IVANIVAN555@aol.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Aug 25 19:14:16 2017
Sábado, 26 de Agosto, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father had called Moses and Aaron to let Pharaoh know that the God of Israel had descended from heaven above to visit His children, because their cry for deliverance had reached His Holy Place, moreover He needed to have them into His Chosen
Land thus to celebrate important festivities to His holy name fire over His altar of love. This was something that our heavenly Father needed to do for His children, and He needed to do it as fast as possible, because Satan was ready to begin to destroy
Israel by killing first the male babies as they were born from their mothers, thus to halt to a certain degree the constant growth of Israel as a nation.
Besides, Satan needed Pharaoh and his officials along with the maids that were assigned to assist the Israelites women as they were ready to deliver their newly male born to kill them as soon as they could put their hands on their frail bodies, because
the orders to cease their lives had to take place immediately, allowing only female ones to live. Now, Satan had to get not only Pharaoh but also his people everywhere to move and kill the Israelis, because he had come to see what our heavenly Father was
really doing with them, and this was to take on the sins of the families of the nations later to destroy them, but also to make them grow as a powerful nation.
This meant a power that Satan had come to fear tremendously that our heavenly Father could really begin to display it through the entire house of Israel, that is, if He could get it to grow thus to multiply everywhere as He would grant them the seven
years of blessings that will come upon them, because more children needed to be born. And the only way that Satan knows how to stop Israel from growing out of control as our heavenly Father would continue to pour His seven years of richness, thus to
supply His children as they are born within the families of the house of Israel, it was for him to manifest his seven years of famine, killing life everywhere with holocausts.
That is why, that Satan had to work in secret with Pharaoh and his officials, for he was ready to start a powerful holocaust within Egypt, causing the entire decimation of Israel as a people before our Father in heaven, so He may fail to continue to do
His great work, to save from sin Israel and the families of the nations. For Satan had learned something that others failed to know, and he was unwilling to reveal it to anyone else, and this is that if our heavenly Father could continue to pour His
seven years of blessings upon Israel, then this meant that the children were coming unstoppable for Israel to become a powerful nation willing always to do His divine will.
This amazing power that would descend upon Israel, as the richness of the seven years descends along with the children born to the families of Israel, meant that our heavenly Father’s divine powers would begin to subdue the wicked forces of Satan and
of his fallen angels worldwide that will cause them to become powerless and useless throughout humankind. For Satan fears Israel constant growth as our heavenly Father’s children and throughout the nations as wherever they may live these days, because
if they can really grow to the numbers that He needs to see in them, then His powers will begin to take control not only of the human spirit of humankind but also of the entire world.
That is why, that it was important for Satan to have Pharaoh and his officials along with everyone else willing to execute his will against the Israelis, so they may die while they were still in the spirit of error and in the sinful-flesh thus causing
them to die with the sins of the world never to rise to life again, forever. For Satan had learned what our heavenly Father had told Abraham already as he presented his three sacrifices cut in their halves facing each other over the rock, spilled with
blood everywhere, and as his sacrifices were accepted then he was told that his children will be slaves in a foreign nation for four hundred years, but later He will judge that nation.
Therefore, when Satan saw that those four hundred years had come, then he knew that our heavenly Father was ready to visit them with great powers, because they are the children that will continue to be born from the Holy Spirit’s powers as Isaac did
for Abraham to have his firstborn Jacob, for his children to become God’s nation on earth, perpetually. Besides, since our heavenly Father had already given orders to Moses and Aaron to speak to Pharaoh to get him to let His children go to the land
that He had personally chosen for them to possess it forever, thus to celebrate festivities to honor Him, then Satan knew that if Israel would become baptized in water then they will become unstoppable.
Meaning that, if Israel would become baptized in water, by the amazing powers of the altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, thus to grant to Moses and Israel our heavenly Father’s holy name, His Son’
s and the Holy Spirit’s as well, then Israel will become Holy Spirit reborn as God’s children into eternity. However, Satan was a failure, because Israel was not only able to escape the holocaust prepared to destroy them as our heavenly Father’s
children that had been born through the Holy Spirit’s amazing powers that went into Sarah’s barren-womb, giving birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac but also continues to give birth through the generations to His glory into eternity.
For this is His divine glory that has always prevailed through eternity, giving honor to our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as the angelical hosts love, serve and worship His holy name fire over the altar of the prehistoric
love, where His Son and His Spirit are the fires of love burning wildly through His entire Creation. That is to say, also that as His Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s amazing powers, then Jacob was born later for His children to
become born as well through the generations with the same Holy Spirit’s daily powers thus to increase His glory within Israel, the nations and the entire earth as well into everlasting.
In other words, when our heavenly Father ate at the Lord’s Table with Abraham and his 318 adoptive children the bread and wine, served daily by His only Son in heaven’s glory for the angelical hosts, then this was done as a covenant of life giving
birth to His Son as Isaac but also Jacob along with his children dressing His altar. For this is the altar of love that exists through eternity within heaven’s glory, where our heavenly Father has always lived with His Son and the Holy Spirit to
receive constantly glory and honor to His holy name, by the angelical hosts, however, nowadays His honor and glory are to be received within Israel and the nations as His altar is received.
Thus, our heavenly Father’s altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, will continue to grow with the same Holy Spirit powers that went into Sarah’s barren-womb, giving birth to His Son Jesus Christ as
Isaac, so Israel and the nations may become reborn thus establishing His altar of everlasting glory on earth, at last. For it is our heavenly Father’s will to conquer the entire world with the same Holy Spirit’s powers that went into Sarah’s barren-
womb that gave birth not only to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, bearing the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones, the atoning-blood but also the fires of His amazing love for His holy name fire living within His children’s heart worldwide.
Inasmuch as, these are the fires of His hot oven burning always with His great Grace, with His great Mercy, with His great Truth and with His great Divine Justice, blessing and anointing not only Abraham as he ascended to the mountaintop with Isaac his
only son to sacrifice him, but also his children and the families of the nations through the generations. For our heavenly Father had sent Moses and Aaron to let Pharaoh know that He had descended upon Mount Sinai burning wildly with His amazing
prehistoric love to liberate His children captivated within Egypt, but also liberate the ones that will become born from the same ancient Holy Spirit’s powers through the generations to come along with the families of the nations.
For our heavenly Father was ready not only to manifest His glory to His children from the house of Israel but also for the families of the nations, because He needed the world finally to know His grace, His mercy, His truth and His divine justice
manifested worldwide through the generations over Jerusalem’s holy hill, His home-sweet-home as His lasting-salvation for humankind. However, Satan with his seven years of famine will continue to attack thus to minimize the threat that our heavenly
Father presents through His children born from Abraham and Sarah covenant of life as His Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac, by His Holy Spirit’s powers, shining over darkness as His children are established along with His altar on earth, forever.
Therefore, Satan will try as always to minimize Israel’s population growth, so our heavenly Father will fail to have His powers manifested and established on earth as His children will continue to pour upon Israel and the nations along with the seven
years of richness that enriches the human spirit, for His new coming Kingdom that will continue to exist through eternity. Surely, by Satan coming around Israel and humankind with his seven years of famine, then he is causing terrible holocausts claiming
the lives not only from Israel but also from the families of the nations, because if Israel grows to the numbers needed by our heavenly Father to pour His glory upon earth, then he had lost his battle against God, forever.
That is why, that is important for Satan to come around Israel and the entire human race with secret holocausts claiming the lives of many, especially of Israel until their number is no longer a threat to him and his kingdom of darkness, because if he
can manage to keep Israel in check and with zero population growth then he feels safe. Considering an Israel that has been born through the generations by the same ancient Holy Spirit’s powers that gave birth to His Son Jesus Christ from Sarah’s
barren-womb as Isaac that brought his glorified body into the entire human race thus to save and enrich it, then the world can be conquered for our heavenly Father’s new kingdom of His legitimate children.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father not only to grant His holy name fire to Moses over His ancient altar of love over Mount Sinai, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, so He may save Israel from captivity,
but also baptize them at the Red sea for His eternal life to fill humankind. For the reason that if our heavenly Father could not only baptize Israel at the seafloor, by the amazing divine powers of His holy name fire along with His Son’s and the Holy
Spirit’s, then He had not only begun to eradicate the sinful-flesh along with the spirit of error, but also start filling humankind with His eternal life that saves everyone.
Inasmuch as, our heavenly Father’s eternal life is saturated with amazing daily power from His ancient altar of His hot oven of abundant grace, mercy, truth and divine justice that will not only continue to bless everyone’s everyday life throughout
the world, but also protect them from the powers of Satan and his lying cronies that love to attack God’s children always. For this is the eternal life that our heavenly Father has granted to every one of His children not only from Israel but also from
the families of the nations that they will possess instantly, as soon as they may become baptized in water, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for perfect-salvation.
Because these are the only names that every man, woman and child may believe in their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation, so they may become liberated at last from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh to enter into the oath
that our heavenly Father personally swore to Isaac, confirmed with Jacob to bless Israel into everlasting. Thus, the amazing every day power from our heavenly Father’s oath to Isaac will begin to become part of your daily life, as you are submerged
under water, by invoking His holy name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, finally to become filled with His Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh of eternal life, granting you amazing powers through life, always.
For this is our heavenly Father’s oath sworn to Isaac that will not only grant you to possess forever His Holy Spirit, dressing you through eternity with the sacred-flesh, but also the every day power from the Holy of Holiest in heaven’s glory, so
you may enjoy always the richness that blesses your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, into everlasting. It is here, therefore, where you will become one with our heavenly Father, His Son and His Spirit, because this is His will for His children
that we may become finally united over His altar of the Holy of Holiest, where He lifted His hands towards His holy name fire thus swearing to be faithful to you and your loved ones, always.
For our heavenly Father has to manifest His entire glory to Israel but also throughout the families of the nations, because of His amazing love that He has always felt for each of them through eternity, but He has never had had the opportunity to do it,
however, this time with Israel He has it, that is, if His call is answered. And His call is ever since He called Abraham to love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name fire over His altar of His eternal love, resting over Mount Moriah, so he may
finally offer his only son Isaac as the sacrifice needed to manifest his perfection, love and glory unto our Father in heaven thus to become accepted, finally.
Furthermore, when Abraham was accepted by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem’s holy hill with His Holy of Holiest, resting over Mount Moriah, because he believed God and his faith was counted as Righteousness,
then his children promised to be born in the coming generations were also accepted in His oath sworn to Isaac, forever. For this is an amazing every day glory that our heavenly Father needed to manifest to His children born by the Holy Spirit’s powers
through Sarah’s barren-womb, so He may begin to conquer the families of the nations thus for the entire world to become a new earth with splendid skies, where His new Kingdom may flourish with His pristine life, perpetually.
However, for this to be possible throughout the families of the nations, then our heavenly Father has to neutralize Satan and his seven years of famine coming towards Israel and humankind, so His amazing plan to conquer the entire earth may fail, but,
only if He can get everybody baptized in water by invoking His holy name then Satan can become useless. Because when one is baptized in water by invoking His holy name fire, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then the altar with the Holy of
Holiest and the oath sworn to Isaac will undress that one from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh, to dress the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh of eternal life that defeats Satan, always.
For the reason that Satan can only have power against you, if you continue to live with his forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate together from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, because he can work with the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh to
attack you until he can take you into hell’s torment forever lost and destroyed. Certainly, it was important for our heavenly Father to take Israel to the Red sea to baptize them in water, by the amazing powers of His holy name granted to Moses that is
saturated with His oath sworn to Isaac, thus to bless you until you can receive any more blessings on earth and in heavens’ glory with His Spirit and His sacred-flesh.
It is here, where Israel will not only enter into our heavenly Father’s home-sweet-home, from His altar of the Holy of Holiest, where He lifted His hand to swear to Isaac His eternal pledge of salvation and richness, but also they will always be
protected from the destroyer, because His doorframe is stained with His Lamb’s atoning-blood later to possess Canaan, finally. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to take Israel from captivity to the Red sea’s baptism so they
may finally dress His Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh that grants them His eternal life, thus to enjoy the blessings that He had sworn already forever to Isaac for Israel finally to become His dream nation, enriching the world.
Now, when Israel entered into the Sinai’s desert then Satan was waiting for them, because he was ready to continue to attack them as he had attacked them many times while they were in captivity within Egypt, so he may finally somehow have things done
his way, and this was to keep Israel in the spirit of error and in the sinful-flesh. And the way to do this for Satan, then he only had first to have them return to him as the golden calf that liberated them from captivity, moreover they continued to
rebel against Moses and our Father in heaven, by always declaring openly that they wanted to return to Egypt, to live the life that they once knew there.
Thus, this way, by having Israel always complaining to Moses and to our Father in heaven about their displeasure to be living with their wives and children in the Sinai’s desert, then he was causing the entire house of Israel to neglect and even forget
what our heavenly Father had done for them as He baptized them at Red sea for deliverance. Once Satan had managed Israel to forget the water baptism that our heavenly Father had granted as He took them across the dried seafloor to the safety of the oath
that He had sworn to Isaac, and this was not only to liberate them from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh but also fill them abundantly with His eternal life.
Then Satan could continue to have the entire house of Israel rejected by our heavenly Father, and this is that they will fail to enter into the Promised Land with their wives and children along with their lived stock, but also that their children will
die without been baptized in water, by invoking the perfect holiness of His holy name fire. Meaning that, the Sinai desert finally became Israel and their children’s graveyard, descending into the Valley of the dried bones, dead in their sins along
with everyone else that failed to become baptized in water, because Satan caused rebellion against Moses and our heavenly Father thus they failed to live the blessings that the oath sworn to Isaac brings into life, always.
That is why, that the serpents from the desert emerged from the sand outnumbering the Israelites, biting them with their deadly poison, because they had rebelled against Moses and our heavenly Father that it was just impossible for them to cross into the
Promised Land, to conquer it, as it was initially promised to Abraham and his children to be born yet. On this day, our heavenly Father had to tell Moses to hammer a bronze snake to be nailed to Aaron’s staff for the dying Israelites, because they were
been bitten to an agonizing death: and so, in our heavenly Father’s mercy Moses lifted the bronze snake for Israel to become heal instantly, because by just looking at it, they were miraculously healed.
Indeed, the Israelites were overwhelmed by the attacking snakes that they began to die in their sins and their sinful-flesh to descend to the Valley of dried bones to await judgment, because their rebellion was too great against Moses and our heavenly
Father, therefore they had sinned against Canaan as well, and so, the possibility to enter into it was totally impossible. Unless our heavenly Father would move to help them by doing everything that was necessary to pull them out from captivity, and this
time was from the Valley of the dried bones, but, not first watching the amazing display of His glory that He needed them to see and learn from it, as it developed with miracles through the land of Canaan.
This is that, they not only had to watch the bronze snake nailed to Aaron’s staff by Moses, so they may escape the venom from the attacking snakes that were taking them into the Valley of dried bones, dead with their sins and rebellions against Moses
and our heavenly Father, but also soon to show them the amazing display of His glory. For our heavenly Father needed them to descend to the Valley of the dried bones to see not only how His Son Jesus Christ was to be born from David’s virgin daughter,
by the Holy Spirit’s power that gave birth to him initially from Sarah’s barren-womb, but also to see His holy name fire resting in Israel, finally for everyone’s abundant lasting-salvation.
Our heavenly Father needed the rebellious Israelites to see how His Son Jesus Christ was not only born from David’s virgin daughter, by His Holy Spirit’s powers, but also He would cause His holy name fire to enter into Israel to witness His eternal
life lived by His only Son thus destroying Satan and his wilds along with the angel of death. Surely, our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child escaping Egypt’s captivity, by invoking His holy name fire that He had initially granted to
Moses over His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and His Spirit, so they may enter the wilderness to witness how His eternal life is lived perfectly by His Son Jesus Christ.
For our heavenly Father needed them to see His Son Jesus Christ been born from David’s virgin daughter, by the Holy Spirit’s powers that gave birth not only to His only Son as Isaac, but also to each one of them as they were born from their mother’
s womb, because they needed to learn how to live His eternal life. For they are called by our heavenly Father to enter into the Promised Land to live His eternal life, but they first had to watch and learn how His Son Jesus Christ has always lived it
with His Holy Spirit before Him through eternity thus pleasing Him always in His truth and divine justice moreover blessing His demanding heart for perfection, always.
Once Israel had meticulously watched our heavenly Father’s only Son been born from David’s virgin daughter, by the Holy Spirit’s power, moreover introduced into Israel the perfect holiness that His holy name fire requires to possess always, thus to
become established over Jerusalem’s holy hill as His Son is finally nailed to it victorious over the world, then Israel could live it. Considering that, during the lifetime of every man, woman and child that not only escaped from Egypt but also those
that lived within Canaan only to disobey the prophets that our heavenly Father was sending one after another, so they may obey Him by living His Holy Spirit of His eternal life by being baptized in water, but they disobeyed as always.
However, now our heavenly Father’s Son born into Israel along with His holy name fire as it entered into Jerusalem lighting up the night as bright as the new day of a brand new creation that is to become established on earth soon with His children
reborn from water and from His Holy Spirit, then they finally learned to live eternal life. Therefore, once the entire house of Israel had watched how His Son Jesus Christ had been born bathed in his own atoning-blood, spilled over his very holy body by
his mother’s womb, as he broke her virginity, then our heavenly Father’s holy name fire entered into Israel to become part of it, thus to impart daily powers upon the children constantly worldwide.
Inasmuch as, during every man, woman and child’s lifetime within the Sinai’s desert and in Canaan already, then they were rebellious continually to our heavenly Father’s calls that He would send through His prophets that they finally disobeyed by
killing them, as they told them how to live His pristine-life on earth, but with His Son they could not rebel any longer. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have the entire house of Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones
so they may watch carefully the birth, life, victories against Satan and his cronies, crucifixion, agonies from sin, infirmities, wounds, sufferings and finally death later to resurrect on the Third Day with everyone’s lasting-salvation, into
Granted that, our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child lying at the Valley of the dried bones to see how His Son Jesus Christ was not only born sinless, by the amazing powers of His atoning-blood that really is the oath that was sworn to
Isaac, but also how he defeated Satan with His daily lived eternal life within Canaan. Besides, Israel needed to know that by just being born again from the baptism in water as His holy name fire is invoked along with His Son and the Holy Spirit, then
the spirit of error along with the sinful-flesh were removed instantly, by the powers of the oath sworn to Isaac that is established always at the Holy of Holiest.
Considering that, this is the only way possible to have the forbidden fruit removed underwater with the spirit of error along with the sinful-flesh in every man, woman and child thus receiving the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh in the Holy of Holiest,
to be instantly received by our Father as His legitimate child ready to love, serve and glorify Him, always. Meaning that, what the Israelis failed to understand from the prophets sent by our heavenly Father and that they killed, then they would finally
learn from God himself as he was born as God’s Lamb His only Son, to live the eternal life that blesses them with the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments that are fulfilled and glorified within Israel, everlastingly.
In other words, every Israeli that escaped Egypt’s captivity along with the children that conquered and lived in Canaan, they had finally watched to learn and understand how our Father’s eternal life granted to them by been baptized in water and in
the Holy Spirit, then they can live it in Israel when they return to it to please Him entirely, lastly. For when the Israelites finally enter into Canaan, because the majority of them they have never been into it, and others they had lived there already,
then they will soon return together with our Lord Jesus Christ embedded by nails to their bodies, heads, hands and feet thus to live the eternal life that they witness God’s Son live it for them.
They will enter into Canaan to remove every detestable idol worship that they had received from the people that invaded them or they came into live with them with the pretence that they were Israelites when they were not, because Satan needed to enslaved
Israel again thus to corrupt them with his evils from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh. The entire house of Israel will soon descend into Canaan, but as our heavenly Father’s holy ones, because He told them in the psalms that they are gods, but
as with any man they will die since they failed to live His eternal life that His Son Jesus Christ had to enter into Canaan ahead of them to live it for them.
For this is something that our heavenly Father needed them to witness, as they were all lying at the Valley of the dried bones, because they continually failed to listen and to obey His call to live His perfect eternal life within the land that He had
personally chosen, for Him to live with them eternally blessed with His eternal life. Surely, when Israel returns to Canaan, then they will enter into it with the perfect knowledge how to live His eternal life personally granted to each of them already,
because they were born from the Holy Spirit’s powers as His only Son was born as Isaac thus granting them by default the glorify-body that lives His eternal life throughout Israel, always.
Therefore, when everyone from ancient Israel that once lied at the Valley of the dried bones and that because of the salvation work that our heavenly Father had manifested through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, miraculously lifting them to the
Holy of Holiest on the Third Day, then they are expected to live His eternal life entirely within Israel. For our heavenly Father is going to grant them a millennium to live with Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts His eternal
life that they learned from His Son Jesus Christ, as he personally lived it for them within Israel, so they may become lifted finally into the Holy of Holiest accepted as God’s priests, forever.
Within this period of one thousand years every man, woman and child must manifest to our heavenly Father that they really love Him, by living His eternal life, as they learned it from His Son Jesus Christ that was born from David’s virgin daughter by
the Holy Spirit’s power, to grant them the holy name fire that saves them as God’s children. Now, those that failed to live His eternal life as the millennium concludes, granted to them to prove to our heavenly Father that they had learned as they
were lying at the Valley of the dried bones to live His eternal life lived entirely by His only Son, then they will be allowed to ascend into the New Jerusalem from heaven above.
However, those failing to prove to our heavenly Father that they had learned to live His eternal life, by watching His Son Jesus Christ live it entirely for them, even as he was crucified at the wood that is their flesh that they once lived their lives
within the wilderness and in Canaan, then they will die in the lake of fire. This is when our heavenly Father will finally have power to destroy every rebellious soul living within Israel, because He has done everything that was possible to save them,
but, because He had seen that they had failed to live His eternal life that He called His only Son to live it for them within Israel, then they will be destroyed lastly.
This is when our heavenly Father will finally have not only the entire kingdom of darkness succumbed into the fiery hell, but also every living soul that has been rebellious to Him and His holy name fire along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit, thus to destroy them as they are cast into the lake of fire, the second death. Our heavenly Father will finally start His new Kingdom of His children born again from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism over the Holy of Holiest in heavenâ
€™s glory, so they may become His children as Kings, priests and judges to rule with Him in eternal happiness only to know the amazing love of His heart for us into everlasting. Amen!
¡Cultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!
Saludos cordiales a todos
DÃgale al Señor, nuestro Padre Celestial, de todo corazón, en el nombre del Señor Jesucristo: Nuestras almas te aman, Señor. Nuestras almas te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras almas te rinden gloria y honra a tu nombre y obra santa y sobrenatural, en
la tierra y en el cielo, también, para siempre, Padre Celestial, en el nombre de tu Hijo amado, nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
[continued in next message]
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