones, for example. For the blessings of daily richness that our heavenly Father has released directly from His holy heart while Isaac was lying over the wood of Jerusalem’s holy
ill and its Holy of Holiest, resting at Moriah, can only descend and stay with His children that have His image restored upon them, because it is always His image attracting blessings upon everyone’s life.
Thus, water baptism along with the Holy Spirit’s baptism's powers and gifts is important in every man, woman and child, so they may not only get rid of the sins and evils that are taking them each day into hell’s torment anyday now, but also, dress
completely with these amazing powers descending from our Father’s holy heart continually upon His children. Therefore, once you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then you have
become reborn from the world of sin, curses, Satan and His fallen angels to be born into the world of the Holy Spirit and of the angelical hosts looking after you each day to help you.
[continued in next message]
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