From ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 27 17:55:05 2018
    Sábado, 28 de Julio, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

    (We would like to express our love, sympathy and prayers to the families of the duck boat tour in the Table Rock Lake, in Missouri, as it was surprised by a thunderstorm that caused the boat to rock, capsize and sank to the bottom of the lake, claiming
    17 the precious lives. They are in our heavenly Father’s presence at this time, because His Son Jesus Christ gave his life by shedding his atoning-blood on the cross, removing the world’s sin, so people when they will pass away then ascend into
    heaven’s glory and into its eternal life, because now they are living only to love the Father in His Holy Spirit forever. We will continue to pray for the family members hurt because of this lost of their loved ones that had resulted in a great
    blessing after all, since heaven’s glory has received them never to know darkness again but only our heavenly Father’s unfailing-love, because of what His Son has done, allowing us to live liberated to love life only, always. Amen!)


    Our heavenly Father said: let us create man in our image and after our likeness with His Son Jesus Christ and the to the Holy Spirit, because He was ready to bless the entire earth with the birth of humankind, His children, ruling over everything that He
    has created for life to thrive through eternity. It was in our heavenly Father’s mind to heal what Lucifer along with his fallen angels had done against Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the faithful angelical hosts and His holy name fire, by
    not creating more angels to replace the ones that rebelled, but replace them instead with His legitimate children.

    These are His children born directly after His image with His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness and of His Holy Spirit’s daily powers and gifts that is His new kingdom born upon earth with amazing powers never seen by the angelical host, because He just
    did not want to deal with sin ever again; therefore, a new kingdom had to be born finally. This world that our heavenly Father was about to create, it had to be filled with His children born from His image and after His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness and
    the amazing daily powers and gifts of His Holy Spirit for sin never to be part of His new kingdom, because it is going to be ruled by His spoken living-word.

    Given that, Lucifer along with his fallen angels had caused not only His holy name fire to be attacked and hurt but also contaminated His very holy heavenly places that threatened to continue to expand through His Creation, including earth, because
    Lucifer’s kingdom of darkness is to be ruled by his lies only through eternity. That is why, that our heavenly Father had to act immediately by descending upon earth to create His children born from His image and living soul thus to live in His Son
    Jesus Christ’s likeness, by the amazing daily powers and gifts of the Holy Spirit, where there is no place anymore for Lucifer, his fallen angels much less sin through eternity.

    Therefore, our heavenly Father went forward with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem’s holy hill, because this is the mountaintop that He had chosen not only to live with His only Son and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical
    hosts but also live with His children born from His image, flourishing in His Son’s likeness through eternity. Indeed, this is Canaan, where our heavenly Father needed to bless it with His firstborn son Adam, born from His image and living-soul thus
    thriving in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness by the Holy Spirit’s amazing daily powers and gifts, so his child may never know sin but only His perfect will of His living word that is the fruit of life.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father told Adam that he may eat from every tree from the Garden of Eden that is paradise but never from the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, because the day that he may eat from it, then his face that is
    His resemblance in him, it will become disfigured forever. That is to say, that Adam will die of thirst and hunger, because it is from His mouth that is His image in him, and of his children to be born through the generation, then he will fail to
    continue to eat and drink with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit—and that is death—eternal separation from life.

    Because Adam was born from His image and living-soul only to be nourished from His very holy mouth everything that is to eat and drink, therefore, by eating from the forbidden fruit, then he will continually fail to bear His glorious image upon him thus
    he will fail to have bread and wine again from the Lord’s Table to live His life. This is when Adam received his wife Eve born from his fifth rib, because our heavenly Father realized that it was not good for man to live alone, then He put him to sleep
    to create from one of his ribs the women that will become his companion along with the children born through countless generations into eternity.

    Surely, our heavenly Father took Adam’s fifth rib on His holy hands to fashion every man, woman and child that was to be born from him, beginning with his wife Eve, because He wanted to ensure that every one of them will be born bearing His image to
    live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness, filled with His Holy Spirit’s divine-powers. Therefore, every one of His children born from His image and living-soul as He worked with His holy name in them, then He made sure that they will be born to become
    His legitimate children only to know Him from the infill of His unfailing-love that emanates continually from His rock of salvation, located over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever into eternity.

    This is the rock of salvation that Adam was called to eat from along with his wife Eve and the children born from His image and living-soul through the generations, so they may come to know Him as their only lawful Father that loves them dearly with His
    amazing love that is wild through eternity, pouring continuously upon them from His rock. For it was our heavenly Father’s intention that each of His children, beginning with Adam and Eve, was to live enjoying the daily blessing that He had already
    granted them through the rock of salvation, filled not only of His amazing unfailing-love that is abundantly sweet but also the joys and happiness that nourishes their living-souls these days into eternal life.

    Because when every one of His children, beginning with Adam and Eve, stand at the rock of salvation, established over Jerusalem’s holy hill initially, then everyone’s face is restored with our heavenly Father’s holy face shining mightily with
    amazing blessings of light and endless richness nourishing their heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit to eat always with Him from heaven above. Given that, when every man, woman and child stands, over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest,
    where the rock of salvation exists, then our heavenly Father’s image is restored from the damage that Eve caused to it, by eating from the forbidden fruit that that one can eat again from the rock the needed bread and wine for life’s enrichment.

    For this is the life eternal that our heavenly Father had begun to grant not only to Adam and Eve by being the first human beings born from His image and living-soul to replenish the earth with children, but also to live His personal eternal life with
    the fullness of love, blessings and endless happiness throughout His Creation. However, Lucifer tried to destroy everything created by our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by taking control over His holy name fire thus to
    possess the powers needed not only to control the heaven and earth along with humankind and the angelical hosts, but also to fashion his kingdom of darkness after his ill will.

    Madly, Lucifer wanted to possess everything that our heavenly Father had granted by default to His son Adam along with the rest of the children born from him through the generations, beginning with Eve his wife in paradise, because if he can cause them
    to eat from the forbidden fruit then he could ill touch our heavenly Father’s image. Given that, if Lucifer could disfigure our heavenly Father’s image in every man, woman and child by having them to eat from the forbidden fruit, because, he knows
    that He eats from His Table His daily bread and wine along with His Son Jesus Christ and the children born by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then he can have his rebellious-image imposed over His.

    For this is how Lucifer can cause evil to thrive through the angelical nations in heaven’s glory and with humankind upon earth, because by having every man, woman and child with our heavenly Father’s image disfigured in them, then he is overtaking
    His Creation, because it is the Father’s image thriving with good always opposed to Lucifer’s disfigured face spreading evil. That is why that, it was important for our heavenly Father to give birth to His children from His image and living-soul to
    live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness of His perfect will that is the daily powers and gifts of the Holy Spirit, operating in them with daily blessing, enriching human-souls, thus to do His perfect will always throughout eternity.

    Because with the fallen angels our heavenly Father did not feel any love thus to help them to remove sin to return to the glory and perfection that they were created initially as He received them in heaven to love, serve and glorify Him, His Son Jesus
    Christ and the Holy Spirit, but they failed Him instead due to sin and rebellion. However, with Adam and his children although they had disobeyed His words when He told them never to eat from the forbidden fruit, instead they were to eat from the fruit
    from the tree of life that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then He felt profound love because of His image in them and His holy name fire’s glories.

    Evidently, when Adam and Eve sinned by eating from the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then, by the powers not from the serpent or Lucifer, but from disobeying His living-words given to them specifically never to eat from it,
    instantly they died: because they will always fail to eat from the fruit of life with Him. Providing that, it is only possible to eat from the bread and the wine of life with our heavenly Father’s shining glorious face, install in each one of us,
    therefore it was important for Lucifer to have Adam and Eve eating from the forbidden fruit to disfigure our Father’s image in them thus never to eat again from the fruit of life.

    For this is the way for Lucifer not only to continue His rebellion against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts faithful to this day to His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, but also to have Adam
    and his children, beginning with Eve, eating with him the rebellions of the forbidden fruit. For this is the only way possible that Lucifer could still establish his kingdom of darkness, where sin prevails over everything that our heavenly Father along
    with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit has created to be good and honorable in heaven with the angelical host and upon earth with humankind through the new kingdom of His perfect will coming soon.

    Therefore, been our heavenly Father omniscient (all-knowing) then He saw what Lucifer along with his fallen angels was planning thus to cause his kingdom of darkness to prevail over everything created by Him along with His Son and the Holy Spirit in
    heaven with the angels and upon earth with humankind that He needed to restore His image with Adam and Eve. However, for this to happen, then our heavenly Father needed a man upon earth believing in His living-words that He was to pour upon His altar of
    the prehistoric love, where His continuous sacrifice will begin, thus to fulfill the salvation works necessary to bless His image upon that man that would believe along with his children to be born through the generations.

    This man was Abraham that our heavenly Father had been searching in heaven, beginning with Adam and Eve, but, He finally found him upon earth, because he believed in every word that He will pour upon him and his households of his wife Sarah and the
    adoptive children bought with money from strangers to give them love in abundance always through life. Then, when our heavenly Father finally found the man that He had always searched for throughout His Creation, immediately as He will begin to speak to
    him, then He will pour a tremendous blessing upon everything that he owned and that he will put his hands to work, because He needed him extremely blessed.

    Our heavenly Father was really transferring those powerful blessings that He has always enjoyed with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in heaven’s glory along with the angelical hosts through eternity, because He was going to have His only Son
    Jesus Christ born with the Holy Spirit’s daily powers of endless richness from women eventually to restore His image with humankind. For Lucifer had begun to attack mercilessly His holy name fire along with His shining glorious face in heaven’s glory
    with the angelical hosts and upon earth with humankind, because Lucifer was determined to have his kingdom of darkness, established his way, opposing always everything that is good and honorable, created by our heavenly Father that exalts Him throughout
    Creation continually.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to release the resource that He could gather from heaven’s glory, because He had to transfer not only His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit upon earth, beginning within Abraham’s household His
    servant but also His altar of the prehistoric love thus to fix and establish His divine image upon humankind at last. Provided that, our heavenly Father needed not only to attack and destroy continuously Lucifer along with fallen angels with His holy
    name fire that he tried to dishonor throughout heaven’s glory but also fix His image with Adam and his children thus they may return to Him, His Son and His Spirit with His image shining with amazing newfound powers and glories.

    What’s more, it was important that Abraham will sit with our heavenly Father at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine with Him served daily by His Son Jesus Christ, in those days as Melchizedek King of Salem, and God’s Righteousness, so His
    only Son may be born through the Holy Spirit’s powers from a virgin girl upon earth finally. Because Abraham’s wife Sarah was to give birth to a child although her womb was sterile, but since Abraham seated with our heavenly Father at the Lord’s
    Table to eat from the bread and wine, served by His Son Jesus Christ to the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory to keep them holy always, then, His image began to be restored finally upon humankind.

    For our heavenly Father needed to restore immediately not only His image upon every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, although many had already descended into hell’s torment, but, He could get to them with the amazing daily
    powers of His holy name fire and living-word thus to bless them as they had never been blessed before. Besides, our heavenly Father needed to work continuously against Lucifer’s lies placed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in the
    heart of every man, woman and child upon earth, so He may finally have His Son Jesus Christ born within the human family, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, to execute His awesome salvation works over Jerusalem’s holy hill.

    Surely, when His son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then our heavenly Father had accomplished a great task, where Adam and Eve failed Him in paradise, but with Abraham and Sarah He was on His way to fix
    and establish His image upon all humanity for His new Kingdom of His perfect will to manifest soon. That is why, that the holy angels from all their different ranks of powers and of amazing glories began to worship, exalt and glorify our heavenly Fatherâ€
    ™s holy name fire and His every living-word that to this day they have not stopped celebrating all the victories that had ascended into heaven’s glory, because Abraham believed the Father to end of his days.

    These are amazing victories conquered by our heavenly Father through the faith of one man that dare to believe every word that had emerged from His mouth although he had not received anything written that he could read to believe and follow blindly by
    faith to receive, accomplish and glorify forever before our Father in heaven, so His new kingdom may come. The angelical hosts to this hour continue to love, serve and worship our heavenly Father for the salvation-work planned by Him alone for His Son
    Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit to execute progressively, fixing and establishing miraculously His image with amazing daily powers and gifts into His children willing to comeback home by His only way of His truth and life.

    For our heavenly Father had begun His wonderful salvation work for His children, beginning with Adam and Eve, because He has always truly loved each of them that there has never been any power in His presence that could make Him forget them for a second
    that He can only think of ways to bringing them back home, the sooner the better. Unfortunately, they will never be able to return to Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit after Lucifer’s evil that deceived Eve through the serpent to eat from
    the forbidden fruit, disfiguring His divine image in them along with the children through the generations never to eat life again but only darkness as lies and curses finally to die forever cursed.

    However, it was important for our heavenly Father, for His Son Jesus Christ to be born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers as Isaac, because as Isaac was born, then He was present in Abraham’s life as never before, for His Son
    bears His image along with His holy name fire, blessing every living-soul with daily amazing richness and lasting-salvation. These are very important blessings that every one within the house of Israel is supposed to possess entirely, because to love,
    serve and glorify our heavenly Father’s shining image and His holy name fire, then we need power to do it correctly thus to cause glory to ascend into heaven’s glory that gives Him great pleasures into His very holy heart.

    These are blessings that are continuous in one’s life that will never fail for any reason at all in whatever that one person may be facing in the every day life’s affairs, because our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ dwells within the
    heart, mind, body and human spirit thus to help immediately with great divine powers whenever necessary. It does not matter how big is your problem, difficulty, infirmity or threat of death that our heavenly Father will help you timely with His Son Jesus
    Christ’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts, so you may not only defeat them every time thus for you to enjoy the daily down pouring of His rock of salvation over your entire life.

    For our heavenly Father has blessed you already over His prayer taught initially to Moses to be prayed daily by Aaron and his children to invoke it every time over the children of Israel, because He had to bless His image in them every day of their
    entire lives, although lastly, they descended into the Valley of the dried bones. Kindly, our heavenly Father blessed Israel with this unique prayer throughout their days of life on earth finally to be prayed and invoked by Aaron’s children over
    Jerusalem’s holy hill as His unique holy name fire was nailed above His Son Jesus Christ’s head over the wood of ancient Israel, so they may receive His image restored in them at last.

    This is a prayer and blessing that was pronounced by Aaron’s children over the children of Israel that their sacred-flesh had become the wood, bearing with nails His holy name fire along with His image restored over every one of the Israelis thus to
    bless them with great powers needed to rise from the dead to life on the Third Day. This is a power descending directly from our heavenly Father’s Great White Throne of His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice,
    because any man, woman and child loving, serving and exalting Him and His holy name fire over the wood of Jerusalem’s holy hill needs these powers to do it properly every time.

    For this is a powerful blessing that Abraham and Isaac started as our heavenly Father waited to meet them over one of Moriah’s mountains, because Abraham was to offer his son Isaac as a burnt sacrifice, ascending continuously into heaven’s glory, for
    every heavenly place from where His holy name fire is worship to become saturated with his family’s love learned from Isaac. On this day, that our heavenly Father finally met Abraham and his beloved son Isaac over mount Moriah then it was to start the
    pouring of His faith to rescue not only Adam and Eve that sinned by eating from the forbidden fruit but also contaminated His image in His children, making it impossible for any man to worship His holy name again.

    However, with Abraham and his son Isaac lying over the wood ready to be offered as a burnt offering sacrifice into the heavenly places, from where His holy name is worshipped continuously by the angelical hosts but also the families of the nations, then,
    He had to pour His entire heart over the sacred-flesh thus blessing His own life upon earth finally. Given that, our heavenly Father was ready to bless the earth along with humankind, but first He needed to live within Abraham’s household, so He may
    enjoy everything through His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac and the Holy Spirit’s amazing powers and gifts, blessing the house and the children with love until He will call Abraham into His home-sweet-home over mount Zion.

    For our heavenly Father needed to see now His children that will be born from Abraham’s family through the generations that began with Isaac born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers, so Jacob may be born thus to establish a
    covenant of life with Him that will bless his children but also the families of the nations, forever. Timely, our heavenly Father needed to downpour His entire holy heart giving birth from Abraham’s household the children that He needed to bear His
    holy name fire over them along with His shining face restored in each of them resurrected later, so the families of the nations may become blessed with daily blessing, healing, prosperity and endless salvation well into all eternity.

    These are amazing powers of great blessings bringing into every one of His children’s life daily richness, fashioning His new kingdom, descending upon the entire house of Israel within Canaan, finally to bless the families of the nations, with perfect
    salvation lasting throughout eternity thus bringing into Israel His entire heavenly kingdom of His perfect will, where sin fails to exist forever. This is the constant outpouring of His perfect will over the altar of Abraham and Isaac, where His holy
    name fire descended from heaven above, according to the oath sworn to Isaac, to wait for ancient Israel, ascending on the Third Day to meet our heavenly Father in person finally to love, serve and worship His holy name, healing the earth eventually.

    For our heavenly Father, as His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to them along with His holy name fire over his head, dressed with a crown of thorns, causing him to bleed, spilling his atoning-blood over the entire site, then, it was done solely to cover the
    world’s sins for His children finally to live without evil, curses and death again forever. This is when our heavenly Father had finally restored His image in every one of the children of Israel finally to see them, then they may see Him clearly too as
    their Father in heaven’s glory that has always loved them through the oath sworn to Isaac that He poured entirely from His holy heart upon them, as Abraham stood by it.

    This is the blessing that only Aaron’s children could invoke over them while they were lying in the Valley of the dried bones, and their sacred-flesh had become part of the altar of the prehistoric love, where He was finally able to eat the bread and
    drink the cup of wine for His children to see and receive life again forever. On this day, as our heavenly Father’s image was restored in each of His children that had become bones in the Valley of death, then lastly, they tasted bread from heaven and
    the cup of the wine of life that they needed to intake, but they had failed always, because the Father’s image in them was disfigured by the forbidden fruit.

    This is the day that Adam and Eve were finally able to eat the bread from the Lord’s Table again along with the cup of wine of the eternal life, in which they were born initially from our heavenly Father’s image and living-souls, thus once the Fatherâ
    €™s image in them was restored then they ate to the full to live again through eternity. Nowadays, when any one from Israel becomes baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then that one is ushered
    into the Holy of Holiest over Jerusalem’s holy hill, where His oath sworn to Isaac constantly pours over the entire site thus keeping everything holy with richness, including His children around the world.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father has called everyone not only from Israel but also from the families of the nations to listen and obey everything that His Son Jesus Christ has said through the Scriptures, so they may become blessed with the oath
    sworn to Isaac’s amazing daily powers and gifts, because it is only here where you are blessed. You are indeed blessed over Jerusalem’s holy hill with His oath sworn to Isaac constantly pouring over you thus to keep His holy name fire nailed to you
    along with His shining glorious face restored within you, so you may see, hear and understand with His holy heart loving you beyond all human understanding with His Grace, Mercy, Truth and Divine Justice.

    But mainly you will be able to eat from the bread from heaven above and drink from the cup of wine, filling you with His eternal life that thinks of you through His unfailing-love, pouring upon you nonstop, thus always to be your daily life along with
    His joys, happiness and endless prosperity taking you into new glories you never knew exists. This is how our heavenly Father not only liberated the entire house of Israel from the Valley of the dried so they may come to life again, filled with His bread
    of life and cup of the wine that is His eternal life going through your entire body only to know the perfection, glory and holiness that He asked Abraham to have always.

    If truth is to be told these days: water baptism is very important to love, serve, glory and exalt our heavenly Father’s shining face, nailed with His holy name fire to the wood of ancient Israel over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may eat and drink
    life only to exalt Him and His holy name fire of great powers throughout the world. Because only through water baptism our heavenly Father will see you as you are in His holy presence within the oath sworn to Isaac, because it is here, where He will
    place His holy hands always to work within your heart, mind, body and human spirit to become the loving child that He loves next to Him through eternity.

    Given that, in the water baptism, our heavenly Father will ensure that the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh descend into hell’s torment, because you will be dressed by His Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh of His Son that it has always been Isaac
    until now thus for you to be fed by His salvation rock: perfect love, happiness, and endless joys. This means that you have become reborn from our heavenly Father’s image that is nailed along with His holy name fire to the wood of ancient Israel that
    is His children that have become saved to love, serve and worship Him and His living-words over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever through eternity, because now they know what is to love the Father perpetually.

    Besides, because you have become reborn from His image nailed to the wood along with His holy name then you will eat with His mouth the bread of life from heaven above to drink with the cup of wine that is His own life granted to you, so you may live
    forever blessed thus to know richness that is beyond all human understanding. Given that, you will no longer continue to live with the forbidden fruit that contaminated our heavenly Father’s image in you thus to fail always to love, serve and worship
    His holy name fire, but now, you will be dressed with the words of the oath sworn to Isaac to know only the richness from heaven above and throughout the earth, as well.

    For the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh received from Adam and Eve, because they disobeyed our heavenly Father, then makes you poor today, as they were deceived by Lucifer through the serpent to eat from the forbidden, thus they descended already
    with the evils that are to torment you into hell’s rivers of liquid fire, burning you with curses forever. That is why, that ancient people that failed to become reborn from our heavenly Father’s image by been baptized in water as they may have
    perfectly invoked the holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit thus to become liberated from the curses of hell’s torment and Judgment Day, but, instead they failed to do it timely to die sinful.

    Therefore, as they passed away then they descended into the rivers, lakes, ponds and other forms of bodies of liquid fire that received them to be tormented by the sins committed against our heavenly Father, because they failed to obey Him by been
    baptized in water by the powers of His holy name nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill. That is why, that Lucifer along with his fallen angels, including his sinful people that served him through his images, idols and altars where he kept his
    demon’s names and wicked curses to create more darkness upon earth, then they will descend into hell’s torment, and finally into the lake of fire, because they failed to become baptized in water.

    These days, upon the entire world wherever you may go to live you will find water to become baptized by repenting from all your sins, and that of your loved ones, committed against our heavenly Father, so you may abandon every sin descending into hell’
    s torment finally to live pleasing truth and divine Justine throughout your eternal life in heaven, staring now. For this reason, our heavenly Father is watching you constantly along with your loved ones, including your friends, to see if you finally
    decide to please all truth and divine justice by been baptized in water, as you may invoke His holy name fire, nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill to become saved by His oath sworn to Isaac’s powers.

    [continued in next message]

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