Elio I. Valarezo@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Mar 12 19:03:22 2021
Sábado, 13 de Marzo, 2021 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The FATHER nailed with ISRAEL to CANAAN: ancient ISRAEL with angels bursts from heaven into earth instantly:
Splendidly, our heavenly created heaven and earth, because He needed to be loved not only by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts but also by His children born from His image and His living-soul, but they had to be born
from His holy-seed that is His sacred-flesh and atoning-blood filled with His everlasting-love throughout eternity. Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to create an earth loving Him with His Holy heart planted in its heart forever, so He may
descend to it with His children born from His flesh without sin and His atoning-blood finally receiving His holy name fires bitten with bronze serpents over Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, thus conquering: love, richness, peace, endless-happiness
and glories unseen before.
Really, our heavenly Father needed His children born from His image and living-soul to become as perfect and holy as He is along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to love, honor and serve His holy name fires to conquer powerful richness
of love, peace, happiness and amazing glories unseen before by His angelical hosts throughout eternity and until now. This is when, our heavenly Father saw you born from Him as His child loving Him along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with
His holy heart not only planted in the earth’s heart but also in your chest along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, because He really needs love from you and your loved ones throughout eternity.
However, for our heavenly Father to have you loving Him forever then He had to have you born from His image and living-soul along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends with His amazing-love felt always powerfully for His Son Jesus Christ and His
Holy Spirit, so you may know His amazing-love loving Him passionately throughout eternity, but upon earth, as His new kingdom finally. Therefore, you were born from our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul to know His amazing love always felt deeply
for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that is His divine family’s amazing love established in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts but now He needed it to be established upon earth, as His new kingdom of eternal love for His children.
Truthfully, our heavenly Father needs each of His children born from His sacred without sin and His atoning-blood filed with His eternal life and endless richness in eternity to become part of His new kingdom of love, where His love for His Son Jesus
Christ, the Holy Spirit and His children will thrive throughout eternity, conquering richness, powers and glories unseen before by anyone. Moreover, this is a glorious kingdom of love for His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and you
along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends that will eventually know His amazing-love that is only known through eternity until now by His divine family, so you may finally live it truly loving you with great amazing daily richness throughout the
Therefore, this is the life that you need to possess forever, because our heavenly Father gave birth to you from His image and His living-soul, so you may live a life that truly loves you along with your loved ones throughout heaven’s glory and upon
earth thus giving Him, His Son and His Spirit love needed to be received from you always—even now. Truly, this is a glorious life that Satan and death will always block from you with darkness from Satanists families, so you will always fail to live it,
because you have already been loved, blessed and enriched with it since before the foundation of the world thus you may bless the earth with richness for His coming kingdom of love at last.
Lovingly, our heavenly Father has always conquered everything created with His amazing unfailing-love that He has always felt for His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends,
because in His amazing love you are one with Him throughout eternity only knowing the life that truly loves always with powerful daily blessing forever. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ slain in
heaven’s glory before the foundation of the earth, so you may become born from His image and living-soul only to know love, peace, prosperity, richness and endless happiness that grants Him and His holy name fires glories untouched by sin throughout
Really, you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, our heavenly Father has found love that He has always enjoyed within His holy heart for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that it has been with you, but failing to know it as you ought
to, thus you may truly love Him as He needs to be loved by you now. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to grant unto you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends His holy-seed emanating from Him by His Spirit, as His beloved Son was born as
Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb in Canaan thus to defeat sin, Satan, fallen angels, death and hell’s torment forever, so you may live nowadays the life that loves Him always forever enriched by you.
However, for our heavenly Father to have Abraham’s wife that is Sarah giving birth to His beloved Son as Isaac by the Holy Spirit, then, he had to eat with Him at the Lord’s Table bread and wine always served in heaven’s glory to the angelical
hosts by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to keep them always perfect and holy. This was an important covenant of life that our heavenly Father had to start with Abraham to have His Son Jesus Christ born with the sacred-flesh, the
unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood filled with eternal life and endless love from His holy heart that needed to conquer the earth’s heart under Canaan but also you and your loved ones throughout the earth.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit living with Abraham but also with Sarah and the adoptive children (bought from foreigners with money), so they may learn to live in the sacred-flesh with the atoning-
blood filled with the amazing life loving always Him and His holy name fires throughout eternity and upon earth forever at last. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed desperately His beloved Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by
the Holy Spirit, finally establishing upon Canaan the holy-seed, as the sacred-flesh without sin and the atoning-blood filled with His unfailing-love and endless daily richness not only loving you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, but
mainly He in heaven’s glory forever loved through eternity.
Considering that, our heavenly Father needed not only to save every man, woman and child from the families of the nations already lying into hell’s torment forever cursed for failing to know His holy name fires to become reborn from the water baptism
thus to have their sins forgiven, so they may become blessed with love, peace, prosperity and endless-richness, enriching the earth entirely finally. Unfortunately, Lucifer along with the fallen angels and death was driving not only humankind into
eternal ruin but also the earth, because our heavenly Father created it along with heaven to become His home-sweet-home, where His Son Jesus Christ will be born with the glorified-body emanating from Him, bringing His children to life again without sin
moreover with the earth entirely saved from sin ultimately.
Now, for our heavenly Father to accomplish this wonderful salvation-work along with His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh without sin and the atoning-blood filled with His eternal life that removes sin along with Lucifer, fallen angels and death from the
entire earth: then, He had to remove sin first to establish His holy heart in the earth’s heart, saving His entire Creation finally from eternal ruin. Definitively, our heavenly Father needed to establish His amazing unfailing-love upon earth, starting
from its heart, by replacing it with His holy heart under Canaan, filled with endless-richness, peace, knowledge of the Lord, wisdom, intelligence, amazing sweetness as milk and honey along with healing and other important powers His children may enjoy
daily until the earth becomes His greater kingdom of love throughout eternity.
Truly, Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then sin entered the sacred-flesh that both had received from Him thus to live in paradise and throughout His Creation in perfect love with Him, His Son Jesus
Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, however, now He needed them to return to life again immediately. Unfortunately, this was impossible in the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error that Adam had received along with the children, starting with
Eve, because she believed Lucifer’s lie through the serpent from Eden, and for Him to have His children returning to Him again then His Son Jesus Christ had to be born with the sacred-flesh by the Holy Spirit’s powers in Canaan.
Understanding that, Lucifer had rebelled against our heavenly Father’s holy name fires, because he needed it to establish his kingdom of darkness for the angelical hosts following him faithfully to accomplish his wicked desires that will finally
contaminate the entire Creation with sin, and so, as Adam was born then he was also contaminated with sin never to honor His holy name forever. Now, Lucifer needed to contaminate Adam along with Eve with sin by believing his lie given to the serpent that
caused not only them to sin but also the children through generations to come, and so our heavenly Father will fail to have His children honoring His holy name fires through life, as the angelical hosts had done it through eternity in heaven’s glory.
For our heavenly Father’s perfect will is that His holy name fires may be loved, served and exalted by His angelical hosts but also now with His children born from His image, beginning with Adam and Eve, conquering new richness, powers and glories
unseen before in eternity, therefore, Lucifer had to contaminate the children with sin, failing to know His holy name fires forever. Therefore, by having our heavenly Father His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spiritâ
€™s powers, then, He did it as He would later descend with Abraham’s children to conquer the earth’s heart, by turning it into His holy heart giving life, love and endless richness to the nations, starting with Israel wherever they may live upon
However, for this to happen for you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends, then you have become reborn from the water baptism: abandoning the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error, where Satan operates, for the sacred-flesh without sin and the Holy
Spirit, where our heavenly Father operates with His perfect will always throughout the earth enriching your every day life until kingdom comes. Now, our heavenly Father had to execute this wonderful work of salvation with His Son Jesus Christ born as
Isaac with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood in Canaan that will dress His children with His glorified-body that is without sin forever but also the ancient and modern families of the nations, for the earth’s heart to love Him unconditionally
through eternity.
For Lucifer had managed that Eve along with Adam and the children to believe his lie through the serpent that had caused darkness to prevail through His Creation, starting in paradise that finally contaminated the earth’s heart as well that every child
born from Adam and Eve will be born in the sinful-flesh that abhors Him and His holy name fires forever into eternity. Truly, our heavenly Father was perceiving in heaven’s glory how much the sinful-flesh of Adam and Eve that the children had inherited
from them had begun to hate Him and His holy name fires throughout the earth that He needed to send His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to replace the sinful-flesh with His sacred-flesh that is without sin forever throughout eternity.
This is when: Our heavenly Father saw you as His legitimate child upon earth born to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fires from Jerusalem’s holy hill throughout eternity, in Canaan, starting these days at home with your loved ones, as you
may become reborn from His water baptism by invoking His holy name fires to see life again forever enriched. Now, our heavenly Father had executed this great salvation-work with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, starting in Canaan with Abraham’
s family, because He needs you to replace the sinful-flesh from Adam and Eve that hates Him and His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, to replace it with His sacred-flesh that loves Him throughout heaven and earth forever.
Really, our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac with the glorified-body and the atoning-blood in Canaan, granting life to His firstborn Jacob as Israel entirely along with the children living through coming generations upon
earth finally to change the earth’s heart with His holy heart that truly loves Him in heaven and on earth forever into eternity. Certainly, this is what we have nowadays in the earth’s heart, and this is our heavenly Father’s holy heart filled with
His unfailing-love along with His eternal life and the greatness of richness, powers of healing, knowledge of the Lord, wisdom, intelligence, everlasting sweetness of milk and honey, sweetening you with His holy heart in your chest only to love Him
through endless ages.
For this is your heart’s endless happiness nowadays, and this is to love our heavenly Father with His holy heart in your chest, for He alone is your heart’s deepest desire in life, finally finding the life truly loving you each day on earth, because
of you the entire earth will become His dream kingdom of endless love, richness and happiness throughout eternity. For this is why that our heavenly Father created heaven and earth as His home-sweet-home with you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends,
because He must be loved by you and His children from Israel and the families of the nations, but you must be baptized in water to receive His sacred-flesh without sin loving Him and His holy name fires from eternity into eternity.
It is here, where you will truly live life blessing you each day throughout the earth, because you will be reborn from the water baptism with a life that besides loving you is a life granting you miracles every step of the way into heaven’s glory to
meet our Father face to face, because He wants to see you soon with Him forever enriched. These days, because you are baptized in water by having invoked His name’s perfect holiness, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, then, He has not
only the earth’s heart loving Him and His holy name fires with His holy heart’s unfailing-love but also you, because baptized in water then you are in His sacred-flesh loving Him forever throughout the earth.
This is why that our heavenly Father created heaven and earth loving Him entirely but also loved by you baptized in water with His holy name, submerged in your home’s bathtub, then you will emerge from the Jordan River with Him and His Spirit planted
as His holy-seed in Canaan, enriched with richness, powers and glories born with you from His image and living-soul. This is where, you ought to be with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts and
families saved through the generations baptized in water by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness that they will come to know you through your days upon earth, enriching His holy name over Jerusalem’s holy hill always.
Legally, baptized in water you will enter Canaan with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit, because dressing His holy-seed emanating from Him as the sacred-flesh without sin through eternity until now then you are perfect and holy only loving Him and
His holy name fires over Mount Zion, in Canaan, throughout the earth until finally you may ascend into heaven’s glory forever enriched. Surely, baptized in water then you will enter Canaan with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit to be known in
heaven’s glory, because when you are ready to leave earth then you are received by saved families, angels and, obviously, God Almighty in person because you are loving Him through eternity with His sacred-flesh received initially baptized in water at
your home’s bathtub.
Certainly, baptized in water then you are not only loving Him and His holy name fires at Mount Zion, in Canaan, but also, you are loving Him, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit in His holy name’s perfect holiness installed in your chest reborn
from the water baptism to enrich the earth entirely, for His final descend into His kingdom of love. Indeed, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, later to have His
firstborn Jacob along with the twelve Israelis patriarchs in Canaan, where sin fails to exist forever: meanwhile the children captivated in Egypt met you to save you from your sins finally at the Red Sea baptism.
Given that, our heavenly Father’s holy-seed collects sins not in Canaan, because there has never been sin in that holy ground through eternity until now, but it collects sin from the world, and our heavenly Father chose Egypt’s captivity for His
children to collect sins from ancient and modern families of the nations to take them to the Red Sea baptism, destroying them forever. Really, our heavenly Father had to have had ancient Israel living in His holy-seed that is the cross as the sacred-
flesh collecting your sins and that of your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world in Egypt’s captivity, destroying them finally in water baptism at the Red Sea and in your home’s bathtub also, as you may become baptized there these
Graciously, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel born in Egypt’s captivity collecting your sins, your loved ones, neighbors and friends in the world for the Red Sea baptism, because He needed to walk through the Sinai’s desert victorious over your
sins and of the nation’s, so He may descend to the earth’s heart to save you with His holy heart loving you always through eternity. Frankly, our heavenly Father has gathered sins from ancient and modern nations with Israel’s sacred-flesh without
sin through the generations until now, so you can be sure that your sins were destroyed at the Red Sea baptism, through the Sinai’s desert, in the earth’s heart and finally at His cross, in Canaan, thus you may receive love, richness and endless-
happiness always through life.
Moreover, what you may need to do these days to be blessed instantly, it only will happen reborn from His water baptism by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness, then, the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error will disappear for the sacred-flesh and
the Holy Spirit, officially declaring you perfect and holy only to know love, richness, healing and endless-happiness always through your days. This is the only thing that our heavenly Father had searched through ages, to see His holy heart loving you,
your loved ones, neighbors and friends directly from the earth’s heart, but also, you with His holy heart in your chest loving His holy name fires at His cross, in Canaan, so He may have a very happy heart in chest in heaven’s glory continuously.
Truthfully, baptized in water by invoking His holy name fires perfect holiness, then you will make our heavenly Father’s holy heart very happy in the earth’s heart under Canaan, enriching you each day with loved ones in your natal county, but also
His holy heart in His chest, thus making heaven’s glory very happy, causing it to rain blessings upon earth finally for you. Presently, our heavenly Father is looking forward that not only the entire earth will have His holy heart under Canaan blessing
ancient and modern Israel along with the families of the nations: but also, He is looking forward to see His holy heart loving Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from the chest of each of His children through eternity.
Initially, our heavenly Father had created heaven and earth to have His holy name fires loved by Him and His children born from His image, so you may become one with Him in His sacred-flesh without sin to become His legitimate child baptized at your homeâ
€™s bathtub, by going under-and-up the water to have His holy heart in your chest loving Him through life. Certainly, if you have His holy heart installed in your chest loving Him and His holy name fires just as He loves you through His Son and the Holy
Spirit and lately through the earth’s heart, because it is under Canaan loving you with Jerusalem’s holy cross high above Canaan, then life loving you throughout the earth and in eternity has found you finally.
Otherwise, you will fail to find the life that our heavenly Father has granted unto you as He said to His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: let us descend to create man in our image and according to our likeness, so he may be as one of us knowing
good and evil throughout heaven’s glory, conquering richness, powers, glories and happiness unseen before. That is why, that our heavenly Father had to say to Abraham that he had to become perfect and holy as He is along with His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit to see life that is the life that He initially granted to Adam and Eve along with the children filled with His love, peace, prosperity, richness and endless happiness throughout Creation.
However, for this glorious life that our heavenly Father has granted to His children through Israel and the families of the nations can only be possible throughout earth, starting in Canaan, with sin along with Satan, fallen angels, death and Satanists
families out of the way, because it is a very holy life that can only exist without sin in you and in Canaan. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to remove Satan, fallen angels, death and Satanists families in Noah’s days with a great
flow destroying all-flesh, for the entire earth may become liberated from Satan and his evils only to return to the love, peace, prosperity and sweetness of endless happiness that He created initially to honor His holy name fires forever into eternity.
However, after our heavenly Father had destroyed all the families of the nations on earth with the great flow that they descended to hell’s gates, because they failed to know Him and His holy name fires that could have saved them, then, He needed them
to return to life again but with a great flow of life endlessly through endless ages to come. Consequently, our heavenly Father had to seat at the Lord’s Table with men, starting with Abraham, because He needed to eat with every man, woman and child
the bread and wine that is always served by His Son Jesus Christ in heaven’s glory thus keeping every angelical host lovable, serviceable, perfect and holy to honor His holy name fires always through eternity.
Only if, by our heavenly Father eating the bread and wine with Abraham and his adoptive children at the Lord’s Table, then, His Son Jesus Christ became Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, for His bread and wine as the sacred-flesh
without sin may be available for Israel and the ancient and modern families of the nations to find salvation finally. For our heavenly Father had not only Abraham along with Sarah and the adoptive children eating the bread and wine from the Lord’s
Table served by His Son Jesus Christ to become the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood of His children throughout the earth in those days but also for those already in hell’s torment for lasting-salvation at last.
In other words, our heavenly Father sat at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine that is His holy-seed as the sacred-flesh without sin and the atoning-blood that His Son Jesus Christ was introducing through Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit,
so Israel may eat His meal through the generations finally to take it to the heart of the earth entirely. Besides that, our heavenly Father needed to have His children from ancient and modern families of Israel and the nations reborn from the earth’s
heart that is His holy heart finally emanating His unfailing love throughout earth, enriching everyone for His coming kingdom of endless love through endless-ages, so His holy name fires at Jerusalem’s holy cross may conquer richness, powers and new
Surely, our heavenly Father collected sins committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in His holy-seed, as the sacred-flesh giving birth to Israel but also the nations, because after the Red Sea baptism and through the desert’s
hostilities, then Israel carried the sacred-flesh filled with bread and wine to every man, woman and child in need to eat life again. For our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel not only taking the Red Sea baptism to the families of the nations at hellâ
€™s gate waiting to be destroyed forever, for failing to know His holy name fires and His water baptism, but also they took the Lord’s Table with the bread and wine for hell’s gate to see life finally at His cross, in Canaan.
Graciously, our heavenly Father: with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the cross that is His holy-seed, as the sacred-flesh giving life to Israel and the families of the nations in hell’s torment, because every one of them became one with Him, as the
cross, planted in Canaan, then, with the Messiah shedding his atoning-blood sin was removed from the earth in one day. Understanding that, our heavenly Father had to had had not only Abraham and his families eating the bread and wine with Him, but also,
He had the promised children eating his meal in Egypt’s captivity with every seven year of abundance finally abandoning sin at the Red Sea baptism, then through the Sinai’s desert they descended as one with humankind enriched with His sacred-flesh
For this is our heavenly Father’s sacred-flesh and atoning-blood that He needed to eat with Abraham but also with Israel entirely to become filled with the amazing meal of His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood defeating Satan, fallen angels, death and
Satanists families at the Red Sea baptism, through the Sinai’s desert and at the earth’s heart to become one with humankind in His holy-seed forever. Therefore, the nations that our heavenly Father had to destroy with the flow in Noah’s days, then,
He with His dream nation Israel filled with the sacred-flesh of the atoning-blood gave birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, later baptized at the Red Sea conquered the Sinai’s desert finally to conquer the earth’s heart for entire human race to
live again forever enriched.
Really, our heavenly Father has called everyone to love Him, starting with Israel, baptized in water by invoking Him as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, to abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh baptized at
the Red Sea already, conquered the Sinai’s desert and hell’s gate for you to see life and richness through life always. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born, as how he is known in heaven’s glory by
the angelical hosts, and this means that through David’s virgin daughter he could bring His holy name fires finally loved, honored and exalted by Israel and the nations forever over Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, enriching the earth entirely
As long as, our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross that is the holy-seed descending from our heavenly Father to have not only Israel born but also the ancient and modern families of the nations reborn with the sacred-flesh that is forever virgin,
then, He was able to remove sin thus to love, enrich and bless His children throughout eternity, starting in Canaan. That is why, that you may be enriched these days with your loved ones, neighbors and friends in your homeland, because baptized in water
then you have abandoned the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh without sin and the Holy Spirit, where our heavenly Father lives with you to enrich you and loved ones daily with His perfect will into everlasting.
Firmly, once our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ nailed to Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, as His sacred-flesh giving birth to Israel entirely but also had rescued the families of the nations from hell’s gate with His bread and wine
moreover baptized in the Red Sea, then the earth’s heart became His holy heart for the earth to be forever His lovely home-sweet-home. For this is how, our heavenly Father had planned to remove sin not only from every man, woman and child from Israel
but also from ancient and modern families of the nations throughout the earth, so He may destroy sin from the earth’s heart for His new earth finally to be established as His new kingdom of love, where sin has never existed before.
That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ said it is finished, meaning everything is done in the earth’s heart and throughout its surface for our heavenly Father to descend to Jerusalem with the entire house of Israel that is with Moses these days and
the entire angelical kingdom, because now He can live with humankind forever loved by them without sin through eternity. Understanding that, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross shedding his atoning-blood, then he defeated Satan, fallen
angels, death, hell’s torment and its witchcraft families present in Canaan, deceiving the Hebrew families, darkening their eyes, heart and minds thus they will fail to know that our heavenly Father’s glory is with them to enrich the earth in the
last days.
For our heavenly Father had Abraham eating the bread and wine with Him at the Lord’s Table, served by His Son Jesus Christ to the angelical hosts and to His children throughout the nations thus they may become perfect and holy as He is forever, but
also for Israel’s glory: turning the earth into His holy heart for His new kingdom of love through eternity. Certainly, Israel baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob then He will
become ONE with every man, woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel nailed with them to Canaan, as the holy ground filled with endless-richness, enriching the earth entirely with His glory instantly at last forever.
[continued in next message]
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