Elio I. Valarezo@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Dec 18 21:28:21 2020
Sábado, 19 de Diciembre, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
(Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021 to everyone throughout America and the great families of the nations of the entire earth, because our heavenly Father is blessing each day with His oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers through His water baptism
that you may receive to live forever enriched with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo 2021 a cada hijo de nuestra América eterna y de las familias hermosas y maravillosas de todas las naciones de la tierra entera, porque nuestro Padre celestial se place en bendecirlos diariamente con poderes del
Juramento a Isaac, por su bautismo en agua, que recibirán todos, viviendo eternamente enriquecidos con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu Santo. ¡Amén!)
NOAH’S FLOW descended to the EARTH’S HEART, as the RED SEA’s great eternal water baptism, saving all-flesh finally:
In the beginning, our heavenly Father had created heaven and earth, because He needed to glorify His holy name fires over His altar in His home-sweet-home with His children that will be born from His image and from His living-soul, so He may conquer new
richness, powers, glories and endless happiness forever, thus you were born to love Him through endless-generations, starting today. For our heavenly Father created all things with perfect holiness because He was to show you along with your loved ones,
neighbors and friends from around the world, the greatness of His loving heart that it has always loved, honored and exalted His holy name fires in His altar, but also, you along with your loved with endless richness, powers and amazing-happiness through
However, because Lucifer had rebelled against Him and His holy name fires, because he needed to conquer it thus to exalt his wicked name over the angelical hosts, so they may serve him to conquer the entire angelical kingdom along with His altar, then,
he was kick-out from heaven’s glory into hell’s torment because of his terrible rebellion and sin forever. Certainly, Lucifer along with his fallen angel and the angel of death decided to take heaven and earth that our heavenly Father had created to
live with His children born from His image and living-soul, so they may know and love Him through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout eternity, starting in His home-sweet-home—but baptized in water now.
Really, Lucifer along with his fallen angels realized that our heavenly Father had created heaven and earth to transfer into it His entire angelical kingdom faithful to Him and His holy name along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and so, he
decided to destroy it by having his fallen angels invading it thus turning it into his kingdom of darkness. Certainly, our heavenly Father was planning to have His children born from His image and living-soul living with Him, His Son Jesus and the Holy
Spirit in His new heaven and earth but without Lucifer and the fallen angels, because He was determined to love, serve and honor His holy name fires at His altar with new richness untouched by sin before throughout eternity.
This is when, our heavenly Father gave birth to His Son Adam, born to love Him through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because the Father only knows His Son—and the Son only knows the Father, therefore, Adam along with his children was living
through coming generations only to love Him continually with the rock of salvation’s oceans of love forever. For our heavenly Father had given birth to Adam, because He had created heaven and earth along with everything in them, but now, He wanted to
see how Adam will name the things that He had created to live with him and the children living through coming generations thus to love, serve and honor His holy name fires forever in His new Creation.
Timely: Our heavenly Father was pleased to see His Son Adam in paradise but also upon His earth, because now He could watch him name every animal, bird, plant and tree created to live with him along with his children born from His image and from His
living-soul thus they may live only loving immensely His holy name fires with perfect holiness through eternity. For our heavenly Father had created all things in heaven and on earth with perfect holiness and endless sweetness, so His children may enjoy
life progressively: loving, serving and honoring Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with endless sweetness thus to conquer new richness, powers and glories unseen before by any one for His new kingdom of endless love may come.
Incredibly, Lucifer was very rebellious along with his fallen angel and death against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit along with His holy name fires, because he needed to take control of heaven’s glory thus to rule over the
angelical hosts, but this was out-of-the-way without the holy name fire in his possession. Unconditionally, Lucifer was not only interested in taking control of the angelical kingdom with our heavenly Father’s holy name fires in his possession, but
also, he wanted to control heaven and earth created for the children born to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fires with the rock of salvation’s oceans of love and endless-sweetness through many generations to come.
Now, for Lucifer along with the fallen angels to attack our heavenly Father successfully he needed to have an ally close to Him, as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy, because there were no angels closer to the Father than him, but now he was His enemy
thus unable to be next to Him, attacking Him always as before. Thus, Lucifer realized that it was impossible to make an approach to our heavenly Father to attack Him through Adam that had been born from His image and His living-soul, because he also had
been born from His mind, wisdom, intelligence, powers and glories therefore an approach to deceive him was unrealistic to make any attack against the Father and His angelical hosts.
However, after our heavenly Father had seen how Adam had worked by naming everything that had been created for him and his children living in future generations in paradise and on earth, then, He realized that it was not good for him to live alone,
therefore, He had to give him a companion to be with him always through life. Divinely, this is when, our heavenly Father put Adam to sleep, because He was forming Eve the woman as his companion through his days, moreover fills paradise and the earth
with the children loving only to serve and worship Him and His holy name fires with amazing daily powers from the rock of salvation thus conquering endless-richness from His amazing-love for them in incoming endless-eternity.
It is here, where Lucifer finally found the opportunity that he had been looking forward to see, and this was Eve emerging from Adam’s rib but also the children were to be born in the coming generations in paradise and upon earth, and so, he had an
open door to approach Adam to attack the Father again thus strengthening his kingdom of darkness again. Historically, Lucifer was able to have the serpent from the Garden of Eden friendly with Eve to find the way to approach Adam thus to deceive him by
making him an ally to him and the fallen angels, given that Lucifer needed to continue to attack His holy name fires in heaven but also upon earth to strengthen his kingdom of darkness finally.
That is why, that is it imperative for our heavenly Father to have every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations baptized in water: loving, worshipping, serving and exalting His holy name fires in His holy-seed that emerged from Him through His
Son Jesus Christ and the Holy, so His children may destroy finally all darkness from His Creation entirely. Really, Lucifer had to have Eve deceived by the serpent to eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so he may
finally have someone very close to him directly born from the Father’s image thus making his attacks against Him, His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the holy name fires with great success always.
Moreover, Lucifer needed to have not only Adam deceived through his wife Eve, but also, he needed the children, because he needed to return to the eternal life and its amazing daily blessing that he used to enjoy with his angelical hosts loyal to him,
and definitely Adam with his children was his solution to have things done his wicked way throughout Creation eventually. Lawfully, Lucifer had being kick-out from heaven’s glory because sin was found in his wicked heart that his fallen angels followed
to please him by trying to control our heavenly Father’s holy name fires in heaven’s glory and throughout His new Creation, as heavens and earth, from where he was excluded never to see life again with his wicked followers.
However, with Eve having eaten from the forbidden fruit with Adam along with the children, then, Lucifer could now enter into life again, because he needed somehow to return to the life that he had known before as an archangel guarding our heavenly
Father’s holy name fires thus to possess it for his dream kingdom of darkness, therefore, finally he had the needed help. Shrewdly, Lucifer needed to come as much as close as he could to our heavenly Father and His angelical kingdom that is normally
run by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus with Adam and his children born to him, because blindly they had eaten from the forbidden fruit, then he could see his dream kingdom of darkness closer than ever before.
Unbelievably, with Adam and the children infected with the forbidden fruit then he could have access not only into paradise but also the earth, so he may begin to work with his kingdom of darkness that the fallen angels along with the angels of death
could enter entirely into human life again thus to somehow possess our heavenly Father’s holy name fires finally. Therefore, since Adam and Eve had sinned by eating from the forbidden fruit, as they both believed the serpent’s lie from Lucifer, then
they failed to continue to live their normal lives in paradise, because the land there only recognizes our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and human life as well but without sin.
Now, since our heavenly Father had passed judgment against Adam and Eve then they had to descend to live their normal lives on earth thus to have their children born from them to know only Him and His holy name fires through His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit, so they may return to life again but without sin. Unfortunately: This is the opportunity that Lucifer was looking forward to see, and this was that Adam and Eve were to descend to the earth to continue to live their normal lives with their
children, so they may become part of his kingdom of darkness, because they had all been infected by the forbidden fruit, and so, they were now his servants.
Undeniably, this was something that Lucifer needed to have in paradise but also on earth, someone as close to our heavenly Father as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit were, so he may continue to attack and offend Him until he will be able to
contaminate His holy name fires thus to have it with him along with the fallen angels forever. That is to say, that Lucifer thought that just as he had contaminated Adam and his children by eating from the forbidden fruit to become part of his sin and
his kingdom of darkness, then, he figured that he could do the same with our heavenly Father’s holy name fires thus to use it with the amazing powers that possess throughout eternity.
That is why, that Lucifer was able finally to enter the earth with his fallen angelical hosts thus to begin his attacks against our heavenly Father’s holy name fires with the ancient intent to contaminate it with his wickedness, so it may become part
of his sin and his kingdom of darkness to conquer the glorious life that he once knew in heaven’s glory. Blindly, Lucifer began to display his wicked powers that he has in his darkness with sin and its endless evils that had attacked holy angels in
heaven’s glory but also every man, woman and child from the families of the nations, starting with Adam, with the final intent to take on our heavenly Father’s holy name fires for his kingdom of darkness.
Therefore, Lucifer had always had violence not only for the angelical hosts faithful to our heavenly Father’s holy name but also for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so he may destroy everything that has been created in heaven’s glory with
the angels and upon earth with humankind thus to have his kingdom of eternal evils established forever in His Creation entirely. Unfortunately, since Lucifer approached Adam and his children with sin, then he gave them violence constantly, causing them
terribly suffering before our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit thus descending with them cursed into his kingdom of darkness only to serve him until he will conquer heaven’s glory with his wickedness—because he misses it ever since
he was kick-out from it.
Really, Lucifer would love to return to eternal life that he lived close to our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, thus, he needed someone as Adam born from His image and His living-soul, so he may attack continuously His holy
name fire to make it part of his wicked life, as he did with Adam—but this is impossible forever. This is totally unreal for Lucifer and his fallen angels, including death, Satanists families and hell’s torment, because in the oath sworn to Isaac’s
daily powers that as Isaac’s sacred-flesh and atoning-blood always existing through eternity in Israel, and you too baptized in water only, then Satan is lost forever, failing to attack you and your loved ones as he would love to eternally.
Subsequently, Lucifer has always had nations of Satanists families living in Canaan, so he may take control of the land chosen by our heavenly Father not only for Him to live with His holy name fires along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit,
but also, with His children born from Israel and the families of the nations forever enriched by Canaan’s endless-richness. However, for our heavenly Father’s children to live in Canaan, His home-sweet-home, with Him and His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit serving, loving and honoring His holy name fires forever in Spirit and in Truth, then, they must become reborn from water baptism by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob.
Otherwise, you will fail to become part of our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in His sacred-flesh that is Isaac’s flesh without sin and the Holy Spirit, because this is the Spirit and the Truth that they must be reborn into
it thus to love, serve and worship Him in His home-sweet-home forever into all eternity to come. Essentially, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, for Abraham
to be declared perfect and holy as He is through eternity, but also, for Jacob to be His firstborn along with his children born in Egypt and throughout the earth in coming generations to destroy sin forever lastly.
Since Jacob was His firstborn with the twelve Israelites patriarchs in Canaan, where sin fails to exist forever, if the Satanists families are removed from it, then, the children needed to live in Egypt’s captivity, collecting sins from the families of
the nations from the past and the future to take them to the Red Sea’s baptism, by Moses representing the soon coming Messiah. For our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel removing sins from every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations,
therefore, led by Moses as the coming promised Messiah to live in the midst of them: always expelling Satan, fallen angels and death along with the Satanists families, and so, soon Canaan’s liberation day may come finally flowing milk and honey
throughout the earth forever.
Unfortunately, Lucifer needs to conquer Canaan for his kingdom of darkness to be possible with the entire human race destroyed, blinded and lost in hell’s torment because of the sin that they had eaten from the forbidden fruit, as Adam and Eve ate from
it initially, so they may become his children doing his will of eternal wickedness against the holy name fires forever. For Lucifer really think that since he was able to contaminate with sin Adam and Eve along with the children, then, he can also
contaminate Canaan with his Satanists families for His holy name fires that is flying gloriously over the entire earth at Jerusalem’s holy hill to become his personal possession eventually to turn towards heaven’s glory and conquer it at last forever.
Given that, Lucifer misses that glorious angelical life close to our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and so, he really thinks still that he can return to it, but it must be with His holy name fires, because of its amazing
powers that exist only in it thus to run the angelical kingdom as he wills with it eternally. For Lucifer know that our heavenly Father has an important oath with Isaac, confirmed with Jacob and established forever with Israel to remove the world’s
sins entirely, but also, to become one with every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations, as His holy-seed planted in Canaan by His right arm, founding His new earth of His amazing unfailing-love at last forever.
This means that our heavenly Father will descend into Canaan to live forever with His children baptized in water already thus to become perfect and holy as He is eternally in heaven’s glory, so they may live finally forever enriched as one divine
family that loves, honors and exalts His holy name fires throughout the earth, conquering new glories, richness and endless happiness. Therefore, the entire house of Israel through the generations had understood that our heavenly Father is coming towards
them thus to bless, enrich and empower them with His amazing richness from heaven’s glory and from Canaan’s as well through the oath sworn to Isaac, because He really is looking forwards to descend to Canaan that has been enriched already as never
before by them.
Truthfully, regardless of what may happen in Canaan with Israel and the families of the nations, our heavenly Father is descending with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and every ancient family throughout the generations that
had become baptized in water to be saved, for Him to live forever enriched by His children on earth, as you and I today. Therefore, Lucifer knows that our heavenly Father is descending towards Canaan but to stay forever with His children from Israel and
the families of the nations baptized in water already by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, and so, he is in Canaan with the angel of death waiting for His soon descend.
Really, Lucifer is in Canaan with the Satanists families not only to deceive Israel with their daily witchcrafts and curses but also the families of the nations with false religions born around the world from him, his fallen angels along with death with
powerful deceptions, so they will fail to know the truth conquered already for them in Canaan with amazing daily endless-richness forever. For the truth is that our heavenly Father has removed sin from the earth, with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the
wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, then, He healed him but also every man, woman and child from Israel and humankind from past and future generations, thus He may finally descend to Canaan forever loved by His children, as you and I nowadays.
The truth is that our heavenly Father has removed sin from the world entirely by having His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood over the cross that is His holy-seed coming out from Him to receive you forever enriched with endless richness in Canaan,
but Satan and death are there blocking progressively your daily blessing. Really, there is no sin on earth much less in heaven’s glory, but what we have is Satan along with the Satanists families that work with hell’s torment and fallen angels,
cursing the families of the nations with terrible deceptions as false religious faith that can destroy life throughout the earth, only possible in you by failing to become baptized in water these days.
Initially, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb and later from David’s virgin daughter for His Son as His flesh without sin descended with His holy name fires to nail it finally over His cross baptized
with ancient Israel at the Red Sea to give life eternal to all-flesh again, but baptized in water nowadays with you, too. Besides that, our heavenly Father has healed His children (you) from sin and all kinds of infirmities thus blessing them with His
holy heart’s amazing-love entirely but also with richness, powers and happiness into their hearts thus they may love Him and His holy name fires forever over Jerusalem’s holy hill—because He is definitely descending into Canaan to live forever
loved by you.
For Canaan our heavenly Father has chosen it specially to have His holy name fires nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill to manifest His holy heart’s amazing unfailing-love through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so His children
from Israel and the families of the nations may return to eternal life to love Him beyond eternity with amazing abundant richness. However, Incredibly, Lucifer has done everything within his powers along with the fallen angels and death to ensure that
Canaan and the entire earth will fail to become His home-sweet-home, because he has always managed to have Satanists nations occupying His very holy lands with very wicked people always working with him, fallen angels and death to destroy human life
Secretly, Lucifer has done everything wicked with the fallen angels, death and the Satanists families faithful to him as always through generations until nowadays, because they are blocking the true divine nature of Canaan that is to become our heavenly
Father’s home-sweet-home with His children baptized in water thus they will fail to know its amazing richness through eternity. Therefore, since Adam and Eve descended to live with their children away from paradise due to sin, nonetheless they were
divinely called to multiply upon earth with life, for our heavenly Father needed to see His children through generations, seeking Him with His holy name fires over at Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, but they failed Him instead they became evil and
However, after our heavenly Father had waited for Adam’s children to seek Him with His holy name fires through the generations, then, He saw that they were evil from the start of life becoming more evil than before, and that their heart was far away
from him, moreover their thought was to grow into sin, hurting Him in His heart to have created men. This is when, our heavenly Father decided for a new relationship with men upon earth, so He may have them walking in His ways only, thus seeking Him with
His holy name fires by invoking it through the new covenant of life that He will start with Noah, because he was the only one that had found grace in His eyes before the wicked.
This meant that Noah was going to be saved along with his sons and their wives, because our heavenly Father needed to stop violence from spreading throughout the earth’s coming generations, giving that everyone’s thought was of continuous wickedness
towards his fellowmen, instead, He wanted to see the earth as His new home-sweet-home and sinful people were not helping Him at all. Certainly, our heavenly Father was ready to destroy all-flesh from the face of the earth but save only Noah and his
children along with their wives on a boat that he will be called to build thus to enter into it with his family and every animal by pairs of male and female to be saved from the coming judgment.
Lovingly: Our heavenly Father had called Noah and his family to baptize the earth with the families of the nations to have Lucifer, fallen angels and death causing violence continuously before Him to be removed, because He needed to give a new birth to
the earth along with every man, woman and child, where sin will fail to exist in them again throughout eternity. Truly, our heavenly Father needed the entire earth along with all life baptized in water immediately, so He may remove Lucifer and all his
wicked spirits along with death thus to see life again in its glorious holiness, purity and sanctity thus to start it again with His children to enjoy His holy heart’s unfailing-love for them along with Canaan’s daily endless-richness into
This water baptism that the great flow caused in the days of Noah to destroy all flesh, men and animal alike, it was to restart life again upon the entire earth with the families of the nations living for Him and His holy name fires at Jerusalem’s holy
hill, in Canaan, thus never to live again for Lucifer and his sin. Now, since our heavenly Father had caused the great flow in Noah’s days to destroy all-flesh from the face of the earth to restart life with every man, woman and child, so they may
receive His holy name fires with its amazing love for them, powers, protection and endless richness, then, He had to take this water baptism also to the earth’s heart ultimately.
However, for our heavenly Father to take this water baptism to the earth’s heart that started with Noah destroying all-flesh upon earth, by killing every man, woman and child along with all animal life, then, He needed to give them abundant life again,
but it will be with the same water baptism eliminating Lucifer, fallen angels, death, hell, Satanists and sin as in Noah’s days. In other words, our heavenly Father can give them life again abundantly, men and animal alike, upon the entire earth with
the baptism that kill all-flesh and life in Noah’s days by taking it to the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment, so they may live again but in a new earth and with a glorified-body of His own flesh without sin forever.
Truly, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham and his adoptive children (bought from outsiders) eating His bread and wine as His holy-seed born from Him as Isaac, for Abraham to dress with His flesh without sin but also his promised
children along with the nations living through generations thus establishing His eternal life forever upon earth forever baptized in water. Accurately, it is important for you and for our heavenly Father that you will become baptized in water along with
your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, whether they are Muslins, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, Christians, Hebrews or from any other faith, because the nations are filled with water for baptism—and sin has been removed entirely from
earth forever already.
Given that, baptized in water by invoking His holy name fires as you may submerge in your home bathtubs, then, you will emerge from the Jordan into Canaan, enriching your eternal life granted by our heavenly Father nourished always with His bread and
wine to know love, peace, glory and endless-happiness with your loved ones and friends from all the families of the earth. Therefore, our heavenly Father expects you to eat from Him, His holy-seed, as His daily bread and wine, because Isaac is His Son
Jesus Christ for Abraham and for you too in Israel and the families of the nations, so you may eat from His flesh without sin and drink from His atoning-blood with His eternal life never failing you through life until kingdom comes.
Therefore, Abraham needed to be visited by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, so he may be able to live His eternal life that enriches him and his promised children along with the families of the nations from
the past and the future, so he may be declared perfect and holy along with household for eternity. Considering that, our heavenly Father needed to establish His divine family upon Canaan along with children reborn from the water baptism and the Holy
Spirit thus to dress with His holy-seed that is Isaac as His flesh without sin forever throughout the earth and in heaven’s glory, giving birth to His new earth from the old earth’s heart as His holy heart for eternity.
For this reason, our heavenly Father needed to have the entire house of Israel born in Egypt’s captivity, because they were the only ones that could take on your sins and that of your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world to the Red
Sea baptism thus to abandon them, for the families of the nations to see life again abundantly at last. In other words, with the great flow that happened upon earth in Noah’s last days, was to destroy all flesh, men and animal alike, thus to remove
Lucifer, fallen angels and death, including hell’s torment from the earth’s heart, thus finally creating His new dream earth, where sin fails to exist through endless millenniums, for Him to live loved passionately by His children forever.
Therefore, as our heavenly Father had gathered with His holy-seed that is His sacred-flesh with Abraham but also Jacob and the twelve Israelis patriarchs in Canaan with the children in Egypt’s captivity collecting sins from the nations of the past and
the future, then, they could take every sin with Moses and His holy name fires to the Red Sea baptism to destroy evil forever. For our heavenly Father’s holy-seed giving birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy
Spirit, then, the He needed this baptism that killed all-flesh in Noah’s days to remove evil, sin, death and hell from the earth, bring to life again all nations but with His holy-seed, as His flesh without sin in His new earth with endless-richness.
Consequently, with our heavenly Father baptizing ancient Israel led by Moses in the Red Sea, then, they abandoned the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit as Canaan’s citizens enjoying daily richness through the
desert, taking Noah’s great flow baptism to the earth’s heart saving all-flesh to see life again, but only in Isaac’s flesh without sin forever. Certainly, as ancient Israel walked through the Sinai’s desert baptized at the Red Sea, then they
were baptized with Noah’s great flow, carrying great waters of the baptism to the nations from the past and the future, including the children baptized throughout coming generations, so they may see life again in His holy-seed, Isaac’s flesh without
sin in His kingdom of endless love forever.
[continued in next message]
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