Elio I. Valarezo@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Sep 10 19:11:43 2021
Sábado, 11 de Septiembre, 2021 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The Holy Bible Speaks, it is our FATHER’S official voice, becoming your voice, as you may read His living-words with powers: enriching you and everyone else on earth always:
Through generations, our heavenly Father had always enjoyed His holy angels speaking His living-words in heaven’s glory, but the earth was silent due to sin, and so He had angels always descending with His living-words to Adam’s children thus they
may learn about Him and His loving holy heart, for He had created everything on earth to live with them forever loved into eternity. Certainly, our heavenly Father dealt with those willing to listen to Him, because they were living a life pleasing to His
holy heart, however, there was always the problem of sin that He needed to remove immediately thus He may have a perfect relationship with His children, where He could bless them greatly with His living-words, as much more than others in those days.
Really, our heavenly Father needed to establish a perfect relationship with His children born from His image and from His living-soul that had been established upon earth since the day that Adam and Eve descended to live in it, because they had sinned
against Him in paradise by eating from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to establish His holy heart with humankind thus to have that perfect relationship with Adam and Eve’s
children that He had always enjoyed with them in paradise, and that He needed to enjoy again, but this time it must be with His holy heart installed in their chest, for His relationship with them to be perfect always through eternity.
Graciously, our heavenly Father needed their richness returning to them, because born from His image and from His living-soul, then, they emerged with His richness that always enriches Him, His Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit and His holy-seed that is
Isaac’s sacred-flesh along with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers that are really new things emerging through generations, dressing His new earth lastly. Truly, this is how our heavenly Father knows a perfect relationship with Adam’s children,
because their hearts are as perfect and holy as His before His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit in heaven’s glory, but now, He needed it on earth, for earth is growing greater with richness than the angelical kingdom, thus He needed His perfect
relationship with humankind finally established.
For this to be possible, our heavenly Father had to have had Himself descending upon earth to live with man, that is why, that His Son Jesus Christ needed to be born from a family willing to listen to His voice, so He may establish His glorified-body
that has never known sin thus to exalt His holy name fires finally throughout the earth forever. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to hear His voice been spoken not only by His angelical hosts that are always descending to carry His daily missions
over the families of the nations, but also, He needed to hear from His children born from His image and His living-soul speaking His living-words that are very powerful against Satan and his wilds throughout human life.
Even now, our heavenly Father needs to hear more of His children speaking His living-words than the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory, because He needs to fill heaven’s glory, paradise, The New celestial Jerusalem and the entire earth with His voice
defeating Satan, sin, death, curses, infirmities, poverty and hell, for His coming kingdom of His endless-love to exalt His victories always through eternity. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac
from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, because He needed His sacred-flesh in every man, woman and child from the families of the nations, besides Israel, but also, He needed to have those that had lost their lives to Satan, dressed
with His victorious-body at last.
Really, our heavenly Father had started an important Pact with Abraham physically sitting at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine always served by His Son Jesus Christ in heaven’s glory to the angelical hosts thus to keep them continuously
perfect and holy to love, serving and glorifying His holy name fires at Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, His home-sweet-home through eternity. Surely, our heavenly Father needed to live with Abraham but also with His children granted unto him through
his wife Sarah with a barren-womb, however, through His grace, mercy and truth He granted her His Holy Spirit healing her sterile-womb to become as His holy heart is for His children to be born with His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to destroy sin
in Canaan finally.
For our heavenly Father needed to speak important words within Abraham’s household that will be carried always by His Holy Spirit through His children born with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that will eventually fill the earth entirely with
His life eternal defeating Satan’s sin, curses and his lies that had sent the entire human race into hell’s torment already forever lost. Definitively, our heavenly Father needed His children reborn by the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and
ceremonies of perfect holiness eventually pouring upon Isaac but also upon those willing to obey His voice to speak daily at home His living-words destroying Satan’s lies, curses, infirmities, famine, poverty, death and hell’s torment thus for
everyone to see life with richness again upon earth soon eventually.
However, for our heavenly Father to have His living-words been spoken by His children from Israel but also from the families of the nations, then, He needed to remove sin from the earth entirely, because He really needs His voice to move around in each
of His children’s life but without sin, then, He had to have everyone baptized in water finally at home. Understanding that, it is only through Isaac’s sacred-flesh that everyone from Israel and the nations can read His living-words from the bible to
speak it with His voice, because by reading it then you will be speaking with His voice powers moving heaven and earth to perform His perfect will upon His children, thus liberating them from Satan’s wilds always enriching the earth continually finally.
Unfortunately, our heavenly Father had humankind already lying in hell’s torment for failing to know His holy name fires and His glorious Ten Commandments ready to grant them a glorious life always victorious against Satan, sin, curses, infirmities,
poverty, death and hell’s torment baptized in water already only, because He alone lives His life for His children to defeat all enemies throughout life as always. Therefore, Abraham was called initially to become as perfect and holy as our heavenly
Father is in heaven’s glory before His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so he may finally may enter life eternally blessed only knowing love, prosperity and endless-richness with his promised children through the generations thus to love, serve
and honor His holy name fires always with perfect richness.
Certainly, because every man, woman and child in Noah’s days failed to know Him and His holy name fires then they failed to know His glorious life granted unto us already through His holy commandments that they lived a life unpleasant to His holy heart,
and so, He had to call the flow of waters to destroy their sins (but not humankind at all). Opportunely, our heavenly Father told Noah that He was destroying all-flesh from mankind and animal alike, because He needed sin removed from the entire earth
and not men at all, for He had now prepared a glorious-body emerging from Him receiving the Holy Spirit descending continually always thus to speak of His living-words that will enrich the earth entirely until His kingdom may come finally.
For our heavenly Father was tired of listing His children speaking Satan’s words placed in their hearts that they had become too violent before His presence throughout the earth that He needed to end this evil threatening to spread continually through
coming generations, therefore, He needed all sinful-flesh destroyed with a great flow of waters from heaven above and from the earth below. Surely, with this great water flow from heaven above and from the earth below, then our heavenly Father could stop
sin, violence and evil from spreading not only through the families of the nations but also into coming generations with the sinful-flesh received from Adam and Eve, but now, with the same waters He will give them finally His sacred-flesh to see life
Unconditionally, our heavenly Father needed the sinful-flesh finished in every man, woman and child from all the nations, because it came from Adam and Eve by eating from the forbidden fruit that speaks always evil about Him, His Son and His Holy Spirit
thus His holy name fires is attacked always, however, with the sacred-flesh evils will stop instantly with a simple water baptism. Truthfully, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb
by the Holy Spirit, granting the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood filled with His eternal life that defeats Satan, sin, curses, infirmities, conflicts, famine, death and hell’s torment, so His children may see life again
throughout the earth lastly without sin forever.
For our heavenly Father now: He can truly hear His living-words been spoken by His children throughout the earth thus to remove Satan’s words of lies, curses, conflicts, infirmities, famine, death and eternal perdition in hell’s torment, so His
children from Israel and the families of the nations may only know love, peace, richness and endless-happiness through their days until His kingdom may come ultimately. Understanding that, it is the power of our heavenly Father’s living-words that
blesses always His angelical hosts, as they may live their angelical lives throughout heaven’s glory that enriches His holy name fires at Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, but also throughout the families of the earth only with those baptized in
water already by invoking Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Considering that, our heavenly Father before the great flow in Noah’s days violence with every man, woman and child through the families of the nations were increasing very rapidly that He had to end it immediately, because, it was threatening coming
generations, thus making it impossible for His kingdom of love to be manifested finally, for everyone’s mouth was foul continuously always before Him. For this evil was truly destroying the families throughout the earth, because everyone’s mouth had
always a foul word to speak causing great violence always threatening to increase without ever ceasing in coming generations thus causing poverty that was opposite of His coming kingdom of love, where His children will always know love, peace and endless-
richness, enriching His holy name always through eternity.
Truly, as families of the earth will grow then the foul words emerging from the children threaten to grow through coming generations, because if in Noah’s days were few millions of them saying curses every day, then, what it will be with the children
as they are counted into the billions—the earth will fill with curses calling for Satan’s kingdom of darkness eventually. Indeed, as you have people around always saying a curse after every word then that brings violence that causes poverty to
manifest just about everywhere, and this happens with everyone because we have received Adam and Eve’s sinful-flesh that ate from the forbidden fruit, however, baptized in water then Isaac’s sacred-flesh fails to say a curse word again in life since
it has eaten manna.
Really, baptized in water then you will be living in our heavenly Father’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood filled with His eternal life that has expelled Satan, fallen angels, sin, curses, infirmities, famine, witchcraft, poverty, death and hell’s
torment from your daily life throughout the earth, so you may always hear words of blessings that have the powers to heal until you are enriched endlessly forever. Frankly, our heavenly Father needs His children receiving His sacred-flesh and the atoning-
blood filled with His eternal life, where He always hears His living-words as His voice that not only created heaven and earth with all things but also the new earth for humankind lastly, because families will be baptized in water finally by invoking Him,
His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Surely, nations baptized in water by invoking His name’s perfect holiness then families will live in His holy presence only to hear from them how much He is loved through life, because the sacred-flesh emerging from Him as Isaac speaks about His
unfailing-love giving life to His children to speak living-words filling the earth with life, love, richness and endless-happiness in everyone’s heart always. For this is what is going to bring our heavenly Father’s kingdom of His eternal love for
His children only to know His unfailing-love that enriches them throughout the earth, because humankind, although most of them rest in hell’s torment, then they will see life again to love, serve and honor His holy name fires through eternity at
Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan.
Really, our heavenly Father is having everyone seeing life again, because He had ancient Israel with Moses entering the Sinai’s desert baptized in the Red Sea to be Canaan’s citizens living with humankind lost forever already, miraculously eating and
drinking from heaven’s glory thus to receive the glorified-body allowing them in paradise again to love, honor and exalt His name forever finally. Well, this is exactly what our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ executing within Canaan, as
His home-sweet-home, in the Synagogue in Jerusalem, spilling his atoning-blood victorious over Satan, sin and death granting eternal life to ancient Israel and humankind entirely to love, honor and exalt His name finally forever with perfect holiness for
richness to be possible throughout the earth in our days.
Divinely, our heavenly Father’s sacred-flesh is without sin forever speaking always living-words filled with love that enriches His holy name fires at Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, thus enriching us with our loved ones, neighbors and friends, so
the living-words that will emerge from us will always be words that cause richness to become part of our daily lives until kingdom may come eventually. Therefore, our heavenly Father will have you along with loved ones, neighbors and friends eating from
His bread and wine as Abraham did with Him at the Lord’s Table, so you may read His bible with your voice, your voice becoming His voice emerging from you filling the earth with richness always descending from heaven’s glory, thus enriching your life
with your loved ones continuously.
Self-confidently, if in your family you may read our heavenly Father’s words as what He said to Moses, the prophets and the psalms besides reading also the Messiah and the apostles, then, you will be speaking living-words to everyone around your home,
neighborhood, workplace, schools and other places thus enriching you as never before, because His word is power emerging from you always progressively. As oppose as when people will speak a curse after every word bringing wicked spirits immediately into
their environment that causes others to experience problems, conflicts, sickness, poverty and death in hell’s torment, because evil brings Satan towards people, however, by you reading the bible with voice then love, prosperity and richness everyone
will enjoy always, thus pleasing our heavenly Father’s holy heart greatly.
Indeed, with everyone baptized in water speaking living-words of the bible with a voice, then, our heavenly Father will be speaking love, blessing, peace, prosperity, security and endless-richness to you with loved ones, neighbors and friends; however,
also His kingdom of love is finally manifesting throughout humankind, because now we have more people speaking His voice than wicked-hearted people speaking for Satan and unclean-spirits. For this is what our heavenly Father has been searching through
generations to have His children living in His sacred-flesh that will speak His living-words already spoken first to Abraham, Moses and prophets that must be heard throughout the earth for humankind to love, praise and worship His holy name fires as it
is loved, served and worshipped throughout the angelical kingdom until now.
Moreover, our heavenly Father created heaven and earth to have His holy name loved, served and worshipped by His children born from Him instead of having new angels that He could have created, if necessary, however, after experiencing Lucifer with
rebellious angels against His holy name, then, He only trusts His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through His loved ones baptized in water. Therefore, baptized in water by invoking His name’s perfect holiness, as you may submerge into your home’
s bathtub to emerge from it in Canaan, because as you may emerge from your water baptism then you will be emerging from the Jordan River as His Son Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptize to walk thereafter with a virgin life victorious against
Satan always.
Definitively, this is our heavenly Father’s virgin life that Adam and Eve needed to enjoy along with the children through the generations always expelling Satan, devils, witchcraft families secretly performing witchery to have their way with you until
you descend into hell’s torment forever lost, because they work for Satan’s darkness, curses and poverty prevailing through the families of the nations with great destruction always. Really, our heavenly Father’s virgin life lived by His Son Jesus
Christ born from David’s virgin daughter in Canaan: then, he lived it virgin for you to destroy Satan, lies, curses, infirmities, conflicts, problems, difficulties, poverty, famine, death and hell’s torment, for Adam and Eve needed this virgin life
to destroy the Serpent from Eden along with Satan and fallen angels forever in paradise.
Nowadays, you may have this virgin life baptized in water, as you may submerge into your bathtub by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit killing you each day, emerging with the sacred-
flesh and the Holy Spirit only to live forever loved, blessed and enriched until His kingdom may come towards you. Here, you may also baptize your loved ones, including neighbors and friends, because our heavenly Father needs everyone baptized in water
by invoking His name’s perfect holiness that will enrich them through life, because we will be living a virgin life needed in paradise by Adam and Eve to stop Satan’s sin, however, now we may have it to expel him with his wilds forever.
This is when, you will see that problems, conflicts, sickness, diseases, poverty, accidents and death that were caused frequently around you and other places by wicked spirits will disappear, because this virgin life that you will receive instantly
baptized in water by invoking His name’s perfect holiness, then, every unclean spirit will flee from you expelled never to return to you again through life. Otherwise, you and loved ones, as your children besides your brothers and sisters along with
parents, they will be bothered constantly by unclean spirits that you can expel from you and loved ones as well only baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to see blessings, for this virgin life attracts
richness towards you always.
Presently, you must look forward to see your children baptized in water, because our heavenly Father said through His Son Jesus Christ let them come unto me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, so you may have them living in the sacred-flesh and in the
Holy Spirit always guiding them with truth through life, thus unclean spirits will never deceive them in any event. Definitely, if you would like to see love, blessings, richness and endless-happiness coming into your home, neighborhood, community,
school, college, university, places of work, as your office, industries, hospitals, clinics, government and the entire nation’s national richness, then, you must baptize the children because they will bring heaven’s glory down entirely into the earth,
if you are willing to follow His advice firmly.
Seriously, our heavenly Father had had already the entire house of Israel collecting your sins along with everyone’s else from the past and future generations of the families of the nations for the Red Sea baptism, thus they abandoned them with the
sinful-flesh and the spirit of error born with you to destroy you forever in hell’s torments on your last day on earth. Justly, ancient Israel has already abandoned every sin ever committed against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit by every ancient and modern man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, so you may have Isaac’s sacred-flesh along with the atoning-blood filled with eternal life that has defeated Satan, poverty, death, witchcraft families and
hell forever.
Lovingly, once our heavenly Father had the whole of Israel baptized in water through the Red Sea, then, they walked towards you and loved ones, neighbors and friends already lying in the sandy Sinai’s desert lost in sin, because you needed a new
glorified-body to see life, and Moses with Israel brought it to you thus you may see life these days forever enriched. For Moses was chosen by our heavenly Father to give him and Israel His powerful holy name fires that the angelical hosts along with
Lucifer needed to possess thus to live a powerful life throughout the angelical kingdom, however, He gave it to you and loved ones only to know love, prosperity and endless-richness through an extremely happy life always on earth these days.
For our heavenly Father had Moses liberating the entire house of Israel from the land of Goshen by having everyone from the Hebrew families staying inside their homes with the lamb’s blood staining their doorposts, because through the night the angel
of death was passing through thus to kill those disobedient towards Him, for Israel was escaping Egypt’s captivity finally bound to Canaan’s richness. This means that the entire house of Israel needed to remain hidden in their home’s darkness
through the night because by daylight break, after the Egyptians and their animals’ firstborn had been killed, then they were going to see deliverance, because they were heading towards the Red Sea water baptism to become instantly citizens of Canaan
and the rightful owners of its eternal richness.
Furthermore, ancient Israel was destroying famine with Canaan’s real richness on earth through coming generations, starting in the Sinai’s desert, because it is a dead land, where life is impossible to exist and thrive, however, with the richness
that ancient Israel had attained from Canaan, then they can go through it victoriously against Satan’s famine enriching humankind each day until His kingdom may come. However, our heavenly Father had to have Moses liberating ancient Israel from Egypt’
s captivity by escaping from the darkness of their homes, because the doorframes were stained with lamb’s atoning-blood to wait until the door will open in the morning to escape baptized at the Red Sea bound towards Canaan’s endless-richness, for it
is His home-sweet-home filled with light and richness for humankind forever.
For our heavenly Father had Moses taking ancient Israel through the Sinai’s desert, a barren land, because humankind lied dead next to bitter waters of Marah, thus, he needed to lift the tree lying by to throw it into it that were really lifeless
nations for failing to know His holy name fires in water baptism that could have saved them from hell’s poverty forever. Surely, given that ancient Israel had taken from the bitter waters, sweetened by the tree lying next to it for Moses to pick it up
and threw into it, then, then Israel drank them sweet, thus lost ancient and modern families of the nations became one in Isaac’s sacred-flesh with Israel entirely to eat from heaven’s glory manna, bound towards Canaan’s perfect salvation at last.
Certainly, after ancient Israel had taken from the rock of salvation water, then, they drank together with the ancient and modern nations to eat daily from heaven’s glory manna descending over the Israeli camp as bread and wine that they will eat along
with every man, woman and child from Israel and humankind to destroy Satan’s famine throughout the earth finally forever. Really, our heavenly Father needed Moses along with ancient Israel eating from heaven above the falling manna along with drinks
from the rock, because everyone from Israel and families of ancient and modern nations of the entire world were getting dressed up with a new glorified-body ushering them into heaven’s glory forever enriched only to know love, peace and endless
happiness through eternity.
Kindheartedly, this is our heavenly Father’s glorified-body that is Isaac’s sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that needed to be spilled over the wood as the tree over Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, but also, it needed to
stain the Synagogue’s doorframes, in Jerusalem, so humankind may return into paradise and heaven’s glory loving, honoring and glorifying His holy name fires at last forever. Truly, our heavenly Father needed Moses liberating ancient Israel from
darkness enclosing them in their homes in Goshen with every doorframe stained with lamb’s atoning-blood escaping towards the Red Sea, the sea as His atoning-blood filled with eternal life in His Son Jesus Christ defeating Satan, death and hell’s
torment, so they may see life again forever enriched in the Synagogue in Jerusalem, in Canaan.
Therefore, our heavenly Father had Moses and ancient Israel along with humankind eating manna descending daily from heaven above, so they may dress Isaac’s sacred-flesh baptized at the Red Sea already, thus finally fulfilling His eternal commandments
of Israel and Moses to honor His holy name fires forever in heaven’s glory by accessing the Synagogue in Jerusalem with His Son’s atoning-blood lastly spilled forever. Truthfully, ancient Israel bitten by poisonous snakes descended to posts of hell’
s gate with humankind perfect and holy by eating manna from heaven’s glory each morning through the Sinai’s desert thus defeating Satan’s famine throughout the earth and hell’s torment for eternity, so they may see life by accessing heaven’s
glory with Synagogue’s doorposts in Jerusalem spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood bitten by bronze snakes.
That is to say, that as ancient Israel with humankind was nailed to the Messiah at Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, then everyone was bitten by bronze snakes finally spilling the atoning-blood baptized for them virgin at the Jordan River by John the
Baptize to see life again in paradise and throughout the angelical kingdom by accessing the Synagogue in Jerusalem finally forever justified. Really, our heavenly Father with Moses and ancient Israel entered the Sinai’s desert to dress every man, woman
and child from ancient and modern families of the nations with Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to fulfill His commandments finally forever thus to honor His holy name fires in heaven’s glory by passing through the Synagogue’s doorposts
spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood, removing sin forever finally.
Certainly, Moses and ancient Israel could only prepare humankind with Isaac’s sacred-flesh through the Sinai’s desert descending to the posts of hell’s gate to wait for the Messiah nailed to the cross spilling the atoning-blood defeating Satan,
death, witchcraft, curses and hell’s torment forever to ascend to paradise again, but everyone ascending with the Synagogue’s doorposts stained with eternal life forever victorious against Satan’s evil. Really, Moses with ancient Israel could only
take humankind to the posts of hell’s gate with the water baptism of the Red Sea, however, the Messiah with the Jordan water baptism could take not only ancient Israel and her children through incoming generations but also humankind with the entire
earth through the Synagogue in Jerusalem spilled with his atoning-blood victorious over sin into heaven’s glory.
Surely, given that our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ spilling his atoning-blood over ancient Israel and humankind entering the Synagogue with its doorframes stained with eternal life destroying Satan, fallen angels, curses, infirmities, famine,
poverty, witchcraft families, death and hell’s torment forever, then, He needed to wash clean Israel continually for seventy years to walk the earth entirely with His lasting victories. For our heavenly Father needed the Roman Army destroying His
Synagogue in Jerusalem, because He had finished seventy years of cleansing Israel entirely thus to take it to the world, given that He needed His victorious Synagogue in every nation celebrating with its doorframes stained with His Son Jesus Christ’s
atoning-blood victories against Satan, sin and death thus everyone may bless His name always forever.
Unquestionably, having our heavenly Father defeated Satan, sin, death and hell’s torment with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood spilled over the cross at Jerusalem’s holy hill, but also, spilled at the Synagogue’s doorframes in Jerusalem,
because He had removed sin from heaven’s glory with humankind present, then everyone could return to their individual homeland to live with their children forever loved into eternity lastly. Therefore, once Israel is baptized in water by invoking His
name’s perfect holiness then our heavenly Father will wash them clean continually more and more each day thus shortening the days for the families of the nations to receive their richness lost in Adam’s sin, but also their ancient loved ones will
return blessing His holy name fires with perfect love, richness and everlasting-happiness forever.
For our heavenly Father has declared every Islamic, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Shinto, Christian, Hebrew man, woman and child perfect and holy to be virgin always through each day on earth and in heaven’s glory before Him, thus receiving richness
lost to Satan in Adam’s sin: finally loving, blessing, honoring and exalting His holy name at Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, for more richness forever. Consequently, given that baptized in water by invoking His name’s perfect holiness, then you
will receive our heavenly Father’s sacred-flesh, granting you a glorified-body, where Satan’s evils are destroyed already for you, so you may read His bible with your voice, becoming instantly His voice, speaking powerful words from the oath sworn to
Isaac enriching you and everyone else with great richness always through earth. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
[continued in next message]
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