IVANIVAN555@aol.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Aug 11 16:18:56 2017
Sábado, 12 de Agosto, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Moses and Aaron approached Pharaoh of Egypt to let him know that the God of Israel had come to visit them and that He was ready to take them out from Egypt, to the Sinai’s desert, because they were going to hold festivities for Him and His holy name
fire, since Israel is His first-born on earth. Our heavenly Father needed to have His children abandoning captivity of more than four hundred years, because the time had elapsed already to take finally on the sins, wounds, curses, infirmities,
afflictions, conflicts, wars and deaths from all the families of the nations, so they may dump them with the spirit of error that is forbidden fruit into the Red Sea, forever.
However, Satan knew to a certain degree what our heavenly Father was about to do with the Israelites that he had Pharaoh and his officials planning ways to begin to kill them without anyone noticing anything, because the Israelites had become bigger than
the Egyptians and the fear was that they could join the enemy in times of war to escape captivity. That is why, that Pharaoh had ordered his officials and the Egyptian midwives to kill every male born from the Israelite women, but they could let the
female baby live, because they thought that by killing the male babies then the chances for Israel to continue to grow will diminish considerably, so Israel will not become a power within Egypt to escape.
Nevertheless, what really had begun within Egypt and the Pharaoh’s heart along with his officials’ evils was that they were preparing to diminish the Israelites in numbers by killing not only the male babies as they were born but also the rest of the
population whenever possible, so they may have some control to check their growth until they could feel comfortable. In Pharaoh’s mind this was the correct way to control the Israelites from growing out of proportion along with the Egyptian growth that
it seemed as the logical thing to do for the officials that they all agreed with the orders given to the midwives that assisted the Israelite women when giving birth thus to kill their male babies.
The midwives went along with Pharaoh’s orders, and they were willing to execute them, but when the Israelite women were giving births to their male babies, the birth’s process was accelerated by our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit, so when
Egyptian midwives came to them then the babies were already born thus escaping Pharaoh’s orders to kill them whenever possible. The Israelite women continued to give birth to their male babies that Pharaoh became surprised, because the Israelite’s
babies born had increased to a number that they had never seen before that they summoned immediately the midwives to find out what was happening, because they Israelis population had increased dramatically instead of decreasing that they thought that
they were uncontrollable already.
Furthermore, the Egyptian midwives said that whenever they went to see the Israelites women giving births to their children, then they had given birth already, and that there was not anything possible that they could do to stop them from giving birth too
early, or to kill the Israeli male babies as it was ordered to them to execute the killings. This is why that our heavenly Father had descended from heaven above with His altar of His eternal love that He had manifested to Abraham and Isaac initially as
they both started the fire that blesses the children that were promised to be born in the generations ahead, liberated from any attacks of His arch enemy, Satan and the angel of death.
Our heavenly Father had descended with His Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over Mount Sinai, with its hot oven fires burning abundantly first with His holy name fire along with His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine
Justice thus to save the children of Israel from certain death, because the prince of the holocausts was there already. In good time, our heavenly Father had descended over Mount Sinai to deliver punctually the children of Abraham from certain death,
because the orders to kill the Israelites had already been given by Pharaoh and his officials were on the job to make sure that his orders were carry out thus to minimize the threat of a Greater Israel within Egypt.
Moreover, as our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai with His hot oven fires of grace, mercy, truth and divine justice then He arrived on time to preserve and secure the life of every one of Abraham’s children along with the ones that were been
born in those days that not a single life was lost, because of His holy presence. Truthfully, our heavenly Father had arrived on time over the house of Israel to liberate them from certain death, because what was coming upon them was a terrible holocaust
that would have claimed their lives for hell’s torment along with the children that were been born in those days that the Egyptian midwives were sent with orders to kill them, but failed.
They failed, because our heavenly Father along with His Holy Spirit was speaking to their hearts by assuring them that it was the wrong thing to do in His holy presence, moreover it will bring them and their loved ones into His judgment if they persist
in executing Pharaoh’s orders to kill the innocent unborn because he was afraid of Israel growing. And because the Egyptian maids listened to His voice and decided that they should never put their hands on the Israelite pregnant women to kill their
unborn babies, then our heavenly Father began to bless them with the amazing powers and gifts of His Holy Spirit that their loved ones began to enjoy their newly found blessings as well in great abundance.
Furthermore, because the midwives feared our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit’s voice speaking to them from their hearts as mothers that they also had the children that had been born without the persistent threat that someone had been sent to kill
them as they were born, then the Israelites continued to give birth to more children because the midwives helped them. Indeed, our heavenly Father was very happy along with His Son Jesus Christ (that is Isaac) and the Holy Spirit, because they had won
the midwives to help them not to carry out Pharaoh’s orders to kill the recently born male babies that He continued to bless them with their children as He had blessed Egypt for more than four hundred years.
Besides, our heavenly Father was more elated than anyone else in heaven’s glory, because He had managed to stop Satan along with Pharaoh and his officials that had manifested the willingness to attack and kill the Israelite families with a terrible
holocaust that had started with the midwives, but also died with them, as they heard God’s voice for mercy to prevail lastly. Surely that our heavenly Father had brought into a screeching halt a horrible holocaust that could have ended the life of
every one of His children that He had given birth through His Holy Spirit and His only Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac to conquer the entire world by destroying every sin from Satan in the families of the nations.
Inasmuch as, it was necessary for our heavenly Father first to collect every sin, curse, malady, poverty and death from every man, woman and child that had lived on earth (and those that will live in the future), so He may start on His way unto the
Promised Land to lift His holy name fire over His altar victorious over Satan, forever. Therefore, our heavenly Father along with the Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ manifested within Israel as Isaac, because through Isaac His firstborn son on earth
was born, and this is Jacob thus to introduce His light and eternal life for His holy name fire to burn wildly over the entire world, starting victorious over Satan from His altar of love.
That is to say, that our heavenly Father to begin to conquer the world and the families of the nations then He first had to establish His holy name fire over His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit,
by giving birth from the Holy Spirit His children, starting with Abraham that believed God. Therefore, Abraham’s faith was counted as salvation justice over His altar, because he believed every word that our heavenly Father spoke unto him, so he may
finally not only receive His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, filled with the Holy Spirit of His grace, mercy, truth and divine justice but also lifted him over His mountaintop as his lamb.
Considering that, his salvation along with his children promised unto him was only possible in Isaac his only son that if he will learn to live with him to take him as his personal lamb for the sacrifice over His mountaintop, where he was ready to shed
his blood at our heavenly Father’s command, then his salvation with eternal life was possible finally. Thus Satan knew that our heavenly Father needed to take the entire house of Israel from Egypt’s captivity, to the same altar of the prehistoric
love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, where Abraham was baptized in His Spirit initially, so the children may also become baptized with lasting-salvation ready to enter Canaan filled with His eternal life.
Truly, Satan needed to destroy the entire house of Israel within Egypt’s captivity while they were still living in the spirit of error from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so they may die in their sinful-flesh thus
never to know life again in this world and in the next one to come in heaven above. Therefore, it was important for Satan to start the holocaust for Israel within Egypt’s captivity, because if he would manage to kill the children of Abraham while they
were still living in the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh, then they would have died never to know the power to resurrect into life eternal in the last days as God’s legitimate children.
That is to say, that Israel would have never had known the power of resurrection that you will only find as you are baptized in water in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, because this is the altar of Abraham and Isaac that have the
powers of grace and mercy to grant anyone instant eternal life. Given that, as any one is baptized in water by invoking our heavenly Father’s holy name along with His Son’s and the Holy Spirit’s then perfect holiness from His altar of love descends
into the waters to remove the spirit of error along with the sinful-flesh, finally to receive the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh where eternal life is possible into eternity.
Therefore, our heavenly Father had to take Israel from Egypt’s captivity to the Red sea, where He could baptize every man, woman and child with His Holy name along with His Son’s and the Holy Spirit’s for His powers of perfect holiness to dress
forever their living souls with His perfect Righteousness found only in His Spirit and in His Son’s sacred-flesh. That is why, that right after our heavenly Father was able to baptize in water every man, woman and child within Israel escaping Satan’s
captivity within Egypt, then He was expecting that not only every family within the twelve tribes of Israel would baptize their children from future generations, but also the families of the nations would do the same with their children.
Provided that, by everyone being baptized in water as His holy name fire is invoked along with His Son’s and the Holy Spirit’s then the entire powers of His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit,
will finally remove the spirit of error along with the sinful-flesh with perfect truth and justice for lasting-salvation. For this is the moment that every one being baptized not only abandons the spirit of error for His Spirit and the sinful-flesh for
His Son’s sacred-flesh, but also receives our heavenly Father’s perfect and glorious eternal life, so they may enter into the Holy Place as His children ready to live His eternal life with Him in heaven’s glory forever justified.
Because, only through water baptism our heavenly Father is able to place every sin, curse, infirmity, poverty and death at the bottom of hell’s torment thus finally to take every man, woman and child to dress His Holy Spirit along with His Son Jesus
Christ’s sacred-flesh to enter into His Holy Place, where everyone’s sin has already been destroyed by the atoning-blood. Besides, His Son Jesus Christ has the atoning-blood filled with our heavenly Father’s eternal life that He has given birth
from the entire house of Israel and the families of the nations, and so, only through water baptism their sinful-flesh along with the spirit of error are finally destroyed in each of them, to become restore to eternal life in paradise, finally.
That is why, that our heavenly Father was very nervous to see the entire house of Israel walking towards the Red sea finally to become baptized in water, to remove not only every sin from their lives, but also the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh
that when Moses heard the Israelis saying that Pharaoh was coming, then he called on God. Furthermore, our heavenly Father responded from heaven above to Moses’ call, by saying, why are you crying out to me, when you were told already to take the
entire house of Israel into the sea, so they may become baptized in water as they cross it in dried ground unto the safety of His Spirit and of the sacred-flesh for everyone’s lasting-salvation.
In other words, what our heavenly Father was saying to Moses was that the entire house of Israel was still in danger of dying in the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error, although they had managed to escape enriched from the Egyptians with abundant
silver and gold jewelry, thus to enter into the water baptism enriched to receive His eternal life forever. For Israel needed to get baptized in water fast, finally to escape the threat of dying in the spirit of error and in the sinful-flesh, where they
will fail not only to escape from hell’s torment but also resurrect on the last day with His eternal life, so they may enter into His new kingdom forever enriched with Abraham’s abundant richness.
Because at the baptism of the Red sea not only their living souls needed to become washed clean from the forbidden fruit of the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh from Adam and Eve, but also the richness given to Abraham needed to be cleansed thus for
every one of the children to become enriched mightily at the water baptism in every future generation. That is why, that these days every man, woman and child not only from Israel and the nations that when baptized in water by invoking the perfect
holiness of His name and that of His Son and the Holy Spirit, then they are cleansed from the spirit of error and the sinful flesh that will fail to receive any richness, including Abraham’s.
Considering that, our heavenly Father is always willing to enrich His children baptized in water on earth and baptized in His Holy Spirit, within His altar of the Holy of Holiest over Jerusalem’s holy hill, given that by enriching His children then He
will be enriching His new kingdom that will be forever established on earth only to know His never-ending love, everlastingly. That is to say, also that every richness that our heavenly Father has ever given to Adam and Eve and lately to Abraham and
Sarah was to be received from them only as they became baptized in water on earth and with His Holy Spirit over His altar of love, always waiting for those that love Him in Spirit and in truth.
For our heavenly Father is always ready to enrich His Holy Spirit, His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that is His eternal life in every man, woman and child baptized in water, by invoking the perfect holiness of His holy name
fire, because the spirit of error is the forbidden fruit and the sinful-flesh is dust in hell already, forever. Besides, our heavenly Father wants only to enrich His Spirit, His Son’s sacred-flesh and his atoning-blood shed already over the altar of
the Holy of Holiest, as he was nailed to Isaac that was the entire house of Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones thus to bring them up into His eternal life, enriched with perfect richness, perpetually.
Inasmuch as, by enriching always His Spirit, His Son’s sacred-flesh and his atoning-blood shed over the altar of His eternal love for Abraham’s children and the nations (children), then He really is enriching the entire world that He wants to save
thus to establish His new kingdom of Kings, high priests, judges and ministers needed for His holy name fire to glory forever. Presently, our heavenly Father continues to enrich every man, woman and child’s life from the house of Israel scatter all
over the world and the families of the nations at the same time, by causing them to believe in His holy name fire given to Moses over Mount Sinai, so they may become baptized in water so He may enrich them always.
For our heavenly Father will continue to enrich the earth through His Plan of Salvation that He personally established with Abraham as His Son Jesus Christ serving the bread and wine over Lord’s Table for His Son’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and
the atoning-blood not only to be born from Sarah’s barren-life but also in everyone else throughout the families of the nations. That is why, that our heavenly Father needs everyone baptized in water in His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit as well, because by been baptized in the perfect holiness of His holy name fire then He can receive them instantly over His altar of the prehistoric love, descended with the Holy Place for the Holy Spirit’s baptism.
Given that, it is over His altar of love and the Holy Place burning with the hot oven of His grace, mercy, truth and divine justice where He will personally become reborn from the Holy Spirit with every one loving Him and His holy name fire thus for His
mighty blessings of richness to transform their life’s day by day until Kingdom comes. For our heavenly Father has not only liberated the entire house of Israel from the land of Goshen and its captivity of more than four hundred years, by the power of
His holy name fire, given to Moses over Mount Sinai, but also liberated them from certain death that Satan had prepared as an eternal holocaust that Pharaoh had begun to manifest.
Besides, our heavenly Father liberated Israel from the incoming holocaust as the midwives were ordered to kill the first born male babies emerging from the Israelites mothers, because He also loved the nations of the world, so He may take His children to
let the families know that they needed to become baptized in water, to escape Satan’s oncoming holocausts worldwide. Seeing as Satan can conquer the entire world for his kingdom of eternal darkness, if he can cause people to die in the spirit of error
and in the sinful-flesh that our heavenly Father has already condemned to return to the dust of death in hell forever cursed, thus for every man, woman and child to die without His Spirit and the sacred-flesh.
Surely, if Satan can manage for people everywhere to die in the spirit of error and in the sinful-flesh, meaning that, they will die without water baptism, where they are undressed from the forbidden fruit to be dressed finally with His Spirit and the
sacred-flesh receiving eternal life that is His resurrection into heaven’s glory, then he can cause darkness on earth, forever. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to grant Israel His holy name fire over Mount Sinai and within
the midst of His hot oven fires of grace, mercy, truth and divine justice for Israel finally to have the powers of invoking Him through His name, to escape into the water baptism of the Red sea, forever justified.
Because, by escaping Egypt and its eternal captivity that will be to die in the hidden holocaust destined for them to suffer from Satan, Pharaoh and his officials, then they could walk into the long-waited freedom from the water baptism at the seafloor
thus to continue to warn the families of the nations of living their lives without been baptized in water. Given that, what Satan had prepared for Israel with his seven years of famine that means the manifestation of the seven ugly looking skinny cows
eating the seven beautiful cows, plus the dead kernels eating the good kernels, then this meant holocausts not only for Israel but for the nations as well, and so, they needed to walkout baptized, baptizing everyone everywhere.
Traditionally, the best way for the house of Israel to warn the nations of the coming dangers from Satan’s hidden holocaust that will manifest every seven year of famine that means the presence of the seven ugly looking cows eating the good looking
ones, or the seven kernels eating the good ones, it was finally to reach the mountaintop with His name. For Israel is the wood born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers to become our heavenly Father’s doorpost, bearing not only His
holy name fire but also His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh born from David’s virgin daughter, finally to nail His holy name fire into eternal glory over Jerusalem’s holy hill, warning the nations of Satan’s oncoming holocausts starting from
This terrible holocaust is hell’s torment waiting for every man, woman and child not only from Israel to die in sin as they may fail to become baptized in water, by invoking His holy name fire, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to be undressed
underwater from the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh, where Satan can kill them, forever. Because when anyone dies without the benefits of the water baptism, by invoking our heavenly Father’s holy name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then, they are
dying forever in the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh, where they could never be helped to resurrect to life again thus to enter into heaven’s glory to enjoy His eternal life blessed with richness.
For our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit can only resurrect to life every one that has become baptized in water, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son’s and His Holy Spirit, because only there is the power to
liberate from the powers of the forbidden fruit thus to return to paradise and eternal life. This is the only moment in any one’s life, whether Jew or Gentile, finally to become liberated from the every day curse of the forbidden fruit to receive the
Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh that come from the tree of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ ready to keep you and bless you always through eternity with amazing richness from our heavenly Father.
Now, through the Sinai’s desert Satan manifested himself as the golden lamb ready to ascend Mount Sinai’s with every man, woman and child from Israel, so he may become reborn from our heavenly Father hot oven of the fires of grace, mercy, truth and
divine justice, because he really would love to return to the life in heaven that once he had. However, our heavenly Father rejected him when Israel accepted him as the golden calf that was to go with Israel into the Promise Land, conquering it forever,
finally to enter into the Holy Place, because only with them then he could truly enter into it, so he may become reborn to return to the former glorious angelical life that he once had.
Treacherously, Satan needed either to ascend to Mount Sinai’s summit with Israel to contaminate the Holy of Holiest so, in this way, no one from Israel and from the families of the nations would ever become reborn from the Holy Spirit’s power to
become holy again through our heavenly Father’s image and His gracious living-soul to return to eternal life forever justified. Or enter into the Promised Land with Israel so he may become baptized with them at the Jordan river thus reversing the
tremendous victory that our heavenly Father had conquered against him as he took Israel from Egypt’s slavery and final holocaust to dump his lies, curses, infirmities, conflicts and years of famine into the sea along with the forbidden fruit.
Thus, for the entire house of Israel to become liberated to take on His holy name fire into the Promised Land and over His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, for the final victory to conquer the
nations and the world for His new coming Kingdom of everlasting glories for His name fire. And Satan needed to do his terrible things in the early days, and the same is true until now, that is why, that you need to become baptized in water by invoking
our heavenly Father’s holy name, His Son and His Spirit thus to abandon forever the forbidden fruit to take on the fruit of life with lasting-salvation and amazing daily happiness.
Moreover, we have to thank our heavenly Father for His wisdom and for His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit, because they have been defeating Satan and his wilds since the early days and until now, because he still would love to destroy Israel
along with the nations of the world, so he may finally establish his kingdom of darkness. That is to say, also that Satan will do anything that he may be able against you and your loved ones, so you will fail always to go under the waters to become
baptized in our heavenly Father’s holy name, His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit, because this baptism is from heaven’s Holy of Holiest, saving you from hell’s eternal holocausts.
Nowadays, as Satan tried to keep Israel in Egypt’s captivity so they may never know the water baptism’s powers at the Red sea much less to know the wonderful and glorious baptism of the Holy Spirit, within the Holy of Holiest over Jerusalem’s holy
hill, then he will do the same against you to keep you from knowing your salvation daily powers. Within Egypt’s captivity, Satan failed to keep Israel captivated by the powers that he had with Pharaoh and his officials, because our heavenly Father’s
holy name along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit proved to be more powerful than what he expected thus he had to release Israel from his deadly holocaust that he had prepared for them.
Provided that, Satan really needed to kill the children of Abraham, because they were born from the power of the Holy Spirit as His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-
blood finally to liberate them along with the families of the nations from his wicked oncoming seven years of famine. Now, considering Satan failed to keep Israel away from the baptism of the Red in sea, because Moses along with every Israelite had
received and believed in the powers of the holy name fire to dump into hell’s torment every word from Satan and his death as well, then he had to look forward to become baptized with Israel at the Jordan river.
Because if Satan could manage to get baptized in water at the Jordan then he could not only reverse the defeat from the Red sea’s baptism as every man, woman and child not only dump into hell’s torment every sin, curse, infirmity, poverty and death,
but also every enemy, and then, he could cause Israel to stay with his spirit of error. Satan’s plan for his darkness to continue to prevail and grow within Israel and the families of the nation, it was to be accepted as the golden calf to enter into
the Jordan baptized in water to cancel the forces of the altar of love, for Israel to continue with his spirit of error to die finally cursed without the hope of salvation.
That is to say, that if Satan had managed not only to deceive Israel but also our heavenly Father to allow him somehow to enter into the Jordan river with the entire house of Israel to become baptized with them within Canaan as the golden calf, then he
would have kept his spirit of error and his sinful-flesh in them until death. Meaning that, Israel would have continued to live with the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh embedded into their living-souls never to be able to escape from death thus to
die without having the power of the Holy Spirit with the sacred-flesh from where our heavenly Father could resurrect them to life again thus fulfilling his oath sworn to Isaac, forever.
But thanks be to our heavenly Father because His Son Jesus Christ defeated him along with every one of his lies, curses, infirmities, poverty, conflicts and holocausts dumped into hell’s torment along with the angel of death, for Israel to receive the
Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh for eternal life to be possible in them thus to enter heaven’s glory forever enriched. However, Satan is not done yet, because he still will make it into the City of David thus to have Israel worshipping him with the
intent to be exalted by worship above our heavenly Father’s holy name fire that has already been nailed to the wood of the house of Israel that are up there lastly worshipping Him as His legitimate children.
Considering that, Satan still feels that he can truly contaminate Israel with his lies, curses, infirmities, poverty and death that would finally cause them to become reborn and filled with the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh taking them for sure
into hell’s torment, where they will fail again to become God’s legitimate children to enter into heaven’s eternal life forever enriched. Certainly, Satan’s intent to destroy Israel with his holocaust within Egypt failed so they will also fail to
enter into the Red sea water baptism, then finally he manifested himself as the golden calf emerging from Aaron oven as jewels from the Egyptians were thrown into it thus to enter with Israel in the Jordan, baptizing them as their golden calf.
In other words, Satan needed to descend into the Jordan with every Israeli man, woman and child as the golden calf, in the place of the King Messiah, Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), so he may cancel our heavenly Father’s powers of eternal life
granted already by His Holy Spirit to possess Canaan and His altar of abundant love, grace, truth, and justice, forever. Considering that, if Satan had managed to enter into the Jordan with Israel as their golden calf, then he would have caused every man,
woman and child to become baptized in his evil thus strengthening the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh in them never to be able to escape from his holocausts, by invoking our heavenly Father’s holy name fire and resurrection-powers.
But, thanks be to our heavenly Father, because through His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh and atoning-blood shed over His altar of the prehistoric love nailed to the wood of ancient Israel that finally lifted from the Valley of the dried bones to
serve Him with His name over His altar, then He has defeated the angel of death forever in His children. That is why, that our heavenly Father’s altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, is still filled
with His eternal life granted to His children from Israel and from the families of the nations, so they may become reborn from the Holy Spirit as from His image to become His children again, forever enriched. Amen!
¡Cultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!
Saludos cordiales a todos
[continued in next message]
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