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All on Fri Jun 15 17:14:00 2018
Sábado, 16 de Junio, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The entire house of Israel had finally arrived at the Jordan River, and they were ready to cross it, to conquer the Promised Land that our heavenly Father had promised to Abraham to possess along with his children that will be born to him as numerous as
the stars from heaven above. However, as they arrived near the borders of the land that they were to conquer it, then our heavenly Father did not allow them to enter into it, because they were still carrying in their hearts the golden calf that Aaron had
fashioned with the hot oven fires as he poured into it the golden jewelry received from the Egyptians.
These were the richness that our heavenly Father told Moses to tell the Israeli women to ask from the Egyptian so they may take with them the richness that had enriched the Egyptians for more than four-hundred years, thus they may get baptized with them
in water, because they were going to get even more richness along the way towards Canaan. For our heavenly Father needed not only to enrich the house of Israel in those days with the richness that Abraham had received along with Sarah during their days,
but also this richness was going to be inherit by the children from Israel and the families of the nations as they may become baptized in water, by invoking His name’s perfect holiness.
With this water baptism that ancient Israel went through as they invoked the name of the God of Abraham, the name of the God of Isaac and the name of the God of Jacob (that is the Holy Spirit), then they abandoned every sin expiated by oath sworn to
Isaac for years, but also, they were able to receive lawfully Abraham’s richness. Our heavenly Father needed to take everyone from the house of Israel not only baptized in water at the Red Sea as they were able to invoke the perfect holiness of His
name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to abandon forever every sin that they had met within Egypt, but also, they needed to take Abraham’s richness into Canaan.
These are amazing richness of the oath sworn to Isaac that were first granted to Abraham but also for his only son Isaac to inherit along with Jacob His firstborn upon earth and the children to be born through the generations, because these are richness
that is to enrich the land of Canaan that had to receive His holy name fire eventually. Besides, our heavenly Father needed every Israeli man, woman and child arriving into Canaan that He had chosen to live with them in perfect holiness and everlasting
Righteousness, because of His holy name fire, resting over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever; but also, He needed Abraham’s abundant richness overflowing Canaan with increasing-richness for the children and the families of the nations to enjoy.
For this is the richness that our heavenly Father had granted Abraham to possess abundantly and forever but also for the children through the generations that will finally honor, glorify, sanctify and exalt His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill,
and thus, they need to do these for Him and His name with Abraham’s richness always multiplying within their daily lives. These are the richness that our heavenly Father had accumulated over Jerusalem’s holy hill through the generations, because the
entire house of Israel had always failed to become reborn from the water and reborn from the Holy Spirit’s power, but, when they will become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, then they will receive this richness instantly.
Because these are amazing richness that our heavenly Father granted to Abraham abundantly not only for him to live a rich life with his wife Sarah along with the 318 adoptive children bought with money from foreigners, but also to enrich the children
through the generations, including the families of the nations, for His new kingdom to enrich always abundantly through eternity. Miraculously, this richness have never failed to multiply through the generations ever since our heavenly Father began to
bless Abraham and his son Isaac that made not only Jacob rich but also the children through the generations, however, only if they become reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Otherwise, this amazing richness that increased through the years and that will continue to increase in the generations ahead, graciously they will continue to be store-up upon the altar of Abraham and Isaac until every man, woman and child from Israel
and the families of the nations claim them as they are reborn from water and reborn from the Holy Spirit. That is why, that our heavenly Father had to have had Abraham ascending over Jerusalem’s holy hill with his only son Isaac first to offer him as a
burnt offering unto Him with the smoke of the fire ascending into His holy places in heaven’s glory, but also His amazing sweet-love that he had learned to love each day through the years.
Because, our heavenly Father needed to have Abraham’s love for his son Isaac burning hot within his heart as well Sarah’s and everyone else throughout his household as an eternal offering that will ascend from Abraham’s household to enrich His most
glorious places in heaven’s glory, so He may finally pour His entire faith upon him and his children through the generations. Moreover, this is the oath sworn to Isaac, our heavenly Father’s perfect faith and love that He needed to pour with His
every word emanating from His very holy heart thus to bless Abraham’s children, but also the families of the nations with the amazing richness accumulated through eternity for His reborn children that will love, serve and glorify His name forever.
These words that our heavenly Father poured upon Isaac lying over the wood from Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, manifested how much He has loved His children born from His image and living-soul in heaven’s glory, as when Adam was born
initially to give birth to Eve and the children through generations as countless as the stars from heaven above. These are the words from the oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father finally had to grant it to Moses for Aaron’s children to possess
as a prayer in full authority throughout their days of ministry, within the tabernacle of reunion and the Holy of Holiest, because they were especially anointed to invoke it over the children of Israel for blessing-of-endless-richness.
Therefore, only Aaron’s children had the power to say this prayer over the children of Israel, wherever our heavenly Father with the SHEKINAH (God’s Righteousness) may take them, thus to conduct the very important rituals and ceremonies of perfect
holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, covering sin with the lamb’s shed atoning-blood through the Sinai’s desert before entering Canaan. Evidently, our heavenly Father had to cover every sin that He had come across within Israel as they lived in
Egypt’s captivity for more than four-hundred years, because sin needed to be defeated not only in hell’s torment, where the families of the ancient nations are condemned with their sins, but also throughout the desert before entering gloriously into
the Promised Land.
This was a very important victory that our heavenly Father had to accomplish with the entire house of Israel not only born with the oath sworn to Isaac but also baptized in water to dress His Holy Spirit’s attires and the sacred-flesh powers to cover
sin, finally for His Son Jesus Christ to be born in Israel thus to restore all things. Therefore, every sin had to be lying at the seabed with Israel dressed in the Holy Spirit’s powers and the sacred-flesh where they could serve Him and His holy name
fire as priests through the desert but also in Canaan turned their bodies into the wood receiving finally with nails His holy name fire, His Son Jesus Christ radiating with His sacred-face.
For Aaron’s children were divinely anointed to address the Romans thus to have His holy name as King of the Jews taken down to have it rewrite it, by saying that he said that he is the king of the Jews—but Pontius Pilate refused to please them,
because our heavenly Father was ready to bless them with His awesome all-powerful blessing-of-endless-richness. Certainly, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Israel not only liberated from the Egyptian’s captivity but also baptized in
water at the seafloor by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit to dress with His Spirit and the sacred-flesh thus to cover sin for the Levites were called to bless Israel in Canaan forever.
Lawfully, our heavenly Father had to have the Levitical priests in Israel living there with the children of Israel and ready to pronounce His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, because every Israeli man, woman and child although they were lying
in the Valley of the dried bones then they were ready to receive His blessing-of-endless-richness to rise to life again. Besides, this is the blessing that our heavenly Father had to have Israel first lying in the Valley of the dried bones with the flesh
turned into wood thus to nail His holy name along with His Son Jesus Christ because He bears His holy face that once nailed to Israel then it is the peace that the world needs to live.
That is to say, also the if Israel can finally have peace, because our heavenly Father has nailed His holy name fire along with His Son Jesus Christ that has descended to restore the sacred-flesh, the atoning-blood and the unbreakable bones throughout
Israel, then they can return to life again thus to live forever blessed, enjoying the every day blessing of amazing-richness. Inasmuch as, it is Israel always called by our heavenly Father to enjoy the first blessings of His oath sworn to Isaac that He
poured His entire holy heart over the sacred-flesh of the covenant of life, but also, He wrote it with His finger over every man, woman and child, because, by doing so, then He can finally bless the nations.
For our heavenly Father had told Abraham that in his seed, and this is Isaac blessed by His holy heart with His perfect will upon His children and the families of the nations that is the oath sworn to Isaac, then, He can really create a new earth filled
with glorious skies covering the every day life of humankind with perfect love. Meaning that, once Israel was lifted from the Valley of the dried bones by the power of the oath sworn to Isaac that His Son Jesus Christ had been born from king David’s
virgin daughter that by her womb spilling the blood to the ground, then, she had restored forever the atoning-blood that Eva from paradise had contaminated with the forbidden fruit.
Then, our Lord Jesus Christ was able to live our heavenly Father’s eternal life that Israel was called to live when they would enter into Canaan, where they were called cautiously to fulfill every commandment along with every decree and precept given
by the oath sworn to Isaac to them thus to become finally blessed through eternity with new amazing and endless-richness. Therefore, as our Lord Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter then our heavenly Father’s holy name fire descended
from heaven’s glory, because the virgin woman had restored the perfect holiness of the atoning-blood that is to run through the veins from every one of His children, so they may finally live in peace, enjoying every day His blessing through eternity.
Timely, our heavenly Father’s holy name descended to be where His Son Jesus Christ will always live not only with the Holy Spirit but also with every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations, because the perfect holiness of the
bloodline has been restored finally for humankind to return to life again, and this time forever enriched. Certainly, nowdays as you may become reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then,
you will possess important working-powers from the oath sworn to Isaac, creating everything new in you, your loved ones, and friends too, because you have believed in His amazing-work over mount Zion with His Chosen Lamb.
That is why, that when Israel was lifted on the Third Day from the Valley of the dried bones then they entered into the Holy of Holiest of the tabernacle of reunion, because now our heavenly Father was ready to hug them thus to become one with each one
of them through eternity, since now they have become perfect and holy perpetually. Surely, that Israel although they had lied in the Valley of the dried bones for centuries, then as our Lord Jesus Christ finished his work nailed to the wood with the holy
name fire and the Holy Spirit’s victory conquered in every Israeli home throughout Canaan, then as the Levitical priests invoked His name over them, blessings-of-endless-richness poured upon Israel forever.
For sure, the entire house of Israel became reborn from the Valley of the dried bones, dressed with His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones, the atoning-blood and the Holy Spirit’s victories conquered against Satan and the angel of
death from every Israel home, so they may become perfect and holy forever on the Third Day to see the LORD. This blessing that ancient Israel received from our heavenly Father as the Levitical priests invoked His holy name fire as His Son Jesus Christ
was nailed to them along with the Holy Spirit’s victories over every work from Satan and the fallen angels, then, they became alive ready to live eternal life for the families of the nations to be blessed eventually.
This prayer that was finally fulfilled over Jerusalem’s holy hill and that our heavenly Father lastly granted with all-powers blessing over them although they were still lying in the Valley of the dried bones, then, it was to change the Valley of death
into a fountain of endless blessings, for the families of the nations. Because once ancient Israel had received our heavenly Father’s blessing as the Levitical priests invoked his holy name fire over them that their bodies of the sacred-flesh had
become dust, the tree in Canaan, and finally the wood over mount Zion, receiving with nails His shining face that is peace eternal for the nations, then everybody can have his blessing today, too.
In other words, as our Lord Jesus Christ said it is finished, then this means that he had destroyed Satan’s work and the fallen angels not only committed in paradise but also through the earth, including hell’s torment until they finally managed to
destroy Israel in the Valley of the dried bones, so Israel may return to life on the Third Day. This means that once our heavenly Father had finally seen His oath sworn to Isaac fulfilled and glorified by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by
destroying Satan’s every day work that he managed to do with the fallen angels, then not only Israel could be liberated again from captivity but also the families of the nations lying hell’s torment.
That is why, that nowadays as anyone praying for the sick and the needed to be delivered from Satan’s oppression can become very easily liberated, because when our heavenly Father’s poured His entire holy heart over Isaac, then He did it liberating
not only Israel from any captivity but also the families of the nations lying in sickness and even in hell’s torment. Given that, if our heavenly Father had finally liberated ancient Israel from the Valley of the dried bones with His single and all-
powerful blessing through the generations and well into all eternity to come, then, He can not only liberate the nations in hell’s torment today, but also, you forever along with your loved ones, including your friends from around the world.
Provided that, our heavenly Father through His oath sworn to Isaac poured upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the families of the nations of the entire world through the generations all powers needed anytime to walk out from any sickness, conflict, poverty,
death and even hell as well, because He needs them loving, serving and worshiping His holy name fire in His new kingdom. That is why, that anyone that has been baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit then that one has not only abandoned into hell’s torments the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error, but also, he is dressed with the blessing from Jerusalem’s holy hill, enriching others with amazing daily powers.
These are the powers from the oath sworn to Isaac that the Levitical priests prayed and invoked over the children of Israel lastly (before passing away), because once they did this prayer over Israel, then they could ascend unto our Father in heaven
since they had fulfilled finally the priestly duties to invoke the holy name over Israel to live forever blessed. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has fulfilled and sealed this powerful prayer and blessing that became alive upon the entire
house of Israel through the generations to come, because once ancient Israel was lifted from the Valley of the dried bones, then this blessing-of-endless-richness was passed on unto the families of the nations to become finally blessed perpetually.
Therefore, when someone that has become born again from water and born again from the Holy Spirit then this person has entered into this never-ending blessing that will bless anyone that needs prayer, healing, protection, and deliverance, for example,
because once ancient Israel was healed, liberated, and lifted to life on the Third Day, then anyone can receive this blessing as well. That is to say, that when someone in need from our heavenly Father’s blessing is prayed over by someone that has
entered into this powerful blessing from the oath sworn to Isaac fulfilled and established upon Jerusalem’s holy hill forever, then that one will receive this blessing by healing or deliverance, because Israel was first blessed and delivered with it
already forever.
This means that the person that is prayed over by someone that has believed, been baptized already in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His all-powerful name, then this endless-blessing through the generations that blessed ancient Israel already
instantly blesses you too the same way, because if you need a new organ or just a healing, then you will get it. Surely, you will get you organs back, healing, as restoration to life eternal along with the blessings of endless richness coming along with
it through eternity, then you will get it as well in fullness now, thus, you may become not only His child reborn from the Holy Spirit’s power but also a citizen of His new coming kingdom of His perfect will.
Timely, all these wonderful powers will come to you and your loved ones, including your friends from around the world, because Israel was first blessed already by our heavenly Father as the Levitical priests invoked His holy name over the wood at
Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may have it constantly and forever as soon as you become reborn from water baptism. Surely, you must make sure that you will become born again from the water baptism, because it is only here, where our heavenly Father, His
Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as you may invoke them then they will wash you clean from sin thus fulfilling truth and justice forever, and so you will always fail to contaminate with sin again.
This is something that you may do at home as in your bathtub filled with water then prayed to our heavenly Father by repenting from all your sins that you may have committed and those from your loved ones by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His
Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit as you may submerge under the water. Then, as you may emerge from this water baptism that will become part of your life forever, because this baptism is for eternity as you have invoked the perfect holiness of His
name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus you have really begun to live the every day blessing of the oath sworn to Isaac that enriches you continuously.
This will be the only blessing that you will always need not only for you but also for your loved ones, including your friends (because it reaches everyone around the world) blessing them with perfect powers from the oath sworn to Isaac, causing them
faithfully to love, serve and worship our heavenly Father always, so Satan will fail to touch them again. This is an amazing blessing of endless powers that will always follow you through life with perfect grace, mercy, truth and divine justice that will
never fail you regardless of your situation that you may be experiencing, because our heavenly Father’s personal faith is working continually for you and for your loved ones, including your friends never to miss a blessing again.
This is the prayer that only our heavenly Father could have written with His finger upon Isaac and His children from Israel and from the families of the nations of the world, that is, if they become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of
His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit only to know abundant powerful-love always. Because it is only through water baptism that you will finally erase from your life the power of the forbidden fruit that has always caused you to believe lies
and deceptions from Satan and his cronies that can only add to your darkness, however, when you are baptized in water then the Holy Spirit along with the sacred-flesh dresses you with blessings-of-endless-richness.
These are the undying blessing that our heavenly Father had to pronounce over the entire house of Israel that had become the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill with His holy name fire along with His Son Jesus Christ bearing His glorious face to shine upon
every man, woman and child from His new coming Kingdom. This same blessing from the oath sworn to Isaac you will receive today from our heavenly Father just as it was pronounced over Israel nailed to His holy name and His Son Jesus Christ bearing His
glorious face to shine not only throughout Israel but also the families of the nations, because He wants them saved for His coming kingdom upon earth.
For this is a new earth with glorious skies, where we will never need again the Sun to shine over our days, because now we will have our heavenly Father’s glorious face shining upon each one of us through eternity lighting up our every day life always,
so we may love, serve and glorify His holy name fire with perfect holiness eternally. This is a new earth with glorious skies that will continue to receive amazing glories never seen by the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory since they were created by
our heavenly Father, because with the oath sworn to Isaac everytning is created new in you as old things passes away giving way to a colossal creation with humankind enjoying it through eternity.
This is the prayer that our heavenly Father gave to Moses for Aaron and his children always to pray over the children of Israel throughout their days for daily blessing to come upon them wherever they may live on earth, and the prayer begins by saying,
May the Father bless you and keep you. May the Father make His face shine upon you and grant you abundantly of His every day mercy. May the Father lift His face upon you and grant you abundantly of His peace. Then they (the Levitical priests) may invoke
my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them, said our heavenly Father to return to Him and His daily blessed eternal life into heaven’s glory where they will love, serve and worship His holy name fire nailed to the wood of Israel:
blessing the families of the nations into all eternity.
This prayer really began to develop throughout Israel as our Lord Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter, by the Holy Spirit’s power, so the woman may spill her blood as her womb opened for the King Messiah to enter into Canaan with the
holy name, the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood restore for the entire world throughout eternity. This is when our heavenly Father’s holy name fire descended from heaven above to take its eternal place over Jerusalem’s holy
hill, because it had to wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to live every word of the oath sworn to Isaac in Canaan finally to ascend over the mountaintop with the wood to receive Israel with the Father’s eternal blessing-of-endless-richness forever.
For this is an eternal blessing that our heavenly Father’s holy name not only descended from heaven above to wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to destroy Satan and the angel of death, but also to receive ancient Israel with our Father’s perfect blessing,
thus finally to receive every man, woman and child from the families of the nations baptized in water. Because it is only through water baptism that you will receive our heavenly Father’s oath sworn to Isaac that really is His faith placed in you thus
to do everything that you may desire in life, and nothing will ever be impossible for you to achieve, because it will be His perfect living-words working in you and for you always throughout earth.
That is to say, that with water baptism as you may invoke the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then you will receive the entire oath sworn to Isaac that is His personal faith and powers that He has entrusted onto you
and your loved ones, including your friends, to live without sin’s fears always. Because in the oath sworn to Isaac you will fail to know sin again since sin fails to exist throughout eternity in it, starting here on earth with you, given that His
living-words are His perfect faith and powers granted onto you working for you and your loved ones always, and so, whatever you may do in life then it is sinless.
That is why, that through the amazing daily powers of the oath sworn to Isaac our Lord Jesus Christ was able to defeat Satan and the angel of death throughout the streets and homes of the Israelis, because it was our heavenly Father speaking through him
to the Israelis thus to banish Satan’s wicked words, curses, infirmities, poverty, and deceptions at once. Unquestionably, as our Lord Jesus Christ had finished his work throughout the cities, streets and homes of the Israelis that were the children of
the ancient Israelis lying in the Valley of the dried bones, then, he killed death to take on the wood to ascend to Jerusalem’s holy hill for the Father to pour His blessing upon ancient Israel at last.
This is the blessing that ancient Israel received from our heavenly Father, because His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit fulfilled and glorified His oath sworn to Isaac throughout Canaan, then through this blessing-of-endless-richness they
could return to life on the Third Day, because this blessing saving Israel needed to bless immediately the families of the nations with perfect-salvation worldwide. This blessing came upon the children of Israel while their living-souls lied in the
Valley of the dried bones and their flesh turned into dust for the Father’s right arm to plant the tree in Canaan thus to become the wood over mount Zion, receiving His holy name with His Son, but also the lasting-salvation blessing from His oath sworn
to Isaac.
For this is the blessing of perfect-salvation that our heavenly Father is granting you with the same powers that it had to lift Israel from the Valley of the dried bones to life on the Third Day to see Him in person, because this daily blessing into
eternity has the powers to save you from your Valley of death today, too. Therefore, it is here where you will finally enter into our heavenly Father’s holy heart that wrote with his finger His oath sworn to Isaac for the salvation, healing, prosperity,
richness and lasting salvation of His children from Israel and the families of the nations, but also, for His new coming kingdom of His perfect will established upon earth at last forever.
It is here, where you can bring unto our heavenly Father’s holy presence everything threatening you, your loved ones and even your friends because whatever problem, difficulty, infirmity or threat of death that you may be suffering then He can handle
that situation thus to solve it immediately, because His oath sworn to Isaac has the power to do it for you. With you installed in the oath sworn to Isaac, because you have become reborn by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ
and the Holy Spirit then any situation that you may be facing with your loved ones, immediately it will be handled automatically by His living-words written already for you to become victorious over Satan always.
In other words, you could have very well descended with your loved ones and even friends into your Valley of dried bones with those problems, difficulties, infirmities, poverty and even death in hell’s torment, then because you have become reborn from
the water and the Holy Spirit His living-words from the oath sworn to Isaac will come to your rescue instantly. Because our heavenly Father right after He saw His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood over the wood, since he was nailed to it along with
His holy name fire and the Holy Spirit’s every day victory over Satan and his fallen angels, including death devastated, then in one day Israel rose from the death to see Him on the Third Day.
On this day, our heavenly Father was able through the amazing daily powers of His oath sworn to Isaac lift from the Valley of the dried bones every man, woman and child from all the families of ancient Israel, dressed with His Holy Spirit and living-word
to begin abundantly to love, serve and worship His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill. Because this is where every one of them is today since the Third Day that they were lifted from the Valley of the dried bones thus to love, serve and worship
His holy name fire nailed to the wood that once was in life their living-bodies that have finally received His holy face shining upon them, as a blessing of eternal peace.
Given that, ever since that our heavenly Father was able to nail His shining glorious face upon the wood of the ancient Israelis thus to lift them victorious over Satan, death, sin and every curse of his lying tongue against them, then, there is no
problem, sin, curse, difficulty, infirmity, poverty and death that the oath sworn to Isaac cannot solve instantly. Because, in the oath sworn to Isaac, our heavenly Father poured His heart upon his sacred-flesh to become a reality with Jacob and his
children through generations, since He needed His holy name fire nailed along with His shining face with perfect glories over Israel, as His Son Jesus Christ shed the atoning-blood and the Levitical priests invoked His name for instant-salvation.
[continued in next message]
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