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All on Fri Jun 1 15:44:20 2018
Sábado, 02 de Junio, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father called Moses to take Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the tabernacle of reunion because they needed to become baptized with water with the large washbasin that was next to it, so they may enter into the tabernacle of reunion to
perform their assigned duties. Therefore, they needed to become anointed by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with water and olive oil that was to be poured over them before dressing the priesthood attires, assigned for them
divinenly, to wear as they will go into the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest place to perform their assigned rituals.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed to wash with water and anoint each one of Aaron’s children before dressing them with the priesthood attires that they will need to perform very important rituals and ceremonies of the perfect holiness of the oath
sworn to Isaac thus to remove sin from the people of Israel and from wherever it needed to be dealt with. That is to say, also that no one from the entire house of Israel in those days could never approach the tabernacle of reunion without being washed
clean with water, so they may become accepted by our heavenly Father by forgiving their sins moreover bless them abundantly, so they may continue on their way to conquer the Promised Land.
Then, by the entire house of Israel being baptized at the Red sea immediately they had abandoned all the sins that they had come across with the families of the ancient nations that had descended into hell’s torment, condemned of sins, because they
failed to know our heavenly Father’s holy name fire much less covered their sins with the lamb’s atoning-blood. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed every Israeli baptized with water at the Red sea, because they had to change their clothing with new
ones where they will not only learn to serve our Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but also learn about the importance of conducting the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness within the Holy of Holiest.
Indeed, this task was strictly designated for the Levitical tribe to perform always within the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest throughout the Sinai’s desert as to where our heavenly Father will guide them with the SHEKINNAH cloud (the
Lord’s glory), so they may perform these important rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac. Divinely, our heavenly Father had not only caused Abraham’s children to be born within Egypt’s captivity with the oath sworn
to Isaac, written with His finger over them, but also He had caused them to suffer the pains to have failed to know His holy name fire and His altar of perfect holiness, pleasing Him through the oath sworn to Isaac always.
For these were rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness that our heavenly Father needed to perform with the oath sworn to Isaac throughout the Sinai’s desert with Abraham’s children, because they were born by the Holy Spirit’s powers as Isaac was
initially for Jacob to be born later thus to reach for His holy name fire’s Sabbath rest soon within Canaan. Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed to cover every sin that the whole of Israel had expiated and collected over the four-hundred years that
they were in captivity that needed not only to be dumped into the Red sea through the water baptism, but also they needed to cover with the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac.
Therefore, as Israel emerged from the Red sea, baptized in water, because they had learned within Egypt’s captivity to invoke His holy name as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob that is the Holy Spirit, then they needed to go
into the desert to find water as the people in hell searches for it constantly. Obediently, they walked for three days without find it until they finally arrived at the bitter waters of Marah, where they tried to drink from it, but they just could not,
because the waters were too bitter to drink, and so, they had to cry out to Moses to find water for them immediately (Moses is the type of His Son).
Because only His Son Jesus Christ can truly give them to drink thus to quench their thirst that they were experiencing in those days as the families of ancient nations that thirst day after day for a drink of water, but this is not the water from the
earth but from heaven above, as the rock of salvation that is His Son. For this is the rock that you need to welcome into your heart as well into your home by been born again from the water and the Holy Spirit, so it may enter into your family thus to
bless them as they have never been blessed, and this to get the replenishment of love, happiness, joy, peace and prosperity, enriching you always.
(That is why, that Moses used to tell the Israelis from time to time that they will receive soon someone like him from the midst of their brothers that he will rise to speak to them from our heavenly Father and from His Holy Spirit, and that they ought
to listen to him to follow and do everything as he may say. For he will be the one that from whom our heavenly Father will speak to the entire house of Israel the every word that He poured over Isaac’s sacred-body and his atoning-blood as he lied over
wood at His altar, resting at Moriah, so the every promise given to Abraham and the children through the generation may happen soon.)
This is when Moses as thirsty as every Israeli was then he just failed to know what to do next, because he was in the same situation as everyone else, but then, he turned to the Father in heaven, and the Lord spoke to him by saying: I have heard that the
Israelis want water, but the waters found are undrinkable. Come with me, our heavenly Father said to Moses, because I am going to show you a tree where you can find it and pick up from the ground to toss it into the bitter waters of Marah, so they may
become sweet instantly for the Israelis to drink along with the herds that they had brought with them as well.
Surely, our heavenly Father needed every Israeli to see the glory of His power again that not only had liberated them from Egypt’s captivity and from certain death as the Egyptian army approached to recapture them to return them to Egypt, but also for
them to see that He can give them the best of water to drink even in the desert. This is the tree that our heavenly Father had brought along with Him with His holy name fire nailed to the top of it, flaming as a torch that not only light up the darkest
night that Abraham had ever lived in his entire life but also the halves of the three sacrificed lambs over the rock, spilled with the atoning-blood everywhere.
These were the three lambs sacrificed with their halves facing each other over the rock, spilled with the atoning-blood along with two uncut birds, because our heavenly Father needed to expiate for every sin that his children were going to come across
each day as they were to be born in a foreign land with His oath sworn to Isaac. This is Egypt, where our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit needed to be with the entire house of Israel as it was born by the Holy Spirit’
s power and the oath sworn to Isaac, expiating for every sin of the nations, because He needed finally to find the Sabbaths rest to His holy name fire.
Certainly, our heavenly Father needed to begin to understand and taste the sweetness of His torch with His holy name fire flaming with His fires of eternal glories that are His abundant Grace, Mercy, Truth and Divine Justice that the entire house of
Israel needed to possess, so they may serve Him through the Sinai’s desert shedding the lambs’ atoning-blood, covering sin. That is why, that it was important for the tree to descend from the altar of the prehistoric love from within Jerusalem, in
Canaan, because they needed to be the first from all the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment, because of their sins, to drink from the bitter waters that have become sweetened miraculously.
After the Israelis had taken from the sweetened bitter waters of Marah by the tree that descended from Jerusalem’s holy hill within Canaan, then they became thirsty again that they complained to Moses, because they had taken from the bitter waters of
the earth that had been sweetened by His tree bearing His holy name fire to drink now from heaven above. This is when, again, our heavenly Father heard the Israelis complaining about been thirsty that they were ready to return to Egypt because they knew
that they were going to get thirsty along the way towards the Promised Land, and they felt that they did not have the supply of water needed to get there.
Then, our heavenly Father told Moses to choose seventy of the elderly to come with Him again, because this time He was going to show where to find the rock of salvation that they needed to drink from it the waters from where they will never thirst again
in this life and in the next one to come in heaven’s glory. Really, our heavenly Father was preparing ancient Israel for the long journey that they had to undertake not only to make it into the Promised Land as they were told initially that they needed
to conquer it, but first they were going to descend into the Valley of the dried bones, where there is no water to drink at all for anyone.
That is why, that the Israelis needed to drink from the bitter waters of Marah sweetened by the tree that descended from Jerusalem’s holy hill to meet them in the Sinai’s desert to sweeten not only the bitter waters but also their living-souls thus
to drink from the rock’s abundant living-waters finally to descend into the Valley of the dried bones. Surely, our heavenly Father showed Moses along with the Israelis elders where to find the living-rock that Moses was to speak to it, so it may burst
before the entire congregation of the elders and the people thus to drink from it abundantly along with the herds that they brought with them from Egypt for the sacrifices that they were to execute.
In due time, our heavenly Father made the Israelis drink from the living-rock abundantly because they will not only thirst again through the Sinai’s desert as they will conduct the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac
to cover every sin with the shedding of the lambs’ atoning-blood, but also beyond the Valley of the dried bones. Evidently, this is the rock from where every man, woman and child must drink from it in great abundance as the Israelis had to drink from
it in the Sinai’s desert before they began to serve our heavenly Father as His high priests, conducting rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness that needed to enter into Canaan to cover and destroy sin forever.
These were rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac that were not able to be performed within the Egyptian’s captivity to expiate and cover the sins of the families of the ancient nations that died without a covenant of
life with the Father thus they had to execute them within the Sinai’s desert that is hell’s roof. That is to say, also that these days as every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations throughout the world become baptized in water by
invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then you will ascend into the altar where the rock of salvation is, to drink from it plentifully.
What is more, our heavenly Father along with His Holy Spirit will take you into His altar, because you have washed away your sins and impurities as you were baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His all-powerful name that He will take you
into His Holy of Holiest as when you may least expect that He will do it. Because once you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, you really have invoked the entire altar of His
prehistoric love along with the Holy of Holiest thus to become baptized in His Holy Spirit, so you may finally become reborn from His image to enter life eternal.
This is when you will find yourself standing in the center of His ancient altar of His prehistoric love, where He initially called Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt sacrifice offering onto Him in heaven’s glory, so he may drink from the
rock abundantly, because on this day Abraham drank from the living-rock thus to live forever justified. Therefore, when you become baptized in water at your bathtub filled with water to the brim then as you may submerge into it, invoking the perfect
holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, instantly the entire oath sworn to Isaac will dress you with perfect glory, because you are going to see our heavenly Father in person.
While you are standing in the epicenter of the altar of Abraham and Isaac that is Jerusalem’s holy hill with the Holy of Holiest in the heart of it, then, the rock will give you abundantly to drink from it living-waters as the Israelis in the desert
drank never to thirst again, because now you are going to love the Father forevermore. This is when great amounts of love your living-soul will begin to drink from it that it feels that you are drinking honey that is warm and extremely sweet thus
caramelizing your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, because His amazing unfailing love fills your entire being inside and outside as well that you will become as He is into everlasting.
Because our heavenly Father told Abraham that he must become perfect and holy as He is with the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory so he may ascend into eternal life with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit—therefore, Abraham had to receive
His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as Isaac. This is when Isaac was born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, because our heavenly Father had told him already that he needed to become as perfect and holy as He is in heaven’s
glory with the angelical hosts to ascend into eternal life, and thus, it was important for him to receive His only Son Jesus Christ as Isaac.
Provided that, only His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit can grant you not only to drink from the living-rock His atoning-blood turned into living-waters since the foundation of the world, because he is the immolated lamb for the Father to
create all thing initially—therefore, he can grant you abundant life today through the oath sworn to Isaac. That is why, that when our heavenly Father called Abraham to ascend to the mountaintop that He will show him at Moriah then he had to ascend
with his only beloved son Isaac, because through him he has found and learned to love the unfailing-love that pleases our heavenly Father throughout eternity, and so, he may become baptize with lasting-salvation at last.
Given that, just as Abraham was over the mountaintop with Isaac then you will have to be over it as well with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may begin to drink from the living-rock the amazing-love that you will
always fail to find it in any other place in the world these days. Besides, this is a wonderful-love that you will only find it over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest, where you will stand before the living-rock, drinking from it not only
abundance of water, but also abundance of love, happiness, joys, the feeling of the Sabbath rest, peace, and other powerful blessings that you need to love the Lord through eternity.
The piece of wood is the tree that our heavenly Father has always held it as His torch lighting up darkness everywhere around His entire Creation, and these are His children born from Abraham and from the families of the nations that have learned to love
Him through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as Abraham and Sarah did initially. This tree will certainly sweeten your entire life nowadays, because once you have been sweetened by it, because you have become baptized in water by invoking the
perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then you are ready for His living-rock of eternal salvation to become filled by it with love, happiness, and amazing everlasting-joys.
Timely, our heavenly Father pulled Israel from Egypt’s captivity because not only they had fulfilled the years needed to stay there with His oath sworn to Isaac for Him along with His Son and the Holy Spirit to expiate for your sins and that of your
loved ones, including your friends, but also to make it to His Sabbath rest through eternity. Evidently, our heavenly Father needed not only to expiate and destroy your everyday sin but also to cleanse you from all impurities—that is why that the
entire house of Israel had to become a nation with the oath sworn to Isaac in an Egyptian captivity of four-hundred years, so you may become liberated from sin, death, poverty, and hell these days.
Effectively, our heavenly Father has not only to convert you into His child again, reborn from His image by the Holy Spirit’s powers of baptism, within the Holy of Holiest, but also make you part of His continuous sacrifice over the altar, where He
nailed His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit to the wood, so you may live today. In good time, our heavenly Father had to begin a very important covenant of life with Abraham by eating the bread and the wine from His Son Jesus Christ over the
Lord’s Table that is served daily for the angels in heaven’s glory to stay perfect and holy to love, serve and worship His holy name fire over His altar of love.
Later, our heavenly Father had to tell Abraham that his children were going to be born in a foreign land, because after He had gone through the three lamb sacrifices with their halves cut and facing each other over the rock, spilled with the atoning-
blood along with the two uncut turtledoves, then, it was to give him His only Son as Isaac. Timely, our heavenly Father was calling Abraham to the mountaintop that He will show him over one of the mountains at Moriah, because He was ready to pour from
His holy heart His living-words of the oath sworn to Isaac that will become the existence of His firstborn Jacob along with the children of Israel to love His holy name forever.
Indeed, our heavenly Father needed to pour His entire holy heart over Isaac’s sacred-flesh because His holy name fire was to be nailed to him that is not only Jacob as His firstborn but also the children in Egypt, through the Sinai’s desert, in
Canaan, and finally within the nations, so He may find His Sabbaths rest every seventh day through eternity. Considering that, after our heavenly Father liberated Israel from Egypt’s captivity then He had Moses taking them to the Red sea to dump not
only the sins that the oath sworn to Isaac had expiated through the four-hundred years of captivity, suffering with the families of ancient nations, but also to dump your sins today into it for you to walk with Him forever.
Divinely, our heavenly Father had to use ancient Israel not only to expiate with the oath sworn to Isaac for everyone’s sin from the ancient nations but also for the children, then after the Red sea, He walked with them through the desert covering
every sin that had existed and that will afterwards with the lambs’ atoning-blood, so you may live today. This is when our heavenly Father after had sweetened the bitter waters of Marah with the wood that descended from His altar of the prehistoric
love to meet Abraham’s children thirsty in the desert as when they needed it the most, then, He was ready to give them to drink from the living-rock thus to purify them further to receive His lasting prayer.
This a very important prayer that our heavenly Father poured it from His holy heart over Isaac’s sacred-body and before Abraham standing nearby, because it was a prayer that will change not only the children of Israel with amazing blessings, enriching
them forever, but also the families of the nations for His kingdom of His perfect will to come at last. This is a prayer that could have only be written by our heavenly Father’s finger over Isaac’s sacred-flesh to be obeyed by every one of his
children born through the generations and throughout the world, including the children from the families of the nations, so His blessing will reach beyond eternity through His new kingdom of His perfect will, starting within Jerusalem.
This is the prayer that our heavenly Father told Moses to muster Aaron and his children, because they are the ones to invoke it over Israel, by saying: May the Lord God bless you and keep you, may the Lord God shine His face upon you and grant you mercy,
may the Lord God lift His countenance over you and give you peace. This is how the Levitical priest had to invoke His holy name fire over the children of Israel, although they were lying in the Valley of the dried bones without hope, without peace and
with a terrible feeling of being lost, and He will bless them finally every day thereafter and throughout Creation well into all eternity to come.
This was a prayer that once Aaron and his children learned it from Moses then they began to invoke it over the children of Israel, because our heavenly Father really needed to bless them mightily with it, since this is a prayer written over Isaac and the
children by His finger as the oath sworn to Isaac through the generations to come. This was a prayer that is to continue not only through the generations blessing the children of Israel but also the families of the nations, because it is in this prayer
where our heavenly Father blesses and protects thus to shine His face upon them, by having mercy upon them to lift His face upon them to grant them peace progressively always.
Where our heavenly Father finally pours His blessings upon every man, woman and child from the house of Israel where He began to pour His holy heart full of grace, mercy, truth and divine justice over Isaac as he lied over the wood when Abraham was ready
to set him on fire as a burnt offering sacrifice before Him in heaven’s glory. This is the prayer of the oath sworn to Isaac, where our heavenly Father’s perfect will of His living-word poured upon Isaac and upon the children of Israel as well,
including the families of the nations, it is then meant to bless you daily continuously, because He said to Abraham, in your seed all the families will be blessed throughout the world. I
In this single prayer, written by our heavenly Father’s finger over Isaac and the children of Israel, He can see entirely not only His Son Jesus Christ born again by the power of the Holy Spirit through king David’s virgin daughter, but also His
bloodline restored with His perfect eternal life granted to Israel already with a new enriched endless-kingdom. This is the prayer that honors our heavenly Father along with the entire house of Israel that is no longer in the Valley of the dried bones,
because as we already well know, as soon as our Lord Jesus Christ finished his work throughout Canaan then he died to lift Israel into heaven on the Third Day to see the LORD.
This a prayer that was unfolded by our heavenly Father, because He was the One speaking always through His Son Jesus Christ to every man, woman and child within Israel, given that, He needed to destroy the works of Satan and of the fallen angels in every
home thus to lift finally Israel from the Valley of the dries bones to life. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ immediately as he was born from David’s virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit, then the woman spilled our heavenly Father’s blood filled
with his eternal life as in the beginning for His Son to conquer Canaan entirely and the families of the nations for His kingdom of His perfect will to come soon.
This is when our heavenly Father said to His Son Jesus Christ, today I have become your Father and you have become my Son, now ask me to give you the families of the nations as your possession, and I will do it, so you may rule over them in the new
kingdom coming upon earth of my perfect will through eternity. As our heavenly Father said these words to His Son Jesus Christ then he had not only the assurance that he could conquer not only Israel, although they were lying in the Valley of the dried
bones, but also the amazing powers of the oath sworn to Isaac spread throughout the homes of the Israelis thus to secure Israel’s victory at last.
This was an important victory that our heavenly Father needed established over the entire house of Israel that will declare them not only liberated again from the works from Satan and his fallen angels but also from the Valley of the dried bones and
death, finally to ascend on the Third Day to see the LORD for His new kingdom is coming. This was something that only our heavenly Father could have accomplished and completely fulfilled forever through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because
when he was ready to be taken to the mountaintop then He said, Father, they were yours and you gave them to me, but now I am asking you to bless and protect them in your name.
Because I have blessed and protected them in the name that you have given me, since they are in this world but they do not belong to it, because they belong to the world from heaven above from where we have always lived together: I am asking you to
protect them from the world and from the evil one by your name. Just asI do not belong to this world but the one from heaven above then they should be lifted to the place from where they were born in the beginning from your image and living-soul, because
they are your children that you have chosen for your holy name fire’s new glories and eternal Sabbaths rest to come upon the nations soon.
(This is the beginning of the prayer from the oath sworn to Isaac that our Lord Jesus Christ had to do in the presence of our heavenly Father, so He may finally nail not only his sacred-body to the wood that had fulfilled the holy commands throughout
Canaan but also defeated Satan and death to descend into the lake of fire soon.) Next, the prayer is written that His holy face may shine upon them (the entire house of Israel, including the families of the nations worldwide), because this is the
generation that saw him been born from David’s virgin daughter, restoring the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood to remove the sins from the entire world in one day forever.
Furthermore, when our Lord Jesus Christ was born within Israel by the Holy Spirit through the woman virgin’s womb then our heavenly Father’s bloodline was restored to its glory, granting not only eternal life to every one of the children but also
remove sin from the nations forever, thus every one throughout this generation saw his face along with his mercies displayed. Then the prayer of the oath sworn to Isaac reads by saying, may the Lord God lift His face upon you, granting you peace, this is
when our Lord Jesus Christ carried the wood over his shoulders, placing his face next to it, so he may walk to the mountaintop, where he will be nailed to it along with the holy name.
This is when our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill by our heavenly Father that also needed to nail His holy name fire to it, because since the angelical rebellion in heaven’s glory He has searched for the Sabbath
rest that blesses Him, His Son, His Holy Spirit and His holy name fire into all eternity. Therefore, by our heavenly Father nailing His Son Jesus Christ along with His all-powerful name and the Holy Spirit’s daily victory to the wood that in life was
the sacred-flesh of every Israeli man, woman and child that had descended into the Valley of the dried bones, because they failed to give the Sabbaths rest to His name, then peace flourish eternally.
However, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to them with the nails to his hands and feet, then they felt again the bites from the venous snakes that ascended from the Valley of the dried bones, because they had sinned by failing to enter into Canaan to
grant the Sabbath rest to the His holy name fire over the ancient altar. That is to say, also that as our heavenly Father nailed His holy name to the wood of ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones along with His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit’s daily victories, conquered throughout the Israelis homes within Canaan, then peace was restored to His name and Israel for the nations’ daily blessings finally.
This is the peace that our heavenly Father needed the whole of Israel to possess through the entire Sinai’s desert as they abandoned Egypt’s captivity for the water baptism of the Red sea thus never to return to the sinful life that they had lived
with the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment, because they failed to know God’s love. As soon as our heavenly Father was able to restore peace and the Sabbath rest to His holy name fire nailed to the wood of ancient Israel along with His
Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit’s victories over Satan and death, then His holy name received the much needed peace, needed for the Levitical priests to bless Israel through the generations forever.
Inasmuch as, as soon as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill along with His holy name fire then peace was received and felt immediately over the entire house of Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones to return
to life instantly as on the Third Day, thus to worship His holy name fire. That is why, that Israel has peace along with our heavenly Father’s holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill nowadays ready to receive every man, woman and child from all the
families of the nations, because they need to be blessed with this wonderful peace along with every blessing of endless richness thus to love, serve and glorified the Father through eternity.
Given that, when the Levitical priest complained to the Romans that they had to take down the sign that read that our Lord Jesus Christ is the king of Jews in Aramaic, Latin and Hebrew, because they wanted to rewrite it to say, he says that he is the
king of the Jews, but Pontius Pilate refused to please them this time. For Pilate’s reply to the Sanhedrin was what I have written I have written and no one is going to change what it says, then the Levitical priests walked away from Jerusalem’s holy
hill, because they had in truth invoked the Lord’s all-powerful name thus fulfilling and sealing the Father’s blessing upon Israel and the families of the nations throughout eternity, forever.
That is why, that whenever any man, woman and child become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then the forbidden fruit along with the sinful-flesh departs from that person, receiving
the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh from Isaac only to know every blessing from the oath sworn to Isaac. For this is our heavenly Father’s blessing needed not only confirmed over Isaac and the children of Israel along with the families of the nations
of the entire world, but also to seal it with His holy name along with His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit’s victories nailed to them, by having the Levites invoking it over them forever.
[continued in next message]
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