ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Nov 3 17:53:16 2017
Sábado, 04 de Noviembre, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
(We would like to express our love, sympathy and prayers to the families of the terror attack victims in New York City, where pedestrians were hit and ran over by a terrorist driving a service truck, killing eight innocent persons and wounded others that
resulted in the shooting and arrest of the attacker. They were taking into heaven’s glory by our heavenly Father because of the salvation work that His Son Jesus Christ had performed with the help of the Holy Spirit by shedding the atoning-blood of the
pact of life sworn to Isaac at the altar that also belong to them forever, moreover granted them the much-needed eternal life to enter heaven forever blessed.
Expresamos nuestro amor, simpatÃa y oraciones a las familias de las vÃctimas que sufrieron el ataque terrorista en la ciudad de Nueva York recientemente, en donde transeúntes fueron atropellados y pisados por un terrorista manejando una camioneta de
servicio: matando a ocho personas inocentes, como cinco argentinos entre ellos, y algunos heridos, que resultó finalmente con la herida y arresto del terrorista. Ellos fueron levantados al paraÃso por nuestro Padre celestial por la obra salvadora de su
Hijo Jesucristo, que cumplió divinamente con la asistencia del EspÃritu Santo, al derramar la sangre del pacto de vida Jurada a Isaac sobre el altar, que igualmente le pertenecÃan a ellos éste Juramento legal: recibiendo asà la vida eterna muy
necesitada para acceder al cielo, eternamente enriquecidos. ¡Amén!)
Our heavenly Father manifested to Abraham by assuring him that his children will be born in a foreign land and they will be enslaved for four hundred years, because they will be the ones born by the same Holy Spirit’s powers that gave birth to His Son
Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, to take on the sins of the world. And these were words that our heavenly Father needed to manifest to him, because he had entered with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit into a very important
pact of life that will introduce into humankind the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that will spill His eternal life upon the entire earth into eternity, starting within Canaan.
That is why, that our heavenly Father had called Abraham initially to sacrifice three lambs by cutting them in their halves, and then, place them facing each other over the rock that he had sacrificed them along with two pigeons, but he was not to cut
the birds, instead, spilled everything with the blood until He will return to him later on. Timely, Abraham had obeyed our heavenly Father by sacrificing the three lambs as He had told him to do it over the rock, and just wait for His return sometime the
same day, because He needed to walk through the halves facing each other over the rock, for He was to bless him with his children to be born in future generations.
Our heavenly Father had to have Abraham sacrificing the three lambs over the rock, spilled with the blood along with the two birds but without cutting them, so He may walk through the sacrifices and their halves with His torch burning with His holy name
fire, so He may finally let him know how his children will be born in future generations. Having our heavenly Father informed Abraham as from where his children would be born within the period of four hundred years, then He let him know that He will
finally visit them to judge the nation that had mistreated his children thus to liberate them by granting them the Promised Land, so they may finally live there with Him in eternal peace.
This was the start from the three lambs sacrificed over the rock with their halves facing each other, where our heavenly Father needed to manifest to Abraham as where his children were going to be born, but also what was going to happen to them for the
four-hundred years period that will begin the liberation of the nations from the sinful world. This is basically what our heavenly Father could manifest to Abraham, because he was going to be the father of a great nation but also of many more worldwide,
because of the lambs he had sacrificed over the rock with their halves facing each other, then our heavenly Father could walk in the midst of them thus to fulfill his word timely.
These where the three lambs sacrificed over the rock with their halves facing each other that would not only cause His word to Abraham about his children to be born in the generations ahead in a foreign land, but also, this was the sacrifice/holocaust
protecting them constantly for that period of time, with His Son and the Holy Spirit’s daily abundant blessings. In other words, our heavenly Father made Abraham to be the father of the three lambs sacrificed over the rock with their halves facing each
other, so He may later return to the rock and its sacrifices promising to Abraham not only the birth of his children, but also in the condition that they will live for four hundred years of captivity.
Given that, after the four-hundred years had elapsed, then He will visit the foreign nation to judge it for the things that they may have done to the children of the pact, so He may take them with His holy name fire burning over the torch to another
three sacrifices over the rock, but this time it will within in Canaan. For our heavenly Father will be the Father of these three sacrifices over the rock with their bodies facing almost each other, where He may walk in the midst of them, by spilling the
blood of His Son Jesus Christ over the rock, so He may give birth to His children reborn form His Son and the Holy Spirit with His eternal life.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father invited him to sacrifice three lambs over the rock with their halves facing each other with the blood spilled all over the site, so He may walk in the midst of the halves of the sacrifices promising the
children that Abraham would receive, but they will be born in captivity accumulating everyone’s sins. However, with our heavenly Father after visiting Israel in captivity will be to judge finally the foreign nation with the amazing powers of His holy
name fire, given to Moses, as he ascended to mount Sinai, to become baptized within the hot ovens of His great Grace, of His great Mercy, of His great Truth and of His great Divine Justice.
Because by our heavenly Father judging the nation where His children had been kept captivated for four-hundred years with the amazing daily powers of His holy name fire, then, He could take them to the water baptism of the Red sea, finally to abandon
behind forever Egypt along with the spirit of error, the sinful-flesh and the sins of the entire world. For our heavenly Father needed Abraham’s children reborn from the water baptism as they had already invoked the perfect holiness of His holy name
fire, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may take them to His altar to give birth to His children ascending into heaven’s glory, forever justified, from Israel and the families of the nations.
Because, the day that our heavenly Father liberated Israel from Egypt’s captivity then He really began the liberation of all the families from all the nations of the world, and these are the nations from the past, the present and the future, for His
will be to recuperate all His children over His altar of the Holy of Holiest: with lasting-salvation. For this is exactly what our heavenly Father had said to Abraham and about his children born in future generations in the Holy Spirit’s daily powers,
so in his seed (and these are children Holy Spirit born as His Holy One was born as Isaac) to bless all the families of the nations with His eternal life, the atoning-blood blood spilled finally.
For this is the glorious kingdom of His children born from His image and living-soul but also from His unfailing-love that although they have lived their lives without a pact of life and a lamb sacrificed to shed the atoning-blood over their lives to
cover sin, since He still loves them, thus to liberate them from death and eternal damnation, into eternity. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to let Abraham know after he had sacrificed his three lambs over the rock, including
the two pigeons, but without cutting as the others, because He needed to walk in the midst of their body parts and the atoning-blood thus granting Abraham the children that He will finally liberate from sin.
These were the three sacrifices that Abraham needed to cut in their halves to have them facing each other, because our heavenly Father needed to expiate for the children given to him and for the families of the nations as well along with the two pigeons
uncut, because they represent the wings of the wood and His salvation flying to the world. Now, the wings of the birds were uncut, because they represent the wood, where His Holy One would be nailed to the house of Israel’s sinful-flesh of their hands
and feet to liberate their living-souls from the Valley of dried bones, so Israel along with the families of the nations, and lastly the holy angels (not fallen angels) could decontaminate from sin.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed Abraham’s children not only to born and live their lives in captivity with the great need to become liberated from oppression, sin and death, but also to baptize them at the Red sea, where He will cleanse them from
the sins of the families of the nations, as they minister before Him as His high priests. For our heavenly Father needed His only Son Jesus Christ to begin the liberation of the nations that had lived and died in sin from the past, the present and the
future, but He could only start liberating them, if He could get His only Son to be born from within one of the families that have a pact with Him.
Because as His only Son Jesus Christ is born from one of the families that He may have chosen, as it was with Abraham and Sarah, by eating from the bread and wine from His only Son that is served daily in heaven’s glory for the angelical hosts to
continue to live in perfect glory, serving His holy name over His altar. Then, our heavenly Father had to do the same with the families of the nations not only to liberate them from sin, death and hell’s torment but also to keep them holy, perfect and
glorious as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so they may become His legitimate children, filled with His unfailing love, to serve His holy name perpetually.
That is why, that when His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s amazing daily powers, then He could have His children that He needed on earth born from the Holy Spirit to become as His Son and the Holy
Spirit are in His holy presence, within the Holy of Holiest forever into all eternity. Surely, when Isaac was born then our heavenly Father had finally set foot on earth and within humankind to begin to have His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb
by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers throughout every generation, so He may have through them the same powers and privileges that His divine family has to liberate the families of the entire world lastly.
Because by His Son Jesus Christ been born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers, then He could have Jacob born as His firstborn and ready to establish His pact of eternal life with the Holy Spirit, because His Spirit
will be the driving-power for His children to be born finally establishing His eternal life upon earth, forever. That is why, that when the four-hundred years had happened, then our heavenly Father was ready to descend upon them, because they have grown
to the number that He needed them to be so He may descend upon them with His altar of the prehistoric love, to rule over them with His holy name fire and liberating-powers filled with pristine-life.
Because the reason that our heavenly Father was able to descend upon Israel while they were still enslaved within Egypt, then it was not only because the period stipulated by Him have been fulfilled with Israel having lived the sins, infirmities, curses,
problems, and death of the families of the nations, but also they have grown fulfilling His oath sworn to Isaac. That is why, that by our heavenly Father granting Moses His holy name fire to him for Israel to possess it forever, as they will begin to
pronounce it before His holy presence through the generations to come, then He could have His amazing powers manifested not only within Israel but also into all the families of the nations with lasting-salvation, perpetually.
Because by every Israeli man, woman and child invoking His holy name fire as wherever they may go through the Sinai’s desert and even beyond Canaan within the nations, then He could manifest the amazing daily glories of His holy name fire, so He may
show His grace, mercy, truth and divine justice to His children in captivity around the world. That is why, that the first thing that our heavenly Father had to do with Israel as He liberated them from Pharaoh and Satan’s grip, because Satan was also
there in those days with the Egyptians to cause a great holocaust upon Abraham’s children, so they may die in the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error lost forever in hell’s torment.
Besides, Satan had Pharaoh ordered the Egyptian maids to kill every male child as he was born because the coming of the King Messiah was at hand, and so, he had to do everything possible to stop him from entering into the world to save the nations, as
our heavenly Father had planned to be thus establishing His Kingdom upon earth, finally. However, with all the efforts that Satan put in within Pharaoh and his officials to kill the Israelis even while they were been born from their mothers’ womb, then
he failed with his intent to kill the entire house of Israel with a massive holocaust that would be secret, because Israel was unknown to the nations while they remained in captivity.
That is why, that Pharaoh’s order to kill every male child born from his mother’s womb as soon as he may enter his kingdom, then the order was to throw them into the nearby river where they will drown in the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error, so
they will fail to become baptize in water to escape liberated from sin. And so, Satan wanted to kill every Israeli while they were still in captivity, so no one may ever know that they once existed within a nation on earth, and this is how our heavenly
Father’s perfect will that is the oath sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill as Abraham brought his only son Isaac as his personal sacrifice will fail, perpetually.
However, for our heavenly Father finally to seal His oath sworn to Isaac then He hurried Moses to take the entire house of Israel, including every livestock, so He may finally baptize them at the near beach, where He will seal His perfect will within
them, to take it to the nations with His best blessings of His eternal life, forever. While Abraham’s children crossed the seafloor in dried ground then our heavenly Father was able along with His Son and the Holy Spirit to cleanse them from the sins
of the nations accumulated for four-hundred years, so He may finally have them dressed with His eternal life that is the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh worshipping His holy name, non-stop into everlasting.
Our heavenly Father needed Israel to defeat their enemies that had kept them in captivity for hundreds of years by just been baptized in water, because it is under the water by invoking the perfect holiness of His holy name fire, where He will liberate
Israel nowadays and you too along with your loved ones from sin, death, curses, poverty and hell. Our heavenly Father had to take them out from this powerful baptism (as the one that you may do in our days within your bathtub, pool, river, lake or the
beach nearby) because He needed them undressed from the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error, to dress them with His Son’s sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, to drink abundantly from His living-rock.
Because by our heavenly Father having Israel drinking from His living-rock that can burst into living-water for His children and His entire creation of heaven and earth, then He can have His children from Abraham to drink first to the full and then all
the families of the nations around the world, starting with those in hell’s torment right now. Given that: every man, woman and child is craving day and night for a drink, just a single drink from the living-rock, where our Lord Jesus Christ was
immolated since even before the foundation of the world, and so, by drinking from it, then they will never again thirst for water, forever, into eternity of the new kingdom coming upon the entire earth.
That is why, that when our heavenly Father took Israel from Egypt’s captivity by His holy name’s powers then He did it not only to begin to liberate the families of the nations that they had already lived their lives without knowing His holy name
much less His Son Jesus Christ’s sacrifice of grace, mercy, truth and justice but also His amazing-love. Our heavenly Father took Israel from captivity to begin the liberation not only from the families of the nations already dead in their sins in hellâ
€™s torment, paying for their guilt continually into eternity, by having Abraham’s children shedding the blood of the lamb over their sins throughout the Sinai’s desert, but also to bless you along your loved ones these days.
Because if our heavenly Father had failed to baptize Israel in water by destroying not only the sins committed while in Egypt’s captivity but also cover the sins of the families of the nations that have also lived years their captivity in hell’s
torment, since they died without convening with Him, then He would have failed to help you too, these days. Really, our heavenly Father liberated Israel from Egypt’s captivity by His holy name fire given to Moses over Mount Sinai to go not only to the
water baptism, where they will resurrect instantly from their eternal Egyptian captivity at the seafloor, by abandoning every enemy dead behind them, but also they were underway to liberate the ancient nations from hell’s eternal captivity.
Because, our heavenly Father needed His children born constantly from the Holy Spirit that went into Sarah’s barren-womb to give birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, so they may become His high priests bearing His holy name, eternal life, sacred-
flesh, and His Holy of Holiest to the ancient nations longing to become liberated themselves from hell’s eternal captivity, finally. Considering that, for our heavenly Father not only liberating Israel from captivity by the amazing powers of invoking
His holy name fire given to Moses over Mount Sinai, then He could baptize Israel in water, but also cover the sins of the ancient nations in hell’s torment already there suffering, so you may have your sins covered by His Son’s shed atoning-blood now.
In other words, if our heavenly Father had failed to liberate Israel from captivity to take them to the water baptism that they needed to abandon the sins of every nation, past, present and the future, then He would have failed to cover the sins of your
forefathers that are the ancient families in hell’s torment presently, and your sins today, too. Because, our heavenly Father could have never gone on to create His new Kingdom uniting heaven and earth in one knot by causing His Son Jesus Christ to
descend into His chosen land along with His holy name fire abandoning its holy place of eternal glory in the midst of the angelical hosts, if He had failed to cover every sin first.
Our heavenly Father needed to cover every sin by dumping them in His great water baptism of the seabed, that is why that once Israel had taken upon the sins, curses, infirmities, poverty, problems, wars, conflicts, holocausts and death while in captivity,
then He liberated them with His baptism to liberate finally all the families of the world for His coming kingdom. That is why, that once our Lord Jesus Christ was born within Israel covered by his own atoning-blood, and not the blood of ewe-lambs, but
by the atoning-blood that was bringing into Israel and the families of the nations the eternal life from our heavenly Father that will bless with perfect salvation every man, woman and child from around the world, forever.
Then, our heavenly Father was ready to have His three sacrifices as He had called Abraham to sacrifice three lambs over the rock along with two pigeons, but without cutting the birds as the lambs in their halves facing each other, so He may give birth to
His legitimate children for His kingdom of coming kings and priests upon on earth, forever. For this was our heavenly Father’s altar of the love finally manifesting with the three lambs facing each within Canaan, but also with the two uncut pigeons
lying on the rock, because these birds represented the two witnesses of the event developing, but also He was the third One flying in the midst of the sacrifices, expiating His children’s every sin, forever.
For these are the children that our heavenly Father had always dreamed to possess a whole kingdom of them, composed of kings, high priests, ministers, judges, temples to His holy name fire, reborn from His image, living-soul and unfailing love, so He may
have His holy name worshipped until He will conquer new glories unseen before by His entire angelical creation. These are amazing glories that the holy angels always failed to conquer, because of Lucifer rebellion along with the one-third of the fallen
angels since they defied our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, by taking on His holy name fire without having any authority, to start conquering glories that only His Holy Spirit reborn children could conquer them, everlastingly.
In other words, Lucifer and his fallen angels put their hands on our heavenly Father’s holy name fire without the proper authority to do it, failing instantly from the beginning to do what they had started without knowing really where to go next,
because this is a task that only His Son and the Holy Spirit with His children could do, successfully. Given that, through our heavenly Father’s leadership, working with His Son and His Spirit not only taking Israel from captivity that His holy name
fire manifested with amazing daily working powers in the water baptism and through the Sinai’s desert with great miracles, but also, the whole of Israel had become God’s high priests, working successfully, within the Holy of Holiest.
For the reason that our heavenly Father was able to take Israel into the Sinai’s desert entirely thirsty as the families of the ancient nations lying in their hell’s hole paying for the evil of their sins forever, because they died without knowing
His holy name fire much less they had their sins covered entirely by the lamb’s atoning-blood. And so, our heavenly Father along with His Son and His Spirit was able to lead Israel as God’s high priest ministering within the Holy of Holiest very
important rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness, to cover with the atoning-blood all the sins of the families of the ancient nations that Israel had already dumped into the Red sea in baptism.
For our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ to become born from David’s virgin daughter, spilling his atoning-blood of the eternal pact of life sworn to Isaac that is His perfect will over his entire body and of His children as well from the
past, the present and the future, for His kingdom to come into existence immediately, for His name’s glory. For this is a kingdom as never seen before by the angelical hosts from heaven above that is filled with new amazing glories, wonders, signs in
heaven and upon earth emerging from His holy name fire, as it is worshipped by His Holy Spirit born children from Israel and the families of the nations, thus establishing His eternal life throughout His Creation.
For our heavenly Father is ready to turn the land of Israel into a perfect paradise surpassing not only heaven’s glory as we know it with paradise, the city of gold and of precious stones along with other astonishing places throughout Creation, because
these will be glories that will descend to stay within His new kingdom on earth forever, perpetually enriching it. Besides, all these wonderful glories, wonders and great signs from heaven descending upon earth to stay to form His dream kingdom of His
children reborn from His Son Jesus Christ’s perfect likeness and from the Holy Spirit will begin to manifest when the entire house of Israel is reborn from the water baptism and from the Holy of Holiest Holy Spirit’s baptism.
Provided that, the oath that our heavenly Father swore to Isaac is His last will and testament established upon every man, woman and child born from the Holy Spirit that entered into Sarah’s barren-womb to be born upon earth within the midst of the
nations, with His perfect will established upon them, to be fulfilled instantly for His new incoming divine kingdom. That is why, that Israel is a blessed nation from the beginning of the pact of life that our heavenly Father started with Abraham and his
wife Sarah’s barren-womb, as they both ate along with the adoptive children over the Lord’s Table the bread and wine served by His Son Jesus Christ, as His Righteousness and King of His new incoming kingdom.
For our heavenly Father’s perfect will to be born upon earth through Sarah’s barren-womb, by the amazing daily powers of His Holy Spirit, was for you today, because as His Son was born as Isaac, then not only Abraham received abundantly His unfailing-
love that will eventually create His new Kingdom but also his children and the families of the nations worldwide, as well. For our heavenly Father said to Abraham that in his seed the families of the nations will be blessed through the generations ahead,
because His perfect will that is His oath sworn to Isaac is established, it is written, and it is to be fulfilled by the entire house of Israel as it becomes baptized in water and into His Holy Spirit.
Given that, by been baptized in water, then they will instantly emerge within the Holy of Holiest, where His holy name fire was nailed to the wood that once was the body and flesh of the entire house of Israel within Egypt and through the desert that
died baptized and cleansed by Moses, to resurrect with the Lord on the Third Day. Therefore, as our heavenly Father caused Israel to perish within the Sinai’s desert bitten by the poisonous snakes emerging from under the sand to strike them for
rebelling against His perfect will that is the oath sworn to Isaac, established within them as an eternal pact to bless the families of the nations, then it was to resurrect them on His day.
For this is the day, when our heavenly Father will finally become the Father not only from the children born from the house of Israel but also from those from all the families of the nations that will become reborn from the water, as they will become
baptized by invoking the perfect holiness of His name and of the Holy Spirit’s enriching-powers. For these are His children emerging from these three sacrifices over mount Zion, as He nailed to the wood His Son born from David’s virgin daughter,
bathed in the atoning-blood filled with eternal life, because it is His atoning-blood filled with His eternal life not only shed over Abraham’s children but also the families of the nations, for His new incoming kingdom.
That is why, that when the entire house of Israel becomes born again from the water baptism, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then, instantly, our heavenly Father will begin to work within each one of them with
His hands to cause His perfect will to manifest within Israel and the nations throughout the world. Given that, the manifestation of our heavenly Father’s will, established within Abraham’s children, as an eternal pact, will cause the new glories,
wonders and great signs in heaven and on earth to descend thus to cause Israel not only to become a paradise but also to flow with the milk and honey promised to Abraham initially, for people to eat to the full everywhere.
These are glories, wonders and amazing signs in heaven and upon earth that have never been seen by the angelical hosts that will descend to stay upon the entire human race, beginning within Israel, because our heavenly Father wants the families of the
nations to see Him through His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s every day power. And it is here, where Israel will begin to grow never to be conquered and attacked by Satan and his people of great deception, because now
they will be living their lives filled with the Holy Spirit and His Son’s sacred-flesh, where He placed His perfect will to become well known worldwide because of the glories, wonders and signs descending to stay.
Besides, these wonderful glories, wonders and great signs descending from heaven above to stay upon earth, it will be as the entire kingdom of heaven descending with the angelical hosts to stay to live where our heavenly Father’s perfect will have been
established, and that finally have become manifested through Israel, for the families of the nations to become blessed lastly, forever. For our heavenly Father said to Abraham that in his seed the families of the nations will be blessed, and this not
only your every day blessing for you and your loved ones, including friends from everywhere around the world, but also, blessed to live within His new kingdom established upon earth, receiving even the ancient nations that descended into hell’s torment.
For it is our heavenly Father’s will, since He has already destroyed the sins of the world through His Son born to live His eternal life within Canaan, so he may not only defeat Satan, death and hell’s torment, but also, to die over the wood of
ancient Israel by shedding his atoning-blood over them to resurrect them on the Third Day. Provided that, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel that is countless as the seashore sand worldwide to take their positions of glory, dignity and honor over
His altar, where His holy name fire is nailed to their flesh that had become the wood bearing it in perfect perpetual glory soon to cause powers needed for the ancient nations also to resurrect.
For our heavenly Father’s new kingdom is a kingdom of His children reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and His Spirit thus ushering them into His perfect will, where they will become baptized in it as
Israel finally has been entirely, for His glories to be established upon the entire human race, finally. Because, our heavenly Father in His perfect will that is His personal oath sworn to Isaac, confirmed with Jacob as His first-born upon earth then He
established it over the whole of Israel from the past, present and future for His will finally to be established within humankind entirely, as they are reborn from the water and His Holy of Holiest baptism.
[continued in next message]
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