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All on Fri Jun 14 18:19:45 2019
Sábado, 15 de Junio, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The time came, when our heavenly Father decided to create man in His image to live according to His likeness, because He needed to expand His divine family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout the kingdom of heaven thus to love,
serve and worship Him in His restored eternal life throughout eternity. This family life that our heavenly Father needed to expand throughout the angelical kingdom was His own eternal life that He had always lived it with His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit, but, since the angelical rebellion started by Lucifer against Him and His holy name fire, then, He needed to have His own children loving, serving and worshipping Him.
For our heavenly Father was very disappointed with the angelical rebellion that had been started by Lucifer, as he tried to take control of His holy name fire with the help of one-third of the angelical hosts that He could only think was of divine-beings
that will be as faithful as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout eternity. And this is when, our heavenly Father decided to give birth to the first man, Adam and then Eve his wife along with the children countless as the stars from heaven
above, because He knew that every one of them will be as faithful and loving as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit—and here is where you were born.
This is when, our heavenly Father began to see and know you through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that He decided to fill you with His own eternal life, where you will only know how to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fire over
Jerusalem’s holy hill thus to conquer new glories throughout the coming eternity. This is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that He has given you forever, because you were born from His image to live according to the His likeness that is His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may become one with them knowing good and evil throughout eternity to conquer new glories never seen by anyone before.
Now, our heavenly Father did not want to create more angels to replace those that had rebelled against Him and His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in heaven’s glory, because He had created Lucifer to be as perfect and glorious that He
could not create him further perfect and glorious that he rebelled against Him, because his wisdom deceived him. Considering that, Lucifer thought that he could not only take on our heavenly Father’s holy name fire entirely, but also that he could
overpower His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to establish his own kingdom in heaven’s glory that will make every one received his wicked life that is opposite to eternal life forever.
Certainly, Lucifer’s wisdom deceived him completely by making him believe his own lies that he could not only rebel against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit finally to take control of His holy name fire, but also, that he
could establish his wicked life over eternal life established already throughout the angelical kingdom and well into eternity. Therefore, our heavenly Father decided not to create more angels that could rebel against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit thus to take on His holy name fire that could contaminate His angelical kingdom, where He had always lived His eternal life in perfect glory, and so, He had to create new beings faithful only to Him throughout eternity.
This is when, our heavenly Father not only thought of given birth to Adam and Eve but also you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, because He needs His holy name fire to be loved, served and worshipped throughout His
kingdom in heaven’s glory but also throughout the earth. Now, since Lucifer along with the one-third of the angelical hosts was cast-out from their places of heaven’s glory, where they would love to return, but, since this can never happen, then,
they know that you are their replacement, and this is why they hate you to death, so you may die failing to fill these places of eternal glory in the future.
That is why, that it was important for Lucifer to attack Adam, but he knew that this was impossible, since he was created in our heavenly Father’s image to live according to His likeness, then, it was just impossible to overcome his wisdom that he
decided to attack him through Eve his wife-given that she was weaker than he. This is when, Lucifer through the serpent caused her to eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, contaminating the human blood thoroughly,
because once she ate from it, then Adam along with the children ate as well, so they became reborn from eternal life into a lesser life that needs to die soon forever condemned.
It is here, when Adam and Eve began to know that which is evil and good, in paradise, because they had both eaten from the forbidden fruit that separated them from our heavenly Father’s eternal life thus to live a lesser life that it needs to die,
descending into the regions of the lost, where Lucifer had established his kingdom of darkness. In other words, what Lucifer had done with our heavenly Father’s children born from His image to live according to His likeness, it was to cause them not
only to die, for disobeying His words never to eat from the forbidden fruit, but also, he caused them to live in darkness, where is impossible to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fire.
This is how, Lucifer along with his fallen angels were ready not only to continue the fight against our heavenly Father’s holy name fire throughout the angelical kingdom but also the rest of creation, as the earth, where the families of the nations
will live thus eventually to love, serve and worship Him and His name over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever. Considering that, our heavenly Father was not only ready to give birth to His children from His image and living-soul thus for them to live
according to His likeness loving, serving and worshipping Him and His holy name fire, but also, He needed to start anew His new kingdom, where His perfect will is obeyed continually throughout all eternity to come.
For this is a fight against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that Lucifer along with his one-thirds of fallen angels started in heaven’s glory and that is continuing with every man, woman and child born within the families
of the nations, as they live unknowingly with darkness from the forbidden fruit never to glorify His holy name. Really, this is Lucifer fight against our heavenly Father and the children born from His image and living-soul to live according to His
likeness upon earth, so His holy name fire will fail to enter into Canaan thus to become established over Jerusalem’s holy hill with salvation powers to release the entire human race from the evil of the forbidden fruit.
However, for this to be possible then our heavenly Father had to have had a covenant of life establish with one of the families from the nations, and this was Abraham ready to obey His living words natural from His holy heart, so He may start His altar
along with the burnt offering that will save the world with perfect salvation lastly. Indeed, this is a sacrifice that our heavenly Father needed to establish it upon earth, especially within Canaan, because eternal life from heaven’s glory needed to
descend entirely upon Abraham’s only son Isaac for Jacob to be born along with the children thus to live it with its unlimited blessings, enriching the families of the nations throughout eternity, starting with you now.
Really, this is our heavenly Father’s sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ that needed to be born from His servant’s wife Sarah, as Isaac, because of her barren-womb that had failed to have a child through the years, but now, she was ready to give birth
to countless children through the generations with His eternal life to fill the earth eventually. Lawfully, this is the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ that our heavenly Father needed to live with His eternal life with His servant Abraham along with
every one else within his household, because He needed to start His eternal life with his servant and his loved ones as well, including neighbors and friends, thus to pour His eternal life upon earth continually.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to pour of His Holy Spirit upon Canaan, because Abraham’s promised children were underway to live His eternal life, but also, He needed to prepare land for them to live His victorious and enriching life
within an estrange land (Egypt), where they were to become His dream nation of priests expiating sin for His final salvation-work. Besides, our heavenly Father needed the entire house of Israel to collect every sin from the families of the nations from
the past, the present and the future, because He was going to go with them into the Sinai’s desert to expiate for every living-soul lying in their hell’s holes thus to take control of the entire earth finally.
Therefore, after our heavenly Father had taken Israel from Egypt’s captivity to the Red Sea thus to baptize them by abandoning not only the sinful flesh but also every sin accumulated through the years, then, He dressed them with the sacred-flesh and
the Holy Spirit to become His high priest thus to expiate the sin of the entire earth for the coming eternity. Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to have the entire earth loving Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and for this to
happen then He had to turn the Valley of the dried bones into His own loving heart: loving Him, His holy name fire over Jerusalem holy hill thus to conquer the nations finally with His perfect salvation.
Undeniably, our heavenly Father needed to turn not only the earth’s heart into His holy heart loving Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so His children may become reborn by the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, but also, He needed to have His
eternal life spilled over hell’s gate for His unfailing-love to grow without measure through His new earth. For this is our heavenly Father’s perfect will that will be descending directly from His Great White Throne, as from His most-secrete place,
so His perfect will be done on earth just as it is with the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory thus He may be able finally to bless every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations.
For our heavenly Father needs to pour from His Holy Spirit all over the earth, starting in Canaan, so His perfect will from His holy heart will fill the entire human race thus they may eventually please Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit:
enriching daily His eternal life and His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill through coming generations. Indeed, our heavenly Father by having His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit, then, He opened the
way, the truth and the life directly from heaven’s glory to pour upon earth daily His divine nature, thus, removing Lucifer along with his fallen angels and every darkness for His children to live His eternal life finally divinely enriched.
Understanding that, Satan along with the fallen angels and the angel of death must be removed from the entire earth along with every darkness and hell, too, so He may finally fill the entire human race with His divine nature, where His children will be
able to live His eternal life’s daily richness in His new earth forever as in heaven’s glory today. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father not only to have Abraham conducting three sacrifices with their halves facing each other over the
rock of salvation along with two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, but also, that He may stand at hell’s gate until Isaac will spill his atoning-blood filled with His eternal life victorious over death throughout the coming eternity.
Surely, our heavenly Father needed to conquer the entire earth, but, He had to start from its heart with His rock of salvation with three sacrifices, with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood: so He may
finally have His Son Jesus Christ spill his atoning-blood victorious over Satan and death in Canaan and the world forever. Besides, our heavenly Father needed His children not only from the house of Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones but also
the ones from the families of the nations to become reborn from His holy heart, at the heart of the earth into the new earth, so He may live with them forever enriched with His life thriving in them.
That is why, that once Israel had finished staying the four-hundred years of captivity within Egypt, collecting every sin from the past, the present and the future from all the families of the nations, then, He needed to grant them His holy name to
become baptized in water, so He may use them as priests, expiating every sin from the world at last. For this expiation that the entire house of Israel had to conduct throughout the Sinai’s desert was very important for our heavenly Father Himself to
descend into the Valley of the dried first, before His children were to descend into it, thus, He turned every sin and darkness into light for Lucifer and the fallen angels to stay away from His children.
For our heavenly Father had to have had ancient Israel baptized in water, abandoning the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, so they may become His high priest executing His perfect will for the nations lying in
hell’s torment, by expiating for sin finally to make His eternal life victorious over Satan and death within Canaan forever. Evidently, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ born again from David’s virgin daughter with His eternal life
defeated by Lucifer and the serpent in paradise, as he caused her and later Adam with the children to eat from the forbidden fruit, so He may have it finally victorious over Satan and his wilds within Canaan and the world forever.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father had the entire house of Israel born in Egypt’s captivity, because He needed them to collect every sin from the families of the nations from the past, the present and the future, thus He may destroy them in the
water baptism at the Red Sea, so His eternal life may become established victoriously over sin within Canaan ultimately. That is why, that once Israel had become baptized in water, then He took them through the Sinai’s desert suffering great thirst, as
the families of the nations, lying in their hell’s holes thirsting forever, so He may give them to drink from the bitter waters of Marah, but sweetened by the tree (that is always them) from Jerusalem holy hill, in Canaan.
This is the entire house of Israel that had been born with the oath sworn to Isaac that is our heavenly Father’s divine nature from His eternal lives, then, they were suffering great thirst, as the families of the nations, lying in their hell’s holes,
because they had died with the eternal life that Lucifer defeated in paradise with Adam and Eve. The reason that our heavenly Father had the whole of Israel drinking first from the bitter waters of Marah, it was to show them how bitter it is to have and
live with an eternal life defeated by Lucifer and the serpent in paradise by eating from the forbidden fruit, causing them to live separated from heaven’s glory and its daily richness.
Now, since ancient Israel was the tree that our heavenly Father showed Moses to throw it into the bitter waters of Marah, then, it was not only to sweeten them, but also, to let them know that they are the tree from Jerusalem holy hill, in Canaan, that
is His divine nature to bear His holy name fire forever victorious over the world. Therefore, they were the ones as the tree from Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, descending not only to sweetened the bitter waters of Marah, but also, the Valley of the
dried bones for them to see life on the Third Day and finally for the nations to escape Judgment Day, to become reborn into the new earth, where sin fails to exist forever.
That is why, that our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel to drink as well from the rock of salvation, where Abraham had executed three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, thus to take
control of hell’s gate finally but stained with His eternal life dressed with rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness forever. For these were the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac that only ancient Israel born
in Egypt’s captivity finally baptized in water could conduct with our heavenly Father’s eternal life successfully in them thus to expiate the sins of the entire world, but starting at the heart of the earth first.
For our heavenly Father needed the earth’s heart turned into His loving heart that is the foundation of heaven’s glory today, so not only the earth will love Him as He is loved in heaven’s glory by the angelical hosts, but also, He needs His
children reborn to love Him from His holy heart accessing into His new earth forever blessed. Considering that, our heavenly Father told Abraham that he will inherit along with his children Canaan flowing with milk and honey, and this milk and honey is
His personal life eternal from which every man, woman and child is born from the oath sworn to Isaac to be fulfilled by the King Messiah, by finally destroying Satan and death’s works first forever.
That is why, that as ancient Israel had finally fulfilled their duties and responsibilities as our heavenly Father’s high priest by executing every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness moreover expiating every sin forever, then, they did it for life
eternal to become successful against Satan and death’s wilds perpetually, so we may inherit His life eternal but victorious over the world entirely. Frankly, the reason that our heavenly Father promised Abraham that he and his children will inherit a
land flowing with milk and honey, and this is His eternal life finally not only victorious over Satan and death in Canaan but also in paradise and His entire Creation as the kingdom of heaven finally, including every hell from earth.
That is why, that when ancient Israel was ready to step in into Canaan, then, our heavenly Father denied them access into it, because they had believed in a golden calf, moreover, the king Messiah had not been born yet with His eternal life to become
victorious over Satan and death forever, for Israel to see life on the Third Day finally. For our heavenly Father is descending finally into Canaan with His eternal life not only victoriously over Satan and death but also the entire house of Israel will
be reborn from the water baptism, living in the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers that is His eternal life victorious over Satan’s kingdom of darkness thus His home-sweet-home flows with milk and honey today.
Definitely, this is the milk and honey that our heavenly Father promised to Abraham and his children to enjoy forever throughout eternity, and this was not possible until the Son of David was born as the King Messiah to declare our heavenly Father’s
eternal life finally victorious over the world, so He may descend into an earth that loves Him profoundly. Considering that, the milk and honey that our heavenly Father was speaking about, to Abraham and his promised children living through the
generations, is His own eternal life but victorious over Satan and his wilds along the fallen angels and death that needed to be destroyed in Canaan, finally for His life eternal to flow as milk and honey towards the nations progressively.
Indeed, this is the milk and honey that our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with the angelical hosts loves to eat daily throughout the angelical kingdom thus to love, serve and worship His holy name fire over the Holy
of Holiest to conquer new glories yet never conquered before by anyone throughout eternity. That is why, of the sweetness of our heavenly Father’s unfailing love that fills His entire angelical kingdom with its aroma that He has always wanted to get
more of it, but, He was unable to do this with Lucifer and the one-third of the angels that rebelled against Him and His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill.
However, with Adam and his children our heavenly Father will be able finally to conquer these new glories that are only found in eternity but only as His holy name fire is served, loved and worshipped with the milk and honey of His eternal life that has
destroyed every work from Satan and the angel of death throughout His Creation forever. Surely, our heavenly Father needed to turn the entire sinful earth into a glorious one with His holy heart installed in its heart with the rock of salvation topping
the three sacrifices along with two uncut birds that Isaac needed to spill his atoning-blood with His eternal life victorious over Satan and death—for milk and honey to gush-out into Canaan lastly.
This is the milk and honey not only found in our heavenly Father’s angelical kingdom that loves, serves and worships Him along with His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, but also, now within the earth’s heart thus to love, serve and
worship Him and His holy name fire as the angels do in heaven’s glory always without ceasing. Considering that, our heavenly Father needs to grant milk and honey from His eternal life to the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory to love, serve and
worship Him and His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, and so, the same is true upon earth for the families of the nations by loving, serving and worshipping Him and His holy name fire finally.
That is to say, that for every man, woman and child from the families of the nations to begin to love, serve and worship His holy name fire, then, they will have to become reborn from the water baptism to exchange the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error
with the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit finally to eat milk and honey from Canaan. For this is food from heaven above only obtainable for you to eat along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, by been reborn from water baptism, invoking the
perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, so you may finally live the Father’s eternal life that daily prevails for you with love, joys and endless-happiness throughout your days.
It is here: where you will really know life’s daily richness, because you were born from our heavenly Father’s image to live according to His likeness, but, to live in His likeness then you must become reborn from the sinful-world into the world of
His eternal life, Canaan, thus finally to find love, joys, peace, prosperity and endless happiness, starting on earth nowadays. If truth be told: this is the life that our heavenly Father has granted unto you and your loved ones, because as you were born
from His image and living-soul then you were born in His eternal life, enriching your living-soul without ceasing with powerful blessings of eternal richness that can only grant you more love, joy and endless happiness always faithfully.
That is why, that when you are reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, you are reborn from His personal eternal life that only feeds from Canaan, paradise, the New
Jerusalem from heaven above and other heavenly places thus you may live it, enriching your living-soul and homeland always. For this is the food that our heavenly Father needed Adam and Eve to eat in paradise instead of the forbidden fruit that caused
them to sin against Him and His holy name fire that has created darkness through the generations until now, so they will fail to live eternal life with its enriching daily blessings, pleasing our heavenly Father always throughout eternity.
Frankly, our heavenly Father wanted Adam and Eve along with the children living through the generations only to eat from His eternal life that is the milk and honey that pleases Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in heaven’s glory, paradise,
the New Jerusalem from heaven above and the rest of Creation. Truthfully, once you are reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then you will be ready to eat from the milk and
honey that His eternal life directly grants you from Canaan, so you may live His glorious life, starting now on earth, before entering heaven’s glory forever enriched.
This is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that you will be living at your home with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, because the families of the nations need to enter into His eternal life by eating from the milk and honey
that is in Canaan presently, so His holy name fire may begin to be glorified properly. In other words, for His holy name fire to be loved, served and worshipped properly over Jerusalem’s holy hill then you have to become reborn from water baptism, by
invoking the perfect holiness of His name, to enter into His eternal life that is established forever victorious over Satan and death within Canaan, finally for you to bless Him in heaven’s glory today.
Understanding that, without you been reborn from water baptism and from the Holy Spirit baptism then you will fail not only to enter into our heavenly Father’s eternal life but also you will fail to eat the milk and honey that nourishes eternal glories
to His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so He may conquer new glories unseen by anyone yet. Moreover, our heavenly Father needs you not only to become reborn through water baptism into His eternal life victorious over Satan and death within
Canaan, because He needs you to glorify Him and His name with His milk and honey: but also, He needs you to sustain continuously His new earth by eating with Him always His food from heaven above and from Canaan.
For this is our heavenly Father daily blessing to you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from everywhere, and this is that you will intake from the milk and honey that He will personally grant you, because this food from heaven above is He Himself,
so you may live His eternal life, blessing His holy name fire to conquer new important glories always. It is because by you eating from His milk and honey that is He Himself as the eternal life from where you were born initially in heaven’s glory, as
from His image and His living-soul to live according to His likeness, is what makes you not only His legitimate child, but also, His servant willing and faithful always to work with Him.
It is by eating from His eternal life emanating from Him towards you, because you have become reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name and that of His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit that you will learn to
love Him, as His Son and His Spirit have always loved Him through eternity. Then, it is here, by eating from Him His milk and honey of His eternal life that you will learn truly how His life is lived with Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and
the angelical hosts along with the people redeemed through the generations that you will live only to love your loved ones, neighbors and friends from everywhere.
Moreover, you will live to love your loved ones, neighbors and friends, as you never thought that was possible to love them in the powers of His oath sworn to Isaac, because this is how our heavenly Father asked Abraham to love Him, and this was only
possible in His perfection and in His holiness. Perfection and holiness emanating from our heavenly Father towards you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends only possible through becoming reborn from the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism by
invoking the perfect holiness of His name that will usher you into His Holy of Holiest over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, to stand before the rock of salvation forever enriched at last.
It is here. Indeed, you are fed by the rock of salvation oceans of His unfailing-love, oceans of His joys, oceans of His divine-happiness among other important blessings as His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice
thus filling you with His Sabbath rest and finally peace: to know only His constant pristine-love towards you forever through eternity. For this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life victorious over Satan and death in paradise finally, descending
towards you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends, directly from heaven above and ascending from the earth’s heart, as His resurrection life for Israel and the families of the nations, where His milk and honey is ready to feed you increasingly
throughout eternity, starting now.
This means that our heavenly Father has granted you His eternal life that His Son Jesus Christ was born with it from David’s virgin daughter to live it along with the Holy Spirit eternally victorious over Satan’s wilds, the fallen angels and death,
so you may truly live it to its fullness only knowing the abundance of His unfailing-love’s richness towards you. For this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life from where you originally were born from His image and living-soul to live it in
accordance to His likeness that is His divine nature shared with you throughout your days upon earth and in heaven’s glory, because it is here only, where you will truly come to know Him, as your loving heavenly Father forever.
Knowing that, every day of your entire life, our heavenly Father will feed you from His mouth His milk and honey that is His eternal life that you will live to the fullness of its eternal powers of His love for you and faith placed as well upon you,
given that He has granted you His richness entirely thus to conquer new glories. This is something that our heavenly Father will love to see it in you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends as well, because He is determined to fill the entire earth with
His eternal life that descends from His mouth, feeding you His daily milk and honey only to know the goodness of His richness and love towards you throughout eternity.
This will be with you and your loved ones now, including your neighbors and friends that He will give you to eat directly from His mouth His milk and honey just as He did it with ancient Israel through the Sinai’s desert to conquer rituals and
ceremonies of perfect holiness, so His eternal life may finally defeat Satan and death in Canaan forever. For this is exactly what our heavenly Father will do with you and your loved ones, neighbors and friends, to eat from His milk and honey directly
from His mouth, so you may always live a glorious life throughout your eternal long days in heaven’s glory, starting now: because now you will have powers really blessing His holy name fire continually, and forever.
[continued in next message]
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