IVANIVAN555@aol.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Oct 20 18:36:59 2017
Sábado, 21 de Octubre, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Timely, our heavenly Father needed to test Abraham’s love, faith and loyalty towards Him, His holy name and living word for the immense richness granted as the countless children promised as the stars as from heaven above, by swearing His oath over
Isaac, thus establishing His personal endless prayer and perfect will over Israel as an eternal pact of life, into eternity. This is the day that our heavenly Father had been looking for through eternity throughout the Kingdom of heaven, and He finally
found it with Abraham and his wife Sarah, because He needed to establish His endless prayer as His personal perfect will blessing His children and the angelical hosts eternally, with richness from everywhere, thus establishing His home-sweet-home on
earth, finally.
Our heavenly Father needed His children, beginning with Adam and Eve, born from His image, by the Holy Spirit’s powers to live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness, because only in His Spirit and in His Son He has the unfailing love that He has always
enjoyed within His celestial family, where His holy name can be loved, exalted and glorified, perpetually. This is something that our heavenly Father has always failed to see within the angelical hosts, because they are created beings, created by the
powers of His Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ to serve Him and His holy name fire over His altar of the prehistoric love, where He has always lived through eternity, enjoying everything that He has created.
However, as Lucifer along with one-third of the angels decided to be a part of him to conquer our heavenly Father’s name thus to use it for his glory, because he thought that he could become greater than our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit,
immediately he sinned against the holy name fire that he was cast out instantly from heaven. This is when hell’s torment was created, because of what Lucifer and the fallen angels had done against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit as they tried to take control of the holy name fire that was ruling over the entire kingdom of heaven, by receiving glory and honor from those holy angels that love God, always.
Our heavenly Father was very displeased with what Lucifer along with the one-third of the angels had tried to do with His holy name fire that after having all the rebellious angelical hosts removed from the places of prestige and of eternal glory, then
they were chained into hell’s torment, so they will never again come close to His holy name forever. Nevertheless, our heavenly Father now had angels in heaven, but they had become contaminated with the angelical rebellion that Lucifer along with his
fallen angels had caused throughout heaven that they continued really to please the glory, honor and exaltation of His holy name fire that He realized that He needed to resort for other ways to regain glory to His name.
In other words, with the angelical hosts contaminated with Lucifer angelical rebellion against His holy name fire, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then our heavenly felt that His holy name fire was not really getting the love, glory and honor
that He needed to see, so He may continue through eternity conquering new glories yet to conquer. Besides, the angelical hosts are created beings by His holy name fire and power, His only Son and the Holy Spirit, therefore He needed to have new angelical
(and celestial) creatures that would be born from His unfailing love, His image and living-soul that would be perfect and glorious to love, honor and glorify His holy name fire over His altar, always.
For these would be beings that could become as perfect and glorious as He has always being through eternity along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that they will fail to rebel against His holy name fire over His altar of the prehistoric love,
because they are born from His ancient unfailing-love, image, living-soul thus faithful to Him, perpetually. Besides, Lucifer knew that he was never to take on the holy name fire, because he had been created by our heavenly Father to be perfect, wise,
powerful and glorious as an archangel thus to love, serve and glorify His holy name fire over the altar of love, but never to touch it, since it is reserved only for His family and children.
Because, our heavenly Father thought in giving birth to His children since the beginning, but He always put it off for another time, since only His children born from His divine-love, image and living-soul can really have the love to serve, glorify and
exalt His holy name fire over His altar of the prehistoric love in His Creation, of heaven and earth. For our heavenly Father had always known it that the angelical hosts are not really the ones that can love, serve and exalt His holy name fire over His
altar of love, but only His children born from his image to live in His Son’s likeness, where His Holy Spirit’s gifts of great powers will display through eternity with newly conquered amazing-glories.
That is why, that it was important that our heavenly Father will give birth to Adam and Eve in heaven’s glory as He said to His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: let us descend to create man in our image and in our likeness, so he may become as one
of us: knowing good and evil, loving His name, always. That is to say, also that Lucifer’s rebellion against Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the holy name fire over His glorious altar of the prehistoric love showed Him that it was best
for Him and His holy name to have His children worshipping it through eternity, finally to conquer the new glories that the angels failed to reach.
For this reason, the day that Adam was born from our heavenly Father’s image to live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness then he was to live his entire life displaying the amazing gifts and daily powers of the Holy Spirit to conquer new amazing
glories that the angels will always fail to attain, because they are not born from God’s image. However, with Adam, and Eve later was born as our heavenly Father saw that it was not good that his son (Adam) will live alone, then He put him on the
operating table to cut him open on the fifth rib, and from that tissue create his wife Eve along with the children as numerous as the stars from heaven above.
On the day that our heavenly Father gave birth to Adam from His image and living-soul to live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness, then He did it to have His son Adam along with the children born in his abundant unfailing love to love, serve and worship
His holy name fire without ever rebelling against Him as the angels did initially. Provided that, the angelical hosts that had been created by the amazing powers of His holy name fire along with His only Son and the Holy Spirit were really created by
mere divine powers and not really in His personal prayer and perfect will, however, with Adam and the children were born from His divine love, image and living-soul to love Him faithfully.
That is to say, that every man, woman and child that has been born on earth from their mother’s womb then they were born to love, serve and worship His holy name fire, because they are the ones that will eventually replace the angelical hosts in loving,
serving and worshipping His holy name fire over His altar of love into all eternity. The angelical hosts will continue to love, serve and worship His holy name fire as they have always done it through eternity over His altar of the prehistoric love, but
His children will be the firsts always not only loving, serving and worshipping His holy name, but also they will be the faithful guardian of it, forever into eternity.
Because after the angelical rebellion that caused our heavenly Father to create hell’s torment, where He will punish the wicked against Him, His holy name fire along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then He saw that only His divine family
can have the perfect unfailing love to love His holy name fire over His altar of love, forever. Indeed, our heavenly Father saw in his son Adam the first one to begin to love, serve and worship His holy name fire along with Eve and the children that
later will be born from His image and living-soul to be reborn and filled with His unfailing love, eternal life and amazing daily richness over His altar thus serving Him always faithfully.
However, when Lucifer saw that our heavenly Father had given birth to a human being that was capable to learn to love Him and His holy name fire with the divine love that His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit has always enjoyed with Him through
eternity, then he knew that he had to kill Adam with lies and indifference. Lucifer had to kill Adam because he had not only been born from our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul capable to love as God Almighty has always loved His Son Jesus
Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, but also capable to love, serve and worship His holy name fire over the altar of love with perfect glory, into perpetuity.
This is when Lucifer realized that he had been replaced along with his fallen angels not with another created beings as he was by the amazing powers of the holy name fire, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but now new living creatures will
inhabit heaven and the entire creation capable of amazing unfailing love that angels failed to know. That is why, that Lucifer had to attack not only Adam and Eve but also the children, and this was going to be possible only if he can get them to eat
from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that our heavenly Father warned them never to eat from it, or else die without His love.
Lucifer caused the serpent to approach Eve, because it was impossible for him to approach Adam, but through deceiving Eve his wife then he could touch him with his lies to kill and destroy his entire lineage that was to be born in the generations ahead,
to fill heaven and earth with our Father’s eternal life, where sin is shunned always, perpetually. Satan had to destroy Adam and his children, because by destroying the entire human lineage in heaven and on earth then he had attacked our heavenly
Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, by killing His divine love, image and living-soul that He had started with Adam and Eve in paradise to flow through the earth, with eternal life, eventually.
For that is what the forbidden fruit had done within Eve’s living soul along with Adam and the children’s living-souls by killing our heavenly Father’s unfailing love that has always existed with His Son and the Holy Spirit throughout eternity, so
His newly born children will fail to love, serve and glorify His holy name fire over His altar of love, forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father entered into judgment against Adam and his children, beginning with Eve, because she was deceived by
her best friend the serpent, by eating from the forbidden fruit that He had personally told both of them never to eat from it, because the day that they may eat it then they will die from His divine-love.
Therefore, that is why people always cease to live after they have lived their days on earth, because of the disobedience from Adam and Eve as both deceived ate from the forbidden fruit, where our heavenly Father’s divine love towards His children
simply fades away or separates, so they may descend into hell’s torment, where there is no love for anyone, forever. In other words, hell’s torment is a place where our heavenly Father’s love, mercy, truth and divine justice fail to exist for any
man, woman and child because Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit that causes His divine-love to cease in the children, because there is just not enough love in them to continue to live anymore throughout His Creation.
Consequently, it was our heavenly Father’s grace, mercy, truth and divine justice that He passed judgment against Adam and his children, because by removing Adam and Eve from paradise, by saying, from the dust I took you then to the dust you must
return, then He sent them to where they could become baptized in water to return to His unfailing-love immediately. Inasmuch as, when you are baptized anywhere on earth as where there is water to submerge into it, invoking the perfect holiness of His
holy name fire along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then the spirit of error that is the forbidden fruit will abandon you, giving way for His unfailing love to take over your living-soul again.
This is exactly what happens to every man, woman and child as it becomes baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His holy name fire along with His Son and His Spirit, then the spirit of error abandons you along with the sinful-flesh thus
restoring your living-soul to our heavenly Father’s all-powerful-love that gave birth to you in the beginning. Definitely, as you descend into the waters by invoking the perfect holiness of His holy name fire along with His Son and the His Spirit, then
you will be washed clean from the spirit of error that is full of sins along with the sinful-flesh descending persistently into the grave and hell’s torment, finally to receive His amazing-love from God Almighty, instantly.
For this is the only way possible nowadays where you can return to our heavenly Father’s fatherly love from where you were born from His image and living-soul, so He may receive you with His arms wide opened for you to return into his bosom, where you
will be filled again with His amazing-love and eternal life full of His daily richness. Certainly, water baptism in His name, in His Son Jesus Christ and in His Holy Spirit not only removes completely the spirit of error full of sins along with the
sinful-flesh taking you constantly into hell’s torment forever cursed, but also it restores you instantly into our heavenly Father’s amazing-love and His eternal life daily richness, where you will live without sin, perpetually.
It is here, where our heavenly Father will have you returning with Him into paradise as He was once with Adam and Eve in heaven, enjoying His amazing love in which He gave birth to them along with the children to become reborn through water baptism in
His only Son’s perfect likeness, restoring love, service, honor, power and glory unto you forever. It is through water baptism, where our heavenly Father will relieve you from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh to receive His Holy Spirit and the
sacred-flesh, as it was with Adam and Eve initially, so you may enter finally into His eternal life filled with His amazing-love that He has always felt for you and your loved ones through eternity.
It is over His altar of the prehistoric love, where our heavenly Father will meet you in person to put His arms around you, as hugging you as He has always hugged His Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit, His servants that have served Him through life, His
angelical hosts, and finally you along with your loved ones, and friends, too. Because, as you are baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and His Spirit then His personal prayer that He prayed diligently for Isaac lying
over the wood for the burnt offering sacrifice that Abraham was called to start over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over mount Moriah, then it will turn on over you, blessing you with salvation-love.
This is when everything that our heavenly Father said to Isaac lying over the wood that Abraham was called to start the fire, to burn his body as a sacrifice over the altar of the prehistoric love, then it will work with powerful forces within you, your
loved ones and friends too, because it is a blessing, blessing everything belonging to you. Besides, our heavenly Father will work with His Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh that is His Son’s likeness within you, because you have become baptized in
water, as you invoked the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit that He will see you living in His eternal life filled with daily miracles enjoying them with your loved ones continually.
Moreover, you will receive these blessings that our heavenly Father has stored up for you with His personal prayer, prayed over Isaac, as he was lying over the wood ready to be burned by Abraham as a sacrifice to His holy name fire over mount Zion,
because you will be living eternal life enjoying the daily joys of heaven with His angels. What’s more, our heavenly Father will bless you as you have never being blessed before in your entire life since you came out from your mother’s womb, because
you have become baptized in water by invoking His holy name fire along with His Son and His Spirit, where His oath to Isaac will become part of your daily life, starting now.
This is when, you will be living in His Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh that is His Son’s likeness of his sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that has lived His eternal life within Israel to perfection, by destroying every work from
Satan and the angel of death, thus granting you victories over sin, to enter heaven’s glory forever blessed right now. For our heavenly Father’s oath over Isaac as he was lying on the wood that was set out to burn His entire altar with the fragrance
of His hot oven of His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice, then this was to perpetuate His amazing personal prayer not only over Isaac but with you, too.
For our heavenly Father’s oath to Isaac is an eternal prayer over you and your loved ones: forgiving your sins, healing your mind, heart, soul, wellbeing, body and human spirit, so Satan’s wilds will fail to touch you, since you are now covered with
His Holy Spirit and His Son’s sacred-flesh, where His Holy Spirit’s eternal life is possible in you, always. This a powerful personal prayer that our heavenly Father wanted to do it only with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that is why that
He had to sit with Abraham and his 318 adoptive children to eat the bread and wine served always to His holy angels in heaven, so they may stay perpetually holy loving His all-powerful-name fire.
This is the prayer that our heavenly Father failed to do with the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory, because He knew that Lucifer was going to become rebellious against Him by taking on His holy name fire that was something that was never for him much
less for the rebellious angels following him, but it was reserved only for His children, forever. Because the ones that will really love, serve and worship His holy name fire over His altar of love, where He is always seating over the Mercy Seat to
receive His angels and every man, woman and child thus to bless them mightily, then they had to be born from His unfailing love as Adam and Eve did along with the children.
That is to say, that only those born from our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit then they can become His children filled with His unfailing love that will always love Him, but also His holy name fire that His Son Jesus Christ has always conveyed within
him as His perfect temple to His name through eternity, over His altar of love. Therefore, these are the worshippers of our heavenly Father’s holy name fire that He has always conveyed within His Son Jesus Christ’s heart and atoning-blood flowing
with His eternal life that gives glory, honor, power and life to His name, but also to His children within Israel and the families of the nations, loving Him in His perfect will through eternity, always.
Surely, when the angelical hosts rebelled with Lucifer against our heavenly Father’s holy name fire, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then they did Him a wonderful favor, because now He knew who really loved Him thus to love, serve and glorify His holy
name fire over His altar of love, for He got to keep the ones that really love Him. Certainly, it was important for our heavenly Father to eat the bread and wine with Abraham and Sarah over the Lord’s Table, because by eating from His only Son known in
those days as the king of Salem and His Righteousness, then He could have His Son born as Isaac to establish His amazing-prayer over His altar for you to receive today.
For this is the prayer that He was to pray over His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit, as Isaac to live His unfailing love within Abraham’s household thus to prepare him and Abraham along with the children to be born
yet to ascend to His Holy of Holiest for the Holy Spirit baptism, into eternal life. This is the oath sworn to Isaac, where our heavenly Father shed His tears filled with His amazing unfailing love that will bless not only Abraham His faithful servant
but also his children within Israel and the families of the nations, because this prayer over Isaac is the beginning of His new Kingdom on earth filled with His eternal life and amazing-richness.
This is the oath that our heavenly Father could never do with the angels in heaven, because they have been contaminated with Lucifer and his fallen angels’ rebellion against His holy name fire, but with His children born from His unfailing love as from
His image and living-soul, then He had given birth to the true worshippers to His holy name, forever. Today, our heavenly Father is seating over His Chair of Mercy waiting for His children to become reborn from the water baptism, as they submerge into it,
invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, so He may remove with His hands the spirit of error that has been stopping His unfailing love to live in them.
This is the moment that our heavenly Father has always waited patiently to meet you (and your loved ones, too, including friends) where He will remove every darkness from you, as He removed the powerful darkness from the Valley of the dried bones that
were keeping His children captivated, so they may fail to ascend to the mountaintop on the Third Day. However, our heavenly Father still uses His Holy Spirit’s daily powers and His Son Jesus Christ’s amazing grace and love shed over the wood, as his
hands and feet were pierced with nails to ancient Israel thus to wash them clean from sin and from every wild from Satan, so they may finally ascend mount Zion to meet the LORD at last.
Moreover, our heavenly Father needed His children ascending over mount Zion, because His holy name fire that had descended from heaven above, as from where the angelical hosts were loving, worshipping and exalting it, since His Son Jesus Christ had been
born from David’s virgin daughter then it entered into Israel, for the children Holy Spirit born to worship it finally, forever. For this is the worship of our heavenly Father’s children that have been Holy Spirit born by water and within the Holy of
Holiest over mount Zion, as they all have ascended, as Israel did from the Valley of the dried bones to love, serve and worship His holy name fire in His unfailing love, for salvation to be possible worldwide, finally.
This is the prayer that our heavenly Father had prayed over Isaac lying over the wood of the altar of the prehistoric love that had descended from heaven above with Isaac initially and the Holy Spirit, so Abraham may start finally the sacrifice and the
shedding of our heavenly Father’s eternal life and unfailing love to restore His holy name’s glories, everlastingly. This is the prayer that our heavenly Father had to do as offering Himself as God Almighty, Creator of heaven along with the holy
angels and the earth along with everything in it, including humankind, thus to establish His holy name fire over His children born from His unfailing love, image and living soul to restore and perpetuate His name’s glory into eternity.
That is why, that when you are born from the water baptism invoking His name’s perfect holiness, His Son and the Holy Spirit then, immediately, you are undressed from the spirit of error of the forbidden fruit finally to return to the Holy Spirit and
the sacred-flesh, where you will love, serve and worship His holy name in His perfect unfailing love. For this is our heavenly Father’s perfect will finally accomplished over His altar of the prehistoric love, where He made His personal prayer over
Isaac thus not only to bless Abraham and his children to be born in the generations ahead, but also for everyone else from the families of the nations thus to bless them finally with His amazing daily richness.
This is when our heavenly Father will restore everything that Adam and Eve lost, because they ate from the forbidden fruit to sin against Him, as they walked away from His unfailing love that loves, serves and worships His holy name fire over His altar
of love, but also make you His legitimate child with the privilege to enjoy His daily blessings now. It is here, where our heavenly Father will not only finally find you in His perfect will that is to love you with His unfailing-love, where you were born
from His image and living-soul in heaven, but also it is where you will walk in His eternal life never to sin again but only know His amazing daily richness, enriching you progressively.
Unquestionably, water baptism is a part of you before our heavenly Father and His Son, so He may receive you into His Holy Place instantly, where His holy name is nailed to the wood of the house of Israel, for you finally to bless it in Spirit and in
Truth, for abundant daily blessing to reach you and your loved ones, always. Because, if you are baptized in water then it is the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh in your soul that are doing the blessing to His holy name fire over His altar of love even
while you sleep, because it is only from His Spirit and His Son every worship, glory and honor are accepted from you on earth and into eternity.
That is why, that our heavenly Father established His eternal prayer that He personally prayed by lifting His hands over His holy name fire that was over Isaac lying over the wood that was ready to burn to start the continuous sacrifice of His Son until
our days thus blessing us with His holy words sworn to reach you with His amazing-richness. It is in these words that our heavenly Father said over Isaac lying over the wood that are written to be recorded for you these days and forever into eternity,
where He promises to bless you along with your loved ones with powerful richness from His eternal life that will be the milk and honey flowing towards you each day, into eternity.
This is the prayer that our heavenly Father had to swear over Isaac lying over the wood to bless Israel but also to bless you these days along with your loved ones, including your friends, where He will make your prayers, worship and service to His holy
name over His altar of the prehistoric love very important and filled with amazing powers. That is to say, that every prayer, worship, glory, honor, love and service to His holy name within the Holy of Holiest over mount Zion, in Jerusalem, then He will
receive them along with His oath sworn to Isaac thus to make your prayer, worship, petition, and request very powerful in His holy presence that He will answer them immediately, enriching you perpetually.
This is our heavenly Father’s prayer over Isaac that He has made it His personal oath sworn to you these days on earth and into eternity, where His prayer will open ways, doors and windows were there are none, so you may finally reach your goals with
your prayers, love and service to His holy name fire answered properly always for you. This is where you will finally have found our heavenly Father’s perfect will towards you and your loved ones, including your friends, because you will be engulfed in
His eternal prayer that He has personally made it His oath sworn to you, promising always to bless you until you cannot receive more of His daily blessings from heaven above and the earth below.
Timely, our heavenly Father called Abraham to bring his only son Isaac over mount Zion, resting over Moriah, so He may cry His holy heart out for him and His children born by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers, because these are the ones that He needed to
love, serve and exalt His holy name fire over Jerusalem: blessing you through eternity, always. Indeed, as you are baptized in water, then you are reborn from His holy name fire, His Son and His Spirit entering instantly into His personal prayer that is
abundant with His eternal life and endless richness that they will continue descending upon you and your loved ones, including your friends, because He has to enrich you progressively along with the earth.
Provided that, as our heavenly Father enriches you with His oath sworn to Isaac that is His perfect will for you and your loved ones nowadays everywhere, then He is not only enriching His holy name fire over His altar of the prehistoric love, over
Jerusalem’s blue skies, but also He is spreading His new kingdom over the families of the nations. For our heavenly Father’s personal prayer prayed over Isaac lying over the wood is not only to bless you until you are blessed powerfully, but also,
bless your family, your town, your city and your entire country until finally He fills the earth with His Holy Spirit baptism, for His kingdom from heaven above to be visible within Israel for the nations.
Our heavenly Father wants to bless the nations of the earth with the same prayer that He personally prayed over Isaac lying over the wood that He confirmed it with Jacob as His firstborn, but also established His prayer over the whole of Israel to enter
into it through His baptisms, thus to enrich the families worldwide with His salvation-prayer and love, perpetually. For this is the time that our heavenly Father has always waited for, so He may finally not only baptize the earth as once He did in Noahâ€
™s days, saving him with his three sons and wives along with every animal from the animal kingdoms establish on earth, but now, He can Holy Spirit baptize the earth for His new coming Kingdom.
Our heavenly Father called Abraham to mount Zion, resting over Moriah, because He needed not only to baptize him in the Holy Spirit’s created powers but also continually baptize his children born through the generations, because by baptizing them then
He could finally baptize the families with His Holy Spirit to expel Satan with his wicked ones from the whole earth, lastly. Nowadays, if you are baptized by invoking the holiness of His name, His Son and His Spirit, then you have entered into His
eternal prayer that He prayed over Isaac thinking of you as always in heaven, so you may find yourself along with your loved ones in His perfect will, His sworn oath, where only His richness exists for you through eternity. Amen!
¡Cultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!
Saludos cordiales a todos
DÃgale al Señor, nuestro Padre Celestial, de todo corazón, en el nombre del Señor Jesucristo: Nuestras almas te aman, Señor. Nuestras almas te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras almas te rinden gloria y honra a tu nombre y obra santa y sobrenatural, en
la tierra y en el cielo, también, para siempre, Padre Celestial, en el nombre de tu Hijo amado, nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
[continued in next message]
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