ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Jan 26 18:16:32 2018
Sábado, 27 de Enero, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Then our heavenly Father appeared to Abraham to let him know that He had decided to grant him and his children to be born as countless as the stars from heaven above the land of Canaan, because this is the place that He had personally chosen to manifest
the amazing glories of His ancient altar of His eternal love. For this is the land that our heavenly Father has created to be eternal and the best of the world, because this is where His Son Jesus Christ will be born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb,
by the Holy Spirit, but also it will be here where His altar for His holy name fire will be established, forever.
For this is Canaan that our heavenly Father has not only made it perfect when He created heaven and earth, however, because Adam and Eve were deceived by the serpent to eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in paradise,
then Lucifer claimed it by allowing his people in it with their altars of wickedness. That is why, that it was very important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abraham and his 318 adoptive children at the Lord’s Table to start eating from His Son
Jesus Christ known in those days as the King of Salem and God’s Righteousness or Melquisedec, so they may become part of His eternal life and perfect will throughout eternity.
For our heavenly Father needed to establish His perfect will back not only within Canaan but also throughout the families of the nations, starting with Abraham and Sarah his wife, so He may retake His entire Creation lost to Lucifer’s lies through Adam
and Eve by His Son Jesus Christ being born on earth as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers. Obviously, our heavenly Father needed to retake what really belong to Him and His divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, by
placing His own pristine life over His ancient altar within Canaan, where He will defeat every lie from Lucifer with His personal words of truth and justice, covering the earth with His perfect will, everlastingly.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the power of the Holy Spirit, because only through His Son and the Holy Spirit He can really live His eternal life in
every man, woman and child born from Israel and the families of the nations. Although a great part of humankind, if not all of it, was already lying in their hell’s holes, paying for the guilt of their sins, because through His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit, He could descend into hell’s torment as the children were born to expiate for four-hundred years the sins of the world until He will pull them out.
Because the families of the ancient nations had died unknowing His holy name fire and living-word thus they died in sin never to see life again, but with the oath sworn to Isaac that is His perfect living-word from His holy heart poured over Isaac then
He could help them, by been born with Abraham’s children, as they were born in Egypt. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to have Abraham sacrificing three lambs with their halves facing each other over the rock with the atoning-blood, spilled over them
along with the two uncut turtledoves, so He may walk through the halves with His torch burning wildly with His fires of grace, mercy, truth and divine justice, expiating for every sin to die, eventually.
Besides, our heavenly Father had to conduct these important lambs' sacrifices with their halves facing each other over the rock spilled with their atoning-blood along with the two uncut birds, because He had to grant His children to Abraham, but first by
expiating their sins and the sins of the families of the nations to have the powers to liberate them someday. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father, after He had finally expiated for the sins of Abraham’s children with His torch burning wildly
with His holy name as He poured of His grace, mercy, truth and divine justice abundantly, then it was for this important sacrifice of the lambs to be born with the children in captivity as well.
Inasmuch as, this is a sacrifice of the three lambs that the families of the ancient nations had to have conducted before our heavenly Father in heaven’s glory, so He may have the atoning-blood and power to cover their sins thus to forgive and grant
them salvation, but since they died without them, then through Abraham’s children He did it for them. That is why, that when Abraham’s children began to be born in Egypt’s captivity then they were been born in hell’s torment, where the families
of the nations had descended without a lamb sacrifice to spill the atoning-blood over their sins, so our heavenly Father may have His grace, mercy, truth and divine justice powers to forgive and grant them salvation.
These were three lambs sacrifices that only Abraham could do for Him, for His Son Jesus Christ and for the Holy Spirit, but only in the land of Canaan, because he had sat down at the Lord’s Table to eat and drink from His Chosen Lamb to be born into
the world, through a barren-womb, to inject life into humankind at last. These lambs had to be sacrificed within Canaan with their halves facing each other along with the uncut birds spilled over the rock with the atoning-blood, because this is the place
where our heavenly Father will establish His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever with amazing powers, so He may live with His children blessed with His living-words through eternity.
This is the oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father needed to pour over His Son along with His Spirit born as Isaac over His altar, but it had to be through His servant Abraham that had eaten from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine, finally to
destroy sin throughout the world, by covering it with His perfect words, perpetually. But our heavenly Father had to begin His salvation work for the families of the nations with a family that was always ready to obey, serve, love and worship Him along
with His holy name over His altar of the prehistoric love that had descended from heaven above, as Isaac was born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father through Abraham’s family that was willing to believe, love, serve, and worship Him and His holy name fire over His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac, then He could with
His three lambs sacrificed be born with the promised children in hell’s torment, expiating for their sins, incessantly. Surely, our Father needed to defeat Satan and his lies in hell’s kingdom of darkness and endless torments against His children
born from His image and living-soul thus to come to know His holy name fire and love His eternal life, where He will live with them in perfect harmony through eternity only knowing the greatness of His holy heart towards them.
Because our heavenly Father needed to defeat Satan and his lies with His three sacrifices executed by His servant Abraham within Canaan, and then, He could take that sacrifice with its atoning-blood expiating sins with his children to be born in Egypt’
s captivity, finally to liberate them in a huge water baptism at Red sea, for sin to die at last, forever. Now, our heavenly Father told Abraham that his children would be born in a foreign land (and we know is Egypt), because they will be born with Him
and His torch burning with perfect holiness, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice thus to liberate the families of the nations from the power of sin, death, and hell in the last days.
This was an awesome task that only our heavenly Father could do it along with His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac and the Holy Spirit that were obviously with the house of Israel as it was born in Egypt’s captivity for the three sacrifices and its atoning-
blood to atone finally for every sin to liberate many from hell's torments at last, perpetually. Therefore, it took our heavenly Father only six days to create heaven and earth and on the seventh He rested, but to liberate the families of the nations
from sin, poverty, sickness, death and hell it took Him along with His holy name fire burning wildly with abundant grace, mercy, truth and divine justice four hundred years.
Because through these years our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit captured every sin to dump them in His great water baptism at the Red sea, so they may fail to return again to every man, woman and child, beginning with Adam
and Eve, that they had attacked and destroyed them to descend into hell forever cursed. During these years, our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit worked tirelessly to capture every sin that has affected humankind (and that
continues affecting the children of the lost in hell today), because Abraham’s children were born in the midst of them thus to take sin into the water baptism, rendering it powerless to affect His coming-kingdom.
In Egypt’s captivity, our heavenly Father had to work with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through every sin that have affected every one from the families of the ancient nations by destroying the working power of each sin from its roots in
hell, because they were not letting people return to our Father that had granted them paradise, already. Provided that, it is our heavenly Father’s will for the love of the fathers to return to the children and the love of the children to return to the
fathers, and this is only possible as people are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit—that is His oath sworn to Isaac.
Given that, by invoking the perfect holiness of our heavenly Father’s name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then every one from all the families of the nations will return to where they were born initially within the Holy of Holiest of the
tabernacle of reunion, in heaven’s glory—and this is the altar of Abraham and Isaac’s fatherly love, everlastingly. Besides, it took our heavenly Father along with His Son and His Spirit centuries to finish His salvation work by expiating for every
sin from every man, woman and child from all the families, from the past, present and future, because He needed the love of the fathers to return to the children and the love of the children to the fathers.
Moreover, our heavenly Father did it along with the amazing work of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that have become Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb for Jacob to be born, and then, the children that will take the sins from the world into the
mighty baptism of the Red sea to finish with them forever, for His new kingdom’s glory. That is to say, also that if our heavenly Father had not finished His salvation work with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as Isaac was born to give birth
not only to Jacob but also to the children in Egypt’s captivity, capturing every sin for the final water baptism, then He will be still there working tirelessly until now.
However, we know that our heavenly Father finished His work within hell’s captivity by expiating the sins of the families of the nations that opened the way for His oath sworn to Isaac to emerge with Israel victoriously, as they were liberate to dump
every sin at the Red sea—because it was the oath sworn to Isaac that destroyed sin always. Our heavenly Father had accomplished an amazing salvation-work that Satan and his cronies failed to see it coming, because when Abraham was called to take his
only son Isaac to the mountaintop that He was about to show him, then it was to pour His entire holy heart upon Isaac as His perfect will, destroying sin in hell, earth and into eternity, forever.
That is to say, also that it was through His Son and His Spirit that gave birth to Isaac through Sarah’s barren-womb not only for Jacob to be born as God’s firstborn, but also the children taking His oath sworn to Isaac into hell’s torment to
destroy every sin, later to destroy them completely in Canaan, over His altar of love, everlastingly. For our heavenly Father needed for Israel to become born again through the water baptism from where they may live within the nations of the entire world,
because the same oath sworn to Isaac that descended with them into hell’s torments to liberate the nations, then it will in our days finally liberate the remain nations worldwide as it is on again.
That is that, what our heavenly Father did with His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit as they became part of the human race as Isaac was born from Sarah’s barren-womb, then it was to establish His oath sworn to Isaac first within Canaan later to be taken
into hell capturing every sin, to destroy them at His altar in Canaan finally. Provided that, our heavenly Father has finally to conquer the remain nations and the ones coming in generations ahead through His oath sworn to Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s
powers, just as Israel was born in hell’s captivity with His oath to destroy sin then nowadays Israel has to become reborn with the oath finally to cover the earth with His perfect word.
In other words, our heavenly Father had Abraham’s children born in hell’s torment in the midst of the families of the ancient nations that He needed to save, but they were born with His oath sworn to Isaac, so they may come out from Egypt’s
captivity to baptize themselves for the lost in hell by dumping every sin at the Red sea, forever. Given that, this is an oath sworn to Isaac at work with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, restoring the families from the past,
the present and the future, by destroying every sin that prevents the love of the father to return to the children and the love of the children to the fathers.
However, for this to be possible, then our heavenly Father has to do what He did with the house of Israel born in Egypt’s captivity with the oath sworn to Isaac that has the power to capture and destroy every sin in hell, on earth and into eternity to
come, and so His amazing kingdom will flourish with His own life, always. Surely, Israel has to reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism for our heavenly Father, His Son and His Spirit to work with them as they did in hell’s torment
capturing every sin for water-baptism, and the same is true today: Israel has to return to the oath sworn to Isaac baptized in water, for His newly incoming Kingdom.
Because just as our heavenly Father had to have had Israel born with His oath sworn to Isaac in the ancient nations lost in hell’s torment without His holy name fire and living word to destroy sin, then these days they must also become reborn from the
oath sworn to Isaac to claim victory over the nations forming His endless kingdom, at last. Granted that, as Israel becomes born again from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name fire, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit,
then Israel will become sinless just as the ancient nations in hell’s torment became sinless, because the oath sworn to Isaac absorbs every sin wherever it may be on earth and through eternity, forever.
This is when our heavenly Father will see Abraham’s children sinless as He saw His Son and His Spirit becomes Isaac within the household of his servant Abraham and Sarah, because with the oath sworn to Isaac that is His perfect will on earth as it is
in heaven’s glory, then He will see hell sinless along with the nations on earth. This does not mean that hell has become saved somehow, not at all—but what our heavenly Father has done with His oath sworn to Isaac established within Israel, it was
to have His perfect will descend into hell with Abraham’s children to destroy sin thus liberating the nations from eternal death, so they may finally become part of His incoming kingdom.
For our heavenly Father said to Abraham that in his seed the families of the nations will be blessed, and this is because of the oath sworn to Isaac that it is established over them entirely as an eternal covenant of His holy name fire and living word
that has the power to bless, protect, enrich and save the children from sin. That is why, that if in our time Israel becomes reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism then the entire human race will become saved eventually from hell’s
torment, sin, curses, poverty, infirmities and eternal perdition, so they may become His home-sweet-home, where He will live with them only knowing the amazing glories of His holy heart towards them.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has worked with Abraham’s children not only to take His oath sworn to Isaac that is His perfect will into the nations lost in hell to cleanse them from sin, but also He is ready to do the same today with
His oath sworn to Isaac saving the world for His coming Kingdom. That is why, that when John the Baptize saw our Lord Jesus Christ walking nearby him while he was baptizing at the Jordan river, then he said, this is the Lamb of God that takes the sin of
the world—meaning that, he has the power to save the families of the nations in hell, on earth and those from future generations.
For our Lord Jesus Christ said as he was walking through the streets of the cities of Israel, speaking the every word of the oath sworn to Isaac, by assuring every one listening as he said: I am the life and the resurrection, he that believes in me will
never see death although he is dead, he will live. Our Lord Jesus Christ always cried out through the streets of the villages, towns and cities of Israel by assuring them that the things that he has done by healing the sick, raising the dead to life, and
feeding the hungry and the thirsty wherever he went with our Father’s word sworn to Isaac, then you will do them also.
What’s more, our Lord Jesus Christ also assured Israel that they will do even greater things than the ones that they have seen him do throughout Israel, because he was returning to the Father in heaven’s glory—and he assured Israel that they will
do greater things because the oath sworn to Isaac is a covenant of life installed with them, forever. Therefore, the time is coming when our heavenly Father will only see His oath sworn to Isaac displayed over every man, woman and child from the house of
Israel and the families of the nations, from the past, present and future, because He will only see His living-word covering everywhere with His holy heart, granting us eternal life abundantly through eternity.
For this is our heavenly Father new Kingdom coming upon the entire earth as it is cleansed not only from sin, curses, poverty, infirmities and death but also from Satan and his fallen angels that will die with angel of death as hell is finally cast into
the lake of fire, the second death, where darkness finally is destroyed completely throughout creation. This is when our heavenly Father at last will see His amazing new glories that have never been seen by anyone in heaven with the angels much less on
earth with men, because these are amazing glories that will descend with the Holy Spirit non-stop through eternity, forming His glorious dream Kingdom that will fail to know the end of amazing-happiness, forever.
For our heavenly Father’s words promised to Abraham will finally become fulfilled throughout the earth as we may see only His living-words flourishing throughout the nations of humankind never to see sin again much less Satan and his fallen angels as
the angel of death, because the lake of fire would have swallowed them forever. This is when we will finally see our heavenly Father descending to live with His children born from the house of Israel in His land that He had chosen it to become His
eternal home-sweet-home, because it is only here, where everything started for Kingdom to begin within His eternal land flowing with milk and honey that blesses the nations always through eternity.
For Israel is eternal along with Canaan that our heavenly Father has chosen to pour His oath sworn to Isaac that will bless His children born into the world through His Son and His Spirit Holy, as Isaac was born from Sarah’s barren-womb, but also Davidâ
€™s virgin daughter gave birth to His Son Jesus Christ to grant us amazing-victories always until now. That is why, that it is important that you will become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name fire, His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit that will override every lie, curse, infirmity, poverty, defeat and death that Satan may have pronounced against you through the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
As you may become baptized in water then our heavenly Father can only see His oath sworn to Isaac written all over you inner and outer being, because these are His perfect words blessing you but also enrich the kingdom that He has created not only to
meet your daily needs and grant you that happiness that you have always searched for. For this is our heavenly Father’s amazing dreamed kingdom that He had always dreamed to possess with His children from the house of Israel and from the families of
the nations of the entire world from the past, present and future thus He has fashioned it to the pleasure of His holy heart that will certainly bless you just the same nowadays.
That is to say, also that when our heavenly Father saw the problems that Lucifer had created with His lie and rebellious angels that went along believing him, then He thought to pour His perfect will not only upon His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit born
as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, but also over you and your loved ones through eternity. For our heavenly Father wants you to live His own pristine life, perfect glory, and the amazing happiness of His holy heart that is why that He poured His oath
sworn to Isaac over Jacob and His children, so He may have pulling power rescuing you from hell and from the nations, thus saving you for His coming kingdom of endless happiness.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has sworn to take, love, heal, protect, save and enrich you with His living-words of the oath sworn to Isaac, so you may live a well blessed, protected and enriched-life on earth and in heaven’s glory,
because you have become His legitimate child to serve His holy name fire over His altar of love, perpetually. Meaning that, you will no longer be covered by the forbidden fruit from paradise that Adam and Eve ate when Lucifer deceived them through the
serpent of Eden, because every word of lie that have covered you since you were born on earth will be gone from you, only to be covered by our heavenly Father oath sworn to Isaac through eternity.
For this is when you will really live the life that our heavenly Father has called you to live for Him and His holy name fire on earth these days and in heaven’s glory for all eternity, because you will become at last the glorious Kingdom that He had
always dreamed to possess perpetually, where you will only know richness and endless-happiness. You will fail to suffer again lies, curses, infirmities, poverty and death that Satan caused Adam and the children to believe as Eve was deceived initially to
eat from the forbidden fruit that is the compilation of lies leading you to death in hell never to know life much less love, and the richness prepared already for you through our Father’s living-word.
In other words, you will begin to live a wonderful life with your loved ones, including friends from everywhere, because you will become saturated every day of your life with the words from the oath sworn to Isaac by our heavenly Father when Abraham was
called to ascend to the altar of love, so He may bless you these days with holy-fire. Because when you may have become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of our heavenly Father’s name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then His
living-words from the oath sworn to Isaac will begin to abide in you as you may think, feel, breath and speak your daily words normally towards others wherever you may live on earth.
However, this time it will be our heavenly Father’s along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit covering every word from the forbidden fruit that used to bother you or cause you to suffer sin, curses, infirmities, poverty and even death with
the living-words of the oath sworn to Isaac that will enrich your every day life progressively, always. Truthfully, you could very well be sleeping that our heavenly Father’s living-word that poured over His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac over the altar
that Abraham prepared for Him thus to offer his only son as a burnt offering will manifest everywhere around you, saving you from the words from the forbidden fruit used to cover you thus cursing you as usual.
Accordingly, as our heavenly Father’s living-words are covering you now throughout your inner and outer being, because of His oath sworn to Isaac, then He will only read from you His living-words that give Him glory and honor unto Him and His holy name
fire over His altar of eternal love that is the Holy of Holiest to bless you finally through eternity. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father will never again read the words from the forbidden fruit that causes you to believe lies, curses,
infirmities, poverty and death in hell’s torment, because now every word that emanates from you whether you are thinking, feeling, dreaming or speaking them, then it will be covered constantly with His living-words today, and through eternity.
For this is how our heavenly Father has covered every lie, sin, curse and death from the ancient nations in hell’s torment for four-hundred years with His oath sworn to Isaac thus to baptize them at the Red sea as Israel was baptized, then later
covered them with the atoning-blood through the Sinai’s desert, so you may live now in Canaan with Him. Because Israel is Canaan, and this is where He has established His altar of the prehistoric love, where His holy name fire has been nailed to the
wood of ancient Israel that was born with the oath sworn to Isaac in hell and walkout from it victorious to the baptism at Red sea, so you may have abundant life at home nowadays.
For it is in this state of spiritual being that our heavenly Father has grant you to possess forever, because to enter into it, then you must be born into it, as Israel was born into it but in hell’s torments for our heavenly Father to expiate every
sin from the entire world, saving them—these days you must do the same. And this is the reverse of what our heavenly Father did with Abraham’s children as they were born in the midst of the families of the nations in hell, with His oath sworn to
Isaac, although they failed to understand yet our heavenly Father expiated every sin and yours these days too, so you may enter into His Kingdom of daily richness.
In our heavenly Father’s coming kingdom upon earth, beginning within Jerusalem, Israel, because this is the best and perfect land for Him to live with His holy name fire surrounded by His children from Israel and the families of the nations, then He
will only read and hear from you and everyone else His words of perfect holiness each day, through eternity. For this is finally the Kingdom of His eternal love, where our heavenly Father will always fail to see sin again throughout His new creation,
because the words that He poured from His holy heart over Isaac that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit emerging from Sarah’s barren-womb to inject into earth His pristine-life with glories never seen before.
This is a new Kingdom on earth, greater than the most-glorious places created by Him with His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit, because this new world, in which we will live our daily life with Him, it is a Kingdom of His living-words sworn to Isaac
covering the earth entirely with new glories, dressing your living-soul through eternity with perfect holiness. Meaning that, the Kingdom that our heavenly Father has prepared with Abraham and his children as His Son Jesus Christ along with His Spirit
was born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, then He did it with the perfect holiness of His living-heart for His living-words only to cover you always instead of Satan’s lies, so you may live your life gloriously, through eternity.
That is why, that nowadays you may bring unto our heavenly Father the problems, conflicts, infirmities, poverty and threats of death that Satan may have placed against you through his forbidden fruit that he caused Adam and Eve to eat in paradise—that
His oath sworn to Isaac will cover them with His living-word—where you are victorious over them today, forever. For this is where you need to be now, where Satan’s lies, curses, infirmities, poverty, conflicts and death will fail to be read upon you,
because you will no longer be covered by the forbidden fruit, but, instead you will be covered with the oath sworn to Isaac that is our heavenly Father’s perfect will in your life, blessing you richly, always.
This is when you will live life loving you from heaven above as always as when you were initially born from our heavenly Father’s image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness of his sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood,
enriched with His pristine life, where the Holy Spirit will always be the every day joy of your heart into eternity. Given that, our heavenly Father willpower finally will have arrested every sin that the families of the nations may have committed upon
earth, because now Israel is reborn with the oath sworn to Isaac covering sin just as when they were born in hell covering the sins of the ancient nations, so now amazing glories will descend to stay with us, forever.
This is when the earth will be covered with the oath sworn to Isaac as it covered hell, arresting sin from every ancient nation, as Israel was born in the midst of them finally to escape hell to cast them at the Red sea, but in our days it will do again
however with glories descending to stay within us through eternity. This is when our heavenly Father will finally never see sin destroying every man, woman and child as He saw it doing its terrible-work from Satan and the forbidden fruit throughout hellâ€
™s torment and on earth as in our days, but He will see now His perfect will covering every family home with His new glories taking them into everlasting happiness, always.
Indeed, our heavenly Father will only see glory after glory in every one of His children, from Israel and the families of the nations throughout the earth, because Satan’s lies, curses, infirmities, poverty and death are never part of the oath sworn to
Isaac that is His perfect will of His new coming Kingdom upon earth throughout the human race into eternity. However, our heavenly Father will only see in you His perfect words of love, peace, glory, richness, prosperity and everlasting life that gives
Him and Holy name fire glory instead of the every sin that used to emerge from Satan and his forbidden fruit that displeased His holy heart always, because he was harming you and your loved ones, including your friends.
[continued in next message]
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