ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri May 19 18:37:58 2017
Sábado, 20 de Mayo, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
(Deseo disculparme por haber confundido las Fiestas del 5 de Mayo con la Independencia de Méjico que es siempre el 16 de Septiembre, porque cuando escribía sobre las fiestas de Méjico me acordaba de mi madre fallecida, sin darme cuenta de la
equivocación que había cometido. Porque en el 5 de Mayo se celebra la batalla de puebla cuando el ejército Francés trató de conquistar Méjico al partir del puerto de Veracruz hacia la ciudad de Méjico, para establecer a su monarca Maximiliano de
Austria como rey de Méjico. Pero lo que no sabían los franceses fue que un pequeño ejército mejicano los estaba esperando al este de la ciudad de Méjico para detenerlos de establecer a su monarca sobre todo Méjico, porque los derrotaron, rindié
ndose ellos así ante fuerzas muy inferiores a ellos. Como diez mil de los franceses con sus familias fueron capturados y llevados al interior del país para que no regresen a Francia, para luego volver con un mayor ejercito. Lo que no sabia Méjico fue
que algunos franceses si escaparon para regresar un año después con un ejercito mayor del que habían derrotado en 1862. Los franceses regresaron para conquistar a todo Méjico y se quedaron sólo hasta 1867, porque luego optaron por regresar a sus
tierras, pero felices de haber vivido unos años en Méjico. La ciudad de puebla fue renombrada: Puebla de Zaragoza, en honor al general del ejército mejicano que derrotó a un ejército superior al de él.)
Our heavenly Father commanded Moses to present on to Him a young bull and two rams to be offered at the entrance of the tabernacle of reunion, because He was ready to accept Aaron and his sons as priests of the Most Holy Place thus to minister in all the
things that are holy within Israel for forgiveness, healing and salvation. Aaron the high priest had to be dressed with the divine attires of celestial exquisiteness that our heavenly Father had shown Moses to prepare for him and his children that will
be working with the holy things of the tabernacle of reunion, with perfect holiness, so they may not die ministering in His holy presence.
These were attires of exquisite celestial beauty that pleases our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit so Aaron along with his children may minister within the tabernacle and even in the Holy of Holiest before our heavenly Father,
thus He may bless them and the children of Israel with powerful blessings of abundant forgiveness, healing, prosperity and salvation. That is to say, also that no one within the Levitical families could approach the tabernacle of reunion and the holy
things of Israel without being properly dressed as our heavenly Father had instructed Moses, so they may be able to do the work that they needed to bless Israel without any one having to die, because of impureness.
Inasmuch as, anyone within the Levitical family not properly dressed with the sacerdotal attires along with any one else from all the twelve tribes of Israel that will approach the tabernacle of reunion along with the holy things of Israel with an impure
heart and indifferent disposition towards all the known holy things, then that one will die instantly and without warning. Therefore, the tabernacle of reunion had to be guarded constantly by everyone from the levitical family and the people assigned to
keep people and strayed animals from approaching it and the holy things of Israel, so they may not die in the process of coming too close to it and our heavenly Father’s holy presence within the Most Holy of Holiest.
Now, when Aaron as Israel first levitical high priest before entering into the tabernacle of reunion and into the Most of Holy of Holiest to be in our heavenly Father’s holy presence, then he had to offer a young bull along with two rams that had to be
sacrificed at the entrance of the tabernacle, because he had to purify himself thoroughly. Before entering: Aaron had to wear the attire of high priest for seven days and on each day a young bull had to be sacrificed so on Sabbath he will be completely
holy to enter into our heavenly Father’s presence, because He will be there ready to receive the sacrificial offerings, prayers and petitions, thus to bless Israel with perfect holiness.
Aaron as he will enter into the tabernacle of reunion and especially within the Most Holy of Holiest, then he had to sprinkle with the animal sacrificial atoning-blood over himself as his thumb from his right hand and toe from his right foot, because he
had also to sprinkle the blood over the curtain entering into the Lord’s presence for acceptance. Surely, Aaron had to sprinkle seven times the blue curtain separating the holy places from the Holiest of Holiest with the animal sacrificed atoning-blood,
because every time that he will sprinkle the blood over the curtain along with all the holy things of the tabernacle of reunion, it had to be done once for every day of the week before entering Sabbath.
Provided that, it will be on this very holy day of eternal purification that our heavenly Father not only was ready truly to receive the levitical high priest from the house of Israel, but also His Son Jesus Christ as the Holy One of Israel that will be
born in the years ahead from David’s virgin daughter to become the everlasting high priest. For His Son Jesus Christ will be the one that will enter with his sacred-flesh born from David’s virgin daughter bathed in his own blood with our heavenly
Father’s holy name flying over Israel’s sky high above the altar of the prehistoric love that Abraham and Isaac ignited its fire, to receive forever the Lamb of God with everyone’s salvation at last.
Given that, before the manifestation of His Son Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter bathed in his own atoning-blood in perfect holiness, thus to have our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit’s holy name entering into Israel to stay
forever over the altar of the prehistoric love, then, he had to have lived our holy lives for everyone’s perfect salvation. For that was the purpose of our Lord Jesus Christ being born within Israel from David’s virgin daughter bathed in his own
atoning-blood for the holy name fire to be welcomed finally over the altar of the prehistoric love, so he may shed entirely his very own lived life within heaven’s glory and within Israel for everyone’s lasting-salvation to be possible finally.
That is why, that most of the levitical high priest, beginning with Aaron, were rejected by our heavenly Father entering into the Holy of Holiest, because they failed to have lived a very holy life pleasing and acceptable into His very holy presence, so
He may forgive every one’s sin, transgressions, and daily faults with a divine lived-life already within Israel. Thus, the Levite priests, beginning with Aaron, failed to have lived this very glorious life that only our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit had always known, so the Spirit of the Ten Commandments may be fulfilled and glorified entirely within Israel as it is in heaven’s glory into eternity for lasting-salvation to be possible for everyone, forever.
That is why, that the levitical high priest died ministering within the Holy of the Most Holiest before our heavenly Father, because they could never meet His Spiritual standards that will not only bless them thoroughly with love, perfect holiness and
glory but also every man, woman and child within Israel with the same blessing and finally perfect eternal salvation, into eternity. The levitical high priest failed always to know this wonderful life that only our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy
Spirit could know and continue to live it without contamination with sin as the families of the earth were normally, beginning with Israel, that needed to know/possess it thus to enter into the Holy of Holiest forever justified and blessed richly.
Thus, throughout the life of Israel in the Sinai’s desert the tabernacle of reunion was always ready to receive the best of the high priest possible that the levitical families could present onto our heavenly Father within the Holy of the Most Holiest,
but they all came too short to meet Him in His perfect holiness, because they died ministering His holiness. That is to say, that when the levitical high priest had been rejected within the Holy of the Most Holiest, because their standard of holiness was
inadequate to meet our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then they will die that the bells around their waistline failed to sound that they had to be pulled out by the rope.
Inasmuch as, no one from the levitical family could enter into the Holy of the Most Holiest to rescue him or just to pull him out from the tabernacle of reunion so he may have a proper burial, because he had died and was beyond saving him because of his
lack of the perfect holiness needed to stand in heaven’s holy ground. That is to say, also that the high priest would be pulled out by his rope tied around his waistline, because he could not continue dead lying within the Holy of the Most Holiest in
our heavenly Father’s presence, since this place was reserved only for His Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of Israel and of the entire world.
In other words, as soon as the levitical priests at the end of the rope tied to the high priest waistline failed to hear the bells meaning that he had been rejected and therefore lying dead before our heavenly Father, then, they had to get him at out
there quickly because he could not continue dead more than the time already allowed. Only His Son Jesus Christ as the Holy One of Israel could truly remain dead within the Holy of Holiest, because as he was nailed to the wood of the house of Israel lying
at the Valley of the dried bones, then he began to pour his atoning-blood over it, because the holy name fire was burning intensely over his head.
Therefore, by our Lord Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood over the wood of the house of Israel that lied at the Valley of the dried bones that were just as dead as he had become, because he shed his entire holy life to wash them clean from all sins
in one day, then they became alive instantly before our Father in heaven. That is to say, that the only one that our heavenly Father could truly receive as dead as the corpses of the house of Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones, waiting for His
promises of abundant grace and mercies, it was His Son Jesus Christ dead in holy presence, because by his righteous-death he brought instantly Israel to life again.
This is when our Lord Jesus Christ had not only shed his entire divine life lived so righteously within heaven’s glory in our heavenly Father’s holy presence and that of the angelical hosts, but also along with every one of his brothers and sisters
within Israel, so he may bring them back to life with his righteous death and amazing-resurrection powers. That is why, that when our Lord Jesus Christ died nailed to the wood of ancient Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones, then he died over
their sacred-flesh that had accumulated the sins of the world, because by been nailed to their dead-bodies immediately he could destroy their sins, granting them eternal life within the Holy of Holiest, everlastingly.
For this is the victory that our heavenly Father was looking forward to see His Son Jesus Christ accomplish not only within heaven’s glory or within the cities of Israel but over the altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac
and His Spirit, so He may enjoy eternal victory within the Holy of Holiest with his legitimate children. For the reason that once our heavenly Father had managed not only to have His Son nailed to the wood that is the sacred-flesh of ancient Israel lying
at the Valley of the dried bones thus finally to receive them within the Holy of the Most Holiest bathed in the atoning-blood for salvation, then He can recognize them as His children, forever.
Now, our heavenly Father could not only accept every one from ancient Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones dead in their sinful lives that they had lived within Israel, but also receive them within the Holy of Holiest as His legitimate children:
because, now they have lived a glorious life in-one-day through His only Son within Israel for lasting-salvation. Therefore, they all have a home with Him within The New Jerusalem from heaven above, where they will live the glorious life that they failed
to live before our heavenly Father within Israel, but with His only Son they finally lived it in its perfection, thus to ascend heavenly bound only knowing Israel’s Holy One precious life to be accepted, finally.
Meaning that, His only Son was born bathed on his atoning-blood from David’s virgin daughter to live the life of every man, woman and child within Israel and the families of the nations, obeying the Holy Spirit of the commandments thus to exalt them
with everlasting glory before our Father in heaven, conquering everyone’s perfect salvation within the Holy of Holiest, forever. This was something that His only Son had to do for his brother and sisters within Israel and the families of the nations,
and this is to live the perfect and glorious life that fulfills and glorifies the Holy Spirit of the commandments before our Father in heaven, so they may be accepted as citizens of The New celestial Jerusalem, everlastingly.
Since no one that had failed to live His holy life within Canaan could ever enter into His holy presence within the Holy of Holiest, of the altar of Abraham and Isaac much less becomes eternally saved as an everlasting citizen of The New Jerusalem from
heaven above, where His love, peace, prosperity and never-ending happiness perpetuate in His legitimate children, everlastingly. That is why, that it was important for His only Son to be born from David’s virgin daughter bathed in his own atoning-blood
not only to welcome the holy name fire into Israel and the altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and His Holy Spirit, but also live everyone’s life victorious over Satan and death within Israel, forever.
Therefore, with these victories over Satan then our Lord Jesus Christ could ascend to Jerusalem’s holy hill with the wood of the house of Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones thus to destroy sin from the entire world in one day, so Israel may
become a nation again instantly to live before our Father in heaven’s glory forever justified. For our Lord Jesus Christ had to become victorious for every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations within the Holy of Holiest,
before our Father in heaven, so he may destroy the works of Satan along with his fallen angels and death, for the new kingdom to come alive with everlasting love, glory and never-ending peace.
Surely, by His Son been nailed to the wood of ancient Israel lying at the Valley of dried bones and with the holy name fire burning his bodily fat entirely, then he was able to erase the sins of the world, moreover fulfill all truth and justice for the
Holy Spirit of the commandments to seal his brothers and sisters eternal salvation. For our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ to destroy all the sins, wounds and infirmities from Israel and the families of the nations over Jerusalem’s holy
hill nailed to the wood that once was the sacred-flesh of ancient Israel, so He may open the Gates of His new dream kingdom of life that will never know destruction into eternity.
This is a new world that our heavenly Father had prepared for every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations that they will enjoy entirely with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts, because
it is an amazing world everlastingly victorious over Satan and death into eternity. It is as when our heavenly Father called Noah, for example, to build an Ark that will be able to house all the animal species that He had created in the day that He
created the world, because He was about to destroy all flesh with a worldwide flood that humankind had never seen before thus to restart life on earth anew.
Noah obeyed our heavenly Father by building an Ark deep into land and high above the earth as on a mountaintop that became the laughter of the nations that when they saw what Noah was building over the mountaintop, then they just could only break into a
mocking laughter that became unstoppable worldwide for many endless years. People just failed to see the reason to build an Ark over the mountaintop that was very high above the surface of the earth moreover miles away from the waters of the oceans that
they just broke into uncontrollable laughter that they could not contain it but just continue with it until they could not humanly laugh anymore.
They truly thought that Noah had lost his mind by building such a huge Ark that no one was interested in ever stepping into it to see the inside of it or try to understand the reason of building it over the mountaintop and faraway from the seawaters,
where it could navigate and probably go somewhere to port around the world. One hundred and twenty years went by when our heavenly Father told Noah, this is the time to start gathering all the species of the animal kingdoms by pairs of males and females
to board the Ark and rest into their living quarters, because I am ready to open the fountains of water from heaven above and from under the earth below.
Noah did exactly what our heavenly Father had told him (to do), and this was to receive the animals coming to him by pairs of two, males and females, to fill the Ark with every living creature from the earth below and from the heavens above thus the Ark
still had space available for people to come in, but no one came. Noah stood at the door of the Ark ready to close it, calling people to come in, because the flood was about to pour from everywhere around the earth, but the people just continued to walk
by him as they laughed at his words, they just could not make sense of what he was saying to them until the door was closed.
Our heavenly Father had closed the door of the Ark because water began to rain from heaven as a normal rain that we normally experience from time to time, but this was something that people have never seen before, because the rain continued to pour
without stopping while the rivers were overflowing and the seawaters covering the dried ground everywhere around them. Indeed, the Ark was very high and the door also that as the people pounded on it to have Noah open it for them, then he just could not
hear them, because of the animals moving around and the rain pouring everywhere that Noah could only hear was the noises coming from the animals and the rain drops hitting the Ark continuously.
This structure of the Ark made of wood saved the animal kingdoms that our heavenly Father had chosen to live in His new world that He had decided that should exist along with Noah and his family that came along the innovative ride into the new world that
He had to fill with water thus to save it from Satan and destruction. On this day, what our heavenly Father really did was to baptize the entire human race with water thus to save it from themselves, because they had lived their lives in opposition to
Him with a rebellious spirit that He could only destroy it with His water baptism, so a new world filed with life may emerge from it throughout the earth.
The people that used to see Noah and his Ark of wood over the mountaintop and too faraway from the seafront that caused them to laugh always until they could not anymore at him and his work, then they succumbed into the regions of the lost, because they
failed to believe and obey as the animal kingdoms did to become saved. With the Ark of Noah, our heavenly Father was able to save a pair of the animal kingdoms thus to grant them a new beginning in life and in a newly water baptized earth, but without
the sinful ones that they used to see now and then, because now they had descended into hell’s torment never to see life again.
Our heavenly Father had used His same ancient tactics again to save those that please Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but this time He is not using Noah, instead His using His family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to
start a new life on earth all over, and this time, forever. Lawfully, our heavenly Father established a covenant of life with Abraham and Sarah his wife that was childless, by offering to give them a newly born, that is, if they would sit with Him at the
Lord’s Table to eat from His Son Jesus Christ that was Melchizedek the bread and wine that he normally serves to the angels in heaven’s glory.
Now, when Abraham and our heavenly Father ate from the bread and wine served by His Son Jesus Christ that was the King of Salem and His Righteousness on earth, then by eating from His meal over the Lord’s Table His only Son could be born from Sarah’s
barren-womb by the Holy Spirit as Isaac, filled with the prehistoric love for lasting-salvation. This was the covenant that our heavenly Father was searching to establish on earth so He may again build His Ark made of wood that will save the world not
much from a new flood as in the ancient world, because He promised never to flood the earth with water and the rainbow reminds Him of His promise, but through His sacred-flesh only.
That is that by His Son Jesus Christ been born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit as Isaac, then He had the vessel that He needed not really to save the animal kingdoms from the ancient world as once He did with Noah, but the entire families
of the nations, beginning with Israel, so they may never die in their sins. This is a covenant that our heavenly Father had started with Abraham and Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, for His Son Jesus Christ to be born within the human family as
Isaac, because: he alone can take on the sins of the entire world, by the amazing divine powers of his sacred-flesh and his atoning-blood to destroy evil in one day.
This is the destruction of the sins, infirmities, problems, conflicts, wounds, poverty and death from every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations, but this had to be done with his sacred-flesh shedding his atoning-blood of the
eternal life that he had lived within Israel to destroy sin over the Holiest of Holiest altar of love, forever. For this is the glorious life that our heavenly Father wanted to see in every man, woman and child within Israel and from the families of the
nations victorious over sin, infirmities, wounds, problems, poverty and death entering within the Holy of Holiest, dressed in the sacred-flesh and bathed in the atoning-blood to be accepted in heaven’s eternal life, forever justified.
Provided that, everyone entering into the Holy of Holiest, within the tabernacle of reunion as the levitical high priests were called to enter into it, and this could only be done once a year with perfect rituals of divine holiness, before our Father in
heaven, to be rejected finally, because they lack His perfect divine holiness for every one’s everlasting salvation. Certainly, although the levitical priests conducted every ritual of perfect holiness thus to please our heavenly Father as they would
normally step into the Holy of the Most Holiest to be accepted, then they were rejected since they lacked the glorious life that they needed to have lived already within Israel, thus to enter enriched into The New celestial Jerusalem, forever blessed.
That is why, that His Son Jesus Christ had to be born from David’s virgin daughter bathed in his atoning-blood thus to welcome the holy name fire into Israel to stay forever over Abraham and Isaac altar of love, but also live for everyone the blessed
life that is acceptable within the Holy of Holiest, before our Father in heaven, for everyone’s lasting-salvation. And because His only Son was able to live this glorious life that our Father had always expected to see in every man, woman and child
within Israel and the families of the nations, so He may accept them to stay within the Holy of Holiest, then he could say to Israel: Whoever believes in me, although he is dead, will live forever.
With these words, what our Lord Jesus Christ was saying plainly to Israel and the families of the nations is that if they confess his name, as the I am That I am, for example, by believing that he is the one that spoke to Moses over Mount Sinai, then
their sins will be forgiven instantly for lasting salvation in heaven’s glory. More precisely, what Jesus Christ really said was that although you were dead in your sins as every man, woman and child from ancient Israel lying at the Valley of death,
then by believing in the holy name fire over his head and body nailed to the wood burning his bodily fat and shedding his atoning-blood, then they will live again perpetually.
Meaning that, by believing in His Son Jesus Christ and the holy name fire nailed to the wood that is the sacred-flesh of ancient Israel, then by his amazing victorious over Satan and sin, they could enter into the Holy of Holiest nailed to his sacred-
flesh although they are dead as dried bones to become instantly eternally holy before our Father in heaven. Inasmuch as, it is His only Son’s sacred-flesh and his atoning-blood that makes not only sanctify the Holy of Holiest of the tabernacle within
Israel and in heaven’s glory but also every man, woman and child that although they have become dead as a dried bone in any graveyard, then he can make them and their entire households instantly entire holy with everlasting-salvation.
For this is the salvation that our heavenly Father has always searched for in every man, woman and child that has ever been born from His image and living-soul that will save you today, that is, if you only believe that His only Son alone can take you
into the Holy of Holiest, before Him in heaven’s glory eternally sealed with lasting-salvation. Our heavenly Father did His best to get the entire tribe of the Levites, especially the high priest that will enter into the Holy of Holiest once a year to
see if they could somehow meet His Spiritual standards that will save Israel and humankind from the perils of hell’s torment forever, but He never found it in any one of them.
However, since the day that Moses began to build the tabernacle along with Holy of Holiest with every man, woman and child that our heavenly Father had chosen for this task to be executed in perfect love and holiness as He personally instructed Moses and
his people to build His holy places, then He granted abundantly the power to do them thoroughly. Sadly to say, our heavenly Father found Himself each time rejecting the high priest that will enter into the Holy of Holiest, because every thing that was to
be done with love, holiness, perfection and reverence then they always came too short to meet Him in His perfect holiness for truth and justice to be satisfied with everyone within Israel and humankind.
The Levitical high priest as they would die in His holy presence within the Holy of Holiest, then they descended to the Valley of dried bones to unite their fellow brothers and sisters finally to understand that every human endeavor to please Him in His
truth and divine justice was totally impossible that they gave them a feeling of total perdition. However, the high priest (and not levitical) that would enter finally into the Holy of Holiest satisfying truth and justice perpetually, it will be His Son
Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter bathed in his atoning-blood to live a life pleasant to our heavenly Father in every man, woman and child within Israel and the families of the nations, perpetually.
Provided that, this will be the glorified-body of the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood not only dressing His blessed Son Jesus Christ born bathed in his own atoning-blood, bringing into Israel and the altar of the eternal love
the holy name fire, but also for everyone within Israel and humankind entering into His holy presence forever justified and acceptable for lasting-salvation. That is why, that after every one of the levitical high priest failed through the years to
please our heavenly Father’s divine truth and endless justice within the Holy of Holiest, then He never allowed Moses entering into the Promised Land but only the tabernacle of reunion, because He wanted now His only Son to enter into His holy presence
for everyone’s lasting-salvation.
All the levitical high priest rested under the sand of the Sinai’s desert, where the Valley of the dried bones holds the entire house of Israel until someone from Israel will finally please all truth and justice in our heavenly Father’s presence
within the Holy of Holiest, so He may finish with sin forever thus conquering lasting resurrection for Israel into eternity. The tabernacle was carried into the Promised Land but never to be used as it was with the levitical high priests through the
Sinai’s desert, because they just failed to please our heavenly Father’s demands for perfect truth and justice, so He may save Israel and the families of the nations with His grace and never-ending mercies for everyone’s lasting-salvation, into
For our heavenly Father was reserving the Holy of Holiest to be filled not only with His Son Jesus Christ victories over Satan, his fallen angels and the angel of death thus destroying the sin of the world in one day, by the amazing powers of his
glorified-body and atoning-blood shed to the ground thus to resurrect His legitimate children to life finally. For only His Son Jesus Christ could truly (and no one else in Israel) finally enter into the Holy of Holiest within the tabernacle of reunion
within Canaan and in heaven’s glory, divinely nailed to the sacred-flesh of ancient Israel with the sins of the world, so he may destroy evil in one moment with his shed atoning-blood over the eternal altar.
That is why, that as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the wood of ancient Israel entirely lying at the Valley of dried bones never to see life again, because they all failed to please our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit through their lives lived
within Israel, then, they finally ascended on the third day victorious over sin and death. For this is the salvation that everyone within Israel and the nations had always searched for that it was humanly impossible ever to attain it, because it is just
as the eternal commandments that only through baptisms of water and of the Holy Spirit can be achieved entirely thus to see life on earth and within The New Jerusalem from heaven above.
[continued in next message]
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