valarezo@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Nov 15 18:14:41 2019
Sábado, 16 de Noviembre, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo
Ancient Israel drank from the rock’s living-water for the nations’ thirstiness for family-love:
Lovingly: Our heavenly Father needed to satisfy the thirst of His children from the families of the nations that had descended into hell’s torment, because they had failed to know His holy name fire and His living words of life born naturally from His
holy heart that needed to embrace them, thus forgiving their sins to continue to see life again forever. However, our heavenly Father did not have anyone that could help him from all the families of the nations to go with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit to satisfy the thirst of His children that had died without having to know His holy name fire, so they may become baptized in water, by invoking it.
Graciously, our heavenly Father looked throughout the world to find one willing to go with Him with His tremendous task that He had in His heart, and that the only way that He could begin to help His children by quenching their thirst, it was to get to
them immediately, but with His rock of salvation, because with it He can satisfy their thirst instantly. Timely, our heavenly Father found Abraham with his wife Sarah that had a barren-womb therefore unable to give birth to children and have a family,
and so, they needed help from heaven above to solve their problem since they failed to see anyone near and able to help them until they were called from heaven above to abandon their relativities, friends and homeland.
It is here, when our heavenly Father had finally found Abraham from all the families of the nations to help Him to go to His children, calling Him to provide them with the mercies that they needed, because they were dying of thirst for a glass of water,
and no one was near to help them to attain this much needed water. For certain: Our heavenly Father granted Abraham to have His rock of salvation so he may sacrifice three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds, spilled with
atoning-blood, because He was going to go to see His children under the Sinai’s desert thus to quench their thirst for His living-water never to thirst again forever throughout eternity.
This is when, Abraham was finally able to conduct three sacrifices over the rock of salvation along with two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, that really pleased our heavenly Father, because He promised to return to him at the end of the day, and
He did with a firing torch that was His holy name fire along with the promised children. This torch in our heavenly Father’s holy hand was His holy name fire along with the promised children to be born through the generations, as countless as from the
stars from heaven above that He had promised Abraham earlier that his wife Sarah will give birth, starting with Isaac, and this is His Son Jesus Christ born along with the Holy Spirit.
Definitaly, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers, because He desired to live His eternal life with his friend Abraham along with his wife Sarah and the adoptive children, bought with money from
foreigners, so he may provide them with his family love thus to grow fearing the Lord in heaven’s glory. Certainly, our heavenly Father needed to live His eternal life upon earth with Abraham and his family—a family bought with money—because of his
wife Sarah’s barren-womb therefore unable to have the children that he had longed to have, however, in our Father’s holy heart he had all the children that he wanted to have through the years, starting with Isaac.
Our heavenly Father returned to Abraham with the fiery torch in His hands that was the ancient wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill lifting His holy name fire with His children born from Abraham and Sarah’s barren-womb, as the sacred-flesh and the atoning-
blood, so He started to expiate, judge and forgive the sins of the world with His children directly from the wood. Lawfully: Our heavenly Father began to expiate, judge and forgive the sins from all the families of the nations from the past, the present
and the future with Abraham’s promised children to live through coming generations: so He may finally have His Son Jesus Christ born as David’s Son from his virgin daughter in Canaan thus to destroy sin at last forever.
For our heavenly Father needed to destroy sin along with Satan and death with the fallen angels from hell’s torment in one day, as His Son Jesus Christ had lived His eternal life, defeated in Eve and Adam in paradise, but now, victorious over Satan,
death and hell’s sin, so His children may finally see life again in that day also. That is why, that once our heavenly Father had lived with His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac along with the Holy Spirit in Abraham’s home, then, He realized that He
could live His eternal life with His children promised to Abraham but also with the families of the nations, so they may return to live again with Him in His new earth.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to turn them into one big family of nations that would learn to love, serve and worship His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, and then, He had to start with Abraham’s children born from Sarah’s barre-
womb, starting with Isaac, so He may fill the earth with his sacred-flesh one hundred percent Holy Spirit born forever. For these are Abraham’s children born after Isaac with the King Messiah’s sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-
blood to be born in Canaan from them through the virgin daughter of Zion that is king David’s virgin daughter, so he may live His eternal life, defeated in Eve in paradise by the serpent, but now ready to defeat death in Canaan with bronze serpents.
This victory in Canaan against death was very important for our heavenly Father to have His promised children from Abraham reborn as the tree of life over Jerusalem’s holy hill with His holy name fire along with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to them, as
the initial burning torch and with the atoning-blood removing the sin of the world in one day forever. Now, for this to be possible then our heavenly Father had not only to live His eternal life with His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb
as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers, but also, He had to return to heaven’s glory with His eternal life lived with Abraham and his children, sharing it with His angelical hosts forever at last.
For our heavenly Father needed to know how glorious it will be, if He will not only introduce it into His angelical kingdom, but also, He needed to see the angelical hosts reaction, and He found that His eternal life lived with Abraham and his adoptive
children upon earth was compatible with His angelical kingdom’s life, and He decided to keep it forever. This is when, our heavenly Father called Abraham to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting over one of Moriah’s mountains, so he may offer his only
beloved son Isaac as a burnt offering towards Him in heaven’s glory, because He needed His eternal life’s aromas that He had lived with Abraham’s family to permeate His angelical kingdom with new glories unseen by the angels before.
For our heavenly Father needed to lift His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers in Abraham’s household finally over the top of the world at Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, so He may pour His grieving Holy heart for
His children crying to Him from hell’s torment, because they died without knowing His holy name fire’s perfect-salvation. This is when, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac finally lifted by Abraham to Jerusalem’s holy hill,
resting at Moriah, because He needed to flow through him as His divine nature thus to make him one with Him forever, because by Him flowing through Abraham’s body then He became one with him thus declaring him Righteous forever.
Therefore, once Abraham had lived with his son Isaac that is our heavenly Father’s Son Jesus Christ born upon earth by the Holy Spirit, so Abraham along with his children may dress His sacred-flesh that is one-hundred percent Holy Spirit born, then, he
cannot only ascend dressed with the sacred-flesh but also he could speak to our heavenly Father in heaven, declaring him Righteous forever. For our heavenly Father needed to declare Abraham righteous in His holy presence, because he had not only lived
with His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac in his family by the Holy Spirit’s powers, but also, he had become one with his only son: therefore, he was filled from the rock of salvation’s unfailing-love that has never been touched by sin.
Surely, as Abraham ascended to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, then, he was filled with the rock of salvation’s unfailing-love that is our heavenly Father’s perfect-love from which He has always loved His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit, as His divine family in heaven’s glory before the angelical hosts, therefore, He was ready to love humankind with His unfailing-love throughout eternity. That is why, that our heavenly Father knew that once Abraham had ascended with his only
beloved son Isaac to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, then, He could declare him Righteous, because he was dressed with His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh born to him as Isaac his only beloved son, believing in His words of life born
naturally from His holy heart.
Indeed, once our heavenly Father had declared Abraham Righteous in His holy presence forever, then, this means that he was dressed in his son Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and atoning-blood, filled with His eternal life, where he was to be
declared Righteous along with his promised children living in future generations—but, they must be baptized in water to receive this blessing forever. Abraham was baptized with his only son Isaac, as he lived with him along with our heavenly Father’s
eternal life and with the every day Holy Spirit’s powers that bless everything that surrounds His children’s home and other properties, therefore, His divine nature may freely flow powerfully until they may be declared Righteous thus to become an
eternal blessing to others as well.
This was something that our heavenly Father needed done with Abraham, because he was going to be a father of Israel, but also, he was to be a father of many nations though generations ahead, considering that every one baptized in water by invoking His
holy name fire, instantly receives Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood filled with eternal life and Canaan’s endless-richness. Therefore, as Abraham ascended with Isaac to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, then, he was accepted by
our heavenly Father, because he was ready to offer his only beloved son Isaac that he had learned to love with all this heart through the years, consequently, his heart was filled with His divine nature and prepared to be declared Righteous forever.
Definitely, our heavenly Father that had trusted to Abraham and his family His only Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then, He was ready to trust to him along with his promised children living
through future generations His holy heart’s deepest feeling of His unfailing-love, so they may learn to love, serve and trust Him. This means that our heavenly Father expects each of His children reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect
holiness of His name that is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob (that is the Holy Spirit), so they may ascend each of them over Jerusalem’s holy hill to be declared Righteous as Abraham was initially.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Isaac lying over the wood of Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, because He needed to declare Righteous not only Abraham and his promised children living through the generations
ahead, but also, declare the families of the nations Righteous, so they may see life eternal again soon forever. In other words, with the oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father poured over His Son Jesus as Isaac lying over the wood of Jerusalem’s
holy hill, resting at Moriah, then, it was not only to declare Abraham Righteous because he had believed in His living-words born naturally from His holy heart, but also, declare righteous the families of the nations everlastingly.
For our heavenly Father needs to fill His new earth as His new kingdom, filled with His unfailing-love that emanates from the rock of salvation that is His divine love from which He has always loved His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout the
angelical kingdom, and that it has never been touched by sin through eternity. Therefore, our heavenly Father’s new earth needed life at the earth’s heart, and He needed to get there with Abraham’s children living through coming generation thus
conveying with them His rock of salvation with the three sacrifices that Abraham executed over it with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds, spilled with the atoning-blood, so He may conquer Canaan finally.
Understanding that, without His holy heart placed in the earth’s heart, as holy as the one in His chest, then He could not only have His children born from it but also has His Son Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter with the sacred-flesh
and the atoning-blood, so He may destroy Satan, death and the fallen angel finally conquering Canaan with amazing richness. For our heavenly Father needed to conquer the earth’s heart by descending with Abraham’s children, conveying the rock of
salvation along with the three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds, because He was to install His holy heart under Canaan to worship His holy name fire along with His children from there, enjoying always endless-
glories through eternity.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to pour His holy heart’s words of life upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh that not only created a new earth from the old earth’s heart, but also, He was able to fill it with amazing richness never
touched by sin along with amazing glories that the angelical hosts are eagered to see them soon. Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to enrich the land of Canaan chosen not only for His children to be born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the
Holy Spirit’s daily powers thus to love, serves and worships Him and His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, but also, He needed to enrich Canaan with endless richness, glories and honors throughout eternity for His honorable descend.
These are amazing richness that will not only dress the house of Israel with great glories and honors to live with our heavenly Father’s eternal life, received by birth through the oath sworn to Isaac, but also, Israel needs to be enriched greatly to
receive Him in His final descend into His home-sweet-home to live with His children forever loved, blessed and honored. For our heavenly Father needed His holy heart in the old earth’s heart to start the new earth but also manifesting love, service,
glory and honor to His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill in His children’s hearts from Israel and the families of the nations thus they may feel, live and prosper in His holy heart’s unfailing-love towards them throughout life.
Definitely, it was important for our heavenly Father to have not only poured His holy heart’s perfect will, as His oath sworn to Isaac, thus giving birth to His children and the new earth from the earth’s heart, under Canaan, but also, He may descend
every Sabbath with ancient Israel to properly love, serve and worship His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill. For our heavenly Father needs to love, serve and worship His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s Holy hill, in Canaan, where He finally
established it, nailed to ancient Israel’s wood as the tree of the entire human race integrated with the entire house of Israel that needs to abandon hell’s torment to see life again in His new earth, forever justified.
For our heavenly Father had already ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones returning to life on the Third Day, as His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to them, as the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, thus escaping death to celebrate every
Sabbath and holidays throughout the year with our heavenly Father until He finally descends into Canaan. For our heavenly Father needs by default on Sabbath every Israeli man, woman and child from the past, from the present and from the future descending
with Him along with His Son, known initially as Isaac, along with the Holy Spirit to properly love, serve and worship His holy name fire under Canaan thus preparing Himself for His final descend into His home-sweet-home.
For our heavenly Father needs to work continually with His Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit and the entire house of Israel from under Canaan, and they must return there every Sabbath properly to love, serve and worship His holy name fire over Jerusalemâ€
™s holy hill, because by doing so then the families of ancient nations may be lifted from hell’s torments to life again. For our heavenly Father had ancient Israel already in Egypt’s captivity for four-hundred years, collecting the world’s nationsâ€
™ sins, abandoning them at the Red Sea by invoking His holy name fire, to expiate, judge and cover them with lambs’ atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest through the Sinai’s desert, as hell’s torment, so His name may lift them with nails to
safety finally.
For our heavenly Father really needed ancient Israel with all the sins that they had collected from the families of the nations from the past, present and the future with powers from the oath sworn to Isaac, because they needed to dress the sacred-flesh
that was one-hundred percent Holy Spirit born from Sarah’s barren-womb, so they may become His special priests forever. Given that, this is the sacred-flesh that our heavenly Father needed not only in Egypt’s captivity for four-hundred years,
collecting the world’s nations’ sins to take them to the water baptism of the Red Sea by invoking the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, but also, He needed it walking extremely thirsty through the Sinai’s desert.
For the entire house of Israel needed to drink from the bitters of Marah first, thus to be sweetened by them as the tree that our heavenly Father brought to Abraham as he had sacrificed the three lambs with two uncut birds over the rock of salvation, so
He may sweeten the bitter waters of Marah and then drink from it. For the tree that our heavenly Father showed Moses to throw it into the bitter waters of Marah had descended from Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, to sweeten the bitter waters that the
families of the nations had intake throughout their days, causing them finally to descend into hell’s torment, and so, they now needed to drink from the rock of salvation.
That is why, that ancient Israel drank the bitter waters of Marah sweetened by the tree with His holy name fire nailed to it, as the burning torch that our heavenly Father carried to see Abraham’s three sacrifices over the rock of salvation, so His
promised children living through the coming generations may drink from it to sweeten the families of the nations eventually. That is to say, that once the whole of Israel drank from the bitter of Marah, sweetened by the tree that descended from Jerusalemâ
€™s holy hill, in Canaan that are they in need to liberate it (Canaan) from Satanism, then, once they had finished expiating, judging and covering the world’s sins with atoning-blood, then, they descended to sweeten the Valley of the dried bones.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel descending into the Valley of the dried bones with Abraham’s three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with the two uncut birds, because He needed to turn it into His loving
heart to descend every Sabbath with His children: loving, serving and worshipping His holy name fire over His altar with perfect love always. For our heavenly Father’s holy name fire can only be loved, served and worshipped with the oath sworn to Isaacâ
€™s powers that the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood may provide you throughout life, as you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, so He may conquer the day and hour when finally He descends into Canaan to stay forever.
Certainly, our heavenly Father is constantly working with every man, woman and child born from Israel with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, and He works with them as He normally works with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may love,
serve and worship His holy name fire from the earth’s heart each Sabbath until His new kingdom may come. For our heavenly Father can truly work with Israel each Sabbath only, because on this day He fails to see sin due to the oath sworn to Isaac’s
powers that are constantly present, and this is when He really loves, serves and worships His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill with perfect powers of love, enriching the families of the nations.
Considering that, our heavenly Father once ancient Israel had served Him as His high priest through the Sinai’s desert by displaying the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness: then, they were bitten by the poisonous snakes
from hell’s torment that had bitten the families of the nations earlier to become one with them and their children throughout the earth. Therefore, it is important for our heavenly Father to be with the entire house of Israel from the past, the present
and the future each Sabbath day in the heart of the earth along with the rock of salvation with Abraham’s three sacrifices with their halves facing each other and the two uncut birds, spilled with Isaac’s atoning-blood that has defeated death forever.
Understanding that, from the earth’s heart, as the Valley of the dried bones under Canaan, then, He and His children working with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers to love, serve and worship His holy name fire nailed to the wood over Mount Zion, as
Israel became one with the nations, lifting them from hell, but also introducing them into heaven’s life forever enriched. For our heavenly Father can only work with His children born with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers within Egypt’s captivity
for four-hundred years, went through the Red Sea water baptism, drunk from the bitter waters of Marah (sweetened by the tree), later drunk from the rock of salvation, indeed, drinking for the nations failing to have water in hell since they died.
Therefore, as ancient Israel became one seed with the families of the nations lying in their hell’s torment along with their children living through the generations upon earth that our heavenly Father needed to plant in Canaan, then, it was to cause
the entire human race to become reborn in His home-sweet-home, where they will live with Him forever enriched throughout eternity. Definitely, our heavenly Father only works with His children reborn in the sacred-flesh as His only Son’s likeness born
initially to Abraham as Isaac, from Sarah’s barren-womb as his lamb over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, later for His only Son was reborn from David’s daughter as Jesus Christ, but reborn from ancient Israel as a barren-womb lying in the
Valley of death.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has never worked with Satanism, because they were never through Egypt’s captivity of four-hundred years, through the Red Sea water baptism, through the Sinai’s desert to drink from the sweetened bitter
waters of Marah, later to drink from the rock of salvation water to quench the thirst of those in hell’s torment. Therefore, for Israel’s children living through the generations, they have also gone through Egypt’s captivity of four-hundred years,
through the Red Sea water baptism to become His high priest, through the Sinai’s desert: drinking from the bitter waters of Marah later to drink from the rock of salvation to live with the Father forever in their sacred-flesh born one-hundred percent
Holy Spirit.
Glories, Satanist claiming to be Jews will fail to claim much less prove, because they were not with ancient Israel’s chromosomes through the Egyptian’s captivity, through the Red Sea water baptism to become high priests in the sacred-flesh (Holy
Spirit born), through the Sinai’s desert, biting by poisonous snakes to descend into the earth’s heart, giving birth to the King Messiah finally. Considering that, for our heavenly Father to give birth to His Son Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit’s
powers from the oath sworn to Isaac, then, ancient Israel needed not only to have conducted rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness through the Sinai’s desert, but also, be bitten by poisonous snakes to become one with the nations thus to control
the earth’s heart forever.
Then, by our heavenly Father having taken control of the Valley of the dried bones with ancient Israel along with the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness thus finishing with the entire human race’s sin by covering them with lambs’ atoning-
blood, so He may finally stained the gate of hell’s posts with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood victorious over death forever. Understanding that, it could have resulted in a terrible attack from Satan and his fallen angels against not only the
children of Israel living in Canaan in those days, but also, in a rebellious attack against His Son Jesus Christ, so he may fail to fulfill our Father’s perfect will throughout Israel, therefore, hell was totally controlled and Satan with death
That is to say, that our heavenly Father was not only able to have His Son Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that needed to be baptized at the Jordan river by John thus
defeating Satan along every enemy in Israel’s life through the earth, but also eliminate death’s powers from hell itself forever. Therefore, our heavenly Father was able to take control of hell’s gate but also the entire kingdom of darkness of
Satan and death, so He may destroy the world’s sin as His holy name fire was nailed to the wood of ancient Israel integrated with the families of the nations to see life again in the new earth, as in resurrection day.
Indeed, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to ancient Israel’s wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, instantly spilling his atoning-blood victorious over Satan, death and every hell under Canaan, and so, as we may love, serve and worship His
holy name fire nailed to the entire human race then we are lifting them from hell’s torment to see life again soon. Undeniably, Satan may have the families of the nations that sinned against our heavenly Father, His Son and His Spirit, for neglecting
water baptism by invoking His holy name fire that removes sin forever, then, He integrated them to ancient Israel’s tree thus lifting them into heaven’s glory, as we may worship Him and His holy name over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan.
Timely, our heavenly Father had satisfied everyone’s thirst with the rock of salvation’s living-waters that ancient Israel drank with Moses in the Sinai’s desert underway to conquer the earth’s heart, so they may never thirst again throughout
eternity but also the families of the nations that became one with them throughout eternity in the tree planted by His right arm in Canaan. That is why, that Israel ancient’s wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill is ready to sweeten not only the Valley of
the dried bones along with every hell in the earth’s heart but also every family’s home of the nations throughout the earth, but Satan with his servants, the Satanists, is blocking these powerful victories that need to bless every human-heart with
perfect lasting-salvation.
Given that, Satan does not want every family’s home throughout the house of Israel and the nations to know and receive these powerful victories against him, death and every fallen angel from his kingdom of darkness, so every man, woman and child may
fail to know how greatly they had been blessed already with amazing abundant richness hidden in Canaan these days. Surely, Satan along with his servants, the Satanists, is blocking this amazing abundant richness hidden in Canaan that are there not only
to dress every man, woman and child from Israel with richness, glories and honors first but also enrich the families of the nations, including those returning to life soon, for His holy name to be finally honored at last properly forever.
For this is how our heavenly Father is expecting to see His holy name fire nailed to ancient Israel’s wood with the families of the nations integrated to it forever, dressed properly with His amazing abundant richness hidden under Canaan and His
ancient altar, so He may finally descend to live surrounded with His children dressed properly with His amazing everlasting honors forever. Certainly, our heavenly Father has called not only Israel but also the families of the nations to become baptized
in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus abandoning the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh, dressing you these days with amazing victories and richness from Canaan finally honoring His holy name
in your life forever.
It is here. When our heavenly Father will receive you in His home-sweet-home, Jerusalem’s holy hill, because, you are integrated to ancient Israel’s wood as His divine nature born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s power, whether you
know it or not, dressing you with His eternal life victorious over death along with Canaan’s hidden amazing-richness honoring Him and His name throughout eternity, starting now. It is from here. As our heavenly Father not only lifted ancient Israel
from the Valley of dried bones with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to Jerusalem’s holy hill wood entering into the Holy of Holiest with perfect salvation for Abraham’s children and the nations along with their children in coming generations, but also,
the earth became His new earth where sin fails to exist throughout eternity.
Surely, for our heavenly Father it does not matter if you are Jewish, Gentile, Muslim, Hindu, Taoist, Christian, Buddhist or any other religion from around the world, He has already integrated your ancestors along with the children living through
generations (you today), to the tree at Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so He may dress you with His eternal life’s amazing daily richness. Indeed, if you want to become saved by our heavenly Father’s unfailing-love, grace, mercy, truth and
divine justice manifested entirely in His oath sworn to Isaac that is the sacred-flesh born one hundred percent Holy Spirit, then, He may finally dress you with His eternal life’s daily richness that makes His holy heart very happy throughout eternity,
starting with you now at home.
[continued in next message]
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ivanvalarezo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Nov 22 18:30:03 2019
Sábado, 23 de Noviembre, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo
Israel antiguo bebió de la roca: agua viva, satisfaciendo la sed de la humanidad entera por su amor de familia:
Amorosamente: Nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba satisfacer la sed de sus hijos de las familias de las naciones que habÃan descendido al infierno tormentoso, porque ellos fallaron en conocer su santo nombre fuego y sus palabras de vida, nacidas
naturalmente de su corazón santÃsimo, queriendo abrazarlos a todos ellos, perdonándoles sus pecados y seguidamente vean la vida nuevamente, para siempre. Sin embargo, nuestro Padre celestial a nadie tenia que lo ayudase de todas las familias de las
naciones, para que valle con Él, con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su EspÃritu Santo a satisfacer la sed de sus hijos, que habÃan muerto sin conocer su santo nombre fuego, para que ellos sean bautizados en agua, invocándolo, salvándose asà para siempre.
Cordialmente, nuestro Padre celestial buscaba por toda la tierra a alguien dispuesto a ir con Él y con su obra tremenda de su corazón santÃsimo, y que la única manera en que Él podÃa empezar a ayudar a sus hijos, satisfaciendo su sed, era allegá
ndose a ellos inmediatamente, pero con su roca de salvación: porque con ella, Él puede satisfacer su sed instantáneamente. A tiempo, nuestro Padre celestial encontró a Abraham con su esposa Sarah y su vientre estéril, por ello, no podÃa dar a luz a
sus hijos y tener su familia, por ende, ellos necesitaban ayuda del cielo arriba para resolver su problema, ya que no veÃan a nadie que pudiese ayudarlos, y hasta que fueron llamados a abandonar a sus parientes, amistades y tierras.
Aquà es cuando, nuestro Padre celestial finalmente encontró a Abraham de entre todas las familias de las naciones, ayudándolo a llegar a sus hijos, llamándole a Él que les entregue sus misericordias que necesitaban, porque ellos estaban muriendo de
sed por un vaso de agua, y nadie podÃa ayudarles a obtener esta agua que necesitaban. Por cierto: Nuestro Padre celestial le entregó a Abraham su roca de salvación para que sacrifique tres corderos, separándolos por sus mitades uno contra el otro y
con dos aves sin cortar, salpicados con sangre expiatoria, porque Él iba hacia sus hijos debajo del desierto del SinaÃ, saciando su sed por sus aguas vivas, para que no vuelvan a tener sed jamás.
Aquà es cuando, Abraham pudo conducir sus tres sacrificios sobre la roca de salvación junto con dos aves sin cortar, salpicadas con sangre expiatoria, que realmente le complacÃa a nuestro Padre celestial, porque Él prometió regresar a él (Abraham)
al fin del dÃa, haciéndolo asà con su antorcha de fuego, que era su santo nombre fuego junto con sus hijos prometidos por nacer. Esta es la antorcha, que las manos de nuestro Padre celestial traÃan con su santo nombre fuego junto con los hijos
prometidos por nacer en generaciones futuras, incontables como las estrellas del cielo arriba, prometidos a Abraham inicialmente que nacerÃan de su esposa Sarah, empezando con Isaac, y este es su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo junto con el EspÃritu Santo en
el mundo.
Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido, por poderes del EspÃritu Santo, como Isaac, porque Él deseaba vivir su vida eterna con su amigo Abraham junto con su esposa Sarah y sus hijos adoptados, comprados por
dinero de extranjeros, y asÃ, él proveerles amor de familia para que crezcan en el temor del SEÑOR de la gloria celestial. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba vivir su vida eterna en la tierra con Abraham y su familia—una familia
comprada con dinero—porque su esposa Sarah era estéril de su vientre, por ende, imposible que diese a luz a sus hijos que Abraham deseaba tener, sin embargo, en su corazón santÃsimo, el Padre tenia todos los hijos que él deseaba tener, empezando
con Isaac.
Nuestro Padre celestial regresó a Abraham con su antorcha encendida en sus manos, como el madero antiguo del monte santo de Jerusalén, levantando su santo nombre fuego con sus hijos prometidos, naciendo para Abraham del vientre estéril de Sarah, con
la carne sagrada y la sangre expiatoria, y asÃ, Él expiar, juzgar y perdonar pecados del mundo con sus hijos directamente desde del madero. Legalmente, nuestro Padre celestial empezó a expiar, juzgar y perdonar los pecados de las familias de las
naciones del pasado, del presente y del futuro con los hijos prometidos a Abraham por vivir en generaciones futuras: y asÃ, Él finalmente tener a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo del vientre virgen de la hija de David, en Canaán, destruyendo asà el pecado
al fin, para siempre.
Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba destruir todo pecado junto con Satanás y la muerte con sus ángeles caÃdos del infierno tormentoso en un dÃa, cuando su Hijo Jesucristo habÃa ya vivido su vida eterna, derrotada en Eva en el paraÃso,
pero ahora, victoriosa sobre Satanás, la muerte y el pecado del infierno, y asÃ, sus hijos vivan nuevamente en ese mismo dÃa. Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial habÃa vivido ya con su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac junto con su EspÃritu Santo en
el hogar de Abraham, entonces, Él entendió divinamente, que Él mismo vivirÃa su misma vida eterna con sus hijos prometidos a Abraham, pero igualmente, con las familias de las naciones, y asÃ, ellos regresen a vivir nuevamente con Él en su nueva
Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba convertirlos a todos ellos en una gran familia de naciones, aprendiendo a amar, servir y alabar su santo nombre fuego sobre el monte Sion, seguidamente, Él empezarlo todo con los hijos nacidos a Abraham del
vientre estéril de Sarah, empezando con Isaac, y asÃ, Él llenar la tierra de su carne sagrada cien por cien del EspÃritu Santo. Legalmente, estos son hijos de Abraham, naciendo después de Isaac con la carne sagrada, los huesos inquebrantables y la
sangre expiatoria por nacer en Canaán del vientre virgen de la hija de David, y asÃ, el MesÃas viva su vida eterna, derrotada en Eva en el paraÃso por la serpiente, pero ahora, lista para derrotar a la muerte con las serpientes de bronce.
Esta victoria cananea en contra de Satanás fue muy importante para nuestro Padre celestial, para tener a los hijos de Abraham renaciendo, como el árbol de la vida sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén con su santo nombre fuego junto con Hijo Jesucristo,
clavado a ellos, como la antorcha inicial ardiendo con la sangre expiatoria, removiendo el pecado del mundo entero en un dÃa. Ahora, para que esto sea posible entonces nuestro Padre celestial no solamente tenia que vivir su vida eterna con su Hijo
Jesucristo, nacido del vientre estéril de Sarah, como Isaac, por el EspÃritu Santo, pero igualmente, Él tenia que regresar a la gloria angelical con su vida eterna vivida ya con Abraham y con sus hijos, compartiéndola con sus huestes angelicales
Por cuanto, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba saber, cuán glorioso seria, si Él no solamente la introduce a sus huestes angelicales, pero igualmente, Él necesitaba experimentar, saber, conocer la reacción angelical, y Él encontró, que su vida
eterna, vivida con Abraham y con sus hijos adoptados en la tierra, es compatible con la vida angelical, decidiendo asÃ: Él quedarse con ella por una eternidad entera. Aquà es cuando, nuestro Padre celestial llamó a Abraham al monte santo de Jerusalé
n, descansando sobre el Moriah, ofreciendo a su único hijo amado Isaac, como una ofrenda encendida hacia Él en la gloria angelical: porque Él necesitaba los aromas de su vida eterna, que Él mismo habÃa vivido con la familia de Abraham, saturando al
reino angelical con glorias nunca antes vistas por ellos.
Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba levantar a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac, en el hogar de Abraham, por el EspÃritu Santo, finalmente sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, descansando sobre el Moriah, y asÃ, Él derramar su corazón
santÃsimo roto y afligido por sus hijos, clamando a Él desde el infierno, muertos por no haber conocido la salvación perfecta de su nombre. Aquà es cuando, nuestro Padre celestial que habÃa tenido a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac finalmente
levantado por Abraham al monte santo de Jerusalén, descansando sobre el Moriah, porque Él tenÃa que fluir en él, como su naturaleza divina, convirtiéndolo a él en uno con Él eternamente: porque Él mismo fluyendo por el cuerpo de Abraham, entonces,
se hicieron uno, declarándolo asà SantÃsimo finalmente.
Dado que, Abraham habÃa vivido ya con su hijo Isaac, como Hijo de nuestro Padre celestial, Jesucristo, nacido por el EspÃritu Santo, y asÃ, Abraham junto con sus hijos se vistan de su carne sagrada, nacida cien por cien del EspÃritu Santo, entonces, Ã
©l no solamente ascendió vestido de la carne sagrada, pero igualmente, hablo con nuestro Padre celestial, declarándolo a él SantÃsimo perpetuamente. Considerando que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba declarar a Abraham santÃsimo en su presencia
santÃsima, porque él no solamente habÃa vivido con su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac en su familia, por poderes del EspÃritu Santo, pero igualmente, él se habÃa convirtió en uno con su hijo único: por ello, él fue llenado del amor infalible
de la roca, jamás tocada por el pecado.
Efectivamente, cuando Abraham ascendió al monte Sion, descansando sobre el Moriah, entonces, él fue llenado del amor infalible de la roca, que es el perfecto amor de nuestro Padre celestial, amando a su Hijo Jesucristo y a su EspÃritu Santo, como su
familia divina de la gloria angelical, por ello, Él estaba listo para amar a la humanidad entera toda una vida entera. Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial conocÃa a Abraham, una vez que él habÃa ascendido con su único hijo Isaac al monte Sion,
descansando en el Moriah, entonces, Él lo declaró a él SantÃsimo, vistiendo de la carne sagrada de su Hijo Jesucristo, nacido para él como Isaac su único hijo amado, creyendo en sus palabras de vida, nacidas naturalmente de su corazón santÃsimo.
Realmente, una vez que nuestro Padre celestial declaró a Abraham justo en su santa presencia, entonces, esto significa, que él vestÃa de la carne sagrada, los huesos inquebrantables y de la sangre expiatoria, llena de su vida eterna, en donde él
tenia que ser declarado santo junto con sus hijos prometidos viviendo en generaciones venideras—pero, ellos tienen que bautizarse para vivir enriquecidos, siempre. Abraham fue bautizado con su hijo Isaac, viviendo con él junto con nuestro Padre
celestial y su vida eterna y poderes cotidianos del EspÃritu Santo, bendiciéndolo todo alrededor de él y sus hijos en su hogar y propiedades: por ende, su naturaleza divina fluyó poderosamente y hasta que fueron declarados santos, convirtiéndose
todos ellos asà en bendición para otros, siempre.
Esto fue algo que nuestro Padre celestial tenÃa que hacerlo asà con Abraham, porque él iba a ser padre de Israel, pero igualmente, de muchas naciones por generaciones venideras, considerando que cada uno bautizado en agua, invocando su santo nombre
fuego, instantáneamente recibe la carne sagrada de Isaac y la sangre expiatoria llena de vida eterna y de riquezas insondables de Canaán. Luego, cuando Abraham ascendió con Isaac al monte santo de Jerusalén, descansando sobre el Moriah, entonces, él
fue aceptado por nuestro Padre celestial, ya que él estaba listo para ofrecer a su hijo Isaac que habÃa aprendido a amar con todo su corazón por años, por consiguiente, su corazón rebozaba de su naturaleza divina y preparada estaba para ser
declarado justo para siempre.
Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial le habÃa confiado a Abraham y a su familia a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, por el EspÃritu Santo, entonces, Él estaba listo para confiarle a él junto con sus hijos
prometidos viviendo por generaciones futuras el deseo de su amor infalible de su corazón santÃsimo, y asÃ, ellos le amen, le sirvan y confÃen en Él, siempre. Esto significa que nuestro Padre celestial espera de cada hijo suyo, renacer del bautismo
en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su santo nombre fuego, que es: el Dios de Abraham, el Dios de Isaac y el Dios de Jacobo (el EspÃritu Santo), y asÃ, ellos asciendan sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén para ser declarados santos, asà como
Abraham inicialmente.
Por eso, es que fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial tener a Isaac yaciendo sobre el madero del monte santo de Jerusalén, descansando sobre el Moriah, porque Él necesitaba declarar santo no solamente a Abraham y a sus hijos prometidos viviendo
en generaciones futuras, pero igualmente, declarar a las familias de las naciones santÃsimas también, y asÃ, ellas vean vida nuevamente pronto. En otras palabras, con el Juramento a Isaac, que nuestro Padre celestial habÃa derramado sobre su Hijo
Jesucristo como Isaac yaciendo sobre el madero del monte santo de Jerusalén, descansando sobre el Moriah, entonces, fue no solamente para declarar a Abraham santo, creyendo en su palabra viva, nacida naturalmente de su corazón santÃsimo, pero
igualmente, declarar a cada familia de las naciones santas eternamente.
Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial necesita llenar su nueva tierra, como su nuevo reino, lleno de su amor infalible, emanando de la roca de salvación, que es su amor divino, en que Él siempre ha amado a su Hijo Jesucristo y a su EspÃritu Santo por todo
el reino angelical, sin jamás ser tocado su amor por el pecado en toda la eternidad. Realmente, la nueva tierra de nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba vida en el corazón de la tierra, y Él necesitaba llegar a ahà con los hijos de Abraham, cargando con
ellos la roca de salvación y los tres carneros con sus mitades opuestas una a otra junto con dos aves sin cortar: ejecutados por Abraham, salpicados con sangre expiatoria, y asÃ, conquistar a Canaán finalmente.
Legalmente, sin su corazón santÃsimo instalado en el de la tierra, como el de su pecho santÃsimo, entonces, Él no solamente harÃa renacer a sus hijos en él, pero igualmente, a su Hijo Jesucristo de la hija de David con la carne sagrada y la sangre
expiatoria, y asÃ, Él destruir a Satanás, la muerte y los ángeles caÃdos, conquistando a Canaán con riquezas asombrosas postreramente. Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba conquistar el corazón de la tierra, descendiendo con los
hijos de Abraham y la roca de salvación con tres sacrificios y sus mitades opuestas una a otra, y dos aves sin cortar, y asÃ, Él instalar su mismo corazón santÃsimo debajo de Canaán, alabando su santo nombre fuego con sus hijos desde allÃ, gozando
riquezas insondables por siempre.
Por eso, es que fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial derramar, desde su corazón santÃsimo, sus palabras de vida sobre la carne sagrada de Isaac, que no solamente habÃa creado una nueva tierra desde el corazón de la tierra vieja, pero
igualmente, Él logró: llenarlo con riquezas asombrosas jamás tocadas por el pecado junto con glorias, que los ángeles anhelan verlas pronto. Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba enriquecer Canaán, escogida no solamente para que sus
hijos nazcan del vientre estéril de Sarah, por el EspÃritu Santo, amándolo, sirviéndolo y alabándolo a Él y su santo nombre sobre el monte Sion, pero igualmente, Él mismo enriquecer a Canaán con riquezas insondables, glorias y honores para una
eternidad entera, y en su descender final, ser eternamente honrado.
Estas son riquezas que no solamente vestirán a Israel con grandes glorias y honores para vivir en la vida de nuestro Padre celestial, recibida, por inicio, por el Juramento a Isaac, pero igualmente, Israel necesita ser enriquecido grandemente para
recibirlo a Él en su descender final a su dulce hogar, en Canaán, para vivir con sus hijos: amándolo, bendiciéndolo y honorándolo por siempre. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba su corazón santÃsimo en el de la tierra vieja, empezando
asà su nueva tierra, pero igualmente, manifestar amor, servicio, gloria y honor a su santo nombre fuego sobre el monte Sion en los corazones de sus hijos de Israel y de las naciones, sintiendo asà vida y prosperidad del amor infalible de su corazón
santÃsimo hacia ellos perpetuamente.
Definitivamente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial derramar de su perfecta voluntad, desde su corazón santÃsimo, como el Juramento a Isaac, dándole asà vida a sus hijos y a su nueva tierra desde el corazón de la tierra, pero igualmente,
cada Sábado: Él descender con todo Israel antiguo a él, para que apropiadamente se ame, sirva y alabe su santo nombre fuego sobre el monte Sion. Legalmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba su santo nombre fuego: amado, servido y alabado sobre el
monte santo de Jerusalén, en Canaán, estableciéndolo sobre él perpetuamente, clavado al madero de Israel antiguo, como el árbol de la humanidad entera, integradas las naciones a la casa de Israel: Israel que necesitaba abandonar el infierno con
ellos, viendo vida nuevamente en su nueva tierra, eternamente justificados.
Por cuanto, nuestro Padre celestial ya tenia a Israel antiguo del Valle de los huesos secos, regresando a vivir nuevamente en el Tercer DÃa, con su Hijo Jesucristo, clavado a ellos, como el madero sobre el monte Sion, escapando asà de la muerte para
celebrar cada Sábado y dÃas festivos del año con Él, y hasta que finalmente Él mismo descienda a Canaán postreramente. Legalmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesita, por inicio, en el Sábado a cada Israelà hombre, mujer, niño y niña del pasado,
del presente y del futuro, descendiendo con Él junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y con el EspÃritu Santo para amar, servir y alabar apropiadamente su santo nombre fuego desde debajo de Canaán, preparándose asà Él para su descender final a su dulce hogar.
Dado que, nuestro Padre celestial trabaja continuamente con su Hijo Jesucristo, con su EspÃritu Santo y con todo Israel desde debajo de Canaán, y ellos tienen que regresar todos juntos cada Sábado para amar, servir y adorar apropiadamente su santo
nombre fuego sobre el monte Sion, porque haciéndolo asÃ, entonces las familias de naciones antiguas serán levantadas del infierno tormentoso a vivir nuevamente pronto. Legalmente, nuestro Padre celestial, esclavizó a Israel antiguo en Egipto por
cuatrocientos años, recogiendo pecados del mundo entero, abandonándolos luego en el Mar Rojo, invocando su santo nombre, para expiar, juzgar y cubrirlos con sangres expiatorias de carneros en el Lugar SantÃsimo por el desierto del SinaÃ, como el
infierno tormentoso, y asÃ, su mismo santo nombre levantarlos con clavos, serpientes de bronce: salvándolos postreramente.
En la medida que, nuestro Padre celestial realmente necesitaba a Israel antiguo con los pecados, acumulados de las familias de las naciones del pasado, del presente y del futuro con poderes del Juramento a Isaac, porque ellos necesitaban vestir de la
carne sagrada que es cien por cien del EspÃritu Santo, nacida del vientre estéril de Sarah, y asÃ, ellos sean sus sacerdotes siempre. Dado que, esta es carne sagrada, que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba no solamente en el cautiverio egipcio por
siglos, recogiendo pecados de las naciones, llevándolos luego al bautismo del Mar Rojo, invocando: al Dios de Abraham, al Dios de Isaac y al Dios de Jacobo, pero igualmente, Él necesitaba que la carne sagrada camine extremadamente sedienta por el
desierto del SinaÃ, como en el infierno.
Visto que, toda la casa de Israel necesitaba beber de las aguas amargas de Marah, primeramente, endulzándolas ellos mismos, como el árbol que nuestro Padre celestial le trajo a Abraham inicialmente, cuando él habÃa sacrificado ya tres carneros con
dos palominos sin cortar sobre la roca de salvación, y asÃ, Él endulzar las aguas amargas, bebiéndolas todo Israel finalmente en su presencia. Entendiendo que, el árbol que nuestro Padre celestial le mostró a Moisés, tirándolo a las aguas amargas
de Marah, que habÃa descendido del monte santo de Jerusalén, en Canaán, endulzándolas asà instantáneamente: aguas que las familias de las naciones habÃan bebido en vida, haciendo que ellos desciendan al infierno tormentoso, por ende, ahora ellos
necesitaban beber de la roca de salvación, para ser levantadas.
Por eso, Israel antiguo bebió de las aguas amargas de Marah, endulzadas por el árbol con su santo nombre fuego, clavado a él, como la antorcha que nuestro Padre celestial llevó hacia los tres sacrificios de Abraham sobre la roca de salvación, y asÃ,
sus hijos prometidos viviendo en generaciones venideras, beban de ella siempre, endulzando asà las familias de las naciones eventualmente. Es decir, también cuando todo Israel antiguo bebió de las aguas amargas de Marah, endulzadas por el árbol que
descendió del monte santo de Jerusalén, en Canaán, que son ellos mismos que necesitaba liberarlo (Canaán) del satanismo postreramente, entonces, cuando terminaron de expiar, juzgar y cubrir pecados del mundo entero con sangres expiatorias:
descendieron todos ellos, endulzando el Valle de los huesos secos infinitamente.
Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Israel antiguo descendiendo al Valle de los huesos secos con tres sacrificios de Abraham y con sus mitades opuestas una a otra junto con dos palominos sin cortar, porque Él necesitaba convertirlo en
su corazón santÃsimo para celebrar cada Sábado con sus hijos: amando, sirviendo y alabando su santo nombre con perfecto amor sobre su altar, siempre. LegÃtimamente, el santo nombre de nuestro Padre celestial puede únicamente ser amado, servido y
adorado con poderes del Juramento a Isaac, que la carne sagrada y la sangre expiatoria proveen en todos sus hijos, bautizados en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, y asÃ, Él conquistar aquel dÃa y hora, cuando Él finalmente desciende
a quedarse en Canaán con ellos, para siempre.
Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial está constantemente trabajando con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña nacido de Israel con poderes del Juramento a Isaac, trabajando con ellos, asà como normalmente Él trabaja con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su EspÃ
ritu Santo: amando, sirviendo y alabando su santo nombre fuego desde el corazón de la tierra en cada Sábado, y hasta que su reino venga. Visto que, solamente nuestro Padre celestial puede trabajar con Israel cada Sábado, porque en este dÃa Él no ve
pecado por razones del Juramento a Isaac, que están constantemente presentes con Él, y aquà es cuando, Él realmente ama, sirve y adora su santo nombre fuego sobre el monte Sion y con perfectos poderes de amor, enriqueciendo las familias de las
naciones, siempre.
Considerando que, nuestro Padre celestial una vez que Israel antiguo le sirvió a Él, como su sumo sacerdote por el desierto del SinaÃ, desplegando rituales y ceremonias de santidades perfectas del Juramento a Isaac: entonces, ellos fueron mordidos por
serpientes venenosas del infierno tormentoso, que mordieron a las familias de las naciones inicialmente, haciéndose uno con ellos y con sus hijos por generaciones futuras. Por ello, es importante para nuestro Padre celestial estar con la casa de Israel
del pasado, del presente y del futuro cada Sábado en el corazón de la tierra junto con la roca de salvación y los tres carneros sacrificados y junto con dos palominos sin cortar, salpicados con la sangre expiatoria de Isaac, desde Canaán, declará
ndole a la muerte su muerte eterna.
Entendiendo que, desde el corazón de la tierra, como el Valle de los huesos secos, debajo de Canaán, entonces, Él con sus hijos trabajando con poderes del Juramento a Isaac: ama, sirve y alaba su santo nombre, clavado al madero del monte Sion, cuando
Israel se convirtió en uno con las naciones, levantándolos finalmente del infierno, pero igualmente, introduciéndolos al cielo arriba, eternamente enriquecidos. Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial solamente trabaja con sus hijos nacidos del Juramento a
Isaac, desde el cautiverio egipcio de cuatrocientos años, bautizados del Mar Rojo, bebiendo de aguas amargas de Marah (endulzadas por su árbol), luego bebieron de la roca de salvación, bebiendo ellos asà por las familias de las naciones antiguas
sedientas por agua en el infierno desde el dÃa que fallecieron.
Por lo tanto, cuando Israel antiguo se tornó en una semilla con las familias de las naciones yaciendo en sus infiernos tormentosos junto con sus hijos viviendo en generaciones futuras sobre la tierra, que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba implantar en
Canaán, entonces, fue asà para que la humanidad entera renazca en Canaán, su dulce hogar, en donde ellos vivirán eternamente enriquecidos con Él. Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial solamente trabaja con sus hijos de la carne sagrada, semejanza
de su Hijo Jesucristo inicialmente nacido por Abraham como Isaac, del vientre estéril de Sarah como el cordero sobre el monte Sion, descansando sobre el Moriah, luego como su Hijo Jesucristo de la hija de David, pero renacido de Israel antiguo yaciendo
como vientre estéril del Valle de lágrimas.
Esto dice, que nuestro Padre celestial jamás ha trabajado con el satanismo, porque ellos nunca pasaron por el cautiverio egipcio de cuatrocientos años, por el bautismo del Mar Rojo, por el desierto del SinaÃ: bebiendo aguas amargas de Marah, luego
para beber de la roca de salvación, saciando la sed de aquellos que están en el infierno tormentoso, sedientos para siempre. En comparación, con los hijos de Israel, viviendo en generaciones, pasaron por el cautiverio egipcio de cuatrocientos años,
por el bautismo del Mar Rojo: convirtiéndose en sacerdotes del AltÃsimo del desierto del SinaÃ: bebieron aguas amargas, endulzadas, de Marah, seguidamente bebieron de la roca de salvación, y asÃ, ellos pueden vivir con el Padre, vestidos de la carne
sagrada cien por cien del EspÃritu Santo.
Glorias, que Satanistas, decir ser judÃos, fallan en poseer ni mucho menos probar, porque jamás estuvieron en cromosomas de los antiguos Israelitas por el cautiverio egipcio, por el bautismo del Mar Rojo para convertirse en sumos sacerdotes en la carne
sagrada del desierto del SinaÃ, ni fueron mordidos por serpientes venenosas para descender al corazón de la tierra, entregando asà finalmente al Rey MesÃas. Considerando que, para nuestro Padre celestial entregarnos a su Hijo Jesucristo, por poderes
del EspÃritu Santo del Juramento a Isaac, entonces, Israel antiguo necesitaba no solamente haber conducido rituales y ceremonias de santidades perfectas por el desierto del SinaÃ, pero igualmente, tenÃan que ser mordidos por serpientes venenosas,
convirtiéndose en uno con las naciones, controlando asà el corazón de la tierra para siempre.
Por ende, al tener nuestro Padre celestial control del Valle de los huesos secos con todo Israel antiguo junto con rituales y ceremonias de santidades perfectas, terminando asà con pecados de la humanidad entera, cubriéndolos con sangres expiatorias de
corderos, y asÃ, Él finalmente salpicar los postes del infierno con la sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo victoriosa sobre la muerte para siempre. Entendiendo que, hubiese resultado en un ataque terrible de Satanás y de sus ángeles caÃdos en
contra no solamente Israelitas, viviendo en Canaán, pero igualmente, una rebelión angelical en contra de su Hijo Jesucristo, y asÃ, él falle en cumplir la voluntad perfecta del Padre celestial en Israel, por ende, el infierno fue controlado
totalmente con Satanás y la muerte sin poder alguno perpetuamente.
Es decir, que nuestro Padre celestial no solamente tuvo a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido de la hija virgen de David con la carne sagrada, los huesos inquebrantables y la sangre expiatoria, que necesitaba bautizarse en el rÃo Jordán por Juan, derrotando asÃ
a Satanás y enemigos de toda vida israelà en la tierra, pero igual, eliminar toda muerte desde el mismo infierno para siempre. Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial tomó control de la puerta del infierno junto con el reino de las tinieblas de Satanás y
la muerte, y asÃ, Él destruir el pecado del mundo entero, cuando su santo nombre fue clavado al madero de Israel antiguo, integrado a las naciones infinitamente, viendo vida eterna nuevamente en su nueva tierra, en el dÃa de resurrección.
Verdaderamente, cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo fue clavado al madero del Israel antiguo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, en Canaán, instantáneamente, salpicó sangre expiatoria y victoriosa sobre Satanás, la muerte y cada infierno debajo de Canaá
n, entonces, cuando nosotros amamos, servimos y alabamos su santo nombre fuego, clavado a la humanidad entera, seguidamente, estamos, levantándolos a ellos del infierno para ver vida nuevamente pronto. Actualmente, Satanás tendrá en el infierno las
naciones pecadoras en contra de nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y su EspÃritu Santo, por no bautizarse en agua, invocando su santo nombre fuego que quita el pecado instantáneamente, entonces, Él los integró postreramente en el madero del
Israel antiguo, levantándolos al paraÃso nuevamente, cuando alabamos su santo nombre sobre el monte Sion, en Canaán.
A tiempo, nuestro Padre celestial satisface la sed de todos con agua viva de la roca de salvación, que Israel antiguo junto con Moisés bebieron en el desierto del SinaÃ, camino a conquistar el corazón de la tierra, y asÃ, Israel jamás tenga sed en
la eternidad, igualmente con la humanidad entera integrada con ellos en su árbol, plantado por su diestra santa en Canaán. Por eso, Israel antiguo sobre el monte Sion, en Canaán, no solamente está listo para endulzar el Valle de los huesos secos
junto con infiernos del corazón de la tierra, pero igualmente, cada hogar de las familias de las naciones, pero Satanás con sus siervos, los satanistas, está bloqueando victorias poderosas que necesitan enriquecer diariamente cada corazón humano con
salvación perfecta y eterna.
Ciertamente, Satanás no quiere que cada hogar de familia por toda la casa de Israel y de las naciones conozca y reciba estas victorias poderosas en contra de él, la muerte y cada ángel caÃdo del reino de tinieblas, y asÃ, ningún hombre, mujer, niñ
o y niña conozca también, bautizados: cuanto ellos ya han sido enriquecidos con abundantes riquezas escondidas en Canaán en estos dÃas. Actualmente, Satanás junto con sus siervos, los satanistas, está bloqueando estas riquezas abundantes,
escondidas en Canaán, que están allà para vestir a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel con riquezas, glorias y honores, primeramente, pero igual, enriquecer a las familias de las naciones, incluyendo aquellos, regresando a vivir nuevamente
pronto, y asÃ, su santo nombre sea finalmente honrado apropiadamente, siempre.
[continued in next message]
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