Elio I. Valarezo@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Feb 26 19:06:45 2021
Sábado, 27 de Febrero, 2021 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The CROSS bitten by death hit hell’s gate to lift you bitten again with life to heaven’s glory forever healed, enriched and happy:
Really, our heavenly Father needed to baptize the entire earth, starting with its heart, for He was ready to pour His entire unfailing love from His holy heart upon humankind, so they may see life again thus establishing His holy seed, as His sacred-
flesh with His children, finally to have His cross flying over His new kingdom of love forever with everyone’s everlasting salvation. Indeed, our heavenly Father needed to prepare the entire earth along with the families of the nations from the past
and the future to receive Him along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because He was going to make it His home-sweet-home, where sin has never existed with His children through eternity.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to remove sin not only from Adam and Eve but also from the children, and this is you along with your loved ones, including neighbors and friends from around the world that needed to become reborn from the water
baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism, finally to receive them as His divine family for eternity to come. Truly, our heavenly Father so-loved the entire world that He granted unto us His only Son Jesus Christ that whosoever believe in him will never perish
but instead has their sins forgiven to see life again upon earth forever blessed by His holy-seed, His sacred-flesh without sin, as His cross, bearing His holy name fire forever victorious against sin.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to remove not only sin from your entire life but also Satan, fallen angels, witchcraft families, curses, poverty, conflicts, death and hell’s torment, so He may be able to descend to live with you and your loved
ones, including your neighbors and friends forever loved by His rock of salvation that grants Him oceans of love through eternity. For our heavenly Father’s unfailing-love has poured already upon His divine families that is His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit, then, He did it liberating you from sin and Satan along with his fallen angels, death and hell’s torment always causing you problems thus you will fail to know that you have been already loved, blessed and enriched with eternal life
Certainly, if our heavenly Father can remove not only your sins from you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends, then, He will be able to remove Satan, fallen angels, problems, curses, poverty, witchcraft families, death and hell’s torment from your
everyday life: graciously, His way towards you will be clear for you to receive His many blessings constantly. For our heavenly Father really needs to remove sin from you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world for Him finally to be
able to do away with Satan and his kingdom of darkness, thus He may be able to allow you to enjoy His richness from heaven above along with Canaan’s amazing daily richness born with you upon earth.
Richness and powers born with you, as you emerged from our heavenly Father’s image and His living-soul, were removed from you and your loved ones to keep them safe and secure away from Satan and his kingdom of darkness in Canaan, His holy ground, so
you may have them entirely as you are reborn from His water baptism and His Holy Spirit baptism. Now, our heavenly Father will have you baptized in water because this is the only way possible that you will separate from the sinful-flesh and the spirit of
error to receive His holy-seed, as His flesh without sin and the Holy Spirit, so He may have you receiving all your daily richness that rightly belongs to you in heaven and upon earth, starting now.
Really, this richness that belongs to you and your loved ones entirely is instore in Canaan along with other very important blessings that our heavenly Father will trust you with His sacred-flesh and His Holy Spirit only, so you may have them each day in
life until His glorious kingdom may come upon earth thus enriching it entirely for His final descend towards you. Truthfully, you were born from our heavenly Father to fill heaven and earth with richness that He created them with you in His mind and Holy
heart loving you with His unfailing-love that has always loved His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may finally enrich the earth for His final descend into Canaan to become one with Israel and humankind.
This is richness that you were born with it as you emerged from our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul thus to enrich not only your life and that of your loved ones, including neighbors and friends but also the entire earth, so He may descend with
His entire kingdom of heaven to an earth daily enriched by you powerfully with endless-richness through eternity. Moreover, all this is only possible with you and your loved ones by having your sins removed, for Satan along with his unclean spirits will
fail to live next to you, because he is along with wicked spirits blocking richness that will descend from heaven above and from Canaan towards you thus for you to enrich entirely the earth finally for His coming kingdom.
Understanding that, Satan along with his fallen angels is extremely wicked towards our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit by been next to you with his unclean spirits as his skin of darkness and evil, blocking the blessings of eternal
richness mentioned before, so you will fail to know richness much less bless the earth for His soon coming kingdom. For Satan know along with his fallen angels that you have been already blessed since the foundation of the world, because His Son Jesus
Christ was immolated over His altar, so He may create heaven and earth along with everything in them thus to be created with His perfect holiness and everlasting sweetness for you to enjoy with loved ones and friends always.
Therefore, Satan is working against our heavenly Father by blocking your eyes with dark-blindness so you will fail to see that you have been already blessed by Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit since before the creation of heaven and earth
thus you may enrich it by been born again from the water baptism, as you may invoke His holy name. Consequently, our heavenly Father had to have had Abraham sitting with Him at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine that only His Son Jesus Christ
serves to the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory: keeping them lovable, perfect and holy for His holy name fires, well he is blessing you the same to bless earth powerfully forever, counting on you as always.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to create new things on earth, and He needed to create them by having you baptized in water, invoking His name’s perfect holiness, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob thus you may abandon the sinful-
flesh for His flesh that is without sin, filling you each day with new things untouched by sin forever. Now, our heavenly Father needed not only you baptized along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends but also the heart of the earth that is hell’
s torments for the ancient and modern families of the nations descending there eventually forever cursed, because they failed to know His holy name fires and His baptism of water to get rid of their sins forever.
Besides that, our heavenly Father needed to baptize the earth’s heart with the Red Sea’s baptism but also His altar of Jerusalem’s holy hill with His holy name fires, where His holy-seed may be displayed with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to Israel
with the ancient and modern nations declared perfect, holy and eternally justified with lasting-salvation conquered in Canaan lastly. Therefore, given that our heavenly Father had to destroy all-flesh in Noah’s days to remove Satan, fallen angels and
death from the earth, so He may finally liberate the families of the nations from the sinful-flesh causing violence before His holy presence, then, He did it to have His holy name fires baptized with the Jordan’s water baptism that His Son Jesus Christ
received timely.
Graciously, our heavenly Father needed His holy name fires baptized on earth, and this had to happen with His Son Jesus Christ baptized at the Jordan by John, in Canaan, because His name had been affected by Lucifer’s sin and rebellion manifested with
one-third of the angelical kingdom thus He may remove sin from His children and the earth entirely for His incoming kingdom. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to glorify His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, with ancient Israel
and the ancient and modern families of the nations, so He may create new things for His new kingdom of love that it was to start from His holy heart planted under Canaan, where sin fails to exist in you through eternity.
Therefore, given that our heavenly Father had eaten the bread and wine served by His Son Jesus Christ as king of Salem and known also as Melchizedek, God’s Righteousness upon earth with humankind and with the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory, then,
His Son Jesus Christ could be born in Canaan, granting us this powerful water baptism, saving the earth entirely from sin at last. For our heavenly Father’s holy name fires to be baptized upon earth finally granting perfect salvation to every man,
woman and child from Israel and the nations, then, the earth’s heart had to be baptized with ancient and modern nations failing to invoke His holy name in water baptism, finally receiving the King Messiah baptized already at the Jordan by John, in
This was the only way that our heavenly Father had available finally to baptize His holy name fires with His Son Jesus Christ that is Isaac again born from David’s virgin daughter with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood defeating Satan, fallen
angels, poverty, curses, witchcraft families, death and hell, finally honoring His holy name fires by destroying sin forever in one day, in Canaan. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac born from Sarahâ€
™s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, granting nations the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood needed at the cross, starting with Israel, finally honoring His holy name with ancient Israel baptized at the Red Sea and with the Messiah baptized at the Jordan
thus redeeming you from sin forever.
Certainly, considering that our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, then Jacob came along with the twelve Israelis patriarchs in Canaan but without knowing His holy name fires, because the
children needed to live in Egypt’s captivity for four-hundred years collecting the world’s sins to destroy them at the Red Sea water baptism lastly. For our heavenly Father needed sins committed by every man, woman and child from Israel and the
families of the nations against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit destroyed in Isaac’s sacred-flesh baptized at the Red Sea but also destroyed with atoning-blood shed at Jerusalem’s holy hill with the Messiah baptized at the Jordan,
saving the entire earth from sin ultimately.
Really, our heavenly Father needed not only to remove any sin committed against His holy name fires by Lucifer, the fallen angels, death, hell and His children from Israel and ancient and modern nations, but also, He needed the entire earth baptized in
water, for His new kingdom of love may come thus living forever loved by His children but without sin through eternity. Understanding that, our heavenly Father could have failed to start His new earth with His children from Israel and the nations forever
loved by them with the rock of salvation’s oceans of love, happiness and joys along with important blessings, richness and sweetness until His holy name was baptized in Canaan thus finally blessing them, as His offspring baptized in water throughout
the earth.
Categorically, our heavenly Father needed His holy name fires baptized with the water baptism of the Red Sea with ancient Israel and the nations spending already years in captivity but also in Canaan from the Jordan by His Son Jesus Christ victorious
against Satan, sin, fallen angels, death, witchcraft families and hell’s torment, thus blessing His offspring baptized in water throughout the earth lastly. Certainly, our heavenly Father needed high over the entire earth ancient Israel’s first-water
baptism for ancient and modern families at hell’s gate to live again, but also with His Son Jesus Christ baptized at the Jordan for those failing to become reborn from the water baptism lastly, finally for Israel is descending with Moses into Canaan,
showing genuine-love to the Father for a millennium.
Conclusively, it is only in water baptism by invoking our heavenly Father’s perfect holiness, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob then every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations may abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of
error for the sacred-flesh without sin and the Holy Spirit thus finally one lives blessed by His holy name’s everlasting-salvation forever. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s
barren-womb by the Holy spirit's powers, because He needed His holy-seed as the sacred-flesh without sin and the Holy Spirit in every man, woman and child from Israel but also ancient and modern nations nailed to His holy name fires at cross baptized
already forever.
For our heavenly Father needed to nail His holy name fires to Isaac’s sacred-flesh without sin and filled with His Holy Spirit to every man, woman and child from the families of the nations already lying-in hell’s torment condemned by sins for
failing water baptism, but also nailed to their children in generations ahead finally blessing all-flesh by His cross baptized already on earth. Considering that, our heavenly Father’s holy-seed that was born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy
Spirit’s powers as Isaac that is Son Jesus Christ needed to take on the sins of ancient and modern families of the nations, from Egypt’s captivity for four-hundred years then everyone’s sins to the water baptism of the Red Sea, finally to bless the
earth’s heart with perfect lasting-salvation.
For our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ not only as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers to become Jacob along with the twelve Israelis in Canaan with the children in Egypt’s captivity taking on the world’s sins
for the Red Sea baptism, but also, he needed Isaac, Israel, reborn entirely from the earth’s heart as His home-sweet-home for heaven’s glory. Really, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His holy-seed as ancient Israel born from Isaac not
only taking the sins from ancient and modern families to the Red Sea baptism, finally to baptize His cross that would bear His holy name in perfect holiness forever over the earth, but also, it will be His offspring everlasting salvation firmly
established in Canaan.
Consequently, our heavenly Father needed His holy-seed as Israel’s sacred-flesh without sin and filled with the Holy Spirit to be his cross taking on the sins of ancient and modern nations to the Red Sea baptism but also through the Sinai’s desert:
expiating, judging and covering sins with lambs’ atoning-blood within the tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest, securing everyone’s salvation finally over Mount Zion, in Canaan. Legally, our heavenly Father needed not only His holy-seed as Isaac’s sacred-
flesh the cross taking your sins to the Red Sea baptism but also through the Sinai’s desert, because He needed to expiate, judge and cover your sins with the tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest, descending finally to the Valley of the dried bones to turn
your place of torment into His holy heart forever.
For our heavenly Father needed to expiate, judge and cover your sins with lambs’ atoning-blood within the tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest, so Satan, the fallen angels and death will fail to have anything against you thus destroying you at hell’s gates,
because He finally turned it into His cross that descended to the lowest later to ascend to haven’s glory with you forever justified. In other words, our heavenly Father had His holy-seed as ancient Israel not only taking your sins to the Red Sea
baptism but also through the Sinai’s desert as the cross expiating, judging and covering with lambs’ atoning-blood your sins destining you into hell condemned, and so, the cross descended to hell’s gate to become your heaven’s glory’s gate to
find life in Canaan.
Moreover, our heavenly Father has done these wonderful works of salvation with ancient Israel through Egypt’s captivity, through the Sinai’s desert finally to descend to hell’s gate bleeding, bitten by poisonous snakes, given that, later it was
going to be bitten with bronze snakes to grant you His holy-seed that is the sacred-flesh bleeding eternal life for you to live forever justified in heaven’s glory. Truthfully, baptized in water by invoking His holy name fires, as God of Abraham, God
of Isaac and God of Jacob nailed to the cross that has descended into hell’s gate bitten by poisonous snakes later bitten again for you with bronze snakes, then you are blessed having your sins washed away from you forever only to know everlasting life
with its never-ending daily richness.
Considering that, baptized in water, then you may become reborn in our heavenly Father’s holy-seed as His sacred-flesh without sin granting you His atoning-blood filled with His personal life, where His Ten Commandments have been always perfect with
Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for you finally reborn to become part of Him and His divine family forever enriched on earth. For our heavenly Father needs you to become reborn from His water baptism along with your loved ones, neighbors
and friends, because in water baptism you will receive His glorified-body, where not only His commandments have been perfect through eternity but also His holy name fires along with every festivity that He normally celebrates with His children and His
holy angels throughout Creation.
Surely, our heavenly Father needs you baptized along with your loved ones, because then you will be with His cross that took on your sins through Egypt’s captivity, baptized at the Red Sea, through the Sinai’s desert it lived your sins descending
bleeding with death bitten by poisonous snakes, later bitten with life and bronze snakes made you perfect and holy as He is everlastingly. Historically, our heavenly Father with ancient Israel had already expiated, judged and covered your sins at the Red
Sea baptism: later walked through the Sinai’s desert your every day sins by descending to hell’s gate to become one in His Holy-seed, baptized at the Red Sea, but also, later baptized at the Jordan by His Son Jesus Christ, declaring you perfect and
holy today.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father not only needed to declare Abraham but also Sarah and the adoptive children perfect and holy, because they lived with Isaac, so His firstborn Jacob could be born along with the twelve Israelis patriarchs in Canaan, for
the children in Egypt’s captivity, assimilating your hell’s captivity, then, destroyed your sins, finally declaring you perfect and holy, accessing His new earth justified. Now, our heavenly Father needs you baptized by invoking His holy name, as God
of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, because He needs to remove every darkness received from Satan and his fallen angels from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, given that, you must enter eternal life with His holy
name cleaned from darkness forever.
That is why, that baptized in water by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness that has already been baptized at the Red Sea with ancient Israel and with the Messiah at the Jordan, in Canaan, then, you may have access into Canaan’s daily richness
born with you, as you emerged initially from His image to enrich His holy name and the earth entirely forever. For this is powerful richness along with knowledge of the Lord, wisdom, intelligence, healing and sweetness from milk and honey along other
important blessings from His unfailing-love continually enriching His holy name fires in you along with your loved ones at home, including neighbors and friends, because He really needs to bless, heal and enrich everyone from around the world with
perfect salvation.
Therefore, you must be baptized in water by invoking His name’s holiness, submerging yourself into your home’s bathtub, instantly emerging from the Jordan river in Canaan with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit, because now you will be dressing
His glorified-body, where sin fails to exist forever and Satan along with fallen angels will fail to deceive you again as before. This is where our heavenly Father needs you with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical
hosts and families saved through past generations, for they were baptized in water timely, so He may finally enrich you, given that, by enriching you then He is enriching His holy name and the entire earth for His coming kingdom of love.
In the other hand, Satan will lie to you with his fallen angels and Satanists families around you, because by making you believe lies then he is really pouring darkness upon you thus blinding you, failing to know that you have already been blessed,
healed and enriched since before the foundation of the world thus making you poor always only until you are baptized. Therefore, our heavenly Father’s water baptism is extremely important for you and your loved ones, especially your children, because
you will have a bright future with them, blessed always from Canaan’s daily richness available to you only in His sacred-flesh without sin forever, so you may each day enrich His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, with continuous
richness as always.
Baptized in water then you will be planted as our heavenly Father’s holy-seed in Canaan that is His holy ground filled with amazing richness from heaven’s glory and from His holy heart that is under Jerusalem’s holy hill loving His holy name fires
along with you and your loved ones, so you may know only love, peace, healing, prosperity and never-ending happiness through life. Surely, this is how you will know richness through life, wherever you may live with your religious belief, for He has
already removed sin from every Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, Christian, Hebrew and other religious faiths by His cross and His Son Jesus Christ shedding atoning-blood thus you may have a bright future enjoying richness always—but this is only
possible with you baptized now.
Indeed, Satan along with his fallen angels needs you away from water baptism, living with the sinful-flesh that ate from the forbidden fruit thus to get you sick, to make you a failure in all things always, causing you to become poor continually until
you die, however, baptized in water then you are enriched with His sacred-flesh throughout life never missing a day’s blessing forever. Really, baptized in water by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness then you will become reborn in Canaan,
where His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit, then again from David’s virgin daughter, so you may be reborn as well thus enriching you with His amazing life in your homeland with your loved ones.
It is here, where your entire life takes off into eternity, starting at your home with your loved ones, only to know amazing daily richness from Canaan born with you as you emerged from our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul, thus you may know
love, peace, prosperity, richness and endless happiness that glorifies Him and His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill progressively. This is our heavenly Father’s glorious life that He has personally already granted unto you, your loved ones,
neighbors and friends through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and that it is in Canaan been enriched daily, however, Satan along with his fallen angels and death are blinding you never to know it throughout your days on earth.
It is here, where our heavenly Father needs you to be, because this is where He will know you as He knows His Son Jesus Christ in his likeness that is His holy-seed the sacred-flesh without sin and the Holy Spirit filled with endless powers blessing you
through life each day until kingdom comes. Understanding that, you are now reborn from the water baptism by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to dress His sacred-flesh and His atoning-blood that has defeated Satan, fallen
angels, curses, infirmities, poverty, death and hell’s torment along his kingdom of darkness, thus He may finally execute His perfect will with you throughout the earth always.
This is our heavenly Father ‘s perfect will fulfilled in you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, because now you have been reborn through water baptism in His glorified-body that Satan and his fallen angels along
with death and hell’s torment has failed until now to understand it to work against it and destroy it. Therefore, baptized in water by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness, then, He will become part of you, because He will be living with you, as
inside you, as in His holy-seed, Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to defeat Satan and his followers as Satanists families that are always doing witchcraft to deceive you along with your loved ones and friends as well.
Truthfully, baptized in water then you will be living in His holy-seed born as Isaac from Abraham’s wife Sarah by the Holy Spirit in Canaan that took your sin from Egypt’s captivity to the Red Sea baptism, finally to enter into your Sinai’s desert
life, where Satan with his devils was defeating you always to destroy him in your life these days at last. Understanding that, our heavenly Father to begin to find you, and finally to help you every day of your entire life until kingdom comes upon earth,
then, He had to descend with ancient Israel bitten by poisonous snakes to become one holy-seed baptized at the Red Sea to ascend with you over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, forever victorious over Satan and his wilds.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father needs to defeat Satan and his wicked ones as Satanists families along with their unclean spirits in your life, in your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, but with you baptized in water by invoking
His holy name’s perfect holiness of His sacred-flesh without sin and the Holy Spirit to destroy every enemy coming your way always. Consequently, our heavenly Father descended with ancient Israel bitten by poisonous snakes nailed to the posts of hell’
s gate to become one with the families of the nations, including your ancestors and you too along with your loved ones to get you out of hell’s torment, so you may always be with His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill truly liberated and
justified forever.
In other words, our heavenly Father descended with ancient Israel bleeding from the bites of poisonous snakes attacking you already through life to liberate you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, so you will fail to
descend forever condemned by your sins, because His cross has lifted you from hell’s gates to heaven’s glory gate forever liberated and saved. Accurately, our heavenly Father’s holy-seed, the cross that once in life was ancient Israel descending to
gather the families of the nations at hell’s gate bitten and bleeding because of the poisonous snakes, then, it lifted you from hell bitten with life for you never to descend into it along with your loved ones because Satan, sins and hell were defeated
by it forever already.
Therefore, given that you may see these days the cross over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, flying gloriously over the entire world, because it descended to hell’s gate to rescue you, to get you out of there before descending to it, by destroying
Satan and his kingdom of darkness, then, you may see to enjoy your perfect salvation with loved ones throughout the earth forever. Really, this is our heavenly Father’s holy-seed as Isaac born from Sarah’s barren-womb turned into His holy heart by
the Holy Spirit, for His sacred-flesh and His Holy Spirit to become Israel throughout Canaan, but also, to see life again from the earth’s heart by turning it into His holy heart with His unfailing-love for Israel and for you forever, starting at home
Surely, for our heavenly Father to seal His victories conquered through His holy-seed as Isaac’s sacred-flesh filled everlasting life for you and your loved ones, then, He had to have His cross breaking through hell’s gate with His amazing powers to
have it with Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, thus sealing your salvation throughout the earth finally forever. For this is the cross with our heavenly Father’s Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood
victorious over Satan, fallen angels, curses, infirmities, poverty, death and hell’s torment with hidden enemies coming your way to destroy with darkness as the Satanists families and the like—definitely you have defeated them forever baptized in
water thus you may know nowadays your real life loving you forever.
Really, the cross descended to hell’s gate with ancient Israel bitten and bleeding by poisonous snakes as your hidden enemies loving to destroy you along with your loved ones, so you may not only fail to descend into hell’s torment cursed but instead
ascend into heaven’s glory forever blessed, justified and enriched with the cross spilled with your life eternal forever holy with you. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans 10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
[continued in next message]
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