Elio I. Valarezo@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Dec 4 20:11:27 2020
Sábado, 05 de Diciembre, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our Father’s holy heart in your chest is His perfect will on earth with you now, as in heaven with His holy angels:
Courteously: Our heavenly Father had decided to establish His holy-seed in Canaan, but He needed a family that will obey Him, so He will be able to do it in the land that He had chosen to live forever with His children that will be born through
generations, and so, Abraham was chosen and you too, conveying His will upon earth finally forever. For this was our heavenly Father’s holy-seed that will give birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s
powers, but also, it will give birth to His amazing new kingdom, as His new earth, where His will be truly loved by His children forever thus conquering richness, glories and powers for His holy name fire throughout eternity.
Really, this is the new kingdom that our heavenly Father had always dreamed to possess but with His children born from His image and living-soul through His Son Jesus Christ as the holy-seed by His Holy Spirit’s amazing daily powers filling with
eternal life His new earth into everlasting only enjoying endless-richness and living His unfailing-love for His loved ones, as you and me. Legally, this is our heavenly Father’s life eternal excluding Lucifer and his fallen angels for sinning against
His begotten Son and the Holy Spirit by rebelling against His holy name fires reserved always only for His divine family, as you and I along with our loved ones throughout His new earth, born to love, honor and exalt it throughout eternity, starting at
your home.
For this is our heavenly Father’s personal life that only His Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit and now you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends in the world will know, thus He will know you: because He is descending with His entire
angelical kingdom faithful to Him forever, to live with His children upon earth, starting in Canaan with you today. Surely, this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life, where He has defeated Lucifer along with the fallen angels and everyone that has
defied Him and His holy name fires, because they had failed to come to Him through His Son Jesus Christ, the holy-seed, His sacred-flesh without sin thus to please all truth and justice throughout eternity on earth and in heaven’s glory forever.
Confidently, this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that has defeated Lucifer and the fallen angelical hosts along with the angel of death that refuses to live with them in the coming eternity, where He is going to marry Israel along with the
families of the nations that had been born again through water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name. Truthfully, by invoking our heavenly Father, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, then you will become reborn in Canaan’s
holy ground, where sin fails to exist in you as it exists in Lucifer’s wicked-heart, the fallen angels and the angel of death along with hell’s torment, so you may finally live liberated from evil throughout eternity, starting at home.
This is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that is lived by Him in heaven’s glory along with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the saved children from past generations, because millions have been blessed by Him through the oath sworn to Isaacâ
€™s powers that they received baptized in water, where sin fails to exit in them thus enjoying richness always through eternity. Really, this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that has defeated Lucifer and the fallen angels in heaven’s glory as
they sinned against Him by rebelling against His holy name fires, therefore, He has facilitated it to His children, as you and I, so we may live it with our loved ones throughout the earth, where evil fails to attack you as always forever.
Therefore, given that Lucifer has been defeated by our heavenly Father’s eternal life that you may have received it by been baptized in water as you may invoke His holy name’s perfect holiness, then, Lucifer along with the wicked spirits attacking
will abandon you never to return to you, because the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers will stop him from attacking you again. Presently, our heavenly Father’s eternal life in you abundantly each day will continually to cast out Lucifer, fallen angels and
death from you and your loved ones, including from neighbors and friends from around the world, so you may receive not only His great salvation from Jerusalem’s holy hill but also from Canaan’s richness that rightfully belongs to you through eternity,
baptized in water.
Given that, Lucifer can no longer may have the powers to block these blessing of great richness that belong to you from Canaan’s abundant daily richness, because as you were born from our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul then you were born
with His richness to enjoy them each day upon earth’s life, thus to execute His will blessing others without limit always. For this is when, you will be our heavenly Father’s perfect will instantly upon earth, because as you are reborn from the water
baptism, then, you have become reborn in His holy-seed, as Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, where His eternal life thrives within you as it thrives throughout heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts thus manifesting it with you to bless
others always.
Indeed, you will be our heavenly Father’s perfect will instantly upon earth, as wherever you may live with your loved ones, thus you will be taking His perfect will towards people that He needs to bless with healing, solving problems and conflicts, and
above all enriching them, because His will on earth be with you miraculously as in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts. This is you reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God
of Jacob, to abandon the sinful-flesh for Isaac’s sacred-flesh that is without sin, so you may become as perfect and holy as He is forever in heaven’s glory throughout eternity, living His eternal life upon earth forever abundantly enriched.
It is here, when you will become as perfect and holy as our heavenly Father is forever into eternity, because you were born from His image and living-soul, so you may live with His perfect holy heart in your chest always doing His perfect will upon earth
thus blessing the families of the nations, starting with yours first in your homeland. Absolutely, it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will making you perfect and holy as He is before His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, instantly baptized in
water, because this is when not only your heart becomes perfect as His is in His chest, but also, your mind, soul, body and human spirit will become perfect and holy as He is everlasting.
Really, you will be living upon earth continually blessed, doing our heavenly Father’s perfect will, because your heart is perfect and holy as His is in His chest along with His mind, soul, body and human spirit, since in the oath sworn to Isaac’s
powers you are Him walking on earth as He is walking in heaven’s glory blessing everything with His perfect will. Truthfully, this is what our heavenly Father told Abraham by assuring that he must be perfect and holy as He is in heaven’s glory with
His Son and His Spirit, thus granting him His Son as Isaac through Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, so he may receive His holy heart in his chest forever in Canaan, blessing the earth with perfect holiness through eternity.
For our heavenly Father had promised Abraham that He will make him well-known throughout the earth, because he will be a blessing for all the families of the nations, giving that by him receiving His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, then, his heart will become
perfect and holy as His is in His chest, rooted in Canaan’s daily richness forever blessings others always. Considering that, our heavenly Father’s holy heart was poured upon Isaac not only as His oath sworn to Isaac, that is His perfect will for
Israel and the families of the nations baptized in water, but also, it is under Canaan as the earth’s holy heart, working in his chest and his children’s as well, flowing with endless richness, powers and glories into everlasting.
Understanding that, it is our heavenly Father’s holy heart always blessing not only His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts but also His children born from His image and living-soul upon earth, starting in Canaan,
because it is His holy heart blessing you along with your loved ones throughout humankind with perfect holiness, as always from heaven’s glory. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father not only to have His Son Jesus Christ born from
Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit, but also, it was important for Him to have Jacob along with the twelve patriarchs born in Canaan, for the children to be born outside Canaan, in a foreign land, Egypt—taking the world’s sins.
Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed to establish His divine family in Canaan first as His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit in Abraham’s family as Isaac, so He may have His children in Egypt’s captivity
collecting the sins from the entire world to baptize them at the Red Sea finally, destroying sin in one day forever. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to take the entire house of Israel through the Sinai’s desert baptized in water at the Red Sea,
abandoning in it the entire human race’s sins, as His children that had been reborn from Canaan’s daily amazing richness to supply their daily needs in a barren-land bound towards Canaan’s heart, to conquer it forever for His holy name fires.
Lovingly, our heavenly Father needed to conquer hell’s gate and its cities that were filled with families of the nations that had passed away without ever invoking His holy name fires much less they were baptized in water, thus He needed to conquer
hell’s torment with His amazing holy heart, by establishing it there forever with ancient Israel. For our heavenly Father needed not only hell’s gate along with its cities of families of the nations from the past and the future to love Him, His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also, He needed to have hell’s torment loving Him as well along with His holy name fires thus conquering new glories, richness and powers untouched before by sin through eternity.
Besides that, our heavenly Father needed Canaan to love Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit but also Israel and the families of the nations from the past and the future, so He will be truly loved and enriched by His holy heart from the earth’s
heart under Canaan, with each of His children bearing it in their chest with perfect holiness forever. Truly, it is only in our heavenly Father’s holy heart filled with true unfailing-love loving Him and His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit
and the angelical hosts throughout heaven’s glory but also from the earth’s heart under Canaan, because there is no other loving heart as His that can love Him along with His children in His new earth throughout eternity.
Certainly, our heavenly Father has created heaven and earth with perfect holiness filled with endless-sweetness so He may live with His children loving Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with His holy heart established forever in hell’s
torment under Canaan but also in His children’s chest, thus conquering with you new richness, powers and glories of endless unfailing-love through coming generations. For this is our heavenly Father’s kingdom of love, as His new earth, born from the
earth’s heart, because Israel in Egypt’s captivity collected your sins and your loved ones’ as well committed against Him, His Son and His Spirit, so He baptized them at the Red Sea to descend with His water baptism into hell’s torment, for His
children to live again forever enriched.
That is correct. Ancient Israel was born in Egypt’s captivity collecting sins committed against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations, so He may destroy them from the
earth’s heart under Canaan thus removing them in one day forever, for His unfailing-love may fill the entire earth with His amazing richness finally. Timely: Our heavenly Father’s holy heart gave birth glories, powers and endless-richness upon Isaac
lying over Mount Zion, resting at Mount Moriah, so you may become enriched as He is rich forever in heaven’s glory, but now, He needs richness from you reborn from His water baptism to live in Canaan’s richness, enriching Him and His holy name fires
upon earth throughout eternity—starting now.
For our heavenly Father will never use or welcome richness from other sources than Canaan, that is why, that once you are baptized in water then you are linked forever to Canaan’s daily abundant richness that will flow through you towards our heavenly
Father, His living-words, His holy name fires thus enriching the entire earth for His final descend into Canaan soon. Indeed, Canaan’s daily richness, powers and endless-happiness, are to enrich our heavenly Father’s eternal life only, for Canaan
will fail to recognize any other life other than His life in you, lived by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and now you along with your loved ones baptized in water, therefore: it recognizes only His holy name fires in you with blessings.
Canaan is heaven’s glory, as paradise and the New Jerusalem from heaven above, recognizing only our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, therefore, baptized in water then you will be recognized by Canaan’s endless richness
belonging to you, because you were born from His image and living-soul thus it enriches you daily as it enriches His divine family as usual. Lawfully, Canaan will fail to recognize any other life in heaven’s glory and upon earth, because Canaan is our
heavenly Father’s home-sweet-home, where He will continue to live with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts but also with you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world baptized in water by invoking His nameâ€
™s perfect holiness.
Truthfully, any life other than our heavenly Father’s, His Son Jesus Christ’s and the Holy Spirit’s Canaan will close doors, failing to recognize you and everyone else along with you if you are not baptized in water by invoking Him, as the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, so you may get your daily blessing from it always. With confidence: Canaan only recognizes you baptized in water, because you may have invoked the perfect holiness of His name, so you may abandon the sinful-
flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where our heavenly Father’s eternal life thrives within you with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, granting you richness for you and your loved ones through life.
Therefore, if you enter Canaan with a different life other than our heavenly Father’s eternal life that has defeated Satan, the fallen angels, death and hell’s torment with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, Canaan will fail to recognize
you, instead it ignores you, although you were originally born in it until you are baptized in water to be blessed finally. Consequently, in water baptism you are purified from your sins by abandoning the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for Isaac’
s flesh without sin and the Holy Spirit to be recognized in Canaan, only then, heaven’s glory and its eternal life recognizes you finally, as in paradise and in the New Jerusalem from heaven, knowing only love, peace, happiness and endless-richness
through your days.
Legally, this is our heavenly Father entirely in you as you are reborn from the water baptism by invoking His name’s perfect holiness that Canaan’s daily richness recognizes immediately, wherever you may live on earth, as in your homeland, because
you are as perfect and holy as He is forever along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit well into eternity. Otherwise, Canaan and its amazing daily richness will continue to ignore you each day, wherever you may live on earth, whether you were
born as a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Hebrew or from any other faith around the world, Canaan will only recognize our heavenly Father’s eternal life in you that has defeated your enemies throughout your entire life already forever.
Truthfully, as you may live your life on earth, then, you will fail to know everything that our heavenly Father has done with His Son Jesus Christ, as His holy-seed, in you along with the Holy Spirit, by destroying Satan, the fallen angels, death and
hell’s torment for you and your loved ones to know only endless-richness through life from Canaan’s abundant daily richness. In your last day on earth, you will descend into hell’s torment, where your loved ones and friends are because they failed
to invoke His holy name fires as they were supposed to become baptized in water to abandon the sinful-life, for His sacred-flesh in Isaac only to know His amazing eternal life that loves you with perfect richness from Canaan these days.
In hell’s torment, you will be tormented with Satan and the wicked spirits that lived with you because of your rebellion to have failed to know our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, when you could have lived His eternal life,
granted onto you with amazing victories against Satan and enemies that love to see you live in poverty always. In the contrary, with our heavenly Father’s eternal life you will be living His richness each day, enjoyed in heaven’s glory with His Son
Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the families of the nations that through the generations became reborn through water baptism, by abandoning the sinful-flesh that impoverishes them to live His eternal life that enriches everyone these days until kingdom
Considering that, our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is God Almighty of great richness granting unto you entirely His eternal life through His salvation work that He personally accomplished over Jerusalem’s holy
hill by exalting His holy name fires over the entire earth, thus yielding onto you progressive victories over every enemy always throughout life. Certainly, our heavenly Father’s eternal life granted unto you through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit is powerful against enemies, as Satan, death, poverty, sickness and hell’s torment thus you will along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends fail to know poverty, sickness and death, instead you will always know Canaan’s richness until
you may enter heaven’s glory enriched into everlasting.
Positively, our heavenly Father has granted His glorious life unto you through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in Canaan, by personally defeating Satan, sin and death over the cross at Mount Zion, by shedding it entirely towards the earth’s
heart, so hell’s torment may be destroyed for you and your loved ones forever only to know heaven’s glory forever enriched. However, you must be enriched these days by been reborn from His water baptism, as you may invoke Him, as God of Abraham, God
of Isaac and God of Jacob, because this is when you may have repented from your sins to receive His holy-seed, as Isaac’s flesh without sin to live without sin until finally you may enter heaven’s glory forever justified.
This water baptism you may do it anywhere on earth, regardless of your religious faith, because our heavenly Father has removed sin from the earth’s heart and the families of the nations, starting with Israel, thus, baptized at your home bathtubs, then,
you will enter into His kingdom of every day miracle for you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world. For this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that started to bless you thus to enrich you along with your loved ones,
neighbors and friends from around the world beyond all human understanding, then you may enter into His holy presence only forever enriched from Canaan’s daily endless-richness, so you may properly bless Him along with His holy name fires forever,
starting at home.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father has granted unto you His entire holy heart filled with His unfailing-love for you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends baptized in water, because His holy heart as always has known you since before the
foundation of the world, so you may know Him each day only with His holy heart born in your chest for endless-eternity on earth. It is here. When you truly will be His perfect will in your hometown, as where you may live nowadays, because our heavenly
Father’s will be always from His holy heart for His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, thus since His holy heart is in your chest baptized in water, then it is on earth instantly with you, without ever failing you.
Truly, our heavenly Father’s perfect will emanates from His holy heart for the angelical hosts, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit in heaven, then, baptized in water by invoking His name’s perfect holiness, then, since His holy heart is in your chest
thus emanates His perfect will with you, blessing the families of the nations, with Canaan’s richness, starting with your family first. In other words, our heavenly Father’s perfect will is in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts, His Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit directly from His holy heart loving them as always, then, the same is with you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from everywhere, because His holy heart is in your chest been His will on earth as in heaven everlasting.
That is why, that our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ taught the parable about what contaminates man on earth, by assuring everyone that what goes into man fails to contaminate him, because what he may eat passes through his stomach and
finally into the latrine, thus failing entirely to go into his heart. However, whatever may come out from his heart is what contaminates him, his loved ones and everyone else around him, because out of his heart thoughts of evil may contaminate him and
others as adultery, stealing, lies, calumnies, murder along with other evils alike that can only be destroyed forever from him in water baptism by invoking His name’s perfect holiness.
Therefore, baptized in water at your home bathtubs, pools, river or beach, then, the sinful-flesh, the spirit of error and the wicked heart will be replaced with His holy-seed that is Isaac’s flesh without sin, the Holy Spirit and His amazing loving-
heart in your chest loving you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world without ever failing you through eternity. Moreover, our heavenly Father needs you to understand that He has always loved His angelical hosts, His Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit with His holy heart entirely, but also, His children born from His image and living-soul, loving you with His holy heart in your chest that turned the earth’s heart into His holy heart lastly, guaranteeing His love towards
you now.
Accordingly, our heavenly Father will convey instantly His perfect will with you and your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, because you have received miraculously His holy heart in your chest baptized in water, thus, as He may
execute His perfect will with the angels in heaven’s glory then He will carry it with you without any sin problem in your homeland. Therefore, our heavenly Father granted us the Lord’s prayer for water baptism that states by saying: let your will be
upon earth with your children as it is in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts, give us our daily bread by forgiving our sins as we forgive those that sin against us, and never lead us into temptation, judged into hell’s torment for sinning.
Graciously: Our heavenly Father established His holy heart in the earth’s heart by removing the Valley of the dried bones, as His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the cross over Jerusalem’s holy hill shed his atoning-blood forever victorious against Satan,
death, sin and death hell’s torment, so we may have instead His loving heart loving us through eternity, starting in your homeland right now. Victoriously, our heavenly Father has established His holy heart under Canaan, because His Son Jesus Christ
was born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers, but also, you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends, so you may have His holy heart in your chest, doing His perfect will in your homeland as in heaven’s glory with the
angelical hosts.
Besides, this is the only way possible that our heavenly Father may convey His perfect will from His holy heart for His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and every angel from heaven’s glory, thus He needs His children born from image blessed as well
with His holy heart in their chest baptized in water, for His will to be on earth throughout eternity. Consequently, only our heavenly Father’s holy heart may carry His perfect will with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and every angel in heaven’
s glory, and the same is true with His children from Israel and the families of the nations, and so, they are called to become baptized in water by invoking His name’s perfect holiness throughout the earth these days.
Understanding that, only with our heavenly Father’s holy heart implanted in their chests then every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations may be able to execute His perfect will upon earth as in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts, so
they may love Him, as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit have loved Him through eternity until now. Really, Israel along with the nations is called to love our heavenly Father through His holy heart implanted in their chests, but baptized in water
by invoking His name’s perfect holiness, thus His rock of salvation with oceans of love, oceans of happiness and oceans of joys along with other richness may flow through their hearts, blessing Him and His holy name fires forever.
Therefore, baptized in water, then you will be reborn from Canaan, planted in holy ground as our heavenly Father’s holy-seed born from Him by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so you may be linked to Canaan’s daily richness blessing not only Him and His
holy name fires but also everyone else throughout the earth, thus conquering greater richness than ever before through coming generations. Definitively, if your heart is as holy and perfect as our heavenly Father’s holy heart is in His chest, then, you
will love Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit forever into eternity, furthermore, you will be enriched with Canaan’s daily richness, enriching your loved ones, neighbors and friends from everywhere thus conquering new richness abundantly
through coming generations always.
Subsequently, Israel was born to love our heavenly Father through His holy-seed that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but this is only possible as they are reborn from water baptism and the Holy Spirit, where His holy heart is implanted in
their chest finally to love Him and His holy name fires forever in Canaan and throughout the entire earth. Given that, Israel must love our heavenly Father with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their strength, with all their minds and with
all their life, thus they may become reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness, so their inner being may become perfect and holy as He is forever into eternity in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts.
Really, it is only through water baptism by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob that your inner being will become all of His mind, all of His holy heart, all of His strength and all of His living-soul to love Him and His holy
name fires as He is ought to be loved properly on earth forever. In other words, in water baptism, you will have become as perfect and holy as our heavenly Father is forever from head to feet before His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical
hosts for you truly to love Him and His holy name fires upon earth as He is eternally loved, served and worshipped in heaven’s glory forever into eternity.
Again, if you fail to have our heavenly Father’s holy heart in your chest to love Him and His holy name fires as He is eternally loved by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, you will fail to know His eternal life granted unto you in Canaan
that has defeated Satan, fallen angels, death and hell along with any future enemy. Truly, you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from the families of the nations will fail to know how to love our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the
Holy Spirit and His holy name fires much less you will ever know His eternal life blessing you already each day with endless-richness, glories and powers from Canaan to receive in your homeland.
If truth be told: with our heavenly Father’s holy heart planted in your chest, baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, then, you will be rooted into Canaan’s daily richness, powers, knowledge of the Lord, wisdom, intelligence,
milk and honey, healing: enriching yourself, loved ones, communities, your nation and the world as well. Seriously, you will become enriched mightily by Canaan’s daily richness that legally belongs to you, because you were born from our heavenly Fatherâ
€™s image only to know love, peace, happiness and endless prosperity on earth and in heaven’s glory, whether you are Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Christian, Hebrew or any other religion on earth.
Otherwise, if our heavenly Father’s holy heart is not in your chest, as it is right now in the earth’s heart loving you forever, because you love Him and His holy name fires baptized in water, then, you will fail to know Him and His eternal life
loving you beyond all human understanding on earth and in heaven’s glory, as right now, for example. Presently, our heavenly Father’s perfect will is you forever, as in haven’s glory with His Son, His Spirit and the angels along with everyone from
Israel and the nations baptized through generations until now, thus you are His holy-seed, His flesh without sin planted in Canaan, giving richness to everyone else around you until humankind becomes His amazing-love through eternity—with you in it.
Right now, our heavenly Father is counting on you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the entire earth until kingdom comes—He really believes in you blindly, because you are His holy-seed born from Him and planted in Canaan’
s holy ground with endless-richness, enriching the entire earth always and everyone in it through coming generations, starting now. Legally, our heavenly Father has placed His divine-fortunes on you, believing that you will never fail Him, instead you
will be faithful through His holy-seed that emerged from Him, as His Son Jesus Christ living His eternal life for you in His flesh without sin forever, so you may return to His home-sweet-home to live forever loved by you in His new earth. Amen.
[continued in next message]
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