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All on Fri Apr 6 15:48:32 2018
Sábado, 07 de Abril, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
(POR LOS CAÃDOS EN MATAJE, DEFENDIENDO NUESTRA PAZ NACIONAL: Deseamos expresar nuestras condolencias, amor y oraciones a las familias ecuatorianas que perdieron a sus hijos mientras servÃan a la patria en lugares de mucho riesgo humano entre la
frontera colombiana y ecuatoriana, como Mataje (San Loreno Esmeraldas). Ellos se encuentran en la presencia santÃsima de nuestro Padre celestial, porque su Hijo Jesucristo pagó por el rescate de sus almas eternas al derramar su sangre santÃsima sobre
el madero, que endulzó las aguas amargas de Marah, para endulzar a todos los que aman a Dios, por los poderes cotidianos de su EspÃritu Santo. Hoy, nuestras oraciones son para que éste madero santÃsimo que tiene no solamente el santo nombre fuego
clavado a él, pero igualmente recibió a su Hijo Jesucristo para recibirnos luego a todos nosotros, endulzando nuestras almas eternas con sus ricas bendiciones que jamás morirán en nuestros dÃas de vida por la tierra y en el cielo para siempre en la
Our heavenly Father was ready to give birth to His children born by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers as Abraham’s only son Isaac was miraculously from Sarah’s barren-womb initially, but, this time, it was going to be over the hill that He will show
him, so He may receive Isaac his only son as the burnt offering sacrifice for His coming Kingdom. For our heavenly Father needed Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over mount Moriah, because He
really needed to know if he was ready to love Him along with the promised children to come through the generations, so He may have a loving family at last upon earth after the angelic rebellion.
Certainly, our heavenly Father needed to have a divine family, filled with His amazing love that He has always felt for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through eternity in the midst of the angelical nations in heaven’s glory, so He may finally
descend to live with humankind with blessing and glories that has never been seen before by anyone. This is a family that will love the families of the nations, by blessing them with His unfailing love and with His amazing word of life that will descend
from His holy heart that is always demanding not only perfect holiness from the angels from heaven above but also from every man, woman and child throughout the earth.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to start His divine family upon earth, something that He began to do with Adam and Eve in paradise, because He warned them never to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but only, from the tree of life
that is His loving divine family: His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. For our heavenly Father needed to manifest His amazing unfailing love along with His divine word of life that would have blessed them always have they obeyed Him, because He was
ready to establish a new Kingdom unknown to the angels composed of His legitimate children only knowing the kindness of His amazing all-loving heart that gave birth to them in paradise.
Unquestionably, our heavenly Father needs to establish a new kingdom of His legitimate children that have become reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because He needs to
have His new kingdom filled with the love of His holy heart, where sin will fail to exist again forever. Given that, our heavenly Father has always lived with His Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit with the amazing love emanating from His holy
heart that has kept them together as family through eternity without ever having had had any difficulties, because it is only here where His amazing love flows with the living word of His perfect will.
Because it is only here with this amazing divine harmony flowing from our heavenly Father’s holy heart through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that has always kept them together as a divine family that is united in His life eternal forever,
where His perfect Spirit will always be obeyed in heaven with the angels and on earth with humankind. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to establish a covenant of life with Adam and Eve, but, because Lucifer deceived the virgin from paradise
that was the woman through her best friend known as the old serpent from the Garden of Eden, then sin entered into Adam and his children with the intent to contaminate with sin human life perpetually.
For Lucifer somehow understood that our heavenly Father was not only replacing him with Adam and his children along with the fallen angels that have sinned against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by making them believed his lies against the
holy name fire, but also, that He was ready to establish a new kingdom throughout His Creation. For this is the new kingdom where our heavenly Father will have His children born legitimately from His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ’s
likeness and in the amazing daily powers of His Holy Spirit’s gifts and wonders, because He needed to exalt the glories of His holy name fire, but only with abundant perfect love from His children.
That is why, that Lucifer needed to attack Adam and his children but through Eve his wife, because she was not only going to be the mother of every one of the children born throughout our heavenly Father’s new creation, but also he could have her (Eve)
as the mother of sinful children born for his kingdom of darkness. Therefore, it was important for Lucifer to deceive Eve instead of Adam, because once she was deceived by the old serpent that told her that she could eat from the forbidden fruit that
everything was going to be well with her and her husband Adam, then the children will be born sinful for his kingdom of darkness and unspeakable terror forever.
Surely, once Lucifer had caused Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit then this meant that our heavenly Father had lost again all the glories that He was looking forward to obtain for His holy name fire in heaven’s glory with the angels and on
earth with humankind, and so, Lucifer was singing victory for his kingdom of darkness. That is why, that Adam along with Eve had to abandon the wonderful life that our heavenly Father had granted them to have, and thus, to enjoy through eternity not only
with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts but also with the children to be born through the generations to come.
Provided that, our heavenly Father had already commanded them to become fruitful thus to fill paradise and His entire Creation with human life by multiplying in the birth of children through the generations, because He needed to live with them along with
His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as one big divine family, growing continually through all eternity to come. Certainly, this is the new kingdom of His perfect will that our heavenly Father had dreamed always to possess ever since Lucifer along
with one-third of the angelical hosts rebelled against His holy name fire, by trying to take control of it, something that was reserved only for His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the children to be born yet.
Given that, our heavenly Father had decided not only to create more angels to replace the ones that had rebelled against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as they tried to take on His holy name fire thus to become a ruling family in heaven as
God was, but, instead, give birth to His children by His amazing love’s powers. Provided that, our heavenly Father has in mind as He has always had had through eternity with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to create a new kingdom of the
perfect will of His holy heart and living-word, where sin will fail to exist always, giving way to His amazing unfailing-love for His children to live flourishing with new amazing-glories.
That is why, that our heavenly Father had begun to create a new world with amazing glorious skies upon the entire earth, by having His Son Jesus Christ born by the Holy Spirit’s power through Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, so His new world will be
based in His amazing unfailing love from His holy heart for His children abundantly to enjoy, everlastingly. For this is where our heavenly Father will finally enjoy His wonderful love that He has not only felt for each of His children born from His
image and His living-soul, but also they would have become reborn eventually from water baptism from the earth’s waters just as been reborn from their mother’s womb, but, this time, without relation to sin perpetually.
Therefore, for this is where, our heavenly Father will really begin to know each one of His children not only born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s power, as His Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac for Jacob and the nation of Israel to
be born at last, but also from the families of the nations from around the world. It is here, in this glorious kingdom coming upon earth anyday now, beginning within Israel, because the covenant of life for it to exist was written and established within
the house of Israel, thus as they may finally become baptized in water then His perfect word in them will become His perfect will finally obeyed forever within every family of the nations.
Consequently, it is here where our heavenly Father will really have a perfect relationship with every one of His children born from the house of Israel and the families of the nations, because it is here where we will really come to know Him as He is for
each one of us through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Eventually, we will be living, reborn from His image and living-soul as it was from the beginning when Adam was born in heaven’s glory to become as He is perfect and holy only knowing the
loving kindness not only of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but also of the angelical hosts, because he (Adam) was perfect and holy initially.
Besides, our heavenly Father had given birth to each one of us not only from Israel and from the families of the nations to become as perfect and holy as He is along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but, since Adam and Eve ate from the
forbidden fruit then He has had to rescue us from sin divinely. Given that, this is the sin to have eaten from the forbidden fruit that our heavenly Father warned Adam and Eve never to eat from it, because as they may eat it then they will die, since
they will depart from His unfailing-love that is His eternal life along with His perfect word that blesses them always with amazing daily richness continually.
Now, since Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit, sinning against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that is His divine family in heaven with the angelical hosts and upon earth with humankind to uphold His holy name fire in perfect glory
perpetually, then, He had had to rescue Adam along with the children from sin, as well. That is why, that our heavenly Father had to have had His Son Jesus Christ born upon earth and within a human family by the Holy Spirit’s power, so His only Son may
become the Lamb with the atoning-blood to bring not only His unfailing love within every human-family but also His altar for lasting salvation, where the atoning-blood erases sins, forever.
Therefore, our heavenly Father had to have had also His Son Jesus Christ not only born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers as Isaac, bringing upon their lives His amazing salvation-love that the human race needed to become save thus
to know Him as the only God along with His Son and His Spirit thus knowing Him as savior perpetually. Surely, for this to happen our heavenly Father had to have had had His Son Jesus Christ living with Abraham and Sarah along with the adoptive children
that they had bought from strangers with money to give them the warmth of a family loving them, so they may come children of God and never offspring for the wicked one, for example.
Further, our heavenly Father had to have had already His Son Jesus Christ living with Abraham and his entire family at least three years to become well acquainted with His amazing-love not only to pour over His altar that He was about to show to Abraham
but also to pour into every home of the families of the nations for lasting-salvation, forever. Indeed, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ living with Abraham and his family for few years, so not only Abraham may learn of His amazing-love
felt for His children born upon earth with the sin committed against Him in paradise as Adam ate from the forbidden fruit initially, but also lastly show His abundant love towards them directly from His altar.
That is why, that as soon as Abraham had lived the enough years that our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ living with Him and his wife Sarah along with the adoptive children within his home as Isaac, then He needed Abraham to take his love for
his only son over His altar as a burnt offering to please Him eternally. Truthfully, our heavenly Father needed Abraham and the love that he had learned to cherish and enjoy with his only son Isaac along with Sarah and the adoptive children to take it to
the mountaintop that He will show him that was about three days walks from his hometown, where he has cherished his newfound love with others for few short years.
Without a doubt, our heavenly Father wanted Abraham to take his only son along with the love that he had cherished over few years to one of the mountains at Moriah, where he was divinely called to offer his only son Isaac along with his heartfelt love
for him as sacrifice that will show how much he really loved the Father perpetually. Certainly, without Abraham realizing it, our heavenly Father had made the center of His love his only son Isaac as he was called divinely to take it to the mountaintop
to place his frail body over the wood as a burnt sacrifice offering to Him in heaven, so he may show finally how much he really loved God Almighty through all eternity.
Therefore, by Abraham taking his only son Isaac to where he knew that our heavenly Father had called him to place him over the altar, but also he knew that he was going to kill him thus to offer him as a burnt offering of a great fire ascending into
heaven’s glory, thus pleasing God Almighty eternally for his coming children. Surely, our heavenly Father needed to see Abraham not only living with His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s power, but also He
needed to see him along with everyone else within his household enjoying this new love that they failed always to know that it really existed thus to enjoy it always perpetually.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to see Abraham taking his only son Isaac on a saddled donkey on a three day journey to the mountaintop that He will show him thus to offer and sacrifice him as a burnt offering unto Him in heaven’s glory, so he
may please Him eternally—for Abraham knew that more children were coming after Isaac. What Abraham failed to realize was another thing that never went through his mind at all, because we know that he never spoke about it, and our heavenly Father was
watching carefully the every step that he had to place forward to get to the mountaintop at Moriah thus to conduct the burn offering of his only beloved son over His altar.
Given that, this was that our heavenly Father needed Abraham to pour his love, acquired from his only son Isaac over the altar of wood ready to burn not only him with a great fire ascending into heaven’s glory, thus to please the Father, but also, the
Father simultaneously was ready to pour His amazing love over His Son Jesus as Isaac. Accordingly, it was the meeting of the amazing love that Abraham had learned to live with his only son Isaac that had to come together with our heavenly Father’s love
that He had always enjoyed with His Son Jesus Christ in heaven’s glory through eternity, so they may become One at last, giving birth to His divine family upon the nations everlastingly.
It is here, where Abraham really cried as he had never sorrowed before, because our heavenly Father had called him to do something that he will never do it normally, but also, our heavenly Father had to come to the same place to do the unthinkable
nevertheless, but it was done to make the love of both one in unity through eternity. Unquestionably, this was the union of His amazing-love along with the love of man that had become born from His image to live suitably in His Son Jesus Christ’s
likeness by the marvelous daily powers of the Holy Spirit’s gifts and many great wonders that gave life to heaven but also now the human race for His life to thrive always.
It is only here, where Abraham as man poured out his entire heart over his only son Isaac, because he really thought that he had to kill him as a normal daily sacrifice lamb, and it was here also where our heavenly Father poured out His entire heart out,
but it was His perfect will for a better world to come soon. This is the oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father needed to pour over the altar of the prehistoric love that it has always existed in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts, but now
He had transferred it to Abraham’s family as His perfect will for the nations to be blessed eventually with a sinless kingdom coming anyday now upon earth.
This is the oath that our heavenly Father needed to confess over the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son and the Holy Spirit lying over the wood, where He will pour the every word of His perfect life that will become alive in every one of His
children to become eventually as He is perfect and glorious through His new kingdom. Inasmuch as, that it is only here where our heavenly Father will live with every man, woman and child not only born from Israel and the families of the nations in the
perfect harmony of His holy heart, but filled entirely with His amazing love for life as He has lived it with His Son and His Spirit through eternity until now.
Provided that, it is here where our heavenly Father will truly live His eternal life granted already not only to Adam as he was born from His image and living soul but also to Eve along with the children that are still been born to this day within the
families of the nations, but, unfortunately, contaminated with sin from the forbidden fruit. Nevertheless, they all have already His blessing to live His eternal life just as He has always lived it with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in heavenâ€
™s glory before the angelical hosts, but now, He has to make sure that they will become born again from water baptism, abandoning sin from the forbidden fruit to retake on life again.
That is why, that the water baptism has always been important not only for our heavenly Father, because He loves to see every one of His children returning to Him as when they were born from His image, but also, they are returning to the spiritual state
of perfect holiness and glory thus to live together as one big family through eternity. Proven that, it is only in water baptism that every man, woman and child not only abandon the forbidden fruit by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but, simultaneously, they will receive His every word from the oath sworn to Isaac thus becoming as perfect and holy as He has always been until now.
That is to say, also that through water baptism His children return to their original spiritual state from the Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ that is His image to live with Him as one divine family known in heaven’s glory by the angelical hosts,
where His holy name fire is honored and glorified through eternity constantly with new perfect glories. Consequently, you are indeed returning to our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to the original state of perfection and
holiness, as when you were born from His image in heaven’s glory, thus to be filled again with His eternal life, because this is what the oath sworn to Isaac says about you and your loved ones everlastingly.
This is where our heavenly Father has made you as rich, perfect and holy as He is in heaven’s glory with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts, because this is how He has dreamed to live with you and your loved ones in
His new kingdom of His perfect holiness coming upon earth, very soon. That is why, that you need to be here these days, living the every day words that our heavenly Father has already poured over Isaac at Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting initially at
Moriah, as the day when Abraham was told to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering unto Him in heaven’s glory.
Then, this was done by our heavenly Father pouring His very holy heart always demanding for perfect truth, justice and never-ending holiness over you, your loved ones, including your friends, because when He thinks of you—He is really thinking of His
new world with glorious skies where His word is perfect always with you and your loved ones throughout eternity. For this is our heavenly Father’s own life, given to you already through the every living-word of the oath sworn to Isaac that you will
find it only as are you reborn from the water baptism, to abandon the forbidden fruit for the fruit of life that is His Son and His Spirit, as they become part of your life instantly.
Today, this is something that you must do now, because our heavenly Father’s salvation filled with His eternal life that will enrich your living-soul with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is for you to begin to enjoy with your loved ones,
including your friend from around the world, because He needs to manifest His glory through you to others. Given that, it is here upon earth, where our heavenly Father needs to manifest the amazing daily glories of His holy name fire that He has already
poured over the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit born into Abraham’s family as Isaac, so you and your family may become saved instantly for His coming Kingdom.
This is our heavenly Father’s dream Kingdom of His perfect will poured over His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit over the altar as Isaac lied over the wood, but He did it all thinking always in you and your entire family, including your friends
from around the nations, because He needs you back into His kingdom of eternal life today. That is why, that when our heavenly Father poured His holy heart over Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood lying already over the wood, then He poured His
entire kingdom of His perfect will, where you will live with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts always knowing the glories that pleased Him through eternity.
Because as our heavenly Father poured His holy heart upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood then He really poured His entire new Kingdom of His perfect will for you and your family, where you are enriched along with your loved ones, including
friends, because He needs you to enjoy the amazing richness that He has always enjoyed with His divine family until now. And now, for our heavenly Father to get His new kingdom of His perfect will for love, mercy, truth and divine justice enriching you
daily not only here on earth with your loved ones but also in heaven as in the New celestial Jerusalem, where His divine love thrives with you always, then you must come to Him now with your family.
Besides, this is a new kingdom that had emerged from His holy heart thinking not only of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but also in you, your loved ones, including your friends, because He knows that you will never know sin again—and so, He
needed to take it to the families of the ancient nations first, immediately. And that is why that our heavenly Father had already had had Abraham conducting a sacrifice of three lambs cut into their halves facing each over the rock spilled with the
atoning-blood along with two uncut turtle doves, because He was expiating sin, so they may finally enjoy His oath sworn to Isaac of a new earth with amazing glorious skies forever.
Because from Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, where He had poured His entire holy heart over Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood for a new earth with glorious skies to exist for the entire human race that was with the nations already
descended into hell, paying for their sins forever, then He had to go to them with His children first. Definitely, our heavenly Father had to descend with His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s power to take in their sacred-
flesh and the atoning-blood His oath sworn to Isaac for a new earth with glorious skies, to the dying families of the ancient nations in hell’s torments, ending with sin finally in the mighty baptism at the Red sea.
Provided that, our heavenly Father knew that once sin had been destroyed by the amazing powers of His oath sworn to Isaac, collected from the families of the ancient nations already lying in hell’s torment, guilt of their sins forever, then He can
destroy every sin in any water baptism with men around the world, for His kingdom to come worldwide eventually. For the destruction of sin not only within the house of Israel confined in Egypt’s captivity for four hundred years but also for the
families of the nations meant that His oath sworn to Isaac will pour amazing daily richness upon every man, woman and child to show the life that pleases our heavenly Father always within His new kingdom upon earth.
Now, our heavenly Father not only needed His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, taking His oath sworn to Isaac to the families of the ancient nations, suffering in hell’s torment already, because they failed to serve Him by
covering their sins, but also He needed a virgin girl to put His only Son in Canaan with His oath. Given that, it was the virgin Eve in paradise that not only ate from the forbidden fruit that Lucifer managed to deceive her with the serpent from Eden, so
she may give to eat to Adam and the children, thus now He needed a virgin girl putting His only Son with His oath to Isaac in Canaan, planting His tree of life finally.
On condition that, by His Son Jesus Christ being born by the Holy Spirit’s power as he did initially from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, ready to receive the new kingdom that our heavenly Father had planned to establish upon earth, then, he had to
reborn again spilling the Father’s atoning-blood as the virgin womb broke open, saturating Canaan with perfect holiness at last. Our heavenly Father had to have Isaac as the sacred-flesh with the atoning-blood and the unbreakable bones reborn again
from David’s virgin daughter, because he had to introduce into Canaan His oath sworn to Isaac, but also the sacred-body to its original state of spiritual glory from our Father, lifting Israel from the Valley of the dried bones to life again, finally.
Really, the sacred-flesh, the atoning-blood and the unbreakable bones that Israel had been born from officiating as our heavenly Father’s priests with the tabernacle of reunion along with its Holy of Holiest to perform the rituals and ceremonies of
perfect holiness through the Sinai’s desert had to enter Canaan intact to bless every living-soul from humankind with perfect salvation eternally. Considering, when His Son Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter then he broke her virgin
womb, causing it to spill the Father’s atoning-blood that had given him the life along with the Holy Spirit that makes one God in eternal life through eternity with the angels in heaven, but now with mankind within Israel for His kingdom to manifest
Beyond question, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ to speak of His living word given to Isaac for every man, woman and child not only from Israel but also from the families of the nations to receive through water baptism, as they are reborn
from His holy name, His Son and His Spirit thus to enter His altar forever justified. Given that, our heavenly Father needs to receive every one of His children from Israel and the families of the nations baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness
of His name along with His Son and His Spirit, because He has to baptize them finally with His Spirit of His image and living-soul, thus becoming His legitimate children for His coming kingdom.
Besides, our heavenly Father had to defeat Satan and his fallen angels within every Israeli home throughout the land of Canaan not only to destroy his wicked works but also to condemn the angel of death to his death in the lake of fire, because he was
going to lift Israel from the Valley of the dried bones on the Third Day. Considering that, as His Son Jesus Christ broke the virginity of the woman, then, spilling the atoning-blood to the ground immediately eternal life had finally set foot within
every Israeli home for our heavenly Father’s kingdom of His perfect will to be manifested, saving the families of the nations, because the holy name fire descended victorious over sin from the world at last.
This is when, our heavenly Father spoke to His Son Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter by assuring him that He had become his Father, and he had become His Son that could ask Him to give him the nations to rule over them with his sacred-
flesh and the atoning-blood of the oath sworn to Isaac with perfect salvation everlastingly. For this is the day that our heavenly Father had waited for millennia not only to receive His Son Jesus Christ as His Son born with the sacred-flesh, the
unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, removing sin from the earth forever by His oath’s powers, but also the Father became Savior of every man, woman and child from the families of the nations.
Inasmuch as, only through His Son Jesus Christ born first from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to be shed not at Moriah but within Canaan of His home-sweet-home, where He will become reborn
from His image with every one of His children to enter eternally justified into His coming kingdom spreading into humanity eventually. That is why, that when you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit then you are abandoning the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh to take on the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh born from David’s virgin womb to enter into the Holy of Holiest entirely unblemished for lasting-salvation.
[continued in next message]
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