ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Feb 9 19:27:21 2018
Sábado, 10 de Febrero, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father said to Moses, now you need to call Joshua, because he is the one that I have chosen to relieve you, since soon you will be with your forefathers, and he must take the people of Israel into the land that I have promised to grant to
them, forever. This is the day that our heavenly Father has been waiting for to commission Moses replacement, because He needed to conquer the land that He had promised not only to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob but also the children filling the earth with
families, and so, He wanted them to be born in His homeland’s ancient altar through water baptism, and not elsewhere.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed to fill the land of Canaan with the children that have become born by the same powers of the Holy Spirit that gave birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, so now the children may fill the earth where He will finally
establish His altar of the prehistoric love for His holy name fire new glories. However, for our heavenly Father to ensure that He will conquer the land for His altar and His holy name fire that needed to descend from heaven thus to establish His holy
new Kingdom of His perfect will that is the oath sworn to Isaac, then, He had to make sure that the land will prevail always with His Son’s sacred-flesh.
That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to commission Joshua at the tabernacle of reunion, and within the powers of the Holy of Holiest that really is His oath sworn to Isaac, dressing not only Joshua with the words of His perfect will that will
eventually saturate the entire land of Canaan but also the children through the generations. Given that, only when the land of Canaan is not only conquered by Abraham’s children but also it is filled with His living-words of the oath sworn to Isaac,
because every man, woman and child will be baptized in water as they cross the Jordan river, then He could have His altar of the prehistoric love established firmly upon its eternal place.
Then, our heavenly Father will be able finally to have not only His Son Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter, bathed in the atoning-blood of the oath sworn to Isaac, because it is filled with His personal eternal life that will be integrated
eventually into His children for His holy name fire lasting daily manifestation of the incoming amazing abundant glories. That is why, that when His Son Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit’s power in Bethlehem, then
our heavenly Father’s holy name fire began to descend from heaven above, because His only Son was finally born in the midst of his brothers and sisters in the atoning-blood, required for His holy name fire final descend.
That is to say, also that without the holy presence of our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood filled with His personal pristine life, granted first not only to His Son Jesus Christ as he was born from Sarah’s barren-womb and later from David’s virgin
daughter, then it was for His personal life to enter into Canaan for His holy name fire final descend. In other words, without our heavenly Father’s first granting to His Son Jesus Christ His life as he was born initially from Sarah’s barren-womb
later to be reborn from David’s virgin womb by the Holy Spirit within Canaan, in both instances, then His holy name fire would have failed to descend thus to establish His new amazing kingdom of His perfect will.
For it was important for our heavenly Father to have had first His atoning-blood filled with His eternal life shed as His Son Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin-womb touching Canaan for His holy name fire to descend from heaven’s glory to His
new home-sweet-home, filled with everyone’s pristine-life to be lived by His Son first victoriously over Satan’s lie forever. That is why, that when our Lord Jesus Christ was born in Canaan bathed by his own-atoning-blood then he was bathed in
everyone’s eternal life in our Father’s sight for His holy name fire to descend from the angelical kingdom, entering into the oath sworn to Isaac with perfect holiness to witness eternal life displayed victoriously with His Son throughout Canaan,
For this was something that only our Lord Jesus Christ could do within Canaan because he is not only our heavenly Father’s firstborn in heaven’s glory, but also he is Isaac displaying the full force of His divine justice to be established upon earth
as it is in heaven’s glory, so His holy name fire may be finally glorified properly through eternity. For our heavenly Father needed to see His Son Jesus Christ not only born by the Holy Spirit from David’s virgin daughter and spilling the atoning-
blood of His eternal life over Israel entirely, but also He needed him to speak the every word of His oath sworn to Isaac to be established within Canaan for everyone’s daily blessing as His perfect will.
And by doing so, then our heavenly Father along with His holy name fire and His Spirit needed to see His Son Jesus Christ by the every day word of His oath sworn to Isaac victorious over Satan’s lies, curses and wicked-works thus defeating evil through
the streets of the towns, cities of Israel by entering with life into every Israeli home. For our heavenly Father needed to defeat Satan’s lie, curses and wicked-works within every Israel home throughout the land of Israel, because their forefathers
were lying in the Valley of the dried bones, defeated by the wicked lies that came out from Satan, and so, evil had to be defeated in every Israeli home for truth and divine justice to prevail, finally.
Otherwise, our heavenly Father would have failed along with His holy name fire, and His Son Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit of His oath sworn to Isaac to defeat Satan’s lie, curses with wicked-works where he had been successful initially against
Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones, waiting to rise on the Third Day to see the Lord. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to say every word from His oath sworn to Isaac placed over his sacred-body as he lied over the wood ready to become a
burn offering sacrifice by his father, because Abraham had been called divinely to offer him as a burnt offering, but, instead it was our Father only pouring holy-fire over every Israeli home, always.
That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit within Israel, so not only for His holy name fire to descend to its eternal place of never-ending glories over His altar of
the eternal love, but also for Him to enter into the every home of His children. For our heavenly Father needed to conquer every Israeli home within Canaan because not only for the glories of His holy name fire, but also because He needed to see His
eternal life lived by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as His every word of the oath sworn to Isaac was displayed throughout the land victorious over death, perpetually.
For this was an important victory that our heavenly Father needed to conquer against Satan and his every day lie not only through the streets of the towns and cities of Canaan but also from every Israeli home, because this wonderful victory needed to be
nailed to the wood of the house of Israel over His altar of love, for everyone’s salvation. Therefore, only His Son Jesus Christ could do this wonderful-task of divine grace, mercy, truth and justice that every man, woman and child from the entire
house of Israel needed to attain thus to defeat finally Satan with his lies, curses, and deaths against them in the Valley of the dried bones, so they may see the Lord on the Third Day.
That is why, that when any one becomes baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His holy name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then the perfect holiness of His oath sworn to Isaac descends with that one into the water to rise from
the Valley of the dried bones victorious over Satan’s lie, curses, poverty and death. And our heavenly Father needed to defeat Satan and his wicked-works within every Israeli home within Canaan and throughout the world, because every one from the house
of Israel had descended into it from ancient Israel and the children scattered through the nations, and so, He needed to defeat Satan’s lies within Canaan with His Son Jesus Christ living His pristine-life.
Certainly, as our Lord Jesus Christ lived his holy life throughout the land of Israel by proclaiming our heavenly Father’s oath sworn to Isaac to defeat the every day wicked-work from Satan and his fallen angels as death, then He was able to destroy
them with the amazing power of His perfect will, His ancient altar’s every day word of life. Then, once Satan had been defeated by His Son Jesus Christ as he lived our heavenly Father’s eternal life within Israel by spilling his own atoning-blood as
he was born from David’s virgin daughter, by the Holy Spirit’s power, then he was able to render Satan and the angel of death powerless as he proclaimed, by saying, death I am your death.
This is when our heavenly Father needed to take on the wood of the house of Israel that once was the sacred-flesh that was born within Egypt’s captivity with the oath sworn to Isaac thus to absorb for four hundred years every sin from the families of
the ancient nations to baptize them at the Red sea, destroying every sin at last. Because, it was sin that was keeping every man, woman and child from all the families of the ancient nations that died without knowing His holy name fire and without
shedding the lamb’s atoning-blood of their lives, so He may cover their sins and forgive them thus to allow them to ascend into paradise, where they could live with Him eternally justified.
But, since the families of the ancient nations descended into the regions of the lost in hell’s torment without the oath sworn to Isaac, because they just failed to know our heavenly Father throughout their entire lives on earth, then they were locked
in hell’s torment forever cursed and lost by the power of sin never to know life again through eternity. However, when our heavenly Father had established a covenant of life with Abraham, because they both sat at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and
wine along with the 318 adoptive children from His Son Jesus Christ, known in those days as King Melquisedec from Salem or God’s Righteousness, then the oath sworn to Isaac could be established upon earth finally.
That is to say, that now our heavenly Father could have an entire nation that will be the children born from Abraham and Sarah’s family into His oath of His perfect will to be established upon earth at last for His new incoming kingdom, and this meant
that His children will be born first in hell’s torment in the midst of nations. For our heavenly Father was looking forward always to have an entire nation born in hell’s torment with His oath sworn to Isaac that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit that would become a man born from Sarah’s sterile-womb thus to give birth to His firstborn Jacob, for His children to have the power to escape from hell finally.
But for our heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation, devised within His mind and holy heart, could only become possible after He had eaten with Abraham and the adoptive-children the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ, known as God’s Righteousness
on earth, but also, have His Son eat with Abraham’s children lastly within Canaan as in paradise from His Table’s bread. Because, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ to give to eat to Abraham’s children from His bread and wine just as
He called initially Adam and Eve to eat from the fruit of life from paradise, but never from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so He may have a covenant of life with the children, as always.
That is to say, also that when our Lord Jesus Christ sat at the Lord’s Table with His apostles to eat the bread and wine that he personally served to our heavenly Father and his servant Abraham along with the adoptive-children, then he did it finally
to give to ancient Israel to eat his bread as he was nailed to the wood. Because, by our Lord Jesus Christ been nailed to the ancient house of Israel’s wood lying in the Valley of the dried bones already, then by the nails been pierced through his
hands and feet, then every one within Israel was ingesting from his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood as the initial bread and wine for eternal life to be possible in them, finally.
That is why, that when our Lord Jesus Christ was finally nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, then he was nailed to Abraham’s children to eat with our heavenly Father and His Spirit exactly what Abraham and his adoptive-children ate at the
Lord’s Table: the bread and wine that started a new life on earth for the nations’ final everlasting-salvation. Therefore, every time that you may sit at your home’s table to eat your daily meals then you may bless your food as the bread and wine
that was initially served to Abraham and the adoptive-children, so you may eat from the Lamb of God as the ancients did to attain forgiveness and lasting-salvation for you and your loved ones, including friends.
For this is the salvation that our heavenly Father had granted to each one of us throughout the families of the nations, starting with the house of Israel, because by eating from the Lord Jesus Christ the bread and wine that he has always served, then
you are eating our heavenly Father’s eternal life victorious always over sin, curses, poverty and death. Otherwise, you will always fail not only to know our heavenly Father’s perfect love that He had always manifested towards you through His holy
name fire and living-word, spoken over Isaac as he initially was placed over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its wood, the Holy of Holiest, but also His daily blessing from His new incoming kingdom, ruling the nations through eternity.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to have a nation born into the world as His family and children from heaven above, because Abraham was told to look to the stars thus to count them, but he failed to count them because they are too many, for this is
how his children were coming to him, becoming His amazing Kingdom upon earth, forever. This is a nation that would be born in the midst of families of ancient nations already lying in hell’s torment, paying for sins against Him, His Son and the Holy
Spirit, but with His oath sworn to Isaac in them, then they could escape with every sin from hell into the water baptism to destroy them at the Red sea, finally.
For our heavenly Father needed to destroy every sin from every one from all the families of the nations from the past, the present and the future with the amazing daily powers of His oath sworn to Isaac, so He may begin to establish His perfect will from
hell into the highest heaven over Canaan for His newly incoming Kingdom glories. For this is a wonderful kingdom coming upon earth as Israel becomes reborn from the water baptism and from the Holy Spirit baptism, as they may not only eat the bread and
wine that our heavenly Father ate with Abraham and the adoptive-children over the Lord’s Table from His only Son, thus causing Canaan miraculously to flow with milk and honey, eventually.
Prophetically, this is the glory expected to descend upon the land of Israel nowadays, because of the oath sworn to Isaac that will become alive within the entire house of Israel as every man, woman and child become baptized in water and in the Holy
Spirit, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This is our heavenly Father’s glory that Abraham’s children began to manifest within Egypt’s captivity as they were born with the oath sworn to Isaac,
where every word is many times more powerful than any word of lie from Satan and his fallen angels as the angel of death may pronounce against His children from Israel and the families of the nations.
Besides, because our heavenly Father caused Israel to be born within hell’s torment and in the midst of the families of the ancient nations lost in their sins committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then they always failed to
escape from hell, but, Israel instead was successful at last to dump every sin at the Red sea. Therefore, in our time Israel will finally may become baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Spirit within the Holy of Holiest to escape again from a world
destined to become perhaps worst than the hell that is at the center of earth to escape into the incoming Kingdom of our heavenly Father’s perfect word established within Canaan, already.
Because when Canaan begins to flow with milk and honey just as the rock within the desert burst with living-water for the thirsty, then they drank from the Lamb of God’s atoning-blood, slain since the foundation of the world thus to drink and eat milk
and honey nowadays to enter into our new heavenly home-sweet-home never to know sin again through eternity. For this is the new Kingdom that our heavenly Father has always searched for through millenniums, where His holy name fire is finally stationed
over His altar of the prehistoric love, and where He personally poured His holy heart as how His life will be lived with His children from Israel and the families of the nations upon the entire earth.
That is why, that every time someone is baptized in water throughout the families of the nations around the world then that one is baptized in His holy name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, abandoning sin under the water to access into the Holy
of Holiest forever justified over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Israel, with lasting-salvation dressing every living-soul. Given that, baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit over His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac
and His Spirit, then not only Abraham’s children are returning into His home-sweet-home, but also every one else from the families of the nations from the past, the present and the future, forming finally His amazing Kingdom to come soon.
Now, every man, woman and child baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then it is to abandon sin, death, hell, and curses thus to ascend by entering into the Holy of Holiest, where His
oath sworn to Isaac will dress them with perfect unfailing-love and lasting-salvation, into eternity. Because when our heavenly Father said to His Son Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit let us descend to create man in our image and in our likeness, so
he may become as one of us knowing good and evil, then Adam and Eve were born for the children to ascend into the Holy of Holiest to be received with lasting-salvation.
Considering that, when Adam and Eve descended into the earth because they both sinned against our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit in paradise by eating the forbidden fruit that they were told never to eat from it, because as they may then
they will die, thus now the children must eat from God’s bread to enter into His new incoming Kingdom. However, now they must become reborn over His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, where His
oath sworn to Isaac is His living-word filled with His eternal life where sin will fail to exist in any one of His children from Israel and the families of the nations through eternity.
That is why, that our heavenly Father had to have not only His holy name fire nailed to the wood of ancient Israel along with His Son Jesus Christ shedding every drop of his atoning-blood to cover sin forever with his every word of the oath sworn to
Isaac, but also to give to eat to Adam and the children His living-bread. Surely, this was to eat from the fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ not only born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s power, but also born from
David’s virgin daughter, granting us again the bread and wine needed to eat for us to return to our heavenly Father’s Kingdom of amazing never-ending glories into eternity.
For this reason as our Lord Jesus Christ spoke our heavenly Father’s words and performed the Holy Spirit’s every mighty miracle through the streets of the towns, villages and cities of Israel, then he said that every man, woman and child must eat
from his sacred-flesh, because he is the bread from heaven giving life to every living-soul on earth. Therefore, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to ancient Israel’s wood, then it was done not only to give every man, woman and child that have become
bones in the Valley of dried bones to eat from him, but also, grand to them every victory conquered with our heavenly Father’s personal life lived in Canaan by His Son and His Holy.
Because, our heavenly Father has always searched through eternity with the angelical hosts and in our days through Adam and the children to be loved, served and glorified in Spirit and in Truth, and this is only possible by becoming born again from the
water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism, invoking His name, His Son and His Holy Spirit only. This is when every man, woman and child may become reborn from water by abandoning the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh and the spirit of error for the Holy
Spirit only to know our Father’s life that His Son Jesus Christ brought into Israel, so we may have it with the oath sworn to Isaac for daily blessing to be possible, always.
Considering that, every one that will love to return to our heavenly Father and His wonderful Kingdom that He has created to live with the children that love Him and His holy name in Spirit and in Truth, then they most become reborn right now from water
and from His Holy of Holiest of the New Jerusalem from heaven above, in Israel. For this is where our heavenly Father is seating at the Mercy Seat waiting for every man, woman and child within Israel and the families of the nations to enter into His holy
presence, baptized in water and in His Holy Spirit by invoking His holy name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for salvation to be possible finally.
For this is the only place in His entire Kingdom in heaven and on earth that He will meet personally any one coming back to Him through water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism by invoking His holy name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, because it is only
here where you will begin to live eternal life with Him through eternity. What's more, the first ones to eat from the bread and drink from the atoning-blood, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit initially to meet Abraham over Mount
Moriah and later over the same altar within Canaan was the entire house of Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones to ascend heavenly bound finally on the Third Day.
Given that, when our heavenly Father nailed His Son Jesus Christ victorious over Satan, sin, curses, poverty, death and hell, then it was first for every man, woman and child from the entire house of Israel lying at the Valle of dried bones finally to
eat the bread and wine abundantly that Abraham ate with the Father initially for everyone’s lasting-salvation. That is why, that as our heavenly Father nailed His Son Jesus Christ to the wood over Jerusalem holy hill for the atoning-blood to be spilled
to the ground, then it was to feed them the bread from the tree of life thus replacing the forbidden fruit that had destroyed and killed them at the Valley of the dried bones.
On the third day, every man, woman and child that had become dried bones in the Valley of death, then they resurrected filled with our heavenly Father’s eternal life and dressed with the perfection and glory that Abraham was asked to possess to enter
into His incoming Kingdom upon earth to rule the nations with perfect holiness through eternity. That is why, that as our Lord Jesus Christ had shed his atoning-blood victorious over Satan and his kingdom of darkness throughout the earth, granting Israel
and the families of the nations forgiveness from sin, love to love the Father, truth and justice to enter instantly into eternal life forever justified, so His holy name fire may finally be glorified with everlasting-love.
For our heavenly Father had not only heard from the house of Israel crying to Him from the Valley of dried bones as His Son Jesus Christ said, Father why has you forsaking me, because since the day that they descended into the Valley of dried bones then
they began to miss His grace, His mercy, His truth and His divine justice. This is when our heavenly Father took full possession of His oath sworn to Isaac where He promised that He will never abandon much less forsake them, then He fought with the
terrible darkness from hell not only holding Israel in the Valley of the dried bones but also the ancient nations, because now He had every day power to destroy them forever.
This is also when our Lord Jesus Christ said to our heavenly Father, by the amazing powers of grace, mercy, truth and divine justice of the oath sworn to Isaac, please forgive them, because they have failed always to know what they had done to offend you;
and our Father forgave them, destroying darkness finally. Inasmuch as, our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit fought together against the darkness not only from the Valley of the dried bones to liberate Israel on the Third Day as
initially promised to Moses, for example, but also to liberate every family from the ancient nations that had descended forever lost into hell’s torment.
For our heavenly Father said to Abraham that in his seed that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s power, all the families of the nations will be blessed in you—because a new
Kingdom is coming upon earth where love, grace, truth and divine justice will prevail through eternity. Therefore, when our Lord Jesus Christ had prayed for the wicked and shed his atoning-blood over Jerusalem’s holy hill moreover entered victoriously
within the Holy of Holiest, with the curtain torn from top to bottom, granting access to Israel and the nations with their rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, then he shouted, it is done.
From this moment on, our heavenly Father had not only received His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit entering into the Holy of Holiest with the holy curtain opened wide, because only God could enter through it, then he said to the Father it is
finished, we are ready for your dream kingdom coming upon Israel your land, at last. Now, our Lord Jesus Christ had to pronounce these words before our heavenly Father standing there to receive very happily not only Israel and everyone else from the
nations reborn from water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, so Israel may finally become His perfect will on earth.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father along with His Son and His Spirit Holy born initially from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s power, then it was for Jacob along with the children to take His oath that is His perfect will
through hell’s torment, the Sinai’s desert, and over Jerusalem’s holy hill for every one’s lasting-salvation. Because, when our Lord Jesus Christ said to the Father it is finished, then this meant that he along with the Holy Spirit and the entire
house of Israel born in hell’s torment and within the midst of the nations was to take every sin into the Red sea, so the lambs’ atoning-blood may be shed over them for final destruction worldwide.
Therefore, by covering sin with water at the Red sea and with the lambs’ atoning-blood shed from the Holy of Holiest through the Sinai’s desert, conducting specifically every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, then
it was done to destroy sin entirely worldwide, for God’s Lamb to shed his atoning-blood to remove them from Canaan, forever. For Israel finally to become our heavenly Father’s perfect will established over the land that He had personally chosen not
only to establish His altar of the prehistoric love with His holy name fire, burning wildly over Israel and the families of the nations, but also to build His amazing cities for his children to live with Him through eternity perfectly blessed.
Thus, our heavenly Father along with His Son and His Spirit has displayed wisely His every word of the oath sworn to Isaac all over hell’s torment and with the families of the ancient nations by covering every sin at the Red sea and through the Sinai’
s desert with the lambs’ atoning-blood, for Israel today to become His perfect will worldwide eventually. Surely, when our Lord Jesus Christ said it is finished, then this meant that the entire house of Israel may become reborn from the water baptism
and from the Holy Spirit baptism, so they may enter into His oath sworn to Isaac that is the every word of His amazing coming Kingdom, where we will live with Him in perfect love everlastingly.
Besides, this is something that our heavenly Father needed done with the entire house of Israel as His Son had manifested that he along with the Holy Spirit and Abraham’s children has finished, fulfilled, accomplished all the necessary rituals and
ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac for His new coming Kingdom to descend upon Canaan anyday now. That is why, that when our Lord Jesus Christ was about to fulfill the every word of the oath sworn to Isaac thus executing our
heavenly Father’s perfect will within every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness for His new Kingdom glories may finally descend upon Canaan, then he looked upon Jerusalem from a distant place only to cry.
Because if Israel had only known as our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit visited them as they visited Abraham and his wife Sarah initially to let them know that they were going to have a child, despite her sterile womb, then they would have
been able to enjoy the peace from heaven that they have always longed to possess. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ said that Jerusalem that stones and kills those that are sent to remind you that you have a very important covenant of life that you
have received from our heavenly Father, as you were born upon earth, then you must fulfill it, for His new Kingdom to come upon Israel at last, forever.
This is the oath sworn to Isaac becoming miraculously powerful through each one of them as a power from heaven above turns on, where our heavenly Father’s perfect words have become His perfect will within His land that He had chosen to live with His
children, enjoying the greatness of His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill through eternity. This is when our heavenly Father will not only rule over Israel but also the families of the nations of the world from the past, from the present and
from the future, because, in His oath sworn to Isaac there is only abundant love, glory, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice—there, there is no more sin or darkness seen anywhere anymore.
[continued in next message]
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