From IVANIVAN555@aol.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 23 18:22:35 2018
    Sábado, 24 de Marzo, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


    Now our heavenly Father commanded Moses and Israel to turn around from the borders between the land of Israel and the Sinai’s desert to go back by the way of the Red sea, because they were not ready to possess the land that he had promised to Abraham,
    Isaac and Jacob. On this day, the entire house of Israel failed to enter into the land of Canaan, because they had believed a bad report of the land that our heavenly Father had chosen to be His homeland to live with His children forever loved, because
    ten out of the twelve spies returned believing that it was impossible to conquer it.

    They had claimed that the women and the children will become enslaved by the people of the lands that they were supposed to conquer because they were numerous and giants, forming armies that were superior towards them military, therefore impossible to
    defeat in battle, and so, they thought that it was best to return to Egypt immediately. This was something that our heavenly Father was not expecting to hear from the Israelis since He had manifested the many powers of His holy name before the Egyptians
    and Pharaoh that had come out to retake them back into Egypt as slaves, because he thought that they could serve him and the Egyptians many more years.

    However, our heavenly Father wanted to enter into Canaan so they may manifest not only His holy name’s new glories by conquering it thus establishing His altar of Abraham and Isaac, where He had shed His sound doctrine over Isaac as His perfect words
    for a perfect world to come, but also to stay to live with them finally forever into eternity. For our heavenly Father had taken Israel out from Egypt’s captivity so they may ascend to the mountaintop of Jerusalem’s holy hill, where they will enter
    into the Holy of Holiest finally to manifest the many glories of His oath sworn to Isaac that He needed the families of the nations to know thus they may become blessed finally.

    For sure, our heavenly Father had caused Israel to become born in Egypt’s captivity with His oath sworn to Isaac, so He may finally contact with the families of the ancient nations that died without knowing His holy name fire much less they had
    sacrificed a lamb thus to shed the atoning-blood covering their sins, for Him to forgive them completely forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father had spent four hundred years within Egypt’s captivity along with the entire house of Israel, so He
    may put His oath sworn to Isaac to work with the families of the ancient nations that needed to have their sins removed someday, to become part of His new coming Kingdom of His perfect will upon earth.

    Besides, our heavenly Father needed to expiate and collect every sin that every man, woman and child may have committed against Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit throughout their days on earth along with the children born in the generations ahead within
    the nations, so Israel may abandon captivity to conquer His altar within Canaan for everyone’s lasting salvation finally. Inasmuch as, our heavenly Father needed to defeat not only Pharaoh and his army defying His will to have His children abandon
    captivity for Canaan, where He will be pleased as Israel may ascend mount Zion, fulfilling His truth and justice, causing His new kingdom to come upon earth, but also to manifest His oath sworn to Isaac to the nations, lastly.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father needed the entire house of Israel to abandon Egypt’s captivity with all the sins of the families of the ancient nations, to dump them by the power of His oath sworn to Isaac in the Red sea thus destroying them
    forever, so His children may conquer Canaan finally for His perfect will to manifest worldwide. Provided that, only when the entire house of Israel has reached Jerusalem holy hill where His holy name fire has been established within Israel forever, then
    His oath sworn to Isaac will pour His every word of power and creation, creating miraculously His new Kingdom, where His perfect Spirit will be obeyed by His children never to know sin again through eternity.

    Divinely, our heavenly Father had to had had poured His oath sworn to Isaac over mount Zion, resting over Moriah, for Abraham’s children to be born in Egypt’s captivity with His oath thus taking it to the families of the ancient nations to collect
    every sin for His living-words lastly, manifesting again over mount Zion within Canaan to destroy sin forever finally. Given that, only when Israel reaches mount Zion’s summit where our heavenly Father had poured His oath to Isaac for His perfect will
    to manifest within Israel and the families of the nations worldwide that is His every creative word that will begin to pour manifesting new glories of creation upon the entire earth unseeing before by the angels until then.

    However, for this to happen, then the entire house of Israel must become born again from the water baptism and from the Holy Spirit baptism, because as they may become baptized finally from the water and from the Holy Spirit then they will abandon all
    impurities only for God’s perfect will to be manifested worldwide, beginning within Israel first. Because as our heavenly Father caused Abraham’s children to be born in Egypt’s captivity with His oath sworn to Isaac, reaching the families of the
    ancient families to expiate their sins, by dumping them at the Red sea, however, now Israel has to manifest His oath sworn to Isaac over mount Zion within Israel for His immaculate Kingdom to manifest worldwide now.

    This is the new kingdom that is coming upon earth, creating a new earth with glorious skies, manifesting finally our heavenly Father’s perfect will where sin will fail to exist as in the old heaven and the old earth as well, because only His holy words
    will rule within His eternal life that His children will be living with Him through eternity. That is why, that it is important that Israel will become baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest, where
    our heavenly Father will finally receive them as His children continuously born by His Spirit as His Son was born as Isaac, bringing life upon a dying world for humankind to live, perpetually.

    Provided that, when every man, woman and child are born from water and the Holy Spirit then that living-soul will become reborn as it was from the mother’s womb filled with water as a fetus to develop into an embryo and finally into a nine-month baby
    ready to be born into the world, but related to the sin of the parents perpetually. Because Adam and Eve sinned against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit when they both ate, deceived by the old serpent from the Garden of Eden,
    from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that our heavenly Father had warned them never to eat from it, because they will die as result of it, forever.

    Indeed, this death will be that they will separate from Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because they will cease to be His children as they had become reborn by eating from the forbidden fruit, separating themselves and the children to be
    born from His unfailing love, therefore they had to abandon paradise until they return to love again. Thus, Adam and Eve were transferred to earth from paradise, because they had to return to the dust from where they were taken as our heavenly Father
    took a handful of the dust to cover their living-souls born from His image and living-soul to become human living-beings ready to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fire upon earth, everlastingly.

    That is why, that you along with your loved ones, including your friends from around the world, are living on earth nowadays, because you have to become reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and
    the Holy Spirit later to become Holy Spirit born within the Holy of Holiest from His image. Therefore, when anyone is baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit then that person is reborn from the water
    upon earth that could be a bathtub, a pool, river, pond, lake or nearby beach by submerging into it that is as a womb filled with water to give them birth again.

    And this is just as when anyone was born from the womb of his mother filled with water that nine-month later comes out as a baby ready to grow until become a grown adult person, well this is how when one is baptized in water by invoking the Father, the
    Son and the Holy Spirit, born unrelated to sin, this time, forever. Besides, you do not need anyone to be with you as you are reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism, because the only ones that you truly need are our heavenly Father,
    His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to become reborn from His image as in the beginning in heaven, so you may enter life with perfect-holiness.

    Now, if you decide to become baptized in water with others that is very well with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because whether you do it by yourself or with others it does not matter, what really matters here on earth
    and in heaven’s glory is that you will finally fulfill truth and justice, everlastingly. Because when you are born from a body of water such as your home bathtub, river, pool, lake or nearby beach then you are been reborn from that body of water as
    from your mother’s womb filled with water also, but unrelated to sin from Satan, curses, poverty, illnesses, death or hell—you are indeed born free from evil at last forever.

    For this is a new birth that our heavenly Father has always granted you to have with your loved ones, including your friends from around the world, because as you are reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son
    Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then you are reborn related to His perfect holiness, perpetually. Therefore, you are back to paradise filled with His unfailing love never to know sin again into eternity, because now you have become as perfect and holy
    as He has always been in heaven’s glory with His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, then you will finally begin to live the life that loves you always knowing richness continuously.

    For the life that our heavenly Father has granted unto you already along with your loved ones and friends is His own life that has never been touched by sin, therefore it is ready for you to live with our heavenly Father and His holy angels through
    eternity, starting now, but you must become reborn from water baptism: unrelated to sin perpetually. Therefore, the entire earth is just as your mother’s womb, where you may become reborn from it, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son
    and the Holy Spirit, because you have to have become reborn from the womb of the earth to return to paradise and to the New Jerusalem from heaven above, where love awaits for you eternally.

    This is the life that will caress you through eternity, because you are our heavenly Father’s legitimate child born by the Holy Spirit’s power from His image and living-soul, only to live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness of His sacred-flesh and
    atoning-blood that has destroyed sin along with Satan, the angel of death and hell in the lake of fire. It is here, where you will become reborn before our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit as when He said to His family, let us descend to
    create man in our image and likeness, so he may be as one of us, knowing good and evil, because He was ready to create His new Kingdom, where His words rule continually.

    That is to say, that as you may descend into the waters then you are descending with the perfect holiness that will be restored to you as when you were born initially from our heavenly Father’s image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ’s
    likeness, where you will be filled with His Spirit’s eternal life of perfect glories, powers and endless-gifts. This means that our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit has lastly restored you to His eternal life, where
    you will enjoy His unfailing love that will fill you with His every day joy of enjoying the richness of His new Kingdom that He has created to live with you along with the angelical hosts into eternity.

    It is here, where our heavenly Father’s living-words of the oath sworn to Isaac will become part of you as you are knitted together with your-living soul and human spirit to become one with your working organs, constituting you into the human being
    that He has given birth to become His child to live with you in perfect holiness through eternity. Besides, you are the child that our heavenly Father had always wanted to live along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, enjoying the new glories,
    conquered by His holy name fire that is today nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so He may enjoy new joys of glories with you and your loved ones into everlasting.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father has not only done all the salvation-work needed to do with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so He may meet you someday soon over the Holy of Holiest, but also He has the patience
    and love to wait for you until now to receive Him as your personal savior. Besides, it is only when you are born from the water baptism that you will really become born again as a child that just has emerged from his mother’s womb to appear in His
    presence, filled with the Holy Spirit and every word from the oath sworn to Isaac that is His perfect will in your life to enter into life eternal.

    Given that, you must become reborn from His oath sworn to Isaac to become part of our heavenly Father’s altar of the prehistoric love, where He seats at the Mercy Seat, waiting to receive you as His legitimate child, filled with the Holy Spirit and His
    living-word that is His perfect will in you with the power never to know sin again. Because this is where is your perfect will from our heavenly Father for you, your loved ones, including your friends, is written over the oath sworn to Isaac becoming
    part of you as you are reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism within the Holy of Holiest, so you may receive finally the life that loves you dearly, always.

    In other words, you will always fail to know our heavenly Father’s perfect will for your life until you become part of His altar of the prehistoric love, where He poured His holy heart’s perfect words and perfect will is not only written for you and
    your loved ones, but also for the Kingdom that is coming upon the entire earth soon. Therefore, only when you will become reborn from water baptism as you may become reborn from your mother’s womb again, but this time, totally unrelated to sin that
    began with Lucifer and the angelical hosts believing his lies that finally Eve believed to deceive Adam and later you, breaking away from our Father’s unfailing-love and living-word only to know sin and death.

    It is only here, where you will finally not only will enter into our heavenly Father’s presence, because you may have become reborn from the water baptism, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also
    you will have found His perfect will in your life, at last, only to know His endless-kindness. This is when, our heavenly Father’s living-words will know you as you should have been known in heaven’s glory since the beginning of your life, but,
    unfortunately, His living-words had always had had a blind eye towards you, because you needed to have had received the baptism of water to enter finally His perfect will for you on earth and in heaven.

    Therefore, once you may have entered water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then, this is when you have become reborn from His oath sworn to Isaac that is your new life written only to bless you with
    endless richness through eternity, starting now, so you may love, serve and glorify Him always. Certainly, this is when you will really begin to receive only blessings that will cause you to increase in richness on earth and in heaven’s glory, because
    within the oath sworn to Isaac there is no more sin to be seen anywhere in your life that will cause you to walk in blindness to stumble in darkness again as before water baptism.

    This is when, our heavenly Father’s living-words from the oath sworn to Isaac will not only recognize you as His legitimate child reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism within the Holy of Holiest but also as His legitimate heir of
    His perfection, Righteousness, richness and His endless unfailing-love, taking you daily into new amazing celestial happiness into eternity. For these are the children that our heavenly Father has always searched for through eternity, starting with Adam
    and Eve in paradise, until He finally found them only in His divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, so you may have His sound doctrine today to live forever enriched into everlasting.

    Given that, it is here only, where you will finally may have found in your life our heavenly Father’s perfect will, enriching your daily life on earth but also in heaven’s glory forever, because He along with His Son and the Holy Spirit will be
    living with you only to know new endless glories, making you the happiest living-soul in heaven through eternity. This is the place where you needed to be every day of your entire life, because it is only here where you will be in the center of His
    perfect will, where you will always receive from Him His daily blessings that He normally releases for His angels in heaven and for His children on earth throughout the families of the nations.

    It is here, when you may bring unto our heavenly Father through His Son and the Holy Spirit the every need of you daily life, because He will supply you abundantly in everything that you may need, so you may live a blessed life with your loved ones,
    including your friends, wherever they may live on earth these days. Because when our heavenly Father blesses you through His Son and the Holy Spirit then this means that His living-words spoken about you and your loved ones within the Holy of Holiest
    will act upon you instantly, solving your daily problem and difficulties, and you will never know shortage of things, for His words will be with you, supplying you with blessings constantly.

    Now, if you are suffering from your daily needs because you can’t find an answer to them, and you know that our heavenly Father is not with you, helping you to solve them, then this means that you are still living from your mother’s womb birth,
    meaning that, you are still in your sins where you will always fail to get His blessings. However, as you may become born again from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the
    Holy Spirit, then, you would be reborn unrelated to the sins of your parents and ancestors as Adam and Eve that the daily blessing that belongs to you will come timely.

    Because our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit only works with the angels in heaven’s glory and with every man, woman and child within Israel and the families of the nations through the powers of His living-word, spoken already in
    His oath sworn to Isaac, so you may have abundance daily until His life eternal comes for you. Besides, our heavenly Father will be able to bless your every day life on earth (without ever missing a day) because the lies from Satan will no longer affect
    you, but only the words of life and of eternal blessings that He has already spoken about you will act upon you in your daily affair, so you may become enriched powerfully.

    Today, our heavenly Father needs to enrich you, as you are born from the water baptism, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, because now He will take into the Holy of Holiest, where His living-words sworn to Isaac will
    dress you with eternal attires taking you through eternity sinless only knowing His amazing goodness towards you. Meaning that, our heavenly Father will enrich you through His Son and the Holy Spirit, because you will no longer dress the spirit of error
    nor the sinful-flesh, because now you will dress as He is dressed with the Holy Spirit and His Son’s victories filled with grace, mercy, truth and divine justice, so you may become as He is eternally perfect.

    Our heavenly Father will see to it that you will never again lack the amazing presence of His Son and the of the Holy Spirit, considering that you will have to be perfect and glorious as He is eternally in heaven before the angelical hosts, because He
    said to Abraham, you must be perfect and holy as I am to enter life. Because to enter into His new Kingdom from heaven above that is ready to be manifested all over the land of Israel these days, then you have to be dressed as He is dressed with the Holy
    Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ’s daily grace, mercy, truth and divine justice, so you may dress properly to live in heaven’s glory forever enriched.

    Without a doubt, no one can be less than what our heavenly Father is expecting you to be to enter eternal life only to know the greatness of His holy heart towards every one of His children from Israel and the families of the nations that have become
    reborn from water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism, pleasing Him into all eternity. If truth be told, you are really expected to be as holy and perfect as He is with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to enter eternal life these days bound
    towards heaven’s glory only to live the richness that He has always enjoy, and this is only possible reborn from water baptism unrelated to sin everlastingly throughout eternity.

    Because when you are born from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit then our heavenly Father will perceive you as His legitimate child as you were initially born from His image to live in His Son’s
    likeness knowing good and evil, but only to love, serve and glorify Him this time, forever. That is to say, that our heavenly Father will never again remember your sins, because He has not only destroyed them forever with the daily powers of His amazing
    oath sworn to Isaac that He poured over the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to become part of you forever, but He will also see Himself only in you perpetually enriched with new endless-happiness.

    Then, it is here where you will finally find life, the life that has always known you only to love you as our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit have always loved you with an amazing passion that can only exist in eternal life,
    where there is no room for sin again ever through all eternity to come. That is why, that you must ascend to the mountaintop these days just as His Son Jesus Christ did with the Holy Spirit’s constant help, because it is here only, where our heavenly
    Father will receive you with His amazing love that He has always felt for you, so you may have life eternal every day of your life until kingdom comes.

    Legally, our heavenly Father needs you blessed and eternally rich these days, because He needs to have you growing in His holy presence, but, dressed always with His Holy Spirit, His Son’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood manifesting in you whom you
    really are through eternity with our heavenly Father and His angelical hosts, angels created to love, serve and bless you perpetually. That is to say, also that since the day you were born from your mother’s womb filled with water to sustain you with
    her life until you may emerge from her as a nine-month old baby, then you were born dressed with the sin of the forbidden fruit never to know our heavenly Father’s amazing grace, mercy, truth and divine justice.

    However, when you are born again from the water baptism then you are reborn as from you mother’s womb anew, but now unrelated to sin, dressing with the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh, filled with our heavenly Father’s daily words of life that will
    manifest in you the person that was initially born from His image to live blessing Him throughout eternity. This is the real you now when you are reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism as you may invoke the perfect holiness of His name,
    His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because it is only here, where you are abandoning the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh born from Lucifer’s heart that sinned in heaven.

    In other words, when you are reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then, what you are truly doing is returning to the spiritual state when you were born initially from our heavenly Fatherâ
    €™s image to live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness filled with the Holy Spirit’s daily powers. It is only here, when you are truly returning to yourself born initially from our heavenly Father with His Son and the Holy Spirit as when He said, let
    us make man in our image and in our likeness, so he (you) may become as one of us knowing good and evil; thus, water baptism is your rebirth, returning to life eternal again.

    This is when, you will live the life that knows and loves you through eternity with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because you were born initially from them to know only the daily kindness of eternal life, something that
    is not true with you these days, because you are living with your parent’s sin each day. Meaning that, you were born initially from your mother’s womb to be dressed with the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh born from the forbidden fruit as when
    Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, however, reborn from water baptism you will return to your former spiritual state, where you know life and kindness already eternally.

    Graciously, this is what our heavenly Father has been trying for you to do since you were born from your mother’s womb filled with the water that is connected to her and the sin that caused Adam and Eve to separate themselves from our heavenly Father’
    s loving heart that loves to bless you every day through eternity only knowing His kindness constantly. Because once you are reborn from the water baptism wherever you may decide to become reborn from our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul,
    returning to Him as His legitimate child, because He is recognizing you as His born child with the rights and privileges due to you, but only if willingly you abandon sin returning to the life that loves you always.

    Our heavenly Father does not want to have any relation with the sin born from Lucifer’s wicked heart as when he decided to take on His holy name fire, something that only His divine family could do that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and
    so, when you become reborn then His holy name is yours forever with daily lasting-blessings. That is why, that our heavenly Father has His holy name fire today nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill that once in life it was the sacred-flesh and
    the atoning-blood born from Sarah’s womb as His only Son became Isaac, by the Holy Spirit power, for Abraham to have a saving lamb along with the children to have life abundantly always.

    These days, our heavenly Father has wonderful plans of life and every day blessing for you and your loved ones, including your friends from around the world, because He needs to manifest the glories of His oath sworn to Isaac that are living-words of a
    perfect doctrine that saves and enriches you through eternity, so you may finally love Him abundantly. Our heavenly Father is only asking you to return to the unfailing love granted to you already as you were born initially from His image to live in His
    Son’s likeness, filled with the Holy Spirit’s daily powers, because you need to return to the powers of His unfailing love to love Him today that is only abundant richness for you as always.

    For our heavenly Father, the only thing that He has always expected from everyone is the return of His love, entrusted to Adam and Eve, so He may live His life that He has always searched to live with His children born from His image and living-soul,
    knowing only His loving heart’s daily kindness towards them reborn unrelated to sin through water baptism. That is why, that our heavenly Father said to Israel once they have all reached the border between the Sinai’s desert and the promised land
    that they needed to return by the way of the Red sea, because they were not ready to enter into His home-sweet-home to live His life, since they were reborn to a golden calf unfortunately.

    These days, for His children to return to our heavenly Father then they most had had been reborn from water baptism and within the Holy of Holiest to receive the Holy Spirit along with every word sworn to Isaac initially dressing with His Son’s sacred-
    flesh, because His Son alone is the one ushering everyone into eternal life as His Chosen Lamb nowadays. This is our heavenly Father’s only Son granting you the Holy Spirit’s power, because he alone will baptize you with fire and the Holy Spirit
    within the Holy of Holiest, regardless of where you may live on earth these days in the midst of the nations, so you may have his powers to live daily a happy abundant life with loved ones. Amen!

    Culture and peace for every one today and always!

    Cordially yours,

    The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

    JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
    Father, but by me" John, 14:6

    Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
    Romans 10: 9

    You must do the Following:

    Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
    Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
    Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
    Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans 10-: 9-10

    Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See Romans 10:13

    What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


    That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
    For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
    Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

    [continued in next message]

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