From IVANIVAN555@aol.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 23 08:39:32 2018
    Sábado, 24 de Febrero, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


    The people of Israel began to complain to Moses at the seafront, because they were escaping from Egypt’s captivity and they had finally come to a place where they failed to make the next step that will put them in a land of safety and security, where
    our heavenly Father can really take care of them, as promised initially. Our heavenly Father had finally taken the entire house of Israel along with Moses because he was the only one that had obeyed His called to ascend to the mountaintop to receive Him,
    His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as the God of the covenant of the oath sworn to Isaac and savior of Israel for the nations, everlastingly.

    Because when Moses ascended to Mount Sinai’s summit initially, then it was for him to meet our heavenly Father as the God of Abraham, His Son Jesus Christ as the God of Isaac, and the Holy Spirit as the God of Jacob (and the children as the entire
    house of Israel), because Israel was finally ready to receive His holy name fire. At the mountaintop, Moses was told to remove his sandals, because he was standing in holy ground, where the blood of the Lamb of God had been shed since the foundation of
    the world, and therefore, it was a very holy site, for he need to contact with the atoning-blood spilled on the ground.

    Moreover, this was something that Moses had to do, because not only he was told to do it, but also because through him the entire house of Israel was finally contacting with blood of the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world, so he may become
    liberated along with Israel from Egypt’s captivity at last. Besides, our heavenly Father was ready to grant him His holy name fire that had been asked before by Jacob and many others, and He had failed to grant it to them, because first the entire
    house of Israel needed to be born within Egypt’s captivity with the oath sworn to Isaac, to touch the ancient nations, lying in hell’s torment.

    For our heavenly Father needed His family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to descend into hell’s torment, where every man, woman and child had descended from the families of the ancient nations that they had failed to come to know His
    Holy name fire, moreover failed to shed the Lamb’s atoning-blood over the sins, for forgiveness. That is why, that the covenant of life that our heavenly Father had managed to start with Abraham as He called him to sacrifice three lambs with their
    halves facing each other over the rock, spilled with the atoning-blood along with two uncut birds, so He may expiate finally for the nations’ sins, starting in hell’s torment in the days ahead.

    Surely, our heavenly Father, after He had eaten from the bread and wine of the Lord’s Table that is daily served by His Son Jesus Christ, known in those days as Melchisedec King of Salem, and God’s Righteousness, then He could divinely start a human-
    divine-being becoming a nation on earth, and this was Isaac for Jacob to be born with the children. This means that the entire house of Israel had to be born within Egypt’s captivity, so they may assimilate the terrible life that the families of the
    ancient nations were suffering in hell’s torment, because they had failed to have a covenant of life with our heavenly Father that would have saved them from sin and death in hell’s torment, forever.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father told Abraham that his children will be born in a foreign land, because He had walked in the midst of the three sacrificed lambs to expiate the sins of the entire world that will finally take place over His altar and
    the continuous sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ shedding the atoning-blood, ending sin forever. For our heavenly Father needed to end sin to save every man, woman and child from the ancient nations already lying in their infernal holes, paying for the
    guilt of their sins, when He could destroy them thus to liberate them for the coming of His new kingdom upon earth of His perfect will that is the oath sworn to Isaac fulfilled.

    That is why, that after our heavenly Father had eaten the bread and the wine with Abraham and his 318 adoptive children that is served by His Son Jesus Christ for the Holy Spirit to become part of their lives and the lives of the promised children in
    coming generations, then He could have His firstborn son born in hell’s torment miraculously. This firstborn son that our heavenly Father needed to have born to Him on earth to become part of the families of the ancient nations, lying in hell’s
    torment, because of their sins to have failed to have had a covenant of life with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then He could liberate them eventually through him, forever.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father said to Abraham, bring unto me your dear son Isaac as the one that you have learned to love through the years, to the mountaintop that I will show you, so you may offer him as a burnt offering unto me in heaven’s
    glory, because I am willing to bless you and your promised children. Surely, Abraham obeyed our heavenly Father’s call to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering over the altar chosen for His Son Jesus Christ continuous sacrifice that it has always
    existed in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts, but now, He wanted to be stationed upon the land that He had chosen to live with His children forever blessed, through eternity.

    Timely, Abraham obeyed our heavenly Father’s call to bring his only son Isaac to the mountaintop over Mount Moriah to sacrifice him there, so He may finally bless His words given to him that He will grant him children that will descend upon earth, as
    countless as the stars from heaven above, because through them He could bless the nations worldwide, finally. This is the place that our heavenly Father had chosen, where He will stand over Isaac and Abraham standing nearby of the altar, where He will
    release His heart out upon Isaac’s sacred-body that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit born from Sarah’s barren-womb for our Father to have the perfect Lamb with the atoning-blood, saving the world eventually.

    This is the day, when our heavenly Father by shedding His very holy words that have always existed within His holy heart in perfect and eternal holiness that every one in heaven’s glory failed to know them, except His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
    Spirit, then He manifested them over Isaac’s sacred-flesh and atoning-blood for His new Kingdom to be born. Given that, when our heavenly Father was pouring over Isaac’s sacred-flesh His holy heart over the altar of the continuous sacrifice of His
    Son Jesus Christ slain since the foundation of the earth, then He gave birth to His children in His image to live in the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through His new coming eternity.

    That is to say, also that our heavenly Father on this day that He descended from heaven above to meet Abraham and his only son Isaac over the altar that was Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over Mount Moriah, then it was to pour out His very holy words
    over Isaac and humankind, by giving birth to His children for His incoming Kingdom. This is when, every man, woman and child were born from our heavenly Father’s very holy heart not only to grant His very holy words for Creation to Abraham’s children,
    because they are the ones that are born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, but also to give birth again for the children that are hell bound from the nations.

    For this is the Holy of Holiest, where our heavenly Father not only met Abraham and Isaac to pour out His very holy words of the new creation to come upon Israel and the entire world, where the nations not only will receive a new earth with glorious
    skies but also their ancestors back to life, for His incoming Kingdom upon earth. That is why, that when our heavenly Father told Abraham that his children will be born in a foreign land, then He was telling that his children will be born in the midst of
    the nations in hell’s torment with the oath sworn to Isaac that give a new birth to the families lost in hell and to the entire world, eventually.

    Because when our heavenly Father poured His holy heart upon Isaac’s sacred-body and his atoning-blood then He wrote His creative words that will cause not only the children of Abraham to become very blessed in the midst of the nations, but also granted
    a new birth to those that are already in hell bound to live again in His new incoming Kingdom. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has divinely fashioned you by the amazing powers of His divine living-words that have never been heard by the
    angels much less by humans on earth that you will someday soon become as perfect and holy as He is everlastingly, because this is His perfect will in you nowadays and through eternity.

    In other words, when you become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and His Spirit, then you will not only become transformed instantly by abandoning the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and
    the Holy Spirit, but also you will become the perfect child that He had always dreamed to enjoy in you. Inasmuch as, that in our heavenly Father’s heart and amazing words of perfect glory that have never been seen much less heard in heaven by the
    angels and on earth with humankind, then they have been written in Isaac’s sacred-flesh and his atoning-blood for you to become the perfect loving child of His dreams to live with today and through eternity.

    That is why, that it is important for you to become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because this is when His oath sworn to Isaac that is His perfect will in heaven’s glory with
    the angels and on earth with those baptized already, then you will know life. This is when, you will live a new life that you never thought likely to enjoy, because this is a wonderful life that only our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
    Spirit know that you will inherit instantly, where His living and perfect words of glory will be your daily living on earth as in heaven with the angels.

    These are words that can only be spoken and heard by others in heaven’s glory, but never by anyone on earth, because these words are amazingly powerful, changing people’s lives instantly in baptism, where Satan’s lies, curses, infirmities, poverty
    and hell fail, but also will create a new earth for His amazing coming Kingdom with wonderful skies, filled with endless-glories for humanity. For these are the same words that have always existed through eternity that Moses and Israel had to call upon
    as the entire army of Pharaoh was closing in to capture them, as they were standing at the Red sea not knowing what to do next, for the seafront was violent, treacherous and impossible to cross it towards safety.

    That the Israelis began to complain to Moses by saying that he had brought them into a terrible place, where they could be killed by Pharaoh and his army, because they were very upset and hurt to have had their firstborn children killed by the Father
    just to save them finally from slavery, to receive the promised Land from Canaan eventually. However, the truth was that our heavenly Father had taken them towards the Red sea to see them die, because He wanted them to bury their old-selves in the deep
    waters of the Red sea, by abandoning not just all the sins that the oath sworn to Isaac had absorbed from hell, but also abandon their old-ways learned from the Egyptian living.

    For our heavenly Father needed them to begin to live His personal life just as He has always lived with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that pleases His very holy heart before the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory, and now He wanted every man,
    woman and child to experience His amazing glories through the oath sworn to Isaac. Indeed, our heavenly Father wanted to see the entire house of Israel displaying the glories of His Holy Spirit and of the sacred-flesh of His Son Jesus Christ from Sarah’
    s barren-womb as Isaac, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so now only Jacob may be born along with his children to walk always in the glories of His living-words through eternity.

    Besides, our heavenly Father was expecting that His every word sworn to Isaac may manifest right after they had become baptized in water, because at the bottom of the sea they abandoned the sins of the families of the nations but also their old-ways of
    living learned in captivity for four-hundred years, and they needed to abandon everything behind to start anew. Therefore, by been baptized in water at the Red sea then they began to live a new life that they had never known that it existed ready to
    become part of them from our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as the oath sworn to Isaac, written all over them as they were born from their mother’s womb.

    For they are the only nation that our heavenly Father had established His perfect words that had poured out from His holy heart as He stood over Isaac’s sacred-body lying over the wood ready for Abraham to start the sacrifice and the burnt offering
    that will initiate His Son Jesus Christ continuous sacrifice to remove sin from the world, at last. Therefore, now Israel was underway not only to live His eternal life but also to drink from the waters of Marah from the Sinai’s desert, because they
    needed to taste the bitterness of the desert’s hostile life and the suffering of the ancient nations, thirsting for water, since they had failed always to know where is the rock to drink from it.

    Besides, our heavenly Father had to have had Israel drinking from the rock after they had drunk from the bitter waters of Marah that our heavenly Father had to tell Moses to take the tree that He would show him to throw it into the bitter waters to turn
    into drinkable sweet waters that will quench their thirst to the full momentarily. Provided that, our heavenly Father needed the whole of Israel to drink from His rock, where His Son Jesus Christ is the Lamb slain since the foundation of the world not
    only granting to drink to His children for the first time from his atoning-blood turned into living water to quench any one thirty on earth, but also everyone else everywhere, forever.

    This is the water that our heavenly Father needed the children of Abraham to drink so they will never thirst again, because after they had done the work that they had been born in hell’s torment with the oath sworn to Isaac finally to escape captivity,
    then it was to shed the atoning-blood, where they needed to go through the Sinai’s desert. Because they had drunk from His eternal rock, where His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit shed the atoning-blood that will satisfy their thirst
    throughout their days in the Sinai’s desert, finally to descend into the Valley of the dried bones, later for their flesh to turn into dust in Canaan, as the tree that the Father’s right-arm planted.

    The Israelis drank from the rock all the living-water that emanated flowing abundantly, quenching the thirst that they had along with the animals for the sacrifice that will pour abundantly their atoning-blood in sacrifices that will cover the sins of
    the families of ancient nations, so they may soon drink from the living-rock their salvation filled with eternal life for eternity. That is to say, also that by our heavenly Father showing Moses where the rock was bursting with living-waters for the
    thirsty Israelis, then it was also to replenish the animal sacrifice livestock to be used in every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac within the Holy of Holiest, pleasing truth and justice always through eternity.

    Thus, by our heavenly Father showing where the rock was bursting with living-water for Israel to drink along with the animals for the sacrifices, then it was also for the thirsty families of the ancient nations lying in their hell’s holes that someday
    soon they will become liberated to drink from the rock to love, serve and worship God Almighty, through eternity. Surely, the drinking from the rock is also available to everyone throughout the house of Israel nowadays and for the families of the nations
    everywhere, because everyone must drink from it, so they may never thirst again in this life and in the next one to come, since when Israel drank for the first time then it was to serve God, forever.

    This is the same rock that is still gushing the Lamb’s atoning-blood turned into living-water for every man, woman and child to drink in our days, because once you are baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, then you will become
    baptized as Israel did at the Red sea to walk towards the rock and drink from it, abundantly. This is when, our heavenly Father will also say to you, now I will show you where the rock is since you have become baptized in water by invoking the perfect
    holiness of my name, my Son Jesus Christ and my Holy Spirit, so you may drink from it abundantly never to thirst again on earth and in heaven’s glory, forever.

    This is when, our heavenly Father will take you into His altar of Abraham and Isaac, stationed in Jerusalem, where He will personally introduce you into the Holy of Holiest with His Son and the Holy Spirit, so your living-soul may drink abundantly from
    His water of life, His unfailing-love, His joys thus to fill you with His eternal life and endless-happiness, perpetually. This is where you will see our heavenly Father’s glory along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that are together
    standing there with you in perfect glory and endless holiness, so you may become accepted a His legitimate child only to know His amazing daily unfailing love towards you, dressing you with His richness abundantly always, through eternity.

    Moreover, our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit will stand with you witnessing as you are abundantly blessed by His amazing rock that does not only burst with living-water but also love, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice always
    taking you into a higher degree of endless joys and happiness, ready to live in His Kingdom forever enriched. Timely, you will see many glories been manifested around you within the altar of Abraham and Isaac that is in Jerusalem, receiving you as our
    heavenly Father’s legitimate child to become instantly in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness, filled with His Holy Spirit’s amazing powers and gifts that truly are His written words all over you of His oath sworn to Isaac.

    Surely, when you are in the altar of Abraham and Isaac, because you have become baptized in water, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, moreover our heavenly Father has taken you into it, then He will
    finally embrace you strongly with His arms as He did with Israel, nailed to the wood. At this moment, you will feel entirely our heavenly Father’s amazing daily love not only for His children born initially from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the
    Holy Spirit’s power, then later Jacob was born for the children to come countless as the stars from heaven above through the generations, but also for you and your loved ones, including your friends today.

    This is a powerful love that became manifested over Jerusalem’s holy hill for the first time within Canaan, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed victoriously over Satan and his fallen angels, defeating the angel of death forever, and it is manifested
    nowadays in you as you are baptized in water to enter into the Holy of Holiest anyday now for lasting-salvation. This unfailing love from our heavenly Father towards His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, nailed to the wood of the house of Israel,
    needed to receive all the victories that were conquered within Canaan, by the powers of the oath sworn to Isaac against Satan and death, thus it is ready to be lived by you too, right now.

    This is the amazing love that our heavenly Father needed to have established over Jerusalem’s holy hill with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the wood of the house of Israel that needed to escape the agonies of the Valley of the dried bones, to see the
    Lord on the Third Day, so you may have this wonderful unfailing-love these days, too. For this is the love that our heavenly Father poured upon Isaac, because He needed Abraham to have His only Son Jesus Christ as his personal Lamb shedding his atoning-
    blood, filled with these amazing salvation powers that can pull not only Israel from the Valley of the dried bones, but also you nowadays to live His amazing love, always enriched through eternity.

    For this amazing unfailing-love that our heavenly Father had poured over Isaac’s sacred-body lying over the wood at Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over Mount Moriah, is His every word of amazing new creations that will fashion you as His Son Jesus
    Christ and the Holy Spirit are, but also grant you every victory through life to attain your goals with amazing working-powers. Today, our heavenly Father will make you one with Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit, so you may finally feel the fullness of
    His amazing unfailing-love towards you, your loved ones and friends too from around the world, because He wants always to reach the nations for His coming Kingdom of His perfect will upon the entire earth, at last.

    That is why, that once Israel had drunk from the rock the living-water never to thirst again on earth and in heaven, then they were ready also always to eat from His mouth the manna that is served daily by His Son Jesus Christ to the angelical hosts to
    maintain them perfect and holy, serving His holy name fire always, through eternity. Therefore, when you become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, He will take you to drink from
    the rock the living-water that your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit need to drink to live a life of power, love and service unto His holy name fire, forever.

    And this is to eat abundantly from the rock the delicacies that He has always enjoyed with His Son, the Holy Spirit, the angels and the families from the nations around the world, starting with Israel that have always shown Him love, service and
    adoration to His holy name fire over the altar of Abraham and Isaac at Jerusalem, in Israel. Today, our heavenly Father will grant you always to eat from His table as long as you have become baptized, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son
    and the Holy Spirit, so He may see you nailed to His every word of His oath sworn to Isaac manifesting only glory and honor towards His holy name from you to Him.

    Moreover, if you believe in our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as the Scriptures say, then, rivers of living waters will flow from within your inner being into everlasting glories not just here on earth with your loved ones and
    friends from around the world, but also into His new coming Kingdom of His perfect will. Again, this is the rock of living water gushing out abundantly from the Lamb’s atoning-blood slain since before the foundation of the world, because our heavenly
    Father has always had had His Son Jesus Christ as His preferable Lamb along with the Holy Spirit’s presence to create every day everything in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts and on earth with humankind.

    Therefore, just as the rock gushed out His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood turned into living water for Moses, the thirsty Israelis and their livestock that were going to use as sacrifices, wherever our heavenly Father will take them with His Shekinah
    glory, then, they had ample atoning-blood to shed over through the Sinai’s desert, since they too drank from the rock abundantly. For the atoning-blood that our heavenly Father needed to shed over the families of the ancient nations still lying in
    their hell’s holes, paying for the guilt of their sins, had to be holy, although they were animal sacrifices always pouring it to the ground to cover sin temporarily until His Son Jesus Christ will finally shed his over Jerusalem’s holy hill.

    Provided that, every animal sacrifice that had been conducted through the Sinai’s desert with our heavenly Father’s guidance along with His Son Jesus Christ as His Angel bearing His holy name fire in perfect glory with the Holy Spirit had to shed the
    atoning-blood abundantly to the ground to cover every sin; thus, animals from other nations as sacrifices were never used. However, only the animal livestock that the house of Israel brought from Egypt’s captivity into the wilderness could be used,
    because they were the ones that also drank from the rock the Lamb’s atoning-blood turned into living-water satisfying the thirsty, thus every atoning-blood to be shed then the rock had to be the source of it, acceptable by our Father in heaven.

    Historically, when Pharaoh told Moses that he could go along with the men except the women and the children into the desert to conduct the animal sacrifices that our heavenly Father had descended from heaven above to have His children do them, then Moses
    said that not a single animal will stay behind but they all had to come. For it was our heavenly Father’s will that His children will abandon the Egyptian captivity along with every family from the twelve tribes of Israel and their livestock, because
    He was going to use them not only to baptize them at the Red sea, because the sea represents His abundant atoning-blood to cover sin, but also to spill it over the nations.

    That is why of the name the Red sea, because it represents the redness of our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood planning to pour it with the animal sacrifices first that had intake from the rock the Lamb’s atoning-blood turned into living-water,
    covering the families of the ancient nations’ sins already lying in hell’s torment, but also for the coming nations from future generations. That is why, also that our heavenly Father expects you always to bless your drink as His Son Jesus Christ’s
    cup of the atoning-blood turned into living-water to quench your thirst forever, but also to bless your bread as His Lamb that takes away the sins of the world, so you may steadily walk in His High Way of Holiness eternally blessed.

    This is when, our heavenly Father will definitely know that you are obeying and loving Him along with His holy name fire already stationed over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest, where you will finally see Him in person, because He has to
    put His arms around you to become one with you, so you will fail to sin again eternally. These days, our heavenly Father will not only cause you to feel the same unfailing love that His Son Jesus Christ manifested over Jerusalem’s holy hill as he
    ascended with the wood over His shoulder, because he had to be nailed to it, that is the house of Israel’s flesh that turned into wood, sweetening your life and His through eternity.

    For this is the tree that our heavenly Father told Moses to throw it into the bitter waters of Marah, because the Israelis where thirsty and they had to have potable water to drink immediately, then by this wood been thrown into it with His holy name
    fire burning wildly, then the waters were sweetened to caramelize your life these days, too. That is to say, also that as you may ascend to Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest place, then you will feel the sweetness of the wood that it had to
    sweet our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit along with His Son Jesus Christ that had received a beaten from the people, because of their sins and blindness.

    Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ although he suffered the power of our individual sins through the years moreover he suffered our stay in hell’s torment for eternity, paying the guilt of our every sin into eternity, then he was sweetened by the same
    wood that sweetened Marah’s bitter waters, so people along with the livestock could drink from it. Given that, our heavenly Father had to destroy every darkness from hell rising from the Valley of the dried bones to the deepest inferno trying to stop
    Him from receiving victory and endless glories for His holy name fire nailed already to the wood along with His Son Jesus Christ to finish with sin worldwide, through eternity.

    For our heavenly Father needed to destroy every darkness from the Valley of dried bones to the deepest inferno in hell’s torment, holding prisoners His children that died without knowing His holy name fire much less the perfect powers of His living-
    words sworn to Isaac that He established forever with the house of Israel, as His perfect will to be obeyed, everlastingly. For this is the oath sworn to Isaac that will cover you entirely always with our heavenly Father’s perfect words that only can
    be spoken within the Holy of Holiest in heaven’s glory, as the altar of Abraham and Isaac, for example, where you will enter instantly as you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name.

    Inasmuch as, these are very holy and powerful words to create everything within every man, woman and child that has been baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Spirit over the Holy of Holiest that no one is allowed to pronounce them on earth, because
    of the sin that are abundantly in men everywhere throughout the families of the nations. However, when any one becomes baptized in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit then these holy and powerful creative words will become alive
    within that man, woman and child to perform daily needed miracles that will cause any life to change into new never seen glories before, leading you into heaven’s glory always forever enriched.

    For these are holy and creative words that will always work in your favor and never against you, because it is our heavenly Father’s will that you will prosper in whatever you may be doing through His Son’s sacred-flesh that is the oath sworn to
    Isaac and the Holy Spirit (that is the God of miracles and great wonders in you, always). Besides, our heavenly Father had promised that in the last days He will pour of His Holy Spirit upon all people around the world, because they have finally believed
    in Him and His holy name fire, by invoking it in the hour of water baptism and of the Holy Spirit baptism for blessings to become possible always at last throughout their days.

    Therefore, when the entire house of Israel along with Moses where standing at the seafront of the Red sea then they thought right when they said to Moses, why have you brought us this far—there was not enough graves for us to be buried finally in Egypt?
    Well, the Israelis were correct as they said that Moses had brought them out into the wilderness to die, because our heavenly Father needed them dead, but by submitting to the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the
    Holy Spirit, abandoning finally the sinful-life style they had learned to live in captivity for four-hundred years.

    [continued in next message]

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