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All on Fri Oct 30 20:39:16 2020
Sábado, 31 de Octubre, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our Father’s HOLY-SEED is the CROSS: saving you and the families worldwide with Canaan’s daily richness:
Graciously: Our heavenly Father needed to transfer from heaven’s glory His cross that had always existed with Him, because with it His has always kept His holy name fires in perfect holiness with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical
hosts, but now He needed to have it with His children born from His image and His living-soul, starting with Adam. Our heavenly Father needed to establish His cross upon Canaan, because He really needed to transfer His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit upon earth, with His Son already slain since before the foundation of the world, given that His main archangel Lucifer had rebelled against Him and His holy name fires, therefore, He needed to create a new place for it.
This is when, our heavenly Father thought of you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, so they may be born from His image and living-soul in the sacred-filled with everlasting life, defeating Satan, fallen angels and death
already in the angelical rebellion against Him and His holy fires thus you may love Him forever throughout eternity with His rock of salvation. For our heavenly Father has called you to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fires with perfect
holiness emanating from Him as the holy-seed, His only Son as Isaac, so you may become one with Him and His Son Jesus Christ as the cross over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, forever victorious against sin, Satan, fallen angels, death and hell’s
That is why, that our heavenly Father created the heavens and earth with endless-sweetness to establish His holy-seed upon it that is the cross taking on the sins of His children to the water baptism thus to gather them with His holy-seed from the earthâ€
™s heart to be planted upon Canaan, so they may return to life eternal in paradise forever justified. For this is our heavenly Father’s cross that it has always existed throughout the angelical kingdom bearing His holy name fires with perfect holiness
blessing always His angelical hosts until Lucifer decided to take control of it due to the powerful blessing that it was always emanating towards the angels, therefore, he needed it for him and his followers.
For history, our heavenly Father needed to transfer His continuous sacrifice from heaven’s glory into Canaan, so He may have the cross along with His holy name fires defeating Satan and the rebellious angelical hosts along with death, but this had to
happen upon earth and within the midst of the families of the nations thus to remove sin from hell’s torment forever. However, for this to be possible for the cross along with our heavenly Father’s holy name, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac
and the God of Jacob then it had to not only defeat Satan, the angelical, witchcraft families and death, but also it had to remove sin from the earth’s heart, where hell was holding His children in eternal perdition.
That is to say, that our heavenly Father had to pour His holy heart upon Canaan for His children to take His cross along with His holy name fires to the earth’s heart, where the Valley of dried bones was along with the other hell’s torments of the
families of the nations lost eternally because they died in their sins forever cursed. For our heavenly Father needed to touch the earth’s heart with His loving heart thus to remove sin from the world in one day but also to enrich the hearts of His
children with their living-souls lost to sin thus they may return to life again, but this time to love: serving and worshipping Him with His holy name fires exalted over the earth forever.
Really, our heavenly Father needed to change the earth’s heart to His holy loving-heart thus He may grant them comfort to their living-souls, because He was doing all the work necessary to remove sin from their living-souls but also from the entire
earth, thus they may live again: loving, serving and honoring His holy name above the earth throughout eternity. This meant to exalt His holy name fires from the earth’s heart as the Valley of the dried bones that is Hell’s gates to Canaan’s
endless richness, powers and glories thus to cover the families of the nations from high above victorious over Satan, hell and death throughout eternity for His new earth to birth with His children enjoying love, powers and endless richness.
Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to recover the entire earth along with His children born from the families of the nations fallen to the traps from Satan, the fallen angels, death and hell’s torment, so they may return to life again to live forever
blessed with Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit, but this life needed to start in Canaan with them. Consequently, our heavenly Father called His best friend to abandon His parents, relatives and friends for the land that He would show him, because he was
going to live a new life that the entire earth had never known, and this is His holy-seed’s eternal life that needed to be born in Canaan thus to become the cross finally in the last days.
Abraham was obedient to our heavenly Father’s call to enter Canaan with his wife Sarah and nephew Lot, because he was to live a life in Canaan, pleasing Him and His Son Jesus Christ in Spirit and in Truth throughout the earth, thus the families of the
nations may come to know His glorious life born in Canaan to destroy Satan and death forever. This was our heavenly Father’s eternal life emanating from Him as His holy-seed giving birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by
the Holy Spirit’s powers that needed to become part not only of the children promised to Abraham but also of the families of the nations, starting with the ones already lying in hell’s torments, guilty of sin.
For this was our heavenly Father descending with ancient Israel as His holy-seed, the cross, taking not only on the doors of His enemies but also the cities of the families of the nations to become one holy-seed to be planted in Canaan by His right-arm
finally manifesting Himself with His children purified from sin forever as the cross, in Canaan. Surely, our heavenly Father needed to dress every man, woman and child with His holy-seed coming from Him as Isaac by the Holy Spirit although they were
already lying in hell’s torments condemned because of their sins, because with them dressing His holy-seed that is the sacred-flesh then they had never sinned in their lives: therefore, they may return to life gain finally.
Certainly, this is our heavenly Father’s cross emanating from Him, because it has always existed within His divine nature through eternity and only His Son Jesus Christ could manifest it upon earth for the families of the nations, starting with Abrahamâ
€™s family by the Holy Spirit’s powers, thus He may remove sin to have His children living life eternal again in heaven’s glory forever. For our heavenly Father needed a glorious place on earth with His children blessed already not only by His holy-
seed as His cross with His holy name fires nailed to it forever thus He may live with them defeating already Satan, fallen angels, death and hell in heaven’s glory, so they may finally live daily loved, enriched by Him through eternity, starting in
This is Canaan upon earth these days to where our heavenly Father called Abraham to live there, because He was going to become great but also well known throughout the earth, because in Canaan He will recognize him to be perfect and holy as He is forever
in eternity but also the promised children, including the families of the nations through future generations. Really, only in Canaan our heavenly Father was not only ready to recognize Abraham but also his promised children living through coming
generations along with the families of the nations, including those already lying in hell’s torment because they failed to wash away their sins by being baptized in water in His holy name, thus escaping hell’s torment to know only Canaan’s daily
For this is our heavenly Father’s glorious chosen land to live with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts but also with every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations away from Lucifer’s sin, because only
in Canaan He knows them in person to person through eternity, starting with the baptism in water by invoking His holy name as always. Really, only in Canaan with His eternal life in every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations
our heavenly Father knows them, because reborn in His water baptism they have become as perfect and holy as He is through eternity, because they are living in His holy-seed born from Him through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Definitively, our heavenly Father is very holy and perfect only knowing His Son Jesus Christ and only the Son knows the Father, therefore, baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob
instantly you have become known by Him in the sacred-flesh in heaven’s glory along with the angelical hosts forever. Frankly, this is our heavenly Father’s holy seed as His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit
for Abraham to live His eternal life in Canaan with his only son Isaac: and so, he was called finally to mount Zion, resting at Moriah, to be recognized in heaven’s glory as perfect and holy as our Father is holy forever.
Timely, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, so Abraham may become recognized before Him in heaven’s glory as perfect and holy as He is forever into eternity, because this is what He
told him initially: you must be perfect and holy as I am to enter life eternal forever justified. Therefore, Abraham was declared perfect and holy over mount Zion, resting at Moriah, because he had lived with his only son Isaac for few years until he
became nailed to Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and atoning-blood to his hands and feet to be finally declared perfect and holy as our heavenly Father is forever in eternity, thus he may enter eternal life forever enriched.
Truthfully, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, because He is the cross as the holy-seed that give birth to Isaac but also to Jacob and the Israelis patriarchs along with
the promised children through coming generations that became the cross over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, with lasting-salvation for the entire earth. This is how, that our heavenly Father will know every man, woman and child from Israel and the
nations, because baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His holy name, then, you will become His holy-seed as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may finally know you as you may live before Him throughout eternity, starting in
Categorically, our heavenly Father will always fail to know anyone from Israel and the nations, because they were born eating from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, however, as you may eat from Him his bread and wine born
from Him as His holy seed through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, He will know you. Truly, in the last days as people may appear before our heavenly Father, then, He will ask them: how they go up there close to Him in heaven’s glory,
because they will be up there before Him in the sinful-flesh, because they failed to become baptized in water to declare before them, by saying finally: depart from me evil doer, I never knew you.
Therefore, our heavenly Father will only recognize you as His child baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name to abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where He will recognize you
as worker of His perfect will throughout the earth finally to gain your place in heaven’s glory forever enriched. Considering that, in heaven’s glory, our heavenly Father only knows His Son and His Son only knows our heavenly Father, consequently, He
gave part of Himself as His holy-seed through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit born as Isaac from Sarah and later from David’s virgin daughter, so He may finally know you as one of His children throughout the earth.
Truly, baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, then, you will abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where our heavenly Father
will recognize you, as one of His own, perfect and holy as He is forever into eternity. For this is our heavenly Father’s holy-seed born from Him as Isaac by the Holy Spirit, where you will be nailed to the cross to His holy hands and to His holy feet
with bronze nails to become one with Him through eternity, starting in Canaan, where He has enriched you with richness from heaven’s glory and from the entire earth as well.
Consequently, our heavenly Father only needs you to know His holy heart’s amazing love for you, loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, so you will enjoy endlessly His amazing daily Canaan’s richness granted unto Abraham initially,
thus blessing Isaac along with Jacob and the promised children through generations, enriching you amazingly but baptized in water, finally receiving His holy-seed in you forever. Moreover, our heavenly Father has always worked with His holy-seed through
generations until now, and He will work non-stop with it only, because He started it with Abraham, enriching him until he said: Lord, grant your richness to others, enriching them as I am: however, Abraham was been enriched because through him and His
holy-seed He needed to enrich you with richness, too, today.
Certainly, this is Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and his atoning-blood enriching your life just as he initially enriched Abraham by defeating his enemies menacing him, so he may be declared perfect and holy by our heavenly Father over
Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, with Isaac nailed to his hands and feet as the cross to save him with endless richness through life as always. Well, this is our heavenly Father nailed to you, to your hands and feet: to your hands because you
will work with Him and His holy hands doing wonderful things for you moreover you are nailed to His feet thus you may walk always from victory to victory without missing a blessing through life until finally you may enter heaven’s glory forever
For our heavenly Father needs a kingdom where He is in each of His children, from the families of the nations from the past and the future, starting with is Israel, because He needs them to become as perfect and holy as He is through eternity only to
know Him with His amazing holy heart always loving them without failing them forever. Understanding that, this will be His own life: that we are living with Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, in the oath sworn to Isaac’
s powers, where sin will fail to exist only to know His amazing holy heart loving us, thus conquering new richness, glories and endless sanctities unseen before by anyone through eternity.
Really, once Israel is baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, then, the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers will manifest with great richness, glories and endless sanctities thus
enriching every living-soul from the nations, because the life that we will receive requires richness to live through eternity forever joyful. Lovingly, this is our heavenly Father’s life living in us, reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect
holiness of His name thus abandoning the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where we will only know the richness that pleases His loving heart for us, then we will only know love, peace and endless happiness
through eternity.
Timely, our heavenly Father had to have had His Son Jesus Christ reborn as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, by turning it as His holy heart is in His chest, so not only Isaac, Jacob and the promised children may live but also families
of the nations thus creating a glorious kingdom on earth, where sin fails to exist through eternity. Indeed, this is the glorious life that your living-soul, heart, mind, body and human spirit have always longed for, however, because of sin, then, it was
left in paradise with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but because He loved us so-much, we may have it these days baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name.
Really, this is a glorious life that our heavenly Father through His holy-seed that is the cross born into our lives as His Son Jesus Christ became Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, so we may have it these days baptized in water by
invoking the perfect holiness of His name only to know endless every day richness from Canaan. Considering that, it was in Canaan where our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with the Hebrew families was powerful against
sin, then, He destroyed Satan’s works, death’s works and hell’s torment, by been baptized in the Jordan River miraculously reborn into this glorious life of every day miracle, where our enemies have been defeated already forever.
Here, our heavenly Father was not only baptized at the Red Sea as He had personally taken the nations’ sins from the past and the future as ancient Israel lived in Egypt’s captivity for four centuries with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers,
but also, He was baptized at the Jordan River for Israel finally to defeat all enemies throughout the earth forever. Surely, our heavenly Father had given birth to Israel as His cross, that it is Him taking the earth’s sins to the Red Sea’s water
baptism by Israel invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob thus removing Satan and Satanists families from Canaan, for it to be the most beautiful land on earth flowing with milk and honey forever.
Moreover, ancient Israel was born with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood to take the entire earth’s sins to become baptized at the Red Sea for every man, woman and child from the families of the nations already lying in hellâ
€™s torment for lack of water baptism to escape death and eternal perdition to ascend into heaven’s eternal life forever enriched lastly. Then, after baptism at the Red Sea ancient Israel abandoned the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the
sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit to become rightful citizens of Canaan thus to receive daily richness from it through the Sinai’s desert, where life is totally impossible, so they may finish our heavenly Father’s work to enter Canaan to destroy sin
forever in one day.
This was our heavenly Father as His cross with the entire house of Israel becoming His holy-seed again in the earth’s heart taking hell’s gate with the cities of families of the nations to become one with Him and His children to have them back in
paradise, but this time is Canaan, His modern paradise, where sin was removed from the earth forever finally. Besides, our heavenly Father had to plant His holy-seed in Canaan’s richness, where He had established His eternal life in His home-sweet-home
to live with His children His amazing love with them, because He had always longed to live with them even before they abandoned paradise because of sin: however, now they will live with Him as the cross forever enriched into eternity.
For the cross is our heavenly Father’s holy-seed born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit taking the sins of the families of the nations from the past and the future to the Red Sea water baptism, then, to live through the Sinai’s desert
assimilating hell’s tormented-life to live with the sacred-flesh forever victorious against sin for the earth’s lasting happiness at last. Surely, when our heavenly Father as the cross with the ancient Israel baptized at the Red Sea already
performing the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness, then He could dress not only hell’s gate and enemy cities of the nations dead in their sins but also the entire earth with His sacred-flesh, the holy-seed that had
removed sin from humankind.
Therefore, there is no sin anymore throughout the earth and its heart, because sin was destroyed with His holy-seed that was baptized at the Red Sea initially to remove every sin from the nations but also from the entire earth thus Canaan may flow with
milk and honey enriching the living-soul of every man, woman and child forever, starting with Adam and Eve. However, Satan is still with his Satanists families performing witchcraft thus destroying the sacred-flesh that had established successfully His
holy name fires nailed to the cross that is His children from the nations baptized in the Red Sea by Him but also baptized by His Son at the Jordan only knowing love, prosperity and endless-sweetness as milk and honey filling His new earth entirely
Certainly, this is the new earth that our heavenly Father had always dreamed for His holy name fires nailed to His holy-seed that is Isaac that became Jacob along with the promised children, but also, it became one holy-seed again, reborn from the earthâ€
™s heart with the nations from the past and the future, thus conquering the earth for His newly coming kingdom forever. Therefore, it was important to have ancient Israel collecting the sins of the world from past and future to baptize them at the Red
Sea as the cross that needed to bear His holy name fires through the Sinai’s desert victorious over sin, finally entering the earth’s heart bitten by poisonous snakes, thus as His holy-seed to see life again in Canaan.
For this is what our heavenly Father told Moses to enter into Canaan with ancient Israel to remove Satan and the Satanists nations that were performing witchcraft against His perfect will, thus He will fail to have His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit along with Israel finally honoring His holy name fires forever over mount Zion, resting in Canaan, as always. However, since ancient Israel caused Moses to sin against the Lord in the Sinai’s desert and before the rock of salvation, as it was to
gush water to satisfy everyone’s thirst, including the herds of animals that Israel brought with them from Egypt, then, he failed to honor Him before the congregation, therefore, he was denied entrance into Canaan with Israel.
For our heavenly Father had chosen Joshua to possess Canaan for Him and His holy name fires nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, finally establishing His new earth as His eternal kingdom of His unfailing-love for His children conquering new
richness, glories and sanctities unseen before by anyone with the ever-increasing oath sworn to Isaac’s powers established in them forever. Consequently, ancient Israel had died in the Sinai’s desert to conquer to the earth’s heart for our heavenly
Father’s holy heart to give birth to them again, as His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross along with His holy name fires at mount Zion: but also, the children became baptized at the Jordan river instantly, conquering Canaan from Satan’s
kingdom of darkness.
Now, the children of ancient Israel that had passed away in the Sinai’s desert to conquer hell’s gate and the cities of the families of the nations from the past and the future to become our heavenly Father’s holy-seed planted in Canaan by His
right-arm, then Joshua failed to conquer Canaan entirely, since their children failed to become baptized in water. Historically, the Israeli army defeated most of the Satanists nations occupying Canaan for Satan and death, because they were baptized in
water, as they crossed the Jordan river to clear it entirely from evil, thus it may flow with milk and honey for our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to live in Canaan, as His home-sweet-home, forever loved by nations.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to conquer Canaan by ancient Israel’s army finally to establish His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill victorious forever against Satan’s wilds, as sin, curses, infirmities, conflicts, wars and hell’
s torment, so Canaan may flow milk and honeys into every family home throughout the earth thus they may love, serve and honor His holy name fires forever. However, Joshua with the Israeli army failed to remove the rest of the Satanists nations doing
witchcraft in Canaan, because they became retired for the children to take over the army and finish the work that Moses was called initially to carry it out throughout Canaan, but they failed to finish removing enemy nations due to the lack of the water
Israel was supposed to have their children baptized in water by invoking our heavenly Father’s name, as the God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, for the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers to work in their favor through life, clearing holy grounds
entirely from Satanists families thus to flow with milk and honey for the new incoming kingdom upon earth finally. Understanding that, ancient Israel failed to conquer Canaan, because Israel baptized at the Jordan retired after victorious against
Satanists nations but they still failed to finish their work, for their children were not baptized at all, to remove evil from Canaan entirely: causing it to flow with milk and honey for the new earth to manifest finally with His holy name fires
victorious over sin forever.
Truly, the Israelis children were not baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, therefore, facing their enemies in battle they failed to have the strength to defeat them; and so,
Canaan failed to be liberated from evil to flow with milk and honey for the new incoming earth. Again, our heavenly Father had to have His Son Jesus Christ born again from David’s virgin daughter, emanating with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones
and the atoning-blood to become baptized at the Jordan by John the baptize thus to remove Satan, fallen angels, death and Satanists families from Canaan forever finally to flow with milk and honey for His new coming kingdom upon earth.
Right after, our Lord Jesus Christ was baptized at the Jordan then Satan attacked him, because he had awaken the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers that our heavenly Father poured upon him and in Canaan, thus removing Satan, fallen angels, sin, infirmities,
curses, poverty, death and hell’s torments from Canaan finally to flow milk and honey for His new kingdom coming upon earth lastly. Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem in Israel to finish what our heavenly Father had started with
ancient Israel, collecting the world’s sins to become baptized with them, abandoning them at the Red Sea, so they may cross into Canaan to remove all evil, causing it to flow with milk and honey for His home-sweet-home to thrive through eternity
Timely, as our Lord Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem then he was in great danger, because three wise men from the East had entered into Jerusalem looking for him, because they had followed his star leading them to meet Herod, inquiring about the birth
of the King Messiah, but no one knew about it, except the written Scriptures and the priests. Herod called the priests and scribes to inquire from them about the birth of the promised King Messiah, then, by searching the Scriptures they read that the
Messiah was to be born in one insignificant town called Bethlehem, in Judea, from where no one of renown had ever been born before, therefore, they were astonished to read that he was to be born there.
Then, the three wise men led by the star again walked towards Bethlehem to stand at the door of the house where the King Messiah had been born already, cared by his mother and others around him, immediately the wise men entered to see him and worship him
by giving him gold, mirth and incense thus to enrich his amazing messianic-ministry that had started already. However, after the three wise men were ready to return to Herod, then, they were warned in a dream by angels to return to their homeland from a
different path, because they were in danger if they would see Herod to tell him where he could find the newly born child, the Messiah, for he had decided to kill him.
Lovingly, our heavenly Father had to have Joseph with Mary taking the child to a place of safety far away from Israel, and this was Egypt, because Herod had decided to kill every 2 year old child, because the three wise men failed to tell him where to
find him, nevertheless: He needed to call His Son Jesus Christ from Egypt to finish conquering Canaan. Therefore, as our heavenly Father called His Son from Egypt, then, he returned to Israel, but not to Jerusalem, instead he went to live in a small town
called Nazareth, so his son may become a Nazarene to prepare himself to conquer Canaan with perfect holiness for Him and His holy name fires nailed to the cross forever victorious over the entire earth.
Timely, as our Lord Jesus Christ was ready for water baptism then he met John at the Jordan, because he needed to resume what ancient Israel had left undone with Joshua leading them, for Satan needed to be defeated along with fallen angels, death and the
Satanists families, for Canaan to flow with milk and honey finally for His new earth miraculously appearance worldwide. That is to say, that what Joshua with the Israel army failed to finish through Canaan, then, our Lord Jesus Christ resumed to fulfil
it for every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations, so they may have a life that has defeated all enemies throughout Canaan thus it may flow with milk and honey until kingdom comes lastly.
Therefore, as you may become baptized in water then you will receive our heavenly Father’s life eternal that had defeated already for you: Satan, fallen angels, sin, infirmities, curses, poverty, Satanists families, death and hell’s torment, so you
may live His life always victorious against all enemies throughout the earth, knowing always love, prosperity, richness and endless-happiness until kingdom come. Really, you will receive our heavenly Father’s life eternal to live it within your
homeland, at home, whether you are a Muslin, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Hebrew and any other faith, because this life has expelled all your enemies in your every day life only to know love, peace, victory, prosperity and endless richness for you, your
loved ones, neighbors and friends worldwide forever.
[continued in next message]
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