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All on Fri Jul 10 17:55:17 2020
Sábado, 11 de Julio, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The FATHER will LIVE with YOU (yes, you) now, HIS CHILDREN, submerged in HIS SWEETNESS forever:
Lovingly, our heavenly Father had created the earth with His amazing unfailing-love always felt intensely in his holy heart for His children, although that, when He created heaven and earth His children were not born yet, however, the love to live with
them was within His heart and inner being entirely through eternity until finally He created earth to live with you sweetness endlessly. Surely, as our heavenly Father created earth, then, it was the most beautiful land unparalleled to others throughout
Creation, because He had created it with His holy heart’s intense unfailing-love always felt to live with His children, since He knew that by giving birth to them from His image and His living soul then they will be as perfect as He is forever.
Considering that, everything that our heavenly Father had created within heaven and earth, then, it was good in His sight that He was very pleased within His holy heart, because everything throughout the earth as well heaven was created with His amazing
love emanating constantly from His inner being, thus sweetness was felt everywhere with great richness to enjoy forever throughout eternity. That is to say, that sweetness from His holy heart’s amazing unfailing-love for His children and for His
eternal life granted unto them to live with Him not only in heaven’s glory but also throughout the earth, then it was felt intensely by His angelical hosts that truly there was no different between the sweetness felt between the two heavenly places—
they were one initially.
Really, our heavenly Father created the earth as equal as heaven’s glory, because not only His children were to be born in it, but also, His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from His servant Abraham’s wife Sarah barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers
thus introducing His sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, emanating directly from Him, dressing His children with glory forever on earth. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ slain before the
foundation of the earth, because He needed His children born from His image and His living-soul filled with His holy heart’s amazing unfailing-love thus loving them as He loves His eternal life in heaven’s glory but also loved them throughout the
earth forever with perfect holiness as always.
Lawfully: Our heavenly Father had begun an important sacrifice over the rock of salvation in heaven’s glory before the angels as witnesses thus creating not only heaven and earth, but also, gave life abundantly to His children eventually as countless
as the stars from heaven above that He needed His sacrifice that started in the angelical kingdom continuing in Canaan, blessing the earth entirely. This is when, our heavenly Father dealt with Abraham thus preparing him not only to sacrifice three lambs
with their halves facing each other over the rock of salvation along with two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, but also, He was to eat the bread and wine from this heavenly sacrifice thus to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac in Canaan
Legally, our heavenly Father had to have had His Son Jesus Christ slain over the rock of salvation in heaven’s glory before the angelical hosts as witnesses, because He was going to have His continuous sacrifice displayed before Abraham and finally
over Jerusalem’s holy hill, thus to eat the bread and wine for His children to be born as holy angels, starting with Isaac. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to have had Abraham sacrificing three lambs with their halves facing each other along with
two uncut birds over His rock, atone with blood, but also, He had to have eaten with Abraham the bread and wine that He needed to eat in Canaan for His Son Jesus Christ to become Isaac, so He may bless the earth again.
For our heavenly Father needed to bless the entire earth, and He failed to do it until He will have His servant Abraham sacrificing His three sacrifices that each sacrifice needed to represent one for the Father, the second for the Son and the third for
His Holy Spirit, atoned everything with animal’s blood, so He may start blessing the earth again from Canaan. For our heavenly Father needed not only Abraham along with his loved ones, as Sarah his wife along with the 318 adoptive children (bought with
money from outsiders) but also, have his neighbors and friends from near and far eating the bread and wine, because this is how He was going to repopulate the earth with His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood.
For our heavenly Father needed to start repopulating the entire earth, starting within Canaan, with His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so he may give not only the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable
bones and the atoning-blood but also His life eternal—for Satan and death needed to be defeated finally by it in Canaan forever. Here, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the cross along with two other fellows nailed to their woods
as witnesses to the events at Jerusalem’s holy hill: the salvation rock again with three sacrifices but victorious over Satan, sin, death and hell’s torment finally for the old earth to be born as a new one from its heart forever.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed to live His eternal life that He has always lived with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in heaven’s glory as an eternal divine family loving: love, peace, glory, powers, prosperity and endless richness that
He needed to attain upon earth but with His children living in His sacred-flesh born from Him that pleases Him through eternity. Evidently, our heavenly Father needed to fill Canaan with His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and
atoning-blood that he brought into Abraham’s family that he will not only become blessed mightily through life upon earth but also his children living through generations ahead, because the entire earth needs to be filled with His sacred-flesh that
pleases Him always throughout eternity.
Understanding that, it is only in Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood born directly from Him without relation to sin by the Holy Spirit’s powers that He can have not only His glorious altar upon earth, in Canaan, but also,
He can have His holy name fires along with His Sabbath rest days sanctified by His children at last forever. Truthfully, this is our heavenly Father’s sacred-flesh and atoning-blood born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers for His
Son Jesus Christ to be born as Isaac but later also born from David’s virgin daughter thus to destroy Satan, fallen angels and death, so His holy name fires may be finally honored forever with Isaac’s sacred-flesh over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in
Surely, this is our heavenly Father’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and atoning-blood born directly from Him by the Holy Spirit’s powers, for His Son Jesus Christ to be Isaac with humankind, thus, sanctifying His holy name fires for the first time
in Canaan but also for the families of the nations throughout the earth: sanctifying His holy name fires with honors lasting forever into everlasting. That is why, that whenever one of His children is baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of
His name, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, then, the sinful-flesh is abandoned at the bottom of the water body to receive the sacred-flesh, where that one person has become one-hundred-percent born miraculously from our
heavenly Father.
Certainly, whenever everyone is baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, that one is reborn not only from the water but also from our heavenly Father’s inner being as Isaac’s
sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood filled with His eternal life receiving everybody final as His legitimate children forever in Canaan. For our heavenly Father needed His holy name fires sanctified within Abraham’s household, because he not only had
the three lambs sacrificed along with two uncut birds over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, but also, He ate the bread and wine with them, so the families of the nations may live His enriched eternal life throughout the earth forever
enriched every day.
That is to say, that our heavenly Father cannot only have Abraham and his children sanctifying His holy name fires throughout Canaan and the earth with powerful divine honors, because they will become baptized in water to receive Isaac’s sacred-flesh
that honors His holy name fires but also they can ascend into heaven’s glory forever saved, blessed and enriched already throughout eternity. For our heavenly Father was able not only to live His eternal life with Abraham and his loved ones, as Sarah,
the adoptive children, neighbors and friends, but also He was to live His eternal life with each of his promised children living through generations, including the families of the nations to find sin in them—and He found none throughout eternity until
For sin fail to exist in Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that is why that our heavenly Father needed to live His eternal life with Abraham and his children through generations but also with the families of the nations that He failed to see
any sin in Isaac or in His children throughout the earth that He finally invited Abraham to Jerusalem’s holy hill. Now, our heavenly Father’s invitation for Abraham to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, it was to continue His continuous
sacrifice started over the rock of salvation in heaven’s glory with His Son Jesus Christ before the angelical hosts, as witnesses, but also, it was for His holy heart to pour His oath sworn to Isaac’s sacred-flesh, blessing us with a perfect
salvation throughout the earth.
Certainly, our heavenly Father needed to live His eternal life with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in Abraham but also in his children and the families of the nations from the past and the future to see sin in them, but He found none whatsoever,
because it fails to exist in His oath sworn to Isaac in Canaan and throughout humankind. Undoubtedly, after our heavenly Father had lived His life with His children from Israel and the families of the nations, immediately, He invited Abraham with Isaac
to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, because He was ready to receive you, since He had lived His eternal life with you in Isaac’s sacred-flesh to see His holy name fires honored by you finally throughout eternity.
In due time, our heavenly Father called Abraham with Isaac his only son to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, because He was ready to receive not only His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac—but also you, where He had lived His life with you along with
your loved ones to find you worthy to enter eternal life with Him forever enriched into eternity. We can see our heavenly Father’s wonderful salvation executed with the house of Israel as He had them descending to the Valley of the dried bones to
possess the doors of their enemies along with their cities, for they were bitten by poisonous snakes to become one with the nations at hell’s gate, as one seed, one tree, one cross in Canaan forever sweetened.
Here, we can see that our heavenly Father has not only the nations from the past and the future as one sacred-flesh that is Isaac born from Sarah’s barren-womb and later from David’s virgin daughter in both instances by the Holy Spirit’s powers,
because Isaac’s sacred-flesh emerged directly from Him for Isaac to be His Son—but also you and your loved ones nowadays. For this is our heavenly Father’s sacred-flesh as His Son Jesus Christ needed to be born as Isaac in Canaan for His holy name
fire's honors but also His Sabbath rest days that He normally enjoys with His children from Israel and the families of the nations baptized already, because once baptized then they are dressed in Isaac’s sacred-flesh that honors Him throughout life.
In other words, our heavenly Father can only receive honors for His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, when His children have become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit, then, they will abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit. Given that, our heavenly Father will always fail to receive honor unto Him, His holy name fires and His Sabbath rest days in Adam and Eve’
s sinful-flesh, since both ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, including you as their children, however, baptized in water you will receive Isaac’s sacred-flesh that honors Him always throughout life.
Considering that, Isaac’s sacred-flesh with the atoning-blood filled with His life were not only born from Him by the Holy Spirit’s powers but also as the bread of life replacing the forbidden fruit in His children thus they may return to paradise
forever justified, enriched and saved finally, so He may live with them, enjoying a glorious relationship without sin throughout eternity, starting now. Therefore, after you may have become baptized, because you have gone to your home’s bathtub,
submerging yourself into it, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, then, you will emerge from the water into Canaan walking with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit towards daily
richness always.
Considering that, once you are baptized in water, then you will receive along with Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood filled with the Holy Spirit’s eternal life the rock of salvation, granting you daily oceans of His unfailing-love, oceans of
joys, oceans of happiness and oceans of other sweetness, because you will need these blessings to serve Him and His holy name fires every day. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ used to tell the Israelites and Jewish families that anyone that loves
his father, mother, brother, sister, son and daughter more than me, then, he is not worthy of me—because you have to love him and our heavenly Father much more than the love that you may have for your loved ones.
Today, His amazing unfailing-love is only possible, when you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, causing you to abandon your sinful-flesh with all sins committed in your entire life to receive finally Isaac’s sacred-
flesh, where sin fails to exist forever, so you may love our heavenly Father with the rock of salvation’s oceans of His unfailing-love, starting now. For you were born from our heavenly Father’s image and His living-soul, so you may live His eternal
life in Isaac’s sacred-flesh where you will fail to sin again, moreover you will have the rock of salvation flowing through you oceans of love and other oceans of sweetness that blesses Him along with His holy name fires forever over Jerusalem’s holy
hill, in Canaan.
That is why, that once you are baptized in water then our heavenly Father will become part of your daily life, because as you are reborn from the water baptism instantly you will receive Isaac’s sacred-flesh that is the glorified-body that emerged
entirely from Him, so you may become His child forever blessed, loved and enriched with daily richness from Canaan into everlasting. For this is our heavenly Father’s glorified-body that started to bless Abraham and his loved ones through many
generations, because this glorified-body emerged from Him entirely by the Holy Spirit’s powers, as His Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb and later from David’s virgin daughter, so you may live richness that His eternal
life normally enjoys as sweetness from Canaan.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father has blessed Canaan with great richness that is not only for the families of the nations but also sweetness to know, love, worship and honor His holy name fires at Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so you may enjoy His
daily sweetness from Canaan filling your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit with endless health, blessings and prosperity as always. Forever present: blessings and richness that you can only find in Canaan as you are baptized in water by invoking
the perfect holiness of His name, as the God of Abraham, the God of Jacob and the God of Isaac, because once you may have become dressed in Isaac’s sacred-flesh then you will receive these daily blessings, powers and endless-richness through life,
starting now.
These are blessings and richness that Satan will fail to deceive you to steal them from you, as he did initially with Adam and Eve in paradise, for example, because in Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood Satan, fallen angels, wicked people, evil-
hearted people as Satanist, they will always fail to know how to deceive you again, as they had already through life until now. Really, if you are in Israel’s lineage, then Satan will fail to deceive you with his Satanist families always around you to
take you into another holocaust, as in the recent past, because now you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His holy name fires, thus you are now dressing in Isaac’s sacred-flesh always forever enriched with His truth.
Satan, fallen angels, death and their cronies will always fail to deceive you again, as in the past, because Isaac’s sacred-flesh is filled with the oath sworn to Isaac, where sin fails to work against you along with lies, calumnies, deceptions and
other wicked works that the enemy has always used against Israel and the families of the nations to deceive them. It is here, where you are liberated from Satan, his fallen angels, death and Satanists, because you will be living your entire life on earth,
as if you were already living it in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts, since Isaac’s glorified-body is a copy of our heavenly Father in you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends thus you may live always Canaan’s richness.
This is when, you will be doing our heavenly Father’s perfect will just as it is in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts, because you will have been born again through water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name in the sacred-flesh
that was born from His perfect will in Sarah’s barren-womb, so you may have life today abundantly, as always. For this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life granted unto you already entirely, so you may have His daily blessing from heaven’s glory,
because His sacred-flesh in you attracts richness, creating more richness throughout earth, as you may live for Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit baptized already, but also, it attracts sweetness that others enjoy with you and your loved ones.
Presently, this is Canaan’s sweetness blessing your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit entirely without ever missing a day, because it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will flowing throughout Canaan towards your home in your homeland thus you
may be enriched along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends only knowing His great life, given you wonderful days each time without fails. This is life’s glory that your heart, mind, living-soul, body and human spirit longed to live upon earth,
but you have failed to get into it, however, this is only possible now, as you may submerge into a body of water, as your home’s bathtub, emerging into Canaan, walking towards daily richness with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit always faithful
to you.
Currently, we have a truly glorious life that you may only live it with our heavenly Father, because He has given birth by the Holy Spirit’s powers the glorified-body that is the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, dressing you
with the glory to be perfect and holy as He is forever in eternity, knowing only love, peace, prosperity and endless happiness. This is our heavenly Father’s life eternal daily fed from heaven’s glory but through Canaan, because His Son Jesus Christ
was born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers to live His life granted already to you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends only to know the sweetness to have inherited even now along with His Son Jesus Christ His amazing personal
Really, our heavenly Father can only be honored along with His holy name fires, His Holy Spirit, His Son Jesus Christ and the angelical hosts through His sacred-flesh and atoning-blood born in Canaan to be filled with His eternal life that enriches you
every day at your home and in your homeland once you are baptized in water by invoking His All-powerful name. That is why, that our heavenly Father had Moses along with Israel to meet Him along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with the
angelical hosts on every Sabbath day thus to rest from all His work but also to sanctify His holy name that is sanctified with Sabbath that is sanctified by you, as you are baptized in water already.
Given that, our heavenly Father cannot only have His Sabbath rest days sanctified by you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends in His glorified-body that He has granted unto you already as His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the
Holy Spirit, but also, He can have His holy name fires sanctified by you through eternity, starting at your home. For this is why that our heavenly Father needed Abraham living in Canaan with his loved ones, as Sarah and the adoptive children, because He
can live His life with His Son Jesus Christ as the sacred-flesh that is His glorified-body, where sin fails to exist forever, so He may sanctify with you His Sabbath rest days along with His holy name fires throughout earth.
This is to say, that our heavenly Father arranged for His Son Jesus Christ birth as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit in Canaan, so He may live His eternal life every day without ever seeing sin, as He may celebrate His Sabbath rest
days with His children reborn in Isaac’s sacred-flesh thus sanctifying His holy name fires finally throughout the earth. Therefore, when the apostles and disciples asked our Lord Jesus Christ to teach them to pray, then, He taught them the Lord’s
Prayer, where you will sanctify His holy name fires by praying, but, this is to sanctify His holy name fires as you may submerge into water to emerge sanctified forever by His All-powerful name that saves your living-soul from sin.
In other words, what our Lord Jesus Christ taught Israel was how to become baptized by invoking His name’s perfect holiness, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, because submerged into water to emerge immediately, then, you
have sanctified His holy name forever, because Isaac’s sacred-flesh sanctifies His name and every Sabbath rest day through eternity. Therefore, the reason that our heavenly Father had sent His Son Jesus Christ to Canaan was to become Isaac for Jacob to
be born along with the children with the glorified-body born by the Holy Spirit’s powers from Him, thus sanctifying His holy name fires forever along with every Sabbath rest in Isaac’s sacred-flesh, so He may conquer the earth with perfect holiness
Given that, if our heavenly Father can have a family, as Abraham’s, obeying His living-words in His glorified-body that was born from Him as His perfect will by the Holy Spirit’s powers from Sarah’s barren-womb, then, He can have His holy name
fires sanctified along with every Sabbath rest day thus to fill the families of the nations with Canaan’s sweetness at last. Understanding that, if our heavenly Father can have His holy name fires always sanctified over Jerusalem’s hill, in Canaan,
along with every Sabbath rest with the glorified-body born directly from Him by the Holy Spirit’s powers as Isaac’s sacred-flesh for His children, then, He can spread His eternal life as His Ten Commandments in its virgin state sweetening everyone’
s living-soul throughout the earth.
Graciously, our heavenly Father has granted unto us a powerful salvation that He was able to accomplish with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout Canaan, as He personally defeated Satan, the fallen angels and death thus to possess the
doors of His enemies along with their cities as the nations that needed salvation, so you may enjoy these days Canaan’s sweetness abundantly. This glorious salvation that our heavenly Father has accomplished along with Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit at Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, it has destroyed Satan’s kingdom of darkness by possessing hell’s gate with His Son’s sacred-flesh undoing the forbidden fruit’s evils; moreover, He has granted us great knowledge of Him, as wisdom,
intelligence, healing, richness and other important powers.
Considering that, once our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit along with the entire house of Israel had defeated Satan, death and hell’s torment, then, Satan began to hide this powerful victory won against him that had destroyed his
kingdom of darkness throughout the earth—and so he had to keep Israel quiet about it for many years. Understanding that, there was very little movement from Israel to take this great news that Satan, death and hell’s torment had been defeated,
because our heavenly Father had healed His Son Jesus Christ beaten mercilessly because of our sins that had also healed ancient Israel and the nations to live again in His glorified-body thus finally filling the earth with endless sweetness.
Now, that Satan had been defeated by Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood shed over the wood that is ancient Israel along with the nations lying in hell’s torment and with the children from future generations had been healed from sin finally,
so they may live again sweetness throughout the earth—but Satan’s witchcraft blocked Israel for seventy-years to keep them silent about these victories. For Israel had lived and experienced our heavenly Father’s awesome powers manifested through
His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac again in Canaan ready to finish Abraham’s burnt offering sacrifice at Jerusalem’s holy hill, so sin may die by shedding his atoning-blood filled with the Father’s eternal life, sweetening every family home from the
nations throughout the earth forever, starting in Canaan.
In other words, the entire earth is ready for our heavenly Father’s sweetness conquered with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit along with Israel doing their parts always in His Salvation Plan to save the nations; unfortunately, Satan’s witchcraft
is blocking knowledge of the Lord, wisdom, intelligence, healing and other powers from spreading throughout the earth, blessing it finally forever. For this is our heavenly Father’s glorious life that needs to live not only with Israel every day in
their homes and in homelands, so He may descend to marry them and the nations, because this is the life of eternal sweetness that He needs to live upon earth to conquer even greater richness, powers and glories untouched by sin throughout eternity.
Truthfully, this is our heavenly Father’s new earth born from the old earth’s heart, as His Son Jesus Christ was nailed with bronze snakes to his hands and feet to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, thus becoming one with Israel and
the families of the nations from the past and the future, finally married as one divine-family forever into eternal life. Surely, our heavenly Father can now descend into Canaan not only growing with the entire of house Israel in Isaac’s sacred-flesh
and the atoning-blood forever victorious against His foes, executing powerful glories throughout humankind, but also, He may descend to marry Israel and the nations thus to live in His new earth born only to love Him with endless happiness with you
throughout eternity.
Given that, our heavenly Father needed not only to have Adam and Eve returning to life eternal in paradise by having them baptized in water on earth, invoking His name’s perfect holiness, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob,
but also, He needed them eating the bread and wine thus removing the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh finally. Considering that, if our heavenly Father could have Adam and Eve not only baptized in water, because they descended to oceans of water to
become baptized, moreover eat the bread and wine faithfully, then, they became reborn with the sacred-flesh to have children born as holy angels throughout the earth, because at the Lord’s Table they will be eating the bead of life continually.
Well, this is exactly what our heavenly Father did not only with Abraham and his adoptive children at the Lord’s Table, in Salem, where they were served the bread and wine of life by His Son Jesus Christ as Melchizedek, His Righteousness, but also, He
again ate the bread of life with the apostles victorious over death before ascending Jerusalem’s holy hill. Therefore, the water baptism is not only to become liberated from the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error to eat the bread and wine from the
Lord’s Table with the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, but also that we may become one with our heavenly Father thus to love, serve and worship His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, forever enriched.
Lawfully, our heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation for Abraham and his promised children through the generations along with the families of the nations was to become perfectly holy as He is in heaven’s glory with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit
and the angelical hosts, so we may become one divine family that never sins even now throughout the earth well into eternity. Considering that, the oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father poured upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh and his atoning-blood at
Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, granted each of us, His children, powers to live His eternal life, where sin fails to exist, because His holy commandments are eternally honored already because sin has failed to contaminate them throughout
heaven, the earth and in eternity.
Indeed, if you become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, then, you will live His eternal life that is filled with amazing daily powers that blesses every day your
entire life, because in Isaac’s sacred-flesh sin will fail to contaminate you again with evils forever. For this is exactly what our heavenly Father needed Israel doing initially, and this was to become baptized in water along with their children
through the generations as countless as the stars from heaven above, because they could be His dream nation failing to sin in the midst of the nations throughout the earth, thus honoring Him and His holy name fires always forever.
[continued in next message]
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