From valarezo@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 17 17:00:16 2019
    Sábado, 18 de Mayo, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


    In search to bless the nations of the world, then our heavenly Father approached Abraham to call him to go to Canaan, because He was going to bless him with children that will be countless as the sand of the seashore and the stars from heaven above, for
    He was ready to bless him with His own eternal life. For sure, our heavenly Father to have someone as Abraham that had abandoned his relatives and friends to go to a land that he knew nothing about, so he may inhabit it with his children that He was
    ready to grant him as numerous as the stars from heaven above, because they will descend to live eternal life upon earth through the generations.

    Therefore, Abraham believed our heavenly Father’s promise for a son from his own born with eternal life, blessing not only him but also his wife Sarah with her barren-womb, because her children will be countless and impossible to count filling the
    earth continuously with eternal life—this is His eternal life from heaven above blessing the families of the nations entirely at last. Indeed, our heavenly Father had found the man worthy to believe in His words of life that He needed to spread it over
    the earth, but, He had to start in Canaan, because this is the land blessed by Him for His eternal life to be born from His only Son Jesus Christ from heaven above, thus granting it towards His children lastly.

    This is our heavenly Father’s man that needed to begin a very important sacrifice that needed to be displayed over His rock of salvation from heaven above that will carry the power of His three sacrifices calling each day for His Son Jesus Christ born
    as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb to spill abundantly the atoning-blood filled with His eternal life forever. These three sacrifices with their halves facing each other over the rock of salvation along with two uncut doves, spilled with atoning-blood
    entirely, were to assimilate Jerusalem’s holy hill with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the wood along with two witnesses to his sides, so he may finally spill His eternal life victorious over His enemies and the world forever.

    These sacrifices displayed over the rock of salvation, then they had to be carried not only by Abraham himself but also by his promised children living through the generations, because they were the only ones upon earth born with our heavenly Father’s
    divine nature, as the oath sworn to Isaac, to carry them to its eternal destination, granting eternal life to everyone else. Understanding that, this is our heavenly Father’s rock of salvation as the foundation of life for the entire kingdom from
    heaven above that blesses the angelical hosts that needed to be stationed at the heart of the earth: blessing every man, woman and child from the families of the nations with perfect salvation thus to live it to fullness, as in heaven’s glory.

    However, for this to be possible for our heavenly, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, He had to grant finally His only Son to Abraham, so he may be born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers filled with His divine nature
    along with the endless blessings of His eternal life ready to fill humankind with everlasting glories. For these will be glories that no one has ever seen in heaven’s glory much less upon the entire earth that will be born from Abraham’s promised
    children, promised by our heavenly Father to grant them unto his family through the generations thus to reach out the families of the nations that had descended already into the pits of hell forever lost.

    That is why, that when our heavenly Father was ready to grant unto Abraham His Son Jesus Christ born upon earth from his wife Sarah’s barren-womb, then, He had to have eaten already with him and his adoptive children from the bread and wine, served
    daily by His Son in heaven’s glory to the angelical hosts thus to keep them holy through eternity. In other words, when our heavenly Father was ready to eat from the bread and wine with Abraham and his children over the Lord’s Table, then, they were
    been served by His Son Jesus Christ, because he alone is not only the Lamb with the atoning-blood filled with His divine nature and eternal life but also he is the rock of salvation.

    That is to say, also that only His Son Jesus Christ is the foundation of our heavenly Father’s eternal life in heaven’s glory with all the angelical hosts: but also, he will be the rock of salvation with eternal life for every man, woman and child
    from the families of the nations, starting with Israel. Thus, it was important for our heavenly Father to have eaten from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine with Abraham and his family, because only His Son Jesus Christ will be the bread and wine that
    his sacred-body gives to eat to Israel first, then to the nations thus filling the entire earth with His divine life as in heaven these days.

    For the reason that when our heavenly Father invited Abraham to eat from the bread and wine, then, He was inviting him along with his children, promised to him through the generations, to eat from His altar of His divine nature and eternal life along
    with every blessing that fills the angelical kingdom in heaven and upon earth lastly. In other words, our heavenly Father had to eat and drink with Abraham and his family through generations, starting with his adoptive children, so his promised children
    forming His dream nation may also eat from His altar always, for His eternal life to spread, because the more his children may eat from the altar then greater the down-pouring of His Spirit.

    For this is the Holy Spirit that not only grants each of us His divine nature that receives us as His legitimate children over His altar of Abraham and Isaac but also in heaven’s glory, so we may do His perfect will always, and this is to conquer new
    glories never seen before by His holy angels, exalting His holy name fire forever. For our heavenly Father still needs His eternal life that His Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac, granted to Abraham and his family of adoptive children but also to his
    promised children living through the generations thus to fill the entire earth, beginning within its heart, as the Valley of the dried bones, with His divine life victorious over Satan throughout eternity.

    However, for Abraham to live this wonderful eternal life that began with Isaac and passed on to Jacob and his children through the generations can only be attained by been reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His
    Son and the Holy Spirit, so they may call for more divine nature to pour constantly upon the nations. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham to ascend to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at mount Moriah, so he
    presented his only son Isaac as a burnt offering unto Him in heaven’s glory, because he had to offer his son’s eternal life filled with His divine nature to the families of the nations, for everyone’s lasting-salvation.

    For this is exactly what happened, when our heavenly Father called Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering unto Him in heaven’s glory, so he may offer his eternal life first to him, Abraham, and then, to every man, woman and child from
    the families of the nations thus to change the world into a new glorious one instantly. However, for this to happen, our heavenly Father not only needed Jacob born as His firstborn from the house of Israel, but also the children needed to be born in a
    foreign country as slaves, collecting every sin from the past, the present and the future with powers from the oath sworn to Isaac thus opening the way for His eternal life in Canaan.

    That is why, that our heavenly Father after the four-hundred years had been fulfilled, then He descended with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to liberate Israel from Egypt’s captivity, because He needed to get them baptized in water at the Red
    sea by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit. In this mighty baptism at the Red Sea, then every man, woman and child became liberated from the sins that they had collected through the generations, so they may take them in
    their sacred-flesh and with the atoning-blood filled with our heavenly Father’s divine nature to abandon them at the seafloor forever, for the Father to receive them as His high priests finally.

    For our heavenly Father needed Israel to begin to walk through the Sinai’s desert in search for water, but this is the water of life from the rock of salvation that they failed to find until they came to the bitter waters of Marah that needed to be
    sweetened by the tree (that is themselves) descending from Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan. Understanding that, by the entire house of Israel drinking from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by the tree from Jerusalem’s holy hill (that is them as
    God’s children born with His divine nature) then they could sweeten the Valley of the dried bones, because they were heading towards it, as their final destination for another few centuries more of captivity.

    For they needed first to drink from the rock of salvation, after drinking from the sweetened waters of Marah, because by drinking from it, then they will fail to thirst again, but also, they were taking it with them along with the tabernacle of reunion
    and its Holy of Holiest finally towards the descends into the Valley of the dried bones. Besides, they needed to expiate every sin dumped into the Red Sea with the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest by shedding lambs’ atoning-blood every
    step towards the families of the nations lying in their hell’s holes under the Sinai’s desert, for our heavenly Father to pave the way for His Son Jesus Christ to bring eternal life into Canaan lastly.

    Besides, our heavenly Father needed to redo what He had done with the whole of Israel and the sins accumulated over the four-hundred years by baptism them at the Red Sea, but now, He had to shed as much lambs’ atoning-blood as the Red Sea with their
    sacred-flesh mediating, interceding and representing the nations lying in their hell’s holes to remove sin finally. Considering that, without the Israelis’ sacred-flesh and the oath sworn to Isaac, our heavenly Father would have failed first to
    accumulate sin from the families of the nations for four centuries, then, fail to abandon the sin of the world at the Red Sea: and lastly, fail to atone for them with the Israelis’ sacred-flesh to remove them forever in Canaan ultimately.

    For our heavenly Father needed to atone for every sin from the past, the present and the future with the sacred-flesh born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers that gave us Isaac, Jacob along with his children, thus receiving our
    heavenly Father’s divine nature that nourishes His eternal life in heaven’s glory with the angels and upon Canaan for mankind. Besides, our heavenly Father needed every sin removed from the earth before allowing Israel to be bitten by the poisonous
    snakes emerging from the Valley of the dried bones, snakes smelling sin, rebellion and death from Israel and thus they ascended to take them down into their early graves: but the Father spared them with the bronze snake nailed to the wood lastly.

    Immediately, our heavenly Father had Moses shaping a bronze snake to be nailed to the wood, as a sign for every man, woman and child lying in the Valley of the dried bones to see the coming king Messiah into Canaan with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-
    blood, filled with eternal life, giving them powers to see life again on the Third Day finally. For this is the healing that our heavenly Father had prepared for them so they may return to life but only to love, serve and glorify His holy name fire over
    Jerusalem’s holy hill, as He had called Moses initially to return to the mountaintop to serve Him with Israel forever thus to conquer new glories of eternal sanctities unseen before by anyone.

    Truthfully, what our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit were saying to Moses and Israel was that they needed to return to Jerusalem’s holy hill in Canaan with rituals and ceremonies executed timely for every man, woman and child from the families of
    the nations lying in the Valley of the dried thus to destroy them finally Himself with His own eternal life. Considering that, after ancient Israel had completed duties as high priest for our heavenly Father by performing the oath sworn to Isaac’s
    rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness, in which they are born normally, as an eternal covenant of life through the Sinai’s desert, then, they had to descend with their sacred-flesh to the earth’s heart: victorious over Satan and sins forever.

    Indeed, our heavenly Father needed to descend to the Valley of the dried bones victorious over Satan and sins along with curses, infirmities, poverty and death with the sacred-flesh and atoning-blood of ancient Israel, because they were born to destroy
    Satan, fallen angels and the angel of death at the gate of hell as one of their brothers, Isaac, finally spills his atoning-blood. For this is the victory that our heavenly Father had been searching for since the day that Lucifer and one-third from the
    angelical hosts rebelled against Him and His holy name fire along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may finally destroy him, his sins, curses, infirmities, poverty and death at the gate of hell forever.

    Considering that, once the gate of hell had been spilled with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood, born initially as Isaac from Abraham’s family, then He could finally have the power of the oath sworn to Isaac that had been developed successfully
    with His eternal life lived within Canaan, destroying sin from the world forever for His children to see life again finally. This means that the entire house of Israel once they descended into the Valley of the dried bones then their bodies decomposed to
    become dust, and this is the seed that our heavenly Father had been waiting through the centuries finally for His right-arm to plant it in Canaan, as the tree of life, destroying sin in one day from mankind.

    For this is the tree of life that our heavenly Father needed Adam and Eve to eat from its fruit every day of their entire lives in paradise, because this is the bread and wine that pleased Him thus to honor and exalt His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s
    holy hill along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel expiating for the sins of the entire world through the Sinai’s desert with His tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest,
    where they conveyed His holy heart, sacrificing countless lambs for the atoning-blood to cover every sin for His Son Jesus Christ finally to descend into Canaan soon.

    Given that, once His Son Jesus Christ was ready to become born from David’s virgin daughter then His holy name fire had the power to descend over Jerusalem’s holy hill, because the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood from ancient Israel that had
    destroyed sin through the Sinai’s desert now they needed to finish their work in Canaan by removing it entirely from the world forever. In other words, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel going through the Sinai’s desert shedding lambs’ atoning-
    blood at the entrance of the tabernacle and its Holy of Holiest, with His holy heart in it, expiating every sin with the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies thus finally to destroy sin at the gate of hell forever.

    Understanding that, not only every Israeli man, woman and child were going to descend into the Valley of the dried bones but also our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers that is His
    divine nature sealed forever within Israel, so sin may be erased from the earth’s heart finally forever. Considering that, once our heavenly Father had removed sin from the families of the nations from Egypt’s captivity then He had to baptize Israel
    at the Red Sea to abandon them forever at the seabed, so He may cover them with the lambs’ atoning-blood shed at the tabernacle and its Holy of Holiest to remove sin from the earth’s heart finally forever.

    That is why, that when ancient Israel descended into the Valley of the dried bones then there were no flames of torment waiting, nor demons or Satan ready to attack and torment them, because the powerful cleansing that our heavenly Father had performed
    with their sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood through the Sinai’s desert, instantly darkness becomes powerless before Israel forever. For our heavenly Father had finally removed sin and darkness from the entire human race living through the generations,
    but now, with Israel’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, however with His Son Jesus Christ reborn from David’s virgin daughter, then with victories over Satan, sin and death, immediately our heavenly Father removed sin from the world in one day

    This is when, our heavenly Father finally not only had in His hands ancient Israel’s dust that had descended into the Valley of the dried bones but also He had His divine nature given to them in His right-arm now to plant it in Canaan, so it may become
    the tree of life destroying Satan, curses and his lies always forever into eternity. For this is what our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel to become in Canaan, the tree of life that will finally destroy every sin from the entire world but also from
    every man, woman and child from the families of the nations through coming generations, so He may have His new earth born from His divine nature granted to Israel initially.

    Remembering that, our heavenly Father had had Abraham and his adoptive children eating with Him the bread and wine that only His Son Jesus Christ can serve over the Lord’s Table to the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory and upon earth to every man,
    woman and child, so they may receive their share of His divine nature always to see life through eternity. For ancient Israel until now and incoming generations: our heavenly Father’s divine nature born from Sarah’s barren-womb not only has destroyed
    Satan, sins, curses, infirmities, poverty and death at the gate of hell that is the Valley of the dried bones but also still stands at Jerusalem’s holy hill, as His divine nature changing the world progressively into a glorious one forever.

    For this is ancient Israel’s wood, where our heavenly Father had deposited His divine but also His eternal life with amazing powers, for Satan and his fallen angels along with the angel of death and the hells from the heart of the earth to be destroyed
    in the lake of fire, the second death, for His children finally to live forever divinely enriched. Given that, this is the covenant of life that our heavenly Father had established forever with Abraham and his children living through the generations that
    they will collect every sin from the families of the nations from the past, present and future, so they may expiate them with their sacred-flesh and lambs’ atoning-blood shedding through the Sinai’s desert for the King Messiah’s birth.

    Considering that, it is only in the King Messiah’s birth in Canaan from David’s virgin daughter that the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood will be restored finally with His eternal life, where the Ten Commandments may be
    finally fulfilled by destroying Satan’s lies, curses, infirmities, poverty and death, so ancient Israel lying in the earth’s heart may see life again lastly. Surely, our heavenly Father needed to have the ancient Israel’s wood with all the world’
    s sins along with every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac planted in Canaan, as the seed giving us the tree from paradise: finally to destroy Satan and his kingdom of darkness from hell itself, with the shedding of
    Isaac’s atoning-blood finally.

    Therefore, as our Lord Jesus Christ was born to live in Canaan our heavenly Father’s eternal life that needed to destroy every work from Satan and his fallen angels, including the angel of death, then he was to nail this glorious life victorious
    forever in heaven’s glory and upon earth for every man, woman and child to see life again throughout eternity. For this ancient Israel’s wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill with our heavenly Father nailing His Son Jesus Christ to destroy every sin from
    the past, present and the future along with every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, so His children may see life again forever in His new earth as His legitimate divine family through eternity.

    Miraculously, our heavenly Father had condensed the sins of the world along with every ritual and ceremony from the oath sworn to Isaac that ancient Israel with their sacred-flesh along with the atoning-blood had expiated through the Sinai’s desert
    from within the Holy of Holiest, forming the salvation-tower, the cross, finally spilling hell’s gate with Isaac’s atoning-blood from paradise, Canaan, ending evil forever. Evidently, once our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to ancient Israel’s wood
    over Jerusalem’s holy hill then he became one with Israel lying in the Valley of the dried along with the posts from hell’s gate, spilling his atoning-blood to open it, but also open the City of David’s gate for the families of the nations to enter
    eternal life instantly forever enriched.

    Therefore, our heavenly Father was not only able to expiate every sin from the families of the nations lying in their hell’s holes with the ancient Israelis, as they became His high priests after the water baptism at the Red Sea, so they may condense
    in their sacred-flesh the world’s sins but also to be an open door to heaven’s glory. Considering that, only our heavenly Father’s divine nature within every Israeli man, woman and child: the world’s sin could be expiated with the oath sworn to
    Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies in the tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest, but also, ascend over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest in Canaan, ending sin for the human race to live in His new earth forever blessed throughout eternity.

    That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has not only ended sin by shedding His Son Jesus Christ to ancient Israel’s wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, but also, He continues to bless the children of those families from the nations that
    He expiated their sins already, so they may become saved in these last days before Judgment Day. Given that, in Judgment Day no one from the families of the nations that will stand before our heavenly Father’s Great White Throne will have his sins to
    be accused by Satan and his fallen angels, because He has expiated them with Israel’s sacred-flesh through the Sinai’s desert but also over Jerusalem’s holy hill for His children to receive His daily salvation-blessing always.

    In Judgment Day, our heavenly Father will see every man, woman and child from the families of the nations through the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness that the Israelis with their sacred-flesh expiated through the tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest
    and over Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest: destroying their sins to see life again after Judgment Day in the new earth forever enriched throughout eternity. Therefore, until now whenever anyone from the families of the nations becomes baptized in water by
    invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill has their sins expiated already by ancient Israel’s sacred-flesh and by our Lord Jesus Christ lastly to see life again in
    His new earth today.

    For this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that His Son Jesus Christ born in Canaan live it to the perfection of His holy commandments, so the entire house of Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones may see life again along with the families
    of the nations and the children living upon earth as well through coming generations. Understanding that, this is the eternal life that our heavenly Father has granted to every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations to live it
    victorious always over Satan and his wicked schemes not only upon the old earth these days but also in the new earth emerging from the heart of the earth anyday now.

    For the reason that this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that was given initially to Abraham and his adoptive children, as they ate with Him the bread and wine served daily by His Son Jesus Christ over the Lord’s Table to the angles in heaven’
    s glory to maintain them always holy and for His children upon earth, as well. For this is our heavenly Father’s seed living in perfect holiness in every man, woman and child born from Israel through the generations that it needs to become part of the
    families of the nations, so they may become blessed by it, thus fulfilling His words to Abraham, as He said: the families of the world will be blessed in your seed.

    For this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that not only is nailed to ancient Israel’s wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill that our Lord Jesus Christ conquered with it: Canaan, the Valley of the dried bones (by turning it into our Father’s holy
    heart) but also conquered the world, so we may live His glorious life victorious over evil always until kingdom comes. This is ancient Israel’s wood representing not only the entire human race that had descended into hell’s torment, because they
    failed to know His holy name fire and His words of life from the oath sworn to Isaac that could have saved them, but also, it is the new earth soon to manifest in Canaan entirely first then worldwide to the nations lastly.

    For this is our heavenly Father’s entire divine nature emerging from Sarah’s barren-womb as His Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac, so he may become His lamb between Him and his servant Abraham to be offered as the burnt offering over Jerusalem’s
    holy hill, resting at mount Moriah, so He may turn the old earth into a new glorious one forever. Indeed, this is the new earth that our heavenly Father needed for His children from Israel and the families of the nations, then, it is born from the earthâ€
    ™s heart with the rock of salvation displaying Abraham’s three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with two uncut doves, but with ancient Israel’s wood ascending Jerusalem’s holy hill forever enriched, in Canaan.

    Certainly, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel, after expiating for every sin from the nations from the past, present and the future not only descending into the Valley of the dried bones bitten by poisonous snakes, but also, ascending with their
    sacred-flesh turned into wood bitten with bronze nails to King Messiah’s hands and feet over Jerusalem’s holy hill bound towards heaven’s glory. Definitely, our heavenly Father needed not only to have the old world and the new one together in
    ancient Israel’s wood with the sins expiated through the generations with their sacred-flesh and the King Messiah’s atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem’s holy hill finally in Canaan: but also, He needed it (His divine nature) inside again the Holy of
    Holiest forever sanctify throughout eternity.

    For this is from where our heavenly Father will continue to hear every man, woman and child’s prayers from Israel and the families of the nations, whether they are from the past, present and future generations, so He may answer their calls through the
    wood that is His divine nature that suffered their sins with His Son Jesus Christ shed atoning-blood forever. Understanding that, our heavenly Father will continue to be our source of every blessing through our long eternal days in heaven’s glory and
    upon the new earth as well, so He may continue to provide us in the things that He will be gladly grant us abundantly thus we may be able to love, serve and glorify Him through eternity, as never before.

    In other words, our heavenly Father will be our only source of everything needed in our long days in eternity, whether we may live in heaven’s glory as in the New Jerusalem, paradise or in the new earth, because He alone possesses blessings that only
    He can grant to our living-souls moreover He will have His holy angels protecting us as always. Therefore, we are required to become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so we may
    abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit or error that is the forbidden fruit, for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit that take us to our Father’s holy presence continually each day without failing us ever.

    Given that, only in water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then we have abandoned the altars of this earth that are worthless idols for the altar from heaven’s glory, where our heavenly Father has His
    holy angels loving, serving and worshipping His holy name fire nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill. For this is the only altar in heaven’s glory for the angelical hosts and for every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the
    nations that our heavenly Father is ready to receive them, dressed with His divine nature, after water baptism thus making them perfect and holy as He lives eternal life in perfect glory forever throughout eternity.

    Because it is only in this sacred-body, composed of the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood filled with His eternal life, an eternal life that His Son Jesus Christ was born from David’s virgin daughter thus to live it successful
    in Canaan, destroying Satan’s works and the angel of death forever, so every man, woman and child may live it abundantly nowadays. For our heavenly Father has established His rock of salvation at hell’s gate to spill it with Isaac’s atoning-blood
    born in Canaan as our Lord Jesus Christ, so He may have His eternal life destroying Satan’s kingdom of darkness along with death and every fallen angel, thus, we may live His eternal life each day upon earth forever enriched into everlasting.

    Really, this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that has always existed within every man, woman and child from the house of Israel, because it is the oath sworn to Isaac that in water baptism it becomes manifest instantly, growing nonstop throughout
    Canaan and the earth as well thus touching the families of the nations with love never known before by them. For this is our heavenly Father’s blessing, speaking to Abraham, as He said: in your seed the families of the nations will be blessed, because
    it is His eternal life in the oath sworn to Isaac as a pact of life, emerging from His divine nature already existing in Israel, manifested only in water baptism, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name.

    [continued in next message]

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