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All on Sat Dec 2 04:02:38 2017
Sábado, 02 de Diciembre, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
(Recordamos con amor eterno a los 44 de la Armada Naval Argentina. Deseamos expresar nuestras condolencias, oraciones y amor de cada día a todas las familias hermanas de nuestra gran nación amada de la Argentina, que sufrieron la desaparición de sus
cuarenta y cuatro muy amados, cuando el submarino en que tripulaban se hundió, sin saber cómo y por qué hasta hoy. Ellos se encuentran en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, porque su Hijo Jesucristo derramó su sangre santísima sobre
el madero del monte santo de Jerusalén, saldando todos sus pecados perpetuamente, para que sean limpios, santos y perfectos en su nueva gloria angelical del nuevo reino de los cielos. Ellos gozan de la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, porque
cuando creyeron en su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces fueron llenos del Espíritu Santo y de las glorias de caminar por el Camino de Santidad, para pronto reencontrarse con sus amados en la nueva eternidad venidera.)
Timely, our heavenly Father heard the Israelis crying out towards heaven, and then He said to Moses, why are you calling me? Take your staff that you have in your hands, and hold it over the sea, to open a path for you to cross it in dried ground to the
other side, where you will find safety never to see the Egyptians again that are ready to attack.
This is when Moses lifted his hands towards heaven, as where the altar of Abraham and Isaac is burning with the torch and His holy name fire, so our heavenly Father may open up His oven of His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great
Divine Justice to pour abundantly over the entire house of Israel for baptism. This is day that our heavenly Father had waited since He last spoke to Abraham as he offered his three lambs sacrificed with their halves facing each other over the rock, and
the atoning-blood spilled over them along with the two uncut pigeons, so He may walk through them with His torch burning wildly that is His holy name fire with salvation.
This is the torch with His holy name fire burning wildly that were really the children that our heavenly Father had promised to be born first in captivity but later, in due time, they will be standing over Jerusalem’s holy hill bearing his all-powerful
name over Israel, and the families of the nations, finally to conquer them with perfect salvation, forever. Given that, this will be His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, baptizing Abraham along
with his only son Isaac over the wood burning already with His Spirit of grace, mercy, truth and divine justice, but also it will baptize his children in future generations, liberating them from sin, death and hell’s torment, everlastingly.
Surely, our heavenly Father needed Abraham sacrificing his three lambs over the rock, spilled with their atoning-blood along with the two uncut pigeons, because He had to walk between their halves facing each other with His torch and His holy name nailed
to his promised children due to be born in captivity, but later liberate them over His altar of love within Canaan. This is the altar that Abraham had to prepare with the three lambs sacrificed over the rock and their blood, spilled all over their halves
facing each other along with the uncut pigeons, because He had to walk in the midst of their parts to expiate for every sin, since Abraham’s children were going to take on the sins of the world.
That is why, that our heavenly Father told Abraham after that he had walked through the halves facing one another of the sacrificed lambs that his children were going to be born in a foreign land, where He will visit them after four-hundred years to
judge the nation captivating them, finally to liberate them towards His promised land with Abraham’s amazing-richness multiplied. Further, within Egypt’s captivity, the entire house of Israel was going to live hell itself for four-hundred years,
because they needed to take on the sins of the families of the nations not only from those already that were in hell’s torment, paying for the guilt of their sins, but also for the rest of the nations, including those yet to come.
For our heavenly Father was going to liberate them with the amazing daily powers of His holy name fire that is loved, served and worshipped daily by the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory, so they may finally receive it after Jacob asked for it as he
was entering Canaan to built an altar thus to continue to live with his family, everlastingly. Besides, our heavenly Father had to liberate Israel from the house of bondage after four-hundred years, because He was ready to grant them His salvation at the
Red sea, where they will walk through dried ground and walls of water on both sides, since they needed to abandon sin along with the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh at the sea-floor, forever.
Moreover, our heavenly Father had to grant them instantly His Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh, where His perfect will had been sworn forever to Isaac over His altar of the prehistoric love that descended with Isaac and the Holy Spirit not only to
baptize Abraham, but also his children to be born in future generations along with the families of the nations. For our heavenly Father needed to save every man, woman and child not only from the house of Israel abandoning captivity as they crossed the
Red sea in dried ground, by the powers of His holy name fire, thus resurrecting from captivity’s death to life, but also the families of the nations that were already in hell’s torment, suffering their sins eternally.
Certainly, as our heavenly Father liberated Israel from captivity by the powers of His holy name fire that Moses had received over the burning-bush as our Father said, I am the God of Abraham and His Son said, I am the God of Isaac, finally for the Holy
Spirit to say, I am the God of Jacob, then it was to resurrect. Inasmuch as, Israel had received from our heavenly Father His oath sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over Mount Moriah, as He poured His holy heart over his sacred-flesh,
later confirmed with Jacob and the children to be born in the generations ahead, then it was to establish His perfect will over Israel and the families of the nations, perpetually.
Therefore, as our heavenly Father was able to pull Israel from captivity by the amazing daily powers of His holy name fire, because, the entire house of Israel had learned from Moses to invoke it, then He could not only liberate Abraham’s children from
captivity with resurrection powers, but also the families of the nations already in hell paying for their guilt. Now, for this to be possible, then our heavenly Father had not only to liberate Israel from the old life learned and lived in Egypt’s
captivity, but also He had to liberate them from the forbidden fruit and the sinful-flesh, by granting them His Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh, as they emerged from baptism at the Red sea with His eternal life.
Provided that, it is only here, where the entire house of Israel had finally resurrected from the same hell’s torments and sufferings that the families of the ancient nations were already paying and anguishing daily for the guilt of their sins, given
that they failed to know His holy name fire and its power of resurrection into His eternal life and daily blessing. Therefore, the day that our heavenly Father liberated Israel from Egypt’s captivity, then He really began the liberation of every man,
woman and child from the families of the nations that had died without a covenant with Him, His Son, His Holy Spirit, and without a sacrificed-lamb with its atoning-blood covering their sins, so they may have forgiveness, resurrection and life lastly.
This was something that our heavenly Father had planned with the entire house of Israel, since the day that Abraham offered his three sacrificed lambs over the rock along with the two uncut-pigeons that represented the wood, for the final continuous
sacrifice within Jerusalem, Canaan, because he is the Third One always to expiate for all the sins of the world, everlastingly. This Third One is our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because the three together are One forever,
filled and united with the eternal life that not only gives life to every angel in heaven’s glory but also to every man, woman and child within Israel and the families of the nations, for His coming new Kingdom worldwide.
Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to walk through the three sacrificed lambs with their halves facing each other along with the two uncut-pigeons, because He along with His Son and the Holy Spirit walked through the sacrifices' insides
expiating for every past, present and future sin, for His holy name fire to be established without sin on earth, finally. Now, after our heavenly Father had taken Israel baptized already through the Red sea, and the entire Egyptian army destroyed along
with Satan’s sin, curses, infirmities, problems, conflicts, poverty and wars that he has poured upon the families of the nations through generations, then He took Israel thirsty to His rock gushing water, where His Son had been sacrificed since the
Besides, our heavenly Father had to take Israel into the Sinai’s desert as thirsty as the families of the ancient nations already in hell’s torment are suffering and craving for a drink from the rock, where His Son was immolated since the foundation
of the earth, and where Abraham had offered his three sacrificed lambs with their halves facing each other. For Israel had to be the first one within the Sinai’s desert to drink from the rock flowing with abundance of water not only to quench their
thirst but also every man, woman and child lying in their hell’s holes of eternal torments, because they died without knowing His holy name fire and living word that blesses their living-souls even in torment.
Because when our heavenly Father took Moses along with the Israeli leaders, then it was not only to show them where the rock was always for them to drink water whenever they may become thirsty again, but also to give to drink to the families of the
nations in hell’s torment, craving for water from His living-rock of the three ancient sacrifices. Then, after a drink from the rock gushing out living-water that really is our heavenly Father’s, His Son’s and the Holy Spirit’s atoning-blood of
the continuous sacrificed of the Lamb of God that not only quenches every one’s thirst for water, but it also fills you with His unique eternal life that is the salvation that the entire earth will receive, eventually.
Having our heavenly Father given to drink from His living-rock the water that the heart, soul, body and human spirit of every man, woman and child need to drink daily on earth, in hell and in heaven’s glory as paradise, the New Jerusalem from heaven
above along with many glorious places, then He had to feed them daily with His own food. Given that, our heavenly Father will eat His food at His Table just as He sat down with Abraham and his 318 adoptive children initially to eat and drink from His Son
Jesus Christ: bread and wine, served daily to the angelical hosts, then, He shared the food from His mouth with Israel and the families of the nations, known as manna.
Inasmuch as, our heavenly Father had liberated Israel from Egypt’s captivity with the amazing resurrection powers of His holy name fire not only to grant them finally salvation, by abandoning the sins of the world at the sea-floor, but also for them as
His high priests ministering holiness to the families of the nations already in hell’s torment, because of sins and rebellions. Our heavenly Father through His amazing love, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice had to go to them with the sacred-flesh
of the perfect will that He had sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so Jacob’s children may become not only His high priests but also mediators to save the lost with the resurrection powers, of His holy name and living-word.
For Israel is the oath sworn to Isaac walking out from Egypt’s captivity with the amazing resurrection powers of His holy name to become baptized in water, but also to become His high priests that will finally become ashes in the Valley of the dried
bones, trees within Canaan, and the wood bearing His holy name fire over the entire earth, forever. Evidently, this is our heavenly Father’s oath sworn to Isaac been displayed step-by-step, as Israel was born within Egypt to live the daily richness of
His perfect will within them, but also to become baptized with the same richness, walking out from the water baptism with His eternal life to share with nations from the past, present and future, forever, into eternity.
Our heavenly Father through the Sinai’s desert granted them His tabernacle of reunion with the Holy of Holiest from heaven above to minister as His high priests, filled with His Spirit, the sacred-flesh of His perfect will not only to be enjoyed by
them but also the nations, because Abraham was told that through his seed all the families will be blessed. That is why, that Israel had to start ministering as our heavenly Father’s high priests, filled with the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh of His
eternal will sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over Mount Moriah, so the first ancient nations that had died and descend to hell, then they may finally receive His resurrection name and living-word for lasting-salvation.
Moreover, our heavenly Father had to have the entire house of Israel ministering rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness with the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, wherever the Shekinah glory (God’s presence) may take them through the
desert, covering every sin with the shed lambs’ atoning-blood, so He may finally send His Son Jesus Christ to live in Israel. For our heavenly Father needed to cover every sin committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit from the
past, present and future, because He was ready to send His only Son to be born from David’s virgin daughter, by the Holy Spirit, so His holy name fire may finally become stationed over His altar of eternal love, forever.
Moreover, when our Lord Jesus Christ was born from King David’s virgin daughter then he was born bathed in his own atoning-blood, because he had to enter into our heavenly Father’s altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with him
and the Holy Spirit, bathed in the blood of the eternal life that is the oath sworn to Isaac everlastingly. Provided that, this oath sworn to Isaac that is our heavenly Father’s perfect will within Israel’s bloodline, especially within the house of
David, then it was established within Israel as an eternal pact to become part of every man, woman and child bathed with it through baptism, thus to enter into His new Kingdom as His legitimate children, established upon earth, forever.
Therefore, it was very important for our heavenly Father to take the entire house of Israel, as His high priests, ministering every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness to shed every lamb’s atoning-blood over the families of the nations lying
already in their hell’s holes, because they died without a pact of life with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. For our heavenly Father had to prepare them through the Sinai’s desert, as ashes lying at the Valley of the dried bones,
because His Son had orders to take their ashes into Canaan, so they may become the trees that will become the wood bearing His holy name fire nailed to it, over His altar of His love for His new Kingdom.
What’s more, our heavenly Father had to have Israel’s wood as the house that had conducted within His tabernacle of reunion and its Holy Place every ritual and ceremony of perfect glory, honor and worship unto Him and His holy name fire throughout
the Sinai’s desert, as the lambs’ atoning-blood covered every sin, then lifted over His altar of love for Israel, finally. That is why, that when our heavenly Father told Moses to descend to bath, clean and purify every one within Israel (and even
clean their belongings), because on the Third Day, they were going to see the LORD, then this meant that they were descending into the Valley of the dried bones to continue to watch the bronze snake nailed to the wood.
Because Israel knew that the help that they needed in the most desperate situation, as when they were bitten by the venous snakes emerging from under the sand, ascending from hell itself ready to receive them as they received the ancient nations that
sinned against our Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then they were healed by just looking at it. However, ancient Israel lying in the Valley of dried bones was not only watching the bronze snake still where our heavenly Father told Moses to hammer it
into shape, and nail it to the staff in the Israeli camp, but also, they were witnessing how His Son will live His unique life within Israel for victory over Satan, sin, death, and hell.
This was something that every man, woman and child must see not only within Israel but also from the nations already lying in hell’s torment, because they failed to know His holy name fire, His lamb of the atoning-blood and His continuous sacrifice
that was started with Abraham, as he offered his only son Isaac, over the altar of His eternal love. Thus, now that they had received not only His holy name fire through the ministering rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from ancient Israel that
acted as our heavenly Father’s high priests throughout the Sinai’s desert, by shedding every lamb’s blood over every sin, then they had divine-privileges to watch His unique life, lived within Canaan, by His Son Jesus Christ first.
Because this is the life that our heavenly Father has not only granted to every one within Israel as His Son was born from Sarah’s’ barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit, but also for the families of the ancient nations along with others that will
finally resurrect to enter into His Greater Kingdom that will be established on earth eventually, forever. Therefore, ancient Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones saw along everyone else within their hell’s holes how their body turned into
dust to be carried by His son as God’s Lamb into Canaan, so they may become the wood to be lifted to the altar of the eternal love, bearing the holy name fire victorious over the world finally.
For this is ancient Israel’s wood born within Egypt’s captivity but also received His holy name fire for water baptism at the sea-floor, abandoning the sinful-life along with every sin, curse, infirmity, poverty, war and death from humanity, so they
may serve God forever with every ritual and ceremony of Righteousness executed through the desert, finally placed over His altar loving Israel, perpetually. Certainly, our heavenly Father has perpetuated every gift for Israel as Moses received His holy
name fire over Mount Sinai for the first time, something never done with angels or man on earth, yet it is nailed to Israel today, and so, with every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness through the desert, it was finally lifted to His perfect will,
Given that, our heavenly Father does not only want Israel and the families of the ancient nations lying in their hell’s holes these days, paying for the guilt of their sins forever, to see the bronze snake waiting for the Messiah and life to return to
them with resurrection powers, but also the nations worldwide to become saved nowadays, finally with perfect salvation. Because ancient Israel’s wood bearing His holy name fire with nails that also received His only Son shedding the atoning-blood of
His eternal life for Israel and humankind, then, when you invoke it as you may lift your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit to it, instantly, you will be blessed with rituals and ceremonies of endless-holiness covering sin in hell already, forever.
Besides, this is to cover every sin that every man, woman and child may have ever committed against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit, so you may have life in abundance these days on earth and in heaven’s glory as in paradise and
within The New Jerusalem from heaven above, where His love reigns within you, everlastingly. For these are the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness that ancient Israel had to conduct for nations suffering their sins in hell’s torment, because
they failed to please our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ that really is Isaac with the perfect will sworn over his sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and atoning-blood shed entirely over His altar of love for you today.
Certainly, as you may invoke His powerful name’s perfect holiness along with His Son and His Holy Spirit to bless your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, then, you are not only invoking His Son born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb but also
Isaac born as Jesus from David’s virgin daughter, by the Holy Spirit, granting you the atoning-blood covering sins, forever. This is the covering of sins that our heavenly Father had to pull Israel from hell’s captivity and torment that they were
born into and live for four-hundred years, so He will not only liberate them with the resurrection powers of His holy name fire, but also baptize them at the Red sea to destroy all sins, afflicting nations worldwide into eternity.
Surely, by Israel walking through the dried land of the sea-floor, as they were baptized with the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh of the oath sworn to Isaac that is our heavenly Father’s perfect will blessing not only Israel but also ancient nations
lying already in hell, because this is what He told Abraham that they will be blessed through His seed, forever. Then, this meant that Israel had to drink from the living-rock the water gushing out to calm the thirst not only from the daily life of every
man, woman and child on earth as from Israel and the families of the nations, but to calm also the agonizing thirst of every living-souls lying in hell’s torment, suffering the consequences of their guilt.
Thus, to calm the suffering of every sin born to afflict our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and every descendant from Adam and Eve, then our Father had to have not only Israel drinking from the living-rock but also the families of
the nations to cover every evil perpetually through the powers of His Son’s atoning-blood shed forever. Therefore, as our heavenly Father had the entire house of Israel not only eating from the manna that descended from heaven above each day, as from
His Dining Table, where He sat with Abraham and his adoptive children that he bought with money from foreigners, then He also gave to eat the children lying in hell that rightfully belong to Him, everlastingly.
And so, our heavenly Father had Israel drinking from the rock the daily living water, emanating from it, but also He gave them to eat from His Table the bread that is the manna that He daily eats from His Son Jesus Christ, for His Holy Spirit’s
holiness to prevail always through His entire household with the angelical hosts and His children. This was done within the Holy of Holiest of the tabernacle of reunion to cover not only every sin that the families of the nations may have committed
through their lives on earth before they descended into hell’s torment, because they failed to have a covenant of life with Him, but also to cover every sin in the future worldwide, forever.
Inasmuch as, by our heavenly Father destroying every sin that the house of Israel had received through their daily lives within Egypt’s captivity, by baptizing them at the Red sea in His holy name fire, then He also gave them to drink from His rock
living-water finally to eat His daily manna that covers every sin from the past, present and future. Moreover, these divine works of grace, mercy, truth and justice that our heavenly Father had to execute with Israel acting as His high priests with the
tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, then they had not only to be completed within the desert and over ancient nations, but also over His altar of His love for Israel: blessing nations worldwide nowadays.
That is why, that our heavenly Father had said that whoever may invoke His holy name fire, nailed already to the wood of ancient Israel that resurrected on the Third Day from the Valley of the dried bones, then it was to enter into His altar of eternal
love for humankind, with the work of having covered sin with the Lamb’s atoning-blood, forever. Therefore, when any man, woman and child may invoke His holy name fire that Israel carried it through the Sinai’s desert, shedding abundantly the lambs’
atoning-blood everywhere that our heavenly Father took them with the altar of Abraham and Isaac along with the rituals and ceremonies of the Holy Place, then it was to cover everyone’s sin on earth to obtain lasting-salvation, forever.
Consequently, every work that our heavenly Father has done already with the entire house of Israel, as He liberated them from Egypt’s captivity, to put them through the water baptism of the Red sea, so they may no longer walk in sin but in His grace,
mercy, truth and divine justice, then it was to cover your sins these days with perfect-salvation. That is to say, that our heavenly Father has already covered all your sins that you may have committed in your entire life until now, because our heavenly
Father went to the Sinai’s desert, where all the hell’s holes are with the ancient families of your ancestors to cover their sins for you, from its foundation with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood.
Not only our heavenly Father has done this for you already with every ancestor, whether they are Jews or Gentiles, He has covered every sin from its birth, so you may look up to your victory over them displayed over the wood, where His holy name fire is
nailed along with His Son’s sacred-flesh as His perfect will sworn to Isaac initially. That is to say, also that you do not have any sin to worry about at all, whether this is about sin problems, infirmities, conflicts, poverty, wars, enemies as Satan
and his wicked ones going around everywhere lying about everything and anything just to get you to believe in darkness, because once you believe a lie, then you are blindly believing Satan.
Furthermore, to believe Satan is the worse thing that will ever happen to you and to your loved ones, because through his lie then he can make you believe every lie, deception and curse emerging from his altars and wicked idols infested with evil already:
putting problems, infirmities, poverty, conflicts, wars and death before you, so you may die sooner then expected. Our heavenly Father pulled Israel from Egypt so they may receive His Holy Spirit and sacred-flesh, where His perfect will lies along with
every blessing of His eternal life that He has always enjoyed with His Son and the Holy Spirit along with every holy angel, because this is where His holy name fire is truly loved eternally within Israel and the nations.
That is why, that as our heavenly Father told Moses to fashion a bronze snake hammer with nails over the wood in the middle of the Israeli camp, then, it was not only to liberate them from their poisonous snake bites, because they were dying already, but
also to wait for their salvation, by just looking up to it. Well, this is exactly what our heavenly Father has done not only with Israel but also with the families of the nations, including your ancestors already lying in their hell’s holes, and this
is that ancient Israel, as high priests, ministering within the Holy Place with the lambs’ atoning-blood covering every sin is over His altar of love: blessing you abundantly today.
It is here, where your life is reborn over His altar of His prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit: with Israel born in Egypt’s captivity, baptized crossing the sea, abandoning sins in it, so through the desert
covered your ancestor’s sins with the lamb’s atoning-blood to lift you victorious over His altar of love today, perpetually. That is why, that you must leave from your hell hole as Israel did within Egypt’s captivity, but by first invoking His holy
name’s resurrection powers, His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit, so you may become baptized at your home’s bathtub, filled with water, by submerging into it, abandoning every sin, finally ascending to His altar of love for you, forever.
Because once you may have become baptized at your home’s bathtub, filled with water, or at your local pool, river, lake, seashore, then you will abandon your sinful-flesh along with every sin that you may have committed against our heavenly Father, His
Son and the Holy Spirit only to be dressed with His eternal life, where you will always live eternally enriched. For this is the life that our heavenly Father has granted not only to Israel but also to the families of the nations, because He does not
want any other life dressing His children from Israel and every man, woman and child from around the world, so they may live with Him over His altar of love, for you and your family.
This is the life that really loves you every step that you will take on earth towards heaven’s glory, because only the steps that our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit have already walked on this earth will take into His holy
presence within the Holy of Holiest, where He will embrace you with His eternal love instantly. That is why, that once you are baptized at your home’s bathtub, filled with water, then you will abandon the spirit of error that is the forbidden fruit of
the sinful-flesh that has caused you to sin against our heavenly Father and His Holy Place, finally to dress His eternal life, where you will live a life liberated from Satan’s sin, forever.
For this is a life that is wonderful, glorious and eternally beautiful each day, because Satan is no longer around with his cronies that have always brought to you their idol worship along with an altar filled with a love that destroys your daily life on
earth, and in hell it will continue to torment you with fire mercilessly into eternity. However, with our heavenly Father, His Son and His Spirit at His altar of love, descended from heaven with Isaac as His perfect will and His Spirit, then it was to
liberate Israel from captivity, baptized in water, dressing them with His life, to drink from the rock and eat from His manna, but also establish His altar over Jerusalem for you today.
[continued in next message]
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