ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Jan 12 22:00:23 2018
Sábado, 13 de Enero, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father needed to save the children that had died without a covenant of life with Him much less they had come to know His holy name fire and living word that will give them the daily power not only to live a glorious and enriched life on
earth, but also to enter into heaven’s glory forever blessed and justified. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to bring into the life of the earth His own precious life that everything that it touches, then it becomes very holy as He is perpetually
along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in heaven’s glory, so He may finally establish His perfect will to live with His children born from His image through eternity.
For our heavenly Father needed to have a new home, where sin had never existed much less have the threat that someday in the future it may appear in His holy presence, as it did with Lucifer, unfortunately, His arch angel, along with one-third of the
fallen angels believing that he could become as God to rule with His holy name fire. Our heavenly Father really needed to establish His holy name fire over His new Kingdom that will begin to exist without any relation to sin that had been born in Luciferâ
€™s wicked heart and that not only his fallen angel had become faithful to his lies, but also threatened to take over His entire Creation.
That is why, that our heavenly Father said to His Son Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit let us descend to create man in our image and likeness, so he may become as one of us knowing good and evil, as we know them forever into eternity, thus we may have
a new home where sin will fail to exist forever. This is when Adam was born from our heavenly Father’s image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness of his sacred-flesh, atoning-blood, unbreakable bones giving birth abundantly not only
to his wife Eve, but also to the children through generations that will become His dream nation, where sin fails to exist in His Holy Spirit forever, through eternity.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to start the formation of this great Kingdom, where sin will fail to exist and He will live with His children forever only knowing the goodness of His holy heart that blesses the heart, mind, body and human spirit of
His children only to grow in conquering new glories of endless honors to His holy name fire. Besides, for this to happen, then our heavenly Father had to love, trust and live only with His Son and the Holy Spirit, because they are His family of love and
peace from His holy heart, giving birth not only to Adam and Eve along with the children but also continue to form His amazing new Kingdom with perfect glories through eternity.
For the reason that the only ones that really have hold their love, peace and truth to Him were His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because when Lucifer sinned against His holy name fire along with one-third of all the angels from heaven, then they
contaminated with sin even His most faithful angles. And so, our heavenly Father did not have anyone else really to love, trust thus to see His amazing life growing through eternity but only with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, therefore, this
new amazing Kingdom that He had in mind to create it, then it had to begin with His Son and His Spirit only—His eternal oath.
This is when our heavenly Father began to see you living His own perfect life with your loved ones, including your neighbors and friends as well, because you were born from His image and living-soul to come to know His holy name fire thus to live His
perfect life on earth forever into eternity. Indeed, our heavenly Father saw you through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because they are not only His divine family in the midst of the angelical host as always that were faithful to Him and His
unfailing love in the face of the enemy that He decided to grant you His own life entirely, but through them only, everlastingly.
Therefore, these days you are our heavenly Father’s perfect will here on earth as you are reborn from His water baptism and from His Holy Spirit baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so His own
life will become your life blessing you each day with perfect richness into all eternity. Because when our heavenly Father sends His richness from heaven above to fall upon you and your loved ones, including your friends, then He is doing it through His
Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to enrich His amazing new Kingdom that will eventually become part of earth forever, for new glories to become conquered at last.
You will probably say, I am a sinner, and I will always fail to become as holy as our heavenly Father is along with His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angels in heaven’s glory—but the truth is—that He has given birth unto you to become as perfect and
holy as He is through the power of His sworn living-word. Besides, our heavenly Father since the day that Lucifer betrayed him along with one-third of the fallen angels, then He only thinks to descend upon earth to live with His children that were born
from His image and living-soul that will someday soon become reborn from His baptism, thus to become as perfect and holy as He is through eternity, everlastingly.
For our heavenly Father had established a covenant of life with Abraham and Sarah’s barren-womb that will never die between Him and his children born through the generations, because He started this amazing agreement over His Table, by eating the bread
and wine that represents His Son’s sacred-life and His Spirit’s powers and gifts for a greater Kingdom on earth, lastingly. This is a covenant of life that is written all over you these days so you may always triumph in life, because it was written
with our heavenly Father’s perfect words that will bless your every day life in this world and in the next one from heaven above, where you will walk with each step forward blessed by His Holy Spirit.
Surely, these are the every day blessing of the Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts that are always ready to transform this world where Satan has descended since the day that the serpent deceived Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so
the children may die cursed on the last day of life, as always. Provided that, when our heavenly Father called Adam and Eve to fill His entire creation with life, then He was planning to bless the earth, where He had taken a handful of dust to cover his
living-soul and the children’s, beginning with Eve, thus to establish His new home-sweet-home to live surrounded with His Son and the Holy Spirit’s perfection, as always.
Given that, our heavenly Father wanted now to express His inner most feeling of His holy heart, where sin will always fail to exist, thus to live with His children born from His image, living-soul and unfailing love the most beautiful glories of His
pristine life, conquering the every day richness to give His holy name His desire infinite glories through eternity. Besides, this is when you may enter into our heavenly Father’s holy presence reborn from His image, living-soul and unfailing-love
established over mount Zion and its Holy of Holiest, as you are submerged into water baptism in His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may finally enter into His dream world of amazing-richness for you and loved-ones.
This is our heavenly Father new world filled with His pristine life and His every day word of love, richness and endless blessing for you and your loved ones, including your friends from around the world, because it is His own life along with His very
holy words spoken over Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit blessing you these days into eternity. For this is what our heavenly Father’s water baptism will do in your entire life, starting these days and through eternity, and this is that He
will wash you clean from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh, granting you His Holy Spirit and His Son’s sacred-flesh, where His perfect will has been established only to benefit you and your loved-ones, always.
Therefore, as you may emerge from His water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and His Spirit, then, you have entered into the Holy of Holiest, where He is seating over His Mercy Seat ready to receive you in His dream new
Kingdom of His perfect will sworn to Isaac, blessing you with His pristine-life as always. For this is when, our heavenly Father will always hear ascending from you towards His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest the
glories that He has always dreamed to hear from His children born from His image and living-soul that blesses His holy heart with perfect love, truth and divine justice through eternity.
For these are the new glories enriching His holy name fire along with His new Kingdom, where He has prepared beautiful mansions of gold, silver and of precious stones that you will live with your loved ones, including your friends, only to know the
perfect love of His living-words blessing you always with endless and perfect richness through your every day life. Because as you may emerge from water baptism that you may have gone through by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit, then He will cease to hear from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh, but now He will hear instead His living-words of the oath sworn to Isaac that enriches Him always.
That is to say, also that whenever our heavenly Father saw and heard from you since you were born from your mother’s womb on this earth, then He started to see and hear from you the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh from the forbidden fruit that
displeases His very holy heart that is always thirsting for truth and justice through eternity. That is the reason that whenever you may try to approach our heavenly Father through prayer, because you needed Him to bless you, so you may attain your goals
that you may set to accomplish in your every day life, then you failed to hear from Him and His glory although He is always rich to bless you with His heavenly richness.
Because it was the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh within your living-soul that they were always saying to Him and to His holy name fire that there is no love in them towards Him and His dream coming Kingdom, and so, our heavenly Father always
failed to answer your prayers, since there is no blessing for the forbidden fruit, into eternity. For our heavenly Father has only one covenant of life that He will always love, honor and exalt within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, and
this is the oath sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over mount Moriah, where He poured His holy heart over his sacred-flesh as always to bless you these days and through eternity.
It is here, where our heavenly Father will always fail to hear from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh, because the water baptism that you may execute as you may submerge into it in your bathtub, pool, river, beach by invoking the perfect holiness
of His name, then His oath sworn to Isaac will be written all over you into eternity. This is when, our heavenly Father will only see and hear from you His perfect holy words that have come out from His very holy heart loving you, your loved-ones and
even your friends throughout the world, because He needs to reach every man, woman and child with His perfect oath thus to bless the nations for His new coming Kingdom of amazing-richness.
Inasmuch as, it will always be our heavenly Father’s living-words that have emerged from His very holy heart for you, your loved-ones and friends too that will enrich your every day life along with everyone else around you in this life and in the next
one to come from heaven above, because there is no more sin or darkness around you, forever. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father’s perfect words that have always existed within His very holy heart for grace, mercy, truth and divine justice
will dress your mind, heart, living-soul, body and human spirit with His perfect glories that have the power to enrich your life always these days, so you may enjoy His perfect goodness constantly through eternity.
Given that, since Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit from paradise, something that our heavenly Father warned them never to do, because the day that they may eat from it, then they will live their every day life along with their children the words
that have emerged from Lucifer’s wicked heart to deceive them and the nations, as well, perpetually. Evidently, this is exactly what our heavenly Father saw and heard first not only from Adam and Eve as they sinned against Him, His Son Jesus Christ,
and the Holy Spirit in paradise, but also, He has continued to see and hear from you and your loved ones' sin, and that is why you have had always your prayers unanswered until now.
Unless you are submerged in water baptism that will finally abolish the forbidden fruit in you that is the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh that have always manifested words of terrible evil from the sinful-heart of Lucifer that has rebelled against
Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit forever, so you will fail always to know abundant life and richness. However, as you emerged from water baptism, because you have invoked the perfect holiness of His holy name, His Son and His Spirit then our
heavenly Father will see and hear from you always words of His perfect will, emerging from His holy heart to become part of your daily life only knowing every richness that you may desire to possess nowadays.
Effectively, our heavenly Father will only see and hear from you His living-words of His perfect will, dressing His dreamed Kingdom becoming established upon earth, ruling all the families of the nations with perfect holiness, starting with the house of
Israel, because He will only see and hear His perfect words from you instead of Lucifer’s every day sinful words. This is when our heavenly Father richness prepared not only for Adam and Eve but also for you will appear, because you are the children
born through the generations as countless as the stars from heaven above, since now you will be living His pristine-life only knowing love, peace, prosperity, richness and endless glories: blessing His holy name in you through eternity.
For this is our heavenly Father’s dream Kingdom that He has always looked forward to possess with the angelical hosts, but Lucifer’s wicked heart and his sins born from it, contaminated just about everything in heaven’s glory except Him, His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and that is why that He can start everything with you all again today. For this is a wonderful Kingdom from heaven’s glory that will descend to live with humankind, but only if Israel becomes reborn from water baptism
and the Holy Spirit by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, because this is His name changing the world from the Holy of Holiest pouring amazing glories upon you today.
Miraculously, our heavenly Father’s new Kingdom of endless glories and amazing-richness will begin to pour upon earth, starting within the land of Israel, because the entire house of Israel will have become finally baptized in water and in His Holy
Spirit for sin never to be seen again through the entire human spirit of the new world to come into eternity. In other words, as every man, woman and child throughout the house of Israel become baptized in water, by invoking the perfect holiness of His
name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, our heavenly Father will finally stand up from the Mercy Seat of the Holy of Holiest in eternal victory, because earth has become sinless at last, forever.
This is when, our heavenly Father’s work commanded to be fulfilled by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit has finally yield its fruits, as Israel begins to live the pristine-life that He has personally granted to Abraham and Isaac as both ascended
over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over mount Moriah, to strike the fire of His endless Kingdom upon earth. For this is where our heavenly Father needs you living already today, because He has giving up powers of His very holy heart for grace, mercy,
truth and divine justice to dress your every day life on earth with your loved ones, including your friends, and in heaven’s glory as well, so you may always know love, richness and endless-happiness through eternity.
Our heavenly Father will walk with you in streets paved with gold leading you to your mansion of gold, silver and precious stones that He has created along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, where you will live with your loved ones and
friends only to know the goodness of His very holy heart for you through eternity. Presently, this is something that begins with you and your loved ones, including friends, because words of His perfect will are written all over you through your inner and
outward being, where He will never again read from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh, but only from His Holy Spirit and His Son’s sacred-flesh always pleasing Him through eternity, starting now.
Certainly, this is the life that our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ to live it with the Holy Spirit’s daily powers, gifts and miracles through the streets, towns and cities of Israel thus to enter into every Israeli home, where He will
personally liberate them from Satan by the powers of His oath sworn to Isaac into all eternity. For this is our heavenly Father’s personal life that He has always lived it with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but now He wants to share it with
His children reborn from His water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism, teaching them how to live to the perfect pleasure of His very holy heart these days and into eternity.
For this is the life that our heavenly Father has finally granted to every one of His children throughout the house of Israel and the families of the nations, beginning with Abraham and Sarah, as they ate the bread and wine from the Lord’s Table, so
they may have the privilege entering into heaven’s glory forever enriched and justified as anyday now. Because this is our heavenly Father’s perfect life that He will accept in the Holy of Holiest, seating and waiting at the Mercy Seat for His
children from Israel and the families of the nations to come, because this is His own pristine-life that He has always known and loved through eternity that He will share with Israel and you too nowadays.
For this is our heavenly Father’s perfect life, poured entirely over His Son Jesus Christ that was born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so you may have it thus to live it only to love, honor, worship Him and His holy name
fire with the words sworn to Isaac that will rise from you into His holy presence forever. Because these are our heavenly Father’s words of His perfect will that has existed always within His holy heart that His Son and the Holy Spirit have honored
through eternity in heaven’s glory, and that are to be honored within every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, but only through His Holy of Holiest and spilled atoning-blood.
Given that, our heavenly Father’s word poured from His holy heart over Isaac lying over Jerusalem’s holy hill wood thus to start His Son continuous sacrifice that will save not only Israel but also every man, woman and child from all the families of
the nations rising from you these days unto Him in heaven’s glory, blessing your living-soul with amazing-richness, finally. Because our heavenly Father’s oath sworn to Isaac is to bless not only Israel and the families of the nations through the
generations all over the earth, but also, they are to raise each day from every man, woman and child blessing His holy heart along with His holy name fire thus to bless you with His amazing richness progressively, starting now.
Provided that, as you may go through water and His Holy Spirit baptisms within the Holy of Holiest, then, our heavenly Father will never again become offended by the forbidden fruit and its daily evil word against Him, His Son and His Spirit, because His
oath sworn to Isaac will rise with perfect words from you, blessing His holy name, as always. Surely, our heavenly Father will never again hear evil words rising from you, because you have inherited them from Adam and Eve that ate from the forbidden
fruit, giving that now you have become reborn from water and His Spirit baptisms, where you will enter into His perfect life filled daily with the oath sworn to Isaac blessing Him through eternity, as always.
This is when our heavenly Father will finally enjoy your presence within the Holy of Holiest while you are still living on earth, because through His eternal life, granted to you already filled with the oath sworn to Isaac, then you will learn to live
with Him on earth before you may someday soon ascend into heaven’s glory forever justified at last. This is when you will live our heavenly Father’s own life as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit lived it through the street, towns and cities of
Israel as the altar of Abraham and Isaac along with the Holy of Holiest entered into every Israel home, blessing them with perfect-power, glory and prosperity, so you may live today justified perpetually.
Because this is the only life that really loves you every moment of your days on earth, and where the words of the oath sworn to Isaac will become alive, turning on, within your daily affairs only to find love, peace, prosperity, richness, power and
abundance of His lasting-salvation for you, your loved ones and friends as well, into all eternity. This is our heavenly Father’s life blessed already with His perfect words that will become manifest within Israel as His perfect will, as the house of
Israel may become baptized in water and in His Spirit, because it will be only now that sin will fail to exist again throughout creation, for perfect love, prosperity, and divine-richness to be your daily presence.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father will finally see His living word flowing through His entire creation without relation to the sins that Lucifer along with his fallen angels have committed since the day that they rebelled against Him, His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy, as they viciously attempted to take on His holy name fire without permission. For this is the life from above that truly loves you along with your loved ones and friends, because our heavenly Father’s words will finally
become your main drive throughout life not just in His entire creation, but also within the new Kingdom that is to become established upon earth, where He will live with His divine-family in eternal peace and lasting-glory.
Meaning that, every word that will begin to work within your heart, mind, body and human spirit then it will be His living-words of perfect glory that our heavenly Father shed over His Son Jesus Christ that was born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb,
by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so He will never again hear Lucifer’s lies and curses from you. Therefore, our heavenly Father’s new Kingdom coming upon earth as the entire house of Israel becomes baptized in water and in His Spirit over Jerusalem’s
holy hill and its Holy of Holiest, then only His living-word that He shed over Isaac as he lied over the wood that will become your every day word on earth these days and in heaven, perpetually.
Because this is the only way possible where our heavenly Father will never again hear Satan’s lies that he spoke to Eve and later to Adam and the children through the ancient serpent from the Garden of Eden, but only His living-word of the oath sworn
to Isaac that will emerge from us unto Him in heaven’s glory He will hear only, perpetually. Therefore, when any one becomes baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit over His altar of love, then our heavenly Father will fail to hear from Satan and his
wicked words that his fallen angels believed along with Adam, Eve and the children throughout the earth, but, instead, He will hear now only His living-words from the oath sworn to Isaac.
That is to say, also that the wicked words that emerged from Lucifer that Adam and Eve believed to deceive the children, as they were born on earth through their mother’s womb, then those wicked words will die forever right through the nations, only to
be heard from the words of the oath sworn to Isaac in you, enriching everyone’s life continually, everlastingly. Because the words emerging from Satan in heaven’s glory as he rebelled against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit that caused the one-third of the fallen angels to take on His holy name fire is what is causing the world to be evil as always, leading the nations finally into deeper sins thus to become destroyed, eventually.
However, with our heavenly Father’s oath sworn to Isaac then what He did through His Son born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit, is to reverse what Lucifer did with lies to Eve thus to deceive Adam and the children finally to die
without salvation, and so, by baptizing them with His living-words then He canceled Satan’s lies, forever. Therefore, our heavenly Father is still recreating every day of His entire pristine-life since the day that He poured His holy heart out over
Isaac lying over the wood, ready to be offered as a burnt offering onto Him in heaven, then it is to override with His water baptism Satan’s every lie within every man, woman and child throughout the earth.
Because by our heavenly Father overruling Satan’s every lie within the heart, mind, body and human spirit of His children born within Israel and the families of the nations, then He has covered every lie from Satan with His perfect word that is His
perfect will in His oath sworn to Isaac, finally filling the earth with perfect glory everywhere through eternity. That is why, that as the entire house of Israel becomes baptized in water and His Holy Spirit over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of
Holiest, then He has not only destroyed every sin worldwide forever but also covered every lie that has affected the life of every one of His children within Israel and the families of the nations.
For this is how our heavenly Father will finally conquer the earth, by having the entire house of Israel born from the water and from the Holy Spirit first as they all become baptized for His every word spoken as His perfect will in His oath sworn to
Isaac, lastly to cover humankind with lasting-holiness worldwide, thus renewing the earth at last. Miraculously, our heavenly Father will begin to renew the entire earth miraculously with the house of Israel, as they may become reborn worldwide from the
water and the Holy Spirit baptisms over the Holy of Holiest by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that the land of Canaan will become finally perfect, perpetually.
Because Canaan that our heavenly Father has chosen to live with His children not only with every sin baptized at the Red sea as ancient Israel escaped from the iron curtain of hell’s torment in Egypt, but also spilled atoning-blood over every sinner
first through the Sinai’s desert, finally to cover them worldwide with His perfect will of the oath sworn to Isaac. Because by our heavenly Father having had Abraham’s children born in Egypt, it was to pull them with every nation's sin dead in hell
already, so sin may be dumped into water baptism later to cover it with the atoning-blood through the Sinai’s desert thus finally to cover it with His living-word from the oath sworn to Isaac at His altar for lasting-salvation.
That is why, that our heavenly Father can truly make not just Canaan His true home-sweet-home at Jerusalem’s holy hill that had received already His holy name fire nailed along with His Son Jesus Christ to the wood of the house of Israel, but also His
living-words from the oath sworn to Isaac established within from hell rose into heaven’s glory, finally. Therefore, the sins of the ancient nations along with everyone else have been covered forever at the Red sea then the house of Israel walked
through the Sinai’s desert drinking from the living-rock to eat from the Lord’s Table the manna, spilling the Lamb’s atoning-blood from the Holy of Holiest to cover sin throughout Jerusalem’s holy hill for His final eternal home-sweet-home’s
Because, now our heavenly Father has not only abolished sin from the heart of hell to dump it at the Red sea in water baptism, but also bathed the families of the nations through the Sinai’s desert with the Lamb’s atoning-blood to lift Israel along
with everyone else into His Holy of Holiest for everyone’s lasting-salvation at His home-sweet-home, forever justified, finally. That is why, that now we can all receive a very powerful salvation because our heavenly Father has covered every sin from
hell itself to dump it into His mighty water baptism, then spilled the Lamb’s atoning-blood over the nations through the Sinai’s desert, finally to sing victory over Jerusalem’s holy hill with every ritual of perfect salvation for His children
Now, the earth will finally become holy as a new earth with a glorious sky never seen with perfect-glory by the angelical hosts, because now our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit has covered every inch of it with His living-
words of His perfect will sworn to Isaac, for sin never to be seen again through eternity. What’s more, our heavenly Father has finally conquered all the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness not only covering sin from hell itself but also through
every man, woman and child, as they may become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit to live eternal life in a sinless earth through eternity, finally.
Because now our heavenly Father will see only His living-words spoken as His perfect will in His oath sworn to Isaac covering and overpowering sin never to be seen again in any one living on earth through the house of Israel and the families of the
nations thus making the earth His new home-sweet-home, as His dream Kingdom to be everlastingly holy. For the earth will never again be seen by anyone in heaven much less within humankind with Lucifer’s lies, sin, curses, poverty and death, because our
heavenly Father’s living-words spoken, as His perfect will in His oath sworn to Isaac, will cover the earth entirely with perfect love, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice to manifest into everlasting godly-happiness through His children, forever.
[continued in next message]
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