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All on Fri May 31 16:33:03 2019
Sábado, 01 de Junio, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father had been suffering through the generations to see every family of the nations died without knowing His holy name fire much less His words of life born naturally from His holy heart that could have blessed them with perfect salvation,
if they had only known Him through His Holy Spirit always pouring upon them without ceasing. Surely, our heavenly Father needed to establish a way, truth and life upon earth where every man, woman and child may be able to approach Him through the amazing
daily powers of His Holy Spirit already pouring upon them constantly, but, for this to be possible: He needed someone believing His living words of life natural from His amazing holy heart.
However, our heavenly Father did not have anyone near Him, willing to listen to His calls, because ever since Eve ate from the forbidden fruit and Adam along with his children as well, then His Spirit had been separated from the human spirit of man, and
so, it was impossible for Him to have just one of His children believing Him. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to establish a way, truth and life that will empower His children, willing to listen to His calls and living-words born natural from His
holy heart, so He may be able to speak to them thus to let them know what is His perfect will is with them upon earth, so they may escape His enemies’ wickedness.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed His children to live a wonderful life that will be the perfect manifestation of His glory throughout the earth just as it is in heaven’s glory with His angelical hosts, so they may learn to love, serve and worship
His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill that had always been over Jerusalem, in Canaan. Moreover, this life that our heavenly Father needed to grant to His children from the families of the nations that had already descended into hell’s torment,
because they had failed to live it, in which they were born initially from His image to live according to His likeness thus to love Him and His holy name fire forever, it only exists in Him.
Thus, our heavenly Father needed to rescue His children from all the families of the nations by pouring His entire eternal life that He had always lived with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts throughout eternity, so He may
have His perfect will done upon earth as it is in heaven’s glory always forever. Understanding that, our heavenly Father had lost His children from paradise that is Adam and Eve along with the children born through the generations, by Lucifer deceiving
Eve with the serpent from Eden that caused her to eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thus contaminating His eternal life in them forever.
Therefore, for our heavenly Father to have His children returning to Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in heaven’s glory, as paradise, for example, then, He needed to defeat and destroy Lucifer with the same eternal life that he had
contaminated Eve by causing her to eat the forbidden fruit thus contaminating her children’s bloodline upon earth continuously forever. That is the only thing that our heavenly Father needed to do thus to restore Adam and Eve along with the children
with His eternal life, and this is to replace their bloodline with His own holy one, for this is His Lamb’s atoning-blood that needed to be born from one of the families of the nations, as the son of man.
Certainly, our heavenly Father’s eternal life is in His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood, inherited by Adam along with Eve and her children that Lucifer along with the serpent successfully contaminated by causing her to eat from the forbidden fruit
that contaminated their human-bloodline filled initially with pristine life, fulfilling our Father’s perfect will in heaven’s glory always and upon earth finally throughout eternity. This is when, our heavenly Father found Abraham willing to obey His
words of life born naturally from His holy heart that needed to be established upon earth not only with him and his family of adoptive children, bought with money from strangers, but also for all the families of the nations, starting in the earth’s
heart that was hell under Canaan.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to begin to live His very holy life with Abraham and his wife Sarah along with the 318 adoptive children and neighbors from near and far, so they may begin to taste the sweetness of His unfailing love that has
always enriched abundantly His personal life in heaven’s glory along with His angelical hosts through eternity. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to eat the bread and wine with Abraham at the Lord’s table, served daily by His Son Jesus Christ to
the angelical hosts thus to keep them holy and perfect in their eternal life that loves, serves and glories our heavenly Father and His holy name fire throughout heaven’s glory forever.
Understanding that, by our heavenly Father eating the bread and wine with Abraham, served by His Son Jesus Christ at the Lord’s table, as the king of Salem and His perfect holiness throughout humankind, then: He could not only impart His divine nature
with his servant Abraham but also to his wife Sarah and countless children forever into all eternity to come. Given that, our heavenly Father needed to touch Abraham’s life along with his entire family with His divine nature, so the Holy Spirit may
descend into Sarah’s barren-womb to give birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, so he may live His eternal life with Abraham’s family finally upon earth thus spreading it to other families as well.
This is our heavenly Father’s glorious life that His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit has always lived with Him, as His divine family that enriches with His divine nature not only the angelical hosts throughout heaven’s glory but also
paradise and other glorious places thus for His holy name fire to continue to conquer more glories, as always. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to establish His eternal life with Abraham and his family first by granting him His only Son Jesus
Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so His eternal life may be established for His altar to give Him new glories from His children throughout the families of the nations forever.
Considering that, without our heavenly Father establishing His eternal life within Abraham’s family by having His Son Jesus Christ born, as Isaac, from Sarah’s barren-womb, then, He could not only establish His altar for His holy name fire’s glory,
but also, He could have His children born from this dying earth thus to ascend into heaven’s glory, as paradise, forever blessed. That is to say, also that if our heavenly Father could have His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac,
by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then, He could have Abraham’s children reborn from the heart of the earth with its Valley of the dried bones turned into His holy heart to see life on the Third Days at last finally.
Given that, this will be our heavenly Father’s eternal life that Lucifer along with the serpent had deceived Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit thus to contaminate Adam and the children with sin, but now, it will the same eternal life victorious over
Satan’s sin, curses, wilds, infirmities, poverty, hell and death: furthermore filled with resurrection-powers for everyone else throughout the earth. However, for our heavenly Father to have Abraham’s children reborn from the earth’s heart, as from
the Valley of the dried bones turned into His holy heart, because Isaac finally spills his atoning-blood from Canaan’s Jerusalem’s holy hill towards hell’s posts: staining them with His eternal life to prevail over death, then, He had to destroy
sin forever first from the nations.
For this was going to be only possible by our heavenly Father pouring His entire holy heart upon His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem’s holy hill, at Mount Moriah, so He may bless Abraham with
His words of life naturally from His holy heart but also blesses his children through coming generations. Truthfully, once Abraham and family had lived few years with Isaac his son thus learning to live our heavenly Father’s eternal life filled with
His unfailing love, joys, happiness and peace along with other important blessings from the rock of salvation, then, He was ready to call him over Jerusalem’s holy hill to offer his newly acquired love unto Him in heaven’s glory.
This is when: our heavenly Father called Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering unto Him and His divine family over the hill that He will show him at one of the mounts from Moriah, because He needed the old earth offering His eternal
life, love, joys and happiness from his son Isaac unto Him in heaven’s glory. Really, our heavenly Father had finally found Abraham and his family from the entire human race born upon earth, offering unto Him in heaven’s glory and His divine family
that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: the sinful dying earth’s sacrifice for salvation over Jerusalem’s holy hill, at Moriah, that is Isaac’s eternal life, richness, peace, grace and unfailing-love.
Surely, our heavenly Father needed to see Abraham and his family offering unto Him in heaven’s glory along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: the sinful dying earth’s sacrifice of his only son Isaac’s eternal life, richness, peace,
prosperity and abundance divine-love, so He may have His children born from the earth’s heart soon with His divine nature’s powers. Truthfully, when Abraham started to walk with his only son Isaac towards the mountaintop that our heavenly Father will
show him at one of the mountains at Moriah, then, he was determined to obey every living-word, spoken by our heavenly Father, for his family’s sacrifice needed to enter into heaven’s glory and stay until the earth will be blessed eventually with
Considering that, this sacrifice was very important to stay in heaven’s glory for our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac was living with Abraham and his family, then, Abraham along with
everyone else had to enjoy His life eternal with holy angels descending thus creating an atmosphere of heaven upon earth. Indeed, our heavenly Father needed to transform not only Abraham and family but also everyone else around him that lived close to
him, as his neighbors and close and faraway friends as well, because His life eternal needed to be established within Canaan thus to start sending the promised children to spread it within it and towards the nations until they became holy.
Meanwhile, our heavenly Father was enjoying Abraham’s sacrifice over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Mount Moriah, because the aroma of His eternal life lived by His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac with Abraham and everyone else around him, then, it
satisfied His holy heart along His Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts that He ordered Abraham’s promised children to descend and multiply. Really, our heavenly Father wanted more of this wonderful aroma of His eternal life not only lived by His Son
Jesus Christ as Isaac with Abraham and his family, but also, He was perceiving it from neighbors and friends that He started to send Abraham’s promised children to reach the families of the nations thus to fill heaven’s glory with it abundantly
Therefore, our heavenly Father was ready to pour His entire holy heart upon Isaac and every one of His children born through the generations, promised to Abraham to be countless as the seashore sand thus for them with His eternal life to conquer the
families of the nations, filling heaven’s glory of this aroma rising from the earth to His living-quarters continuously. What’s more, our heavenly Father was so-pleased with Abraham’s three sacrificed lambs with their halves facing each other and
the two uncut doves, spilled with atoning-blood, and now, He has the aroma of His Son Jesus Christ living His eternal life with Abraham as Isaac that it became the joy of His daily hours in heaven’s glory that He wanted more always.
Certainly, our heavenly Father was able to continue to love His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts, as He had always done it through eternity, however, with His eternal life been lived upon earth, in Canaan, then, His
holy heart’s joys intensified as never before that He wanted more of His children in His holy presence. This is when, our heavenly Father not only began to perceive in His holy heart the glories that His children promised to be born to Abraham’s
family through coming generations upon earth, but also, He began to perceive blessings and glories that His children from the families of the nations will grant continuously towards Him in heaven’s glory forever through eternity.
In truth, our heavenly Father has always filled in His entire kingdom of heaven’s glory with the aroma of His servant Abraham’s sacrifice: the offering of his only Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Mount Moriah that the only thing that
He wanted was more of it continually that He decided to turn finally the earth’s heart into His holy heart. In other words, for our heavenly Father to establish His holy heart in the earth’s heart for His children from the house of Israel to become
reborn, ascending towards Him on the Third Day, then, He needed to test it in heaven’s glory first before allowing it into Canaan—thus, Abraham’s only son Isaac as a burnt offering proved it possible forever.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father had enjoyed the life of each of His children reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that He can not only perceive continually their
aroma but also His personal aroma in them that thrills His holy heart always throughout eternity. Timely, our heavenly Father decided to accompany Israel through the Sinai’s desert, establishing His holy heart under Canaan, where the Valley of the
dried bones would finally retain His children, for failing to live His eternal life properly, granted unto them at birth through the oath sworn to Isaac, so He may liberate them with His Son Jesus Christ reborn from David’s virgin daughter.
For the entire house of Israel had descended into the Valley of the dried bones, because they had not only failed to live His eternal life granted unto them through His oath sworn to Isaac, but also, they had accepted a golden calf that denied them
entrance into Canaan, because it transgressed the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments that is eternal life. Besides, our heavenly Father needed the entire house of Israel to enter into Canaan with His commandments fulfilled and eternally glorified, that
is His eternal life fulfilled, and this is only possible through water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that they failed with their children to comply timely at Canaan’s gate.
That is why, that our heavenly Father’s only Son Jesus Christ had to be reborn from David’s virgin daughter in Canaan, because he needed to spill not only the door’s posts of hell’s gate with his atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem’s holy hill
and Israel ancient’s wood but also over them to ascend on the Third Day to see the Father in heaven’s glory. Now, with our heavenly Father having had His Son Jesus Christ born in Canaan to live His eternal life victorious over Satan and the angel of
death, then, He did it to destroy the kingdom of darkness, emerging from hell’s torments, with His Son’s atoning-blood spilled at its gate that erased sin from the face of the earth in one day forever.
Therefore, now ancient Israel is not only liberated from the Valley of the dried bones, because our heavenly Father by having His Son Jesus Christ nailed to ancient Israel’s wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill that is His divine nature, arresting every
sin from the world forever to destroy them finally, but also, He has His door wide-opened, granting everyone’s eternal life today. Certainly, now the entire house of Israel can perfectly descend into Canaan to go through its gate stained with our Lord
Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood that is filled with our heavenly Father’s eternal life that has destroyed every work from Satan and the angel of death, so we may enjoy His eternal life’s daily blessing of endless love, richness and peace throughout
Indeed, these days not only the entire house of Israel may finally enter into Canaan through its gate stained with our heavenly Father’s eternal life that has destroyed Satan and the angel of death by His Son Jesus Christ fulfilling His commandments to
eternal perfection, but also the families of the nations may enter into it, enjoying His eternal life entirely, starting now. That is why, that when you may become baptized in water, whether you are a Muslim, Buddhist, Hinduism, Taoist, Christian or any
other religion on earth, then, you will abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit only to know life’s eternal daily blessing that the oath sworn to Isaac grants you instantly, through baptism only.
For this is when, you will become one of our heavenly Father’s legitimate child living with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in His home-sweet-home in heaven’s glory, because you have become accepted in His kingdom of His perfect will
that will thrive within you throughout your life on earth and in eternity forever. That is to say, that you will live with our heavenly Father next to Him just as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit have lived with Him throughout eternity, always
enjoying His glorious presence that is His divine nature, pouring upon you daily ever since you became reborn from water baptism, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name.
Truly, our heavenly Father will have you living with Him in His own home-sweet-home, because He enjoys your presence next to Him just as He has always enjoyed His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit living with Him, enjoying the daily things that He has
cherished abundantly with His holy heart through eternity and until now. Furthermore, with you living with Him in His own home-sweet-home then our heavenly Father sees in the long eternal days of eternity many more glories of great joys that He will hold
dear to His holy heart, because with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers in you then you will accomplish perfectly well and without fail what was impossible before.
That is to say, that you will definitely bring glories of everlasting joys that His holy heart has always cherished to possess that will make His glorious already exciting and joyful heart even more glorious and exciting to live these new glories unseen
before by Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because now you are part of Him throughout eternity. For this was the purpose of our heavenly Father establishing a pact of life with Abraham and his wife Sarah, so He may have His Son Jesus Christ
born from her barren-womb as Isaac, so He may live with Abraham and His children through the coming generations His life’s eternal daily blessing as He has lived them always with His divine family.
For our heavenly Father was determined not only to have His children born through the generations with His divine nature that is the oath sworn to Isaac, filled with His eternal life, defeating Satan and death in Canaan, by spilling Isaac’s atoning-
blood over ancient-Israel to become reborn from His holy heart at hell’s gate, as a barren-womb, stained with eternal life’s resurrection-powers. That is to say, that our heavenly Father was not only able to live His eternal life daily blessing with
Abraham and Sarah during their days on earth but also with the promised children living through the generations, because with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers this is possible always, since sin is absent forever in His oath to Isaac and Israel.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father had received gladly Abraham only son Isaac as a burnt offering unto Him in heaven’s glory that remained steady in His holy presence, as a continuous sacrifice, because of the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers that
He failed to see “sin” in His children always, thus He may pour His divine nature constantly keeping them holy through life. What’s more, our heavenly Father needed to keep the entire house of Israel throughout their days upon earth holy by
shedding lambs’ atoning-blood abundantly over the altars, ascending instantly its daily aroma to Abraham only son Isaac sacrifice over Jerusalem’s holy hill, at Moriah, but now resting in heaven’s glory, thus He accepted them gladly continuously as
His chosen children as always.
Therefore, nowadays wherever you may live on earth, then, you may become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: granting you a glorified-body that will fail to sin forever through
eternity, as you discard your sinful-flesh, furthermore He will also receive you now in His home-sweet-home’s to live His daily richness. Considering that, our heavenly Father needs these days to live with you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends
from around the world, as you are reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and so, when you may live His eternal life then He already knows (receive) you in heaven’s glory.
In other words, our heavenly Father needs you to become baptized in water by invoking His holy name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because, then: He will live His eternal life with you here on earth and in heaven’s glory simultaneously, so
He may enjoy your presence before you finally enter into heaven’s glory forever justified. Certainly, our heavenly Father will not only live His eternal life within your home along with your loved ones, including your neighbors and friends, but also,
He will go everywhere with you thus to bless others with His words of life from the oath sworn to Isaac, because He still needs to reach as many people as possible into His coming kingdom.
Surely, our heavenly Father not only will live His eternal life with you and your loved ones, but also, He will enter into your heart with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because in the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers He can do these things with
you moreover enrich you greatly, as normally He enriches those around Him in heaven’s glory. This is when, our heavenly Father will not only live with you His eternal life that His Son Jesus Christ lived it along with His Holy Spirit in Canaan,
destroying Satan’s works and death forever, so he may finally be nailed to Israel ancient’s wood upon Jerusalem’s holy hill thus transferring towards Israel: the Father’s eternal life victorious over the world forever.
Understanding that, this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that had finally taken full vengeance against Satan and his fallen angels along the angel of death, because His Son Jesus Christ destroyed every work from Satan and his kingdom of darkness,
for Israel finally to return to life on the Third Day, but into Canaan’s eternal life only victorious over the world forever. This means that every one baptized in water from Israel by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit then they will inherit instantly the glorified-body that defeated Satan and his wilds within Canaan along the fallen angels and death, so they may live an enriched life blessed daily by our Father directly from heaven above.
This means that not only your family will be walking in holy ground here on earth, as our heavenly Father becomes part of your life along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, because you have become
baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, but also your neighborhood entirely. Considering that, through the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, then you are not only in our heavenly Father’s presence and that of His Son Jesus Christ
and the Holy Spirit, but also, you are in His altar located in Jerusalem, in Israel, thus making your family along your neighborhood part of Canaan that feeds your eternal life received in the water baptism lately.
For this is what our heavenly Father needed to do with Israel, each time that He had to send them into the nations, because: they had become too-attached to people worshipping other gods, forbidden for Israel to accept in Canaan, and so, through water
baptism they were always in His presence in Jerusalem’s holy hill thus serving Him continuously although they lived overseas. For our heavenly Father needed Israel to become a thriving community overseas, as in distant nations, so they may show His
glory to families of the nations, because they are already blessed with an important covenant of life that grants them at birth His eternal life to populate the earth entirely, only as they become baptized in water by invoking His holy name.
Considering that, this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that His Son Jesus Christ had to bring it into Canaan through David’s virgin daughter’s birth as the king Messiah, so he may live only to destroy every work from Satan and death with his
sacred-flesh filled with the Holy Spirit and eternal life to become victorious over sin throughout the world forever. Really, this is our heavenly Father’s personal eternal life that every man, woman and child from Israel, is born with it, whether they
are born in Canaan or any nation, so they may show it to the families of the world to learn to love, serve and worship our Father in heaven, as He is loved in heaven’s glory by the angelical hosts.
This is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that His Son Jesus Christ lived it along with His Holy Spirit to pass it onto Israel and the families of the nations, but, only victorious over Satan’s sin, curses, infirmities, poverty, death and hell’s
torment, so they may live it as they are reborn from water baptism by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness. Understanding that, this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that will grow steadily and unceasingly within Israel thus manifesting its
greatest powers along with glories seen constantly by everyone throughout heaven’s glory that pours eventually over the earth for the families of the nations to live them as well, as the angelical hosts have through eternity until now.
Further, our heavenly Father is determined not only to have every family from the house of Israel reborn from water baptism, for His eternal life to grow steadily and nonstop with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers thus spreading towards the
families of the nations with blessing unseen before on earth, so they may become saved finally even those in hell, too. For this to happen throughout the earth, then, our heavenly Father had sent His children from the families of Israel to live in the
midst of the families of the nations, so they may become thriving communities, where everyone is baptized in water to serve His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill thus they may become filled with His eternal life progressively.
What’s more, our heavenly Father’s eternal life is already victorious over the world, because it has not only destroyed Satan’s sin and wilds but also the angel of death along with the fallen angels that were a kingdom of darkness operating from
hell’s torment, to torment the families of the nations with lies, curses, infirmities, poverty and death through their days. Now, with the families from Israel living abroad, in the midst of the nations, as communities, then they will manifest to the
families our heavenly Father’s eternal life growing in them with powerful manifestations of miracles, wonders and signs in heaven and on earth, so every gentile may finally believe Him through His eternal life manifested in them worldwide for lasting-
Definitely, our heavenly Father will cause not only that the families may live with Him at His home-sweet-home over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, but also, their communities that will become holy ground within the midst of the nations manifesting
His eternal life with its powers and glories thus to bless the families through their every day life: love, richness, peace and lasting-salvation. For what our heavenly Father is willing to do with His children from Israel in the midst of the nations, as
thriving communities, manifesting openly heaven’s glory and its eternal life daily blessing, then, gentiles will enjoy His love, grace, mercy, truth and divine justice as never before, so they may become reborn from water baptism to enter His eternal
life finally enriched.
Understanding that, it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will that every man, woman and child from Israel may not only become baptized in water thus entering into His eternal life that needs to flourish greatly in the midst of the nations, but also, He
desires that their communities may become His home-sweet-home upon earth finally manifesting instantly His every day glory from heaven above. Given that, our heavenly Father desires to bless every man, woman and child from the families of the nations
with His eternal life that can only flourish greatly from every Israeli family, so everyone will see how His glorious life is lived in heaven, but also, they may perceive His daily glories blessing His entire creation with glories natural from His holy
For our heavenly Father needs to live His eternal life with every Israeli family in their communities throughout the nations of the world: victorious over Satan’s lies, curses, infirmities, poverty, conflicts and death, so He may show through His
children how His eternal life is lived in heaven’s glory with His divine family and loved ones (saved people) along with the angelical hosts. That is to say, also that as everyone from the house of Israel is baptized in water by invoking the perfect
holiness of His name, then, their thriving communities will not only be filled with our heavenly Father’s eternal life manifesting its daily powers and glories but also it will cause for His divine nature to pour throughout the nations with greater
Given that, when our heavenly Father’s eternal life becomes very strong within every man, woman and child from Israel, then, Canaan will be filled with His eternal life manifesting itself greatly in their people’s thriving communities that others
around them will experience: love, joys, prosperity, new-richness, peace and glories in great abundance, as never before. This means that the people from the area near the Jewish communities throughout the nations of the world will begin to walk towards
them to find out why they are experiencing all these blessing from heaven’s glory, because they will be able to feel love, peace, healing, happiness, prosperity and richness as never before in their homes, workplaces and thriving communities.
[continued in next message]
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